Fabrice BERNARD summary aNNEXEs ThE


Fabrice BERNARD summary aNNEXEs ThE
The encyclopaedic part
Dear PIM friends, Encyclopaedic Atlas contributors
and experts, we would like to present our best
wishes for 2015, to you and your loved ones for a
sweet and happy new year.
Crédit photo: Louis-Marie Préau, PIM
This year will probably be a sweet one, but
certainly a studious one! The Atlas is progressing,
its structure is now clarified, data is being compiled
and the writing tools (online) are being finalised…
Therefore the following months will provide new
occasions for us to progress together on this wonderful collegial project. Since the previous issue,
several improvements on this project should be
reported: The visit of geographic experts from
Sicily, Sardinia and the tyrrhenian sub-basin
allowed to define operation procedures for the
coming years (conventions, calls for tenders…),
an inventory and a conservation strategy proposal were carried out during a Spanish sub-basin
training session, and on-site operations helped to
increase the amount of data in the database…
Furthermore, the Steering Committee met in
Florence last December to validate some strategic
orientations and to determine the action plan for
Photo V.Riviere2014
To be noted: the Atlas coordination team should
be expanding in a few months with the arrival of
Oriane Crouteix (CIFRE PhD student attached to
the University of Limoge), who will contribute to
the global coordination of the project and will also
provide additional insight to our work… Once again,
thank you all for your support in the production of
this great internationally collaborative project!
General coordinator / PIM Initiative
N°2 / 2015 February
steering committee
Florence – 3rd of December 2014
The Atlas steering committee met on the 3rd of December 2014 in Florence’s magnificent Natural History
Museum. A big thank you to Claudia Corti for welcoming us in this ideal place to reflect on the conservation
of insular territories.
The discussions focused in particular on the adjustment of the definitions of islands and clusters, which
have been updated according to the various exchanges. These definitions are now definitely endorsed.
Secondly, an improvement status overview of each sub-basins’ approach helped the members have the
same level of information and consider leads to facilitate improvement. The following elements were
presented in turn: the list of expert referents, cluster limits, the structuring of data acquiring methods.
Sandro Strumia’s presence, invited for this occasion, also allowed to specify the contours of the Italy Mar
Tirreno sub-basin clusters.
The particular case of islands considered as “orphaned”, i.e. which are alone in a cluster because of their
geographic isolation or because of their very distinct characteristics compared to their neighbours’, was
also the object of discussions. It was decided to proceed only with the description of the territory with a
cluster factsheet which will be more concise and therefore act as an island factsheet.
The encyclopaedic part
N°2 / 2015 February
encyclopaedic part
Finally, during the steering committee, discussions were also
focused on the structure of the “encyclopaedic” part of the Atlas.
The general structuring of the chapters was only slightly modified, however the contents have particularly evolved as a result of
these rich and enthusiastic discussions. The updated plan of this
part of the Atlas is available on this document (annexes).
All suggestions are of course welcome, please contact us if you
would like to contribute:
[email protected]
[email protected]
V4 — 28 janvier 2015
3.1. La Méditerranée, un point-chaud mondial de biodiversité
3.2. Mise en place des flores et des faunes insulaires : aspects biogéographiques et évolutifs
Panorama biogéographique de la mise en place des faunes et flores insulaires ouestméditerranéennes
Origine des faunes actuelles de Mammifères sur les îles à partir des études de phylogéographie (F. Poitevin et al.?)
A l'origine du peuplement des îles : de multiples processus de dispersion et de vicariance
Quand les épisodes de crues favorisent la colonisation insulaire par les tortues terrestres ou d'eau douce
L'évolution des espèces en situation micro-insulaire
Les Centaurées cendrées, un groupe micro-insulaire de plantes en pleine évolution en Méditerranée centrale
3.3. L'unicité des peuplements micro-insulaires. Patrons de richesse spécifique
d'endémisme (théorie de biogéographie insulaire, relations aire-espèce)
1.1. La parole à l’idéologie des PIM
1.2. Présentation générale de l’intérêt patrimonial des PIM (nature, culture), des usages
économiques et des valeurs globales de ces territoires
2.1. Le bassin ouest-méditerranéen au cours des ères géologiques et des grandes crises
Aspects paléogéographiques et paléoclimatiques
2.2. Genèse et dynamique géologique des îles (A. Oueslati et al. ?)
Origines continentale vs. océanique ; régressions, transgressions et insularité : des isolements
fluctuants liés aux variations de niveau marin
Dynamique paléogéographique des petites îles : cartes comparatives de l'insularité des Baléares de 20 000 BP. à
aujourd'hui (J. Mayol et al.)
Once upon a time there was an islet: detection of extinct or connected islets of Sicily from travel reports, historical
cartography and toponyms (S. Pasta)
Ferdinandea, Julia ou Graham ? : les soubressauts géologiques et diplomatiques d'une mystérieuse île à éclipses au sud de
la Sicile (B. Fuligni ?)
2.3. Limites géographiques du bassin ouest-méditerranéen et des différents sous-bassins
2.4. Présentation géographique générale des petites îles et des concepts retenus
Le concept d’île : limite supérieure / limite inférieure et définition marine d'une île
Iles artificiellement reliées au continent et îles artificielles
Le concept de cluster
Statistiques des PIM : nombre total et par pays / cluster, superficie, isolement
Endemic-focused analysis of floristic similarity: islands vs. islands, islands vs. nearby mainland (S. Pasta)
Richesse spécifique, rareté et endémisme chez les papillons de jour des îles satellites d'Italie et de Malte (L. Dapporto?)
Les peuplements herpétologiques : caractéristiques et originalités micro-insulaires (M. Cheylan, M. Delaugerre, C. Corti, V.
Influence de l'environnement ou de la paléogéographie sur la composition spécifique de divers groupes d'arthropodes d'îles
italiennes (S. Fattorini?)
Les petites îles, centre de diversification des végétaux du genre Limonium
La relation superficie-richesse spécifique et "l'effet petites îles" chez les Crustacées Isopodes terrestres de Méditerranée (G.
Gentile & R. Argano?)
Distributions micro-insulaires des escargots terrestres endémiques des Baléares (J. Mayol et al.)
3.4. L'effet "petites îles" et les espèces spécialistes micro-insulaires
Quand des Coléoptères très rares sur le continent deviennent surabondants sur les petites îles (P. Ponel)
Des végétaux spécialistes de conditions micro-insulaires (F. Médail & E. Véla)
La Nananthée, rarissime paléoendémique cyrno-sarde à distribution micro-insulaire (G. Paradis?)
Adaptations des reptiles aux conditions micro-insulaires : aspects morphologiques, comportementaux, démographiques (M.
Delaugerre, M. Cheylan, V. Perez-Mellado, C. Corti)
3.5. Fonctionnement des micro-écosystèmes insulaires
Réseaux tropiques et dynamique des communautés terrestres
Des interactions biotiques surprenantes mais fragiles (compétition, prédation et comportement anti-prédation, facilitation)
Le défi de la pollinisation sur des îlots où les abeilles sont absentes (C. Pérez-Banon & Mª A. Marcos-Garcia?)
La saurochorie, un moyen efficace mais méconnu de dispersion des plantes insulaires (A. Traveset?)
Des rats et des geckos : interactions surprenantes ! (M. Delaugerre)
L'arum mange-mouche (Helicodiceros muscivorus), une insolite insolence pour mieux se reproduire
2.5. Des situations climatiques originales
Direct access to the Annexes click herei
N°2 / 2015 February
Joan Mayol (CAIB)
Geographic referent
clusters 7
Gabriel Bibiloni (independant expert)
Island Fact Sheet
North of Eivissa
Ponent d’Eivissa
to identify
Cabrera-Migjorn de Mallorca
Tramuntana de Menorca
Migjorn de Menorca
The clusters have been identified, but the islands which will be the object of factsheets still need to be identified.
The strategy that will be used for compiling the available data into the database still needs to be decided. Work still
needs to be done to find potential writers for this sub-basin.
N°2 / 2015 February
Eastern Spain
Geographic referent
This sub-basin has not geographic referent anymore.
clusters 10
Island Fact Sheet
Cap Creus
La Galera, Illa de Portaló, Illa de Cullaró, Illa s’Encalladora,
Illa de la Maça d’Oros
Mateua-Cala Ferriol-Pedrosa
Illots de Cala Ferriol, Illa de la Pedrosa
Medes islands
Meda Gran, Meda Xica, Carall Bernat, El Magallot
Delta of Ebre
Punta del Fangal, Illa de Sant Antoni
Illa Grossa, Mancolibre, Ferrera, La Foradada
Islets of La Marina
Illa de Benidorm, Illa Mitgna, Illeta de L’Olla, El Descubridor, Portixol
Isla Plana, La Cantera, La Galera, Punta Falcón
Mar Menor
Isla Grossa, Farallón, Islas Hormigas
South Murcia
Isla Escombreras, Isla de las Palomas, Isla de Mazarrón, Isla Cueva
de Lobos, Isla del Fraile
Cape of Gata
Isla de San Andrés, Los Terreros, Isleta del Moro
The knowledge inventory and the compiling of the data were done in 2014 during Marie-Charlotte Gicquiaux’s
training session. It is now necessary to designate another person in charge of the sub-basin due to the departure of
Eduardo MÍnguez and to ask writers already considered during the 2014 training to contribute.
N°2 / 2015 February
Atlantic Morocco
Geographic referent
Abdeljebbar Qninba (Scientific Institute of Rabat)
Hocein Bazairi (University Mohammed V Rabat)
Mohamed Ibn Tattou (University Mohammed V Rabat)
clusters 1
Island Fact Sheet
Firaoun and Djira Lakbira
The list of islands has been finalised.
As this sub-basin is relatively small and well known, the integration of the data to the PIM database will be done
during the training session hosted by the University of Rabat.
N°2 / 2015 February
Geographic referent
Hocein Bazairi (University Mohammed V Rabat)
Free Espinosa (University of Sevilla)
Abdeljebbar Qninba (Scientific Institute of Rabat)
Mohamed Ibn Tattou (University Mohammed V Rabat)
Javier Zapata (Autonomous Organisation of National Parks)
clusters 4
Island Fact Sheet
Perejil, Las Palomas
South Alboran
Cala Iris, Peñón Alhucemas, Isla Mar, Isla Tierra
Cape of Trois Fourches – Chafarines
Farallones, Congreso, Isabel II, Isla del Rey
The list of geographic referents needs to be enhanced by the addition of Spanish experts (Juan Amar, Doñana
National Park?)
In order to support those in charge of the sub-basin’s island recording and the compiling of the data into the PIM
database, a training session hosted by the University of Rabat will begin in March 2015.
N°2 / 2015 February
Eastern areas : Salah Télalia (University of El Tarf)
Geographic referent
Center areas : Riadh Moulai (University of Bejaia)
Western areas : Tarik Mokhtari (Barbarous Association)
Aissa Moali (University of Béjaia)
Olivier Peyre (Naturalia Environnement)
Errol Vela (CIRAD)
National Commissariat of the Coast, CNDRB,
Ministry of Land Planning and Environment
clusters 10
Island Fact Sheet
Cape of Fer
Islands and islets of Skikda
Islands and islets of Taza-jijel
Islands and islets of Bejaïa
Islets of Reghaïa
West islands and islets of Alger
to identify
Islands of Arzew
Habibas - plane
Beni Saf - Rachgoun
West Algeria
The final list of PIM islands needs to be validated.
The islands that will be the object of island factsheets still need to be defined.
Training: A short training session took place in 2013, providing a preliminary inventory of the sub-basin.
In order to complete this work, the involvement of the East, Centre and West experts is required on several levels:
surveying the islands and small islands on site and writing factsheets to contribute to the knowledge.
For the events on the 22nd of May, the National Centre for the Development of Biological Resources and the
National Coastal Commission provided the publication of an initial survey of Algerian coastal insular habitats. This
document is therefore a valuable work base for the completion of this sub-basin. A partnership is currently being
discussed so that this work and the Atlas can complement each other in order to obtain an Algerian strategy for the
conservation of insular habitats.
N°2 / 2015 February
Geographic referent
Sami Ben Haj (PIM Initiative)
Hichem Azafzaf (AAO)
Anis Zarrouk (APAL)
Habib Ben Moussa (ANPE)
clusters 3
Island Fact Sheet
Galite archipelago + islets of Tabarka
Galite, principal island
Zembra archipelago
Zembra, Zembretta
Northeast coast of Tunisia (to be defined):
Pilau, Plane, Cani islets, Fratelli,
and Bizerte
Cani, Pilau, Fratelli
The list of islands has been finalised and validated.
A knowledge inventory and an Atlas intervention strategy were done by Sami Ben Haj, the writing for the North
Tunisian sub-basin is currently being finalised.
Naturalist operations were carried out in the Zembra Archipelago updating the knowledge regarding avifauna
(under the work done with Ridha Ouni (Consultant)), mamals and invasive plants were also the object of PIM
operations in this archipelago in June 2014.
N°2 / 2015 February
Sami Ben Haj (PIM Initiative)
Geographic referent
Mohammed Chaieb (University of Sfax)
Frédéric MEDAIL (IMBE)
Saba Guellouz (APAL)
Habib Ben Moussa (ANPE)
clusters 6
Island Fact Sheet
Kuriat Archipelago
Grande Kuriat
Chebba - Madhia
Chebba ?
Kerkennah Archipelago
Sefnou, Gremdi, Roumadiya, Gharsa
Kneiss islands
Kneiss, main island
satellite islets of Djerba
El Biban archipelago
The list of islands is close to being finalised.
An exploratory operation is planned in April on the small islands surrounding Djerba and potentially on the Kneiss
Islands, to improve the level of knowledge regarding these islands. An operation in the Kuriat Archipelago is planned
in order to complete last year’s surveys.
N°2 / 2015 February
John Borg
(National Museum of Natural History)
Geographic referent
Expert from MEPA
(to be identify by M. Borg)
clusters 5
Island Fact Sheet
Comino and satellites
Gozo Satellites
Malta northeast
to identify
Malta southeast
The clusters and the list of “PIM” islands have been identified, the work on the knowledge inventory and the
intervention strategies still needs to be started. Even though the size of this sub-basin is relatively small, there is
still a need to increase the group of experts contributing to the writing of this segment.
N°2 / 2015 February
Geographic referent
Pietro Lo Cascio (Nesos association)
Salvatore Pasta (CNR, Palermo)
clusters 11
Island Fact Sheet
SIWE = calcareous islets and stacks very near to the NW Sicilian coast
(Trapani and Palermo provinces) + Stagnone di Marsala (W coast)
+ SIEG = calcareous islands, islets and stacks of Egadi Archipelago
SINO = islets and stacks very near to the NOrthern Sicilian coast
(mainly Quartz sandstones but also limestones and metamorphic
rocks; Palermo and Messina provinces)
SINE = calcareous islets and stacks very near to the NE Sicilian
coast, mostly between Taormina (Messina province)
SICI = volcanic islets and stacks very near to the Eastern Sicilian
coast (CI = Ciclopi, Catania province)
SISE = calcareous and marl islets and stacks very near to the SE
Sicilian coast (Siracusa Province)
to identify
SISU = marl or gypsum islets and stacks very near to the
Southern Sicilian coast (provinces of Ragusa, Caltanissetta,
Agrigento and Trapani; SU = Sud)
SIUS = Ustica volcanic island
SIEO = volcanic islands, islets and stacks of Aeolian Archipelago
SIPA = volcanic satellites of Pantelleria Island
SIPG = calcareous and/or marl islands, islets and stacks of
Pelagie (PG) Archipelago
SINW2 = West side of the Northern coast
Writing a scope statement for a supplier or partner to work on the inventory which will allow the compiling of
the data for this relatively big sub-basin.
N°2 / 2015 February
Nicolas Baccetti (Ispra)
Geographic referent
Annalisa Santangelo (University of Naples)
Sandro Strumia ( Second University of Naples)
Leonardo Tunesi (ISPRA)
clusters 10
Island Fact Sheet
West Ponziane
East Ponziane
Islands Flegree and Napoli
Peninsula Sorrentina
to identify
North Cilento
South Cilento
South Calabria
Discussions are underway with the various experts to update the PIM database with the data already collected.
A convention is currently being written which will have to include ISPRA, the Napolitan universities and possibly the
Tuscan Archipelago National Park in order to write this sub-basin segment while integrating the knowledge inventory and defining an intervention strategy. The convention will support the implementation of these tasks for the
Mar-Tirreno and Mar Ligure basins.
N°2 / 2015 February
Ligurian - Italy
Nicolas Baccetti (Ispra)
Bruno Foggi (University of Florence)
Geographic referent
Marco Masseti (University of Florence)
Leonardo Tunesi (ISPRA)
clusters 8
Island Fact Sheet
Islands of Ponente Ligure
Islands of Levante Ligure
Coastal shoals of Livorno
North Toscan Archipelago
South Toscan Archipelago
to identify
Elba and satellites islets
Piombino channel and coastal
Maremma islets
The islands which will be the object of factsheets still need to be identified and the database needs to be updated
with the general knowledge already held by the geographic experts.
As indicated previously, the work on this sub-basin will be supported by a joint convention with the Mar Tireno
N°2 / 2015 February
Gianluigi Bacchetta (University of Cagliari)
Geographic referent
Claudia Corti (University of Florence)
Augusto Navone (MPA Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo)
clusters 10
Island Fact Sheet
Archipelago of fiori and island Ogliastra
Islands of south coast
Isola Rossa di Teulada
Archipelago Sulcitano
Isola di San Pietro
Iglesiente islands
Pan di Zucchero
Sinis islands
Mal di Ventre
Costa di Bosa islands
Riviera del Corallo islands
Archipelago of Asinara
Archipelago of La Maddalena
Isola Rossa di Trinità d’Agulto e Spargi
Tavolarine islands
Tavolara e Molara
The Convention has been written and is currently being validated with the identified partners: University of Cagliari,
University of Florence and the MPA of Tavolara. The list of islands was produced and is being integrated to the PIM
N°2 / 2015 February
Geographic referent
Michel Delaugerre (Conservatoire du littoral)
Yoann PETIT (CBN Corse)
Laetitia Hugot (CBN Corse)
Guilhan Paradis (University of Corsica)
Carole Piazza (CBN Corse)
clusters 9
Island Fact Sheet
Cap Corse
Giraglia, Finocchiarola - Capense
Revellata - Ile Rousse
U Brocciu
Gulf of Porto - Scandola
Gargalu, Porri, Palazzinu -Orto Grande
Gulf of Sagone
A Botta - ??
Gulf of Ajaccio - Sanguinaires
Mezzumare, Porro - Piana?
Southest Corsica
Bruzzi grande, Tunara grande
Limestone islands of Bonifacio
Faziò piccolo, San Antone - Cala Sciumare?
Lavezzi - Cerbicales
Lavezzu, îlot B, Toro grande, Cavaddu
Vacca, Speduto gr, Pietricaggiosa, Folaca
Gulf of Porto-vecchio - Fautea
Roscana, San Ciprianu - Farina, Pinareddu?
The list of islands that will be the object of factsheets still needs to be finalised.
A preliminary training session supported by the Conservatoire Botanique and the Conservatoire du littoral took
place in this sub-basin in 2014 allowing to get the knowledge inventory of this territory started. Another training
session is planned for Corsica, supported by PIM in order to finalise the knowledge inventory and establish an intervention strategy. Based on this, the writing of this sub-basin segment will be able to get started.
N°2 / 2015 February
south france
Geographic referent
Frédéric Médail (IMBE, Univ. Aix-Marseille)
Marc Cheylan (CEFE-CNRS)
Jo Harmelin (marine biologist)
Patrick LELONG (Paul Ricard Institute)
clusters 6
Island Fact Sheet
Gulf of Marseille and Calanques
Frioul, Riou - Château d’If
Gulf of La Ciotat, Embiez, Cap Sicié
Ile Verte, Embiez, Grand Rouveau - Bendor
Hyères islands
Port-Cros, Bagaud
Maures coast
Brégançon - îlot des Portes
Esterel coast
Les Vieilles - Lion de Terre
Lerins islands
St-Honorat, Ste-Marguerite
A PIM/IMBE trainee created the knowledge inventory and the intervention strategy for this area in 2013.
The contributors who will write the island and cluster factsheets still need to be precisely identified for this
sub-basin. The writing of the first “pilot” island and cluster factsheets are underway, they can be used as examples
for the other sub-basins.
N°2 / 2015 February
january 2015 version
V4 — January 28th 2015
1.1. The PIM ideology
1.2. General presentation of the benefits of Mediterranean small islands’ heritage (nature, culture), the economic uses and the
global value of these areas
2.1. The western Mediterranean basin throughout the geological eras and the great climatic crises (paleogeographic and
paleoclimatic aspects)
2.2. Genesis of the islands, geological dynamics (A. Oueslati et al. ?)
(Continental vs oceanic origins); regressions, transgressions and insularity: fluctuating isolation due to water level variations.
Paleogeografic dynamics of small islands: comparative maps of the Balearics from 20 000BC to nowadays. (J. Mayol et al.)
Once upon a time there was an islet: detection of extinct or connected islets of Sicily from travel reports, historical
cartography and toponyms (S. Pasta)
Ferdinandea, Julia or Graham? : The geological and diplomatic hiccups of a southern Sicilian island (B. Fuligni ?)
2.3. Geographical limits of the western Mediterranean basin and the different “sub-basin” identified
2.4. General geographical presentation of the small islands
The concept of small island, inferior and superior limit and marine definition of an island
Artificialy linked to mainland islands and the artificial islands.
The concept of cluster.
PIM statistics, total number of islands, number by country/cluster, surface areas, isolation.
2.5. An Original climatic situations
GREEN TEXT : updates since the last release / July 2014
N°2 / 2015 February
3.1. The Mediterranean, a worldwide biodiversity hotspot
3.2. Insular fauna and flora establishment: biogeographic and evolutionary aspects
Biogeografical overview of fauna and flora establishment in the Western Mediterranean
Origin of current mammal fauna on islands based on phylogeografical studies
Origin of establishment on islands: several dispersion and vicariance process
When floods permit insular colonization by turtle
Species evolution on micro insular context
The Centaurea cineraria, a micro-insular group of plants currently evolving in the central Mediterranean
3.3. The uniqueness of micro-insular populations, species richness pattern and endemism (Insular biogeografical theory and
area-species relation )
Endemic-focused analysis of floristic similarity: islands vs. islands, islands vs. nearby mainland (S. Pasta)
Specific richness, rarity and endemism of the butterflies on the satellite islands of Italy and Malta (L. Dapporto?)
Herpetological settlement : caracteristics and insular originality (M. Cheylan, M. Delaugerre, C. Corti, V. Perez-Mellado)
Environmental or paleogeographical influence on the specific composition of various groups of arthropods on Italian islands (S.
The small islands, a diversification center for Limonium gender
The surface-specific richness relation and the “small island effect” on Mediterranean terrestrial isopoda (G. Gentile & R. Argano?)
Micro-insular distribution of endemic terrestrial snails in the Balearics (J. Mayol et al.)
3.4. The “small island effect” and the micro-insular specialist species
When very rare beetles on the continent become over abundant on small islands (P. Ponel)
The plants specialists of the micro-insular conditions (F. Médail & E. Véla)
The Nananthée, very rare micro-insular Corsican-Sardinian paleoendemic (G. Paradis?)
Reptile adaptation to micor-insular condictions: morphological, behaviorial, and demographic aspects (M.
Delaugerre, M. Cheylan, V. Perez-Mellado, C. Corti)
3.5. Insular micro-ecosystems fonctionnement
Trophic network and terrestrial dynamic communities
Biotic interactions that can be surprising but fragile (competition, predation and anti predation behaviour, facilitation)
Pollinisation challenge on island where bees are absent (C. Pérez-Banon & Mª A. Marcos-Garcia?)
The saurochory, a efficient but unknown mean of insular plant dispersion (A. Traveset?)
Rats and geckos : some surprising interactions (M. Delaugerre)
Helicodiceros muscivorus, an unusual insolence to improve reproduction
3.6. Naturalist exploration history of small islands
Augusto Béquinot (1875-1940), a forerunner of biogegrafical studies of micor-insular flora
Scientific harvest of the Violante cruise by captain Enrico ‘Albertis in 1875-1876 (R. Poggi?)
Archduke Luis Salvator, an extraordinary researcher on western Mediterranean islands (J. Mayol et al.)
Benedetto Lanza and herpetological knowledge of Italian and Corsican islands (C. Corti et al.?)
First ornithological studies on small islands: Giacomo Damiani on Toscan Islands, Antonio Schembri in Malta.
Lord Lilford and its cruise on Zara and Gloworm (N. Baccetti & J. Sultana ?)
GREEN TEXT : updates since the last release / July 2014
N°2 / 2015 February
4.1. First Holocene impacts of man and series of insular populations
Pre-human and environment biodiversity
The fabulous bestiary of extincted vertebrates of Tertiary era, a patchwork of gigantic and dwarf species (M. Massetti)
How a paleo-ecological approach allow us to draw up the environment history of small islands? The Cavallu island case (Corsica) (Y.
Poher et al.)
First human impact on biodiversity
Insulary terrestrial mamals of the Western Mediterranean, almost a renewal caused by human (J.A. Alcover?)
Murex exploitation on islands in the Antic times
4.2. Island Stories: human occupation and activities, from Prehistory to Antiquity
The mysterious prehistorical paints of Genovese Cave in Levanzo (Egades)
Ancient navigation and insular colonisation routes
Nessos, the island concept in ancient greek litteratures (J.-M. Kowalski ?)
The legendary rediscover of the Phoenician cite of Mozia on San Pantaleo Island (Marsala, Sicilia)
4.3. Past human occupation, from the middle Ages to modern day
A history of insular marginality (“marginal” populations, pirate or privateer hideouts, prison-islands, monastery-islands or hermit
The extraordinary presence on Frioul Island of the first Rhinoceros in Europe
The sad destiny of the Cabrera prisoners, forget soldiers of the Napoleonian military campaigns (1809-1814) (J. Mayol et al.)
4.4. Micro-insular diasporas
Ponzian colonization toward other western mediterrnean islands
« The Tabarchini’s », a singular history of an insular diaspora of Genoas in Tunisia, Sardinia and Spain (M. Longerstay?)
4.5. Feared territories or ephemeral eldorados
Small islands, a shipwreck spot
The Sémillante wreck on Lavezzi Islands
Relegation lands
Palmaiola Island, an assigned residence for the Grand duchy of Tuscany in XIX century.
Ephemeral eldorado for current clandestine migrant
Lampedusa, tragic stopover to Europe
4.6. The human and their interaction with natural resources
Agricultur and traditional farming, fishing
Kerkennah archipelago (Tunisia): ancient traditional fishing (M.S. Romdhane?)
The insular Mediterranean goats, witnesses of ancient domestications (M. Massetti)
Micro-insular vineyards and grapes: what specificities?
Coral fishing around islands (J. Harmelin ?)
Marginal uses of plants
Picking and using the Stipa on the island of Espartar (Ibiza)
The age-old pilgrimage to Frioul Island (Marseille),
The Sponge of Malta, a strange “mushroom-plant” with magical powers, preciously guarded on Fungus Rock
Popular traditions and uses of plants on Naples islands (R. Vallariello?)
The dwarf palm-tree on Mediterranean small islands, past uses and current dynamics (F. Médail & S. Pasta)
4.7. Past micro-insular industries
Granit quarry of Cavallo and San Bainzu Islands (Lavezzi archipielago, Corsica), an ancient industry back to the time of the Romans
Bluefin tuna:
L'exploitation du thon rouge: traditional fishing techniques
When we used to delocalised pollutant industries on small islands, the case of Provencal soda industry in the XIX century (X.
Daumalin ?)
GREEN TEXT : updates since the last release / July 2014
N°2 / 2015 February
4.8. Lighthouses of mediterranean islands
Reinforce littoral colonization: the construction of lighthouses in Tunisia during the Imperial republic (1881-1920) (J.-C.Fichou?)
4.9. Mapping and naming the Small Islands
Ancient maps and geographical knowledge of small islands
Toponomastic research, how to name an island
Corsican islands names, an necessary return to the roots? (R. Miniconi ?)
4.10. Insularity and religion : monastery, pilgrimage to islands or hermit refugees
A little island hagiography
4.11. Literary, artistic and imaginary perceptions
Artistic aspects of islands
Alexandre Dumas’s story after his travel on La Galite in December 1846
Armand Guibert and his journey on Tunisian islands.
The literary immaterial heritage of Port-Cros, a rich past still growing (F. Thurel et al. / PNPC)
Small filmography of Mediterranean islands
Paintings of Corsican islands (L. Hugot)
The mysterious islands
The 3 planesian islands (Pianosa, Saint-Honorat, Nuova Tabarca) the ancient greek or the mystery of the wandering islands. (P.
Moret ?)
Myth and legend about western mediterranean islands snakes
The Gaiola islets malediction (Naples Gulf)
Es Vedrà, the mysterious islands of Ibiza, a marketing symbol.
GREEN TEXT : updates since the last release / July 2014
N°2 / 2015 February
5.1. State of knowledge
Synthesis and general discussions of the Atlas part
5.2. Small islands, current sanctuaries for rare and endangered species of the Mediterranean coast
General aspects
Islands as loci classici (S. Pasta et al.)
Cabbage, garlic, beet…: small islands, sanctuaries for cultivated progenitor plant species (F. Médail& S. Pasta)
The islands, vertebrate sanctuary of emblematic but critically endangered species, the case of the hawksbill seaturtle
Endemic lizard threatened by competitor impact coming from mainland or bigger islands (M. Cheylan et al.)
The seabird species nesting on islands, the Procellariiformes.
The key role of small Mediterranean islands for the conservation of the Yelkouan Shearwater (K. Bourgeois et al.?)
The importance of small islands on Balearic Shearwater conservation (J. Mayol et al.)
5.3. Human populations and contemporary uses
The agro-biodiversity of small islands: a relict position that should be promoted!
Small islands, very sought-after paradises, privatized by millionaires…
5.4. Current pressures and impacts
The different types of threats and their consequences
Man and the herpetofauna of small Mediterranean islands (C. Corti& M. Cheylan)
The critical state of the Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet on the western Mediterranean coastal rocks (F. Espinoza & H. Bazairi)
The state of the “Sea Dates”(Lithophaga lithophaga) in Tunisia: between conservation and commerce
The monk seal, a relictual species victim of human persecutions
Critically endangered population, the case of “big Lizard” of Mediterranean islands
The consecutive impact of artificially linked an island to mainland
5.5. Islands and global change
Islets, peninsulas and sea levels changes (S. Pasta et al.)
Global warming and coastal squeeze : which local adaptation for species
Kerkennah archipelago (Tunisia), an extreme witness of water level variations throughout the geological history
Lithophyllum pavement, a valuable indicator of sea-level variation
5.6. Biological invasions: a growing threat on insular biodiversity
Biological invasion in marine habitat
Lessepsian species impact on marine settlements, local economical consequences
Exotic caulerpas, what impact 25 years after their arrival on Provence costs? (M. Verlaque et al. ?)
Rats, rabbits, cats and other vertebrates introduced by humans, a bestiary that became undesirable
2000 years of coexistence between rats and seabirds on Mediterranean islands (L. Ruffino et al.?)
Rats, rabbits and mice’s: when several introduced herbivores jeopardize in a combinative way the life circle of a very rare plant species
(Medicago citrina) de Cabrera (L. Latorre et al.?)
Island colonization by rats seen by Fred Vargas aka (Frédérique Audouin-Rouzeau)
Podarcis Ciculus, a real threats for Mediterranean endemic species? (M. Cheylan et al.)
The increasing impact of Taurentola Mauretanica on Euleptes Europa
Ecological change caused by Yellow legged-Gull
Exotic invasive plants
The Carpobrotus « ecological success », succulent species coming from South Africa.
Some new emergent threats ?
Cryptic invasions, the threats caused by fungi and pathogenic viruses
Invasive invertebrates
Small islands can be considered as biological refuges in a ongoing globalization context?
The Argentine Aunt, a newly established invasive species on Western islands (L. Berville ?)
GREEN TEXT : updates since the last release / July 2014
N°2 / 2015 February
6.1. Which type of knowledge for which type of management?
Being a natural area manager on a small island
The interest of ecosystemic approach to assess conservation status of an marine ecosystem : the case of Posidonia around small
protected islands (S. Ruitton et al. )
6.2. “Good practices” acquired in terms of management and administration of islands?
Preserve entomofauna living in see leads and driftwoods (P. Ponel)
Juridical status of Mediterranean islands, a fragmented representation (L. Emmanouilidou)
6.3. Management action for invasive and proliferating species
The ecological restoration pilot operation on the island of Bagaud (E. Krebs & A. Aboucaya)
Monitoring of Euleptes europea after a Carpobrotus eradication campaign (M. Cheylan & V. Rivière)
Black Rat eradication on small islands, a protocol using both mechanical and chemical technics. (Lorvelec et al.?)
6.4. Scientific methods to be promoted for conservation (surveying sentinel islands, regular monitoring, standardized
“Sentinelle” program, regular monitoring, standardized protocols
How to protect insular biodiversity with less money?
Osprey dispersion followed by GPS (F. Monti)
6.5. Biogeographical and evolutionary conservation approaches
The necessity to maintain evolutive process (to conserve evolutive dynamics) and ecological process (to conserve initial ecological
dynamic and specific ecological functions)
The small islands, genuine « aircraft-carrier » for fauna
6.6. Strategic axes at Western Mediterranean scale
Strategic axes on a Mediterranean level, determining the priorities in terms of knowledge improvement, establishing management
measures and the implementation of concrete operations
GREEN TEXT : updates since the last release / July 2014
thank you to all the contributors
of this newsletter
Sami BEN HAJ, Céline DAMERY, Marie-Charlotte
Publishing Director
graphic design
[email protected]

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