Word Pro - 18M1Ing_2011_pro.lwp


Word Pro - 18M1Ing_2011_pro.lwp
1º período :: matutino
| 4 de março de 2011
1. Exceto na avaliação de Desenho Geométrico, tudo o que será analisado pelo professor (desenvolvimento, argumentação,
justificativa) deverá estar feito, obrigatoriamente, a tinta (azul ou preta). Apague tudo o que estiver feito a lápis.
2. O raciocínio que conduz a uma resposta deverá estar claramente exposto e organizado, com início, meio e fim. De outra
forma, a pontuação da questão será prejudicada, podendo até ser igual a zero.
3. Respeite os espaços delimitados pelas margens; eles são suficientes para respostas adequadas. Evite o uso de abreviaturas e
símbolos, pois poderão não ser reconhecidos e invalidar a resposta.
4. Cuide da apresentação da avaliação: use letra legível, evite rasuras, responda às questões no espaço adequado. Em caso de
erro, anule com um risco e refaça. O uso de corretivos (liquid paper ou similares) implica anulação da resposta.
5. Não empreste nem solicite emprestado material escolar (caneta, lápis, borracha, régua, etc.). É proibido o uso de calculadora
(inclusive relógio-calculadora).
6. Não serão permitidas consultas. Telefones celulares, pagers ou MP3 player, ipod e similares devem ser DESLIGADOS e
guardados na bolsa ou colocados sobre a mesa do professor, longe do seu alcance.
7. A cada questão será atribuída uma pontuação de 0,0 a 1,0, em intervalos de 0,1. A pontuação da avaliação será o somatório
das pontuações nas questões, e a nota da avaliação será a pontuação multiplicada pelo fator de ajuste.
8. O respeito a estas instruções faz parte da avaliação e interfere na nota.
1. Write True or False according to the text.
Where there are salmon streams there usually are bears. And Vancouver Island, with its abundant salmon streams, seems like perfect
bear habitat. The American black bear (Ursus americanus) inhabits the island, but strangely there are no grizzly bears (Ursus arctos), even
though many are found just a short distance away on the mainland of British Columbia. Why? Some scientists believe that the two species of
bear simply cannot coexist on islands, even though they coexist on the continent — perhaps it would mean too much competition in a
confined space. But the fact of the matter is that no one really knows.
(Adapted from nationalgeographic.com)
a) (___________________) Grizzly bears inhabit the mainland of British Columbia.
b) (___________________) There aren't a lot of salmon streams on Vancouver Island.
c) (___________________) Bears usually live near salmon streams.
d) (___________________) The American black bear and the grizzly bear coexist on islands.
e) (___________________) The American black bear and the grizzly bear coexist on the continent.
2. One of the statements below is false. Write the letter and then correct it according to the text above.
a) Grizzly bears inhabit the mainland of British Columbia.
b) The American black bear and the grizzly bear coexist on the continent.
c) The American black bear and the grizzly bear coexist on islands.
d) Bears usually live near salmon streams.
e) There are a lot of salmon streams on Vancouver Island
3. Change the sentences into negative form according to the grammar.
a) They needed a good reason to let them go.
b) Suzi tried to buy that new house again.
c) We stopped at the bus stop.
d) Clarence shopped all day.
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 1º período :: matutino | 8º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 18M1Ing_2011_pro.lwp
PÁG. 1
4. Change the sentences into interrogative form according to the grammar.
a) Lucy studied for her exam.
b) Gabriel corrected all the exercises.
c) She created a new product.
d) John tried a new kind of ice cream.
5. Write the correct form of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements.
a) Jane _________ a film. (to watch)
b) He _________ a box. (to carry)
c) They _________ their father. (to help)
d) John and Amy _________ things. (to swap)
6. Answer the questions in English according to the text below. Write complete answers.
Singer Michael Jackson had lethal levels of the drug propofol in his blood when he died, according to court documents.
Los Angeles' coroner Dr. Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran reached that preliminary conclusion after reviewing toxicology results carried
out on Jackson's blood, according to an affidavit.
The drug Diprivan, known by its generic name propofol, is administered intravenously in operating rooms as a general anesthetic, the
manufacturer AstraZeneca told CNN.
A source close to the investigation told CNN that Dr. Conrad Murray is believed to have administered the drug to Jackson within 24
hours of his death on June 25.
Dr. Hector Vila, chairman of the Ambulatory Surgery Committee for the American Society of Anesthesiologists, said he administers
the drug during office procedures such as urology, dentistry and gynecology. It is also the most common anesthetic for colonoscopies, he
Investigators have searched Murray's home and clinics for evidence related to the anesthetic propofol, according to documents filed
in court.
The drug works as a depressant on the central nervous system.
[http://edition.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/08/24/michael.jackson.propofol/index.html (with adaptations)]
a) How is Diprivan administrated in people?
b) Why did Michael Jackson use that medicine?
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 1º período :: matutino | 8º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 18M1Ing_2011_pro.lwp
PÁG. 2