estadu de direitu no demokratíka haforsa lei hodi


estadu de direitu no demokratíka haforsa lei hodi
Produs husi :
Asosiasaun HAK
Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
(Versaun Tetun no Ingles)
Rua Governador Serpa Rosa, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste, Telp. 3313323
email: [email protected], web:
Haforsa Lei hodi Hametin Estadu de Direitu no Demokratika
(Relatoriu Direitus Umanus 2013)
Produs husi:
Asosiasaun HAK
Rua Governador Serpa Rosa, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste, Telp. 3313323
email: [email protected], web:
Letratu husi livriñu ICRC & Manual Treinamentu UNMIT
Suporta husi:
1. Unidade Asesoria Direitus Umanus ONU nia ba Timor-Leste
2. Embaisada Estadus Unidus Amerika ba Timor-Leste
Produsaun relatoriu Asosiasaun HAK nian ne’e, hetan apoiu husi ajensia sira iha
leten ne’e maibe kontiudu relatoriu laos hanoin husi ajensia sira ne’e. Kontiudu
tomak relatoriu ne’e hanoin Asosiasaun HAK nian rasik.
Kona-ba HAK......................................................................................................................3
Vizaun no Misaun.....................................................................................................................................................4
Valor no Prinsípiu.....................................................................................................................................................4
Kontiudu Relatóriu..............................................................................................................7
Aspeitu Direitu Sivíl no Polítika.....................................................................................................7
Direitus Umanus no Atendementu husi Forsas Seguransa....................................................................7
Direitu Asesu ba Justisa.............................................................................................................................11
Justisa Pasadu..............................................................................................................................................12
Aspetu Direitu Ekonómia, Sosiál no Kultura.....................................................................................................13
Seitór Edukasuan........................................................................................................................................14
Seitór Saude.................................................................................................................................................16
Asuntu Rai...................................................................................................................................................17
V. Konkluzaun no Rekomendasaun..............................................................................................18
Versaun Inglesh/Inglesh Version ................................................................................................20
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
Kona-ba HAK
onsidera katak luta ba libertasaun Patria Timor-Leste laos de’it liu husi movimentu rezisténsia polítika no forsa armada, maibé mós liu husi movimentu sosiál ba direitu umanus no demokrasia ne’ebé
mosu iha dekade tinan 90-resin. Tanba opresaun husi kolonializmu no okupasaun husi paiz extranjeiru
konsiente nu’udar violasaun direitu umanus, mak kamada intelektuál no joven Timorense ne’ebé iha momentu dekade 90-resin nu’udar mós vítima ba violasaun direitu umanus oi-oin, inspiradu hodi organizaan ba partisipasaun iha luta libertasaun patria ne’e liu husi dalan foun ne’ebé mak naun-violensia hodi
defende direitus umanus.
Inspirasaun ne’e mak manifesta husi aktivista Timorense nain 6 hanesan: Aniceto Guterres Lopes, SH,
Rev. Pdt. Arlindo Francisco Marçal STh. José Luís de Oliveira, Gilman A. E. Santos, Aderito de Jesus
Soares, José Jaquelino S. da C. Gusmão no Osório Florindo, toma inisiativa hodi hari’i ofisiu ida hanaran
Badan Bantuan Hukum hodi fó asisténsia legál nu’udar defensór ka adovagadu ba maluk Timór-oan sira
ne’ebé hetan kaptursaun husi Militár Indonézia tanba luta ba auto-determinsaun Timor-Leste nian.
Depois organizasaun ne’e hahú ninia legalidade husi notariadu Indonézia nian iha 20 de Agusto 1997 ho
naran ofisiál Yayasan HAK (Yahasan Hukum Hak Asasi dan Keadilan) no membrus sira ne’e mak ativista
hirak ne’ebé mak mensiona iha leten no Indonézia nain-hirak hodi hari’i organizasaun ida ho naran HAK
iha loron 20 Agustu 1996, hodi fornese asisténsia legál ba prezuneirus polítikus Timorense iha momentu
ne’ebá no organiza asisténsia umanitária ba prizonerus politiku sira nia famillia. Depois-de hetan tiha
estatutu legál iha 1997 liu husi rejistu iha Notariadu ho forma Yayasan (fundasaun), HAK hahú habelar
liu tan servisu ba direitus umanus hodi monitoriza, kampaña, no eduka povu kona-ba valór no prinsípiu
direitus umanus, inklui tau-matan ba prosesu referendum no organiza asisténsia umanitária ba deslokadu
sira ne’ebé mosu iha momentu ne’ebá husi asaun violénsia milísia pro Jakarta. Iha momentu defisíl ne’ebá,
HAK mós lakon ninia aktivista nain-2 mak hanesan Domingos Apariçio (Viqueque) no Manuel Magalhães (Maliana).
Bainhira Timor-Leste livre tiha husi okupasaun Indonézia no tama ba governasaun tranzitóriu ONU,
HAK nu’udar mós parte ba movimentu libertasaun patria la nonok maibe aktivu nafatin hodi kontribui
ba prosesu “hamrik husi ahuk-desan”, inklui mós perpara líder Timorense sira ne’ebé involve iha NC
(National Counsultation) ka orgaun konsultativu ba governasaun ONU, nune’e mós ativu iha prosesu
halo konstituisaun RDTL.
Depois povu Timor-Leste hahú hetan ona nia direitu auto-determinasaun hahú husi tinan 1999-2002
YAYASAN HAK kuntinua reafirma fali ninia posisaun nu’udar orgnizasaun direitus umanus liu husi
programa monitorizasaun ba lalaok servisu ONU nian duranti periudu tranzisaun, advokasian ba prosesu
akontabilidade ba krimi kontra umanidade iha Timor-Leste nomós programa hasae kapasitasaun lei no
direitus umanus ba entidades sira estadu nian nomós ba komunidade sira iha nivel nasional to’o iha area
rural, nu’udar kontribuisaun iha faze tranzisaun hodi hari’I Estadu Timor-Leste.
Atu haforsa no hakbi’it liu tan organizasaun nia ezistensia mak iha tinan 2005, naran organizasaun nian
YAYASAN HAK transforma ba iha ASOSIASAUN HAK, nune’e nain ba organizasaun laos de’it ona
fundador sira maibe bazeia ona ba ema sira ne’ebe ho volontarismu sai membru ba ASOSIASAUN HAK.
Hahú husi tinan 2005 to’o 2011 total membru ASOSIASAUN HAK hamutuk 135 ne’ebe kompostu husi
sidadaun Timor-Leste nomós maluk estranjeru sira ne’ebe hela iha rai laran nomós sira ne’ebe hela iha estranjeiru. Tuir dinamika ne’ebe mak la’o iha rai laran hodi prense rekizitu lei ne’ebe vigor iha Timor-Leste
mak iha tinan 2012, halo aktualizasaun ba estatutu membru sira nian mak iha ema nain 36 mak aktualiza.
No kada tinan nafatin aktualiza membru sira nia estatu iha asembleia jeral organizasaun nia ne’ebe halao
kada tinan. Nune’e iha tinan 2013 membru HAK aktualizadu hamutuk ema nain 41.
Oinsa atu hametin prinsípiu estadu de direitu no demokratiku, hodi garante povu sira ninia direitus umAsosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
anus, mak durante tinan 2013, Asosiasaun HAK kontinua hala’o servisu importa hanesan monitórizasaun
no advokásia direitus umanus. Atividades importante mak hanesan edukasaun direitus umanus, simu
keixa no prosesa ba iha instituisaun governantes no instituisaun estadu ne’ebé mak relevantes ba haforsa
lei no prinsípius direitus umanus ne’ebé mak estadu Timor-Leste obta iha konstituisaun da Repúblika.
Vizaun no Misaun
Hamosu sosidade Timor-Leste ne’ebé kritiku, independent, aberta, dame iha strutura sosiál ne’ebe bazeia
ba prinsípiu popular, respeitu ba direitus umanus no valores lokais hodi alkansa justisa sosiál ne’ebe realize liu husi:
1. Defende vitima violasaun direitus umanus
2. Hakbi’it kapasidade komunidade liu husi transfere matenek, dezemvolve povu nia kualidade moris,
dezemvolve kuinesementu local, no partisipa iha dezemvolvementu.
3. Kontrola sosiál
Valor no Prinsípiu
Umanitariu ho prinsípiu naun-violensia no naun-diskriminasaun
Iqualidade ho prinsípiu preoridade ba rekursus lokál no prespetiva jeneru
Justisa, ho prinsípu preoridade ba interese populár no sustentabilidade
Demokrasia ho prinsípiu solidaridade, transparansia, akontabilidade, partisipasaun, liberdade no
1. Hametin Instituisaun Estadu; programa ida ne’e nia focus mak oinsa autoridade siguransa no ofisias
estadu ka governu hala’o sira nia kna’ar no responsabilidade ho diak tuir lei no respeitu ba prinsípiu
no valores direitus umanus.
2. Hametin Justisa; Programa ida ne’e foka liu ba dudu komponente tomak estadu nian ba kria mekanizmu hodi garante direitu vítima violasaun direitus umanus iha tempu pasadu. No inténsaun programa ida ne’e mós atu eduka públiku hodi la-repete tan hahalok violasaun direitus umanus ne’ebé
hanesan iha Timor-Leste agora no futuru.
3. Advokásia ba Direitu Ekonimia Soasiál no Kultura; Programa ida ne’e, foka liu ba oinsa governu nia
polítika hodi garante moris diak ba sidadun sira, liu husi asesu ba rai hodi dezemvolve sira nia moris
diak iha sosidade laran, laós rai sai fila fali hun ba problema iha sosidade laran.l
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
II. Metodolójia
ekanismu informasaun ne’ebé Asosiasaun HAK rekoila hodi produs relatoriu ne’e hala’o liu husi
toman servisu ne’ebé duranti ne’e funsináriu HAK nian halo liu husi monitorizasaun regularmente
kada fulan iha distritus hanesan; Aileu, Ainaro, Baucau, Dili, Ermera, no Viqueque. Entaun analiza iha
relatoriu ne'e nia laran, refere ba situasaun iha distritu sira ne'e de'it maibe ami fiar katak informasaun husi
distritu refere bele fo imajen ba situasaun iha nasaun tomak.
Iha monitorizasaun, funsináriu sira halo observasaun direitu ba servisu ofisiais sira estadu nian hanesan
Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha distritu, no halo vizita regulár ba Quartél Jerál iha Distritu no
eskuadra PNTL nian iha Sub-distritu. Halo atendementu ba kazu no akonpaña vítima sira hato’o keisa ba
orgáun kompetente no organizasaun direitus umanus sira seluk. Halo mós observasaun ba prokuradór no
tribunál sira nia servisu. Alende ne’e funsionáriu HAK foti mós informasaun balu liu husi inkontru sira
ho grupu alvu stratéjiku sira iha nivél distritu ne’ebé kompostu husi NGO lokál, líder komunitáriu sira,
líder juventude, líder relijiozu, líder grupu feto sira, líderes produtóres no mós líder partidu polítiku sira.
Meus seluk ne’ebé HAK uza hodi halibur informasaun kona-ba situasaun direitus umanus mak halibur
informasaun husi média massa. No halo konfirmasaun informasaun ho organizasaun direitus umanus sira
seluk no instituisaun relevante sira seluk relasiona ho kazu sira ne’ebé mak akontese.l
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
III. Introdusaun
oron 10 fulan Dezembru nu’udar loron Direitus Umanus Internasionál, iha konstituisaun da Repúblika Timor-Leste, iha artigu 9 dehan simu Direitu internasionál, tamba ne’e iha obrigasaun atu hala’o
no kumpri mandatóriu ne’ebé mak hatu’ur iha konvensaun internasionál sira nian hodi la halo violasaun
direitus umanus iha desijaun polítika, regulamentu no lei sira ne’ebé mak prodús nomós iha ezekusaun
politika sira ne’e seim violasaun direitus umanus.
Oinsa mak atu garante katak orgáun estadu no governante sira durante tinan ida nia laran hala’o sira nia
kompetensia no obrigasaun tuir valores no prinsipiu direitus umanus, regulamentu no leis mak sidadaun
hotu iha obrigasaun tau matan hodi garante katak estadu la viola ninia povu sira ninia direitus umanus.
Nune’e mós organizasaun non govermentál (ONG) ne’ebé mak hakna’ar-an iha áreia direitus umanus
kontribui mos hodi tau matan lisuk ba klala’ok estadu nian. Nune’e HAK nudar ONG ida hala’o ninia
servisu liu husi monitorizasaun no observasaun hodi kontribui ba hadi’ak situasaun direitus umanus iha
Timor-Leste agora no futuru mai.l
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
IV. Kontiudu Relatóriu
aree ba kontekstu Timor-Leste ne’ebé iha prosesu konstrusaun estadu hodi haforsa liu tan instituisaun estadu ho nia enkuadramentu legál sira hodi komprementa ba direitus umanus, nafatin sai
prekupasaun husi entidades sira iha rai laran no mós komunidade internasionál hodi dudu instituisaun sira
estadu nian hala’o sira nia obrigasaun no kompeténsia nafatin respeitu ba prinsípiu demokrasia no valores
direitus umanus.
Tuir prinsípiu direitus umanus no mós enkuadramentu legál sira, katak estadu mak iha kompeténsia no
obrigasaun atu garante, respeita, proteje, no hakonu direitu fundamentál sidadaun sira nian. Nune’e bainhira entidades estadu sira la-hala’o sira nia obrigasaun no kompeténsia tuir lei haruka mak konsidera viola
direitus umanus ema nian iha aspeitu direitu sívil polítiku no mós iha direitu ekonomia sosiál no kultura.
Tanba ne’e ho publikasaun relatóriu ida ne’e, atu deskreve situasaun balun kona-ba direitus umanus iha
Timor-Leste, hodi nune’e bele sai hanesan fontes informasaun ida ba publiku, liu-liu ukun nain sira hodi
halo konfirmasaun liu tan ba aktu hirak ne’ebé mak akontese ona. Ho faktus hirak ne’e, bele hadi’a di’ak
liu tan situasaun direitus umanus sidadaun sira nian iha tinan 2014 nia laran.
Aspeitu Direitu Sivíl no Polítika
a. Direitus Umanus no Atendamentu husi Forsas Seguransa (Polísia Nasional TimorLeste-PNTL no Falintil-Farsa Deveza Timor-Leste/F-FDTL)
Direitu ba vida moris, liberdade no seguransa ba nia-an rasik, no atu la hetan tortura, tratamentu ka
kastigu kruél, dezumanu no degradante, ne’e nu’udar direitu fundamentál ida ne’ebé mak ema idaidak iha, hetan rekuiñesementu iha lei internasionál (art. 6 no 7 KIDSP) ne’ebé mak Timor-Leste ratifika ona. Estadu iha obrigasaun proteje direitu hirak ne’e ba nia sidadaun sira liu husi nia instituisaun
no enkuadramentu legál sira. Iha Timor-Leste, tuir Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 147, aliñia 1, PNTL
sei defende legalidade demokratiku no garante sidadun sira nia seguransa internu, no F-FDTL mak
garante independensia nasionál, integridade territoriál, liberdade no populasaun nia seguransa hasoru
agresaun ruma husi externa tuir lei, (artigu 146, aliñia 2 Konstituisaun da Repúblika).
Iha kontekstu Timor-Leste duranti tinan 2013, estadu ho nia instituisaun kompetente hanesan PNTL
hala’o sira nia obrigasaun hodi hakonu dereitu hirak iha leten. Liu husi monitorizasaun HAK rekorda em-jerál autoridade seguransa sira hala’o sira nia kna’ar ba proteje no defende povu sira ninia
direitus umanus ba seguransa iha progresu ne’ebé diak husi fulan ba fulan. Autoridade seguransa,
liu-liu PNTL, hala’o duni sira ninia kna’ar no obrigasaun hodi garanti moris hakmatek no liberdade
ba ema hotu. Ida ne’e hatudu liu husi atendementu polísia nian ba kazu ne’ebé akontese iha distritu
sira ne’ebé HAK halo monitorizasaun ba. Tuir mai ne’e tabela intervensaun polísia nian ba kazu sira
ne’ebé mak akontese iha komunidade iha distritu 6 hanesan:
Intervensaun ba kazu
Haruka MP
Prosesu investigasaun
Husi tabela ne’e totál kazu 833 ne’ebé mak polísia atende iha distritu 6, pursentu 68 mak haruka ba
Ministeriu Publiku (MP), pursentu 15 mak iha prosesu investigasaun no pursentu 17 retirada ka rezolve iha nivél komunidade hamutuk ho autoridade komunitáriu sira.
No duranti hala’o sira nia obrigasaun iha komunidade, ajenti PNTL sira hahú kumpri lei no hadokan uza forsa ne’ebé makas liu iha sira nia atendementu. Nune’e mós autoridade komunitáriu sira
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
komesa la-kestiona kona-ba atuasaun polísia
ne’ebé komete violasaun. Mezmu autoridade
komunitáriu sira rekoiñese presenza autoridade seguransa sira nian iha komunidade,
dala ruma tarde hodi atende kazu ruma
ne’ebé akontese iha komunidade, ne’e tanba
kestaun distánsia no ekipamentus transporte
ne’ebé PNTL distritu sira iha la subisenti.
Maibe la signifika membrus PNTL iha distritu sira ne’ebé HAK halo monitorizasaun
ba, la-komete violasaun ruma bainhira
hala’o sira nia obrigasaun. Tanba iha tinan
2013, HAK mós tau notas hela ba eventu
balun ne’ebé akontese bainhira entidades seguransa sira kumpri sira nia obrigasaun no
hala’o sira nia kompeténsia hodi ejekuta orden públiku. Kestaun profesionalizmu, inparsialidade,
uza forsa ne’ebé apropriadu no uza ekipamentu seguransa ho responsabilidade tuir lei sei nafatin sai
prekupasaun. Tanba iha fatin balu, ajenti seguransa sira hala’o sira nia obrigasaun no kompeténsia sei
la-inparsiál, la-uza forsa ne’ebé apropriadu iha sira nia atuasaun no balun uza ekipamentu seguransa
nian latuir regras ne’ebé lei haruka.
Tuir HAK nia dukumentasaun ba keixa husi komunidade husi inisiu tinan 2013 to’o tinan klaran
kona-ba involvementu ajenti seguransa sira nian ne’ebé komete ba violasaun, rejistu hela kazu 9.
Kazu 7 indika ba membrus husi PNTL ne’ebé involve iha tratamentu a’at no agresaun fisiku hasoru
ema hirak ne’ebé iha alegasaun involve iha kazu krimi ruma ka disturbiu social ruma. No kazu 2 mak
indika ba membrus Unidade Polisia Militar, F-FDTL iha Dili no Baucau. Numiru hirak ne’e refleta
deit situasaun ka imajen ki’ik-oan husi situasaun jerál ne’ebé mak iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebé HAK ladokumenta. Maibe dadus ne’e hatudu katak, iha sirkumstansia espesífiku katak problema atendementu
husi Polísia no Polísia Militár mak boot liu no tenke rezolve.
Ezemplu faktus balun ne’ebé hatudu ajenti seguransa sira nia atuasaun ne’ebé komete ba violasaun
mak iha inísiu tinan 2013 (26-27 Abril), iha Distritu Aileu membrus PNTL husi Quartel Jerál Distritu
Aileu, halo tratamentu ne’ebé kruel hasoru joventude nain 4 iha sela polísia, bainhira hetan kapturasaun. Kazu ne’e akontese tanba deskonfia joven hirak ne’e involve krimi baku-malu hasoru membru
PNTL balun ne’ebé fora de oras servisu hodi partisipa iha festa balun iha Distritu Aileu. Kazu ida
ne’e hetan atensaun husi organizasaun direitus umanus sira no orgáun soberania estadu balun no Komando Jerál PNTL hodi halo mudansa kedas ba strutura PNTL nian iha Distritu Aileu. Maibe to’o
agora seidauk iha informasaun ruma klaru kona-ba akontabilidade ba publiku kona-ba mekanismu
resolve kazu ida ne’e, liu-liu ba vitima sira.
Kazu seluk ne’ebé akontese iha loron 19 Outobru 2013, iha Distritu Baucau, liu-liu iha parte fronteira
entre Sub-distritu Quilecai, Distritu Baucau ho Sub-distritu Ossu, Distritu Viqueque, ajenti PNTL
balun (la iha informasaun klaru kona-ba ajenti PNTL sira ne’e husi membru PNTL Distritu Baucau
ka Viqueque ou husi fatin seluk) uza ekipamentu seguransa la ho responsabilidade no la tuir lei haruka. Tuir lamentasaun Autoridade Komunitáriu husi Suku Lelalai, Sub-distrtu Quilecai ho komunidade
sira iha fatin ne’ebá, katak ajente PNTL balun ne’ebé uza kareta marka Polísia ho kilat hodi kasa (tiru
rusa) iha fatin ne’ebá. Aktus ida ne’e, hatudu katak ajenti seguransa sira la-uza ekipamentu seguransa
tuir lei haruka nomós uza ekipamentu seguransa hodi destroi propritáriu komunidade nian tanba iha
tempu ne’ebé hanesan, ajenti sira ne’e tiru mate mós komunidade sira nia animál hakiak hanesan bibi
ida no kuda ida iha área ne’ebá. Nune’e mós inpaktu husi hahalok iresponsabilidade ne’e mós hamosu
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
pániku no tauk ba komunidade iha area ne’eba tanba tiruteus ne’ebé akontese. Ida ne’e kontraditóriu
ho autoridade seguransa sira nia kna’ar ne’ebé nu’udar ajente ba asigura moris hakmatek no siguru ba
Aktus ajente PNTL nian ne’ebé katégoria kontra prinsípiu internasionál (Konvensaun Direitu Sívil
Polítiku iha artigu 10, aliñia 1 no artigu 14, aliñia 2) sira ne’ebé Timor-Leste adopta tiha ona mos
mak wainhira PNTL Distritu Dili halo kapturasaun ba ema ne’ebé deskonfia hanesan autór krimi
homesídio ne’ebé hanaran KIBATA (Kipas Dulu Baru Tanya) ne’ebé akontese Fulan Setembru iha
Dili. Bainhira polísia halo kapturasaun ba ema ne’ebé momentu ne’ebá deskunfia nu’udar autór krimi,
ajente polísia sira halo agresaun físiku ne’ebé mak’as liu to’o autór ne’e ninia oin kanek no bubu makas hodi la koiñese tiha oin. Tuir observasaun HAK nian katak aktus ida ne’e mezmu ajenti seguransa
sira lakonsente, maibe ne’e aktus violasaun ida tanba tuir lei, ema hot-hotu lakon sira ninia liberdade
tenki trata ho humanidade no respeitu ba dignidade inerente ema nian. Nu’udar ajenti seguransa
ne’ebé hanesan mós ajenti protetór direitus umanus, bainhira ema ruma komete krimi laós hasoru
ho violénsia maibe tenki fó protesaun hodi prosesa tuir dalan legál ne’ebé mak iha hodi autor sira
responsabiliza sira nia hahalok. No ema hotu-hotu iha direitu atu konsidera hanesan inocente to’o
momentu ne’ebé prova tiha ona nia sala tuir lei. Kuandu suspeitu hetan baku mak’as husi Polísia,
signifika polísia deside ona suspeitu ninia kulpa ne’ebé mak tuir lolos, laos kna’ar polísia nian.
Aktus violasaun seluk ne’ebé ajenti polísia iha Distritu Viqueque komete iha loron 18 Dezembru
2013, iha suku Uma Tolu, Sub-distritu Lacluta, bainhira polísia halo atuasaun ba konflitu entre grupu
iha área ne’ebá. Iha atuasaun ne’e polísia la uza forsa ne’ebé apropriadu tanba Polísia uza pistola
hodi tiru kanek ema ida iha ninia kotuk laran borus ba nia hirus-matan to’o baisa iha Ospital. Asaun
ida ne’e akontese bainhira polísia halo atuasaun ba akontesementu baku malu entre grupu iha fatin
ne’eba bainhira ema sira ne’e fila husi hakoi mate no tuir dalan fila ba sira nia uma, hetan provokasaun
husi grupu seluk. Kazu ne’e, HAK simu keixa no hato’o ona ba Komando Jerál PNTL nian iha loron
26 Dezembru 2013 no fó koiñesementu ba orgáun soberania sira hotu. Kazu ne’e ninia andamentu,
oras ne’e dau-daun, iha ona Unidade Investigasaun Disiplinár Nasional PNTL, ita hein katak iha duni
prosesu investigasaun no akontabilidade ba kazu ida ne’e.
Rekomendasaun :
1.Komando Jerál PNTL, liu-liu Unidade Profesional Estandarte wainhira simu keixa komunidade kona-ba membru polisia sira ne’ebé viola norma legal sira duranti hala’o sira nia obrigasaun no la tuir
sira nia kompetensia tenki prosesa lai-lais kedas tuir mekanismu legal ne’ebé mak iha hodi garanti
profesionalismu no responsabilidade polisia nian duranti hala’o sira nia kna’ar.
2.Husu ba Komando Jerál PNTL atu kontinua kria formasaun hodi haforsa koiñesementu konaba
lei no direitus umanus ba membrus PNTL, liu-liu konaba uza forsa ne’ebé mak apropriadu duranti
hala’o sira nia kna’ar hodi garanti seguransa no moris siguru ba komunidade.
3. Husu ba Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa (SES) atu buka solusaun lalais iha tinan 2014 nia laran hodi
rezolve fasilidades ba PNTL sira iha nivél nasionál ba to’o iha nivél Sub-distritu sira;
4.Husu ba Komandu Jeral PNTL atu tau atensaun ba distribuisaun ekipamentus PNTL liu-liu farda
uniforme no transporte ne’ebé ikilibriu entre PNTL iha nasional no distritu sira hodi hala’o sira nia
obrigasaun ho diak
5. Husu ba SES nafatin koopera ho sosidade sivil sira hodi kria ka establese formasaun kuntinua hodi
hadi’ak liu tan kuinesementu membrus PNTL nian kona-ba lei no direitus umanus hodi ajuda sira
duranti hala’o sira nia kna’ar iha komunidade.
6.PDHJ atu proativu hodi halo investigasaun kle’an no halo publikasaun ba rezultadu ne’ebé mak
hetan hodi vítima no familia vítima hetan lia lós no justisa.
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
7.Husu ba PDHJ no ONG (Nasional-Internasional) sira ne’ebé mak hakna’ar-an iha áreia direitus umanus, atu kontinua hala’o edukasaun ba komunidade sira konaba kna’ar polísia nian ne’ebé respeitu
lei no prinsípiu direitus umanus no mós direitu suspeitu nian durante prosesu penál.
Tuir Konvensaun Internasionál konaba Refujiadu, artigu 31 dehan kuandu ema ruma ne’ebé halai sai
husi ninia nasaun tanba hetan ameasa ba ninia integridade pesóal, to’o iha país ruma, Estadu labele
hato’o sansaun ka pena tanba sira tama iha teritóriu ne’e la liu husi dalan legál. No mós Estadu refere
tenki fó périodu tempu no fasilidade ne’ebé naton to’o hetan asesu legál hodi kontinua ninia viajen,
kuandu Estadu refere la kohi simu sira ninia pédidu hanesan refujiadu iha país refere. Realidade, Konvensaun Internasionál refere la obriga Timor-Leste atu simu refujiadu, maibé Timor-Leste iha duni
obrigasaun atu trata refujiadu sira ho umanu no importante liu mak la bele obriga sira atu fila fali ba
sira inia nasaun ka nasaun seluk ne’ebé bele afeita ba sira nia vida moris. Iha Konstituisaun da Repúblika Timor-Leste nian mós iha artigu 10 koalia konaba solidaridade, no mós iha aliñia 2 dehan katak
Timor-Leste fó azilu polítiku tuir lei haruka ba ema rai seluk. Maibé realidade ne’ebé mak Estadu
Timor-Leste halo ba refujiadu sira husi grupu étniku Rohingya ne’ebé tama iha loron 1 Jullu 2013 iha
Alimbata, Suku Babulu, Sub-distritu Uatulari, Distritu Viqueque, la tuir prinsípiu konstituisaun nian
no lei internasionál sira ne’ebé Timor-Leste adopta ona.
Iha tempu ne’eba ema nain 99 mak kompostu husi 73 husi Rohingya-Myanmar, ema nain 22 husi
Bangladesh, hamutuk ho ema nain 4 nu’udar ABK (Anak Buah Kapal) ró nian husi Indonézia ne’ebé
hakarak husu aziliu polítiku ba Australia, maibé depois sira ninia ró a’at iha tasi klaran hodi atraka
iha Alimbata. Nune’e, autoridade seguransa sira la fó asesu ba sosidade sívil balun ne’ebé hakarak
hatene kondisaun refujiadu sira nian duranti iha kontrolu husi autoridade seguransa (PNTL no FFDTL) Timor-Leste nian. Momentu ne’ebá, iha tempu badak nia laran, governu liu husi autoridade
seguransa sira muda lalais kedas refujiadu sira husi Ailembata-Viqueque ba kedas iha Com-Lautem
(9 Jullu 2013) sein haree ba kondisaun refujiadu sira nian ne’ebé foin sai husi sofrementu duranti
sira nia ró a’at iha tasi laran atu ba Darwin-Australia. To’o iha Com-Lautem liu deit loron ida, autoridade seguransa sira muda lailais kedas refujiadu sira ba teritóriu Indonézia liu husi tasi Timór ba iha
Illa Liran, Wetar-Indonesia. Tuir mós informasaun ne’ebé HAK hetan katak, autoridade seguransa
ameasa refujidau sira ho pistola no hadau sira nia telemovel.
Situasaun ida ne’e konsidera la-trata refujiadu sira ne’e ho umanidade tanba entre refujiadu sira ne’e
iha labarik no feto sira ne’ebé sira ninia kondisaun vulnaravél tebes, durante sira liu situasaun difisíl
iha tasi laran. Nune’e mós iha feto isin rua ne’ebé foin partu duranti tempu hirak ne’ebé mak sira
atraka iha Timor-Leste. Portantu, sitausaun ida ne’e bele konsidera viola prinsipiu katak ema ida sei
labele hetan tratamentu kruél, dezumanu no degradante.
Importante liu, iha posibilidade katak kuandu governu Timor-Leste muda sira ba teritória Indonézia,
governo viola prinsipiu “non-refoulement”. Prinsipiu ida ne’e mak fundamental tebes tanba, tuir lei
internasionál haruka, laiha reserva no derogasaun ne’ebé bele halo. Prinsipiu ne’e preve katak laiha
ema ida ne’ebé bele expulsa ka haruka fila (refouler) refujiadu ida ne’ebé kontra ninian vontade rasik
(refujiadu), iha kualker maneira, ba teritoriu ne’ebé mak ema ne’e sente tauk no hetan ameasa ba
ninian moris no liberdade. Iha Indonézia, refujiadu sira laiha direitu atu hetan servisu, atu hetan seguransa diak ba moris, no dala barak tenke hein maisoumenus tinan ruanulu (20) to’o hetan asesu ba
nasaun seluk ne’ebé bele establese sira nia moris.
Alende ne’e, HAK hatene konaba refujiadu sira seluk ne’ebé hela iha Timor-Leste durante tinan ida
ou liu, maibe seiduak hetan estatutu klaru ka governo rejeita sira nia pedidu ba aziliu tanba liu ona
oras 72. Sira laiha posibilidade seluk atu muda ba país seluk tanba governu seidauk iha sistema. Maibe
sira labele servisu iha Timor-Leste entaun labele suporta sira nia-an rasik. Sira book-an la diak.
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
1.Timor-Leste persija iha polítika ne’ebé di’ak tuir prosedimentu Internasionál no Nasionál hodi trata
refujiadu sira iha futuru, por ezemplu authoridade sira persija treinamentu konaba lei refujiadu, no
ema ne’ebé to’o iha ne’e presija asesu ba tradasaun hodi kompriende sira nia direitu no prosesu;
2. Husu ba Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa (SES) ne’ebé iha kompetensia ba asuntu imigrasaun, atu hahu
fila fali revisaun ba dekretu lei 9/2003 konaba imigrasaun no azilu hodi dezenvolvu lei ne’ebé kumpri
ba Timor-Leste nia obrigasaun tuir lei internasionál;
3.Husu ba Prezidenti da Repúblika atu reprezenta Estadu Timor-Leste hodi hato’o petisaun polítika ba
Estadu Mynmar hodi kria stabilidade polítika ba hamoris situasaun moris hakmatek no dame nune’e
bele kontribui ba haburas demokrasia no respeita valoris direitus umanus iha Myanmar.
c. Direitu Asesu ba Justisa
Tuir prinsípiu direitus umanus no lei (internasionál no nasionál) haruka, ema hot-hotu ne’ebé hetan
akuzasaun ba ninia aktus ruma ne’ebé kontra lei, nafatin iha direitu atu konsidera nia hanesan ema
inosente to’o tempu Tribunál hatudu ninia sala bazeia ba evidensia no ema ne’e mós nafatin iha garantia atu bele defende nia-an iha Tribunál. (DUDH, Art. 11 & KIDSP, Art. 14.2). Tanba ne’e, tuir
lei internasionál direitus umanus, atu tau suspeitu ne’ebé hein julgamentu iha detensaun preventiva la
bele sai prosesu bai-bain. Estadu hot-hotu tenke uza prizaun preventiva hanesan meiu ikus (KIDSP
Art. 9.3).
Liga ho kestaun ida ne’e HAK nafatin prekupa hodi bolu atensaun ba instituisaun kompetenti sira tau atensaun hodi resolve. Tanba
tuir monitorizasaun HAK nia indika katak prizunerus sira ho statutu prizaun preventiva sei
ás (Prizaun Becora 32% husi prizonerus nain
366 no Prizaun Gleno 16% husi prizonerus 63)
husi totál prizunerus sira iha Prizaun Becora
no Gleno.
Kondisaun seluk ne’ebé mak gorvenu presiza
tau atensaun mos mak kapasidade prizaun
nian hodi akumula prizonerus sira. Tuir informasaun husi ofisiál prizonál sira, lolos Prizaun
Becora nia kapasidade naton de’it ba prizuneru
nain 250 no kada bloku sira ne’ebé ki’ik nia kapasidade ba de’it prezunerus nain 30 to’o 35. No mós ba bloku sira ne’ebé bo’ot nia kapasidade ba
de’it prezunerus nain 40 to’o 45. Maibe agora Prizaun Becora, akumula ona prizunerus nain 366.
Bloku sira ne’ebé ki’ik agora akumulu ona prezunerus 50 liu, no bloku sira ne’ebé ninia kapasidade
boot, akumula ona prizunerus nain 65 liu. No mós bloku minoridade ne’ebé lolos ne’e nia kapasidade
ba de’it prizunerus nain 12 - 15, agora akumula ona prizunerus nain 25 iha bloku.
Kestaun seluk ne’ebé mak HAK prekupa mos mak ema ne’ebé hetan akuzasaun krimi ruma iha
direitu atu hetan kedas informasaun klaru no detaillu ho linguajen ne’ebé nia kompriende kona-ba
razaun akuzasaun kontra nia. Liga ho kestaun ida ne’e, governu iha ona esforsu hodi asigura ema hotu
ne’ebé mak hakarak buka justisa bele hetan lalais no efetivu. Maibe kestaun ida ne’e sei dok husi ita
nia mehi tanba prosesu julgamentu iha Tribunál sira sei la’o neineik tebes tanba rekursu umanu ne’ebé
la-iklibriu ho kazu ne’ebé mak akontese no rejistu ona iha tribunál.
Situasaun balun ne’ebé mak agora prizunerus sira hasoru liu-liu sira ne’ebé nia statutu nu’udar prizoAsosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
neirus preventiva sei susar asesu sira nia advogadu ne’ebé maioria husi Defensoria Públiku. Nune’e
balu la koiñese sé mak sira ninia advogadu. Dala barak sira hasoru de’it sira ninia advogadu iha Tribunál bainhira halo julgamentu ba sira nia kazu. Tanba ne’e sira nia direitu atu hatene didiak sira nia
prosesu kazu to’o ona iha ne’ebé sei sai kestaun boot ba prizunerus sira.
Efeitu ba situasaun sira ne’e, iha 3 Novembru tinan ida ne’e akontese prizuneirus na’in 25 hala’i sai
husi Prizaun Becora. Husi sira na’in 25 ne’e na’in 5 de’it mak nia statute nu’udar kondenadu maibe
sira nain 20 seluk, nia statutu nu’udar prizoneirus preventiva. Estatus prizuneiru sira nian iha prizaun
nudar detensaun preventive maioria fulan 8 ho balu to’o fulan 23 ona. Kestaun ne’e konsidera hanesan violasaun ba prizonerus nia direitu hodi hetan lalais serteja justisa ba sira nia kazu. Nune’e mos
viola sira nia direitu liberdade tanba detein sira iha tempu ne’ebé naruk maibe laiha serteja justisa ba
sira. Inserteja justisa husi kazu prizunerus nain 25 halai ne’ebé ema nain 20 nia statute hanesan prizunerus preventive hanesan imajen ki’ik ida deit husi ema barak ne’ebé agora daudauk detein hela iha
prizaun Becora no Gleno hela ho situasaun detensaun preventiva.
1.Husu ba Ministériu Justisa atu tau atensaun no aslera konstrusaun no rehabilitasaun ba Prizaun Baucau, Covalima, no Prizaun ba infantíl sira tuir planu sei hari’i iha Tibar;
2.Husu ba Ministériu Justisa atu fasilita ba autór justisa sira inklui hadi’a sira ninia sálariu hodi bele iha
ikilibriu ho sira ninia serbisu nune’e bele aslera prosesu julgamentu iha Tribunál mós fornese seguransa ba pesoa justisa ho sira ninia familia hodi sira senti moris iha situasaun seguru nia laran;
3.Husu ba Ministériu Justisa atu tau matan didiak ba distribuisaun transporte ba Defensoria Públiku
sira hodi nune’e sira bele intensivu hodi ba vizita sira ninia klienti iha prizaun hodi garante prizoneiru
sira ninia direitu atu hetan defeza ne’ebé mak di’ak;
4.Husu ba Ministériu Justisa stabelese liu tan mekanismu iha Centru Formasaun Juridiku hodi loke
espasu liu tan ba formadu direitu sira hodi hola parte barak liu tan iha formasaun hodi bele rezolve
problema rekursus umanus ne’ebé mak sei falta iha area justisa;
5.Husu ba Ministériu Justisa atu fó korajen ba kna’ar nu’udár defensór públiku hodi formadu sira iha
vontade liu tan servisu nu’udar advogadu publiku;
6.Husu ba Defensoria Publiku atu iha politika internu ne’e klaru ba defensoria sira liu-liu halo atendementu ba sira nia kliente sira no iha obrigasaun vizita sira nia kliente sira iha prizaun preventiva hodi
la viola direitu detidu sira nian ba informasaun prosesu kazu ne’ebé sira hasoru.
d. Justisa Pasadu
Direitu ba Lia los tuir Lei Umanutári Internasionál, liuliu artigu 32 iha Protokol Addisionál Primeiru
ba Konvensaun Genewa, katak familia sira iha direitu atu hatene konaba sira ninia familia ninia distinu, artigu 33 no 34 fó obrigasaun ba parte Estadu ne’ebé mak involvidu iha konflitu armada hodi
buka ema ne’ebé mak lakon. Buat ne’e hala’o tiha ona komesa hahú artikula iha rezulusaun oin-oin
ONU nian, dokumentus konstitusionál ba komisaun verdade no justisa, no relatóriu husi komisaun
péritu ne’ebé mak hetan mandatu husi ONU konaba violasaun direitus umanus. Liu husi Instrumentu ida ne’e mos konsagra deveres estadu sira nian hodi inplementa lei para fornese sanksaun penal ba
autor ne’ebé komite krimi funu no krimi kontra umanidade. No dever atu buka autor no lori autor
sira ba Tribunal (Article 49 Konvensaun Genewa I, 1949, Article 50 Konvensaun Genewa II, 1949,
Article 129 Konvensaun Genewa III, 1949, no Article 146 Konvensaun Genewa IV, 1949).
Maibe iha Timor-Leste, vitima no familia vitima sira ne’ebé sovre violasaun direitus umanidade ne’ebé
akontese husi tinan 1974-1999, sei nafatin moris iha inserteja nia laran kona-ba lia los no justisa ba
sira nia sofrementu ne’ebé mak sira hasoru iha tempu okupasaun husi Militar Indonesia. Nune’e
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
mos ema barak mak lakon sira nia familia maibe to’o agora seidauk iha informasaun ruma ne’ebé
lolos kona-ba sira nia familia nia paraderu. Mezmu Estado Timor-Leste, hahu tiha ona esforsu balun
hodi buka kona-ba lia los liu husi CAVR (Comição Acuilamentu Verdade no Reconciliação) no CVA
(Comição Verdade no Amizade) ne’ebé estabelese hamutuk ho estado Indonesia. Husi komisaun rua
ne’e hato’o tiha ona rekomendasaun kona-ba saida mak governu Timor-Leste no Indonesia tenki halo
ba vitima no familia vitima sira. Liu-liu oinsa vítima no sobreviventi sira bele hetan fila fali sira ninia
familia ne’ebé mak lakon iha tempu funu nia laran ne’ebé tuir dadus CAVR mais ou menus 18.600
mak hetan oho no lakon no labarik sira ne’ebé separa husi sira nia familia mais ou menus 4500 liu
ne’ebé deskunfia agora daudauk barak mak sei moris hela iha Indonesia. Estado Timor-Leste seidauk
maksimaliza nia polítika hodi inplementa rekomendasaun CAVR no CVA.
Iha parte seluk familia vitima no vitima sira ejize Parlamentu Nasional hodi aprova Lei Institutu
Memoria no Lei Reparasaun ne’ebé trata spesifiku ba direitu vitima no familia vitima sira. Maibe
realidade iha tinan 2013 seidauk iha vontade polítika husi Parlamentu Nasional hodi haree ba esbosu
lei rua ne’ebé oras ne’e daudauk kaduka hela iha meja Parlamentu Nasional. Mesmu iha kampanye
eleisaun jeral 2012 liu ba partidu politiku sira maioria ba halo kampaiñe hateten sei fo preoridade ba
lei institutu memoria no reparasaun no leis sira seluk. Maibe bainhira kaer tiha ukun, infelizmente to’o
tinan 2013 nia rohan promesa kampaiñe sira ne’e sei sai de’it retorita mamuk hodi marjinaliza liu tan
vitima sira ne’ebé hela ho kondisaun vulnaravel.
Familia hirak ne’ebé lakon sira nia membru familia duranti tempo konflitu politiku hahú 1974 – 1999
nafatin moris iha situasaun inserteza nia laran tanba sira laiha informasaun ne’ebé klaru kona-ba sira
nia familia nia paraderu. Iha familia vitima balu halo esforsu hodi buka informasaun rasik kona-ba
sira nia familia nia paraderu maibe mekanismu sira ne’e seidauk institusionaliza tuir rekomendasaun
CVA katak estadu rua (Timor-Leste ho Indonesia) sei tau matan no hari’i komisaun ida hodi buka
ema ne’ebé lakon forsadamente duranti tempo konflitu nia laran. Iha sorin seluk Instituisaun Direitus Umanus Nasional, PDHJ mós halo ona akordu ho Komnas HAM-Indonesia nian atu tau matan
mós ba asuntu ema lakon nian liu-liu labarik sira ne’ebé separa husi sira nia familia duranti konflitu
ne’ebé oras ne’e daudauk hela namkari iha teritoriu Indonesia nia laran maibe na-realidade PDHJ
rasik seidauk maksimaliza sira nia kompetensia ne’ebé mak iha.
1. Husu ba Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Koperasaun, atu hamutuk ho Governu Indonesia
aslera lalais hari’i komisaun espesiál ida hodi buka informasaun kona-ba ema ne’ebé mak lakon
forsadamente durante konflitu 1974-1999.
2. Husu ba Parlamentu Nasional aprova rekomendasaun CAVR no CVA hodi governu inplementa
3. Husu ba Parlamentu Nasional hodi hahu reativu fali esbosu Lei Institusaun Memoria no Lei Reparasaun ba vitima no familia vitima sira duranti konflitu 1974-1999 hodi halo debate no aprova
4. Husu ba governu no Parlamentu Nasional hodi haree no estuda vantajen Konvensaun Internasional kona-ba ema lakon forsada hodi ratifika
Aspetu Direitu Ekonómia, Sosiál no Kultura
Direitu sira ne’e labele atinji hotu iha tempu badak nia laran tanba direitu ida progresivu. Maibé estado
labele atraza sira nia esforsu atu hala’o sira nia obrigasaun hodi hakonu direitu sira ne’e. Satan estado la
hala’o sira nia obrigasaun tuir enkuadramentu legal sira ne’ebe estado adopta ona nu’udar baze. Minímu
liu bainhira halo desizaun kona-ba despeza husi fundus públiku sira tenki fo preoridade atu hatan ba obrigasaun sira ne’ebé iha enkuadramentu legal sira haruka.
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
a.Seitór Edukasuan
Tuir padraun internasional iha hakat balun ne’ebé mak estado tenki fo hodi halo realizasaun ba direitu
edukasaun. Primeiru edukasaun primaria disponivel no saugati ba ema hotu nomós obrigatoriu (art.
13.2.a, ICESCR). Ida ne’e rekuiñese mós iha Konstituisaun RDTL katak estadu rekuinese no garante
sidadaun hotu nia direitu ba edukasaun no kultura nomós sei halo promósaun hodi hari’i sistema
públiku universal no obrigatoriu ba edukasaun baziku ne’ebé saugati tuir nia kapasidade no lei (art.
59.1 Konst. RDTL). Nune’e rekuinese katak duranti ne’e estado liu husi governu hala’o ona nia obrigasaun balun hodi hakonu sidadaun sira nia direitu ba edukasaun.
Maibe haree ba karakteristika direitu ba edukasaun tuir padraun sira ne’ebé Timor-Leste adopta ona,
governu seidauk hala’o nia obrigasaun ho diak. Tanba tuir observasaun HAK nian iha distritu sira
ne’ebé halo monitorizasaun ba, maioria eskola públiku sira sei hasoru problema ne’ebé bele kontribui
ba halakon labarik sira nia direitu atu hetan oportunidade no kualidade edukasaun ne’ebé hanesan iha
Teritóriu Timor-Leste laran tomak. Problema sira ne’e mak hanesan koaze metade husi eskola públiku sira hahú husi ensinu baziku (1086 eskola) to’o ensinu sekundáriu (44 eskola) iha teritóri TimorLeste laran tomak nia kondisaun fíziku la-favoravél hodi hala’o atividade aprendisajen.
Kondisaun sira ne’ebé mak hasoru iha eskola públiku sira mak hanesan, falta meja no kadeira ba estudante sira, kondisaun fíziku ladiak bainhira tempu udan, uda-ben tama iha sala eskola, ho kondisaun
fíziku ne’ebé la di’ak, ameasa mós vida estudante no mestri sira nian. La iha bee-moos no sintina, la
iha bibleoteka no eskritóriu ba mestri sira la diak. Kondisaun hirak ne’e, seidauk tuir karakteristika
direitu ba edukasaun tuir padraun legál sira ne’ebé mak Timor-Leste adopta ona, katak edukasaun
tenki disponivél ba ema hotu. Signifika katak estadu tenke fornese instituisaun edukasaun nian no
mestri naton ba ema hotu. Estadu tenki asegura katak fasilidade iha instituisaun edukasaun ninian
adekuadu, estadu tenki asegura sira simu sálariu adekuadu no fornese formasaun ba mestri sira no
mós fornese materiál hanorin ne’ebé adekuadu.
Ezemplu ida deit nudar imajen ki’ik-oan ida husi imajen kondisaun edukasaun iha teritoriu TimorLeste tomak ami hatudu dadus husi Edukasaun Rejional Distritu Viqueque nian.
Ensinu PreEskolar
Ensinu Baziku
Ensinu Baziku
Ensinu Sekundaria
Salas eskola
57% 43%
Husi tabela ida ne’e hatudu katak kondisaun eskola iha Distritu Viqueque fízikamente maioria hasoru
problema. Salas eskola porsentu 41 mak ladiak no 47 pursentu mak laiha mobilariu hanesan meja no
kadeira ba labarik sira hodi halo aprendisajen. Liu metade (55%) mak eskola sira edefisiu ba mestri
sira ladiak. Kondisaun ne’e la fo vantajen diak ba mestri sira hodi hela metin iha eskola duranti oras
eskola nian. La-siguru ba mestri/a sira hodi rai material aprendisajen sira no kaderneta estudantes
sira nian. Nune’e mestri/a sira prefere lori ba sira nia uma duke rai iha eskola. Seidauk klaru lolos nia
kauza, maibe laos deit edifisiu eskola ba mestri sira mak a’at, mak kauza ba mestri sira abandona alunus sira iha eskola laiha razaun klaru iha fatin barak. Dala barak labarik sira fila sedu uma antes oras
eskola nian remata tanba mestri sira laiha.
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
Nune’e mos tuir tabela iha leten eskola barak (43%) mak laiha bee-moos, ida ne’e konserteja mesmu
iha sintina diak maibe labele uza sebainhira laiha kanalizasaun bee-moos. Ida ne’e presiza tau atensan
hodi rezolve tanba fo inpaktu ne’ebé makas ba labarik sira nia partisipasaun ba eskola tuir politika
governu nian katak labarik hotu tenki tama eskola obrigatoriu, liu-liu ba labarik feto sira bainhira
bainhira eskola laiha sitina fo inpaktu los ba sira duranti oras eskola. No injeral bainhira laiha beemoos no sintina ne’ebé ladiak sei kria amviente ne’ebé lasaudavel ba labarik sira duranti iha eskola.
Kondisaun seluk ne’ebé mak presiza governu tau mós atensaun ba, mak programa merenda eskola.
Programa ida ne’e, polítikamente diak hodi fo balansu nutrisaun ba labarik eskola sira iha ensinu
baziku iha Teritoriu Timor laran tomak. Maibe iha implementasaun, presiza hadia nia jestaun no kontrolu ne’ebé diak ba inplementador sira hodi fornese duni hahan ne’ebé hijeni no saudavél ba labarik
sira iha eskola. Kondisaun balun ne’ebé presiza tau atensaun mos mak presiza iha balansu alokasaun
despeza ba programa merenda eskola iha teritoriu tomak entre eskola sira besik kapital no eskola sira
iha area rural. Tanba atu grante nutrisaun ne’ebé hanesan ba labarik tomak iha eskola ensinu baziku
konserteja despeza ba eskola sira besik kapital la hanesan ho eskola sira iha area rural. Nune’e bainhira governu aloka despeza merenda eskolar ne’ebé hanesan ba eskola hotu konserteja labarik sira
ne’ebé mak iha eskola area rural labele hetan menu merenda eskolar ne’ebé nia koalidade hanesan ho
sira ne’ebé iha kapital.
Kestaun seluk ne’ebé mak Ministeriu Edukasaun tenki tau atensaun mos mak pesoa kusñeira sira ba
programa merenda eskola kona-ba sira nia subsidiu. Governu tenki konsidera sira nia servisu hodi fo
subsidiu ka salariu tuir standarte ne’ebé lei haruka ne’ebé laos parte ba despeza merenda eskola nian
nune’e jestor sira ba programa merenda eskolar la utilize sala orsamentu programa nian hodi fornese
duni aihan ne’ebé diak no kualidade ba labarik sira. Nune’e mos inplementasaun programa ida ne’e
labele labarik sira mak sai fali kulpa hodi lori ai-maran tein nian ba eskola hodi tein ba sira.
Alende problema kondisaun fíziku eskola sira nian ne’ebé mak agora infrenta hela iha eskola sira iha
Timor-Leste laran, problema seluk mós mak kúrikulum nasionál edukasaun nian to’o oras ne’e sei
dauk klaru tan ne’e sistéma aprendijajen mós seidauk hatu’ur didi’ak iha ninia fatin. Ida ne’e prejudika
ba finalista ensinu sekundaria hirak ne’ebé mak atu tama ba iha ensinu suprior. Nune’e mós seidauk
iha polítika ida klaru kona-ba oinsa ta’es estudante ho koalidade ba ensinu superior nasional. Desijaun
ida ne’e hamihis fila fali oinsa mak atu ta’es kualidade kandidatu ne’ebé mak atu ba eskola iha UNTL.
Desijaun ne’e mós ami konsidera hanesan tipu de kolujaun no deskriminasaun ne’ebé mak governu
hamósu no situasaun ne’e la’o nafatin iha futuru mak la enkoraja labarik sira hodi haka’as-an estuda
ho didiak hodi kompete ba iha Universidade Nasionál.
1.Husu ba Ministeriu edukasaun hodi halo asesmentu klean hodi aloka despeza ne’ebé nesesariu ba eskola ida-ida hodi garante koalidade merenda eskolar ne’ebé hanesan ba labarik eskola ensinu baziku
hotu iha teritoriu Timor-Leste.
2.Husu ba Ministeriu Edukasaun iha politika monitorizasaun ida ne’ebé diak hodi fiskaliza mestri/a
sira hodi kumpri duni sira nia dever hanorin eskola ho diak no responsabilidade, la-abandona labarik
sira iha oras aprendisajen.
3.Husu ba Ministeriu Edukasaun tau atensaun makas liu tan ba infrastruktura eskola publiku sira hodi
hadia eskola sira ne’ebé agora daudauk laiha ona kondisaun hodi halo atividade aprendisajen iha
laran no tau atensaun mos ba sanitasaun no bee-moos ba eskola sira hotu.
4.Husu ba Ministeriu Edukasaun kontinua fo formasaun ba Mestri no Mestra sira hodi kapasita diak
liu tan sira nia kapasidade hodi hanorin
5.Husu ba Ministeriu Edukasaun tau atensaun ba estabelesementu bibleoteka ne’ebé adekuadu no
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
subsiente iha eskola sira husi eskola ensinu baziku to’o superior hodi suporta mestri no alunus sira
iha prosesu aprendisajen.
6.Husu ba Ministeriu Edikusaun hodi difini politika kurikulu, klaru no lolos nomos adaptable iha
situasaun global nune’e la-prejudika estudante sira bainhira remata eskola Sekundaria atu kuntinua
ba ensinu superior iha nasinal no ba rai seluk.
b. Seitór Saude
“Ema hotu iha direitu ba moris ida ne’ebé adekuadu ba nia saude rasik no ninia familia, inklui aihan,
hatais, hela fatin, kuidadu mediku no servisu social nesesariu”, art. 25.1 DUDH. Ida ne’e signifika
saude nudar direitu fundamental ida mos ba ema kriatura. Nudar direitu fundamental tanba saude
nudar direitu ida ne’ebé nesesariu atu hala’o direitus umanus sira seluk. Nune’e rekuinese mos iha
lei internasional sira ne’ebé Timor-Leste ratifika tiha ona hanesan Konvensaun Internasional Direitu Ekonomia Sosial no Kultura (KIDESK), katak ema kriatura hotu-hotu iha direitu atu goza nivel
saude a’as liu ne’ebé hetan hodi bele moris ho dignidade (art. 12 KIDESK). Nune’e mos direitu ida
ne’e rekuinese iha art. 57 Konstituisaun RDTL.
Nune’e tuir instrumentu legal sira iha leten ne’e, estadu iha obrigasaun atu hakonu direitu ida ne’e. Iha
kontekstu Timor-Leste, governu realiza ona nia obrigasaun balun tuir mandate konstituisaun hanesan
saude publiku fo asistensia saude ba ho gratuitu, stabelese Ospital, centru saude no postu saude sira
hakbesik ba komunidade. Nomos kapasita rekursu umanus iha area saude nian hodi halo atendementu saude iha ospital, centru saude, no postu saude sira. Maibe iha inplementasaun atendementu
saude publiku nian sei nota kestaun barak mak presiza governu tau atensaun nafatin hodi garanti ema
hotu asesu ba saude ho fasil no gratuitu.
Tuir observasaun HAK nia, postu saude sira iha area rural sei menus fasilidades no pesoal saude sira
hodi fo asistensia saude ba komunidade. Nune’e postu saude sira iha suku balun seidauk fo asistensia
saude diak ba komunidade sira. Nune’e iha fatin barak komunidade sira iha suku sei ba halo tratamentu saude iha centru saude ne’ebé dok husi sira nia suku. Iha Postu saude sira alende sei falta fasilidade
saude hodi pesoal saude sira fo asistensia saude ba komunidade, falta mos fasilidade ba pesoal saude
sira hodi hela besik iha postu saude para sira fo asistensia saude ne’ebé diak liu ba komunidade sira.
Tanba ne’e iha postu saude balu doutór sira tenki hela iha kapitál Sub-distritu, depois dader mak ba
hala’o servisu iha postu saude fatin servisu ba.
Relasiona ho fasilidade saude ne’ebé la sufisiente inpaktu mos ba inplementasaun programa balun
hanesan programa SISCA. Inplementasaun programa sisca iha suku no aldeia sira ne’ebé besik vila
ladun problema maibe ba suku sira ne’ebé iha liu area remotas susar atu implementa didiak. Komunidade sira iha area remotas lamenta kona-ba inplementasaun sisca iha sira suku katak pesoal saude
sira laiha planu ne’ebé lolos hodi komunidade sira partisipa iha programa ida ne’e. Nune’e dala ruma
atividade programa programa iha suku dala ruma komunidade sira ne’ebé hela dok husi suku susar
atu partisipa.
Iha mos lamentasaun barak mai husi komunidade sira kona-ba asistensia saude ne’ebé sira hasoru
iha ospital nasional. Komunidade lamenta katak bainhira halo tratamentu saude iha Ospital Nasional
hetan tiha reseita aimoruk nian, dala ruma tenki ba sosa ai-moruk iha apotik privadu sira iha liur tanba
aimoruk iha ospital laiha. Maibe iha sorin seluk hetan mos lamentasaun balun husi komunidade sira
kona-ba informasaun balun husi media social sira publika katak iha ospital no sentru saude balun
laiha aimoruk nesesitariu sira maibe iha aimoruk balun ne’ebé mak Ministériu Saude liu husi SAMES
(Servicos Autonomos, Medicamentos e Equipamentos), sosa uza lahotu to’o balun liu prazu hodi
estraga de’it. Ida ne’e presiza atensaun hodi kontrola ba despeza públiku sira hodi gasta didiak tuir
de’it nesesidade hodi la gasta despeza publiku nian ba sasan sira ne’ebé la nesesariu.
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
1.Husu ba Ministériu Saudi, atu tau atensaun makas ba infrastrutura fasilidade saude husi nivel suku
to’o nasional hodi fasilita servisu pesoal saude nian diak liu tan iha sira nia atendementu publiku;
2.Husu Ministeriu Saude kria kondisaun ne’ebé adekuadu ba pesoal saude sira iha area rural hodi
fasilita no suporta sira nia servisu halo atendementu mediku ne’ebé diak ba komunidade sira.
3. Husu ba governu hodi iha identifikasaun klaru ba moras ne’ebé ijiste iha Timor-Leste ho nia prosentajen kada tinan ne’ebé mak iha hodi aloka tuir despeza ba ekipamentu no aimoruk nesesariu ba moras sira ne’e hodi labele halo fali despeza ba ekipamentu no aimoruk sira ne’ebé mak laos nesesariu
to’o ikus mai liu prazu hodi estraga deit.
c. Asuntu Rai
Problema rai iha Timor-Leste eransa koloniál tanba ne’e problema ne’e la hotu to’o mai agora nune’e
ita bele haree dadus ne’ebé mak Asosiasaun HAK iha no halo publikasaun tiha ona iha fulan MaiuJullu 2013 nia laran, hatudu katak kazu rai iha 50% kumpara ho krimi bai-bain seluk. Kazu vilénsia
domestika 13%, tenta no violasaun sexsuál 2%, na’ok sasan no animál 10%, animál tama ema nia to’os
no han ema ninia ai-han no plantasaun iha to’os laran 7%, joven sira asalta malu no baku malu 10%,
PNTL baku ema joventudi sira 1%, fó oan ba malu no la iha responsabilidade 4%, oho malu 1%, no
dun malu buaan 2% . Husi numiru kazu rai 81 ne’ebé iha, prosesu sira ne’ebé parte sira desputa rai
hamutuk ho autoridade komunitariu sira foti mak 4% lori ba Tribunal, 1% lori ba Dirasaun Teras e
Propriedade, 64% mak rezolvidu liu husi mediasaun autoridade komunitariu sira, 31% mak pendenti
hela iha komunidade.
Husi dadus fulan tolu nian iha leten, ita halo komparasaun ho dadus fulan 3 tuir (Agustu-Otobru)
iha tinan 2013, hatudu katak persentajen kazu rai nafatin as liu iha komunidade (82%) kompara ho
kazu krimi bainbain sira seluk, mesmu nia numiru kazu tun (63). Husi numiru kazu rai ne’e, 52%
kazu mak sei pendent hela iha komunidade, 1% mak parte sira desputa ba rai hili dalan lori sira nia
kazu ba Tribunal, no 46% kazu mak rezolvidu iha komunidade liu husi mediasaun ne’ebé autoridade
komunitariu sira halo.
Wainhira haree husi pursentu kazu rai nian iha komunidade no prosesu sira ne’ebé parte tomak foti
hodi resolve kazu rai ne’ebé la-adekuadu tantu iha nivel komunidade nune’e mos iha Tribunal presiza tebes skuadramentu legal ne’ebé spesifiku ba rai hodi bele ajuda resolve kazu rai. Iha tinan ne’e,
governu esforsu oinsa mak atu finaliza esbosu pakoti lei kona-ba rai ne’ebé iha prosesu konsultasaun.
Hein katak governu kompleta lalais ideias husi komunidade tomak iha faze konsultasaun ne’e para
hato’o ba Parlamentu Nasional hodi halo aprovasaun. Inportanti mak pakote lei ne’e nia kontiudu refleta duni situasaun no kondisaun povu Timor-Leste, hodi iha future lei hirak ne’e bele ajuda resolve
duni problema, laos atu hodi aumenta kria problema. Espera lei ne’e mai defende duni prinsipiu no
valores social rai nian hodi rai sai duni fatin hamoris no moris hakmatek ema nian, laos sai fali fontes
konflitu ba ema nia moris.
1.Husu ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu estuda didi’ak pakoti lei rai nian antes halo aprovasaun. Nune’e
Lei Rai nian la mósu mai atu rezolve duni kazu rai ne’ebé mak oras ne’e dau-daun ninia pursentu
ás liu kazu sira seluk iha Timor-Leste;
2. Husu ba Ministériu Estatál no Ordenamentu Teritóriu, atu kria formasaun paralegál ba líder komunitáriu sira hodi ajuda sira nia kna’ar ho diak iha komunidade, hodi ba rezolve kazu sívil sira ho
di’ak liu tan.l
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
V. Konkluzaun no Rekomendasaun
Husi situasaun direitus umanus tinan 2013 nian hanesan dadus hirak ne’ebé mak ami reve tiha ona iha
leten, mak konklui katak iha tinan ida ne’e isforsu estadu nian atu hakonu povu sira nia direitu, iha aspetu direitu sivil politiku iha hetan progresu, mesmu ajenti estadu liu-liu ajente instituisaun siguransa sira
balun sei komete violasaun bainhira hala’o sira nia kompetensia no obrigasaun. Maibe ih aspeitu direitu
ekonómia, sosiál no kultura persija tau matan mak’as liu tan husi estadu hodi proteje no hakonu liu tan
povu sira ninia direitus tanba iha fatin barak iha terituriu Timor-Leste tomak sei hasoru problema edukasaun, saude no aihan ba moris ne’ebe adekuadu..
1. Komando Jerál PNTL, liu-liu Unidade Profesional Estandarte wainhira simu keixa komunidade kona-ba membru polisia sira ne’ebé viola norma legal sira duranti hala’o sira nia obrigasaun no la tuir
sira nia kompetensia tenki prosesa lai-lais kedas tuir mekanismu legal ne’ebé mak iha hodi garanti
profesionalismu no responsabilidade polisia nian duranti hala’o sira nia kna’ar.
2. Husu ba Komando Jerál PNTL atu kontinua kria formasaun hodi haforsa koiñesementu konaba
lei no direitus umanus ba membrus PNTL, liu-liu konaba uza forsa ne’ebé mak apropriadu duranti
hala’o sira nia kna’ar hodi garanti seguransa no moris siguru ba komunidade.
3. Husu ba Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa (SES) atu buka solusaun lalais iha tinan 2014 nia laran hodi
rezolve fasilidades ba PNTL sira iha nivél nasionál ba to’o iha nivél Sub-distritu sira.
4. Husu ba Komandu Jeral PNTL atu tau atensaun ba distribuisaun ekipamentus PNTL liu-liu farda
uniforme no transporte ne’ebé ikilibriu entre PNTL iha nasional no distritu sira hodi hala’o sira nia
obrigasaun ho diak.
5. Husu ba SES nafatin koopera ho sosidade sivil sira hodi kria ka establese formasaun kuntinua hodi
hadi’ak liu tan kuinesementu membrus PNTL nian kona-ba lei no direitus umanus hodi ajuda sira
duranti hala’o sira nia kna’ar iha komunidade.
6. PDHJ atu proativu hodi halo investigasaun kle’an no halo publikasaun ba rezultadu ne’ebé mak hetan
hodi vítima no familia vítima hetan lia lós no justisa.
7. Husu ba PDHJ no ONG (Nasional-Internasional) sira ne’ebé mak hakna’ar-an iha áreia direitus umanus, atu kontinua hala’o edukasaun ba komunidade sira konaba kna’ar polísia nian ne’ebé respeitu
lei no prinsípiu direitus umanus no mós direitu suspeitu nian durante prosesu penál.
8. Timor-Leste persija iha polítika ne’ebé di’ak tuir prosedimentu Internasionál no Nasionál hodi trata
refujiadu sira iha futuru, por ezemplu authoridade sira persija treinamentu konaba lei refujiadu, no
ema ne’ebé to’o iha ne’e presija asesu ba tradasaun hodi kompriende sira nia direitu no prosesu;
9. Husu ba Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa (SES) ne’ebé iha kompetensia ba asuntu imigrasaun, atu hahu
fila fali revisaun ba dekretu lei 9/2003 konaba imigrasaun no azilu hodi dezenvolvu lei ne’ebé kumpri
ba Timor-Leste nia obrigasaun tuir lei internasionál;
10. Husu ba Prezidenti da Repúblika atu reprezenta Estadu Timor-Leste hodi hato’o petisaun polítika ba
Estadu Mynmar hodi kria stabilidade polítika ba hamoris situasaun moris hakmatek no dame nune’e
bele kontribui ba haburas demokrasia no respeita valoris direitus umanus iha Myanmar.
11. Husu ba Ministériu Justisa atu tau atensaun no aslera konstrusaun no rehabilitasaun ba Prizaun Baucau, Covalima, no Prizaun ba infantíl sira tuir planu sei hari’i iha Tibar.
12. Husu ba Ministériu Justisa atu fasilita ba autór justisa sira inklui hadi’a sira ninia sálariu hodi bele iha
ikilibriu ho sira ninia serbisu nune’e bele aslera prosesu julgamentu iha Tribunál mós fornese seguransa ba pesoa justisa ho sira ninia familia hodi sira senti moris iha situasaun seguru nia laran.
13. Husu ba Ministériu Justisa atu tau matan didiak ba distribuisaun transporte ba Defensoria Públiku
sira hodi nune’e sira bele intensivu hodi ba vizita sira ninia klienti iha prizaun hodi garante prizoneiru
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
sira ninia direitu atu hetan defeza ne’ebé mak di’ak.
14. Husu ba Ministériu Justisa stabelese liu tan mekanismu iha Centru Formasaun Juridiku hodi loke
espasu liu tan ba formadu direitu sira hodi hola parte barak liu tan iha formasaun hodi bele rezolve
problema rekursus umanus ne’ebé mak sei falta iha area justisa.
15. Husu ba Ministériu Justisa atu fó korajen ba kna’ar nu’udár defensór públiku hodi formadu sira iha
vontade liu tan servisu nu’udar advogadu publiku.
16. Husu ba Defensoria Publiku atu iha politika internu ne’e klaru ba defensoria sira liu-liu halo atendementu ba sira nia kliente sira no iha obrigasaun vizita sira nia kliente sira iha prizaun preventiva hodi
la viola direitu detidu sira nian ba informasaun prosesu kazu ne’ebé sira hasoru.
17. Husu ba Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Koperasaun, atu hamutuk ho Governu Indonesia aslera
lalais hari’i komisaun especial ida hodi buka informasaun kona-ba ema ne’ebé mak lakon forsadamente durante konflitu 1974-1999.
18. Husu ba Parlamentu Nasional aprova rekomendasaun CAVR no CVA hodi governu inplementa
19. Husu ba Parlamentu Nasional hodi hahu reativu fali sbosu Lei Institusaun Memoria no lei Reparasaun ba vitima no familia vitima sira duranti konflitu 1974-1999 hodi halo debate no aprova.
20. Husu ba governu no Parlamentu Nasional hodi haree no estuda vantajen Konvensaun Internasional
kona-ba ema lakon forsada hodi hodi ratifika.
21. Husu ba Ministeriu Edukasaun hodi halo asesmentu ne’ebé klean hodi aloka despeza ne’ebé nesesariu husi eskola ida-ida hodi garante koalidade merenda eskolar ne’ebé hanesan ba labarik eskola
ensinu baziku hotu iha teritoriu Timor-Leste.
22. Husu ba Ministeriu Edukasaun iha politika monitorizasaun ida ne’ebé diak hodi fiskaliza mestri/a
sira hodi kumpri duni sira dever hanorin eskola ho diak no respo la-abandona labarik sira iha oras
23. Husu ba Ministeriu Edukasaun tau atensaun makas liu tan ba infrastruktura eskola publiku sira hodi
hadia eskola sira ne’ebé agora daudauk laiha ona kondisaun hodi halo atividade aprendisajen iha laran
no tau atensaun mos ba sanitasaun no bee-moos ba eskola sira hotu.
24. Husu ba Ministeriu Edukasaun kontinua fo formasaun ba Mestri no Mestra sira hodi kapasita diak
liu tan sira nia kapasidade hodi hanorin.
25. Husu ba Ministeriu Edukasaun tau atensaun ba estabelesementu bibleoteka ne’ebé adekuadu no subsiente iha eskola sira hodi suporta mestri no alunus sira iha prosesu aprendisajen.
26. Husu ba Ministeriu Edikusaun hodi difini politika kurikulu, klaru no lolos nomos adaptable iha
situasaun global nune’e la-prejudika estudante sira bainhira remata eskola Sekundaria atu kuntinua ba
ensinu superior iha nasinal no ba rai seluk.
27. Husu ba Ministériu Saudi, atu tau atensaun makas ba infrastrutura fasilidade saude husi nivel suku
to’o nasional hodi fasilita servisu pesoal saude nian diak liu tan iha sira nia atendementu publiku.
28. Husu Ministeriu Saude kria kondisaun ne’ebé adekuadu ba pesoal saude sira iha area rural hodi
fasilita no suporta sira nia servisu halo atendementu mediku ne’ebé diak ba komunidade sira.
29. Husu ba governu hodi iha identifikasaun klaru ba moras ne’ebé ijiste iha Timor-Leste ho nia prosentajen kada tinan ne’ebé mak iha hodi aloka tuir despeza ba ekipamentu no aimoruk nesesariu ba moras sira ne’e hodi labele halo fali despeza ba ekipamentu no aimoruk sira ne’ebé mak laos nesesariu
to’o ikus mai liu prazu hodi estraga deit.
30. Husu ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu estuda didi’ak pakoti lei rai nian antes halo aprovasaun. Nune’e Lei
Rai nian la mósu mai atu rezolve duni kazu rai ne’ebé mak oras ne’e dau-daun ninia pursentu ás liu
kazu sira seluk iha Timor-Leste.
31. Husu ba Ministériu Estatál no Ordenamentu Teritóriu, atu kria formasaun paralegál ba líder komunitáriu sira hodi ajuda sira nia kna’ar ho diak iha komunidade, hodi ba rezolve kazu sívil sira ho di’ak
liu tan.l
Asosiasaun HAK - Relatoriu Direitus Umanus Tinan 2013
Prodused by
Human Rights Report 2013
HAK Association
Rua Governador Serpa Rosa, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste, Telp. 3313323
email: [email protected],
About HAK ....................................................................................................................22
Vision and Mission
Values and Principles .........................................................................................................................23
Content of the Report
Civil and Political Rights
Human Rights and the Conduct by the Security Forces
Rights to Access to Justice
Justice for Past Crimes
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights...................................................................................................32
Education Sector
Health Sector .........................................................................................................................34
Land issues
Conclusions and Recommendations
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
About HAK
he struggle for the liberation of Timor-Lestewas fought not only through the political resistance movement and armed forces, but also through a social movement for human rights and democracy which
arose over the course of more than nine decades. Due to the oppression from colonisation and occupation by
foreign countries resulting in constant human rights violations, young, strong and intelligent Timorese, who
themselves were victims of various violations of human rights over the course of more than 90 years, were
inspired to organise and participate actively in the liberation struggle by way of a new, non-violent struggle
to defend human rights.
This inspiration was manifested specifically by six Timorese activists, Aniceto Guterres Lopes LLB (SH),
Rev. Arlindo Francisco Marcal B.Th (STh), Jose Luis de Oliveira, Gilman A. E. Santos, Aderito de Jesus, Jose
Jaquelino Soares da Costa Gosmao and Osorio Florindo. By their initiative, they together established an office
known as “Badan Bantuan Hukum” (Legal Aid Office) which would provide legal assistance, through human
rights defenders and lawyers, for those who had been captured and detained by the Indonesian military due
to the struggle for self-determination of Timor-Leste.
After establishing the organisation on 20 August 1996, these Timorese activists together with follow Indonesian activists obtained legal status for the organisation through the Indonesian Notary on 20 August 1997 and
the organisation officially become known as Yayasan HAK (Yayasan Hukum Hak Asasi dan Keadilan, which is
Bahasa Indonesian for “Law, Human Rights and Justice Foundation”). At this point in time, HAK’s objective
was to provide official legal assistance to Timorese political prisoners and organising humanitarian assistance
to the families of political prisoners.
In 1997, after obtaining legal status, HAK beganin creasing the scope of our human rights work, conducting
monitoring activities, campaigning and educating the people on human rights values and principles. This included monitoring the referendum process and organising humanitarian assistance to the internally displaced
people, a problem that arose due to the violence inflicted by pro-Jakarta militia. HAK didn’t escape those difficulties either; HAK also lost two of our activist comrades, Domingos Apariçio (from Viqueque) and Manuel
Magalhães (from Maliana).
When Timor-Leste was freed from occupation and the UN established the transitional government, as a part
of the national liberation movement, HAK continued to actively contribute to the process “rebuilding from the
ashes”. This work included preparing the Timorese leaders, who were involved in the National Consultation
or the consultative organ of UN Transitional Government, so they were equipped to actively participate in the
drafting of the Constitution of RDTL.
Between 1999 and 2002, following the realisation of self-determination, Yayasan HAK continued to reaffirm
our position as a human rights organisation through our monitoring of the UN in the execution of its mandate
during the transitional period, our advocacy for an accountability process for the crimes against humanity
which occurred in Timor-Leste, and in working to increase the capacity of state institutions, and communities
both at a national and rural level, with regards to law and human rights. As such, this was HAK’s contribution
to the transition phase of rebuilding the State of Timor-Leste.
In 2005, so as to strengthen and preserve the existence of the organization, Yayasan HAK became Asosiasaun HAK, thereby transforming into an organisation which did not only belong to our founders but one
which belonged to all those who voluntarily wished to become members of the Association. Between 2005
and 2011, HAK had 135 members, consisting of both Timorese and international friends, who lived inside and
outside of Timor-Leste. However, in 2012, due to domestic political dynamics which led to a change in the
applicable laws of Timor-Leste, HAK was required to update the status of each member and hold an annual
general assembly for members. As a result, in 2012 our membership dropped to 36 but increased again to
41 in 2013.
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In 2013, as part of our ongoing work to strengthen the principles of democracy and the rule of law so as to
guarantee the human rights of the people, the HAK Associationhas continued to implement the important
work of conducting human rights monitoring and advocacy. In particular, this has involved human rights education, and receiving complaints from the community and delivering them to the relevant institutions of State
to ensure human rights principles are being implemented as required by the Constitution of the Republic.
To build a Timorese Society which is critical, independent, open and peaceful, with a social structure based
on the principles of solidarity, respect for human rights and local values in order to achieve social justice
1. Defending the victims of human rights violations;
2. Empowering communities through knowledge-sharing, developing the quality of life within communities, elevating local knowledge, and participating in the development process;
3. Monitoring State Institutions as they implement their responsibilities.
1. Humanity – though the principles of non-violence and non-discrimination
2. Equality – through the principles of prioritizing local resources and gendered perspectives
3. Justice – by prioritizing the principles of public interest and sustainability
4. Democracy – through the principles of solidarity, transparency, accountability, participation, freedom
and responsibility.
1. Strengthening States Institutions - this program is focused on ensuring security institutions and government officials carry out their roles and responsibilities, properly and according to a proper respect of the
values and principles of human rights.
2. Strengthening Justice - this program is focused on pushing the all the relevant entities of the State to
establish a mechanism that ensures the fulfilment of the rights of victims of past human rights violations. Moreover, this program aims to educate the public so that there will never again be a repetition
of the behaviour that led to these human rights violations.
3. Advocacy on Economic, Social and Cultural rights – this program is focused on ensuring the Government’s policies are directed to improving the quality of its people’s lives, by ensuring that access to land
enables people to build a better life from themselves within society, rather than once again becoming a
problem within the community.l
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
II. Methodology
AK utilised our usual monthly monitoring activities as the principle mechanism by which to gather the
data to produce this report. In particular, HAK’s regional staff conducted their regular monitoring in the
districts of Aileu, Ainaro, Baucau, Dili, Ermera and Viqueque. As such, the analysis within this report is based
on the situation in these particular districts but we believe this information can as a reflection of the broader
situation across the whole country.
During their monitoring, HAK’s staff directly observed to work of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) in
each district, regularly visiting the District Commands and sub-stations of the PNTL in various sub-districts.
HAK attended to a number of cases and assisted victims to deliver their complaints to the competent institutions and other human rights organisations. HAK also observed the work of the Tribunal and Public Prosecutor. In addition, HAK’s staff collected information from meetings with its strategic target groups at the district
level, including local NGOs, community leaders, youth leaders, religiously leaders, women’s groups, agricultural groups and political party leaders.
HAK also utilised mass media to gather further information, and sought confirmations from other human
rights organisation and relevant institutions in relation to cases which arose.l
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III. Introduction
ecember 10 is known widely as the International Human Rights Day. In the Constitution of Timor-Leste,
Article 9 states that all international law is applicable in Timor-Leste. Therefore, Timor-Leste has an obligation to carry out and comply with all mandates and obligations contained in the international conventions
so as to ensure it does not violate human rights in making and executing all political decisions, regulations
and laws.
In order to ensure that during the year all the organs of State carry out their competencies and obligations
according to the values and principles of human rights law and policy, all citizens must take responsibility to
monitor the State and guarantee there are no violations of the people’s human rights. As such, non-Government organisations (NGOs) who work in the area of human rights have a particular responsibility to work
together to watch over the Government’s actions. Therefore, HAK, as an NGO, works to monitor and observe
as our way of contributing to the human rights situation in Timor-Leste now and in the future.l
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
IV. Content of the Report
iven that Timor-Leste is still in the process of state-building to further strengthen our state institutions
with a legal framework that respects and complies with human rights, it continues to be relevant and
important that domestic entities and the international community continue pushing and encouraging the institutions of State to carry out their obligations and competencies with ongoing respect for the principles of
democracy and the values of human rights.
Based on the principles of human rights and legal frameworks, the State has the authority and the obligation to guarantee, respect, protect and fulfil the fundamental rights of all its citizens. In this way, when State
entities fail to carry out their obligations and competencies according to the law, this violates the civil and
political rights of its citizens as well as their economic, social and cultural rights.
Therefore, this report aims to describe the general human rights situation in Timor-Leste, there by providing
a source of information for the public, and especially the authorities, to confirm specific actions that have
happened. We hope that with this information, we can further improve the human rights situation in 2014.
a. Human Rights and the Conduct by the Security Forces (National Police of TimorLeste (PNTL) and Falintil-Armed Forces of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL)
The right to life, liberty and security of person and to freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment are fundamental rights to which all people are entitled and which are recognised under international law (Article 6 and 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)) as ratified by
Timor-Leste. The State has an obligation to protect these rights for every citizen through its institutions and
legal framework. In Timor-Leste, according to our Constitution under Article 147 (1), the PNTL have a responsibility to defend democratic legality and guarantee the internal security of citizens. While, under Article
146 (2) of the Constitution, F-FDTL have a responsibility to guarantee national independence, territorial integrity, and the freedom and security of the population against any form of aggression or external threat.
During 2013, in the Timorese context, the State and its competent institutions, such as the PNTL, carried
out their obligations to ensure the above mentioned rights. Through our monitoring, HAK observed that in
general the security forces did properly carry out their role to protect and defend the people’s human rights
from month to month. The security forces, particularly PNTL, did actually carry out their role and obligations
in order guarantee peace and freedom for everyone. This is supported by the way in which the police handled
cases arising in their district. The table below shows the number of police interventions in the community and
way they have been dealt with across the 6 districts.
Case Intervention
Referral to the Public Prosecutor
In the process of investigation
From the table above, a total of 833 cases were handled by the police in the 6 districts, of these 68 percent
have been sent to Public Prosecutor, 15 percent are still under investigation and 17 percent have been closed
or resolved within the community together with local authorities.
In carrying out their duties in the community, PNTL agents began to better comply with the law and reduce
their use of physical force when executing their duties. Similarly, there was a reduction in concern from local
authorities regarding violations arising from police conduct. Though local authorities recognised this, they
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
still reported that police were often late in attending to
cases which occurred in the community due to distance
and insufficient transport.
While the situation is improving, this doesn’t mean that in
the districts where HAK carried out our monitoring PNTL
members did not commit any violations when carrying
out their obligations. In 2013, HAK documented several
reports of incidents occurring when the security forces
failed to carry out their obligations in securing public order. Issues of professionalism, impartiality, use of appropriate force and responsible use of equipment continued
to be a concern. In some places, security forces were not
impartial, did not use appropriate force and some did not
their equipment according to the rules as prescribed by
the law.
Between the beginning and middle of 2013, HAK registered nine cases in which the security forces committed various violations. Seven of these cases involved members from PNTL who engaged in mistreatment and
physical aggression against specific people who were alleged to have been involved in criminal behaviour or
disturbances against the peace. The other two cases reportedly involved members of the Military Police from
F-FDTL in Dili and Baucau. These cases reflect just a small proportion of the cases throughout the country,
which HAK has not documented. However, this data reflects that in specific circumstances there is a problem
with Police and Military Police conduct, which must be resolved.
One example, which is demonstrative of this conduct from members of the security forces, arose in the early
half of 2013, on 26 and 27 April in Aileu District. The conduct by police agents from the District Headquarters,
inflicted against four young people after they were arrested arguably constituted cruel treatment. This case
arose because the young people were suspected of being involved in a fist fight with some off-duty members
of PNTL, who were attended a celebration in Aileu. This case was brought to the attention of human rights
organisations, state institutions, and the PNTL General Command in Dili, which immediately restricted the
PNTL in Aileu. However, to date, the public has yet to receive transparent information regarding accountability and the mechanisms used to resolve this case, particularly for the victims.
In another case that occurred on 19 October 2013 in the Baucau District, specifically in the border region
between the Sub-district of Quelicai in Baucau and the Sub-district of Ossu in Viqueque, some members of
the PNTL (it is not clear whether they were from Viqueque or Baucau or from somewhere else) were caught
irresponsibly and illegally using security equipment. Based on the complaint from the local authorities and
community members of Lelalai Village in Quelicai, some members of the PNTL were using marked police
vehicles and weapons to hunt deer in the area. This action clearly involves improper use of security equipment by police agents. They also used this equipment to destroy community property because the community reported that a goat and horse which the community had reared were shot and killed. More over, this
irresponsible behaviour provoked fear and panic in the near by community because of the gun shots. This
behaviour is absolutely contrary to the role of the security forces as agents for creating peace and security
in the community.
Actions by the police which are considered contrary to the international principles enshrined in the ICCPR, under Articles 10 (1) and 14 (2), and adopted by Timor-Leste also occurred when the Dili District Police arrested
the person suspected of committing the murder, known as KIBATA (Kipas dulu Baru Tanya–Act First, Question
Later) which occurred in September in Dili. When the police arrested the suspect, he was severely beaten to
the point of wounding his face and causing it to swell beyond recognition. According to HAK’s observations of
the incident, although this was done without wrongful intent, this constitutes a violation because according
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to the law all people who have lost their liberty must be treated with respect for their inherent dignity and
humanity. To this end, security forces, as the protectors of human rights, cannot confront the perpetrators of
criminal acts with violence; instead they must provide protection to ensure that perpetrators are processed
according to properly constituted legal processes so that they might take full and proper responsibility for
their behaviour. Moreover, all people have the right to be considered innocent until the point at which they
are found guilty according to the law. When police beat suspects, this demonstrates that police have taken it
upon themselves to decide that person’s guilt, which is not the proper role of the police.
Another violation was committed by police agents from Viqueque District, on 19 December 2013, in Uma Tolu
Village in the Sub-district of Lacluta, when attending to a group conflict in the area. Police conduct involved
inappropriate use of force because police used their guns and ended up shooting one person in the back with
the bullet piercing through his chest, and him being taken to hospital. This act arose when police tried to
intervene to stop fighting from one group returning from a funeral and the other group which provoked them.
On 26 December 2013, HAK received this complaint and forwarded it onto the PNTL General Command and
informed other institutions of State. This case is currently in the hands of the National Disciplinary Investigation Unit of the PNTL, we hope there will be a proper investigation process and accountability for this case.
1. Appeal to the PNTL General Command, particularly to the Professional Standards Unit, when receiving
complaints from the community about their police officers committing violations while carrying out their
duties, these must be processed immediately and quickly through existing legal mechanisms in order
ensure the professionalism and accountability of the police in the performance of their duties.
2. Appeal to the PNTL General Command to continue providing training to increase the knowledge of human rights law among their police officers, especially regarding appropriate use of force when carrying
out their duties in order to ensure the peace and security of the community.
3. Appeal to the Secretary of State for Security (SES) to, within this year, resolve the problem of inadequate police facilities at the national and district level.
4. Appeal to the PNTL General Command to ensure balanced distribution of equipment, especially uniforms and transportation between PNTL at the national and district levels to assist them in properly
carrying out their duties.
5. Appeal to SES to continue cooperating with civil society to establish ongoing training to improve the
knowledge of PNTL members about law and human rights that will assist them in carrying out their
duties in the community.
6. Appeal to the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) to proactively investigate violations
and publish the results so that victims and their families can receive justice.
7. Appeal to PDHJ as well as national and international NGOs working on human rights, to continue educating the community about the role of police in guaranteeing human rights, as well as the principles
of human rights and especially those of suspects throughout the judicial process.
According to Article 31 of the International Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, if anyone, who
escapes their country because of threats to their life or personal integrity and arrives in another country, must
not be sanctioned or penalised by that State because they have arrived illegally. The receiving State must
also provide reasonable time and facilities in order to continue their journey if that State does not wish to
receive their claim for asylum. In reality, the Refugee Convention does not oblige Timor-Leste to receive refugees, however Timor-Leste does have an obligation to treat refugees with humanity and, more importantly,
Timor-Leste can not force them to return to their country or to another country whether their life may be
at risk. Moreover, Article 10 of the Constitution of Timor-Leste refers to solidarity and sub-section 2 requires
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that Timor-Leste give political asylum to others in accordance with our laws. However, Timor-Leste’s actions
towards the Rohingya refugees who arrived in Alimbata, Viqueque on 1 July 2013 did not in any way follow
the principles of our Constitution or international law as adopted by Timor-Leste.
At that time, 99 people, including 73 Rohingya people from Myanmar, 22 Rohingya people from Bangladesh,
and four crewmen from Indonesia, who were trying to reach Australia to seek political asylum, found themselves in distress in the middle of the ocean and ended up washed up in Alimbata. The security authority
prevented all access from civil society groups who sought information about the condition of the group while
under control of PNTL and F-FDTL. Then, on 9 July
2013, the Government quickly transferred the refugees from Alimbata, Viqueque to Com, Lautem
without consideration for suffering they had endured while their boat was in distress in the middle
of the ocean. They spent just one day in Com before being forcibly removed to Indonesian territory,
specifically the island of Liran in Wetar, Indonesia.
According to information that HAK received, during this action the security forces threatened the
refugees with handguns and seized their phones.
It is clear from this situation that the refugees
were not treated humanely, particularly as there
were vulnerable women and children among the group that they had just been through a traumatic experience on the sea. Moreover, one woman, who was heavily pregnant on arrival, gave birth while they were
stranded in Timor-Leste. Therefore, it is possible to argue that this situation violated the principle that all
people will be free from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
More importantly, it is possible that when the Government of Timor-Leste moved the refugees to Indonesian
territory, the Government violated the principle of “non-refoulement”. This principle is so fundamental that
no reservations or derogations may be made to it. It provides that no one shall expel or return (“refouler”) a
refugee against his or her will, in any manner what soever, to a territory where he or she fears threats to life
or freedom. In Indonesia, refugees do not have the right to work, to live with security and many wait more
than 20 years to they obtain access to other nations where they can properly establish their life.
Aside from this, HAK knows other refugees who have been living in Timor-Leste for a year or more but who
have yet to receive any clear status or who the Governmentbrejected their asylum request because it was
submitted later than 72 hours after they entered Timorese territory. They have no possibility to be able to
move to another country because the Government has yet to establish an appropriate system. However, they
can not work in Timor-Leste and therefore can not support themselves. They are simply stuck
1. Timor-Leste needs proper policies that comply with international and national procedures so that, in the
future, they can process refugees. For example, the authorities need training about refugee law, and,
for those already here, they need access to translation service and other help to understand their rights
and the progress of their case.
2. Appeal to Secretary of State for Security, as the competent institution for immigration issues, to reinitiate the revisions to the Decree Law 9/2003 on Immigration and Asylum so that the law can be
developed to comply with Timor-Leste’s international obligations.
3. Appeal to his Excellency, the President of the Republic of Timor-Leste, as the representative of TimorLeste to deliver a political petition to the State of Myanmar appealing to the need for political stability
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to begin the return to peace and stability, which in turn will contribute to the preservation of democracy
and respect of human rights in Myanmar.
Right to Access to Justice
According to the principles of human rights and both international and national law, all those facing a criminal
accusation retain the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty by a Tribunal based on evidence, and
to defend themselves in the Tribunal (UDHR Art. 11 & ICCPR Art. 14.2). For this reason, under international
human rights law, to detain a person who is awaiting trial in pre-trial detention must not become the usual
practice. Every State must use pre-trial detention as a means of last resort (ICCPR Art. 9.3).
As such, HAK continues to be concerned that attention must be given to this issue by the competent institutions in order to resolve this problem. According to HAK’s monitoring there remains a very high proportion of
prisoners waiting in pre-trial detention in both prisons (32% of the 366 prisoners in Becora Prison and 15%
of the 63 prisoners in Gleno Prison).
Another issue which the Government must consider is the capacity of the prisons to accommodate prisoners.
According to information from prison officials, the actual capacity of Becora Prison is just 250 prisoners, and
each small block is sufficient to accommodate just 30-35 prisoners, while each larger block should only accommodate up to 40 or 45 prisoners. However, currently Becora Prison accommodates 366 prisoners, small
blocks currently hold more than 50 prisoners and the bigger blocks hold more than 65 prisoners. Moreover,
the block allocated for juveniles, which should only hold 12-15 prisoners, currently holds 25 juveniles.
Another issue with which HAK is concerned is that all those who have been accused of committing a crime
have the right to promptly receive clear and detailed information about the reasons for the accusation against
him in a language which they understand. As such, the Government is already making efforts to ensure that
all people which seek justice can obtain it quickly and effectively. However, this situation is still far from that
which we imagine because the judicial process in the Courts continues to be very slow due to a lack of human
resources in comparison to the cases that have been registered with the Courts.
The situation confronting many prisoners, particularly those on remand in pre-trial detention, is the difficulty
of accessing their lawyers, the majority of whom are from the Public Defender’s Office. As such, there are
some prisoners who don’t know who their lawyers are, while most only meet their lawyers at the Court just
before hearings related to their cases. As a result, their right to know in detail the progress of their case is
becoming a big concern for prisoners.
This situation led to the escape of 25 prisoners from Becora Prison on 3 November 2013. Of these 25 escapees, just 5 were convicted prisoners; the other 20 were still on remand in pre-trial detention. The majority
of whom had been awaiting on pre-trial detention anywhere from 8 months to 23 months. We consider that
this situation infringes on the prisoners’ rights to promptly obtain certainty as to the outcome of their cases.
It also violates their right to liberty because they are being detained for long periods without any decision on
their culpability. The uncertainty faced by those 25 escapees, of which 20 were remand prisoners, is just a
small indication of the much larger problem currently faced by many people who are detained in Becora and
Gleno prison.
1. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to pay attention to and accelerate the construction and rehabilitation
of Baucau and Covalima Prisons and the juvenile detention centre being planned in Tibar.
2. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to facilitate the work of the various justice sector actors, including
amending their salary to balance with their work so they can accelerate the judgement process in the
courts and providing a sense of security to them and their families.
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3. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to consider the distribution of transport the Public Defender to aid them
in more frequently visiting their clients in prison to ensure detained persons have the right to properly
defend themselves.
4. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to establish further mechanismsin the Judicial Training Centre so that
more graduates can be accepted into the program to the resolve the human resources problem as it
currently exists in the justice sector.
5. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to promote the role of Public Defenders so that graduates are more
willing to work as public lawyers.
6. Appeal to Public Defender to establish and implement clear internal policies for Defenders, particularly
regarding their responsibilities to their clients, and the obligation to visit their clients in pre-trial detention so that there are not further violations of their right to clear information about the case against
them and its progress.
Justice for Past Crimes
The Right to Truth, according to international humanitarian law, specifically Article 32 of Additional Protocol
I to the Geneva Conventions, commands that family members have the right to know about the fate of their
relatives. Under Articles 33 and 34, the State Parties to the armed conflict are obligated to find and determine
the whereabouts of all those who are missing. To a certain extend this obligation has been carried out, beginning with various UN resolutions, the constituting documents of the commission for truth and justice, and
the report of the Commission of Experts that was mandated by the UN to investigate human rights violations.
These instruments also establish the obligation of States to implement these laws by conferring penal sanctions on the perpetrators which commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the responsibility
to find and bring those perpetrators to trial (Article 49 of Geneva Convention I (1949), Article 50 of Geneva
Convention II (1949), Article 129 of Geneva Convention III (1949) and Article 146 of Geneva Convention IV
However, in Timor-Leste, victims and their family members, who suffered human rights violations between
1974 and 1999, continue to live with uncertainty due to the lack of truth about and justice for their suffering.
Likewise, there are many people whose family members have disappeared and who have yet to receive any
information as to their whereabouts. This despite the fact that the State of Timor-Leste has initiated several
efforts to seek the truth, including through the CAVR (Commission for Truth and Reconciliation) and CTF
(Commission of Truth and Friendship) which was established together with Indonesia, and that these two
Commissions have delivered their recommendations regarding actions with the Governments of Timor-Leste
and Indonesia must take for the victims and their families. In particular, that the victims and survivors must
be able to find their disappeared relatives, which according to the data gathered by CAVR includes approximately 18,600 killed or missing person and approximately 4,500 children who are believed to be currently
living in Indonesia. The State of Timor-Leste has yet to maximize its political power to implement the recommendations of CAVR and CTF.
Besides this, the victims and their families have been demanding that National Parliament approve the draft
law on the Memorial Institute and the draft law on Reparations, which specifically address the rights of victims and their families. However, the reality is that in 2013 there has been no political will from the National
Parliament to review these two draft laws which are currently sitting of the desks of Members of Parliament.
This despite that fact that during the run-up to the national elections in 2012, the majority campaigned saying they would give priority to these two laws, and others. However, since being elected, their campaign
promises have become empty rhetoric further marginalising the victims who remain living in vulnerable conditions.
The families who lost their relatives during the political conflict of 1974-1999, remain living in uncertainty beHAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
cause they have no accurate information about the whereabouts of their relatives. Some victims’ families are
themselves engaging in efforts to find out further information about their family members but these efforts
haven’t yet been institutionalised as the CTF has recommended to the States of Indonesia and Timor-Leste.
Conversely, the National Human Rights Institutions, the PDHJ and Komnas HAM from Indonesia, signed an
agreement relating to the issue of disappeared and missing person, particularly the separated children who
currently live scattered across Indonesia. However, in reality, the PDHJ have not yet maximised their competency to implement this agreement.
1. Appeal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation to cooperate with the Indonesian Government
to accelerate efforts to establish the special commission to search for missing and disappeared person
from the 1974-1999 conflict;
2. Appealto the National Parliament to endorse the recommendations from CAVR and CTF so the Government can begin implementation;
3. Appeal to the National Parliament to reactivate the discussion to approve the draft law on the Memorial
Institute and the draft law on Reparations for victims and their families;
4. Appeal to the Government and National Parliament to consider the advantages the International Convention on Enforced Disappearances in order to move towards ratification.
These particular rights cannot all be achieved in the short-term because they are considered progressive
rights. However, the State cannot delay efforts which are aimed at addressing their obligations to fulfil these
rights. Yet, in the case of Timor-Leste, the State is not carrying out their obligations according to the basic
legal framework which it has adopted. At the very least, when making decisions about the allocation of public
funds, the State must prioritise allocations which can properly address its legal responsibilities as mandated
by the Government’s own legal framework.
Education Sector
Based on international standards, there are some steps which the State must take in order to realise the
rights to education. The first is accessible and free, compulsory primary schooling for all (Article 13 (2) (a)
of ICESCR (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights). This right is also recognised in
Timor-Leste’s Constitution, namely that the State recognises and guarantees the right of every citizen to basic
education and culture and that, to the greatest extent possible according to its capacity and the law, the State
will establish a public system which is universal, compulsory and free (Article 59 (1) of the Constitution). As
such, we recognise that the State, through the Government, has partially carried out its obligation to fulfil the
rights of all citizens to education.
However, when considering the specific aspects of the right to education according to the standards which
Timor-Leste has adopted, the Government has yet to properly implement its obligations. From HAK’s observations in our monitoring districts, the majority of public schools confront numerous problems which diminish
the opportunity children have to receive a good quality education that is consistent throughout the territory of
Timor-Leste. Almost half of public schools, from primary schools (1086) up to secondary school (44 schools)
in Timor-Leste have structural and physical problems that are not favourable to a productive learning environment.
The problematic conditions which public schools confront include a lack of tables and chairs for students as
well as physical problems which result in leaking buildings during rainy periods or, worse, potential threats to
the lives of students and teachers. Many schools don’t have clean water and toilets, or libraries, or adequate
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
offices for teachers. These conditions do not satisfy the necessary requirements of the right to education
based on the legal standards adopted by Timor-Leste, that education must be accessible to all. As such, the
State must provide sufficient educational institutions and teachers for all. The State must guarantee that the
facilities of educational institutions are adequate, the salaries of teachers are adequate and provide adequate
training and training materials to teachers.
One small example from Viqueque District Regional Education Office highlights this point but also reflects the
overall situation for education in the territory of Timor-Leste:
Total of
Class rooms
Table & Chairs
Clean water
Primary School
Primary School
This table demonstrates that most schools in Viqueque have problems with their physical condition. Forty-one
percent of classrooms have problems and forty-seven percent are lacking sufficient tables and chairs for the
students to properly learn. In more than half of schools (55%) the teachers’ offices are in poor condition.
This situation doesn’t encourage teachers to stay at school during school hours and means they don’t have a
security place to store their teaching materials and student reports. Therefore, teachers prefer to take these
home rather than store at school. The cause of these is unclear but it is not just the physical teaching conditions that give rise to poor attitudes among teachers, who then abandon their students at school. In many
places, children return home early because they don’t have teachers.
Similarly, the table also shows that many schools (43%) don’t have clean water, therefore even if there are
proper toilets, they cannot be used when there is no water system.This situation needs to be resolve because
it can have a significant impact on participation rates at school, particularly for female students who won’t
want to attend during school hours, despite the Government policy of compulsory education for all. Moreover,
just generally, a lack of clean water and toilets will create an insanitary environment for school children.
Another situation that the Government must give attention to is the school feeding program (“Merenda Eskola”). Politically this is a good program because it is designed to provide balanced nutrition to all Timorese
school children while at primary school. However, the management and control of the program’s implementers must be addressed to ensure they provide food which is hygienic and healthy for the children. In some
situations, greater attention needs to be given to ensure balance distribution of funds between schools in
rural areas and those in or near the Capital, so as to guarantee that all children in the rural areas have access
to the same menu, with the same quality, as those children in the Capital.
Another issue to which the Ministry of Education must give adequate consideration is the subsidy received by
the people who cook for the program. The Government must consider their work and provide a subsidy or
salary that complies with the standards set down in the law and which is separate from the program budget,
so that the program managers will not misuse funds but rather ensure they use it to purchase good, healthy
food for the children. This program must also not victimise the children by obliging them to carry firewood
from the house to be used by the program to cook the food.
Aside from the physical problems with schools, there is also the issue of the national education curriculum,
which has not yet established a clear system of learning or been properly implemented. This in turn prejuHAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
dices those secondary school graduates who wish to progress onto higher education. To this end, there is also
no clear policy on how to select the top students to attend tertiary education, and sometimes the Ministry
of Education gets confused between guaranteeing quality of students and its policy of ensuring the children
of veterans are given the opportunity through recommendations from village chiefs if their mother or father
was a veteran. This policy further narrows the options for filtering the quality of candidates that are chosen
to study at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL). This policy is also arguably a type of collusion or
discrimination created by the Government, which, if allowed to continue in the future, will discourage children
from studying hard to compete for places in the National University.
1. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to conduct a detailed assessment so as to ensure that public funds
are allocated according the needs of each school in order to ensure that the quality of the school feeding program is the same for all students across Timor-Leste.
2. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to establish a strong monitoring policy to review teachers to ensure
they comply properly with their teaching responsibilities and they don’t abandon their students during
school hours.
3. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to given greater attention to the infrastructure of public schools and
ensure they repair those schools that are currently run-down so that those schools can provide a more
productive working environment, and to address the issue of sanitation and clean water in all schools.
4. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to continue providing training to teachers so as to elevate their
teaching capacity.
5. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to address the need to establish adequate library facilities in each
school to support the students and teachers with their studies.
6. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to clearly and properly define the curriculum policy and adapt to
the global education system so that secondary school graduates are not prejudiced in continuing onto
tertiary education at national level or in other countries.
Health Sector
“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his
family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services” (Article 25 (1) of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)). Therefore, health is one of the most fundamental rights
of human beings. It is a fundamental right because this right is necessary in order ensure other rights can
be achieved. This is also recognised in international law which Timor-Leste has ratified, specifically ICESCR,
which states that all human beings have the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health in order
to live with dignity (Article 12, ICESCR). The Constitution of Timor-Leste similarly recognises this right under
Article 57.
Therefore, according to the above mentioned legal instruments, the State has an obligation to fulfil this right.
In the context of Timor-Leste, the Government has already realised in part this right. Specifically, the public
health services provide free medical assistance, hospitals have been established, the medical centres and
posts are nearby and accessible to the community. They are also focused on increasing the capacity of health
care workers in the hospitals, medical centres (Sentru Saude) and medical posts (Postu Saude). However,
there are still many issues with the implementation and attendance of health care services which the Government must still address in order to guarantee easy and free access to health services.
Based on HAK’s observations, the medical posts in rural areas are still lacking the facilities and health workers to provide health assistance to community, as a result in some villages (sucos) the medicalposts do not
yet provide decent medical assistance to their respective communities. Instead, those who require medical
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
assistance still travel to the health centres which are often a long way from their village. Aside from lacking
adequate facilities for health workers to deliver proper assistance to the community, many medical posts lack
adequate facilities so that health workers can live near the medical posts in order to provide better services
to the community. Consequently, many doctors have to live in the sub-district capital and travel to their respective posts each morning.
The inadequate medical facilities also impact on other health programs, in particular the SISCA health program. There were no major problems identified with the implementation of the SISCA program in villages and
hamlets near to the towns, however, in more remote areas there were difficulties with proper implementation. Remote communities complained that health workers with the SISCA program did not have an accurate
plan which then impedes community participation in the program. As a result, sometimes it is difficult for the
program to reach those who live far from the village centre.
There are many complaints from the community about the medical assistance that they receive at the National Hospital.The community complains that during medical treatment at national hospital, after receiving their
medication prescription, sometimes they are required to go and purchase it from a private pharmacy because
the hospital has no stock of the medicine. On the other hand, there are also some complaints from community that according to information obtained through social media, the Ministry of Health, through Sames (the
area responsible for the purchase of medicines and equipment), actually has some of the medicine which the
hospitals and medical centres require but it has not completely distributed its supplies before the expiry date
and therefore has had to destroy some medications. This situation requires attention to control public funds
so that they are spent just according to what is needed and not wasted on unnecessary items.
1. Appeal to Ministry of Health to pay close attention to infrastructure of health facilities from the village
level right up to the national level to facilitate health workers in improving the delivery of medical services.
2. Appeal to Ministry of Health to create adequate conditions for health workers in rural areas to deliver
effective medical assistance to the community.
3. Appeal to the Government to clearly identify those diseases which exist in Timor-Leste, including incidents per year, so that they can allocate public funds to ensure the necessary equipment and medicine
is available to address these diseases rather than again distributing public funds to equipment and
medicine which is unnecessary and will therefore just expire.
Land Disputes
Land issues in Timor-Leste are a long-standing problem from colonial times which has still not been resolved.
We can see from HAK’s data published in our monitoring report for May-July 2013 that land problems made
up fifty percent of the cases arising at the village level. The rest of cases reported by village chiefs were
as follows: domestic violence (13%), attempted and sexual violations (2%), theft of animals and property
(10%), animals trespassing onto farms and destroying food and plantations (7%), violence among youths
(10%), violence by police against youth (1%), impregnating a women and abandoning responsibility (4%),
murder (1%) and witchcraft (2%).
The 81 land cases reported above were resolved in the following ways: four percent were brought to trial,
one percent brought to the Land and Property Department, thirty-one percent remained pending and sixtyfour percent were resolved. If we compare the above data to HAK’s data from the following three months
(August to October), land cases still form the largest percentage of cases in the community (82%) as compared with usual criminal cases, although the actual number of cases reduced to just 63. From the number
of land cases, fifty-two percent remain unresolved in the community, one percent elected to take their case
to court, while forty-six percent were resolved within the community through mediation carried out by local
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
When we consider the high percentage of land cases arising in the community and the process they using
to resolve these cases, whether in the community or the course it is clearly that a specific legal framework
is required to help resolve these cases. This year the Government has made efforts towards finalising the
package of three land laws which are currently in the consultation process. We hope the Government will
incorporate the ideas from the community and complete this process as quickly as possible so that the draft
laws may be re-introduced to National Parliament for approval. It is especially important this package of laws
actually reflects the situation and condition of the Timorese people, so that in the future these specific laws
can properly help to resolve these land disputes, rather than simply creating more problems. We particularly
hope that the law will actually respect and protect the social value and principles which we ascribe to land
according to our culture, so that land become a source of life and peace for all people, not just a source of
conflict in people’s lives.
1. Appeal to National Parliament to carefully study the package of land laws before approving them, other
wise the land law will not actually resolve the problem of land disputes, which are currently the highest
percentage of cases being reported in Timor-Leste.
2. Appeal to Ministry of State Administration to provide paralegal training to local leaders to help them
better carry out their duties and to better resolve land disputes.l
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
V. Conclusions and Recommendations
In 2013, the human rights situation, as demonstrated by the data here in included, it is possible to conclude
that efforts by the State to fulfil the rights of the people, in respect of civil and political rights, have made
some progress, despite some violations being committed by certain members of the security institutions
when carrying out their duties. However, with regards to economic, social and cultural rights, the remains a
need for much greater attention from the State in order to better protect and fulfil these specific rights because in many areas, there remain significant impediments to ensure that communities receive proper access
to health, education and food to ensure a secure livelihood.
Appeal to the PNTL General Command, particularly to the Professional Standards Unit, when receiving
complaints from the community about their police officers committing violations while carrying out their
duties, these must be processed immediately and quickly through existing legal mechanisms in order
ensure the professionalism and accountability of the police in the performance of their duties.
Appeal to the PNTL General Command to continue providing training to increase the knowledge of human rights law among their police officers, especially regarding appropriate use of force when carrying
out their duties in order to ensure the peace and security of the community.
Appeal to the Secretary of State for Security (SES) to, within this year, resolve the problem of inadequate police facilities at the national and district level.
Appeal to the PNTL General Command to ensure balanced distribution of equipment, especially uniforms and transportation between PNTL at the national and district levels to assist them in properly
carrying out their duties.
Appeal to SES to continue cooperating with civil society to establish ongoing training to improve the
knowledge of PNTL members about law and human rights that will assist them in carrying out their
duties in the community.
Appeal to the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) to proactively investigate violations
and publish the results so that victims and their families can receive justice.
Appeal to PDHJ as well as national and international NGOs working on human rights, to continue educating the community about the role of police in guaranteeing human rights, as well as the principles
of human rights and especially those of suspects throughout the judicial process.
Timor-Leste needs proper policies that comply with international and national procedures so that, in the
future, they can process refugees. For example, the authorities need training about refugee law, and,
for those already here, they need access to translation service and other help to understand their rights
and the progress of their case.
Appeal to Secretary of State for Security, as the competent institution for immigration issues, to reinitiate the revisions to the Decree Law 9/2003 on Immigration and Asylum so that the law can be
developed to comply with Timor-Leste’s international obligations.
10. Appeal to his Excellency, the President of the Republic of Timor-Leste, as the representative of TimorLeste to deliver a political petition to the State of Myanmar appealing to the need for political stability
to begin the return to peace and stability, which in turn will contribute to the preservation of democracy
and respect of human rights in Myanmar.
11. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to pay attention to and accelerate the construction and rehabilitation
of Baucau and Covalima Prisons and the juvenile detention centre being planned in Tibar.
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
12. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to facilitate the work of the various justice sector actors, including
amending their salary to balance with their work so they can accelerate the judgement process in the
courts and providing a sense of security to them and their families.
13. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to consider the distribution of transport the Public Defender to aid them
in more frequently visiting their clients in prison to ensure detained persons have the right to properly
defend themselves.
14. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to establish further mechanismsin the Judicial Training Centre so that
more graduates can be accepted into the program to the resolve the human resources problem as it
currently exists in the justice sector.
15. Appeal to the Ministry of Justice to promote the role of Public Defenders so that graduates are more
willing to work as public lawyers.
16. Appeal to Public Defender to establish and implement clear internal policies for Defenders, particularly
regarding their responsibilities to their clients, and the obligation to visit their clients in pre-trial detention so that there are not further violations of their right to clear information about the case against
them and its progress.
17. Appeal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation to cooperate with the Indonesian Government
to accelerate efforts to establish the special commission to search for missing and disappeared person
from the 1974-1999 conflict;
18. Appeal to the National Parliament to endorse the recommendations from CAVR and CTF so the Government can begin implementation;
19. Appeal to the National Parliament to reactivate the discussion to approve the draft law on the Memorial
Institute and the draft law on Reparations for victims and their families;
20. Appeal to the Government and National Parliament to consider the advantages the International Convention on Enforced Disappearances in order to move towards ratification.
21. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to conduct a detailed assessment so as to ensure that public funds
are allocated according the needs of each school in order to ensure that the quality of the school feeding program is the same for all students across Timor-Leste.
22. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to establish a strong monitoring policy to review teachers to ensure
they comply properly with their teaching responsibilities and they don’t abandon their students during
school hours.
23. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to given greater attention to the infrastructure of public schools and
ensure they repair those schools that are currently run-down so that those schools can provide a more
productive working environment, and to address the issue of sanitation and clean water in all schools.
24. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to continue providing training to teachers so as to elevate their
teaching capacity.
25. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to address the need to establish adequate library facilities in each
school to support the students and teachers with their studies.
26. Appeal to the Ministry of Education to clearly and properly define the curriculum policy and adapt to
the global education system so that secondary school graduates are not prejudiced in continuing onto
tertiary education at national level or in other countries.
27. Appeal to Ministry of Health to pay close attention to infrastructure of health facilities from the village
level right up to the national level to facilitate health workers in improving the delivery of medical services.
28. Appeal to Ministry of Health to create adequate conditions for health workers in rural areas to deliver
effective medical assistance to the community.
29. Appeal to the Government to clearly identify those diseases which exist in Timor-Leste, including inciHAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
dents per year, so that they can allocate public funds to ensure the necessary equipment and medicine
is available to address these diseases rather than again distributing public funds to equipment and
medicine which is unnecessary and will therefore just expire.
30. Appeal to National Parliament to carefully study the package of land laws before approving them, otherwise the land law will not actually resolve the problem of land disputes, which are currently the highest
percentage of cases being reported in Timor-Leste.
31. Appeal to Ministry of State Administration to provide paralegal training to local leaders to help them
better carry out their duties and to better resolve land disputes.l
HAK Association - Human Rigths Report 2013
Konselho Kurador:
1. Jose Luis de Oliveira
2. Oscar da Silva
3. Santina Soares
Konselho Fiskal:
1. Abdullah Hadi Sagran
2. Fernando Antonio da Costa
2. Maria Manuela Leao Pereira
Konselho Exekutivu:
1. Manuel Monteiro Fernandes
2. Rogerio Soares
Suporta husi:
Unidade Asesoria Direitus Umanus Nacoens
Unidas ba Timor-Leste
Embaisada Etadu Unidus Amerika
iha Timor-Leste

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