olissipo web - Olissippo Hotels


olissipo web - Olissippo Hotels
bebidas/ drinks
Champanhe e espumantes sparkling wines
Quinta do Encontro bruto
Murganheira bruto reserve
MUMM Cordon Rouge
Ruinart brut
Ruinart Blanc de Blanc
Don Perignon
Quinta do Encontro bruto copo by glass
MUMM Cordon Rouge copo by glass
Accademia Emília espumante tinto doce
Sweet sparkling red wine
Vinho verde vinho verde wine
Alvarinho Momento Ousado (intenso intense)
Alvarinho Momento Ousado a copo by glass
Mateus rosé (fresco fresh) - Douro
Caiado (notas a citrinos citrus notes) - Douro
Caiado a copo by glass
Vinho rosé rose wine
IVA incluído à taxa legal em vigor I VAT included legal tax
bebidas/ drinks
Vinhos brancos white wine
Planalto (leve e seco soft, smooth and dry) - Douro
Catarina (aromático aromatic) - P. Setúbal
Monte Mayor (seco dry) - Alentejo
Cova da Ursa Chardonnay (frutado fruity) - P. Setúbal
Carolina (elegante elegant) - Douro
Vinhos tintos red wine
Fiuza C. Sauvignon (frutado fruity) - Lisboa Tejo
Monte Mayor (aromático aromatic) - Alentejo
Autocarro nº 27 (notas a ameixa plum notes) - P. Setúbal
Carolina (muito bem estruturado/ Full-Bodied) - Douro
Quinta dos 4 ventos (fruta preta black fruits) - Douro
Vinhos brancos a copo white wine by glass
Planalto (leve e seco soft, smooth and dry) - Douro
Monte Mayor (seco dry) - Alentejo
Catarina (aromático aromatic) - P. Setúbal
Carolina (elegante elegant) - Douro
Vinhos tintos a copo red wine by glass
Monte Mayor (aromático aromatic) - Alentejo
Fiuza C. Sauvignon (frutado fruity) - Lisboa Tejo
Carolina (muito bem estruturado full-Bodied) - Douro
Autocarro nº 27 (notas a ameixa plum notes) - P. Setúbal
bebidas/ drinks
bebidas/ drinks
Aperitivos apéritif
Moscatel de Setúbal sweet portuguese wine
Vermute rosso, bianco, dry ou rossato
Campari, Pernod, Ricard ou Fernet Branca
Vinhos do Porto port wine
Porto extra dry or tawny
Porto 10 Anos years
Porto 20 Anos years
Porto vintage
Porto LBV late bottled vintage
Vinhos da Madeira Madeira region wine
Vinho da Madeira seco dry
Vinho da Madeira doce sweet
Nacionais national
Importados imported
Scotch whisky novo
Scotch whisky 12 anos years
Scotch whisky 18 anos years
Single malt whisky
Canadian Club whisky american whiskey
Irish whiskey
Irish whiskey 12 anos years
Licores liqueurs
Whisky whiskey
IVA incluído à taxa legal em vigor I VAT included legal tax
bebidas/ drinks
Aguardentes brandy
Macieira national brandy
CRF ou Palácio da Brejoeira old brandy
Aguardentes de frutos fruit brandy
Adega Velha old brandy
Grappa regular grappa
Grappa premium premium grappa
Hennessy very special cognac
Samalens Armagnac
Hennessy fine cognac
Frapin XO cognac
Vodka regular vodka
Vodka black
Grey Goose vodka premium vodka
Rum, tequila e gin regular regular rum, gin or tequilla
Rum 7 anos 7 years rum
Tequila gold gold tequilla
Rum 15 anos 15 years old rum
Cognac . armagnac
Tequilla . rum . gin
bebidas/ drinks
Cocktail do dia daily’s cocktail
Cocktail especial special cocktail
Cocktail sem álcool non alcoholic cocktails
Cinderella (sumo de laranja, ananás, limão orange, pineapple and lemon juice)
S. Francisco (sumo de laranja, ananás, pêssego, groselha orange, pineapple, peach juice, raspberry)
Bella Ragazza (café, sumo de limão, coca-cola coffee, lemon juice and coca-cola)
Sunrise (sumo de laranja e limão, grenadine, soda limão soda, orange and lemon juice, grenadine)
Atomic Cat (sumo de laranja, água tónica orange juice, tonic water)
Shirley Temple (sumo de limão, ginger-ale, grenadine lemon juice, ginger-ale, grenadine)
Cocktails com álcool alcoholic cocktails
Oriente Express (Drambuie liqueur, Canadian club, Martini seco dry)
Negroni (Martini rosso, campari, gin)
Alexander (brandy, Bols brown cacao, natas cream)
Pina Colada (leite de coco coconut milk, rum, sumo de ananás pineapple juice)
Daiquiri (rum, sumo de limão lemon juice)
Manhattan (Canadian club, Martini rosso)
Rusty Nail (scotch whisky, Drambuie)
Kir Royal (creme de cassis, espumante sparkling wine)
Caipirinha and Caipiroska (cachaça vodka, lima brazilian brandy vodka, lime)
Margarita (tequila, Cointreau e sumo de lima lime juice)
Mojito (rum, lima, hortelã lime juice, mint)
Dry Martini (gin, vermute seco gin, dry vermouth)
Long Island Ice Tea (tequila, vodka, rum, gin, triple sec, coca-cola)
Tequilla Sunrise (tequila, grenadine, sumo de laranja orange juice)
Golden Cadillac (Galliano, bols cacau branco, natas Galliano liqueur, white cacao, cream)
IVA incluído à taxa legal em vigor I VAT included legal tax
bebidas/ drinks
Cervejas beer
Tulipa pressão draft national cup
Cerveja nacional national beer
Tulipa pressão draft national cup
Cerveja sem álcool non-alcoholic beer
Carlsberg international beer
Heineken international beer
Água mineral mineral water
Água mineral mineral water
Água mineral mineral water
Água mineral com gás sparkling water
Água mineral com gás sparkling water
Águas water
Sumos e néctares juices and soft drinks
Sumos sem gás juices without gas
Refrigerantes soft drinks
Néctares nectar juices
Sumos naturais natural juices
Cafetaria coffee & tea
Copo de leite glass of milk
Café expresso e americano expresso and american coffee
Descafeinado decaffeinated
Café com leite coffé
Meia de leite half milk half coffee
Chocolate quente hot chocolate
Café duplo e abatanado double coffee and large coffee
Chás e Infusões tea
Café com natas e cappuccino coffee with cream and cappuccino
Irish Coffee
Iogurte yogurt
bebidas/ drinks
Gins premium premium gins
Bombay Sapphire I England I 47% I 5cl
(Gin de sabor distinto e aroma muito equilibrado distinct taste and aroma nicely balanced)
Tanqueray Ten I England I 47,3% I 5cl
(Gin fresco e citríco, frutos frescos fresh and citric gin, fresh fruits)
Martin Millers I England I 40% I 5cl
(Gin suave, muito cítricas, toque a zimbro very smooth gin with citrus notes, juniper touch)
GVine Floraison I France I 40% I 5cl
(Gin intenso e fresco conjugado com zimbro fresh and Intense gin with juniper classic flavor)
Mombasa Club I England I 41,5% I 5cl
(Gin limpo, ligeiramente doce clean and shiny gin and sweet touch)
Nordés I Spain I 40% I 5cl
(Gin intenso e robusto very intense and robust)
Gin Mare I Spain I 42,7% I 5cl
(Gin exótico, cítrico, diferente exotic, citric and different gin)
Sharish I Portugal I 40% I 5cl
(Gin com presença singular a maçã with singular apple flavor)
Bulldog I England I 40% I 5cl
(Gin suave e harmonioso, cítrico e fresco smooth and flowing, fresh, citrus notes)
Hendrick’s I Scotland I 41,4% I 5cl
(Gin de suavidade suprema e característico sabor supreme, softness and distinctive flavor)
The London nº 1 I England I 47% I 5cl
(Gin suave e elegante, boa acidez smooth and elegant, good acidity)
Monkey 47 I Germany I 47% I 5cl
(Gin complexo e único very complex and unique gin)
Águas tónicas tonic water
Nordic Original I England I 200 ml
(Aroma limpo, fresco com notas citricas very clean aroma and fresh, with citrus notes)
Schewppes Original Premium I England I 200 ml
(Água elegante, sofisticada, aroma botânico elegant, sophisticated and botanical aroma)
Schewppes Pimenta Rosa I England I 200 ml
(Elegante, de aroma a pimenta elegant, aroma of pepper)
Fever-Tree Indian I England I 200 ml
(Gosto Limpo, equilibrada, de sabor autêntico clean taste, balanced, authentic flavor)
1724 I Argentina I 200 ml
(Água de gasificação baixa, cítrica e suave precise flavour, the most delicate bubble)
IVA incluído à taxa legal em vigor I VAT included legal tax
comidas/ food
Aperitivos aperitif
(mediante disponibilidade subject to availability)
Cocktail de frutos secos simples ou com tempero dry fruits cocktail simple or spicy
Batatas fritas aos gomos com molho especial fried crispy potatoes with special sauce
Canapé do dia daily canapé
Pratos disponíveis entre as 12:00h e as 23:00h:
Courses available between 12 a.m. and 11 p.m.:
Petiscos tapas
Misto de salgadinhos com molho “tártaro” (12 peças)
Mix of salty pastry with “tartar” sauce
Terrine de queijo fresco e tomate com molho “pesto”
Fresh cheese terrine with tomato and “pesto” sauce
Salmão fumado com tostas de alho e salada russa
Smoked salmon slices with garlic bread toasts and russian salad
“Pica-pau” de lombinho de porco
Pork loin “pica-pau” traditional appetizer
Selecção de 4 queijos com uvas frescas e compota (brie, camembert, cabra curado e ilha)
Cheese selection 4 types with grapes and marmalade (brie, camembert, national goat and Azores)
Prato presunto serrano
Regional smoked ham plate
Selecção de enchidos do Alentejo (paio do cachaço de porco preto, paiola de carne, chouriço de carne)
Selection of smoked sausages Alentejo region (black iberian pig sausages)
“Pica-pau” de novilho
Veal steak “pica-pau” traditional appetizer
Gambas fritas “a la guillo”
Fried prawns “a la guillo” in garlic sauce
Mini pratos small plates
Filete de bacalhau “à Lagareiro” (Filete de bacalhau assado com azeite, grelos e batata assada)
Roasted codfish fillet with turnip leaves, roasted potatoes and extra virgin olive-oil
Bife de atum com batata duchesse e legumes (Bifinho de atum com legumes cozidos)
Grilled tuna fish steak with duchesse potato and vegetables
Bitoque de novilho com ovo estrelado (acompanhado com batata frita)
Fried steak with fried egg on top and fried potatoes
Omeletas omelette
Omeleta à sua escolha (2 opções: simples, queijo, fiambre, cogumelos, tomate com batata frita)
Omelette your choice (2 options: simple, cheese, ham, mushroom, tomato with fried potatoes)
Omeleta de presunto com batata frita
Smoked ham omelette with fried potatoes
Omeleta de camarão com batata frita
Shrimp omelette with fried potatoes
Massas pastas
Fettuccine com molho de tomate
Fettuccine pasta with tomato sauce
Esparguete “à Bolonhesa”
Spaghetti pasta with tomato and meat sauce
Tagliatelle “a la Romana”
Tagliatelle pasta with cream and ham
Hambúrguer hambúrguer
(Opção de pão: bolo do caco ou pão de hambúrguer com sementes de sésamo)
(Bread options: traditional hamburguer bread or “bolo do caco” regional bread)
Hambúrguer vegetariano (com batata frita)
Vegetarian hamburguer (with fried potatoes)
Hambúrguer simples (com batata frita)
Simple hamburguer (with fried potatoes)
Hambúrguer com queijo (com batata frita)
Cheeseburguer (with fried potatoes)
Hambúrguer com ovo (com batata frita)
Hamburguer with fried egg (with fried potatoes)
IVA incluído à taxa legal em vigor I VAT included legal tax
comidas/ food
Saladas salad
Salada Niçoise (atum, batata, ovo, feijão verde, tomate, cebola, anchovas e azeitonas)
Niçoise salad (tuna fish, potato, egg, green bean, tomato, onion, anchovies, olives)
Salada Olissippo (palmitos, frango, rebentos de soja, pêssego, nozes, alface, tomate, ovo, molho “rosa”)
Olissippo salad (heart of palm, chicken, soya beans, peach, nuts, lettuce, tomato, egg, “pink” sauce)
Salada de queijo Roquefort com frutos secos (queijo Roquefort, alface, frutos secos)
Roquefort cheese salad with dry fruits (Roquefort cheese, lettuce, dry fruits)
Salada de mamão com camarão (camarão cozido, alface, mamão fresco e molho de cocktail à parte)
Papaya salad with shrimp (boiled shrimp, lettuce, fresh papaya, cocktail sauce)
Sopas soup
Creme de legumes
Vegetables cream soup
Caldo verde “à portuguesa” (puré de batata, couve, chouriço e azeite)
Cabbage soup with potato purée, pork sausage and olive-oil
Pratos de peixe fish main dishes
Bacalhau “à Brás” (bacalhau, ovos, batata palha, cebola, azeitonas, salsa e azeite)
Fried codfish with egg, fried potatoes, onion, olives, parsley and extra virgin olive-oil
Pratos de carne meat main dishes
Bife do lombo “à portuguesa” (Bife do lombo de novilho, presunto no topo e batata frita “sauté”)
Fried beef steak with smoked ham on top and fried potatoes “sauté”
Entrecôte especial “Angus” (Entrecôte da vazia raça “Angus” grelhado, acompanhado com batata frita)
Special grilled “Angus” entrecôte steak with fried potatoes
Acompanhamentos garnish
(Dose portion)
Arroz branco
Simple white rice
Batata frita palito
Fried potatoes
Salada mista
Legumes da época
Vegetables of the season
Sobremesas dessert
Gelados ice cream
(Sabores disponíveis: stracciatella, morango, chocolate, baunilha, limão, maçã)
(Flavors: stracciatella, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, lemon, apple)
Gelado 1 sabor (servido em taça waffle com topping e chantilly)
Ice cream 1 flavor (in waffle bowl with topping and chantilly)
Gelado 2 sabores (servido em taça waffle com topping e chantilly)
Ice cream 2 flavors (in waffle bowl with topping and chantilly)
Gelado 3 sabores (servido em taça waffle com topping e chantilly)
Ice cream 3 flavors (in waffle bowl with topping and chantilly)
Doces cakes
Pastel de nata quente (com canela à parte)
Custard tart hot with or without cinnamon
Doce do dia (fatia de bolo à escolha do chef)
Sweet daily cake chef selection
Delícia de chocolate com ganache
Chocolate cake with ganache
Salada de frutas com gelado de baunilha
Fruit salad with vanilla ice cream
Petit gâteau com bola de gelado
Petit gâteau lava cake with ice cream
Frutas fruit
Fruta fresca da época (peça de fruta laminada)
Fresh fruit of the season
Salada de frutas (mix de frutas com sumo natural)
Fruit salad with natural juice
Fruta fresca tropical (peça de fruta tropical laminada)
Fresh tropical fruit
IVA incluído à taxa legal em vigor I VAT included legal tax
comidas/ food
Sandes sandwich
Sandes de tomate e queijo fresco em baguete integral
Tomato and fresh cheese sandwich in integral baguette bread
Baguete com salsicha e batata frita
Sausage sandwich in baguette bread and chips
Baguete de salmão fumado com rúcula
Smoked salmon sandwich in baguette bread with rocket salad
Sandes club (Pão tostado com bacon, peito de peru assado, ovo cozido, alface, maionese e batata frita)
Club sandwich (bacon, turkey, egg, lettuce, mayonnaise and fried potatoes)
Prego no pão (Pão rústico com bife do lombo de novilho)
Steak sandwich in rustic bread garnished with fried potatoes
Sempre à sua disposição always at your disposal:
Sandes de queijo guarnecida com chips
Cheese sandwich garnished with chips
Sandes de fiambre guarnecida com chips
Ham sandwich garnished with chips
Sandes mista guarnecida com chips
Cheese and ham sandwich garnished with chips
Sandes de galinha em pão integral guarnecida com chips
Chicken sandwich garnished with chips
Sandes de presunto guarnecida com chips
Smoked ham sandwich garnished with chips
Tostas toasts
Torrada simples com manteiga
Plain with butter
Tosta de queijo guarnecida com chips
Cheese toast garnished with chips
Tosta de fiambre guarnecida com chips
Ham toast garnished with chips
Tosta mista guarnecida com chips
Cheese and ham toast garnished with chips
Tosta de frango guarnecida com chips
Chicken toast garnished with chips
Av. D. João II - nº 32 | 1990-083 Lisboa - Portugal
Tlf.: +351 218 929 100 | Fax: +351 218 929 119
E-mail: [email protected] / mailto:www.olissoppohotels.com

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