2. Academic degrees 3. Previous and current scientific


2. Academic degrees 3. Previous and current scientific
1. Personal data
Full name: Cristina Núñez González
National identity card: 33336431R
Birth place and date: Lugo-Spain; 06-06-1981
Nationality: Spanish
Institutional address: Ecology Research Group, Department of Geographical and Life
Sciences, Canterbury Christ Church University, CT1 1QU Canterbury, United Kingdom
Contact data: Cell phone: +34 659327038
E-mail: [email protected]
Researcher ID: C-7434-2013
2. Academic degrees
2009. PhD in “Chemistry” by Inorganic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry,
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Topic “Design, synthesis and properties of
novel aza-, oxaaza- and thioaza-macrocyclic receptors and their derived metal
complexes”, approved with Honours and distinction.
2006. MSc (Master in Science) in Inorganic Chemistry by Inorganic Chemistry
Department, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain.
Approved with Honours and distinction.
2004. Degree “Licenciatura” (5 years) in Chemistry by Faculty of Chemistry, USC,
Spain. Classification (3.1/4).
3. Previous and current scientific and/or professional activities
- From 01-08-2013 Pos-doc Researcher at Ecology Research Group, Department of
Geographical and Life Sciences, Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom.
Postdoctoral Contract granted by Xunta de Galicia-I2C Program (Spain).
- 01-01-2010 / 31-07-2013. Pos-doc Resercher (SFRH/BPD/653672009) at Chemistry
Department, Faculty of Science and Technology University NOVA of Lisbon, Portugal.
Pos-doctoral Fellowship (SFRH/BPD/653672009) granted by MCE/FCT (Portugal).
2008-2009.- Teacher of “Laboratorio de Química I” at Faculty of Chemistry Engenering,
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
2007-2008.- Teacher of “Química Inorgánica” at Faculty of Chemistry, USC, Spain.
2007-2008.- Teacher of “Laboratorio Químico Básico” at Faculty of Chemistry, USC,
2006-2007.- Teacher of “Laboratorio de Química I” at Faculty of Chemistry, USC,
- From 01-01-2010 Co-editor of the Journal of Integrated “Omics” JIOMICS).
- 01-12-2006 / 30-06-2009. PhD student at Inorganic Chemistry Department, Faculty of
Chemistry, USC, Spain. Predoctoral Contract granted by Xunta de Galicia-María
Barbeito Program (Spain).
- 15-06-2008 / 15-07-2008. Visitant Researcher at Chemistry Department, Faculty of
Science and Technology University NOVA of Lisbon, Portugal. Fellowship granted by
Xunta de Galicia (Spain).
- 01-10-2007 / 31-12-2007. Visitant Researcher at Chemistry Department, Faculty of
Science and Technology University NOVA of Lisbon, Portugal. Fellowship granted by
Xunta de Galicia (Spain).
- 01-04-2005 / 30-10-2006. Junior Researcher at Inorganic Chemistry Department,
Faculty of Chemistry, USC, Spain. Fellowship granted by Xunta de Galicia-Terceiro
Ciclo Program (Spain).
2003-2004.- Teacher of “Inorganic Chemistry II” at Inorganic Chemistry Department
Faculty of Chemistry, USC, Spain. Fellowship granted by Inorganic Chemistry
Departement, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
- 01-10-2003 / 30-07-2004. Trainee at Inorganic Chemistry Department, Faculty of
Chemistry, USC, Spain. Collaboration Fellowship granted by Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia (Spain).
4. Area of scientific activity
4.1. Domain of specialization
Colorimetric and Fluorescence chemosensors.
4.3. Technical Expertise
Protein Chemistry and Biophysics: Standard protein purification techniques (HPLC),
1-D and 2-D Electrophoresis, Rotofor Iso-electric focusing, as well as biophysical
techniques including UV-Vis and emission Spectroscopy.
Material Chemistry: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS),
Transmission electron microscope (TEM), for nanoparticle characterization.
Cell Culture: cell toxicity assays.
4.4. Instrumental Expertise
TEM, DLS, XRD, HPLC, Spectrofluorimeter, Microscopes, Electrophoresis (1D and
2D), Centrifuge, Ultra-Centrifuge, Rotofor isoelectric focusing.
5. Other Professional skills/activities
5.1. Courses
2012. “Curso breve de Análise Estadística Avanzada en Ciencias con o SPSS”.
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (30 h).
LABORALES”. Asociación Galega de Enfermería Científica (600 h).
2009. “Curso Superior de Sistemas Integrados de Xestión: Calidade, medio ambiente e
PRL”. Confederación de Empresarios de Lugo (250 h).
2007. “Curso Monográfico MALDI-TOF-MS”. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Monte de
Caparica (Portugal) (24 h).
2007. “Curso de prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Nivel Básico”. Confederación de
Empresarios de Lugo (50 h).
2006-2007. “Curso Básico de Educación, Enerxía e Desenvolvemento Sostible”. Instituto
de Ciencias da Educación. University of Santiago de Compostela (20 h).
2004-2005. “Curso de Aptitude Pedagóxica”. Instituto de Ciencias da Educación.
University of Santiago de Compostela (150 h).
5.2. Informatics
Skilled in using office programs (word, excel, powerpoint), design (ChemBioDraw Ultra
12.0), graphics (Kaleidagraph 4.0, OriginPro 7.5, mestreC2.3) and modeling (Ortep,
WinGX) and statistical software (SPSS).
6. Participation as member in research projects
1. From 06/2004 to: 06/2007: "Complejos macrocíclicos con potenciales aplicaciones
tecnológicas" (PGIDITO4PXIB20901PR). Xunta de Galicia. University of Santiago de
Compostela. Participant researchers (total number) 8
2. From 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2008: “Nuevos sensores químicos macrocíclicos
fluorescentes de iones metálicos con pendant-arms con unidades excitables en el visible:
dansilo, indol, rodamina y cumarina” (HP2006-0119). Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
“Acciones Integradas Hispano-Portuguesas. 4PN-Acciones integradas.” University of
Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). Participant
researchers (total number): 8
3. From: 01/01/2008 to: 21/11/2008: ''Consolidación e estructuración de unidades de
investigación” (G1962). Xunta de Galicia. "Programa Xeral de Consolidación e
Estructuración do Sistema Galego de I+D+I. INCITE08ENA20904ES." University of
Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Participant researchers (total number): 8
4. From: 30/10/2007 to: 31/10/2010: ''Novos receptores macrocíclicos ditópicos: diseño
e aplicacións'' (PGIDIT07PXIB209039PR). Xunta de Galicia. University of Santiago de
Compostela (Spain). Participant researchers (total number): 8
5. From: 01/01/2011 to: 31/12/2011: “Elaboración de una patente para desarolar el
Documento de Identidad Vinícola (DIV)” (INOU11B-01). Xunta de Galicia. University
of Vigo (Spain). Participant researchers (total number): 5.
6. From: 07/08/2010 to: 20/09/2013: “Un estudio integral al contenido proteico en
plasma, orina y tejidos de pacientes con nefropatía glomerular” (10CSA383009PR).
Xunta de Galicia. University of Vigo (Spain). Participant researchers (total number): 5.
7. From: 09/08/2010 to: 20/09/2013: “Coloides como catalizadores nanoheterogéneos de
reacciones orgánicas” (10PXIB383187PR). Xunta de Galicia. University of Vigo (Spain).
Participant researchers (total number): 6.
7. Supervising/training experience
PhD Supervision
2010/2013 PhD, Co-supervisor of Javier Fernández Lodeiro, under the project “From the
synthesis to the Biochemical and Environmental Applications of Fluorescent Chemistry
Sensors and Metallic Nanoparticles”, conducting to an International PhD degree of
Excellence by the University of Vigo (Spain). (Concluded).
MSc Supervision
2010 - MSc Co-supervisor of Javier Fernández Lodeiro under the project “1,5-Bis(2aminophenoxy)-3-oxapentane as precursor of novel fluorescence acyclic chemosensors”
conducting to a MSc in Chemistry
at the Faculty of Sciences-Ourense Campus,
University of Vigo, Spain. (Concluded).
Others - undergraduate supervision
2013. João Dias under the project “Evaluation of the interaction of an acyclic
chemosensor containing an 8-hydroxyquinoline and pyrene units with toxic metal ions”.
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
2012. Adrián Fernández Lodeiro under the project “Síntesis y estudio quiomosensor de
tres ligandos poliamínicos y sus complejos de mercurio”. Inorganic Chemistry by
Inorganic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Santiago de
Compostela, Spain.
2010. Javier Fernández Lodeiro under the project “Diseño, síntesis y propiedades
quimiosensoras de un nuevo ligando base de Schiff derivado del 3-formil-6nitrocromeno. Estudios de fluorescencia y MALDI-TOF-MS”. Inorganic Chemistry by
Inorganic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Santiago de
Compostela, Spain.
8. Member of the evaluation committee for PhD Thesis
2013. Hugo Miguel Carreira dos Santos, “An Integrative Study of the Effects of Exposure
to Arsenic in Corbicula fluminea”, conducting to a PhD degree by Science and
Technology of Agrofood at the Faculty of Sciences-Ourense Campus, University of Vigo,
9. Organization of Symposium, Congresses and courses
9.1. Organization of Symposium and Congresses
2013. Member of the Organizing Comitee of the “URINOMICS 2013: 1st International
Conference on Urine Omics 2013” held at 9th-11th September 2013 in Caparica - Almada,
Portugal. http:// www.urinomics2013.com
2013. Member of the Organizing Comitee of the “ISPROF 2013: 1st International
Symposium on Profiling 2013” held at 2nd-4th September 2013 in Caparica - Almada,
Portugal. http://www.isprof2013.com
2012. Member of the Organizing Comitee of the “I International Conference in Imaging
Mass Spectrometry-OurCon” to be held at 3rd-5th September 2012 in Ourense-University
of Vigo (Spain). http://www.ourcon.es/
2012. Member of the Organizing Comitee of the “III EGC2: Terceiro Encuentro Galego
de Cinética e Catálisis” to be held at 13rd to 15th January 2012 in University of Vigo
(Spain). http://sing.ei.uvigo.es/3EGC2/
2011. Member of the Organizing Comitee of the “2nd International Congress on Analytical
2011. Member of the Organizing Comitee of the “1ras Xornadas “A Quimica e as Novas
Xeracions. Ano International da Química”. Laboratorio BIOSCOPE, FCOu, University
of Vigo (Spain) 29th March-26thMay. http://www.fcou.uvigo.es/aiq2011/
2011. Member of the Organizing Comitee of the “Frío Frío Frío” Proyect Science and
Cook, Faculty of Sciencem, University of Vigo (Spain) (FCT-11-2215) 14th December.
9.2. Organization of Courses
2013. “Course on R software applied to Mass Spectrometry-based biosciences: Data
Preprocessing and Analysis (from clustering to classification)”. BIOSCOPE Research
group at the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, University
2013. “I Hands-on Course in Nanoparticle Studies: From Fluorescence and Biochemical
tools to MALDI Ms Technique Applied to Coated Metal Nanoparticles”. BIOSCOPE
Research group at the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Technology,
University NOVA of Lisbon (Portugal) 23rd-25th May.
2013. “III Hands on Course in Ultrafast Sample treatment for Proteomics: From protein
identification to quantification”. BIOSCOPE Research group at the Chemistry
Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, University NOVA of Lisbon (Portugal)
8th-10th May. http://www.bioscopegroup.org/handson2013/
2013. “I Hands-On Course in Sample Preparation using Nanoparticles for Proteomics:
Biochemical and Medical diagnosis”. BIOSCOPE Research group at the Chemistry
Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, University NOVA of Lisbon (Portugal)
28th-30th March. http://www.bioscopegroup.org/handsonnanoparticles2013/
2012. “II Hand on Course In Fluorescence and Related techniques Applied to
Chemosensors”. BIOSCOPE Laboratory, FCOu, University of Vigo (Spain) 19th-22th
June. http://www.bioscopegroup.org/
2012. “Hands on Course in Ultrafast Sample treatment for Proteomics: From protein
identification to quantification”. BIOSCOPE Laboratory, FCOu, University of Vigo
(Spain) 12th-15th June. http://www.bioscopegroup.org/
2011. “Advanced Course in Applied Techniques for Fluorescence and Mass
Spectrometry”. BIOSCOPE Laboratory, FCOu, University of Vigo (Spain) 14th
November 2011-21st March 2011. http://www.bioscopegroup.org/
2011. “I Hands on course in Sample Treatment for proteomics”. BIOSCOPE Laboratory,
FCOu, University of Vigo (Spain), 14th-16th November. http://www.bioscopegroup.org/
2011. “I Hands on course in Fluorescence and Related Techniques Applied to
Chemosensors”. BIOSCOPE Laboratory, FCOu, University of Vigo (Spain) 23th -26th
May. http://www.bioscopegroup.org/handsonfluorescencecourse/
2011. “I Hands on course in
O based protein quantification for proteomics”.
FCOu, University of
(Spain) 7th-9th
2010. “Sexta Escuela de Resonancia Paramagnética Electrónica (ERPE-6)”. Inorganic
Chemistry Department, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 5th-10th
September. http: www.usc.es/qinor/6ERPE
2010. “Hands on course in sample treatment for mass-spectrometry-based proteomics”.
Laboratorio BIOSCOPE, FCOu, Universidade de Vigo (Spain) 8th-12th March. (http:
10. Publications
10.1. Thesis (3)
2009. PhD Thesis: “Design, synthesis and properties of novel macrocyclic aza-, oxaazaand thioaza- receptors and their metal complexes”. Under supervision of Profª Doutora
Mª Rufina Bastida de la Calle (USC, Spain) and Prof. Doutora María Laura Valencia
Matarránz (University of Vigo, Spain). P. 589. (ISBN 978-84-9887-250-7).
2005. MSc Thesis: “Síntesis de nuevos receptores macrocíclicos y de sus complejos
metálicos derivados de los lantánidos Eu3+ and Tb3+ con importantes propiedades
biomédicas” Supervised by of Profª Doutora Mª Rufina Bastida de la Calle (USC, Spain)
and Prof. Doutora María Laura Valencia Matarránz (University of Vigo, Spain).
2004. Degree Thesis (Licenciatura): "Síntesis y caracterización de nuevos receptores
macrocíclicos y de sus propiedades de coordinación hacia metales transionales y posttransicionales". Supervised by Profª Doutora Mª Rufina Bastida de la Calle (USC, Spain).
10.2. Books (participating as co-author)(3)
1. “A Practical Guide for Hands-on Course in Sample Preparation using Nanoparticles
for Proteomics: Biochemical and Medical Diagnosis”, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro,
Hugo Miguel Santos, Cristina Núñez, Elisabete Oliveria, Javier Fernández-Lodeiro,
Eduardo Araújo, 2013, ISBN: 978-989-97721-5-1.
2. “Practical Guide for Hands-on Course in Nanoparticle studies: From Fluorescence
and Biochemical tools to MALDI-MS Technique applied to coated metal nanoparticles”,
Carlos Lodeiro, José Luís Capelo, Hugo Santos, Cristina Núñez, Elisabete Oliveira,
Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Carla Santos, 2013, ISBN: 978-989-98415-2-9; 978-98998415-3-6.
3. “Practical Guide for Hands-on Course in Ultrafast Sample treatment for Proteomics:
From Proteins identification to Quantification”, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Hugo
Santos, Cristina Núñez, Elisabete Oliveira, Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Eduardo Araujo,
2013, ISBN: 978-989-98415-0-5; 978-989-98415-1-2.
10.3. Chapters in books (2)
1. “1ras Xornadas “A Química e as Novas Xeracións” 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”, Chapter: “Química Supramolecular: De Jean-Marie Lehn a nuestros días”
Cristina Núñez, 2011, 6-7, ISBN: 978-84-8158-527-8.
2. “Book of Abstracts of 2nd International Congress on Analytical Proteomics – ICAP
2011”, Chapter: “Imaging of Intracellular Zn2+ by a novel “OFF-ON” Fluorescent
Chemosensor Based on Hydrazone-Quinoline Chromophores”, Cristina Núñez, Jóse
Luis Capelo, Ricardo Carreira, Mario S. Diniz, Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Miguel
Larguinho, Carlos Lodeiro, Rubén López-Cortes, Juan Carlos Mejuto, Julio D. NunesMiranda, Elisabete Oliveira, Hugo M. Santos, 2011, 156, ISBN: 978-972-99358-9-3.
10.4. Papers in international scientific periodicals with referees (38)
(*Corresponding Author)
36. “New-coated Fluorescent Silver Nanoparticles with a Fluorescein thiol esther
derivative: fluorescent enhancement upon Interaction with Heavy Metal Ions”, Javier
Fernández-Lodeiro, Cristina Núñez, Adrián Fernández Lodeiro, Elisabete Oliveira,
Benito Rodríguez-González, Alcindo A. Dos Santos, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro,
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, Under review.
35. “Highly toxic Gold Nanoparticles functionalized with a novel quinoline molecular
probe: from Zn2+ to Hg2+ detection and in vitro studies”, Cristina Núñez,* Elisabete
Oliveira, Javier García-Pardo, Mario Diniz, Julia Lorenzo, José Luis Capelo, Carlos
Lodeiro, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2913, Under review.
34. "New Emissive Rhodamine Dimer Probes for Mercury Detection in Solution, Gas
Phase and Cellulose Supported Devices”, Cristina Núñez,* Mário Diniz, Alcindo A.
Dos Santos, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Dyes and Pygments, 2014, 101, 156-163.
33. “The first substituted macrocyclic ligand Py2N4S2 containing four naphthylmethylene
pendant-armed groups: synthesis and photophisical properties”, Verónica García,
Anxela Aldrey, Catherine S. De Castro, Rufina Bastida, Alejandro Macías, Carlos
Lodeiro, J. Sérgio Seixas de Melo, Cristina Núñez,* Inorganic Chemistry
Communications, 2013, 36, 22-26.
32. “Functionalized Porphyrins as Red Fluorescent Probes for Metal Cations:
Spectroscopic, MALDI-TOF Spectrometry, and Doped-Polymer Studies”, Nuno M. M.
Moura, Cristina Núñez, Sérgio M. Santos, M. Amparo F. Faustino, José A. S. Cavaleiro,
M. Graça P. M. S. Neves, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Chem Plus Chem (selected
Cover picture), 2013, 78, 1230-1243.
31. “Polyamine Ligand-Mediated Self-Assembly of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles into
Chemosensors”, Adrián Fernández-Lodeiro, Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Cristina
Núñez,* Rufina Bastida, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Chemistry Open (selected
Cover picture), In press, DOI: 10.1002/open.201300023.
30. “1D chain fluorescein-functionalized gold and silver nanoparticles as new optical
mercury chemosensor in aqueous media”, Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Cristina Núñez,
Elisabete Oliveira, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Journal of Nanoparticle
Research, 2013, 15, 1828-1838.
29. “Bis(o-methylserotonin)-containing iridium(III) and ruthenium(II) complexes as new
cellular imaging dyes: synthesis, applications, and photophysical and computational
studies”, Cristina Núñez,* Carlos Silva López, Olalla Nieto Faza, Javier FernándezLodeiro, Mario Diniz, Rufina Bastida, Jose Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Journal of
Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 18, 679-692.
nitrophenylthiourea binding groups”, Anxela Aldrey, Verónica García, Carlos Lodeiro,
Alejandro Macías, Paulo Pérez-Lourido, Laura Valencia, Rufina Bastida, Cristina
Núñez,* Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 4578-4585.
27. “Steady-State and Time-Resolved Investigations on Pyrene-Based Chemosensors”,
Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Cristina Núñez, Catherine S. de Castro, Emilia Bértolo, J.
Sérgio Seixas de Melo, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Inorganic Chemistry, 2013,
52, 121-129.
metallomesogenic and photoluminescent behavior, Paloma Ovejero”, Eduardo Asensio,
Jose Vicente Heras, Jose Antonio Campo, Mercedes Cano, M. Rosario Torres, Cristina
Núñez, Carlos Lodeiro, Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42(6), 2107-2120.
Fernández-Lodeiro, Cristina Núñez,* Emilia Bértolo, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro,
Molbank, 2012, M779 (1)- M779 (4).
Núñez,* Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Adrián Fernández-Lodeiro, Emília Bértolo, José Luis
Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Molbank, 2012, M770 (1)-M770 (4).
Núñez,* Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Adrián Fernández Lodeiro, Emília Bértolo, José Luis
Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Molbank, 2012, M768 (1)-M768 (4).
22. “Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time of flight spectrometry for the fast
screening of oxosteroids using aromatic hydrated hydrazines as versatile probes”, Marco
Galesio, Cristina Núñez, Mário S. Diniz, Richard Welter, Carlos Lodeiro, José Luis
Capelo, Talanta, 2012, 100, 262-269.
21. “Fast human serum profiling through chemical depletion coupled to goldnanoparticle-assisted protein separation”, Rubén López-Cortés, Elisabete Oliveira,
Cristina Núñez, Carlos Lodeiro, María Páez de la Cadena, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, H.
López-Fernández, Miguel Reboiro-Jato, Daniel Glez-Peña, José Luis Capelo, Hugo M.
Santos, Talanta, 2012, 100, 239-245.
20. “Novel Emissive Phenylurea-Based Macrocyclic Chemosensor: Synthesis,
Fluorescent and Complexation Studies”, Cristina Núñez,* Anxela Aldrey, Verónica
García, Rufina Bastida, Alejandro Macías, Carlos Lodeiro, Inorganica Chimica Acta,
2012, 381, 85-94.
19. "Novel emissive podands based on 8-OH-quinoline: Synthesis, fluorescence
materials, DFT and complexation studies", Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Cristina Núñez,*
Olalla Nieto Faza, Jose Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, J. Sérgio Seixas de Melo, Carlos
Silva López, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 381, 218-228.
18. "Versatile Schiff-base Hydrazone Fluorescent Receptors: Synthesis, Spectroscopy
and Complexation Studies", Cristina Núñez,* Javier Fernández Lodeiro, Mario Diniz,
Marco Galesio, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 380, 40-49.
17. "Novel Small Stable Gold Nanoparticles Bearing Fluorescent Cysteine_Coumarin
Probes as New Metal-Modulated Chemosensors", Elisabete Oliveira, Cristina Nuñez,
Benito Rodríguez-González, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Inorganic Chemistry,
2011, 50, 8797-8807.
16. "Dinuclear Cobalt(II) and Copper(II) Complexes with Py2N4S2
Ligand: Synthesis, structural, magnetic and EPR studies", Cristina Núñez, Rufina
Bastida, Luis Lezama, Alejandro Macías, Paulo Pérez-Lourido, Laura Valencia,
Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 5596-5604.
15. "Synthesis and photophysical studies of two luminescent chemosensors based on
catechol and 8-Hydroxyquinoline chromophores, and their complexes with group 13
metal ions", Cristina Núñez,* Javier Fernandez-Lodeiro, Mário Dinis, Miguel
Larguinho, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Inorganic Chemistry Communications,
2011, 14, 831-835.
14. "Novel versatile imine-enamine chemosensor based on 6-nitro-4-oxo-4H-chromene
for ion detection in solution, solid and gas-phase: synthesis, emission, computational and
MALDI-TOF-MS studies", Javier Fernández-Lodeiro, Cristina Núñez,* Ricardo
Carreira, Hugo M. Santos, Carlos Silva López, Juan Carlos Mejuto, Jose Luís Capelo,
Carlos Lodeiro, Tetrahedron, 2011, 67, 326-333.
Cristina Núñez, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Molbank, 2010, M698(1)- M698(4).
12. "Anion sensing properties of new colorimetric chemosensors based on macrocyclic
ligands bearing three nitrophenylurea groups", Anxela Aldrey, Cristina Núñez,
Verónica García, Rufina Bastida, Carlos Lodeiro, Alejandro Macías, Tetrahedron, 2010,
66, 9223-9230.
11. "Structural, MALDI-TOF-MS, Magnetic and Spectroscopic Studies of New Dinuclear
Copper(II), Cobalt(II) and Zinc(II) Complexes Containing a Biomimicking µ-OH
bridge", Cristina Núñez, Rufina Bastida, Alejandro Macías, Laura Valencia, Nicolás I.
Neuman, Alberto C. Rizzi, Carlos D. Brondino, Pablo J. González, José Luis Capelo,
Carlos Lodeiro, Dalton Transactions, 2010, 39, 11654-11663.
10. "New dinuclear Nickel(II) and Iron(II) complexes with a macrocyclic ligand
containing a N6S2 donor-set: Synthesis, Structural, MALDI-TOF-MS, Magnetic and
Spectroscopic Studies", Cristina Núñez, Rufina Bastida, Alejandro Macías, Laura
Valencia, Joan Ribas, José Luis Capelo, Carlos Lodeiro, Dalton Transactions, 2010, 39,
9. “Light and Color as Analytical Detection Tools: A journey into the periodic table using
polyamines to bio-inspired systems as chemosensors", Carlos Lodeiro, Jose Luis Capelo,
Juan Carlos Mejuto, Elisabete Oliveira, Hugo M. Santos, Bruno Pedras, Cristina Núñez,
Chemical Society Review (Cover Picture), 2010, 39, 2948-2976.
8. “Synthesis of metal complexes with a novel ethyldioxolane pendant-armed
hexaazamacrocyclic ligand”, Cristina Núñez,* Rufina Bastida, Alejandro Macías,
Anxela Aldrey, Laura Valencia, Polyhedron, 2009, 29, 126-133.
7. “Exploiting anionic and cationic interactions with a new emissive imine-based betanaphthol molecular probe”, Luz Fernandes, Maxime Boucher, Javier FernándezLodeiro, Elisabete Oliveira, Cristina Núñez, Hugo M. Santos, Jose Luis Capelo, Olalla
Nieto Faza, Emilia Bértolo, Carlos Lodeiro, Inorganic Chemistry Communications,
2009, 12, 905-912.
6. “Synthesis, characterization and fluorescence behaviour of four novel macrocyclic
emissive ligands containing a flexible 8-hidroxy-quinoline unit”, Cristina Núñez, Rufina
Bastida, Alejandro Macías, Emilia Bértolo, Luz Fernandes, José Luis Capelo, Carlos
Lodeiro, Tetrahedron, 2009, 65, 6179-6188.
5. “Water soluble dinuclear complexes with a hexaaza macrocyclic ligand bearing four
acetohydrazide groups”, Cristina Núñez, Rufina Bastida, Alejandro Macías, Carlos
Lodeiro, Laura Valencia, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2009, 362, 3454-3460.
4. “Solid State and Solution Structure of Lanthanide(III) Complexes with a Flexible PyN6
Macrocyclic Ligand”, Cristina Núñez, Marta Mato-Iglesias, Rufina Bastida, Alejandro
Macías, Paulo Pérez-Lourido, Carlos Platas-Iglesias, Laura Valencia, European Journal
of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 8, 1086-1095.
3. “Synthesis and evaluation of new thienyl and bithienyl-bis-indolylmethanes as
colorimetric sensors for anions”, Rosa M. F. Batista, Elisabete Oliveira, Cristina Núñez,
Susana P. G. Costa, Carlos Lodeiro, M. Manuela M. Raposo, Journal of Physical
Organic Chemistry, 2009, 22(5), 362-366.
2. “A hexaaza macrocyclic ligand containing acetohydrazide pendants for Ln(III)
complexation in aqueous solution. Solid-state and solution structures and DFT
calculations”, Cristina Núñez, Rufina Bastida, Alejandro Macías, Marta Mato-Iglesias,
Carlos Platas-Iglesias, Laura Valencia, Dalton Transactions, 2008, 29, 3841-3850.
1. “Synthesis, spectroscopic, structural and complexation studies of a new tetranaphthylmethylene pendant-armed macrocyclic ligand”, Cristina Núñez, Elisabete
Oliveira, Leticia Giestas, Laura Valencia, Alejandro Macías, João Carlos Lima, Rufina
Bastida, Carlos Lodeiro, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2008, 361, 2183-2191.
10.5. Papers in conference proceedings (2)
1. "Sea warming affects bream (Sparus aurata) tissues and stress proteins (HSP70)”, D.
Madeira, C. Vinagre, R. Rosa, P.M. Costa, M.H. Costa, S. Caeiro, M. Galésio, H.M.
Santos, C. Núñez, E. Oliveira, L. Castro, I. Peres, C. Lodeiro, J.L. Capelo, M.S. Diniz,
2. “Toxicity study of new metal nanoparticles functionalized with fluorescein derivatives
as novel image systems”, Adrián Fernandéz-Lodeiro, Javier Fernandéz-Lodeiro, Cristina
Núñez, Elisabete Oliveira, Hugo M. Santos, Carlos Lodeiro, José Luis Capelo, Maro S.
10.6. Oral communications (2)
1. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “Supramolecular chemistry: from
2. “III Encontro Galego de Cinética y Catálise (III EGC2)”. Ourense (Spain) 13th-15th
January 2012. “Biological Assays of a Novel Chemosensor based on Quinoline”.
Cristina Núñez.
10.7. Posters in conferences (60)
60. “3rd International Congress on Analytical Proteomics”. Sao Pedro (Brasil) 28th31th July 2013. “Insight into protein extraction from FFPE-tissue samples”. J. E. Araújo,
J. L. Capelo, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, G. Igrejas, C. Lodeiro, C. Núñez, E. Oliveira, H. M.
59. “3rd International Congress on Analytical Proteomics”. Sao Pedro (Brasil) 28th- 31th
July 2013. “Insight into the proteome of peritoneal dialysate”. E. Oliveira, J. E. Araújo,
J. L. Capelo, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, G. Igrejas, C. Lodeiro, C. Núñez, A. Otero-Glez, H.
M. Santos.
58. “3rd International Congress on Analytical Proteomics”. Sao Pedro (Brasil) 28th- 31th
July 2013. “Gold-Nanoparticle-assisted Protein Separation for Fast human serum
profiling using chemical depletion”. C. Lodeiro, J. L. Capelo, H. M. Santos, J. FernándezLodeiro, E. Oliveira, C. Núñez, F. Fdez-Riverola, H. L. Fernández.
57. “3rd International Congress on Analytical Proteomics”. Sao Pedro (Brasil) 28th- 31th
July 2013. “Lab-on-valve integrating ultrasonic energy for multiple sample pretreatment
involving denaturation, reduction, and digestion for protein identification by mass
spectrometry”. C. Núñez, J. L. Capelo, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, F. Fdez-Riverola, C.
Lodeiro, M. Miro, J. D. Nunes-Miranda, H. M. Santos, E. Oliveira, M. Reboiro-Jato.
56. “XXIV IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry”. Coimbra (Portugal) 15th- 20th July
2012. “Synthesis, photophysical and cellular bioimaging applications of novel
cyclometallated Iridium(III) and Ruthenium(II) complexes”. C. Núñez, J. FernándezLodeiro, C. Lodeiro, M. E. Diniz, J. L. Capelo. PO362.
55. “Fluorofest Workshop”. Munich (Germany) 29th November-1st December 2011.
“Novel luminescent cyclometallated Iridium(III) and Ruthenium (II) complexes:
synthesis, photophysical and cellular bioimaging applications”. C. Núñez, J. L. Capelo,
M. E. Diniz, C. Lodeiro, O. Nieto.
54. “Fluorofest Workshop”. Munich (Germany) 29th November-1st December 2011.
“Towards new Emissive silver nanoparticles functionalized with fluorescein
derivatives”. J. Fernandéz-Lodeiro, J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro, C. Núñez, E. Oliveira.
53. “XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química”. Pontevedra (Spain) 9th-11th
November 2011. “Novel pyerene based chemosenrsor: fluorescence response towards
different external inputs”. J. Fernández-Lodeiro, C. Núñez, E.Oliveira, C. Lodeiro, J. L.
Capelo. P-38.
52. “XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química”. Pontevedra (Spain) 9th-11th
November 2011. “Ultrasonic-Based Sample Treatment for Mass-Spectrometry-based
Mapping of Human Plasma”. J. D. Nunes-Miranda, M. Reboiro-Jato, C. Núñez, H. M.
Santos, F. Fernández-Riverola, G. Igrejas, C. Lodeiro, J. L. Capelo. P-37.
51. “I ICAP (International Congress on Analitical Proteomics)”. Ourense (Spain) 18th20th July 2011. “Nano-simplification of the Human Serum Proteomoe Complexity”. R.
López-Cortes, J. L. Capelo, R. Carreira, M. S. Diniz, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, M.
Larguinho, C. Lodeiro, J. C. Mejuto, J. D. Nunes-Miranda, C. Núñez, E. Oliveira, H. M.
Santos. P38.
50. “I ICAP (International Congress on Analitical Proteomics)”. Ourense (Spain) 18th20th July 2011. “New Software for Bacterial Identification, Discrimination and
Classification by Mass Spectrometry”. R. Carreira, J. L. Capelo, M. S. Diniz, J.
Fernández-Lodeiro, M. Larguinho, C. Lodeiro, R. López-Cortes, J. C. Mejuto, J. D.
Nunes-Miranda, C. Núñez, E. Oliveira, H. M. Santos. P35.
49. “I ICAP (International Congress on Analitical Proteomics)”. Ourense (Spain) 18th20th July 2011. “Nanoparticle-bases surface-assisted desorption/ionisation time-of-flight
for identification of nucleotides”. M. Larguinho, P. Baptista, J. L. Capelo, R. J. Carreira,
M. S. Diniz, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, F. Fernández-Riverola, D. González-Peña, C.
Lodeiro, R. López-Cortes, J. C. Mejuto, J. D. Nunes-Miranda, C. Núñez, E. Oliveira, M.
Reboiro-Jato, H. M. Santos. P30.
48. “I ICAP (International Congress on Analitical Proteomics)”. Ourense (Spain) 18th20th July 2011. “New insights on the ultrasonication effects on the Microcystin-LR
degradation”. H. Muelle, R. Carreira, M. Galésio, H. M. Santos, C. Núñez, C. Lodeiro,
J. L. Capelo, I. Moura, M. C. Santos, M. S. Diniz. P23.
47. “I ICAP (International Congress on Analitical Proteomics)”. Ourense (Spain) 18th20th July 2011. “Mass Spectrometry-Based fingerprinting of Wine”. J. D. NunesMiranda, J. L. Capelo, R. Carreira, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, F. Fernández-Riverola, D.
González-Peña, G. Igrejas, M. Larguinho, C. Lodeiro, R. López-Cortes, J. C. Mejuto, C.
Núñez, E. Oliveira, M. Reboiro-Jato, H. M. Santos. P23.
46. “I ICAP (International Congress on Analitical Proteomics)”. Ourense (Spain) 18th20th July 2011. “Novel Emissive Silver Nanoparticles Functionalized with Bio-inspired
peptides as potential emissive probe for in-vivo applications”. J. Fernandéz-Lodeiro, J.
L. Capelo, R. J. Carreira, M. S. Diniz, M. Larguinho, C. Lodeiro, R. López-Cortes, J. C.
Mejuto, J. D. Nunes-Miranda, C. Núñez, E. Oliveira, H. M. Santos. P21.
45. “I ICAP (International Congress on Analitical Proteomics)”. Ourense (Spain) 18th20th July 2011. "MALDI-MSI: Chemical information turns to pictures”. H. M. Santos, J.
L. Capelo, R. J. Carreira, M. S. Diniz, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, F. Fernández- Riverola, D.
González-Peña, M. Larguinho, C. Lodeiro, R. López-Cortés, J. D. Nunes-Miranda, E.
Oliveira, C. Núñez, M. Reboiro-Jato. P19.
44. “I ICAP (International Congress on Analitical Proteomics)”. Ourense (Spain) 18th20th July 2011. “Fluorescent Functionalized Silver Nanoparticles for in vivo tissue and
cell markers”. E. Oliveira, J. L. Capelo, R. J. Carreira, M. S. Diniz, J. Fernández-Lodeiro,
M. Larguinho, C. Lodeiro, R. López-Cortes, J. C. Mejuto, J. D. Nunes-Miranda, C.
Núñez, H. M. Santos. P13.
43. “I ICAP (International Congress on Analitical Proteomics)”. Ourense (Spain) 18th20th July 2011. “Imaging of Intracellular Zn(II) by a novel “OFF-ON” Fluorescent
Chemosensor Based on Hydrazone-Quinoline Chromophores”. C. Núñez, J. L. Capelo,
R. J. Carreira, M. S. Diniz, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, M. Larguinho, C. Lodeiro, R. LópezCortes, J. C. Mejuto, J. D. Nunes-Miranda, E. Oliveira, H. M. Santos. P10.
42. “International Workshop on Nanoplasmonics for Energy and the Environment”.
Sanxenxo (Spain) 8th-10th June 2011. “New application of Gold Nanoparticles in protein
separation: A Proteomic approach”. C. Núñez, R. López-Cortés, H. M. Santos, J. L.
Capelo, M. E. Diniz, C. Lodeiro. PII.41.
41. “Workshop on “Nanostructured Materials for Sensing”. Vigo (Spain) 13th April
2011. “Fluorescence chemosensors for proteomics”. C. Lodeiro, J. L. Capelo, M. E.
Diníz, H. M. Santos, E. Oliveira, C. Núñez, M. A. Larginho, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, J.D.
Nunes-Miranda, R. López-Cortés.
40. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “From Colorimetric
Chemosensors to Metal Nanoparticles using two New Tyrosine Schiff-base Ligands for
Cu2+ Detection”. E. Oliveira, J. D. Nunes-Miranda, H. M. Santos, J. Fernandéz-Lodeiro,
C. Núñez, M. Larguinho, R. Carreira, M. Diniz, J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro. P-19.
39. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “A novel “off-on” fluorescence
sensor for Zn2+ based on hydrazone-quinoline derivate and its application for imaging of
intracellular Zn2+”. C. Núñez, M. Larguinho, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, E. Oliveira, J. D.
Nunes-Miranda, R. López-Cortés, H. M. Santos, M. Larguinho, R. Carreira, J. L. Capelo,
C. Lodeiro, M. E. Diniz. P-15.
38. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “An Integrative study of the
Effects of Exposure to Arsenic in Corbiculla Fluminea (Muller 1744)”. H. M. Santos, J.
L. Capelo, R. Carreira, R. López-Cortes, M. S. Diniz, M. Larguinho, C. Lodeiro, J.
Fernández-Lodeiro, J. D. Nunes-Miranda, C. Núñez, E. Oliveira. P-12.
37. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “Mass Spectrometry-Based
Fingerprinting of Proteins and Peptides in Wine”. J. D. Nunes-Miranda, J. FernándezLodeiro, R. López-Cortés, R. Carreira, J. C. Mejuto, E. Oliveira, C. Núñez, H. M. Santos,
M. Larguinho, J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro, M. Reboiro-Jato, F. Riverola. P-10.
36. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “Synthesis and applications of
new tripeptides for decorating silver nanoparticles as potencial probes for environmental
metal ions”. J. Fernández-Lodeiro, J. D. Miranda, R. López-Cortés, E. Oliveira, C.
Núñez, H. M. Santos, M. Larguinho, R. Carreira, J. C. Mejuto, J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro.
35. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “Gold nanoparticles and
proteome separation capabilities”. R. López-Cortés, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, J. D.
Miranda, C. Núñez, H. M. Santos, E. Oliveira, R. Carreira, M. Larguinho, J. L. Capelo,
C. Lodeiro, J. C. Mejuto-Fernández. P-07.
34. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “A Proteomics based approach
for identification of bacteria- The Bacterial Identification Software”. R. Carreira, D.
González-Peña, M. Reboiro-Jato, F. Fernández-Riverola, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, J. D.
Miranda, R. L. Cortés, E. Oliveira, C. Núñez, H. M. Santos, M. Larguinho, J. L. Capelo,
C. Lodeiro. P-05.
33. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “Nucleotide Analysis Using
Nanoparticle based surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry”. M.
Larguinho, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, J. D. Miranda, R. L. Cortés, E. Oliveira, C. Núñez, H.
M. Santos, R. Carreira, J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro, P. Baptista. P-03.
32. “1ras Xornadas A Química e as Novas Xeracións. 2011 Ano Internacional da
Química”. Ourense (Spain) 29th March-26th May 2011. “New colorimetric chemosensors
based on macrocyclic ligands bearing three nitrophenylurea groups”. A. Aldrey, R.
Bastida, V. García, C. Lodeiro, A. Macías, C. Núñez. P-01.
31. “REQUIMTE Meeting”. Fátima (Portugal) 10th -11th January 2011. “An example of
Successful Collaborative and Cooperative Interdisciplinary Research”. M. Larguinho, J.
Fernández-Lodeiro, J. Dinis, R. L, Cortés, E. Oliveira, C. Núñez, H. M. Santos, R.
Carreira, J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro, P. Baptista.
30. “Investigadores Jóvenes Real Sociedad Española de Química-Sigma Aldrich”.
Valencia (Spain) 10th-12th November 2010. “Exploring the chemosensor properties of six
new ligands containing hidrazide and amide moieties”. C. Núñez, M. Diniz, R. Bastida,
J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro. P-48.
29. “4th EuPA Scientific Meeting. A Proteomics Odyssey Towards Next Decades” Estoril
(Portugal) 23th-27th October 2010. “Maldi-TOF MS/MS and HPLC analysis of
microcystins following ultrasonication-study of the degradation pattern”. H. Muelle, R.
Carreira, M. Galésio, G. Vale, H. Santos, C. Núñez, C. Lodeiro, J. L. Capelo, I. Moura,
M. Coenceição, M. Diniz. PO-15.
28. “7th ERA-Flash Conference: Bioinspired Chemistry”. Santiago de Compostela
(Spain) 24th-27th October 2010. “A Versatile Approach for Androgenic Anabolic Steroids
Determination by Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass
Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) helping by New Emissive MALDI Matrices”. C. Núñez,
M. Galesio, M. Diniz, J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro. PO-89.
27. “II Encuentro Gallego de Cinética y Catálisis IIEGC2”. Lugo (Spain) 29th-31st
January 2010. “Exploring new tyrosine emissive derivates as new metal chemosensors:
towars new emissive nanoparticles”. C. Núñez, E. Oliveira, M. Diniz, G. Astray, J. C.
Mejuto, J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro. P15.
26. “8th Inorganic Chemistry Conference”. Curia (Portugal) 16th-17th October 2009. “A
complexation”. A. Aldrey, R. Bastida, V. García, C. Núñez, A. Macías, L. Valencia. P8.
25. “8th Inorganic Chemistry Conference”. Curia (Portugal) 16th-17th October 2009.
“Towards heterodinuclear complexes with a NXSY-donor macrocyclic ligand as examples
for mimicking biological active metal centres: Synthesis and MALDI-TOF-MS studies”.
L. Fernandes, C. Núñez, R. Bastida, A. Macías, L. Valencia, J. L. Capelo, C. Lodeiro.
24. “XXXII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química”. Oviedo (Spain)
13th-18th September 2009. “Complejos metálicos con un nuevo ligando oxaazamacrocíclico funcionalizado con grupos pendant-arms 4-nitrofenilisocianato”. A.
Aldrey, R. Bastida, V. García, A. Macías, C. Núñez, A. Rodríguez. PG3-11.
23. “Reunión Científica Bioinorgánica 2009”. Mallorca (Spain) 15th-18th July 2009.
“Synthesis and properties of dinuclear nickel(II) complexes with a Py2N6S2 macrocyclic
ligand”. C. Núñez, A. Aldrey, R. Bastida, C. Lodeiro, A. Macías, J. Ribas, L. Valencia.
22. “FIGIPAS 2009. The 10th International Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry”. Palermo
(Italia) 1st-4th July 2009. “Synthesis and characterization of dinuclear copper(II)
complexes with a Py2N6S2 macrocyclic ligand”. A. Aldrey, R. Bastida, C. Lodeiro, A.
Macías, C. Núñez, L. Valencia. PO25.
21. “FIGIPAS 2009. The 10th International Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry”. Palermo
(Italia) 1st-4th July 2009. “Synthesis and characterization of a new oxaaza-macrocyclic
receptor and its metal complexes”. A. Aldrey, R. Bastida, A. Macías, C. Núñez, A.
Rodríguez, L. Valencia. PO4.
20. V Simposio de Investigadores Jóvenes. Real Sociedad Española de Química-Sigma
Aldrich”. Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 9th-12th November 2008. “Novel emissive
macrocyclic ligands for metal ion recognition based on a 8-hydroxi-quinoline
chromophore”. C. Núñez, A. Aldrey, R. Bastida, C. Lodeiro, A. Macías. P-39.
19. “V Simposio de Investigadores Jóvenes. Real Sociedad Española de Química-Sigma
Aldrich”. Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 9th-12th November 2008. “Síntesis de un nuevo
ligando oxaazamacrociclo ditópico y de sus complejos metálicos”. A. Aldrey, R. Bastida,
A. Macías, C. Núñez, A. Rodríguez. P-1.
18. “2nd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress”. Torino (Italy) 16th-20th September 2008. “A
hexaaza macrocyclic ligand containing acetohydrazide pendants for Ln(III)
complexation in aqueous solution”. R. Bastida, A. Macías, M. Mato-Iglesias, C. Núñez,
C. Platas-Iglesias, L. Valencia. P-037.
17. “13ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica”. “7ª Reunión Científica
Plenaria de Química del Estado Sólido”. Granada (Spain) 16th-19th September 2008.
“New dinuclear Cu(II) complex with the macrocyclic ligand Py2N4S2”. R. Bastida, C.
Núñez, A. Macías, A. Rodríguez, A. Aldrey, L. Valencia, C. Lodeiro. P52.
16. “XIII International Symposium on Luminiscence Spectrometry”. Bologna (Italy) 7th11th September 2008. “New macrocyclic emissive ligands provide with a flexible 8hydroxi-quinoline pendant-arm: synthesis, characterization and spectroscopic studies”.
C. Lodeiro, C. Núñez, E. Oliveira, J. L. Capelo, R. Bastida, A. Macías. PO119.
15. “XIII International Symposium on Luminiscence Spectrometry”. Bologna (Italy) 7th11th September 2008. “New podands provided with emissive probes: synthesis,
characterization and spectroscopic studies”. C. Lodeiro, B. Pedras, E. Oliveira, H. M.
Santos, C. Núñez, V. Rosa, L. Fernandes, T. Silva, D. Gallego, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, J.
L. Capelo, T. Avilés. PO118.
14. “19th International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (ICPOC-19)”.
Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 13th-18th July 2008. “Synthesis and evaluation of new
thienyl and bithienyl-bis-indolylmethanes as colorimetric sensors for anions”. R. M. F.
Batista, R. M. P. Silva, E. Oliveira, C. Núñez, S. P. G. Costa, C. Lodeiro, M. M. M.
Raposo. P15B.
13. “7ª Conferencia de Química Inorgánica. Sociedade Portuguesa de Química”. Fátima
(Portugal) 30th November-1st December 2007. “Metal complexation of a new Schiff-base
flexible ligand provided with two bithiophene terminal units”. B. Pedras, D. Gallego, C.
Núñez, J. L. Capelo, T. Avilés, C. Lodeiro. P49.
12. “7ª Conferencia de Química Inorgánica. Sociedade Portuguesa de Química”. Fátima
(Portugal) 30th November-1st December 2007. “A nickel(II) complex with a Py2N6S2
macrocyclic ligand as potential colorimetric chemosensor”. C. Núñez, R. Bastida, C.
Lodeiro, T. Avilés, A. Macías, A. Rodríguez, L. Valencia. P44.
11. “7ª Conferencia de Química Inorgánica. Sociedade Portuguesa de Química”. Fátima
(Portugal) 30th November-1st December 2007. “Synthesis, Characterization and Metal
ion Sensing effect of two new flexible ligands derived from 2-hydroxy-1naphthaldehyde”. J. Fernández Lodeiro, B. Pedras, C. Núñez, J. L. Capelo, M. Broucher,
E. Bértolo, C. Lodeiro. P18.
10. “5ª Reunión Científica de Bioinorgánica 2007”. Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
16th-19th September 2007. “Lanthanide metal complexes with the new Py2N4 macrocycle
ethyldioxolane pendant-arms”.
C. Núñez, R. Bastida, A. Macías, A.
Rodríguez, L. Valencia. P52.
9. “XXXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química”. Toledo (Spain) 9th14th September 2007. “Zn and Cd complexes with the ligand 1,4,7-triazaciclononane1,4,7-triacetate (TACNTA)”. I. Pereira, A. Macías, R. Bastida, A. Rodríguez, L. Valencia,
C. Núñez. G3-P49.
8. “XXXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química”. Toledo (Spain) 9th14th September 2007. “Synthesis and characterization of the metal complexes derived
from one macrocycle ligand containing sulfur and oxygen atoms”. R. Bastida, C. Núñez,
A. Macías, I. Pereira, A. Rodríguez, L. Valencia. G3-P34.
7. “9th FIGIPAS-Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry”. Viena (Austria) 4th-7th July 2007.
“Metal complexes with a novel Py2N6R4 macrocyclic ligand”. R. Bastida, A. Macías, C.
Núñez, A. Rodríguez, L. Valencia. PO-200.
6. “9th FIGIPAS-Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry”. Viena (Austria) 4th-7th July 2007.
“Synthesis and structural determination of a new pendant-armed hexaaza macrocyclic
ligand”. R. Bastida, A. Macías, C. Núñez, A. Rodríguez, L. Valencia. PO-198.
5. “XX Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química”. Lisbon (Portugal)
14th-16th December 2006. “New tetra naphathalene armed polyamine macrocyclic
ligand. Photophysical, Structural and Complexation studies”. E. Oliveira, C. Lodeiro, J.
C. Lima, C. Núñez, R. Bastida, L. Valencia, A. Macías. P150.
4. “XX Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química”. Lisbon (Portugal),
14th-16th December 2006. “Metal complexes with an ethyldioxolane pendant-armed
hexaazamacrociclic ligand”. C. Núñez, R. Bastida, A. Macías, L. Valencia. P148.2
3. “12ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica. 6ª Reunión Científica
Plenaria de Química de Estado Sólido”, Barcelona (Spain), 10th-14th September 2006.
“Azamacrocycle Py2N4 functionalized with pendants-arms methylnafthalene and their
metal complexes”. C. Núñez, R. Bastida, L. Botana, M. C. Fernández- Fernández, A.
Macías, A. Rodríguez, L. Valencia (PO-104).
2. “6th International Conference on f-elements”, Wroclaw (Poland), 4th-9th September
2006. “Synthesis and structural determination of new lanthanide complexes with a
tetrapyridyl pendant-armed hexaazamacrocyclic ligand”. R. Bastida, M. C. FernándezFernández, A. Macías, C. Núñez, A. Rodríguez, P. Pérez-Lourido, L. Valencia. (DP 31).
1. “XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química”, Lugo (Spain), 19th23th September 2005. “Síntesis y Caracterización de complejos macrocíclicos de los
iones lantánidos nitratos derivados de 2,6-bis(2-formilfenóximetil)piridina”. C. Núñez,
R. Bastida, L. Botana, M. C. Fernández- Fernández, A. Macías, A. Rodríguez, L. Valencia
11. Participation as teaching in Courses
2013. "Course on R software appplied to Mass Spectrometry-based biosciences: Data
Preprocessing and Analysis (from clustering to classification)". Institution: Facultade de
Química, Universidade Nova de Lisboa- Associação Científica Proteomass (Portugal).
27th-29th June.
2013. "I Hands-on Course in Nanoparticle Studies: From Fluorescence and Biochemical
tools to MALDI Ms Technique Applied to Coated Metal Nanoparticles". Institution:
Facultade de Química, Universidade Nova de Lisboa- Associação Científica Proteomass
(Portugal). 23rd-25th May.
2013. "III Hands on Course in Ultrafast Sample treatment for Proteomics: From protein
identification to quantification". Institution: Facultade de Química, Universidade Nova
de Lisboa- Associação Científica Proteomass (Portugal). 8th-10th May.
2013. "I Hands-on Course in Sample Preparation using Nanoparticles for Proteomics:
Biochemical and Medical diagnosis". Institution: Facultade de Química, Universidade
Nova de Lisboa- Associação Científica Proteomass (Portugal). 28th-30th March.
2012. "O01-M032117-Deseño e Aplicación de Sensores". Máster Universitario en
Ciencias e Tecnoloxía Agroalimentaria". Institution: Facultade de Ciencias-Campus de
Ourense, Universidade de Vigo (Spain). 15-18th June (10 hours).
2012. "Advanced Course in Applied Techniques for Fluorescence and Mass
Spectrometry". Institution: Facultade de Ciencias-Campus de Ourense, Universidade de
Vigo (Spain). Date: 14th November-21th March (220 hours).
2012. "II Hand on Course In Fluorescence and Related techniques Applied to
Chemosensors". Institution: Facultade de Ciencias-Campus de Ourense, Universidade de
Vigo (Spain). Date: 19th-22nd June (10 hours).
2012. "Hands on Course in Ultrafast Sample treatment for Proteomics: From protein
identification to quantification". Institution: Facultade de Ciencias-Campus de Ourense,
Universidade de Vigo (Spain). Date: 12th-15th June (40 hours).
2011. "Hands-On Course in Sample Treatment for Proteomics". Institution: Facultade
de Ciencias-Campus de Ourense, Universidade de Vigo (Spain). Date: 14th-16th
November (20 hours).
2011. "Hands-On Course in Fluorescence and Related Techniques Applied to
Chemosensors". Institution: Facultade de Ciencias-Campus de Ourense, Universidade de
Vigo (Spain). Date: 23rd-26th May (90 hours).
2010. "Tratamiento de muestra aplicada a proteómica para espectrometría de masas".
Institution: Facultade de Ciencias-Campus de Ourense, Universidade de Vigo (Spain).
8th-12th March (40 hours).
11. Awards
“Leonardo da Vinci Award” to the best teacher of the year at Faculty of Chemistry
Engineering, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).Course 2008-2009.
12. Service for Scientific Journals as reviewer (11)
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (3)
Journal of Proteomics (4)
Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical (2)
Metallomics and Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy (1)
Journal of Organic Chemistry (1)