A Day In The Life Of An OFA Student On Half


A Day In The Life Of An OFA Student On Half
A Day In The Life
Of An OFA Student
On Half - essions
AS s
*»?; +
. * •>*,
* # - •
says 7:15.
I emptywrappers
my desk d"
"What's that noise? Oh no.,gum
and candy
not the alarm—it can't be 6 deposited there" by the juoir
a.m already. It seems like I; high students the afternoon bjust went to sleep. Well, actu-jfore. I remember that I w; •
ally, I did, but can I help it! going to comb m y hair after '
if Johnny Carson doesn't come \ got to school, and go to a.
on till 11:30? Besides, it's not' complis-h this task,
everyday one gets to see The; 7:30 — first class. My fuzs
Vanilla Fudge on the same pro-(brain seams to be sending ,,
gram with Charles Blimco, the; message. Oh yes, go to Amei.-i
gardening expert from Eng-i can History. Second period sfc'i
land. O K , Mom. 5 minutes!, dy hall — "Sorry, I ditto'
mean to wake you." Typii.
Instant breakfast — straw- third period — who changed th
berry or vanilla? It's so hard
keys?? The long walk to four.
to make important decisions
this early in the morning. When period study hall and then 1
my eyes are use to the glare flip a coin to determine whetk
, .,
, ,
I should study or sleep. Fif'
^ to co i
in my closet for something to e i , o d _ a l t h ' o u @ h j
centrate on English, the ima-;..
wear. To make sure I don't;
of a bed keeps coming bac1
wake my sister, I dress in the
Only one more class—"Park
dark, hoping my clothes will
vous francais?' 1 "pas a eel
match today I always enjoy, h e u r e . . . ^ . ^
getting to school to see what
I have trouble rememberI have on. I stumble out the; ing how to put my horn todoor into the early morning; gether. The music is a blur.
Linda Wright, Shelly Nystrom and J i m LeClair. (John
SENIOR DANCE COMMITTEE—Members of the Senior
lighti ?) and point myself west. I Afterwards, I discuss the
O'Donnell Photo)
Dance Committee are shown while making plans for
Luckily, there is a M moon I j 0 h n ; ; / £ a r s o n show T i l l my the dance to be held March 10, From left a r e Tim Burke,
and I a m able to fmd_the way; | a l s o b ' l e a r v . e y e d f r i e n d s .
I am not always this fortunate. at last. Never again, I promise
After two blocks, my knees are
myself. Tonite I ' m going to bed
numb — the early mornings
early. I'll get my homework
are cold. also.
done this afternoon and ...
I walk into school and only Newspaper Club at
the crowd waiting in the hall Oheerleading at 2:00. special
keeps me from collapsing, band practice today, game at
When *he beli rings. I allow 7:00...
SUNDAY, J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 1968
myself to be pushed upstairs
Who did you say is on the 'ACIE SIX
bv the surging mass. The cluck Jo'mnnv Carson show tonight..?
"The Goose Hangs High
Last year the Phi A.'pha Society, in view of its literary
purpose. presented two one-act
plays. As a result of HIP suecess ot 'neir first dramatic eitorts. "The Goose Hangs High"
a three acf comedy. •-. being
done this year. Phi Alphas who
too kpart m the play were
MacCargar. Dorothy
West. Betty Whalen. Velma
Bowers, and Harriet Doren.
appreciation, football awards
were made up. Sixteen footballs were given in the following order: Capt. Bernard Dishaw. Leo Beauiieu, Mike MacCadam. Leo Lago, Euclide Boyer, Harold Brooks, Howard
Welt, Edwin Hulett, Chauncey
Kiah. Edgar Premo. Edward
"VlcKee. Walter Webb. Clarence
Houmiel. Dona.d MacFadden,
John Rupert, and manager Robert Getman.
"If I had only a day left to
live. I would do t h e things
always intend to do. but n;ver
got aroand to. I alw ays wanted
to drive by myself to a deserted spot just to think and
clear my mind. Maybe, in the
early afternoon. I would walk
downtown just to s e e people's
faces and to study them. would
in the t hearly
e rest evening
of m v life with
William Blake, Guidance Director at Ogdensburg Free
Academy, announced Friday
that 80 seniors have been accepted at post-secondary schools.
The students and the schools
at which they have been accepted are: Richard Amo — Mohawk Valley Community College (two years); Brenda Beaton — S. U. C. at Broekport:
S. U. C. a t Potsdam (four
years); Pauline Becker — St.
Lawrence University; S. U. C.
(four years);
Wayne Bishop — Canton A.T.C.
(two years); Dale Brown —
Morrisvile A.T.C. (two years);
Sylvia Boucher — MorrisvMle
A.T.C. i two years); Robert
Compeau — Jefferson Commiu-
(two years);
Thomas Delduchetto - S. U. C,
at Potsdam (four years); Joseph Dodd - S. U. C. at both
Potsdam and Pliattsburg (four
years), Kresten Ericksen —
S. U. C. at Broekport (four
years) and Fern Ford —S. U.C. at Broekport and Plattoburg
(four years).
Also, Sarah Gwin — Canton
A.T.C. (two years); Bette Houmiel — Jefferson Comirnuinity '
College (two years); Christine
Hyovalti — S. U. C. at Oswego
(four years); Janet Ingram —
S. U. C, at Plattsburg (four
years); Cheryl Ladoueea.nr —
Canton A.T.C. (two years);
Kathleen Lancto — Syracuse
University (four years); Susan
Morris - S. U. ' c . at Piaftsburg I four vears); Alan Morrow — S. U. C. at Plattsburg
(four years); Shelley Nvstrom
- S. U, C. at Plaltibuirg (four
years); Stephen Patterson — S.
*-' v v °
U. C. a t P o t s d a m (four y e a r s I;
Tech. Sgt. Robert W. Richer, Elizabeth Pefcrie - S . ' U. C. '•
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. at P o t s d a m (four y e a r s ) ; and
Richer of 411 Seymour St., Og- K a r e n Woods - S. U . C. a t
P o t s d a m (four y e a r s ) .
densburg, has received the Air
Force Commendation Medal at Also, Joanne Roca — PowelPlattsburgih AFB.
, son Business Institute (one
B o b was decorated for m e r - . v e a r i ; Victoria Sandiwith —
itorious service as an inflight:S. U . C. at Fredonia (four
refueling o p e r a t o r at Plaits-'• y e a r s ) ; Roger Skidd — S. U.b u r g h . He w a s cited for h i s out- ! C - a t both Plattsburg a n d Potsstanding job performance. He d a m ifour y e a r s ) ; Daniel Spais a member of the S t r a t e g i c ; m a n - Mohawk Valley ComAir Command.
miunily College (two years);
Trivilino — Morrisville A.T.C. and Potsdam i two
Staff Sargeant Charles H. years); Linda Wright — S. U.Fraser Jr., son of Mr. and C. at Oswego, at Plattsburg and
Mrs. Charles H. Fraser of 1123 Potsdam Hour years) and AlNew York Ave., Ogdensburg, lison Yarborough — S U. C.
h a s arrived tor duty at Phan: at Plattsburg and New Paltz.
Rang AB, Vietnam,
when mv las
Sergeant Fraser, a
wi.uld peace- ther-rubber repair s|
with my gui- assigned to a unit of the Stra- T n M o r r i A r i v A T h a
ifcemc Air r-nmmanA
i.\J l v l c l l l U I l&C I l i e
i He previously served at Phan
R a n g AB. Vietnam,
F o r some time now, it h a s
"What would one do in
final twenty-four hours of the' T h e sergeant attended Og- bothered many of us t h a t our
his densburg F r e e Academy.
supporters don't seem t o know
life? What could one do '.' Some.
the words of one of o u r most
people would bay. 'a tr:p to
J a m e s B l a k e , third v e a r stu- important cheers — " W e ' r e
"Presentation uf Trophies to
" C l a s s Notes Sophmnres"
F r o m Ogdensburg." Actually,
tion of the events of Lincoln's nothing were going to happen, my family
"" " would "want t h e m possible.' Others might want to d e n t a l t h e l n i ; e d M a I & s Ml11'
the T e a m "
c. t a n Academy at West Point, it is only the last line which is
As a token t > the siliool's
different. The cheer goes like
a surprise the night of the Pots- fore the visit to Ford Theater, friends and relatives. I would how I would spend my la. sible. to.have everything they's recovering from foot sur- this:
always wanted. But things of gery.
dam. O.F.A. g a m e . Y o u 11 have In a writing project the stu- also visit church to receive day on earth."
this nature wouldn't make
to g u e s s what I mean by " a dents were asked to answer the communion, and thank God for
" W e ' r e from Ogdensburg
JoAnne Roca
death anv happier What about
Bonnie Farley, Class of '63, And couldn't be prouder.
following questions: What do all the pleasant years he did,
truth the comfort of peace of is teaching in the elementary And if you can't h e a r us,
you think Lincoln would have give m e . For the last of m y i
mind? To make peace with en- grades in Morris town.
done had he known this w a s to twenty-tour hours. I would like, ti
We'll yell a little louder!
be his last day? What would to think by myself in com- "If I knew that I only h a d emies, to let people reallv know!
This stanza is repeated twice;
you do" Write a paragraph en- plete silence of everything life twentv-four hours to live. ' you? Show them the absolute Terry Giles Class of '64, is however, the third s t a n z a difwould probably t r y to ma!
truth about yourself? And to completing his practice teach- fers a bit:
titled, "If I Had Twenty-four has offered me.
The Notre Dame Ski Club [TQJ- J ^ a n ( ] 8 t h
use of s u c h little t i m e . I would make a m e n d s to God. the One ing in Indian River Central " W e ' r e from Ogdensburg
Hours to Live "
Marlene Lucchetti
has p ans i
a busv vear
prcbab'y devote ail twenty-four whom we cannot see or hear? School and will teach next year And couldn't be prouder.
M.mber-nip is op in to any
We are happy to print some
hours to my f a m i l y for c e r - And hardest of all to settle in the elementary grades in Og- And if you can't h e a r us,
high school student at O F A
of the students' thoughts on
When densburg.
or at S M A. Activities began The following teams have how a final twenty-four hours "If I knew I only had twen- tainly these are the closest p e o - things w i t h yourself?
ple to m e I think t h a t I would- these things are done death
las' Saturday when the group been organized for the 7th and could be spent.
n't do anvthmg r e a l l v different might be t h e beginning of hap- Barbara Webster has enlisted
spent the day at Eideiweiis. a 3th -grade Intramural Basketwould wan: to see as m u c h of in this day for I would ; e i
ball. They are- CHiics, Joe
skj area near Ottawa
in the United States Marine
CaiT, David LaFleur. Chris Lesthat I had lived seventeen
B r y a n Monnet
Corps. Women's Division.
Trips are planned to Adiron- perence. Brent Loffler. Allan "If I had such a short t i m c w a ! k around town getting a years just about t h e same a n d
daek slopes and it :s h^pc-d Lovely Kevin Maginn. Larry as twentv-four hours to i h - e . ' P
5 m my mind o the h>us- why not continue i t this w a y .
t-ha; various mnnev-ra.smg pro- Montroy. Bob Woods and Greg I'd like to spend it being happy e s a n d s t r e r t s - [ d a}^ l * ' e t o I would try to l o o k back o n
jeeis will nrov.de funds to de- White
with people and enjoying beau-iS 0 ,"» my c a m p in Canada, a my life and try t o recall a l l
fra\ all expenses mcludmg bus Kmcks- Terrv Bresett. Bill fy. I would look at all the secluded place right in the mid- the good tunes as well as t h e
fare and lift toi.? To beiong to Martin. Ray 6'Marah, Dave tilings that we don't notice in d e of nature. There are woods bad. I would try to visualize
hf club it & nor nece-ary to SkeiSy. Steve Sovie. Curt Them- our everyday activity—trees, around for miles But m o s t of what it must bs l i k e to tho^e
belong 'o the C i" 0 : meet- a s T>, a i s T r i m m and John Wil- snow, grass, birds, and the sky !i I think I'd like to be with who d o n ' t have a n v fair w a r n m
y iTiend* a ' n d family-"
ings a r e held after the regular
ing of when their time w i l l The yearbook staff is happy wanted to extend its thanks to.strom, and Nancy Liddell for
Karen Ball
LaKers. Art Bennett. Jeff look at it. I'd love to look at j
C. Y O mee'.ngs
'come. I think that having onlv to announce that the th : rd and M r s . Graves, but in h e r custo-| answering urgent calls for help:
last section
section of
of the
the yearbook, m a r y modest fashion, s h e in-;
Itwentv-four hours t o live i s n ' t last
V I r P o w e r s f o r his checking of
\ n v student mteresred :n Bresc't. Lvndon Bresett. Larry a new born baby and think,
Pictures, ,wi!h the sisted on passing ihante to a l l : ^ ^ ^ ^
"If I had only one d a y to enough time to try to do every- the
the Senior
Senior Pictures.
jo.ning 'he '-lab ;-. a=ked to Carr. Mike Crowder. Dave Ma- about tU s p o i e s s soul and p e r
comaf.'t one ^f the fo low.ng ;haw. Paul McGrath. Sieve feet mind. If I could. I'd like lne I would make the most of thing" that one would like to do. exception of the Honor Ro ! and faculty members and all coin-;:
to iaush in those few remain- it. I wou'd *rv to see and do but certainly it is much longer Valedictorian and Salutatorian mittees of students who aided ways quickly given; and the edm e m b e r s ot ! n e Board ot Di- So\ ie
anv wav on 1968 D e v i l o g i t o r s , Brenda Beaton a n d Ohris
rectors Deborah DePue P e ' e r Supersonics: Roy Bice. John ing hours until m y stomach everything I have ever w a n t e d" than those ' who don't know pa^si. has been completed and in
;Ericksen, for their cooperation
special credit to:
Df-mer-; Rona d Elie. r,r Robert Denio, Don Harwe.i. S'ephen hurt until I'd roll on the floor ;o do, I w o u d travel to other when they are to .___
and many often frustrating afHolme- Larrv Lightfoot. Rich- and gasp for air. Oh. y e s . I'd countries and see how o t h e r s also think of how lucky I h a v e hard w o r k went into the 1968
Mr. Strach and the art cam- ternoons of work as well a s
ard Morrow.'David Pratt and J I M want to happy. II I could, live. I would take a ride on a been not having to live through Devilog on the part of advisors
H r a w i n g a n d ar their sense of humor t h a t enMarr-us Prosser
I'd like to spend a few m o m - plane and ju-t look at difierent a w a r a n d I would also t h a n k and student editors. Airs. Ward ™ t r e e s r o r arawin s a n a ar livened such hours.
W a r r i o r s : Bill B a r r . Jeff ents with the people I love. I'd places frcm the sky. I would those who m a d e
this s o . Graves h a s spent n e a r l y every w ^ ^ v m » n H ^ f m m ^ H - P P
Bohl.r.g Joe DiFolca. Larrv also Lke to say a prayer and take a ride on a s u b m a r i n e I would also think of how f o r - afternoon since last September .u'nf dj ^e yr 5 ™
™ a™
G r a d f ° S t e v e Keller. Bob King thank God for letting m e live and explore the ocean fbor. I lunate I have b e e n to live a working h e r e at school on the for the information acoompanyDoug Montrov and .Allan Scott, that long, and then as I kissed would travel 'o Rn.m? to visit norma! life and t o have b e e n preparation cf the yearbcok - ! i n g senior pictures: Typists for
AlT games will be played a t mv last breath of air g c - : b y e the Pope. These are the things bn-rn a ncrma! c h i l d . In c o n - this she h a s done after a full tedious h o u r s on above work;
25. 8:45 a.m.
Studies r) -si; the Stare Armorv and "teams 1 would go to sleep, and d r e a m I would do if I had only one clus'on, the last t h i n g I would teaching schedule in the mom- Georgi Ericksen, Shelley Nyday to live."
be thankful for would be hav-;hig.
<V- Un- , Sal?rman- ma t forfeit because of lack of.it all over again,"
players will b e dropped fn.m
John LeBoeuf
Charles Johnson
ing been able to p l a y the g u i - ' The O. F . A. Student Staff
ship ! S'- Org and Paint i
*he* League
DIM A ing Peri'inca; T-.p.ng
Fri.. Ian, 26. 8:45 a.m.
r -rnp Erghsh .r> Eng
Gel your tickets for St
H I , Erie 2 •••>: E n g ?. '
Mary's Computer dance. It is
Err: 4 :.•i. Gren Bus •?•
n't often that the teens of Og
Thurs.. Jan 25. 12:30 p.m.
demburg a r e offered such an
M>.-t'n n >r
Ma'h in n ;
activity, and I hope
Math XI . p ; Gen Maih T > :
many O.F.A. Students take ad
Horn • Ec 5 - Me-h I A.
Manv thanks are due to t h e
jvantage of this dance. Why not
Fri.. Jan. : o. 12:30 p . m .
Pep Club for making it possi' meet your perfect mate? It
Driver', Ed 6 ' : Communica- ble for the students to take t h e
I cou.d prove interesting 1!
tion-- i.= >; Gen Sci iS): Health bus to Madrid-Wadding,on for
*2 ' S I .
from the usual $1 25 or $1.50
Sign up for a bus to Norc h a r g e and t h e students really
Devils deKathleen KappeHO.F.A. STUDENT NEWS
appreciate t h e efforts of this
serve your support 1!
organization o n behalf of o u r
K a t h l e e n Kappelt, 18, of
EDITOR: Kathv Lancto
t e a m s and student body.
Lockport, is back on the Alfred
ASSISTANT EDITOR: Cheryl T w o r.pectator buses went to
Bring the money for year- University campus alter an exTerraoce
books on Thursday-only two citing week at the National 4-Ht
Waridington - Madrid Centra!
EDITOR: School Four facility m e m b e r s ,
more weeks to go. All year- Club Congress.
Chervl Ladouceur
As one of 18 sectional award
books must be paid for by FebMrs, Janet Dodd. M r s . Robert
winners in the 4-H Dairy Foods
REPORTERS. Joan Barry. G e t m a n . Mrs Howard C. F a y .
ruary 1,
program, Miss Kappelt received
William Barrv, Pamela Sper- and William Blake rode with
i an expense-paid trip to the Chiling. Lee Carpenter, Kathy ^ > s t u d e n t s
STUDY, STUDY, STUDY for : cago congress. Earlier, as a state
Campanella. Janet
i winner, she received a wrist
final exams!!
J a n i c e Moullon, Bonnie RogGOT HIM COMING
! watch from the program sponers, Cindy Doe, Pat T r i m m .
| sor, Carnation Company.
S a b r a Bar'tlett. Carolyn Hubsch, CASPER,
Miss Kappelt b e l i e v e s that
Sally Haley, Mary Ellen Wilson, J a m e s F A r p _ "28_ o { Casper,
"foods need not be dull to be
I EDWARDSVILLE, III. |AP) nutritious." She says that when
Lynn Rishe, Christine Wood, f o u , n d mi n e h a d l i v e d itl W v o I — An unconcerned burglar, who she began her 4-H foods projE l l e n Montroy, Helen Douglas, 1 m m , g t o o i o n . g - a n d not long
j had just looted Ray's Standard ects she followed basic recipes
Nancy LaFlair. Bonnie Rishe, e n o u , g h . He w a s fined in justice
B r a n d a Rand, Susan Ritchie, cmvt
t ^ h counts the same
(Service Station, was approached but soon found that "with a Htm
Shelly Nystrom, Sharon Light- ^-ay.
iby two bystanders, one armed 1 tie imagination in the use of
foot, Robert Skelly, Susan Bey- p\r^
Arp was f net! $35 for
i with a gun, and ordered to stop, dairy foods, menus could be
changed completely . . . to creette. Michele LaLonde, Bev s w e a r i n g a false oath in obtainj The sheriff's office said the ate variety and interest."
erly Taylor, and Connie Clax-:jnig a resident hunting license. A
flippant b u r g l a r , who look $40 in For three years Miss Kappelt
| y e a r ' s residency is required a n d
! cash from a cash register and presented the top senior dairy
TYPISTS- Secretarial Prac-iArp h a d lived in t h e state only
| some c h a n g e from a vending f o o d s demonstration i n s t a t £ s
ia.ee Class under the direction 3 ix months,
competition. She also won state
machine, replied:
of M r s . Sandra Kelly.
T h e n he w a s fintd $H) for no!
championships this year for her
Mrs. r e g ^ t e r i m : h i s n r n o r '.elude
"Go a h e a d and -hoot me if applo pip and cherry dessert.
Nystrom and Linda Wricht. Mr Mclvnrlrick is at right
to cheer ihe school teams on to more victories in the
She is the dnmmior of Mr.
Howard C. F a y .
;after having liwd in the s t a t e
y«m want t o . " and d r o v e away
iJohn U'Donnell I'hotio
future. From left clockwise are Mary Harnett. Kathy
in a station wagon.
i and Mrs. George Kappelt.
"-•=r1 m o r e than \ZU d.uThe students in Mrs. Fay's
Non-Regents Senior English
classes have just finished a unit on Abraham Lincoln. In
class they have read excerpts
from Carl Sandburg's "Abe
Lincoln Grows Up." his "Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie
Years," and from Jim Bishop's
,book. "The Day Lincoln Was
The the
latter was
detailed from
A person really cannot do too
much in twenty-four h.:urs. 1
have been very satistied with
my life i;.p to this time, I have
no special wants. I think 1
would spend my last hours
mak.rg amends to people. I
had hurt in some way. If I
knew I was going to die. I
would like a clear conscience,
happy. dav
I would
trv I 'ocould
live die
a normal
a s if
tar. I think that
memc-nt arrived
fully pass away
tars in both my
Announced 30 Seniors
Accepted In Colleges
ie'Sft Students Urged
Schools Cheers
Notre Dame Ski
Club Is Open For
New Memberships Teams Named
Grade Basketball
OFA Examination
Schedule Posted
Sectional Honors
OFA Pep Club
Is Thanked By
The Student Body