Robotica - Introdução


Robotica - Introdução
An introduction
Manuel F. M. Costa
Fernando Ribeiro
Universidade do Minho
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”
Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
March 31st, 2007
The AESTIT Comenius 2.1 project no. 226381-CP-1-2005-1-GR-COMENIUS-C21
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
From many centuries man creates
mechanisms to imitate parts of the human
body. Technological development lead to
significant improvements. The most recent
ones are called..
Há séculos que as pessoas vêm criando mecanismos
para imitar partes do corpo humano. Estes
mecanismos têm vindo a ser melhorados através dos
tempos com o desenvolvimento da tecnologia. Os
mais recentes são chamados Robôs.
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
História da Robótica
Desenvolvimentos na tecnologia
Definições de Robô e Robótica
Descrição de uma célula
Robôs inovadores
Aplicações práticas existentes
Controlo remoto
Para deficientes
De serviços
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
5,000 BC The abacus, which resembles the
arithmetic unit of a modern computer, is
developed in the Orient.
3000-700 BC Water clocks are built in China in
3000 BC, in Egypt 1500 BC, and in Assyria 700
2500 BC Egyptians invent the idea of thinking
machines: citizens turn for advice to oracles,
which are statues with priests hidden inside.
400 BC Philosopher and mathematician Archytas
of Tarentum built a wooden dove that could flap
its wings and fly.
200 BC.In China artisans develop elaborate
automata, including an entire mechanical
200 BC The Greek inventor and physicist
Ctesibus ('ti sib ee uhs') of Alexandria designs
water clocks that have movable figures on them.
Up until then the Greeks used hour glasses that
had to be turned over after all the sand ran
through. In general, the Greeks were fascinated
with automata of all kinds often using them in
theater productions and religious ceremonies.
200 BC An Egyptian engineer improves the
water clock, making it the most accurate
timekeeping device for nearly 2,000 years.
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
1495 Leonardo DaVinci designs a mechanical device that looks
like an armored knight. The mechanisms inside "Leonardo's
robot" are designed to make the knight move as if there was a
real person inside. Inventors in medieval times often built
machines like "Leonardo's robot" to amuse royalty.
15?? Hans Bullmann creates the first androids - simulated
people that can play musical instruments for the delight of
paying customers.
1533 In his laboratory at Nuremburg, scholar Johann Müller,
created an iron fly and an artificial eagle that could take to the
1543 In England, John Dee creates a wooden beetle that can
1725 At the Heilbrunn chateau in Germany, a mechanical
theatre is created featuring 119 animated figures that perform a
play about village life to the accompaniment of a waterpowered organ.
While training as a Jesuit, Jacques Vaucanson creates flying
angels which cause him to be thrown out of the order.
1737 Vaucanson creates a mechanical musician that can play
11 different tunes. He also creates an automatic duck that can
drink, eat, paddle in water, digest and excrete like a real duck.
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
1801 Joseph-Marie Jacquard invents a method of
controlling looms using with holes punched cards.
1833 Charles Babbage begins work on the Analytical
Engine - one of the first computational machines.
1890 Nikolai Tesla creates the first remote-controlled
1921 Czech author Karel Capek publishes the play
R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots), in which humanlike machines are create to replace human workers.
1926 Fritz Lang's movie "Metropolis" is released.
"Maria" the female robot in the film is the first robot to
be projected on the silver screen.
1936 Alan Turing completes his seminal paper On
Computable Numbers, which paves the way for
modern computers.
1942 Isaac Asimov writes Runaround in which he first
sets out the three laws of robotics.
1943 Colossus, the world's first electronic computer, is
built in Britain by a team of mathematicians, electrical
engineers and intelligence agents to crack Nazi codes.
1945 Eniac, which set the framework for post-war
mainframes, is switched on.
The first Computer BUG.
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
1948-9 British robotics pioneer William Grey Walter creates
autonomous machines called Elmer and Elsie that mimic
lifelike behaviour with very simple circuitry.
1950 Alan Turing proposes the Turing Test to decide if a
computer is exhibiting intelligent behaviour.
‘I Robot’, Isaac Asimov
1954 George Devol and Joe Engleberger create the world's first
industrial robots. Unimation company
1966 The Stanford Research Institute creates Shakey, the first
mobile robot that can reason about its surroundings. Five years
later, funding is cancelled when the shortcomings of the
machine become apparent.
1973 The AI department at Edinburgh, UK, shows off Freddy
II, a robot that could assemble objects automatically from a
heap of parts.
1975 Victor Scheinman develops the Programmable Universal
Manipulation Arm (Puma), which becomes widely used in
industrial robots.
1994 A robot called Dante II, built by scientists from Carnegie
Mellon, strolls around the interior of the Mount Spurr volcano
in Alaska, US, collecting samples of volcanic gases as it goes.
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
1996 A robo-tuna developed by MIT scientist
Michael S. Triantafyllou is tested in a water tank.
Honda unveils the P-2 (prototype 2), a humanoid
robot that can walk, climb stairs and carry loads.
1997 Smart computer programs become widely used on the
web to ferret out information.
(May) World chess champion Garry Kasparov loses to
IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer.
(July) Nasa's pathfinder spacecraft touches down on Mars.
Soon after, it releases the Sojourner robot rover that
trundles about the planet's surface carrying out science
experiments for the space agency.
(July) The first RoboCup football tournament is held in
Nagoya, Japan.
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
1998 Cynthia Breazeal at MIT starts work on the Kismet robot,
which can mimic the emotional range of a baby.
Scottish hotel owner Campbell Aird is fitted with the world's
first bionic arm.
October Nasa launches the Deep Space 1 autonomous
spacecraft which will test technologies to be used in future
missions crewed and conducted solely by robots.
Furby is launched.
LEGO Mindstorms is launched.
1999 May Sony releases the first Aibo electronic dogs that sell
out within 20 minutes of going on sale.
2000 October The UN estimates that there are 742,500
industrial robots in use worldwide. More than half of these are
being used in Japan.
Honda debuts new humanoid robot ASIMO.
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Egípcios - Braços mecânicos
Gregos - Estátuas hidráulicas
Talos, Automatic doors, Heronas’ steam engine,
Air and water pumps
Europa - Fantoches mecânicos
Dedicados apenas a uma tarefa
Apenas para entretenimento
Fernando Ribeiro
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Desenvolvimentos da
Principais características
● Dedicados apenas a uma tarefa
● Apenas para entretenimento
Computadores electrónicos modernos
Actuadores controlados por feedback
Transmissão de movimentos através de
rodas dentadas
Tecnologia de sensores
Inteligência Artificial
Controlo remoto
Veículos subaquáticos
Robôs no espaço
Fernando Ribeiro
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Definition of Robot
Robot Institute of America (1979)
“A reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator
designed to move material, parts, tools, or
specialized devices through various programmed
motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.”
Webster Dictionary
"An automatic device that performs functions
normally ascribed to humans or a machine in the
form of a human."
Máquina que pode ser programável para fazer uma
variedade de tarefas, da mesma maneira que um
computador é um circuito electrónico que pode ser
programado para fazer uma variedade de tarefas.
Any setup that substitute the man.
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Robot – is a slave word that means worker
or forced worker.
Law 1: A robot may not injure a human being, or
through inaction allow a human being to come
to harm.
(Um robô não causará dano a um ser humano
nem, através de omissão, permiti-lo)
Law 2: A robot must obey the orders given it by
human beings, except where such orders
would conflict with the first law.
(Um robô deve obedecer aos seres humanos, a
menos que isso viole a lei 1)
Law 3: A robot must protect its own existence as
long as such protection does not conflict with
the first or second law.
(Um robô deve proteger a sua existência, a menos
que isso viole as leis 1 ou 2)
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Definition of Robotics
Robotics is the link between perception
and action.
Robótica é a ligação inteligente da percepção
à acção.
(Brady, 1985)
Robótica é uma disciplina que envolve:
o design, a produção, o controlo e
programação de robôs
o uso de robôs para resolver
o estudo do processo de controlo,
sensores e algorítmos usados em
humanos, animais e máquinas
a aplicação destes processos de
contrôlo e algorítmos no design de
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Robotic Cellule
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Mosher’s Walking Truck
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Hero 2000
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Os Robôs são usados em muitos tipos
diferentes de aplicações desde soldadores
em fábricas de carros até braços
controlados remotamente no ‘space
shuttle’. Cada aplicação tem os seus
problemas e requer por isso diferentes
requisitos. Algumas dessas aplicações são
aqui demonstradas e explicadas.
Distribuição por Aplicações (UK)
Distribuição por Indústria (UK)
Controlo remoto
Para deficientes
De serviços
Fernando Ribeiro
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Robot’ Distribuiton by
Aplication (UK 1994)
Water Jet / Laser Cut
Glueing / Sealing
Hazardous / Biochem
Education / Research
Handling / Palletising
Inspection / Test
Machine / Press Load
Injection Moulding
Die Casting
Arc Welding
Spot Welding
Surface Coating
Not Specified
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Robot’ Distribuiton in
Industry (UK 1994)
Not Specified
Other Industries
Metal Goods & Manuf.
Mechanical Eng.
Energy/Water Supply
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
– Arc Welding
– Spot Welding
● Assembly lines
● Mechanical work
● Cut (Laser/Water)
● Quality Control
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Assembly Lines
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Plane’ cleanning
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Remote Control
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Controlo Remoto
Inspecionar dentro de vulcões
Detonadores de bombas
Aviões de reconhecimento não
Robôs no espaço (space shuttle)
Colocação de cabos nos oceanos
Trabalho em locais impossíveis de
viver para o ser humano
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Programas educacionais usando
simulação (KAREL)
Robôs tartarugas (LOGO)
Pequenos Robôs idênticos aos
industrias (à escala) mas de baixo
preço, performance e sem sensores.
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Tasman Turtle
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa
Training Seminar “Brief Introduction to Educational Robotics”, March 31st, 2007, Baystreet Hotel, St. Julians, Malta
… future…
The AESTIT Comenius 2.1 project no. 226381-CP-1-2005-1-GR-COMENIUS-C21
Fernando Ribeiro
Manuel F. M. Costa