1999 Fall - Federation of Portuguese


1999 Fall - Federation of Portuguese
from the President
Golf Tournament
- We all win
During the summer our community was
honoured by the presence of Portugal’s
First Lady Dr. Maria José Ritta who vis ited
Toronto to celebrate Portugal’s Day,
Camões and the Portuguese Community.
She was received by On tario’s Lieu ten ant
Gov er nor, the hon our able Hil ary Weston in
Queen’s Park on June 10 th where she par tici pated in rais ing the Por tu guese Flag in the
Pro vin cial Leg is la ture. The First Lady also
took time to visit Community Or ga ni zations such as Abrigo and St. Christopher
On be half of the board we would like to
thank the golf com mit tee and ac knowl edge
our members who as sisted the com mit tee.
They were Luis Arruda, Flo Da Silva, Paul
DeMelo, Carlos Teixeira, Joe Pinto and
Charles Sousa. We es pe cially like to thank
our volunteers Mary Jo of CFMT, Tânia
Nutall of Brazil News and San dra Viovell
who were in stru men tal in sell ing raf fles and
But most of
all we ap pre ciate the gen erous donations
of our sponsors that enable such an
event to occur
and which give
source money
for the schol arship fund.
FPCBP endeav ors to promote pro fessionals
and Manuel Silveira, Luis Pimentel and friends of the new Mississauga Con ven tion Cen tre.
(Cour tesy of Eugénio Medeiros)
fos ter busi ness
both within &
national Inc.; Canada Trust; Cardinal Fu outside the Portuguese Canadian com muneral Homes; C.D. Sonter Management
nity and we congratulate our many mem - Inc.; CFMT - Channel 47; CHIN Radio;
bers and guests for par tic i pat ing in such a CIBC; CIRV FM 88.9; Corpap Inc.; Da vid
wor thy cause.
Costa & Associates; De Ponte & Scalisi -
The First Lady, Drª. Maria José Ritta, entrega
medalha a Louis Louro no dia de Por tu gal. (Cour tesy of
“O Milénio”)
During a reception held at the Ontario
Club hosted by Dr. João Perestrello the
Council-General of Portugal in honour of
the First Lady the Federation along with
Acapo and Abrigo were honoured by the
First Lady with a gift of merit for the years
of work, ded i ca tion and com mit ment to the
better most of the Por tu guese Com mu nity.
Needless to say we are all hon oured by this
rec og ni tion. This im pres sive Medalion repre sent ing unity with three locked Hands can
proudly be viewed by all in the Fed er a tion
The Fed er a tion was also hon oured in two
other oc ca sions. First by Dr. Carlos Avila,
Pres i dent of the Povoação, São Miguel who
rec og nized the Fed er a tion in volve ment and
attempt to de velop Busi ness ties in Por tugal. The beautiful ceramic Plate from
Ribeira Quente can also be viewed at the
Fed er a tion of fice.
As well, the Fed er a tion was hon oured by
Ma jor Spon sors:
This year’s donors were extensive. Joe
Estaqiuio from Labatts Brew eries was once
again a lead spon sor. We thank him for his
de vo tion to the com mu nity in his many capac i ties. Air Transat, again, pro vided a pair
of tick ets to Por tu gal, fa cil i tated by Carlos
Teixiera of DS Teixiera and Associates
who generously donated tickets “purchased” in last year’s auc tion. Louis Louro,
of Louro Jewellers, was kind enough to do-
(Con tin ua na página seguinte)
FPCBP Newsletter - September 1999
nate a cus tom de signed di a mond ring worth
$5000 in our putt ing con test.
Here is a re cap of our spe cial spon sors:
Hole-in-one pro vided by Mercedes-Benz
Canada; D. S. Teixeira & Associates, and
Laurie Williamson Pontiac Bu ick GMC
Hole sponsors included Air Transat;
Artnova Fur ni ture Plus; Azevedo and Associates; Banco Comercial dos Açores;
Banco Espirito Santo; Banco Portugues do
Atlantico; Bank of Nova Sco tia; Blue Pages
(Por tu guese Di rec tory); Boston Pizza In ter-
Bar ris ters and So lic i tors; Dr. Joe da Costa;
D. S. Teixeira & As so ci ates; Favas In surance Ser vices Inc.; Gente da Nossa - CPTV
Pro duc tions; IBG Cor po ra tion Com puters
Ind. Sales; Ibe ria In sur ance Bro kers - Luis
Soares; Jeffrey M. Paul, Bar ris ters & So licitors; Keyser Mason Ball - Barristers and
Solicitors; Labatt Breweries Ontario;
Laurie Williamson Pontiac Bu ick GMC
Ltd.; Louro Jewellers; Manuel Gaspar,
CGA; Mar bles of Por tu gal; Merit Metal In(Con tin ua na página seguinte)
(Continuação da página an te rior)
(Continuação da página an te rior)
Mr. Manuel da Silva Azevedo, Deputado
da Assembleia Legislativa Regional dos
Açores dur ing the visit to Casa dos Açores
de To ronto, where Mr. Azevedo pre sented
a beau ti ful Bronze plaque for our com mitment to Busi ness De vel op ment localy and
abroad. This plaque can also be viewed at
the Fed er a tions of fice.
In clos ing, it is with great plea sure that I
ex tend our warm est con grat u la tions to Joe
Eustáquio, President of Acapo for a very
suc cess ful Por tu gal Week. In the at tempt to
harmonize our organizations, the Fed er ation was in vited to be part of the pro gram
from erect ing the first ban ner at Nova Era;
rais ing the Flag at City Hall; trib ute to the
Pi o neers at High Park; of fi cial open ing of
Por tu gal Week at the Por tu guese Con sul ate
in To ronto; Gala Din ner at the Re nais sance
Con ven tion Cen tre; and, join ing the pa rade
through the streets to Bellwoods Park. All
of which I had the es teemed plea sure to attend in rep re sent ing the Fed er a tion.
The mag ni tude of Por tu gal Week is truly
an im pres sive one and the or ga ni za tion of
events is most remarkable. Furthermore,
Portugal Week proved to be an important
event cel e brat ing our past , pres ent and our
fu ture. The pro gram of fered a gen u ine mix
of events to captivate all generations. It celebrates the Portuguese Community and
ignites pride and love for who we are.
Congratulations go to all of you who
volunter and par tic i pate to broaden our involve ment and en hance our com mu nity.
dus tries Inc.; Montepio Geral; Num ber One
Sound; Olympic Tool and Die Inc.;
Paparazzi Restaurant and Night Club;
Paradiso & As so ci ates; Primerica Fi nan cial
Services; Prochilo Bros. Auto Collision;
Progress Auto Col li sion; Pro vin cial Mort gage Ser vice; Rui dos Vidros; Re nais sance
Convention Centre; Rogues Restaurant;
Royal Bank Financial Group; Royal &
Sunalliance; Shorewood Packaging Corp.
Of Canada Ltd.; Segal & Partners Inc.;
Sintra Wine Bar & Grill; Sottomayor Bank
of Canada; Steinberg Morton Frymer;
Stream line Mag a zine; The Re gional In surance Services Inc.; Tranquility Financial
Ser vices Inc.
1999 Golf Win ners
Added to the FPCBP Mas ter Tro phy will
be Mr. Joe Nunes. His name will be en graved along side previous years’ winners
and displayed at the FPCBP office.As a
take home prize, all win ners re ceived beauti fully cus tom en graved glass carv ings produced by Marco Benigno (Verrage Glass
and Mirror Inc.) with a bev eled FPCBP
logo and the sponsor’s name prominently
dis played. Tro phy spon sors in cluded were:
Louis Louro Jr. - President
Market Trends Canada
Growing op ti mism that com mod ity prices
have fi nally turned the cor ner un der pinned
a sharp re bound in the Ca na dian dol lar in
early August. This unfortunately did not
last long as the US unit labour costs and
pay rolls/earn ings re port was much stron ger
than ex pected. This brought the Ca na dian
dol lar back around the 66.5 cents.
Rate jit ters have once again sur faced with
the impact being felt on two fronts. Not
only have the stock mar kets be come much
more vol a tile, they have lost in the neighbourhood of 3% in value, the mortgage
rates showed an other small in crease which
Labatt Breweries Ontario; Banco Espírito
Santo; Euromoulds Inc.; Keyser Mason
Ball; Merit Metal; Montepio Geral;
Olympic Tool & Die; Rogues Restaurant;
Royal Bank Financial Group; The Regional
Insurance; Tranquility Financial Services
Phil Soares ac cepts di a mond ring from Louro Jew ellers af ter win ning the putt ing con test.
(Cour tesy of Eugénio Medeiros)
This event was made possible thanks
toyour con tin u ing do na tions and par tic i pation which go a long way to spon sor the univer sity schol ar ship fund.We an tic i pate approximately $30,000 in receipts to make
this year’s event a great suc cess!Thank you
A. Charles Sousa - Vice President
1999 Scholarship Awards
Please be ad vised that FPCBP is now ac cept ing ap pli ca tions from all post sec ond ary students for the 1999 schol ar ship awards. Please ap ply early. For fur ther in for ma tion, please
write to FPCBP, 722 Col lege St., suite 301, To ronto, ON M6J 1C4. Tel (416) 537-8874.
Last year FPCBP gave $25,000.00 in schol ar ship awards. With your help, we hope this
year the amount will be even higher. FPCBP ex tends an in vi ta tion to all busi nesses and
pro fes sion als to par tic i pate in of fer ing fi nan cial sup port as a spon sor to this ex tremely important endeavour. For further details on how to contribute please contact Dan iel
Fernandes @ (416) 232-9885 or Louis Louro @ (416) 961-4653.
will surely have an effect on the housing
The help wanted in dex, one of the lead ing
in di ca tors of job growth has been point ing
to a pick-up in hir ing needs. This, to gether
with the firming up of commodity prices
should lead to a grad ual turn around in hiring, re in forc ing re cent gains in man u fac turing and ser vices.
Man u fac tures are be com ing in creas ingly
optimistic over the production pros pects.
Ac cord ing to the July Busi ness Con di tions
Survey, close to 40% of Canadian Man ufacturers plan to boost production in the
third quar ter of the year and only 10% ex pect cut backs. The only dis ap point ing aspect of the sur vey is that the in crease in production is not expected to translate into
ad di tional jobs.
Preliminary data indicate that Canadian
mo tor ve hi cle pur chases strength ened to an
an nu al ized 1.51 mn units in July. The solid
performance represents the 2nd highest
level over the past ten years.
Light truck sales rose 10% from July '98
while car sales rose 6.8%. These figures
were lead by a more than 50% rise in both
Mazda and Mercedes-Benz. Imports are
out per form ing do mes tic car sales and now
rep re sent 44% of the Ca na dian car mar ket
up from 30% a de cade ago.
Source - Scotiabank Mar ket Trends. August 6, 1999
Luis Sal va dor - Di rec tor
FPCBP Newsletter - September 1999
Torneio de Golfe de 1999
Decorreu no dia 6 de Julho no Kleinburg Golf Club o maior
torneio de golfe jamais realizado pela Federação. Foi um re cord em
número de jogadores, voluntários, patrocinadores e prémios, para
além das receitas obtidas que reverterão a favor das bolsas de
Participaram 137 jogadores (155 no jantar), dos quais houve 54
hole spon sors e 12 tro phy spon sors e muitos, muitos prémios, en tre
os quais um Mercedes e um Bu ick (embora, infelizmente, ninguém
tenha sido bafejado por tal sorte).
No que respeita à qualificação, vamos começar pela honestidade:
Dan Wil son da CIBC que somou 146 bonitas pancadas (não se sabe
se algumas foram esquecidas, mas chegou para levar uma taça
bonita embora não tão desejada).
O prémio de mérito mais alto foi atribuído ao Sr. José Nunes
Pacheco com o extraordinário resultado de 68 pancadas. Um
resultado de se lhe tirar o chapéu, o qual conquistou bem a nossa
O melhor resultado net foi para Ilídio Medeiros com 71
pancadinhas. Nada mau!!!
Teresa Fiorenchuck foi a vencedora do despique feminino, com
um resultado de 80. O melhor foursome foi para os participantes:
José Pinto, José Nunes, Jeffrey Paul e José Nunes Pacheco. O
melhor foursome of past presidents foi para o grupo de: Luís
Arruda, Filipe Arruda, Inácio Cunha e Manny Coelho.
The lon gest drive foi arrebatado pelo Nel son Arruda. The clos est
to hole foi ganho pelo Luís Amaro, ficando mesmo muito perto.
The putt ing con test é que esteve renhido na luta pelo anel de 18 Kt
oferecido pela Louro Jewellers e graciosamente apresentado por
Sandra Viowell. Para que o anel encontrasse dono jogou-se ao
desempate en tre os 3 participantes finais e Phil Soares do Re naissance conseguiu tão desejada alvíssara, vencendo o Tony Pereira
do Rogues Res tau rant e o amigo Joe da Tran quil ity Fi nan cial Ser-
Win ners of best four some: Joe Pinto, José Pacheco Nunes, Jeffrey Paul e José
Nunes. (Cour tesy of Eugénio Medeiros)
Como hole in one prize estavam na mira um Mercedes Benz C da
Mercedes Can ada e cortesia do Rui dos Vidros e um Bu ick Re gal
oferecido por Laurie Williamson Pontiac Buick GMC.
Infelizmente, nem um nem outro foram resgatados. Para o próximo
ano outro galo cantará …
Acima de tudo, foi simplesmente um dia maravilhoso, desde o
tempo que estava belíssimo até ao jantar muito apetitoso e servido
com galhardia e delicadeza, du rante o qual foram atribuídos muitos
prémios e sorteada a tão almejada viagem a Por tu gal (o sortudo foi
o Paul de Melo) para duas pessoas, gentilmente oferecida por D.S.
Teixeira and As so ci ates.
Para o ano que se avizinha e, com a vossa tão querida
colaboração, será, sem sombra de dúvida, muito, muito, melhor.
José Pinto - Chair of the Golf Com it tee
Your Board of Di rec tors are ap pointed and man dated to build on FPCBP’s strong foun da tion. These vol un teers are anx ious to serve your best in terests and work with you to pro mote our non-profit or ga ni za tion to unite busi ness and pro fes s ional peo ple of Por tu guese or i gin. We aim to fos ter and
de velop busi ness ties within and out side the com mu nity. FPCBP s gov erned by a board of 12 direc tors and 3 trust ees. We are ac count able to all members in main tain ing and pro mot ing, through var i ous sub com mit tees, FPCBP’s im age and to pro vide or ga nized events through out the year. This includes, among other things, our monthly Busi ness Fo rums, an an nual Golf Tour na ment and es pe c ially our An nual Awards din ner where we rec ognize out stand ing achieve ment in the busi ness com mu nity and in ac a demic ex cel lence. FPCBP is proud to fos ter the old est and larg est schol ar ship
pro gram in the Por tu guese com mu nity.
Louis Louro, Jr.
A. Charles Sousa
Carlos Laborde-Basto
Carlos Teixeira
Rui Gomes
Eugenio Medeiros
Jose Pinto
Luis Sal va dor
Manuel Gaspar
Paul de Melo
Dan iel Fernandes
Her nani Costa Palma
Da vid Costa
Luis Arruda
FPCBP Newsletter - September 1999
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Business Forum: Y2K
On June 17, 1999 the FPCBP hosted a lun cheon at Lis bon by
Night where we had as our guest speaker, Mr. Douglas Archibald
from De sign Re cov ery Inc. The topic of dis cus sion re lated to Y2K,
its im pli ca tions and what we as busi ness peo ple can ex pect to encoun ter as the clock strikes mid night on De cem ber 31, 1999.
Mr. Douglas Archibald is Pres i dent & C.E.O of De sign Re cov ery
Inc. (DRI), a com pany with its Head Of fice in Oakville. DRI is respon si ble for de vel op ing and im ple ment ing global sales and marketing strategies for the LS2000 suite of products which are de signed to solve the Year 2000 prob lem in main frame sys tems.
Mr. Archibald’s dis cus sion fo cused and the readi ness of the indus tri al ized world for the much pub li cized glitch in com put ers in
deal ing with the year 2000 as well as 3rd world coun tries. As most
of us are aware, there have been se ri ous con cerns over the past few
years about how com put ers may read the “00" on com puter lines.
Will the com puter think that we are back in 1900 or will it prop erly
read the year as 2000. The rest is money in the bank for com puter
ex perts. The money in vested to en sure com pany’s com puter systems are Y2K ready is in the many bil lions, who knows what the
ex act fig ure is at the mo ment or will end up be ing.
Our im me di ate con cerns re late to Can ada. Most of the Bank’s are
already Y2K compliant and have made that information well
known. Many gov ern ment de part ment and/or pub lic and pri vate
corporations are not that far ahead in resolving this issue. Mr.
Archibald believes, though, that we in North America will go
unscaved and no di sas ters will oc cur as some may pre dict.
Ac cord ing to Mr. Archibald, Eu ro pean coun tries are not all up to
speed on re solv ing the Y2K di lemma. Ger many, a coun try that one
would expect to be at the forefront of Y2K readi ness is lag ging
badly according to DRI’s sources. Anyone having dealing with
com pa nies in Ger many or East ern Eu rope should be mind ful of the
pay ment sys tems.
On the flipside of to tal di sas ter, you have coun tries in Af rica that
will not have a prob lem. Due to their hav ing lagged in tech no log ical de vel op ment, their hard ware is al ready year 2000 com pli ant.
The din ner was very suc cess ful, with valu able in for ma tion be ing
passed on to our mem bers. Mr. Archibald was very happy to be our
guest speaker and most of all loved our Por tu guese cui sine. If anyone wishes to con tact DRI, their num ber is 905-339-2777.
We are sure that Lis bon By Night now has a new cli ent. As you
can see there is al ways pos i tive at trib utes in at tend ing the FPCBP
busi ness fo rums as they serve as an ideal av e nue to build re la tionships.
Luis Sal va dor - Di rec tor
in Portugal
vestors. In some regions and for certain
types of industries European Community
funding is also available. The following
doc u ments have been re ceived:
Resumo: Em seguimento ao artigo sobre
o “VALIMA símbolo de dinamismo para o
investidor”, publicado no Boletim FPCBP
de Maio 1999, mais documentação sobre
outros programas de desenvolvimento in dustrial re gional e de parques científicos,
do norte a sul do país, foram
disponibilizados através do ICEP. Ver
listagem no texto em inglês.
In the May 1999 issue of the FPCBP
Newsletter, the VALIMA regional de velop ment programme, in the Minho prov ince,
was de scribed as a suc cess story in cre at ing
attractive con ditions for world-renowned
in dus tries to in vest in the re gion.
With the as sis tance of ICEP – Por tu guese
Trade and Tourism Commission, it has
been possible to obtain more information
on different development programmes in
various regions of Portugal. Enhancing
schemes and incentives including funding
are avail able in many cases to qual i fied in-
• Comissão de Coordenação da Região Norte [P,E] /
da Região do Alentejo [E] / da Região do Algarve
PROAVE Programa de Desenvolvimento Integrado
do Vale do Ave 2000+ [P]
Associação de Municípios do Vale do Ave – A Place
to Develop your Business in Portugal [E,F]
Centre for Information and Entrepreneurial
Dynamis in Vale do Ave [E]
Guia de Apoio ao Investidor Póvoa de Lanhoso,
Vieira do Minho, Vila Verde, Amares, Terras de
Bouro [P]
Associação do Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia do
Porto [E]
Vendas Novas Industrial Park [G]
TAGUSPARK Lisboa Science and Technology
Park [E]
LISPOLIS Associação para o Polo Tecnológico de
Lisboa [E]
PIS Seixal Industrial Land Development – An
Industrial for the 21st Century [E]
MADAN PARK Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia
Almada – Setúbal [P,E]
MADAN PARK Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia
Almada – Setúbal [P]
SAPEC Silicon Bay Parque Industrial Setúbal
Portugal [E,F]
Port of Setúbal [E]
Sines Europe´s Atlantic Gateway [E]
Parque Industrial e Tecnológico de Évora [E]
Alentejo Un Investissement d’ Avenir [F]
A Profile of Enterprises in the Alentejo [E]
Quadro Comunitário de Apoio PDR Programas
Operacionais da Região do Algarve [P]
• Madeira Tecnopolo The New Innovation Route
Note: Language in brackets P = Por tuguese, E = Eng lish, F = French, G = German
If interested please contact Carlos
Laborde-Basto during business hours at
Tel. 905 403 4407 or by e-mail
Carlos Laborde-Basto - VP Director
Many of you have up dated your ad dress
and phone numbers and, we encourage
everyone to complete their registration
with FPCBP offices immediately. We
also wel come those who wish to be come
new mem bers to act quickly so that ev eryone will be in cluded in the Year 2000 Directory.
FPCBP Newsletter - September 1999
Apo i a dopela FPCBP e pa tro ci na do pelo
Grupo Fi nanceiro BCPAtlântico de cor reram, no pas sa do dia 15 de Ju nho de 1999,
na Ga le ria Côr te Real do First Por tu gue se,
ao sa bor de um agra dá vel pe que no-almoço
pela Cal den se Ba kery, vá ri as apre sen ta ções
das qua is re lem bra mos:
• referências, pelo Dr. Pedro Belo, aos
pro du tos e ser vi ços (Escri tó rio com PC, Tele fo ne e Fax; Sala de Re u niões; Se cre ta ri ado; Vi de o con fe rên cia e Sala de Re fe i ções)
que o BCP e o Atlân ti co ofe re cem a to dos
os cli en tes que se des lo quem em tra ba lho a
Nova Ior que, na mais pres ti gi a da lo ca li zação financeira do mundo, em plena Wall
Stre et [Te le fo ne: (212) 306-7800].
O BCPAtlântico foi o primeiro ban co
Por tu guês na Bol sa de Nova Ior que (1992)
e en con tra-se, tam bém, nas Bol sas de Lisboa des de 1987, Frank furt (1995) e Lon dres
• di vul ga ção, pelo Dr. José Luís Se a bra,
dos Serviços Fiduciários prestados pela
Servitrust S.A., empresa do Grupo
BCPAtlân ti co, que apo ia for te men te o trabalho da Banca Internacional Privada, fa vo re cen do vá ri as so lu ções em face dos quadros fis ca is e le gis la ti vos vi gen tes.
• de sen vol vi men to dos ser vi ços da Ban ca
Internacional Privada do Grupo, pelo Dr.
João San tos, in ci din do na ges tão per so na liza da dos ac ti vos fi nan ce i ros dos Cli en tes e
Accionistas, apostando no funcionalismo
(re cru ta men to, for ma ção e ino va ção).
Neste quadro promissor e no âmbito da
sua estratégia de internacionalização e de
di ver si fi ca ção de in ves ti men tos em mer cados com elevado potencial de ren di bi li dade, em que o Atlân ti co com ple ta 80 anos de
exis tên cia, res ta-nos sa li en tar, en tre mu i tas
ou tras ini ci a ti vas e fu sões que en gra de cem
o mer ca do fi nan ce i ro, no vos in cen ti vos comunitários às Micro, Pequenas e Médias
Empre sas e a cri a ção de pro gra mas es pe cífi cos para os sec to res da Indús tria, Co mércio, Tu ris mo e Ser vi ços, para além do apo io
à internacionalização, energia e am biente
(Li nha de Cré di to Euro Ano 2000 – .
Para qualquer es clarecimento adicional,
con tac te, p.f., Ma nu el de Bri to Fi a lho, repre sen tan te, em To ron to, do BCPAtlân ti co,
pelo te le fo ne (416) 537-3182
Business Forum in the Azores
In May 21, 1999, a group of Federation
members held a business fo rum in S.
Miguel, Azores. The main ob jec tive was to
introduce our organization to the local
Chamber of Commerce - Câmara do
Comércio e Indústria de Ponta Delgada
(CCIPD), and to es tab lish busi ness con tacts
with en tre pre neurs, pro fes sion als and pol iti cians.
tion ship with gov ern ment and un ions. This
re la tion ship al lows the CCIPD to pro vide to
its mem bers rel e vant and timely work shops
at a min i mal or no cost.
On May 24, 199, our del e ga tion met with
Carlos Ávila, president of Camara de
Povoacão. Mr. Ávila in vited us to visit the
historical building where his office is lo cated and later of fered us din ner in a lo cal
Din ner hon or ing Mr. Carlos Ávila, Presidente da Povoação (Cen tre), held in Mississauga, July 28 1999.
(Cour tesy of José Luis Silva)
On May 26, 1999, our delegation had a
joint meet ing with the Ca na dian Hon or ary
Counsel for the Azores, Mr. Filipe Sousa
Lima and with the Executive of CCIPD.
During this meeting Mr. Sousa Lima ex plained his role and in what ar eas he could
be of as sis tance to or ga ni za tions or per sons
who wish to explore the possibility of in vest ing in the Azores. Mr. Sousa Lima may
be contacted at: [email protected] lepac.pt.
The Ex ec u tive of CCIPD gave us a brief
outline of their organization’s objectives
and services provided to their members.
Over all, their ob jec tives are sim i lar to ours.
Where they dif fer is on a much closer re la-
res tau rant. In his re marks, Mr. Ávila talked
about the reconstruction program that is
taking place throughout his county. Also,
he ad dressed the in vest ment op por tu ni ties
and governmental programs available in
the Tour ism and Fish eries in dus tries. Late
in July 1999, and dur ing Mr. Ávila’s visit to
Toronto, the Federation held a dinner in
which he was the guest of honor.
This was the first business forum held
outside Canada. Events such as this one
pro vide the par tic i pants with op por tu ni ties
to develop pro fes sional and busi ness contacts. This fo rum was no ex cep tion.
Luis Arruda - Trustee
Congratulations to Waterloo Region
Portuguese Business and Professionals
On Sat ur day Sep tem ber 25, 1999, our friends from Kitchener/Waterloo cel e brated their
3 rd An nual Awards Din ner hon our ing schol ar ships and com mu nity achieve ment. FPCBP
board mem bers were pleased to share in their fes tiv i ties. We com ple ment the Waterloo
Re gion Por tu guese Busi ness and Pro fes sionals for their ac com plish ments in clud ing their
$10,000 do na tion to St Mary’s Hos pi tal in Kitchener. CONGRATULATIONS! We wish
our col leagues con tin ued suc cess.
Palmira Almeida
FPCBP Newsletter - September 1999
A. Charles Sousa - Vice President
Estate Planning
On June 24th 1999, the FPCBP or ga nized
a conference on estate plan ning pre sented
by Maria Sousa and Taras Kulish from the
law firm of David Costa & Associates,
which ex plained in depth the im por tance of
a will in On tario, and Por tu gal and when the
consumer should obtain an international
will and also why busi ness own ers should
look into pre par ing buy-sell agree ments, so
that the part ners would be able to con tinue
the busi ness with out im pli ca tions…
Followed by Mr. James Cardinal from
Cardinal Funeral Homes, who presented
the var i ous forms of plan ning for a fu neral
to all the pres ent guests.
Car di nal Fu neral Homes and the law firm
of Da vid Costa & As so ci ates spon sored this
Cristina’s Delightful Catering provided
Besides the publication in various lo cal
com mu nity pa pers as: “A Diáspora”,
“O Milénio” and the “Portuguese Sun”,
on the same week, in the com mu nity program, this topic was presented live by the
CIRV. With the coordination of Maria
Fernanda from CIRV, the ac tive par tic i pation from the public and the objective re sponse of Maria Sousa they put together
such an in ter est ing pro gram that if time had
permitted would have continued for
Many peo ple feel they do not need to prepare an es tate plan sim ply be cause they do
not have any as sets. How ever, es tate planning is about more than arranging to dis pose your assets af ter you die - it is about
plan ning to meet the needs of your sur vivors. It is even more important to prepare
an es tate plan if you do not cur rently have
the assets needed to support them. Thus,
your estate plan ning needs will change as
you move through your es tate plan ning life
Dan iel Fernandes - Director
No Consulado-Geral a Galeria Almada Negreiros está inteiramente consagrada à
apresentação gráfica das principais notícias e editoriais sobre o assunto.
Os interessados em contribuir para a reconstrução de Timor-Leste vítima da agressão
indonésia poderão fazê-lo através da conta da Agência de Alcântara da Caixa Geral de
Depósitos sob o número NIB 003500270007750053050, agradecendo-se todo o apoio
que a Comunidade possa igualmente dispensar à atribuição para o efeito de receitas de
eventos que aqui promova.
Have a Heart...
… an excerpt about service clubs taken
from Let ter en ti tled “Up to Good”.
Service clubs have a heart in an often
heartless world, and they should be hon oured for the splen did work they do. They
em body ide al ism and the com mu nity spirit,
two qualities that are needed more than
ever to day...
In 1905 four peo ple launched the ser vice
club move ment which has since mo bi lized
millions of volunteer workers for the im provement of liv ing con di tions for peo ple
vir tu ally ev ery where. They agreed to form
a club of like-minded busi ness and pro fessional men, and de cided that their meet ing
should rotate among the members’ busi ness pre mises. Hence its name: the Ro tary
As its mem ber ship grew, Ro tary as sumed
the form of the mod ern ser vice club, hosting convivial weekly luncheon meetings
featuring guest speak ers. But the de fin ing
point in its evo lu tion came in 1907 when it
un der took its first com mu nity pro ject. The
con cept of reach ing out into the com mu nity
set Ro tary apart from the great ma jor ity of
as so ci a tions that had gone be fore it. Many
did good works, but they were in clined to
keep the fruits of their benevolence to
The idea of per form ing com mu nity ser vice
non-denominational and so cially in clu sive
club was catch ing on. Ro tary, Kiwanis and
Lions club quickly spread widely to many
cities. In 1930, Sinclair Lewis, a Nobel
Prize winning novelist, satirically por-
trayed ser vice clubs as quirky and self serving: to day we would call it net work ing. The
fact is mem bers do busi ness to gether – and
it is typ i cally cap i tal is tic of en light ened self
in ter est: do ing well by do ing good!
The ser vice clubs’ trans par ent good works
and idealistic aims have made them phe nom enally at trac tive to mil lions of peo ple.
But de spite ef forts to re cruit new mem bers
many clubs have been in de cline. Un for tunately this is hap pen ing at time when government spending is being cut and where
voluntary services are needed more than
ever. It is com monly felt that ser vice clubs
have a hands-on approach and do a much
better job than gov ern ment agen cies in the
same fields: Shriners Hospital and their
many fund rais ers is just one ex am ple.
Any weak en ing of the ser vice clubs is tanta mount to weak en ing of the av er age community - and Canada, is “a community of
communities”. Perhaps the way to make
these vi tal or ga ni za tions more ap peal ing to
prospective members is for the public to
stop taking them for granted. So we con gratulate the men and women who wear
their ser vice club pins with hon our as they
so well de serve. We con grat u late or ga ni zations like Abrigo, St. Christophers House
and ACAPO to name but a few.
While FPCBP has de fined lim its as a business association, we do seek to assist our
most prom is ing stu dents and pro mote civic
bet ter ment. As a “group”, it is clear that our
association survives thanks to its growing
and long stand ing mem bers. We do in deed
ap pre ci ate your many forms of con tri bu tion.
A. Charles Sousa - Vice President
FPCBP Newsletter - September 1999
Business Forums:
Going Forward
In an ef fort to im prove our Busi ness forums we invite our members to complete
and fax to our office topic requests and
suggestions. This will provide us with a
better un der stand ing of your in ter ests.
We are presently ar rang ing an eco nomic
brief ing in Oc to ber.
1999 Calender of Events
We thank mem bers for con tin u ing to so licit and pro mote FPCBP’s good cause. By
bolstering our mem ber ship we can fur ther en hance our stand ing within the commu nity. Your phil an thropic ef forts have helped to pro mote ed u ca tion and busi ness
aware ness that ben e fit many and helps to so lid ify our prom i nence within the Ca nadian Busi ness en vi ron ment. Our goal is to sig nif i cantly in crease our level of paid
mem bers so we may pro duce better pro grams and ad vo cate more ap pro pri ately
the needs of our busi ness com mu nity. This is in ad di tion to the fol low ing:
Feb. 25, 1999
Open House & An nual Gen eral Meet ing at 722 Col lege St.,
3rd floor., To ronto
March 8, 1999
Am bas sa dor Rob ert Vanderloo at New Casa Abril
March 25, 1999 Young Pro fes sionals Day - Stu dents at Work
April 8, 1999
Mr. Joe To ledo at New Casa Abril Res tau rant, To ronto
April 20, 1999
Por tu guese Sec re tary of State, Dr. Vitalino Canas at
Dundas Ban quet Place, To ronto
May 21-29, 1999 S. Miguel In ter na tional Busi ness Fo rum
June 15, 1999
Fo rum BCPAtlântico.Break fast at Vasco da Gama gal lery
June 17, 1999
Mr. Douglas Archibald, De sign Re cov ery (Y2K so lu tions).
Lunch at “Lisboa à Noite” res tau rant.
June 24, 1999
Es tate Planning con fer ence, at First Por tu guese
July 28, 1999
Din ner with Carlos Àvila, Pres i dent of Povoação (S. Miguel),
at Rogues Res tau rant
Sep. 25, 1999
Waterloo Re gion Por tu guese Busi ness & Pro fes sionals,
3rd An nual Din ner Dance
Sep. 28, 1999
Eu ro pean Un ion Cham ber of Com merce pres ents “Eu rope’s
new cur rency”, at Sutton Place Ho tel, 955 Bay Street, To ronto.
Oct. 21, 1999
Carlos Gomes (Scotiabank Econ o mist), at Lareira Res tau rant,
at 12:00 noon
Luis Sal va dor - Di rec tor
The Fed er a tion of Por tu guese Ca na dian
Business & Professionals has agreed to
have Mondetta Telecommunications Inc
as the long dis tance pro vider of our members. Mondetta will pro vide each mem ber
of the FPCBP with their own long dis tance card which will have the Fed er ation’s logo. Mondetta has at present the
low est long dis tance charges of any carrier at 47 cents per min ute any time to Portugal.
Each mem ber will be con tacted by Luis
Salvador in or der to ob tain the in for mation nec es sary to pro vide you with your
call ing card.
Held July 16th at Kleinburg Golf & Coun try Club
Sched uled for No vem ber 20, 1999 at The Mississauga Con ven tion Cen tre
A celebration of our community
As we close out this millenium and look
forward to the fu ture, the Di rec tors of the
Federation have decided that this year’s
Annual Din ner on No vem ber 20th will be
ded i cated to a re flec tion of the very be ginnings of our community and those who
helped es tab lish it as a vi tal eco nomic, social and po lit i cal force within the Ca na dian
As mem bers of one of the larg est cul tural
groups in Canada, we in the Portuguese
com mu nity have a great deal to be proud of
and even more to look forward to. Each
year we cel e brate our fu ture with the presentation of our scholarship awards. The
dawn of a new millenium gives us the oppor tu nity to look back on our roots and cele brate those roots with an eye to the fu ture.
In keeping with the theme of Reflection
with an Eye to the Future, the Directors
have decided that we will be honoring an
in di vid ual from within our com mu nity that
best reflects the dedication to hard work
and community involvement that has so
char ac ter ized the es tab lish ment of the Portu guese com mu nity. We in tend to honor all
of those who helped established our com munity by taking the pioneering step of
com ing to this land in the early 1950’s and
to se lect one per son whom best ex em pli fies
those qualities. We, the Directors, look
upon the presentation of this award as a
great op por tu nity to cel e brate the great ness
of our com mu nity and the great ness of its
peo ple. We can not, how ever, do this alone
and look to our mem bers for your sup port
and in volve ment.
We intend to have a gallery of pho tographs pres ent at our din ner trac ing the very
beginnings of our community and would
ask that anyone with photographs contact
us in or der that cop ies can be made for our
FPCBP Newsletter - September 1999
dis play. In ad di tion we are ask ing that the
mem bers help in the de ter mi na tion of the
re cip i ent of this most hon or able award. We,
as the Directors, want the presentation of
this award to be a re flec tion of the grat i tude
of the en tire com mu nity to this in di vid ual
for all that he or she has done and in or der to
do that we must have your nom i na tions as
to who the deserving recipient should be.
Please con tact any of the di rec tors or e-mail
me at with your nominations by Friday,
October 15th. Please also include a brief
out line as to why you be lieve your nom i nee
is de serv ing of this honor. The Di rec tors
will be meet ing af ter that date to re view all
nom i na tions and to se lect the re cip i ent.
Each year we try to make the An nual Dinner one to re mem ber, with the pre sen ta tion
of this special award it is hoped that this
year’s din ner will be cel e brate our past and
Paul de Melo - Director
da família Melo
Foi uma calorosa recepcção a amigos e
conterrâneos que a família Melo
proporcionou na sua bela propriedade de
Schomberg, a 31 de Julho pas sa do, com um
toque de despedida dos quentes dias de
Verão e parte do muito trabalho árduo que
José Melo e familiares têm vindo a
desenvolver no seu activo percurso em
terras canadianas.
De São Miguel, em 1965, as dificuldades
não lhe esmoreceram os ânimos e, numa
labuta constante e com formação, em
simultâneo, José Melo acabou por criar a
sua própria empresa – Melo Land scaping –
há 27 anos, adquirindo, mais tarde, uma
pedreira donde viria a extrair materiais que,
transformados com criatividade e engenho,
em sintonia com a Natureza, levaram José
Melo a participar, com grande sucesso e
realce, resgatando os dois maiores prémios
jamais atribuídos neste sec tor, em vários
concursos no Ontário.
José Melo aproveitou a ocasião para
entregar um cheque no valor de 3.000
dólares, ao Presidente da Câmara da
Povoação, Dr. Carlos Ávila, para o fundo
de apoio às vítimas das intempéries que
afectam, constantemente, esta zona da Ilha
de S. Miguel.
A FPCBP orgulha-se de poder contar com
a participação de José Melo no seio dos
seus membros e deseja a toda a família a
continuação de uma vida sã e próspera.
Palmira Almeida
We are once again ap proach ing our Annual Awards Dinner and we seek your
help to rec og nize those in di vid u als whose
successes are either well known or not
known at all. These are in di vid u als who
impress you with their devotion to suc ceed in their work with special care for
their com mu nity. If you or some one you
know is outstanding in their industry or
pro fes sion please let us know. We are inviting
will be presented at the FPCBP Annual
Dinner scheduled for November 20,
1999. We ask that all nominations be
mailed to our of fices or please feel free to
contact anyone of our di rec tors di rectly.
Please enclose the candidate’s resume
with as much in for ma tion as pos si ble.
A. Charles Sousa - Vice President
A Matter of Size
It is a well known in vest ment re al ity that
the US stock mar ket has out-performed the
Canadian market by a significant amount
over the years and even more so in this de cade.
I am sad dened to re port the same re la tionship exists be tween Spain and Por tu gal, as
sup ported by an nual re turns of the Mor gan
Stan ley Eu rope In dex plus those of Por tugal and Spain from 1994 to Sept 1 1999.
The Canadian & Portuguese’s markets
are often seen as to small to register on
global in ves tors ra dar screen as such many
international investors spend very little
time reviewing the opportunities to be
found in these mar kets.
As the move to merge the Eu ro pean stock
mar kets con tin ues, in ves tors will tend to focus on larger and larger Pan-European
com pa nies as the pro vide the li quid ity inves tors seek. So you will see global in vestors fo cus on the larg est 10-15 com pa nies
listed on the Portuguese ex change and ignore the rest.
An up date of the Por tu gal fund listed on
the New York stock exchange (symbol
PGF) be gan the year at $16.25 and closed
Sep tem ber 1 st at $14.00.
Mário Augusto - FPCBP Mem ber
FPCBP Newsletter - September 1999