GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct


GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct
Company Code of
(Compliance Policy)
Policy type:
1 September
Effective date
1 September
Aprova husi:
1 Setembru
Revizaun Historia
Revision history
Kompanhia nia
Kodigu Etika
Summary of
Data efetivu
1 Setembru
This is a controlled document. The master document is
posted on the Company website. Representatives may
print off this document for training and reference
purposes but are responsible for regularly checking the
Company website for the current version.
Ida ne’e dokumentu kontrola. Dokumentu prinsipal
publika iha site. Representante sira bele imprimi
dokumentu ne’e ba treinamentu no referensia ba
proposta maibe responsavel atu verivika regularidade
iha kompanhia nia site kona ba versaun foun.
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
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Purpose .......................................................... 3
Applicability .................................................... 3
Purpose.......................................................... 3
Definitions ...................................................... 3
Policy.............................................................. 6
Applicability.................................................... 3
Definitions...................................................... 3
Policy............................................................. 6
4.1. Integrity and ethics .................................... 6
General integrity ............................. 6
Accountability ................................. 7
Transparency and record keeping .. 8
Duty of Care ................................... 8
Tax .................................................. 8
Procurement ................................... 8
Anticorruption/Bribery/Graft ............ 9
Intellectual Property ...................... 10
Scientific integrity.......................... 10
Fraud/waste/abuse ....................... 11
Conflicts of Interest ....................... 11
4.1.12. Insider Trading.............................. 12
Privacy and information protection .............. 12
Accountability................................. 7
Transparency and record keeping.. 8
Duty of Care................................... 8
Tax.................................................. 8
Procurement................................... 8
Anticorruption/Bribery/Graft............ 9
Intellectual Property........................ 10
Scientific integrity............................ 10
Fraud/waste/abuse......................... 11
Conflicts of Interest......................... 11
Insider Trading................................ 12
Privacy and information protection................. 12
Privacysafeguarding, responsibilities and
expectations ............................................ 12
Privacysafeguarding, responsibilities and
expectations.............................................. 12
Access to and protection of information
and resources ......................................... 13
Information technology systems use ...... 14
Access to and protection of information
and resources........................................... 13
Antidiscrimination and Child protection ........ 15
6.1. Antidiscrimination .................................... 15
6.2. Child protection ....................................... 16
Environment, health and safety ................... 18
Sustainability and the environment ......... 18
Health and safety .................................... 18
Anti-narcotics and drug free workplaces 18
7.4. Antipersonnel mines ............................... 19
International governance ............................. 19
5.3. Information technology systems use........ 14
Antidiscrimination and Child protection.......... 15
Antidiscrimination...................................... 15
6.2. Child protection......................................... 16
Environment, health and safety..................... 18
Sustainability and the environment........... 18
Health and safety...................................... 18
Anti-narcotics and drug free workplaces... 18
Antipersonnel mines................................. 19
International governance............................... 19
Political activity ....................................... 19
Trafficking ............................................... 19
Political activity......................................... 19
Trafficking................................................. 19
Terrorism................................................. 19
Terrorism.................................................. 19
Sanctions.................................................. 20
8.4. Sanctions ................................................ 20
Duty to comply ............................................. 20
4.1. Integrity and ethics.................................... 6
General integrity............................. 6
Reporting ..................................................... 21
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
Duty to comply............................................... 20
Reporting....................................................... 21
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This Policy describes the Company’s approach to
conducting business around the world. The Company
is committed to operating worldwide in a manner fully
consistent with the highest standards of conduct
including following best practices pertaining to integrity
and ethics, antidiscrimination and Child protection,
health and safety, anticorruption and other areas in
order to promote good governance and positive
Politika ida ne’e deskreve kompanhia nia
aprosimasaun atu halao negosiu iha mundu tomak.
Kompanhia kompromisiu atu halao operasaun iha
mundu tomak ho maneira totalmente kompativel ho
padaraun aas husi nia kondukta inkluipratiku diak sira
ne’ebe tuir mai atu integridade no etika,
antidiskriminasaun no proteje labarik sira, saudavel no
seguru, antikorupsaun no area seluk iha orden atu
promove governasaun diak, impaktu positivu.
This Policy is applicable globally to all Company
operations, and all Representatives of the Company. It
also applies to joint ventures where the Company has
a controlling interest and to any project where the
Company has responsibility for the functions of the
Responsible Official. Any deviation from this Policy
requires the approval of the Responsible Official.
Politika ida ne’e aplikavel global ba operasaun
kompanhia hotu-hotu, no kompanhia nia
representante hotu-hotu. Ida ne’e mos aplika ba joint
venture ne’ebe kompanhia tenke iha kontrola interese,
no ba kualkuer projetu ne’ebe responsabilidade atu
funsiona responsabilidade ofisial. Kualkuer dezafiu
husi poitika ne’e rekere aprovasaun husi responsavel
The Company has in place Guidelines, SOPs,
Business Processes and Tools to support
implementation of this Policy.
Kompanhia iha nia fatin orientasaun, SOPs, Prosesu
negosiu, eqipamentu atu suporta implementasaun ba
politika ida ne’e.
The Responsible Official, with input from the business
as appropriate, is responsible for preparing and
implementing the related Guidelines, SOPs, Business
Processes and Tools.
Responsaboilidade ofisial, ho sugestaun ne’ebe husi
negosiu apropriedade ida ne’e responsabilidade atu
prepara no implementa relasiona orientasaun, SOPs,
prosesu negosiu, no ekipamentu.
Guidelines, SOPs, Business Processes and Tools may
vary with different operating environments if required
by local legislation, Client rules and regulations and
other factors, subject to the approval of the Chief
Operations Officer.
Orientasaun, SOPs, prosesu negosiu no ekipamentu
ne’ebe dala ruma diferensia ba operasaun ambiente
karik rekere husi legislasaun lokal, regra kliente,
regulasaun, no fator sira seluk, ho objetivu atu aprova
direktur ofisial operasaun.
“Bribery” or “Bribe” means to directly or indirectly offer,
promise or provide a financial or other advantage
(including hospitality) to another person to:
Induce or encourage the other person to
perform a function improperly;
Induce or encourage the other person to
expedite the performance of a routine
government action (see “Facilitation
Payment”); or
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
“suborno” katak direitamente ou indireitamenta
oferese, promete finansial ou vantajen sira seluk
(inklui hospitalidade) ba ema seluk atu:
Indus ou enkorajen sira seluk atu halao nia
dezempenhu ho impropriamente.
Indus ou enkorajen ema seluk atu aselera
dezempenhu asaun governasaun
rutina(hare “fasilitasaun pagamentu”); ou
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Reward the other person for the improper
performance of a function.
Rekompensa ema seluk atu dezempenhu
nia funsaun
“Business Process” means a sequence of linked tasks
and related decisions that result in or contribute to the
delivery of a product or service.
“Prosesu negosiu” katak seqensia ba tarefas ne’ebe
ligadas no relasiona desizaun katak resulta iha ou
kontribui ba produtu ne’ebe entrega ou servisu.
“Child” or “Children” means a person or persons below
the age of 18, unless the laws of a particular country
set the legal age for adulthood younger.
“Labarik” ka “labarik sira” katak ema ou ema sira
ne’ebe nia idade 18 ba kraik, exeptu lei husi nasaun
partikular hakerek idade legal ba idade adulta ou
“Client” means any individual or entity who engages
the Company to provide goods or services.
“Commercial Sex Act” means any sex act on account
of which anything of value is given or received.
“Kliente” katak individual ne’ebe deit ou entidade
ne’ebe envolve iha kompanhia atu prepara sasan ou
“Aktu Komersial sexu” katak aktu sexu ne’ebe deit
ne’ebe iha kualkuer valor saida deit ne’ebe fo no simu.
“Compliance” means adherence to laws, codes,
regulations, rules, standards, policies and guidelines
“Kumprimentu”katak tuir Lei, kodigu, regulasaun,
concerning proper conduct, management and business
regra, padraun, politika no orientasaun kona ba
transaksaun kondukta, gestaun no negosiasaun
“Conflict of Interest” means when a Representative’s
interests are inconsistent with or are otherwise in
“Intrese konflitu” katak wainhira representante nia
opposition to the interests of the Company, the
interese sira la konsistente ho ou opozisaun ba
Company’s Clients or the Company’s stakeholders.
kompanhia nia interese, kompanhia nia kliente ou
kompanhia nia kilente ou kompanhia nia nain.
“Company” refers to Palladium Group Holdings Pty Ltd
and all of its subsidiaries or related companies.
“Kompanhia” Empreza refere ba Palladium Group
Hodings, Pty, Ltd no subsidiaria hotu-hotu ou
“Corruption” means the abuse or perversion of
relasiona ho kompanhia.
entrusted power, including the expectation of
“Korupsaun” katak abuza ou prevezaun ba poder
impartiality, for private or unlawful gain.
konfiadu, inklui expektativa husi imparsialidade atu
hetan buat ruma privadu no ilegal.
“Discrimination” means the unjust or prejudicial
treatment of different categories of people, especially
“Diskriminasaun” katak tratamentu injustu ou prejudika
on the grounds of a protected class.
husi diferensia kategoria ema, liu-liu razaun klase
ne’ebe protege.
“Duty of Care (DOC)” refers to the obligation of the
Company to take reasonable care to prevent
“Dever Kuidadu (DOC)” refere ba obrigasaun
foreseeable harm to any Representative and provide a
kompanhia atu foti responsavel kuidadu atu prevene
safe system of work.
danu sira ne’ebe bele akontese iha futuru ba
“Employee” means any person who has a part-time,
full-time, intermittent, continuous or fixed-term
employment relationship with the Company.
“Facilitation Payment” means a direct or indirect
payment to a Public Official to expedite the
performance of a routine government action. Routine
government actions include, but are not limited to,
clearing customs, processing visas and scheduling
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
representativu ruma no prepara sistema seguru
servisu nian.
“Traballador” katak ema ruma ne’ebe ho loron sorin,
loron tomak, intemitente, kontinua, ou termu fixu
relasaun servisu ho kompanhia.
“Pagamentu fasilidade” katak direita ou indireita
pagamentu ba ofisial publiku atu aselera desempenhu
husi asaun rutina guvernu. Inklui asaun rutina guvernu
mas la limite ba, desalfandegamentu, prosesu visa,
marka inspeksaun.
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“Fraud” means dishonestly obtaining a benefit or
causing a loss by dishonest or other improper means.
“Fraude” katak la honeste hodi hetan benefisiu ou
hamosu danus liu husi meiu ne’ebe la honestu.
“Graft” means the misuse of authority for personal
“korupsaun” katak abuzu poder atu hetan buat ruma
ne’ebe interese privadu.
“Guidelines” means the written elaborations on
Company policy that provide further information and
interpretation for the implementation of policy.
“Orientasaun” katak elabora iha kompanhia nia politika
katak prepara informasaun tuir mai no intrepertasaun
ba implementasaun politika.
“Insider Trading” means the purchase or sale of a
Security on the basis of materialnon-public information
about a Security or the issuer of aSecurity. It includes:
“Privilegiadas "katak hola no faan seguru bazea ba
informasaun non-publiku kona ba emite seguransa,
ida ne’e inklui:
Trading by insiders who are aware of
material, non-public information;
Trading by persons other than insiders who
are aware of material, non-public information
that has been either disclosed in breach of an
insider’s fiduciary duty to keep it confidential
or misappropriated; or
Communicating or tipping material, nonpublic information to others, including
recommending the purchase or sale of a
Security while aware of such information.
“Intellectual Property” means rights including, but not
limited to, patents, copyrights and trademarks, with
regard to Goods and/or Services and other materials
which bear a direct relation to or are produced,
prepared, or collected in consequence of or in the
course of the execution of this Agreement.
“Personally Identifiable Information” means any data
that could potentially identify a specific individual or
any information that could be used to distinguish one
person from another and can be used for deanonymizing anonymous data.
“Privacy” means a person’s right to control access to
his or her personally identifiable information.
“Prohibited Act” means any offense under any
applicable statute in any jurisdiction.
“Public Official” means an elected or appointed
executive, administrative, legislative or judicial officer
or employee of a country, state, territory, or political
subdivision thereof; an officer or employee of a public
international organisation; or an officer or employee of
a public enterprise or public body, including officers or
employees of State owned or controlled entities. In
addition, Public Official includes any person who
performs a public function or exercises public authority,
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
material, informasaun non-publiku
Komersial husi ema seluk duke ema laran
ne’ebe hatene material, informasaun non
publiku ne’ebe publika ona iha violasaun
obrigasaun fidusia atu rai konfidensia ou
utiliza sala; ou.
Komunika no aponta material, informasaun
non publiku ba sira seluk, inklui
rekomendasaun kona ba hola ou faan husi
seguransa wainhira hatene informasaun
“Porpriedade Intelektual” katak direitu, inklui mas la
limita ba patentes, direitu autoria, no marka komersial,
ne’ebe hakesi relasaun direitu atu produs, prepara no
kolekta iha konsekuensia husi ou no kursu ezekusaun
ba akordu ida ne’e.
“Informasaun identidade privadu” katak dadus ruma
ne’ebe potensial identifika ba individu spesifiku
individual ou informasaun ruma ne’ebe bele uza bele
halo diferensia ba ema ida ho ema seluk ne’ebe bele
uza ba anonimu segredu.
“Privadu” katak ema ne’ebe iha direitu atu kontrola
asesu ba nia informasaun personalidade privadu.
“Aktu proibidu” katak ofensas kualkuer ne’ebe
aplikavel ba kualkuer juridisaun.
“Ofisial publiku” katak hili, ou nomea exekutivu,
administrativu, legislativu, ou ofisial judisial ou
traballador husi nasaun, estadu, teritoriu, ou
subdisivizaun politika, ofisial ou traballador publiku
organizasaun internasional; ou ofisial ou traballador
husi kompanhia publiku ou organizasaun publiku,
inklui mos ofisial estadu nian ou entidade kontrola. Iha
adisaun, ofisial publiku inklui ema ruma ne’ebe halao
funsaun publiku, ou autoridade exersisiu publik, husi
traballador ou kontratu, ba sukrusal balun, nasional,
estadu, lokal, guvernu muncipiu husi qualquer nasaun
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by employment or contract, for any branch of the
national, state, local or municipal government of any
country or territory. Public Official also includes
employees or officers of political parties as well as
candidates for political office.
“Representative” means an Employee or any person
who has an independent individual contractual
relationship with the Company, whether as a
contractor, consultant or agent of the Company. This
includes non-executive directors of the board.
“Security” means a stock, bond, note or debenture, as
well as options, warrants and similar instruments
related to such stock, bonds, notes or debentures.
“Sexual Harassment” means, including but not limited
to, unwanted sexual advances, sexual jokes, subtle or
overt pressure for sexual favours, sexual innuendoes
and offensive propositions.
“Standard Operating Procedures” or “SOPs” are the
detailed written descriptions of Business Processes
that aim to ensure consistency and quality in process
“Tool” means templates, forms, charts, informational
and any other material prescribed for use in
conjunction with an element of a Policy, Guideline,
Business Process and SOPs.
“Trafficking” means the recruitment, transportation,
transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of
the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion,
abduction, fraud, deception, the abuse of power or a
position of vulnerability or the giving or receiving of
payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a
person having control over another person, for the
purpose of exploitation.
“Workplace Harassment” means, including but not
limited to, threats, intimidation, bullying and subjecting
individuals to ridicule or exclusion.
ou teritoriu. Ofisial publiku inklui traballador ou ofisial
partidu politiku nomos kandidatu ba poitiku ofisial.
“Representante” katak traballador ou ema ruma
ne’ebe indepedente individual relasaun kontraktual ho
kompanhia. Nomos kontraktual indepedente,
konsultan ou agensia kompanhia, ida ne’e mos la
inklui direktor non-ezekutivu.
“Seguransa” katak unidade, ligasaun, nota ou
debentura nomos opsaun,garante no instrumen smilar
ne’ebe relasiona hanesan unidade, ligasaun, notas
noa debentura.
“Asediu” katak inklui mas la limite ba, asaun seksual
ne’ebe la ho hakarak, hahalok sexual, piadas sexual,
presaun sexual,explícita favores sexuais, insinuasaun
sexuais e propostas ofensivas.
“Padraun Prosedimentu Operasaun” no “POPs” mak
deskrisaun ne’ebe hakerek detalhu husi prosesu
negosiu katak ho objetivu atu garante konsitensi no
kualidade iha prosesu ezekusaun.
“Tool” katak formatu, formulariu, grafiku informasaun,
no kualkuer material seluk ne’ebe determina atu uza
ba konzuksaun elementu politika, instruksaun,
prosesu negosiu no SOPs
“Trafiku” katak rekrutamentu, transporte,
transferensia, portu ou simu ema, ho meius ameansa
ou uza forsa ou forma koasaun seluk, fraude,
desepsaun, abuzu poder ou pozisaun vulnerabilidade
ou entrega pagamentu ou benefisiu atu hetan
konsentimentu ema ida nian ne’ebe iha kontrola kona
ba ema seluk, ba eksplorasaun ikus.
“Servisu fatin Asediu” katak inklui mas la limite ba
ameasa, intimidasaun, asediu moral, submetendo
individual sira ba ridículo ou eksekluzaun.
Integridade no Etika
Konduta empreza mak refleksu kompanhia nia valor
no prinsipal sira. Representativa iha obrigasaun atu :
4.1. Integrity and ethics
General integrity
The conduct of the Company is a direct reflection on
the Company’svalues and principles. Representatives
are required to:
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
Observa no kumpri Lei hotu-hotu, no
regulamentu ne’ebe aplikavel , inklui
obrigasaun tratadu ne’ebe relevante no
politika interna, husi nasaun ne’ebe
kompanhia registu hela no mos diferente,
iha nasaun ne’ebe empreza halo negosiu.
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Observe and abide by all applicable laws and
regulations, including relevant treaty
obligations and internal policies, both in the
countries where the Company is registered
and, if different, in the countries where the
Company is doing business;
Read and comply with all Company Policies,
Guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures
and Business Processes;
Conduct business in a truthful, honest,
diligent, transparent and ethical manner;
Treat Clients, other Representatives,
suppliers, consultants and others with whom
we interact, fairly, humanely and with proper
regard for their rights and obligations;
Respect cultural differences among Clients,
other Representatives, suppliers, consultants
and others with whom we interact and
conduct themselves in a manner that will not
reflect adversely on the Company, its
shareholders, Clients, partners or the wider
community; and
Honour commitments and keep confidences.
The Company holds Representatives accountable for
their conduct and expects all Representatives and
others with which the Company does business to
adhere to the spirit and letter of this Policy. To ensure
compliance with this Policy, the Company asks its
Representatives to:
Review this Policy and commit to abide by it;
Ensure that questions about this Policy are
addressed promptly and all Representatives
know how to seek guidance about complying
with this Policy;
Ensure that non-compliant conduct is
reported through any means including
Company email, telephone or the Company
Whistle-blower mechanism as soon as
practicable; and
Report any known or suspected unlawful or
unethical conduct related to the Company.
Self-reporting of non-Compliance is encouraged.
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
Le no halo tuir kompanhia nia politika hotuhotu, orientasaun, padraun prosesu
operasaun no prosesu negosiu;
Halao negosiu ho konfiansa, honestidade,
diligente, transparente, no etika
Trata kliente, representante sira seluk,
fornesedor sira, konsultador, no ema sira
seluk nebe relasiona, ho forma justa,
humana, no konsiderasaun ba direitu no
obrigasaun sira;
Respeitu kultura ne’ebe diferente entre
kliente, reperesentante, fornsedor, no ema
seluk ne’ebe relasiona, no kondukta sira
mesak ho maneira ne’ebe la reflete
negativus sira kompanhia, asosionista,
kliente, pariseirus, no komunidade hotuhotu;
Honra kompromisiu no manter konfidensia.
Kopanhia ne’ebe reponsavel nia representante nia
kondukta no hein katak representante hotu-hotu no
ema sira seluk ho empreza sira ne’ebe halo negosiu
atu adere ba espiritu no letra politika ne’e. Atu garante
kumprimentu poitika ida ne’e kompanhia solisita nia
representante atu:
Hare fali ba politika ida ne no kompromete
atu kumpri.
Garante katak pergunta kona ba politika sira
ne’ebe hatudu imidiata no representante
hotu-hotu hatene oinsa buka orientasaun
kona ba halo tuir poitika ida ne’e;
Garante katak la tuir konduta katak hato’o
relatoriu liu husi kualkuer meius katak inklui
kompanhia nia email, telefone ou folha
timbarada kompanhia nia mekanismu
Hato’o relatoriu ruma ne’ebe hatudu
komportamentu ilegal ou asaun ne’ebe
deskonfia katak viola lei no laiha etika
relasiona ho kompanhia
Autu-relatoriu ba inkumprimentu mak enkorajen.
Kompanhia sei infestiga qualquer relatoriu husi
violasaun politika ida ne’e ou kualkuer unetika ou
kondukta ilegal.
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The Company will investigate any report of a violation
of this Policy or any unethical or unlawful conduct.
Transparency and record
4.1.3. Transparensia and Registu
Kompanhia komitmentu atu transparensia iha negosiu
hotu-hotu. Kompanhia mantein sistema kompresivu
The Company is committed to transparency in all
husi registu. Representante sira tenke garante katak
business dealings. The Company maintains a
registu ofisial hotu-hotu sira indetifika didiak no
comprehensive system of record keeping.
mantein bazeia ba registu gestaun politika. Registu
Representatives must ensure that all official records
sira rekere lolos no akurativu no kualkuer uzo indevidu
are properly identified and maintained according to the intensional, edisaun ou manipulasaun husi registo
Records Management Policy. The records are required ofisial ne’e proibidu.
to be true and accurate and any intentional misuse,
editing or handling of the official records is prohibited.
4.1.4. Dever Kuidadu
Duty of Care
Representatives come under the Duty of Care of the
Company and the Company manages risks associated
with the performance of work. The Company is
responsible for all security arrangements and will be
responsible for the health, safety and security of
individuals and property that is the responsibility of the
Company. The Company holds appropriate levels of
insurance to protect the interests of the Company and
The Company complies with all obligations to pay
taxes, duties and charges imposed or levied in the
countries in which the Company is registered and in
the countries in which the Company is doing business
as required by law including all taxes, entitlements,
other statutory charges and/or any other amounts
payable to personnel in the relevant jurisdiction.
Representante mai tuir dever kuidadu kompanhia nian
no kompanhia gere risku ne’ebe asosiado ho
dezempenhu servisu. Kompanhia responsavel ba
medida seguransa no responsavel ba saude no
seguransa ema nian no sasan ne’e mak responsavel
husi kompanhia. Kompanhia mantein nivel adekuada
seguru atu proteje interese kompanhia no
4.1.5. Taxa
Kompanhia halo tuir obrigasaun hotu-hotu atu selu
impostu, taxa no enkargus impostu ou kobradus iha
nasaun ne’ebe kompanhia registu no iha nasaun hotuhotu ne’ebe kompanhia halao negosiu ne’ebe ezize
husi Lei inklui taxa, direitu, kustu legais seluk no/ou ou
kualkuer valor seluk ne’ebe mak tenke selu ba
juridisaun ne’ebe relevante.
4.1.6 Aprovizionamentu
Kompanhia fiar katak iha kompetensia ne’ebe justu no
kompetensia ho honestidade, transparensia, no justu
iha oportunidade negosiu. Kompanhia sempre buka
atu sai kompetente ne’ebe diak liu husi desempenhu
superior. Kompanhia sei la konspira ho kompetetor
The Company believes in fair competition and
wainhira kontratu hela no, karik konspirar lori ba
competes honestly, transparently and fairly for
kompanhia nia atensaun ida ne’e sei hatoo sein
business opportunities. The Company always seeks to mudansa. Representantivu sira rekere atu tuir lei
aprovizionamentu hotu-hotu ne’ebe aplikavel no
outperform competition in a fair and honest manner
regulasaun. Iha prosesu konkursu publiku,
and seeks competitive advantage through superior
Representativu sira sei, ba sira nia abilidade hotuperformance. The Company will not collude with
hotu, prepara informasaun akurativu ne’ebe presija no
competitors when bidding for contracts and, if collusion
lalais. No informasaun lolos, no la detupar kompanhia
is brought to the Company’s attention it will be reported
nia aprosimasaun, kapasidade ou presu.
without delay. Representatives are required to follow
all applicable procurement laws and regulations. In a
Representante sei la husu ou simu tratamentu
tender process, Representatives will, to the best of
preferensial ou preveligiu spesial ou uza informasaun
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ne’ebe la autoriza atu hetan, inklui dokumentu non
publiku ou dados propriedade sira seluk.
Representante sira labele foti vantajen injustisa ou
indakuada husi qualquer ema ruma liu husi
manipulasaun, disimulasaun, abuzu ba informasaun
Representatives must never ask for or receive
preferential treatment or special privileges or make use privilegius, deturpasaun ba faktu, ou qualquer pratiku
ilegal ou pratika komersial antietika. Representante
of information they are not authorized to have,
sira sei la tenta atu influensia ofisial publiku, ou kliente
including non-public documents or other proprietary
seluk ho pagamentu, prezente, oferese ba traballador
data. Representatives must not take unfair or improper ou hahalok ne’ebe la tuir Lei.
advantage of anyone through manipulation,
concealment, abuse of privileged information,
misrepresentation of facts or any other illegal or
unethical trade practice. Representatives will not
attempt to influence Public Officials or other Clients
with payments, gifts, offers of employment or otherwise
unlawful conduct.
Kompanhia komitmentu atu honestidade,
transparensia, justu no laiha toleransia ba subornu,
inklu falsifikamentu ba pagamentu ou korupsaun.
Kompanhia rejeita ba korupsaun hotu-hotu iha forma
hotu-hotu no konforme ho espiritu no karta ne’ebe
The Company is committed to honesty, transparency
aplikavel ba Lei antikorupsaun. Representante
and fairness and has zero tolerance for Bribery,
Kompnahia Rekere atu:
including making Facilitation Payments or Graft. The
Company rejects Corruption in all of its forms and
complies with the spirit and letter of all applicable
Rejeita korupsaun iha nia forma hotu-hotu,
anticorruption laws and regulations. Company
inklui subornu, halo falsifikasaun
Representatives are required to:
pagamentu, korupsaun ou qualquer hahalok
their ability, provide accurate and truthful information
and will not misrepresent the Company’s approaches,
capabilities or pricing.
Reject Corruption in all of its forms, including
Bribery, making Facilitation Payments, Graft
or any Prohibited Act;
Understand and appreciate that Bribery and
Graft are unlawful and therefore strictly
prohibited, regardless of jurisdiction or
Adopt and enforce all policies that prevent
Corruption in the conduct of business;
Ensure that no Public Official benefits
financially or in any other unlawful way from
the relationship with the Company (or any
Operate with an adequate system of internal
accounting controls and maintain accurate
records that document relevant transactions;
Immediately inform their line manager and
the Director, Risk Management, if information
is discovered indicating that a Prohibited Act
has been committed, has been requested or
otherwise suggested by any person,
including a Public Official or private
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
ne’ebe proibe.
Komprende no apresia katak subronu no
korupsaun ne la tuir Lei no tamba ida ne’e
proibe tebes konforme juridiku no
Adopta no aplika politika hotu-hotu katak
prevene korupsaun wainhira halao negosiu;
Garante katak laiha benefisiu finansial ofisial
publiku ou hahalok seluk ne’ebe viola Lei
husi relasaun kompanhia (ou qualquer
Opera sistema adekuadu kontabilidade ho
iha registu katak dokumenta transasaun
relevante; ho
Informa imidiatamente ba nia linha gerente
no direktur, Gestaun Risku, karik
informasaun ne’ebe hetan hatudu katak Lei
poribe no komitmentu ona, rekere ona, ou se
lae sugere husi ema ruma, inklui ofisial
publiku ou individual privadu, koneksaun ho,
relasaun ho atu servisu hamutuk ho
Kompanhia Representativu labele:
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individual, in connection with,in relationship
with, or working for the Company.
Company Representatives must not:
Directly or indirectly, commit or attempt to
commit, any Prohibited Act, including Bribery,
Graft or making a Facilitation Payment;
Directly or indirectly receive a Bribe;
Use their authority for personal gain; or
Offer, provide or receive unlawful gifts,
benefits, hospitality, advantages, courtesies
or entertainment froma Public Official where
a reasonable person could interpret the offer,
provision or receipt as a Prohibited Actmade
in connection with the Representative’s
duties, status or authority.
Hospitality is permitted under specific circumstances.
Bone fide hospitality or other business expenditure
with the aim of presenting the Company, products or
services, or establishing cordial relations is permitted.
However, hospitality or promotional expenditure can be
misinterpreted as Bribery and Representatives must
keep in mind appearances and perceptions and not
offer hospitality where it could be mistaken to have the
intention of influencing an official to secure a business
advantage, to perform a function improperly or to
expedite the performance of a routine government
Intellectual Property
All Intellectual Property developed in the course of
employment, whether permanent or fixed term, with
the Company remains the property of the Company or,
where contractually specified, the property of its
Representatives are required to comply with all
applicable laws, rules and regulations, Company
policies and procedures, and contractual policies and
procedures of Clients covering Intellectual Property
Scientific integrity
The Company is committed to the highest standards of
scientific integrity when performing any science-based
and research-oriented work. These include ensuring
that research and science-based work is grounded in
documented approaches, is supported by validated
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
Direitamente ou indireitamentu, komete ou
tenta atu komete, qualquer aktu ne’ebe
proibe, subornu, korupsaun ou halo
fasilitasaun pagamentu;
Direitament ou indireitamentu simu subornu;
Uza sira nia autorizasaun atu hetan buat
ruma personalidade;
Oferese, prepara, ou simu prezente ne’ebe
la tuir Lei, benefisiu, hospitalidade,
vantagen, kortezias, ou enterteinamentu
husi ofisial publiku iha ne’ebe ema razoavel
mak bele intreperta oferese ne’e fornese ou
simu hanesan aktu proibidu ne’ebe halo iha
koneksaun ho dever representante, estadu
ou autoridade.
Hospitalidade ne’e premite iha sirkumtansia spesifiku.
Hospitalidade boa fe ou despeza empreza ho nia
objetivu atu aprezenta kompanhia, produtus, servisu,
ou estabelese relasaun kordial premite, maibe
hospitalidade, despeza promosaun, mos bele
intreperta sala hanesan subornu, no representante
tenke tau iha hanoin no presepsaun no laos oferese
hospitalidade ne’ebe bele sai hanesan sala atu hetan
intensaun husi infulensia ofisial atu asegura vantagen
negosiu, atu halao funsaun desempenhu ho diak ou
atu aselera servisu husi asaun rutina guvernu.
4.1.8. Propriedade Intelektual
Intelektual propriedade hotu-hotu dezenvolve iha
kursu traballador, permanente ou termu fixu, ho
kompanhia nafatin propriedade kompanhia ou iha
ne’ebe kontraktual spesifika, propriedade kliente nian.
Reprezentante sira tenki segue lei aplikavel, regra ho
regulasaun, politikas ho prosedimentu husi Empreza,
ho politika contratual ho prosedimentu husi cliente
kona ba direitus propriedaade intelektual.
4.1.9. Integridade sientifika
Kompanhia komitmentu ho padraun aas ba
integridade sientifika wainhira desempenhu siensia
bazeia no peskiza ne’ebe orienta servisu. Ida ne’e
inklui garante katak peskiza no siensia bazeia
fundamenta ne’ebe iha aprosimasaun dokumentu,
ne’e suporta husi dadus validade no informasaun, no
katak rezulta no konkluziona ne’ebe indepedente no
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data and information, and that results and conclusions
are independent and unbiased.
Representatives are required to ensure that there are
no actual or perceived Conflicts of Interest that might
bias work they are undertaking or otherwise call into
question the validity or accuracy of its work. Company
Representatives will not falsify, fabricate, or
misrepresent data or results, even if pressured to do
so by internal or external sources. Due credit must be
given when the work is not the Company’s own.If the
Company is involved in any research work involving
human subjects, then it must follow the highest
standards, laws, rules and regulations applicable and
take great care to interact with any human subjects
with empathy and respect.
The Company does not tolerate fraudulent activity,
waste of Company or Client resources or abuse of
authority by Representatives. Representatives are
required to prevent, detect and report Fraud, waste,
abuse, or any other Prohibited Acts that they know or
reasonably should have known about. The Company
Whistle-blower mechanism is available to report
confirmed or suspected violations and Representatives
are expected to cooperate fully if and when
investigations are undertaken.
Representativu ne’ebe rekere atu garante katak laiha
konflitu lolos ne’ebe ou sente husi interese ho
objetivu ne’ebe servisu bias ne’ebe sira halo ou bolu
iha pergunta validade ou akurativu husi servisu.
Representante kompanhia sei la falsifika, fabrika, ou
falsifika dadus ou rejulta, mezmu atu presionado atu
halo husi fontes internal ou external. Halo kreditu
tamba tenke fo beheeder wainhira servisu ne’e laos
kompanhia nian. Karik kompanhia involve iha peskiza
ruma, involve ema, entaun tenke tuir padraun aas, Lei,
regra, no regulasaun ne’ebe aplikavel, no ho kuidadu
atu intereaksaun ho kualkuer motivu humanu ho
empatia no respeita.
4.1.10. Fraude/desperdisiu/abuzu
Kompanhia la tolera aktividade fraude, residuos
kompanhia, ou fontes kliente ou obuzu husi
autorizasaun representante. Representante rekere atu
prevene, detekta, relatoriu fraude,deperdisiu , abuzu
ou hahalok ruma ne’ebe proibe husi Lei katak sira
hatene ou razoavel atu tenke hatene kona ba ida ne’e.
Mekanismu kompanhia Whistle-blower prepara atu
hato’o relatoriu kona ba violasaun ne’ebe konfirma ou
suspeitu no husu ba representante sira atu kolabora
hamutuk bainhira halao hela investigasaun.
4.1.11. Konflitu Interese
Kompanhia fiar katak ho nakloke no transparensia ho
negosiu sira. Representante tenke separa sira nia
interese personal husi kompanhia ne’e. Konflitu
interese mosu wainhira representante ou membru
The Company believes in open and transparent
ruma husi nia familia imidiata. Nia parseiru,
business dealings. Representatives must separate
organizasaun ho nia traballador ou konaba servisu
their own personal interests from those of the
ruma iha leten, ou iha liur servisu iha ne’ebe
Company. Conflict of Interest arises when a
representante ne’e kontratadu, iha finansial ou iha
Representative or any member of his or her immediate interese seluk, ou sei simu benefisiu ne’ebe tangivel,
family, his or her partner, an organization which
husi asaun ne’ebe foti husi representante. Atual ou
employs or is about to employ any of the above, or any potensial konflitu husi interese tenke hato’o relatoriu
imidiata ba linha representantivu gerente no ba
outside employment in which the Representative is
director, Gerente Risku tan ne’e asaun bele foti atu
engaged, has a financial or other interest in, or will
gere no mitiga konflitu husi interese, inklui maibe la
receive a tangible personal benefit, from an action
limite ba exkluzaun husi representante husi desizaun
taken by the Representative. Actual or potential
conflicts of interest must be reported immediately to
the Representative’s line manager and to the Director, Iha eventu katak kompanhia subjetu ba kodigu ou
Risk Management so that actioncan be taken to
regra husi kondukta seluk husi ne’ebe iha kompanhia
manage and mitigate the Conflict of Interest, including nia politika, orientasaun, padraun operasaun prosesu
but not limited to the exclusion of the Representative
ou prosesu negosiu (hanesan kodigu profesional sira
from any relevant decisions.
seluk), no konflitu ne’ebe mosu antere kodigu sira, ida
ne’e representante nia responsabilidade atu lori
In the event that a Representative is subject to codes
konflitu ba representante nia atensaun linha gerente
ba resolusaun.
or rules of conduct other than those contained in the
Company Policies, Guidelines, Standard Operating
Procedures or Business Processes (such as other
Conflicts of Interest
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
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Version / Versaun: 1.0
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professional codes), and a conflict arises between
these codes, it is the Representative’s responsibility to
bring the conflict to the attention of the
Representative’s line manager for resolution.
4.1.12. Informasaun privilegiada
Kompanhia komitmentu atu transparensia no
konforme ho Lei seguransa hotu-hotu no regulasaun.
Iha seksaun ida ne’e “hola” inklui aktual hola husi
4.1.12. Insider Trading
seguransa, no mos entra iha qualquer kontratu atu
hola ou se lae rekere seguransa no “faan” inklui aktual
The Company is committed to transparency and
faan husi seguransa, no mos tama iha qualquer
Compliance with all securities laws and regulations. In
kontratu atu faan ou se lae husik husi seguransa.
this section, “purchase” includes the actual purchase of Kompanhia sei la tolera informasaun privilegidas ou
a Security, as well as the entry into any contract to
qualquer violasaun Lei seguransa ou regulasaun.
purchase or otherwise acquire a Security and “sale”
includes the actual sale of a Security, as well as the
Representante labele:
entry into any contract to sell or otherwise dispose of a
Faan ou hola tipu seguransa wainhira
garansia material, informasaun non-publiku
The Company does not tolerate Insider Trading or any
relasiona ho seguransa
violation of securities laws or regulations.
Representatives must not:
Direitamente ou indireitamente passa ou
“ponta” material, informasaun non publiku ba
Purchase or sell any type of Security while
ema ruma husi liur kompanhia iha
aware of material, non-public information
sirkumtansia ruma ou ba ema ruma entre
relating to the Security;
kompanhia ne’ebe la presija atu hatene
Directly or indirectly pass on or “tip” material
informasaun sira ne’e; no
non-public information to anyone outside the
Hatene komersial iha seguransa husi
Company under any circumstances or to
qualquer kompanhia ou entidade ho
anyone within the Company who does not
kompanhia ne’ebe mak hatene atu envolve
have a need-to-know such information; and
iha transaksaun konfidensial.
Knowingly trade in the Securities of any
company or entity with which the Company is
known to be engaging in a confidential
Proteksaun informasaun no
Privacy and information
5.1. Privacy safeguarding,
responsibilities and expectations
Safeguarding sensitive and Personally Identifiable
Information and preventing its misuse are essential to
ensure that the Company maintains the highest
standards of professional conduct. Representatives,
partners with which we do business, Clients and
beneficiaries have a right to be protected against
unwarranted invasions of their privacy resulting from
the collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of
their personal information. The Company is dedicated
to the protection of the information which we hold to
prevent actions that could result in substantial harm,
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
5.1. Proteksaun privasidade,
responsabilidade, no expektasaun
Seguransa sensitivu no informasaun personalidade no
prevene abuzu poder sira ne’e esensial atu asegura,
katak kompanhia mantein padraun ne’ebe aas husi
konduta profesional. Representativa sira, parseiru sira
ho ne’ebe halao negosiu. Kliente no benefisiariu sira
iha direitu atu protege hodi kontra invosaun ne’ebe
laiha garante ba sira nia privasidade husi koleksaun,
mantein, uza no diseminasaun husi sira nia
informasaun privadu. Kompanhia dedika atu protege
informasaun sira, ne’ebe ami kaer atu prevene asaun
ne’ebe bele hamosu danu substansial, halo moe,
inkonvensia, ou injustisa ba ema ruma ne’ebe iha
ralasaun ho kompanhia.
Representante hotu-hotu reponsavel atu proteje
informasaun sensitivu no idenfikasaun ema nianhusi
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embarrassment, inconvenience or unfairness to
anyone with which the Company has a relationship.
All Representatives are responsible for protecting
sensitive and Personally Identifiable Information from
unauthorized exposure and reducing the volume and
types of personally identifiable information to only that
which is necessary for business functions.
Representatives must protect the Personally
Identifiable Information they collect, handle, maintain
and transmit and they must use proper collection,
storage, transmission and disposal methods. Further,
Representatives must not access Personally
Identifiable Information they do not need to complete
their job functions and must not disclose Personally
Identifiable Information to unauthorized parties.
ema ruma ne’ebe la autoriza no hatun volume no tipu
informasaun privadu ne’ebe mak presija ba nesesida
funsaun negosiu.
Representante sira tenke protege informasaun privadu
ne’ebe sira kolekta, mantein, transmite no sira tenke
uza koleksaun diak, armagen, transmisaun no metodu
ne’ebe uza. Tuir mai, Rerpresentante labele asesu
informasaun identidade personal sira, la presija atu
kompleta sira nia funsaun servisu no labele fahe
informasaun identidade pesoal waihira la autoriza husi
parte sira.
Failha atu protege informasaun personalidade bele
rejulta indisplina ou terminasaun. Representante hotuhotu iha obrigatoriu atu notifika sira linha gerente karik
hetam violasaun potensial privasidade.
Uztilizador sistema informasaun kompanhia laiha
espektativa razoavel ba privasidade. Ida ne’e dehan
Failure to protect Personally Identifiable Information
katak hau nia informasaun transitadu ou rai iha
may result in discipline or termination. All
kompanhia nia sistema bele monitorin, interseptadu,
Representatives are obligated to notify their line
peskija, no prende, husi kompanhia, tuir mai,
manager if they discover any actual or potential privacy
informasaun ruma ne’ebe transitadu, ou rai iha
kompanhia nia sistema bele divulga, ou uza ba
proposta guvernu ne’ebe legal, inklui aplikasaun Lei,
Users of Company information systems have no
saude publiku, proposta seguransa.
reasonable expectation of privacy. This means that
any information transiting or stored on a Company
system can be monitored, intercepted, searched and
seized by the Company. Further, any information
transiting or stored on a Company system may be
5.2. Asesu atu no proteje
disclosed or used for any lawful governmental purpose
informasaun no rekursu.
including law enforcement, public health or security
Iha sira nia dezempenhu funsaun, Representante bele
garante asesu ba varias fontes informasaun,
5.2. Access to and protection of
konfindensial, ou forma seluk. Ou se lae, kada
informasaun ne’ebe prepara hanesan parte servisu
information and resources
representante ou informasaun ba represetante ne’ebe
asesu ona tenke uza proposta ofisial. Representante
In the performance of their duties, Representatives
sei la halo autorizasaun ruma, impropiu, ou uza ilegal
may be granted access to many sources of
ba informasaun ruma sein proposta ofisial relasiona
information, confidential or otherwise. Any information
ho dezempenhu servisu.
provided as part of a Representative’s duties or any
Alein informasaun sira ne’e, rekursu kompanhia mos
information to which the Representative has access
protege, Representante sira hein atu :
must be used only for official purposes.
Uza ou gere rekursu rua no material rekursu
Representatives will not make any unauthorized,
ho efisiente no efetivu.
improper or unlawful use of any information made
available to them in the performance of their duties.
Evita deperdisiu, abuzu, ba kompanhia nia
Further, Representatives will not access information
rekursu no sei konservar no salvaguarda
without an official purpose related to the performance
proprietariu kompanhia.
of their duties.
In addition to information, Company resources must
also be protected. Representatives are expected to:
Use or manage both human and material
resources efficiently and effectively;
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
Garante katak fasilita hotu-hotu, rekrsu fiziku
no proprietariu ne’ebe nain atu ou aluga husi
kompanhia ne’ebe fo ho kuidadu no
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Avoid waste, misuse and abuse of Company
resources and will conserve and safeguard
Company assets;
Honsetidade orsamentu
Respeitu ambiente natural husi
envolvementu ho pratika servisu amijade.
Ensure that all facilities, physical resources
and other property belonging to or leased by
the Company are given due care and
Budget honestly; and
Respect the natural environment by engaging
in environmentally friendly work practices.
5.3. Information technology systems
All Company information technology systems,
including email and any connected computer
communications network, server and individual
computer workstation or laptop, may only be used for
business purposes. The Company will permit limited
personal use of the information technology systems as
long as the personal use does not interfere with the
Representative’s work or incur an unreasonable
expense to the Company. Representatives’ use of
information technology systems is a business privilege
and, as such, the Company reserves the right to take
disciplinary action, up to and including termination, for
violations relating to use of the information technology
The following are some examples of unacceptable
and, therefore, prohibited actions involving the
Company information technology systems. Actions
include, but are not limited to:
Excessive use of Company information
technology systems for personal use;
5.3. Sistema informasaun teknologia
ne’ebe utiliza
Kompanhia hotu-hotu nia sistema informasaun
teknologia, inklui email, no koneksaun komunikasaun
rede komputador ruma, servidor no estasaun servisu
komputador individu ou laptop, bele uza deit ba
proposta negosiu. Kompanhia sei permite uza
personal limitadu ba sistema teknologia informasaun
durante personalidade utiliza la interfere ho servisu
Representante ou kustu ruma ba despeza kompanhia.
Representantivu sira uza sistema informasaun
teknologia ne’e katak negosiu previligiu,hanesan
kompanhia reserva, direitu atu foti asaun proses
indisiplinar, to’o no inklui terminasaun, ba violasaun
atu uza sistema informasaun teknologia.
Tuir mai ne’e ezemplu balun ne’ebe inaseitavel no
tamba ne’e proibidu asaun ne’ebe involve sistema
informasaun teknologia, inklui asaun, mas la limite ho:
Uza exsesifu sistema teknologia
informasaun ba empresa ba pessoal.
Intensionalmente inefisisnete no gastus ba
propriedade ou rekursu.
La autoriza atu asesu ou uza sistema
informasaun teknologia ruma.
Intentionally inefficient or wasteful of
Company assets or resources;
Kompromete ou danus integridade ou abuzu
qualquer ativu/serviso teknologia
informasaun ou rekursu.
Unauthorised access or use of any
information technology system;
Kompromete privadu husi kompanhia ruma
ou parte tolu uza.
Intentional disruption of the Company’s
internet service, a third party’s internet
service and/or the global internet;
Viola informasaun teknologia relasiona ho
Lei, regra, regulasaun, ou politika iha
juridisaun iha ne’ebe representante servisu
ho hamutuk.
Compromising or damaging the integrity of or
misusing any host/server information
technology assets or resources;
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
Komprometer informasaun propriedade ou
no informasaun sensitivu
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Compromising the privacy of any Company
or third party users;
Uza sistema informasaun teknologia atu
viola koperasaun politiku ou prosesu, inklui
manda ou enkaminha email, ne’ebe mak
viola kompanhia ruma nia politika konforme
hakerek iha kompanhia nia politika.
Violating information technology-related laws,
rules, regulations or policies in the jurisdiction
in which the Representative is working or
Compromising corporate proprietary or
otherwise sensitive information; and
Using information technology systems to
violate corporate policies or procedures,
including sending or forwarding emails, which
violate any of the Company’s policies as
outlined in this Policy.
Although the Company has software to detect known
viruses, Representatives must be aware that pirated
software, email or basic internet use can introduce
viruses into their computer, the corporate network and
broader information technology systems. Caution
should be used when opening emails and files from
unknown senders and downloading content from the
Maski kompanhia nia softwere ate detekta virus,
Representante tenke hatene katak pirate software,
email, internet baziku ne’ebe uza bele intrudus virus
iha sira nia komputador. Kopersaun rede no sistema
teknologia informasaun luan. Kuidadu wainhira atu
uza, loke email no file husi ema ruma ne’ebe la
konyese no download konteudu husi internet.
Representativu sira ne’ebe mak garante sira nia
obrigasaun iha relasaun ba aspeitu ruma husi sistema
informasaun teknologia suporta uza iha servisu fatin
tenke kontaktu sira nia lokal informasaun teknoogia
atu apoiu konselhu asistensia.
Representatives who are unsure of their obligations in
relation to any aspect of information technology system
use in the workplace should contact their local
information technology support for advice and
Antidiscrimination and Child
6.1. Antidiscrimination
The Company values diversity and employs and
partners with individuals and organizations from a wide
range of cultures and races. The Company is
committed to an open and Discrimination free
workplace. Representatives will not engage in
discriminatory behaviours on the basis of race, colour,
gender, language, religion, political or other opinion,
national, ethnic or social origin, property, birth,
pregnancy, marital status, disability, sexual orientation,
age or any other protected status.
Further, the Company is dedicated to promoting
gender equity and inclusive workplaces where persons
with disabilities and other disadvantaged or vulnerable
groups are reasonably accommodated.
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
Antidiskriminasaun no
protesaun ba labarik
6.1. Antidiskriminasaun
Kompanhia valoriza diversidade no traballador,
parseiru ho individual sira no organizasaun husi varias
kultura no rasa. Kompanhia komprometida ho
ambiente nakloke no livre husi diskriminasaun.
Representante sei la involve iha hahalok
diskriminasaun baze iha rasa, ou original sosial,
propriedade, moris, gravida, status, defisiente, sexual
orientasaun, tinan, ou status seluk ne’ebe proteje.
Tuir mai, kompanhia ne’e dedika atu promove
igualidade generu no inkliu ho servisu fatin ho
defisiente sira ou sira ne’ebe ho desvantangen,
vulnareal grupos ne’ebe razoavel akomoda.
Respresentativa sei la involve iha qualquer
diskriminasaunn ruma maibe la limite mos hensan tuir
mai ne’e:
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Representatives must not engagein any discriminatory
behaviours including, but not limited to, the following:
Refusing to hire someone on the basis of
their status;
Terminating Employees on the basis of their
Refusing to promote Employees on the basis
of their status;
Refusing to make adjustments to a
workstation of Employees with a disability;
Treating Employees unfavourably due to their
status; and
Rekuza atu kontrata ho baze status.
Hapara traballador tamba sira nia status
Rekuza atu promove empregador tamba sira
nia status
Rekuza atu halo ajuste ba estasaun servisu
ho defisiente
Trata traballador desfavoravel tamba nia
estatutu; no
Rekuza atu perdua traballador tamba
kompromisiu gravida, kompromisu relasiona
ho defisiente, sirugia mudansa sexuou
medika seluk ne’ebe relasiona ho estadu.
Refusing to excuse Employees for pregnancy
Asediu sexu ou asediu iha servisu fatin laos hahalok
appointments, disability-related
appointments, gender reassignment surgery ne’ebe diak no sei la tolera.
or other such medical reasons related to their
Sexual Harassment or Workplace Harassment is
unacceptable behaviour and is not tolerated.
6.2. Protesaun ba labarik
6.2. Child protection
Kompanhia komitmentu atu defende valor no
propozitu konvensaun UN kona ba Direitu Labarik
The Company is committed to upholding the values
nian. Ne’ebe rekere katak labarik sira sei proteje husi
and purpose of the UN Convention on the Rights of the sira nia dezepenhu servisu ne’ebe bele hamosu
Child, which requires that Children will be protected
perigu, ne’ebe inferir labarik nia edukasaun ou
from performing any work that is likely to be
prejudika labarik nia fizika, mentalidade, espiritu,
hazardous, interfere with a Child’s education, or are
moral no saude sosial. Kona ba juridika iha ne’ebe
harmful to a Child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral or kompanhia regista, ou halo negosiu, aktividade sira
ne’e proibe.
social health. Regardless of the jurisdiction in which
the Company is registered or doing business, these
Kompanhia sei la tolera ba abuzu labarik no ida ne’e
activities are prohibited.
kompromisiu hanesan ba protesaun labrik husi
The Company has a zero tolerance of Child abuse and Representantivu, espesifikamente Respresentantivu
sira sei:
it expects the same commitment to Child protection
from Representatives. Specifically, Representatives
Trata labarik sira ho respeitu kona ba rasa,
Treat Children with respect regardless of
race, colour, gender, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national, ethnic or
social origin, property, birth or other any other
protected status;
Whenever possible, ensure that another adult
is present when working in the proximity of
Use any computers, mobile phones or video
and digital cameras appropriately, and never
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
kor, generu, lingua, religiaun, politika ou
opiniaun seluk, nasionalidade, moral no
origen sosial, propriedade, moris ou status
protesaun sira seluk.
Sempre posivel garante katak adultu seluk
prezensa kuandu servisu ho labarik sira.
Uza qualquer komputador, telemovel,
kamera video no digital ho adekuada, nunka
atu explorar ou molestar labarik sira ou atu
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to exploit or harass Children or to access
Child pornography through any medium;
asezar ba pronografia inisial liu husi
kualkuer meiu.
Refrain from physical punishment or physical
discipline of Children;
Labele halo kastigu fiziku, ou fiziku disiplinar
ba labarik sira.
Refrain from hiring Children for domestic or
other labour; and
Labele halo kontratu labarik sira ba
domestiku no laboral seluk no
Comply with all applicable laws, rules and
regulations concerning Child protection,
including laws in relation to Child labour.
Halo tuir Lei aplikavel, regra, no regulasaun
kona ba protesaun labarik, inklui lei
relasiona labarik.
Representatives will not:
Use language or behaviour towards Children
that is inappropriate, harassing, abusive,
sexually provocative, demeaning or culturally
Representantivu sei la:
Uza lingua ou hahalok ba labarik sira, katak
ida ne’e ladiak, asediu, ofensivu, abuzivu,
provoka sexual, humiliante no kultural ne’be
la adekuada.
Engage Children in any form of sexual
activity or acts where under the law(s)
applicable to the Child, the Child is below the
age of consent or the act(s) are an offence
under relevant laws;
Envolve labarik sira iha qualquer forma
aktivdade sexual ou autus ne’ebe, iha Lei)
aplikavel ba labarik sira. Labarik sira ne’ebe
ida kiik ne’ebe tuir lei sei ki’ik liu.
Invite unaccompanied Children into the
Representative’s home or place of residence
without parental or legal guardian consent;
Konvida labarik sira atu akopanha ba
representante nia uma ou residensia sein
autorizaun inan aman ou representante.
Sleep close to unsupervised Children; and
Toba besik besik labrik sira sein iha ema ida
ne’ebe representante
Supply controlled drugs to Children for use,
trafficking or importing.
When photographing or filming a Child for work-related
purposes, Representatives will:
Fornese aimoruk droga ba labarik sira atu
uza, trafiku no importa.
Wainhira hasai foto ou filme labarik nian ba servisu
relasiona proposta, Representantiva sei:
Assess and endeavour to comply with local
traditions or restrictions for reproducing
personal images before photographing or
filming a Child;
Asesu no esforsa atu kumpri tradisaun lokal,
restrisaun ba reprodusaun personal imagen
antes foto ou imagen ba labarik
Explain how the photograph or film will be
used and obtain consent from the child’s
parent or legal guardian before
photographing or filming a Child;
Esplika oinsa foto ou filme sei uza no hetan
aprovasaun formal husi inan aman ou
representante legal antes hasai photo no
filme ba labarik
Ensure photographs and films however
recorded and stored present Children in a
dignified and respectful manner and not in a
vulnerable or submissive manner;
Garante fotografia no filme maibe grava no
regista iha labarik nia prezensa iha forma
dignidade labarik, no respeitu no laiha
vulnereavel ou submisaun.
Ensure that Children are adequately clothed
and not in poses that could be seen as
sexually suggestive;
Garante katak labarik sira hatais adekuada,
la ho pose ne’ebe bele hatudu sexual
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
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Version / Versaun: 1.0
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Ensure images are honest representations of
the context and the facts; and
Garante imagen katak honestu
representante ba kontekstu no faktu; no
Ensure that physical and electronic labels of
photographs and films do not reveal
identifying information about a Child.
Garante katak fizika, no elektroniku
fotografia no filme la divulga informasaun
identidade labarik nian.
The Company expects Representatives to understand
and appreciate that the responsibility is on them to use
common sense and good judgment to avoid actions
and behaviours that could be construed as Child
Kompanhia husu Representante atu komprende no
respeitu katak responsavel iha sira atu uza sira nia
hanoin no no julga lolos atu evita hahalok ou atitude
ne’ebe bele analiza hanesan abuzu infantil.
Environment, health and
7.1. Sustainability and the
The Company engages in environmentally sustainable
development, promotes conservation and sustainable
use of natural resources, conservation of biodiversity
and heritage sites and disaster risk reduction planning,
ensuring Compliance with environmental protection
legislation in the countries where the Company is
registered and the countries where the Company
7.2. Health and safety
The Company is committed to a safe working
environment that protects the health and wellbeing of
Representatives. The Company complies with all work
health and safety legislative requirements and, in doing
so, focuses on actions to prevent harm and ensure
reasonable care of all Representatives.
Ambiente, Saude, no Seguru
7.1. Sustentabilidade no Ambiente
Kompanhia envolve dezenvolvimentu ambiente
sustentabilidade, promove konservasaun no uza
sustentabilidade rekursu naturais , konservasaun fatin
sira biodiversidade no patrimoniu no planeamenu
hatun risku dezastre, asegura kumprimentu ligasaun
ba protesaun ambiente iha nasaun ne’ebe mak
kompanhia regista no iha nasaun ne’ebe kompanhia
harii kompanhia.
7.2. Saude no seguransa
Kompanhia komitmentu atu asegura servisu ambiente
ne’ebe proteje saude Representantiva. Kompanhia
halo tuir servisu saude hotu-hotu no rekerimentu
legislativu seguru no halo hanesan, tau matan ba
asaun ne’ebe atu prevene danus ou garante diligensia
razoavel husi Representante hotu-hotu
7.3. Anti narkontika no Livre husi
droga iha servisu fatin
7.3. Anti-narcotics and drug free
Kompanhia mantein ambiente servisu ne’ebe livre
husi droga no la tolera fabrikasaun, faan,
transportasaun, distribusaun, uza kualkuer droga ou
narkotika subtansia konsidera ilegal iha nasaun
The Company maintains a drug-free workplace and
does not tolerate the manufacture, sale, transportation, ne’ebe kompanhia regista ou halao hela
servisu.Kompanhia uza esforsu ne’ebe diak atu
distribution, possession or use of any drug or narcotic
asegura pagamentus sira ne’ebe prevista ou
substance deemed to be illegal in the countries in
kompanhia la fornese apoiu direktu ou indirektu ou
which the Company is registered or is performing work.
rekursu ba entidade no individius ne’ebe envolve iha
The Company uses its best efforts to ensure that
trafiku droga.
payments provided to or by the Company do not
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
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Version / Versaun: 1.0
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provide direct or indirect support or resources to
entities and individuals involved in drug trafficking.
7.4. Antipersonnel mines
The Company does not do business with
Representatives or business partners who are
engaged in the sale or manufacture of antipersonnel
mines or components used in the manufacture of such
7.4. Anti pesoal minus
Kompanhia sei la halo negosiu ho Representante ou
parseiru negosiu ne’ebe mak involve faan no
manufaktura anti pesoal minusou komponente uza
manufaktura hanesan mines.
International governance
8.1. Political activity
The Company is committed to and supports
Representative’s rights to engage in civil society in
their personal capacity. Representatives are free to
engage in political activity in their country of citizenship
so long as their involvement is not in conflict with their
official duties, during work hours and does not use
Company resources. Representatives who engage in
political activity are prohibited from representing that
the Company endorses or in any way is associated
with their political activity of other political activities of
any type.
8.2. Trafficking
The Company does not tolerate or condone the
transportation, sale or otherwise Trafficking of human
beings for profit or otherwise. Regardless of the
jurisdiction in which the Company is registered or
doing business, these activities are prohibited.
Representatives will prohibit transactions with, and the
provision of resources and support to, individuals and
organizations associated with human Trafficking.
Further, Representatives must not:
Engage in any form of Trafficking in persons;
Governu internasional
8.1. Aktividade politikal
Kompanhia komitmentu atu no apoiu Representantivu
nia direitu atu involve iha sosiedade sivil iha sira nia
kapasidade personal, Representantivu livre atu
involve iha aktividade politika iha sira nia nasaun
wainhira sira nia involve ne’e la hamosu konflitu ho
sira nia dever ofisial, durante horas servisu, no la uza
kompanhia nia rekursu. Representantivu ne’ebe
involve iha aktividade politika proibe husi
representante katak kompanhia apoia ou ho
aktividade politika seluk ho tipu oi-oin.
8.2. Trafiku
Kompanhia la tolera ou kondena transporte, faan ou
nomos trafiku humana ba rendimantu, indepedente
husi juridiksaun iha ne’ebe kompanhia regista ou
halao negosiu, aktividade sira ne’e proibe.
Representante sei proibe transaksaun ho, no fornese
rekursu humanu no suporta atu, individual no
organizasaun relasiona ho trefiku humana nomos
Representante labele:
Envolve qualquer forma trafiku ema nian
Aranja komersial aktu sexu: or
Uza forsa hodi halao servisu.
Procure a Commercial Sex Act; or
Use forced labour in the performance of any
8.3. Terrorism
The Company does not tolerate or condone
theengagement, directly or indirectly, in terrorism or in
the financing of or support to terrorists. Further, the
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
8.3. Terorista
Kompanhia sei la tolera ou kondena envolvimentu,
direita, indireita, ho terorista ou apoia iha finansas
terorista,nomos kompanhia uza sira esforsu atu
garante katak pagamentu prepara ba ou husi
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Company uses its best efforts to ensure that payments
provided to or by the Company do not provide direct or
indirect support or resources to entities and individuals
involved in terrorism. Transactions with, and the
provision of resources and support to, individuals and
organizations associated with terrorism are prohibited.
kompanhia la direite ou indireita apoiu rekursu ba
entidade no individual involve iha terorista.
Transaksaun ho provizasun rekursu no apoiu atu,
individual no organizasaun relasiona terorista ne’ebe
8.4. Sansaun
8.4. Sanctions
The Company abides by the sanctions put in place by
the international community including but not limited to
the United Nations, the European Union, the United
States Office of Foreign Asset Control, the United
Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Kompanhia hakesi ho sansaun ne’ebe iha
komunidade internasional inklui mas la limite ba
Estadu Unidus, Uniaun Eropa, Estadu Unidus nia
eskritoriu ne’ebe kontroala propriedade internasional,
eskritoriu Reino Unido Estrangeiros no
Commonwealth, no the Australian Department of
Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Kompanhia hakesi ho sansaun relasiona, maibe la
limite ba :
The Company abides by sanctions related, but not
limited to:
Kotentor Narkotiku Trafiku
Counter Narcotics Trafficking;
Kaunter terorismu
Counter Terrorism;
Transnasional organizasaun criminal
Rough Diamond Trade Controls; and
Atu hare lista sansaun bele hare tuir mai ne’e:
Transnational Criminal Organisations.
Updated sanctions lists can be found here:
Duty to comply
It is the responsibility of each Representative to fully
comply with this Policy. Failure to comply may be
subject to disciplinary action including contract
termination, contract non-renewal or other appropriate
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
Dever sira ne’ebe atu halo
Ida ne’e responsabilidade ba kada Representativu atu
halo tuir politika ida ne’e. Faila atu halo tuir bele halo
prosesu asaun indisiplinar inklui hapara kontratu.
Kontratu sei la renova ou asaun seluk ne’ebe
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10. Reporting
Representatives are required to report violations of this
Policy to their manager or through the Company’s
Whistle-blower mechanism.
GBL CC01 Company Code of Conduct (Compliance Policy) /
Kompanhia nia Kodigu Etika (Kumprimentu Politika)
Version / Versaun: 1.0
10. Relatoriu
Representate sira rekere atu hato’o relatoriu politika
ida ne’e ba sira nia Gerente ou liu husi Kompanhia nia
Mekanismu Whistle Blower
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