
KAMIKAZE Económicos
Karate for Kids, por KAMIKAZE (100% algodão). Ultraligeiro, ideal
para iniciantes crianças que não querem gastar muito dinheiro.
Disponível nos tamanhos 110 / 120 /130 e 140. Calças com elástico.
Inclui cinturão branco.
Tamanhos: 000/110,00/120, 00/130, 1/140
ESPECIAL: Karategui económico de peso médio. Ideal para alunos
intermédios (100% algodão).
Tamanhos: 1/140, 2/150, 3/160, 4/170, 5/180, 6/190, 7/200
KAMIKAZE Gama media
INTERNACIONAL JKA: Karategui de corte tradicional e de tecido
pesado, ideal para alunos avançados.
Tamanhos: 2/150, 3/160, 4/170, 5/180, 6/190, 7/200, 8/210
AMERICA: Karategui de gama superior e de tecido muito resistente
com um corte amplio e moderno. Desenhado especialmente para
todos aqueles karatecas que exigem o máximo rendimento ao seu
karategui mas que podem prescindir de um tacto especialmente
cuidado. Excelente relação qualidade preço.
Tamanhos: 2½/155, 3/160, 3½/165, 4/170, 4½/175, 5/180, 5½/185,
6/190 ,6½/195, 7/200, 7½/205
KAMIKAZE Gama alta
MONARCH: Karategui de gama superior e de tecido pesado com
um corte amplio e moderno. Desenhado especialmente para
instrutores e competidores de kata de alto nível. O novo tecido
recebeu uma tecelagem industrial exclusivo para se conseguir o
melhor tato para a pele. El fio utilizado é de máxima qualidade e o
resultado obtido é um conforto de uso, até agora desconhecido.
Tamanhos: 3½/165, 4/170, 4½/175, 5/180, 5½/185, 6/190, 6½/195,
7/200, 7½/205
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SOVEREIGN: Karategui de última geração. O novo tecido ultra
ligeiro foi possível graças aos avanços da indústria têxtil e permite
máxima mobilidade sem se perder resistência. O suor transpira
melhor que nunca e é necessário experimentar o conforto
conseguido - não se pode expressar em palavras! A imagem que dá
este traje é puro dinamismo –de acordo com as exigências de los
instrutores japoneses. O corte do desenho> Hiroshi Shirai <foi
revisto até se conseguir a perfeição em todos os detalhes. O prazer
de fazer Karaté!
3½/165, 4/170, 4½/175, 5/180, 5½/185, 6/190, 6½/195, 7/200,
Jaqueta AZUL Kamikaze (para Goshin, Tai-Jitsu, etc.), modelo
AMERICA: Gama superior e de tecido muito resistente con um
corte amplio e moderno. Desenhado especialmente para Goshin,
Tai-Jitsu e Defensa Personal. Aba reforçada para agarres. Excelente
relação qualidade preço.
Tamanhos: 3½/165, 4/170, 4½/175, 5/180, 5½/185, 6/190, 6½/195,
7/200, 7½/205
Jaqueta NEGRA Kamikaze, modelo KOBUDO: Gama superior e de
tecido muito resistente com um corte amplio e moderno. Aba
reforçada Disinhado especialmente para Kobudo. Resiste bien aos
roces de armas. Excelente relação qualidade preço.
Tamanhos: 3½/165, 4/170, 4½/175, 5/180, 5½/185, 6/190, 6½/195,
7/200, 7½/205
SHUREIDO Línea Clássica
SEMPAI - TOURNAMENT TKW-11: Karategui de gama superior de
tecido de peso medio. O acabamento e desenho de máxima
qualidade garantem o melhor resultado. Desenhado especialmente
para treinos intensos em temporadas ou zonas quentes. Mangas e
calças já cortados à medida ("Tournament cut")
Tamanhos: 3/165, 3½/170, 4/175, 4½/180, 5/185, 5½/190, 6/195,
Karateguis SHUREIDO de cor NEGRA: Os seguintes modelos estão
disponíveis na cor negra:
 Sempai-Tournament (TKB-11)
 Sensei (KB-10)
Tamanhos: 3½/170, 4½/180, 5/185,5½/190, 6/200, 6½/205
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SENSEI K-10. "O clássico". Karategui de gama superior e de tecido
pesado. O acabamento de máxima qualidade garante o melhor
resultado. Corte das mangas e calças largo. Ideal para pessoas com
braços e/ou pernas largas e para todos aquelas pessoas que
gostam de mangas calças largas.
Tamanhos: 3½/170, 4/175, 4½/180, 5/185, 5½/190, 6/195,
6½/200, 7/205
SHUREIDO - Linha Exclusiva
Karategui Shureido, NEW WAVE 1: Ligeiro, pesa um 25% menos
que o NW3. Ideal para Kumite, e quando se sua muito. Perfeito
para instrutores. Tecido misto de algodão e poliéster, última
geração com um espectacular SNAP. Praticamente não encolhe
(apenas un 1%). Fácil de descobertos passar a ferro. Medidas
exclusivas, para deixar a metade do antebraço e tornozelo
Tamanhos: 2/155, 2½/160, 3/165, 3½/170, 4/175, 4½/180, 5/185,
5½/190, 6/195, 6½/200-205, 7/205
Karategui Shureido, MUGEN Liberdade sem limites! Algodão e
poliéster. Karategui com um tecido muito ligeiro de última geração.
Ideal para instrutores e profissionais de Karaté que procuram a
máxima qualidade e o máximo conforto. Novo desenho. Modelo e
medidas exclusivas desenhadas para deixar a metade do antebraço
e tornozelo descobertos.
Tamanhos: 2/155, 2½/160, 3/165, 3½/170, 4/175, 4½/180, 5/185,
5½/190, 6/195, 6½/200
Karategui Shureido, NEW WAVE 3, sem o bordado da marca, ideal
para competidores de KATA de alto nível e para INSTRUCTORES.
Tecido pesado de algodão e poliéster, última geração com SNAP
espectacular. Medidas exclusivas desenhadas para deixar a metade
do antebraço e tornozelo descobertos. Não encolhe e fácil de
passar a ferro.
Tamanhos: 2/155, 2½/160, 3/165, 3½/170, 4/175, 4½/180, 5/185,
5½/190, 6/195, 6½/200, 7/205
SHIHAN-TOURNAMENT TKC-10: Composição Raeón, poliéster e
algodão. Karategui de gama superior e de tecido pesado mas que
resulta muito confortável de usar.
Desenhado especialmente para mestres e confeccionado com
materiais exclusivos que garantem menos encolhimento e uma cor
mais branca e limpa.
Tamanhos: 3/165, 3½/170, 4/175, 4½/180, 5/185, 5½/190, 6/195,
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Karategui Shureido, modelo NEW WAVE 3, WKF para KATA:
Algodão e poliéster. Karategui oficial com homologação FMK/WKF.
Ideal para competidores de Kata de alto nível. Tecido muito pesado
de última geração com um espectacular efeito SNAP. ¡O traje que
leva a equipa japonesa, campeãs do mundo de kata! Novo
desenho. Modelo e medidas exclusivas pensadas para deixar a
metade do antebraço e uns centímetros acima do tornozelo
descoberto. Com etiqueta oficial de la FMK/WKF. Leva os bordados
da marca Shureido na nuca. Não encolhe. Fácil de passar a ferro.
3/165, 3½/170, 4/175, 4½/180, 5/185, 5½/190, 6/195, 6½/200
Cintos brancos, uni cor e bicolor kamikaze. Todas as cores e
tamanhos disponíveis. Adultos e crianças.
Cintos negros KAMIKAZE de primeira qualidade sem BORDAR.
Algodão de qualidade superior. Todos os tamanhos. Etiqueta negra
Cinto KAMIKAZE de SEDA NATURAL! Pode ser bordado com seu
estilo de karaté em kanji japonês e com o seu nome em katakana
japonês ou português. Longitude à medida de 10 em 10 cm.
Entrega numa bonita caixa individual.
Cintos negros SHUREIDO de primeira qualidade. Seda-setín ou
algodão de qualidade superior. Sem BORDAR. Longitude à medida
de 10 em 10 cm.
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Cintos negros SHUREIDO de primeira qualidade. Seda-setín ou
algodão de qualidade superior. Bordado nas pontas com seu estilo
de karate em kanji japonês e com o seu nome em katakana japonês
ou português. Longitude à medida de 10 em 10 cm.
Cintos de competição vermelha ou azul da marca shureido de
algodão de qualidade superior. Longitude à medida de 10 em 10
cm. Sem BORDAR. Opcional sem etiqueta WKF Approved
MAKIWARA SHUREIDO para a parede (28x18x17cm), inclui couro
para golpes, portátil. Este Makiwara é uma solução muito
interessante para sítios onde não se possa fixar uma base no chão.
Recomendável também para técnicas de pernas pela sua grande
MAKIWARA SHUREIDO. Disponivel completo com base para
fixaçao ao chão, madeira de faia japonesa e cabedal e couro para
Sacos para treino de técnicas, KAMIKAZE com rack e correntes,
sem enchimento. Tamanhos e modelos:
 Azul algodão de 90 x 30 cm
 Vermelho PVC de 110 x 40 cm.
PALHA ENROLADA (rafia, esparto) para golpes para Makiwara.
40 cm de altura, 8 cm de diametro.
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NOVIDADE na Europa. Tabuas de rompimentos reutilizáveis.
Graus de resistencia/color:
 Amarelo
 Verde
 Castanho
 Negro.
Feito de nylon reciclado. Resistencia constante e garantida. Com
cantos redondos para reduzir o risco de lesões.
Escudo Kamikaze curvo profissional para golpes e patadas, negro,
de couro auténtico. 56 x 39 x 12 cm (22" X 15" x 5"). Com texturas
de reforço. Ligeiro e muito resistente.
A famosa Bolsa de desporto e viagem Kamikaze. Um clássico. Com
novo desenho. Dois tamanhos:
 Grande (63 x 26 x 30 cm): Ideal para viagens curtas, cursos
e campeonatos.
 Pequeno 48 x 21 x 23 cm): Ideal para os treinos diários e
para crianças.
Disponíveis em vermelho e negro.
Tabuleiro Visualizador eletrónico de pontuações para competições
FMK/WKF (adaptado ás normas de 2012).
55 x 35 x 11 cm. Ideal para competições de Karaté.
TAMANHO DOS NUMEROS: 9cm, bem visíveis a mais de 30 metros.
YUKO, WAZA-ARI, IPPON para agregar respectivamente +1, +2 ou
+3. PENALIZAÇOES: CAT1 e CAT2 com a assignação automática dos
pontos ao adversário. Tempo de COMBATE: programável: Aviso
sonoro para indicar “xx segundos para terminar” (programável) e
fim de tempo de combate. Timer Sai-Shiai: para tempo
suplementar em caso de empate.
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Mala para guardar e transportar o Tabuleiro Visualizador
Electrónico de pontuações para competições FMK/WKF.
Dimensões: 60x40x11,4cm. - Peso: 2.5kg.
BATERÍA RECARREGAVEL 12V/7Ah co conectores. Para marcador
electrónico. Dimensiones: 15x12x6,5cm. - Peso: 2.2kg.
CARREGA BATERÍAS 230/13,8V dc, Ficha Europeia. Peso: 0.5kg.
Tatami puzzle Oficial Karaté - Homologado WKF. 100 x 100 x 2 cm,
Vermelho- Azul. Reversível. Este é o tatami oficial utilizado no 19º
Campeonato do Mundo de Karaté WKF celebrado em Tokio, Japão
em 2008! Anti deslizante e Anti bloqueante. Resistente ao
desgaste. Fácil de limpar (lavável). Isolante de ruido e de frio. Não
tóxico. Impermeável. Resistente ao fogo (certificado M3).
Antialérgico. Anti fungos. Anti bactérias. Alta durabilidade, 2 anos
de garantia. Rápido e fácil de instalar. Baixo custo de manutenção.
Peso aproximado de cada placa: 2,3 kg. Densidade: 115 kg / m3
Máscara para Karate Cadetes, modelo obrigatório homologado
WKF / FMK para todas as categorias de kumite cadete masculino e
feminino. Destina-se a proteger o rosto de impactos acidentais que
podem ocorrer durante a competição. Não é uma máscara de
protecção integral, nem está desenvolvida para receber impactos
directos fora de controlo. Material Exterior: Policarbonato.
Tamanhos S, M, L.
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Capacete para Karate infantil, homologado RFEK
(branco, todos os tamanhos)
Protector de Boca e dentes PROTEXSMILE ANATOMICO - high
Peito para Karate, modelo oficial obrigatório homologado WKF /
FMK para todas as categorias de Kumite Cadete, Júnior, Sub-21 e
Sénior, masculino e feminino.
É usado debaixo do karategui. 3 capas: Cordura - Flexiroll CoolMax. Alta capacidade de absorção de impactos. Novo sistema
de ajuste e fecho.
Tamanhos S, M, L, XL , XXL
Peito feminino MAXI guard Kamikaze HOMOLOGADO F.E.K.
(Aprovado com selo de segurança CE) completo.
Todos tamanhos disponíveis XS, S, M, L
Luva TOKAIDO homologada WKF / FMK, disponível em vermelho e
Todos os tamanhos disponíveis.
Luvas Kamikaze modelo "WUKO" em pele, muito resistente. Todos
os tamanhos disponíveis.
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Luvas KAMIKAZE-SHOTOKAN, ligeira e comoda, BLANCA Todos os
tamanhos disponíveis. Modelo oficial para os campeonatos de
Protector Integral Masculino KAMIKAZE profesional , acolchoado,
tamanhos XS , S, M.
Protector genital FEMENINO KAMIKAZE, tamanhos XS, M, L.
Coquilha masculina KAMIKAZE completa PVC duro. Pode extrair-se
o protector e lavar la capa de algodão por separado. Todos os
tamanhos disponíveis.
Caneleira e protector de pé combinados - Tokaido homologada
WKF / FMK disponível em vermelho e azul.
Todos os tamanhos disponíveis.
Caneleira Kamikaze-TUBULAR elástica, modelo super-económico
para treinos, Tamanhos S, M, L.
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Protector de pulso em neopreno com tensor ARQUER Ortesis – Na
prática de Kumite podem produzir-se entorses nesta área que às
vezes passam sem diagnosticar Esta Ortesis é muito efectiva nestes
casos e imprescindível todo tipo de trabalho com makiwara.
Também em todos os tipos de trabalho que inclua agarre, sendo de
grande utilidade no Judo e Jujutsu. Estabiliza a zona a tratar
proporcionando um efeito térmico.
Protector de joelho - rótula livre 1 ARQUER Ortesis. Os joelhos são
uma das zonas mais afectadas na prática desportiva; No caso do
Karate uma grande parte das patologías vem dada por “stress” que com o tempo pode provocar lesões degenerativas na rótula, e
incluso meniscos.
Protector de joelho - rótula livre 2 ARQUER Ortesis. Os joelhos
são uma das zonas mais afectadas na prática desportiva; No caso
do Karaté uma grande parte das patologias vem dada por “stress” que com o tempo pode provocar lesões degenerativas na rótula, e
incluso menisco.
Protector de tornozelo ajustável ARQUER Ortesis. Esta protecção
actúa como prevenção de lesões reforçando o ligamento magoado.
Faixa de compressão ARQUER Ortesis - Proteção desportiva da
zona lombar.
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00244 912508022
BOKKEN / BOKUTO de Carvalho vermelho com tsuba, primeira
qualidade, importado do japão.
MANJI SAI SHUREIDO, natural feitos à mão.
NUNTI SAI SHUREIDO cromado, octogonal, feitos à mão, aos pares.
MANJI SAI SHUREIDO cromado, octogonal, feitos à mão, aos pares.
SAI SHUREIDO, natural ou cromado, feitos à mão, todos os
tamanhos disponiveis.
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KAMA SHUREIDO, carvalho vermelho com folhas de ferro ou de
madeira, diferentes tamanhos.
TONFA / TUIFA SHUREIDO, redondo ou quadrado, carvalho
vermelho, diferentes tamanhos:
 S (42,5 cm)
 M (49,5 cm)
 L (54 cm)
BO cónico Ø 2,7 cm / 2,2 cm de madera de fresno. Feitos à mão no
Canada. Disponivel em duas medidas:
 183 cm
 153 cm
 Em madera de carvalho 33,5 cm com corrente metálica.
 Nunchaku SHUREIDO madera de roble 33,5 cm con corda.
ANORAK de TOKYO, ¡OSS! Natural Simple Life, importado do Japao
última moda de Karate em Tokyo, negro.
Todos os tamanhos disponíveis.
T-shirt cinzenta bordada com o logotipo da KAMIKAZE.
100% Algodão.
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Hachimaki (faixa japonesa para a frente) Kamikaze - Sol nascente,
BRANCA, 7 x 110 cm
Hachimaki (faixa para a frente) Kamikaze - Sol nascente,
NEGRA, 7 x 110 cm
GETA para homem estilo tradicional.
Tamanhos únicos: 4(26cm) – 43 (28cm) aprox.
TOALHA de banho KARATE-DÔ de KAMIKAZE, vermelho 70 x 140
cm, 515 gr. Tecido suave e agradável (100% algodão de boa
Logo 1 – Shotokan JKA
Logo 2 – JKA
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Pergaminhos disponíveis:
1. Os 20 preceitos (G. Funakoshi)
2. O último objectivo (G. Funakoshi)
3. Afastando as nuvens (G. Funakoshi)
4. Dojo Kun JKA
Shihan Gichin Funakoshi
Shihan Kase Taiji
LIVROS ( Português / Ingles)
Serie de livros O MELHOR DO KARATE, escritos por Masatoshi NAKAYAMA, 9º
Dan, 15 x 22 cm, 140 páginas, portugués.
Vol.1: Visão abrangente. Prácticas.
Vol.2: Fundamentos
Vol.3: Kumite 1.
Vol.4: Kumite 2.
Vol.5: Heian y Tekki.
Vol.6: Bassai-dai, Kanku-dai.
Vol.7: Jitte, Hangetsu, Enpi
Vol.8: Gankaku, Jion
Vol.9: Bassai-sho, Kanku-sho, Chinte.
Vol.10: Unsu, Sochin, Nijushiho.
Vol.11: Gojushiho-dai, Gojushiho-sho, Meikyo
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Book FUNAKOSHI, Gichin The Essence of Karate. 13,5x19,5 cm, 128 pages.
Foreword by HIrokazu Kanazawa, afterword by Gisho Funakoshi, translated by
Richard Berger. Fundamentally, a small collection of memories, short anecdotes
and words of wisdom from the great man; this book is quite the little gem. The
Essence of Karate give us wonderful insights into Funakoshi himself but also much
more than I've ever read before about his great masters, Itosu and Azato, their
similarities and differences and the effect of their fighting styles upon unfortunate
opponents. The forward by Sensei Kanazawa is quite interesting in itself but the
afterword by Gisho Funakoshi, his nephew is filled with warmth, respect and awe
for an uncle he briefly knew but left an ever lasting impression. The Essence of
Karate by Gichin Funakoshi is an absolute must for any Karate enthusiast.
Book HIDDEN KARATE True Bunkai of Heian and Naihanchi, Gennosuke Higaki,
English, hardcover. Size: 18 x 25,5 cm. 238 pages: ***SOLD OUT since 2012: If
you're interested, please place your order and we'll inform you once the book will
be available again*** It has passed for 100 years since Karate was first introduced
to public. Soon Karate was opened abroad, and "Karate" became the common
word in the world. Today, it is said that 40 million people are training in the world.
While Karate is known, karate of bunkai (explanations for use) is sometimes used
incorrectly. People who have trained Karate might have doubted about the usage
of a kata. The reason is that Karate was introduced to us without true substance of
Karate. This problem has been inherent in karate since its introduction to the main
land to the present. The key to resolve the problem is hidden in the notion," Even
if one teaches the katas, they should not teach the hidden techniques." The
traditional kata of usage was ruled by a certain agreement not to teach anyone
about the hidden techniques. Consequently, Karate spread to Japan and abroad,
while it had been imperfect. In this book, I resolved the usage of kata by the oral
instruction that was inherited from Master Gichin Funakoshi to Master Kubo
Shozan. Also, I opened "oral instruction of the kata of bunkai" and "Bunkai
(expressions for use) from Heian Shodan to Godan and Naihanchi (Tekki) Shodan.
This book serves as a best seller in Japan.
Book HIDDEN KARATE II Itosu's Ten Precepts and Bunkai for Shotokan Katas,
English. Size: 18 x 25,5 cm. 284 pages: ***SOLD OUT since 2012: If you're
interested, please place your order and we'll inform you once the book will be
available again*** In this book, master Higaki resolves the meaning of the 10
precepts of Itosu and the bunkai of kata by the oral instruction that was inherited
from Master Gichin Funakoshi to Master Kubo Shozan: Tekki Nidan, Tekki Sandan,
Hangetsu (Seishan), Kanku (Kushanku), Bassai (Passai), Enpi (Wanshu), Gankaku
(Chinto), Jitte, Jion.
edition 2001, 233 pages, english. The Shotokan Karate Dictionary. Compendium in
which to look up the Japanese terminology used in the art of Karate-Do. The main
purpose of this dictionary is to define the terms used in the Karate style Shotokan.
Book "COMPENDIUM WKSA" by Mirce OPELOSKI, senior student of Sensei Kase,
21 x 27,5 cm, 94 pages, english. For the first time "HEIAN OYO", created by Sensei
Kase. Kihon, Heian 1 - 5, Kiai, Kime, Kumite, Zanshin, Zazen, Fudo-dachi, Makiwara,
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00244 912508022
Book Karate-Do Perfecting Kumite por Masahiko TANAKA. English. 248 pages,
paperback. This unique book was hailed as a major insight into the world of a
Karate-Do professional when it was first published in Japanese. It is widely
regarded as essential reading for any karateka who has already mastered the basic
techniques of Karate-do and wants to enhance their sparring skills. In Perfecting
Kumite Tanaka reveals the secrets that made him twice All Japan Champion and
twice World Champion.
Book The Complete Kumite - Karate Fighting Techniques, Hirokazu Kanazawa,
english, hardcover, 19,5 x 26,5 cm, 200 pages. Teaches all the various Kumite
techniques, systematic approach to applied kumite, provides essential information
for competition and training. 700 photos of Sensei Kanazawa, some rare photos of
master G. Funakoshi and master M. Nakayama. Kumite, Rei, Oss, Rei and Saho,
Tsuki, Gohon Kumite, Sanbon K., Kiso K., Kihon Ipppon K., Kaeshi Ippon K., Jiyu
Ippon K., Okuri Jiyu Ippon K., Jiyu K., Happo K., Target training, folding a do-gi,
Book FUNAKOSHI The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate. First Time in English!
13,5x19,5 cm, 128 pages. Gichin Funakoshi, the father of karate, once said that
"the ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of
the character of its participants". He penned his now legendary "Twenty
Principles". While the principles themselves have circulated for years, a translation
of the accompanying commentary has never been published. This translation is
aimed at martial arts enthusiasts in general and followers of karate in particular,
The original text was written as terse axioms, the precepts of which are open to
various interpretations; "There is no first attack in Karate" has occasioned endless
discussion about its true meaning. Many such unresolved questions are answered
in the commentary, which is filled with philosophical musings, historical episodes,
and advice for anyone seeking a better way. Translated by John Teramoto,
accompanied by rare photographs and original calligraphy.
Book Black Belt Karate - The Intensive Course, Hirokazu Kanazawa, english, hardback, 19,5 x 26,5 cm, 232 pages. Hirokazu Kanazawa is one of the most respected
figure in the karate world today, and a close disciple of Gichin Funakoshi, the
founder of the Shotokan school. Kanazawa founded the Shotokan Karate-do
International Federation in 1979, after gaining his impressive reputation in Hawaii,
the U.S. mainland, and Europe as an official trainer for the Japan Karate
Association. In Black Belt Karate, this preeminent figure in the karate world offers
a systematic approach to basic karate. Karate is a martial art that can be practiced
by anyone, regardless of age or gender, and can be undertaken at any time during
a person's life. The training system employed in karate is comprised of three main
areas: kihon (basics), kumite (sparring) and kata (forms). Here, using meticulously
detailed explanations and illustrative photos, Kanazawa offers an intensive selfstudy training course designed to be accessible to beginners, as well as to those
who are already at an intermediate level. If practiced continuously and diligently
over the course of a year, the practitioner will be able attain black-belt-level
NISHIYAMA / Richard C. Brown, 18 x 26 cm, 251 pages, english. What is Karate.
History. Training methods. Striking points. Vital points. Stances. Posture. Body
shifting. Hand techniques. Foot techniques. combinations. Formal exercises / Kata.
Sparring / Kumite. Throwing techniques. Self defense and much more.
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Book Karate The Complete Kata, Hirokazu Kanazawa, english, hardcover, 19,5 x
26,5 cm, 240 pages. Contains all Shotokan Kata including GANKAKU-SHO. With this
book master Hirokazu Kanazawa, the foremost figure in the karate world today
and a disciple of Gichin Funakoshi, the father of modern karate, offers the
definitive work on the subject. Kanazawa explains all the key kata in great detail;
and his text is accompanied by thousands of photographs. He also goes into some
of the other more difficult aspects of karate, including steps, breathing
techniques, and pressure points. Kata need to be practiced regularly on an
individual basis, and this book is written with such training in mind. From the
beginner to the most advanced practitioner, anyone interested in this revered
martial art will want to add Kanazawa's book to his or her library.
Book SPIRIT OF THE EMPTY HAND, Stan SCHMIDT, english. Special limited
Collector's Edition (1000 copies worldwide). After more than ten years out of
print, we're proud to announce the publication of a new, revised edition of “Spirit of the Empty Hand” – Sensei Stan Schmidt’s classic masterpiece of a student’s journey through karate training. The author has described this collectors edition
as the “Director’s Cut” for Spirit of the Empty Hand, with the original text reedited; a new Foreword; and the addition of an Epilogue written by Sensei
Schmidt himself. This new edition also includes some wonderful illustrations by
martial artist Maurice Richard Libby, which help bring the book to life more than
ever before. This is a limited edition version of the book – printed and bound to
the highest standards in hardback with a beautiful presentation “slip-on” box to help keep the book in pristine condition. Each book contains an individually
numbered certificate of authenticity. This is a very special collector’s item of a very special karate book
Book Keinosuke Enoeda · Tiger of Shotokan Karate, Rod Butler, english, 179
pages. A fine tribute to one of the greatest Shotokan masters that ever existed.
KEINOSUKE ENOEDA · TIGER OF SHOTOKAN KARATE is a high quality, large format
book, 270mm x 210mm in full colour throughout, with contributions from some of
the worlds top instructors as well as hundreds of fantastic pictures never seen
KARATE BUNISHI a Biblia do Karate, Spanish edition, 17x24 cm, 224 pages.
Following the English edition from Patrick McCarthy.
TAI-JITSU (Livro em espanho), Joaquín Muñiz González, Size: 17 x 24 cm. 480
pages, más de 2000 fotografías - Spanish. DEFENSA PERSONAL. Metodología
técnica, pedagogía didáctica. Programa por grados hasta Cinturón Negro,
contenidos técnicos siguiendo metodología evolutiva e inductiva. Las pautas
didácticas van impregnadas de un sentido pedagógico que las enmarca en unos
valores educativos y humanos que trascienden el mero aprendizaje de las
destrezas y habilidades técnicas. Para el profesor sugerencias pedagógicas,
metodológicas, y didácticas. Para el público en general, con inquietud hacia estas
disciplinas y la Defensa Personal. Guardias de seguridad privada o los miembros
de los cuerpos y fuerzas de seguridad del Estado podrán obtener una información
técnica detallada sobre los recursos más apropiados en sus intervenciones. Los
profesores y estudiantes de Educación Física encuentran una amplia presentación
del Tai-Jitsu, y su enfoque para la escuela, acompañada de una Unidad Didáctica
para su puesta en práctica. Los contenidos son tratados con rigor y en
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DVD (Inglês)
TANAKA, Masahiko, 8th Dan, english and japanese, 50 min., NTSC. From the first
competitions to his victorious fights becoming the JKA no. 1 kumite champion.
How he started, how he trained and prepared himself without instructor. Katas:
Enpi, Jitte. Tsuki - waza, keri - waza, tokui - waza. The last Samurai.
DVD The empty mind - The Spirit and Philosophy of Martial Arts, 78 min., region
free. Winner - Best Florida Film at the Ft. Lauderdale International Film Festival.
Through revealing interviews and intimate film of their daily training, you will
experience the philosophical and physical elements that unite all great masters of
traditional Martial Arts. You'll get a deeper understanding of the mind-body
connection and why this plays such an important role in the not only in martial
arts, but in your daily life. Features: Hirokazu Kanazawa - SKIF Karate, Masahiko
Tanaka - JKA Karate, Teruyuki Okazaki - JKA/ISKF Karate, Masao Kagawa - JKS
Karate, Moriteru Ueshiba - Aikido, AJKF Kendo - Japan Kendo (sword fighting)
Championships, ANKF Kyudo (archery) - Meiji Shrine, Sifu Zhao Ping - Beijing
WuShu, Master Zhang Shengli - Beijing KungFu, Monk De Yang - Shaolin Temple
Kung-fu, Priests of Wudang - Purple Cloud TaiChi. Filmed on-location (in
progressive-scan digital video with Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound), The Empty
Mind is a fusion of Martial Arts, music, and storytelling.
DVD Okinawan Karate & Kobudo Legends - Gichin FUNAKOSHI (Shotokan), 56
min. *Kata in its original form *Performed by the master himself *See inside one
of Japans famous Keio University *See the first Black Belt Gradings. Gichin
Funakoshi an Okinawa was asked ot go to Japan and introduce the mainland to
this rare and beautiful art form known as karate and that is exactly what he did.
He demonstrated his skill and intellect in such a way that he and his art were well
accepeted by the Japanese martial arts community including names like Kano who
became a close friend and promotor of Funakoshi's karate.
DVD Okinawan Karate & Kobudo Legends - Masters of the 1900's, 46 min. *An
overview of the masters of 1900's *Shuri Te, Naha Te, Kobudo and more *A short
tour of Okinawan sites and monuments * and much more. This DVD is a short
introduction on each of the individuals in this series called Okinawan Karate
Kobudo Legends from Funakoshi to Miyazato, Yagi to Nakazato, Chibana to
Akamine and so many more. You will see and hear their own stories and history.
Truly a one of a kind on Okinawa Karate and Kobudo produced for those who
want a quick over view on the Okinawan Martial Arts.
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DVD Collectors Edition "Gichin Funakoshi 1940-50", 30 min., english. This video
features the founder of Shotokan Karate actually performing Ippon Kumite
techniques qith Sensei Isao Obata. This video was filmed before the JKA was even
formed. JKA-masters such as Nakayama, Kase, Kanazawa, Okazaki and Nishiyama
performing dojo training and exhibitions of their favourite techniques when they
were in their teens and ealy 20's. This footage comes from the 1940's or early
50's. The quality of this vide is of course not of today's standard.
min. Two-DVD Set. Presented by Hal Sharp's Bushido series. Featuring Masatoshi
Nakayama, Hidetaka Nishiyama, Hirokazu Kanazawa and other top JKA masters in
this 1955 classic film. PLUS: Takayuki Mikami in 1955 doing a full demonstration in
high quality. Extra bonus: 90 min. interview with master Nishiyama in 2001 plus
training session with master Nishiyama in his Los Angeles dojo.
DVD Series "VISION DU KARATE DO" Shotokan Ryu Kase Ha, J.-P. LAVORATO, PAL,
all region, french with subtitles in English and Spanish. After more than 44 years
experience Sensei Lavorato, 8th Dan, student and assistant of Sensei Kase shows
his personal view of Karate-Do:
Vol.1: (60 min.): Positions, transition between positions, fist techniques, open
hand techniques, kicks, combinations and aplications.
Vol.2: (60 min.): BUNKAI of all 5 Heian Kata and Tekki Shodan, oyo, go, 45
degrees, lineal and circular.
Vol.3: (75 min.): KUMITE: Gohon-Kumite, Sanbon-K., Kihon-Ippon-K., Ippon K.,
Jyu Ippon K. With lots of variations for tori and for uke, different ataques, blocks,
different steppings, tai-sabaki, counterataques with hente, open hand and senno-sen, etc, etc...
Vol.4: (75 min.): BUNKAI2: Bunkai of Bassai Dai, Bassai Sho, Kanku Dai, Kanku
Sho, Jion, Jiin and Jitte. Bunkai versions Oyo, Go, 45 degrees, aspiration, lineal or
mawari ashi
Vol.5: (60 min.): BUNKAI3: Bunkai of Empi, Tekki Nidan, Tekki Sandan, Niju Shiho,
Wankan, Chinte and Goju shiho dai. Bunkai versions Oyo, Go, 45 degrees,
aspiration, lineal or mawari ashi
Vol.6: (56 min.): BUNKAI4: Bunkai of Hangetsu, Gankaku, Sochin, Unsu, Meikyo
and Goju shiho sho. Bunkai versions Oyo, Go, 45 degrees, aspiration, lineal or
mawari ashi
Vol.7: (90 min.): Filming of 2 seminars given in France in 2008: ARLES and
BEAUCAIRE. Multidirectional Kihon, Various applications with partners, SOCHIN
GO and its Bunkai.
Vol.8: EVOLUTION (85 min. + interview): The idea of this dvd is to help to give
you some advices to be able to evolve into your pratice of Karate-Do. Contains
many variations of basic and advanced Kihon, Kihon with partner, Studies about
variations of Jyu Ippon Kumite as well as several advanced examples of KataBunkai extracted from different kata. Bonus: Interview with Sensei Lavorato.
DVD KUMITE SEMINAR taught by GEORGE KOTAKA (-65 kg, World Champion WKF
2002 and 2008) in JAPAN: DYNAMIC KARATE WORKOUT, English and Japanese, 57
min. Conditioning Drills dedicated mostly to improve the FOOTWORK, speed and
explosivity, kumite training, zuki in atack and anticipation, timing training for
counterattack and for chudan geri, etc...
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DVD Shotokan-JKA "Best Karate" - The Spirit of Shotokan. MASAO KAGAWA.
Dynamic techniques are the characteristic of Shotokan. This video shows how to
win by one stroke (Ippon). True Karate-do, Kata, Kumite.
DVD Kumite JKA "Hasha no kumite". The champion's kumite. MASAHIKO
TANAKA, 8th Dan, english and japanese, NTSC Vol.1: Foot techniques / Ashi waza,
mae geri, kizami mae geri, kirikae no kizami mae geri, mawashi geri, kizami
mawashi geri, kirikae no kizami mawashi geri, feint mae geri kara no jodan
mawashi geri, surinuke no han mawashi geri, jodan ura mawashi geri, ushiro geri,
jiyu kumite. Vol.2: Hand techniques / Te waza: oi zuki, gyaku zuki, kizami zuki,
hikkake kara no uraken, mogurikonde no oi zuki, mawashi zuki, kagi zuki,
taisabaki, kuzushi, ashibarai, osae, hiza geri
Original JKA KATA DVD-series. This series is a product of the Japan Karate
Association (1984-1987). Supervisor: Masatoshi NAKAYAMA. All kata are shown in
correct speed and rhythm, step by step, with explications of Sensei Nakayama,
from various angles, with correct Embusen, as team kata and with complete
BUNKAI. Katas: Heian 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Tekki 1, 2, 3, Bassai dai, Kanku dai, Jitte,
Hangets, Enpi, Jion. Competition kata: Sochin, Unsu. Masters: Y. Osaka, T. Imura,
M. Yahara, M. Tanaka. Plus bonus tracks from the 1950-60 JKA series in b&w.
Series of 4 DVD about Shotokan Karate Kata. All 26 KATA and BUNKAÏ by Serge
CHOURAQUI - 7th Dan, in english. Complete analysis of all kata. Interactive, shows
all details. Each kata is shown in 5 ways: 1st. Video full face and in profile; 2nd.
Video with detailed examination of difficult movements; 3rd. Video of the most
important Bunkaï-secuences; 4th. Diagram and detailed list of all movements; 5th.
The origins, significance and description of the kata. Vol.1: Heian Shodan, Nidan,
Sandan, Yondan, Godan, Tekki Shodan, Bassai-dai, Kanku-dai Vol.2: Tekki Nidan,
Enpi, Jion, Hangetsu, Gankaku, Jitte Vol.3: Kanku-sho. Bassai-sho. Jiin, Nijushiho,
Sochin, Meikyo Vol.4: Unsu, Tekki Sandan, Chinte, Gojushiho-dai, Gojushiho-sho,
DVD KARATE DEFENSE, reedition, Lionel FROIDURE, PAL, all region, English and
French. 84 min. In this new martial arts training program, you will learn at home a
very effective techniques of self defense and learn it from Lionel Froidure in a
friendly speech, worldwide knowned. To be watch again over again. Hosted by
Lionel Froidure: Started Karate shotokan in 1982. Now 5th dan black belt Karaté
Shotokan, Certified sport teacher by French Department of Sport.
DVD "KYUSHO waza l'Art des points vitaux", Serge REBOIS: 4th Dan Nihon Tai
Jitsu (FFKDA and FINTJ) and Shiatsu practionner, PAL, 60 min. All region, English
and French. Kyusho is the art of striking the vital points on the body. Based on the
principles of Chinese medicine, it is an additional art that can be used in
conjunction with traditional martial arts techniques. The aim of this DVD is not to
demonstrate all of the kyusho points but rather to show how these can be
integrated into the practice of martial arts. Chapters: Introduction, Resuscitation,
Principles, Activating the points, Breathing, Arm points, Using Kyusho, Using the
points, Strangulations, Exchange, Therapeutic applications, Conclusion.
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DVD "KYUSHO waza l'Art des points vitaux", volume 2, Serge REBOIS: 5th Dan
Nihon Tai Jitsu (FFKDA and FINTJ) and Shiatsu practionner, PAL, 56 min. All region,
English and French. Kyusho is the art of striking the vital points on the body. Based
on the principles of Chinese medicine, it is an additional art that can be used in
conjunction with traditional martial arts techniques. After the success of the first
dvd, go deeper into the secret world of VITAL POINTS. In this video you will learn
in a pleasant and very precise way how to use the Conception et Governer vessels,
doing some testicular Kusatsu (reanimation), and see different Kyusho K.O. Serge
REBOIS a certified martial arts teacher, 5th dan Nihon Tai Jitsu (ffkda), 5th dan
Nihon Ju Jitsu (fintj) and Shiatsu practitioner. Currently studying in all countries of
Europe under the supervision of grand Masters like Roland HERNAEZ and Leeroy
RÖDER. Kyusho waza is a system in which the opponent is weakened through the
weakest anatomical structures in the body, but without causing him any type of
physical lesion. A work that is certainly worth the pain you have to suffer, because
the fantastic thing is that these techniques can be transmitted to others and
DVD KNIFE DEFENSE Traditional Techniques against Dagger, Dr. YANG, JwingMing, English, 215 min. In the "Knife Defense DVD", Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches
techniques designed to defend against dagger attacks, which include the four
essential categories of traditional martial arts training: punching, kicking, chin na,
and wrestling. It is important to be aware that knife fighting is deadly and can
often lead to serious consequences, including time in prison. If you are attacked
with a knife, the best option is to keep your distance and attempt to escape. Even
with expert training, there is a high risk of sustaining an injury during a knife
attack. Dr. Yang instructs and demonstrates knife defense techniques. He also
provides corrections for common mistakes as students perform each application.
Special attention is given to key defensive concepts.
DVD "NIHON TAI JITSU, Self Défense Complète", Philippe GALAIS, 5th Dan Nihon
Tai Jitsu, Seibukan Tokyo, PAL, 120 min. All zones, English and French. A complete
seminar about self defense.
DVD "NIHON TAI JITSU", Vol.1, Roland HERNAEZ, 8º Dan FFKDA (ex FFKAMA) Hanshi de Nihon Tai Jitsu y Nihon Jyu Jitsu Seibukan Kyoto, PAL, 60 min. All zones,
French with English subtitles. Programme: te-hodoki, the 5 fundamental ataques,
basic katas, superior katas from shodan to yodan and kihon kata.
DVD "NIHON TAI JITSU", Vol.2, Roland HERNAEZ, 8º Dan FFKDA (ex FFKAMA) Hanshi de Nihon Tai Jitsu y Nihon Jyu Jitsu Seibukan Kyoto, PAL, 60 min. All zones,
French with English subtitles. Programme: Nihon Tai Jitsu no Kata Godan, Tai
Sabaki no Kata, Yori no Kata et Juy Ni no Kata.
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DVD OKINAWA STRENGTHENING, Takemi TAKAYASU 8th Dan, English - multilanguage. 50 min. Master Takemi Takayasu, European head of Uechi Ryu shows in
this DVD all about the traditionnal STRENGTHENING training from Okinawa.
Master Takemi Takayasu shows you the strengthening work as it is performed on
the island of Okinawa. The strengthening work must be a part of the training of
any budoka who looks for maximum efficiency. It helps to be able to block
painlessly, and to increase the power of your strikes. But, be careful, the
strengthening should not be practiced without caution, there is a risk of body
injury. It is to be performed with intelligence and according to a precise and
gradual method.
DVD OKINAWA MAKIWARAS, Takemi TAKAYASU 8th Dan, English - multilanguage. 45 min. Master Takemi Takayasu, European head of Uechi Ryu shows in
this DVD all about the traditionnal training with the different types of MAKIWARA
from Okinawa for tsuki, uchi, keri, etc. including breaking techniques.
DVD 12TH FUNAKOSHI GICHIN CUP Thailand 2011 JKA, NTSC, approx. 202 min.,
all region. Men's Team Kumite / Final - Women's Team Kumite / Final - Men's
Individual Kumite / Final - Women's Individual Kumite / Final - Men's Individual
Kumite / Semi Final - Women's Individual Kumite / Semi Final - Men's Individual
Kumite / Quarter Final - Men's Individual Kata / Final - Women's Indvidual Kumite
/ Quarter Final - Women's Indvidual Kata / Final - Men's Team Kumite / 3rd Place
Match - Women's Team Kumite / 3rd Place Match - Men's Team Kumite / Semi
Final - Men's Team Kata / Final - Women's Team Kumite / Semi Final - Women's
Team Kata / Final - HIGHLIGHT [First Half of the Game] - BOYS INDIVIDUAL KUMITE
(AGES 10-18 YEARS)
DVD PLATINA BEST KATA SELECTION-2 2010, 225 min., NTSC. A selection of the
best kata performed by the most succesful champions of World, European and
Japanese Championships. Each kata is shown by different champions: All Shitei
Kata: Seipai, Jion, Kanku-dai, Seienchin, Bassai-dai, Seishan, Chinto, Kururunfa,
Seisan, Kanku-sho, Enpi, Nipaipo, Niseshi, Kushanku + Free final katas (Jiyu kata):
Unsu, Anan, Paiku, Gankaku, Wanshu, Tomari Bassai, Superrinpei, Chatanyara
Kusanku, Bassai, Sanseru, Kosokun-dai, Kosokun-sho, Gojushiho-sho, Gojushiho,
Unshu, Shisochin.
DVD World Championships WKF 2010 BELGRADE, SERBIA, Profesional Quality! in
three volumes: Vol.1: KUMITE MALE INDIVIDUAL: -60KG, -67KG, -75KG, FEMALE
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DVD World Championships WKF 2008 TOKYO, Japan, ¡Profesional
Quality! in three volumes: Vol.1: KUMITE MALE INDIVIDUAL: -60KG,
region. Kumite femenino - las mejores escenas de la primera media ronda · Kumite
masculino -las mejores escenas de la primera media ronda · High School Students
Kata - Finals · High School Students Kumite - Finals · Enbu · Team Kata - finals ·
Team Kumite - finals · Kumite femenino - final por el 3er puesto · Kumite
masculino - final por el 3er puesto · Kumite femenino - Semifinales · Kumite
masculino - Semifinales · Kata femenino - Finales · Kata masculino - Finales ·
Kumite femenino - Finales · Kumite masculino - Finales
DVD JAPAN CUP BEST BOUT, 65 min., NTSC. A selection of the 14 best finales and
fights from Japanese Championships between 2000 and 2005 (male and female)
DVD BEST SELECTION KATA - GOLD, 65 min., NTSC. A selection of the 13 best
Katas from international and Japanese championships between 2002 and 2006:
T.Katada(Annan), N.Morooka(Kousoukun-Sho), T.Furukawa(Super-Rinpei),
S.Battaglia(Annan), H.Tsuchiya(Souchin), K.Wakabayashi(Chatanyara Kushanku),
L.Valdesi(Gankaku), A.Tomishiro(Super-Rinpei), Italy-Team(2004 Gankaku with
bunkai), Japan-Team (2004 Annan with bunkai), Italy-Team(2006 Gankaku with
bunkai), Japan-Team (2002 Chatanyara Kushanku with bunkai), A.Wakai(SuperRinpei)
THE 24th JKA ALL JAPAN CHAMPIONSHIPS (Champ Archive) [ACMP-901] Allregion (*NTSC only) Color: 60min. *Japanese only. 1981 in JAPAN, Nippon
Budokan DVD of "Champ Archive series" is service to sell the title of a past VHS
video by the production on orders. Therefore these titles take time by shipment.
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THE 53rd JKA ALL JAPAN CHAMPIONSHIPS [DCMP-926] 26-27 June 2010 / Tokyo
Taiikukan All-region (*NTSC only) Color: 134min. *Japanese only. Contents:
Female Ind. Kumite / Fourth round S.Okuie VS A.Eto -W.Nishimura VS Y.Sato Y.Shiina VS A.Ishizuka - H.Hayakawa VS M.Takeda - K.Yamada VS N.Iijima N.Morimoto VS R.Tanabe - C.Kaiho VS Y.Takahashi Male Ind. Kumite / Fourth
round Y.Inokoshi VS R.Heselton - R.Shimizu VS S.Sugiyama - Y.Fujii VS S.Ishii K.Ohkuma VS Y.Konno - I.Kurihara VS A.Tsutsumi - K.Ogata VS K.Sensaki K.Nemoto VS K.Shimizu - K.Chubachi VS R.Kumeta High School Students Kata
THE 54th JKA ALL JAPAN CHAMPIONSHIPS [DCMP-927] 10 July 2011 / Nippon
Budokan. All-region (*NTSC only) Color: 90min. (Plan). *Japanese only. Contents:
Female Ind. Kumite / The highlight scene of the first half round M.Tsukamoto VS
Y.Miyazaki A.Aoki VS S.Higashi Y.Yaguchi VS Y.Mizuno R.Tanabe VS S.Uchida
Y.Shiina VS S.Higashi I.Takaya VS Y.Sato Y.Uesugi VS Y.Takahashi Y.Mizuno VS
M.Shiina Male Ind. Kumite / The highlight scene of the first half round K.Kurihara
VS D.Takahashi R.Kumeta VS S.Nishimura Y.Konno VS K.Ogawa Y.Sugimoto VS
A.Mori T.Matsuura VS T.Hoshino….
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00244 912508022
IAITO (para treino)
Higo Koshirae é uma das Katanas usada pelo clan feudal Higo no
período Edo, muito prática para as lutas. É resistente e com um
bom equilíbrio.Peso: 1.5Kgs Fabricado por: MINOSAKA
Tamanhos : 2,20 Syaku (66,7cm) ; 2,25 Syaku (68,2cm); 2,30 Syaku
(69,7cm); 2,35 Syaku (71,2cm); 2,40 Syaku (72,7cm); 2,45 Syaku
(74,2cm); 2,50 Syaku (75,8cm);2,55 Syaku (77,3cm)
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[email protected]
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00244 912508022
Musashi Koshirae
Musashi Koshirae é uma réplica da Katana utilizada pelo famoso
samurai “Musashi Miyamoto" no período Edo.
Peso: 1.5Kgs Fabricado por: MINOSAKA
Tamanhos : 2,20 Syaku (66,7cm) ; 2,25 Syaku (68,2cm); 2,30 Syaku
(69,7cm); 2,35 Syaku (71,2cm); 2,40 Syaku (72,7cm); 2,45 Syaku
(74,2cm); 2,50 Syaku (75,8cm);2,55 Syaku (77,3cm)
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[email protected]
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00244 912508022
Capas para Katana e IAITO
KATANERO de mesa para um, dois ou tres IAITOs.
É de madeira natural e desmontavel.
Enviar pedidos para:
[email protected]
[email protected]
00244 912508022
Account no. / Conta bancaria nº: IBAN PT50 0007 0000 0010 6261 9492 3
Bankname / Banco: BES (Portugal) SWIFT/BIC: BESCPTPL
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00244 912508022