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Folder do evento
v iii
meetin g
2 015
u sp
u ni v
u fm g
s ã o
pa u lo
psycholo g y
2 3 - 2 4
u ni v
psycholo g y
2 5 - 2 7
instit u te
g erais
no v em b er
no v em b er
d o e s n o t o n ly a l l o w i t s e l f t o b e t h o u g h t a s a s t ru c t u r e d r e f l e c t i o n a b o u t f o r m s o f co l l e c t i v e i d e n t i t y i n
their ostensible autonomy.
p s yc h o a n a ly s i s h a s r e p e rc u s s i o n s f o r p o l i t i c a l t h o u g h t , t h i s i s t o t h e e x t e n t t h at i t l e a d s
us to a new conception of conflict, of difference, and of singul arit y, that has implic ations for the economy of rel ations bet ween the subject and societ y.
of mental suffering.
f ro m i t s o r i g i n , p s yc h o a n a ly s i s h a s n e v e r b e e n r e s t r i c t e d t o b e i n g a c l i n i c
s o c i a l t h e o ry a l r e a dy co n ta i n e d e l e m e n t s t h at w e r e n o t e n t i r e ly c l a r i f i e d r e g a r d i n g t h e
libidinal economy of the political experience of modern societies.
in its pursuit of unveiling the drive dynam-
ics of power and the nature of nature of the identific ations that chain us to authorit y or through its treatment of the
politic al source of the transferential rel ation, whether in its attentiveness to the fantasies securing social cohesion
a s w e l l a s t h e d i s co n t e n t s t h at a r e p ro d u c e d a s a by p ro d u c t o f t h e p ro c e s s o f c i v i l i z at i o n , p s yc h o a n a ly s i s h a s a lway s
elucidated the necessit y of thinking the subject while taking account of the social dimension of suffering and the expectations of social creation.
Thus, this path opened up by Freud will be a constant reference in the philosophic al experience that has followed
from it. The Frankfurt school’s reflections regarding the drive structure of politic al regression, Deleuze and Guattari’s discussions of the rel ationship bet ween desire and c apitalism, Lyotard’s account of libidinal economy, as well as
Michel Fouc ault’s attention to the disciplin ary apparatuses of our era and the consolidation of neoliberal biopolitics,
c annot be understood without taking into account the field inaugurated by Freudian thought, despite the sometimes conf l i c t e d — a lt h o u g h n o l e s s d e c i s i v e — r e l at i o n s h i p s t h at t h e s e a u t h o r s m a i n ta i n e d t o p s yc h o a n a ly s i s .
m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a t o u r s i t e : s i pp s x i i i a n n u a l m e e t i n g . w o r d p r e s s . c o m
design by dora prod. and henrique p. xavier.
fac .
cienc .
fil .
u sp
i i i ” ( 1946 ) b y b r a z i l i a n a r t i s t m a r i a m a r t i n s .
u ni v ersity
2 3
10:30 - 12:00 J elica S umic (S lovenian A cademy ): “T he
unconscious is politics ”; debate with : D aniel P erez (U nicamp ).
14:00 – 16:00
P rudente (PUC-SP)
TABLE 2 : 1) H erivelto S ouza (U n B): “D estituent potency
and the absent forms of politics in G iorgio A gamben ”; 2)
C ristiane O liveira (UFBA) : “L uto , subjetivações e biopolítica
contemporânea ”; 3) A gon H amza (S lovenian A cademy ): “F rom
L acan to A lthusser and back : on the theory of communist prac tice ”; 4) C larisse G urgel (UERJ): “T he political part y and its
symptomatic insistence : performatic action as an acting out ”.
TABLE 3 : 1) C arla R odrigues (UFRJ): “M émoriser , mémori sant , me - demeurant : du transcendantal au quasi transcenden tal ”; 2) A lexandre C arrasco (U nifesp ): “T ranscendência do
E go ” e o “ estádio de espelho ”; 3) T ania E spinoza (U niv . C am bridge ) “V ulnerabilit y bet ween psychoanalysis and politics ; 4)
E yal R ozmarin (U niv . N ew Y ork ): “I am yourself : subjectivit y
and collective .
14 auditorium
16:00 - 17:30 V ladimir S afatle (USP): “L e M oïse de F reud
comme théorie des corps politiques en érrance : psychanalyse
et le destin du populisme ”; debate with : G uillaume S ilber tin -B lanc (U niv . T oulouse ).
17:30 - 19:00 O swaldo G iacoia (U nicamp ): T itle to be
firmed ; debate with : M onique D avid -M énard (U niv . VII).
2 5
no v em b er
14 auditorium
9:00 - 10:30 C ecilia S jölhom (S ödertörn U niv .): “B urning
books : soverignt y and the fire of literature ”; debate with :
C láudio O liveira (UFF).
10:30 - 12:00 B enjamin M ayer -F oukes (I nst . 17 C idade do
M éxico ): “A n infrapolitical social bond ?”; debate with : R on aldo M anzi (USP).
14:00 – 16:00
TABLE 4 : 1) R afael G arcia (USP): “A construção do ódio :
O s bodes expiatórios no nazismo e hoje ”; 2) V anessa D´Afonseca (UFSC) and M arcus T eshainer (USP): “A ntigone as
remnants of A uschwitz ”; 3) K atherine G lanz (J ohn H opkins
U niv .): “C reative M aladjustment in the W est B altimore U pris ings ”; 4) A lessandra P eixoto : “D o mal radical : da filosofia
à psicanálise ”.
con -
TABLE 5 : 1) A ndré C osta (USP): “S ociété et P olitique chez
N orbert E lias et S igmund F reud ”; 2) G abriele C otronei (J ohn
C abot U niv .): “T he A nthropological and S ocial P urpose of
P sychoanalysis : P sychoanalysis and P hilosophy through the
lens of S ilvia M ontefoschi ”; 3) H elgis C ristófaro (USP):
“N eoliberalism D eadlock , N egri neo -M arxism and the N eed
for a P sychoanalysis C omeback ”; 4) M aria I zabel S zpacen kopf : “N éolibéralisme : la logique du déni et la souffrance
narcissique dans la production de subjectivities ”.
TABLE 6 : 1) M ariana P imentel (USP): “P sychoanalysis ,
P olitics and S ubversion of I dentities from J udith B utler ’ s
P erspective ”; 2) T hamy A youch (U niv . L ille 3): “P sicanálise ,
gênero e cultura : hibridações ”; 3) A drienne H arris (U niv .
N ew Y ork ): “B ion and the P rimal S cene : B et ween ‘ the tank in
the bedroom ’ and ‘ the mature genital couple ’”; 4) B oris B in eau (U niv . T oulouse ): “G enèse et histoire du concept de schi zoanalyse dans l ’ œuvre de F élix G uattari ”.
14 auditorium
16:00 - 17:30 R ussell G rigg (D eakin U niv .): “T he destitu tion of the subject in the age of technology ”; debate with :
C hristian D unker (USP).
17:30 - 19:00 C hiara B ottici (N ew Y ork S chool ): “I maginal
P olitics ”; debate with : F rancisco B occa (PUC-PN)
books presentations
u ni v ersity
psycholo g y
sônia viegas auditorium
18:00 - 20:00 M arcus C oelen (L udwig -M aximilian U niv .):
“L’ action restreinte : poésie - politique - psychanalyse ”; debate
with : B runo G uimarães (UFOP).
2 6
2 6
no v em b er
sônia viegas auditorium
16:00 - 17:30 R odrigo de la F abian (U niv . D iego P ortales
C hile ): “L’ impératif néoliberal du bonheur et la clinique psy chanaly tique ”; debate with : A ntonio T eixeira (UFMG).
17:30 - 19:00 J oel B irman (UFRJ): “F reud et la politique ”;
debate with : R ussell G rigg (D eakin U niv .)
2 7
no v em b er
sônia viegas auditorium
g erais
no v em b er
16:00 - 18:00 J amieson W ebster (N ew Y ork S chool ): “C on version disorder ”; debate with : R ichard S imanke (UFJF).
presentation of papers
TABLE 1 : 1) S érgio
and P atrícia do
P rado (FAM): “O n naming and identification politics ”;
2) C ley ton A ndrade (UFAL): “V iolence et langage dans une
politique des corps ”; 3) P aulo S érgio de S ouza J r . (UFRJ/
U nicamp ): “C et à quel chinois ? L a psychanalyse et les manda rins ”; 4) P edro T avares (USP): “P olitics in the T ranslation
of S igmund F reud ’ s W orks and its repercussion in contempo rary B razilian reception ”.
pa u lo
2 4
presentation of papers
s ã o
no v em b er
14 auditorium
9:00 - 10:30 G uillaume S ilbertin -B lanc (U niv . T oulouse ):
“P sychanalyse , différences anthropologiques et formes poli tiques : pour introduire la différence intensive ”; debate with :
N elson da S ilva J r . (USP).
no v em b er
sônia viegas auditorium
9:00 - 10:30 M onique D avid -M énard (U niv . P aris VII):
“C omment devient on citoyen si l ’ on ‘ devient ’?”; debate with :
E rnani C haves (UFPA).
9:00 - 10:30 P hilippe V an H aute (R adboud U niv .) and J ens
de V lemick (G and U niv .): “P olitiques du séxuel ”; debate
with : C laudia M urta (UFES).
10:30 - 12:00 G uilherme M assara (UFMG): “P olitics and
emancipation : psychoanalysis and social bounds ”; debate with :
M arcus C oelen (L udwig -M aximilian U niv .).
presentation of papers
14:00 – 16:00
TABLE 1 : 1) A nalysis R eparable and I rreparable : the concept
of reparation bet ween psychoanalysis and T ransitional J us tice in B razil - R afael A lves L ima ; 2) P sychoanalysis and the
illusions of democracy - F ernando F agundes R ibeiro ; 3) T he
rejection of death : the political effects of mourning according
to the psychoanalysis and J udith B utler – F ábio L uís F. N.
F ranco ; 4) O testemunho entre o poético e o político no
contexto da ditadura civil militar brasileira - L ucíola F reitas
de M acêdo .
presentation of papers
TABLE 2 : 1) N otas sobre a religião capitalista e o supereu
contemporâneo - M atheus H enrique K unst ; 2) N ão é pecado
claudicar : que lugar há para a psicanálise no campo das políti cas públicas ? - A ngela C ristina da S ilva ; 3) P sychoanaly tic
A ssumptions of T heodor W. A dorno ’ s concept of M aterial ism in N egative D ialectics - Y asmin A fshar ; 4) I mpasses éticos
sobre a imaginarização e a negativização da noção de singular idade na psicanálise lacaniana - I sabel T atit .
TABLE 3 : 1) O
ato psicanalítico como lugar privilegiado da
política na psicanálise de L acan - G abriela G omes C ostardi ;
2) P roduction of difference : a political perspective on the
concept of otherness bet ween L acan and V iveiros de C astro T ássia N ogueira E id M endes ; 3) T he adolescent group behavior
as a social symptom from psychoanalysis and social theory
- P edro C astilho ; 4) D o inconsciente óptico ao esquecimento
épico : leituras frankfurtianas da psicanálise freudiana - L uci ana D adico .
10:30 – 12:30
TABLE 4 : 1) V erlaine F reitas (UFMG): “T he M eta - critique of
the U nconscious : F oucault and the R ole of the F reudian M eta psychology T oday ”; 2) J osé F urtado (UFOP): “O gozo como
imperative e impossibilidade na sociedade de consume dirigido ”;
3) J ulio C astro (UFRJ): “F rom F reudian mass psychology to
L aclau ’ s populism ”; 4) L uiz de C aux (UFMG): “I ntersubje tividade , afetividade primária e o problema da negatividade em
A xel H onneth ”.
TABLE 5 : 1) A lexei I ndursky (U niv . P aris VII): “L e phénomène
de l ’ exil entre le psychique et le politique ”; 2) A ndré G uerra
(UFMG): “P sicanálise e P olítica : o sujeito entre os dispositi vos e os processos de subjetivação ”; 3) M ayara P inho : “C orpo
político : a rememoração a partir de um tempo indeterminado ”;
4) D ario de N egreiros (USP): “C laude L efort ’ s S ocial T heory
and the lacanian subject : possible and impossible parallels ”.
TABLE 6 : 1) P aulo B eer (USP): “D e la science au dis cours de la science : comment la science devient idéologie ”; 2)
H ugo L ana (USP): “T he politics of formalization : readings of
L acan ’ s L’E tourdit ”; 3) G abriel T upinambá (USP): “M ilitant
M etapsychology : concerning the difference bet ween ideals and
ideas ”; 4) B runo V incent : “L acan , une politique du st yle ”;
5) G uillaume M olin (U niv . T oulouse ): “V ariations sur l ’ im possible du rapport sexuel : L acan au prisme des érotologies
théologiques ”.
sônia viegas auditorium
14:00 - 18:00 P olitics upon “M oise and the
and “M ass psychology and the ego analysis ”.
monotheism ”

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