The Relation Between the Nippon Human Resources


The Relation Between the Nippon Human Resources
The Relation Between the Nippon Human Resources Management and its
Results - One Allocated Analyze to the Automobile and Electronic Sectors.
Felipa Lopes dos Reis
e-mail: [email protected]
PhD, Open University
António Eduardo Martins
Professor, Open University
Stream: The Practice of Human Resources Development
The objective of this paper is share the relation beteween the human resources
management nippon system and the results of the the enterprises competition in
enterprises with and without Nippon capital.
In particular, it was researched the competitiviness of those enterprises in the
automobile and electronic sectors, when they use specific practices of japanese
Through statistical testing, it was verified that enterprises with japanese capital use
competitive strategies based upon costs and based of the human resources
Key-words: Human Resources, Economic Competition, “Workonomic Index”,
Japanese Management.
1. Introduction
This article was made upon the study and in evaluation of the humans research
management Nippon system and the results of the enterprises competition in
enterprises with and without Nippon capital.
The Japanese historical context is very particular. In the rising sun country, there is
one solid base that don’t happens in other countries, that consists in a settle of
values in the enterprises by the ancient samurais (military) when this take over big
enterprises after the Meiji revolution (1867-1868): respect by the hierarchy, loyalty
duty, the capability of choosing in a concerted way between workers, syndicate
administration, work together in a group, demonstration of discipline and exceptional
The Japanese enterprise culture is the bond between all members of the
organization, promoting a familiar union spirit.
The Word shain (staff member) reflects that sense of integration of the individual in
the group, sharing the responsibility and benefits.
The Japanese enterprise systems have as well a truly humanist character,
recognizing the persons before the material factors of production and profits.
The management of the Japanese organizations reflects the value of the human
recourses by attribution of a privileged status to witch personal function.
The guarantied for all life Job service (Shushin Koyo Seido) and of valorisation of
ancient art (Nenko Joretsu) as one criterion to the fixation of honorary started to
desegregate progressively facing the need of reforming the work force and improve
the formation and individual performance in the enterprises.
The manager start, this way, giving merit to the human resources in opposition to
ancient thinking, not hesitating in the promotion of young people and searching more
capable individuals in other enterprises.
One of the possible ways to understand Japan, is to understand the particular way of
work and organization of Japanese workers.
People from the occident feel a certain perplexity seeing the hotel workers, of the
shopping centres, with white gloves repeating a endless salutation, inclination the
body to every person that pass thought there, with out that gesture disqualification
them professionally.
In opposition, they transmit a marking dignity. This feeling and attitude beyond the
professional duty is carried with great efficiency.
One management model has to respect the values of his working ground.
Japan is an example of a success economy, because its was able to find a
organization model according to the selectivity of their culture.
2. Methodology
The central object of this research was according the evaluation of the human
resources dimension in the Nippon’s management system, in the enterprises with
and without Japanese capital, between 1998-2002.
The hypotheses that where tested and try to establish a relation between the Nippon
human research system and the traditional human resources system, the enterprises
competitive results are the fallowing.
1st Hypothesis: The human resources management system dells with a more
accentuated enterprise competition induced by economic productivity, that what
happens in the traditional human resources management system.
2nd Hypothesis: The Nippon human resources management system leads to a more
accentuated improve of the enterprise competition induced by the honorary
production of the human factor, in opposition to the traditional human resources
management system.
These hypotheses were tested in the evaluation of the causal relations between the
dependent variable.
Economic competition (CE), “Workomic Índex” (WI) and the independent variable of
human resources.
The first step of the methodology was the selection of the panel of companies from
the electronic and automotive sectors that was chosen through the Dun &
Bradstreet/Exame database, in the period spanning 1998 through 2002. This panel
was so chosen because it’s a universe representative of the companies operating in
the Iberian Peninsula.
The second step was the elaboration of an integrated model of evaluation of
corporate competitiveness that served as a support to the dependent variables of the
In these variables, the methodological approach treats the performance of corporate
productivity in two main components: economic and salary.
 Economic perspective of productivity.
The indicator of the company’s competitiveness rate is the relation between its
economic productivity and operational costs per capita, which is expressed thusly:
g = ( 1+r -1) x 100
r = pn – po
m =-----------zo
g = The company’s competitiveness tax
r = Variation of economic productivity
m = Variation of operational costs “per capita”.
p = Economic productivity of work
z = Operational costs “per capita”
VAB – Added brute value (the difference between the business volume and
intermediate costs)
CO - Operational costs (being the sum of the costs of materials, supplies and
external services, personnel costs and mortgages)
- Human labour
- Year of competitiveness evaluation
o - Base year for competitiveness evaluation.
 Salary perspective of productivity
The salary perspective is translated in the VAB value by personnel costs (S). In the
perspective we used for our investigation, the salary productivity is evaluated based
on the “workonomic index” indicator (WI) which evaluates the quota of added value
generated in the business that is free to remunerate capital factors intervening in
creation the VAB. It’s translated by the following indicator:
WI = ( VAB - 1) x 100
For ending, it was made a half of each one of the indicators of enterprises
competition, by enterprise and year, in the period from 1998 to 2002, minding the
respective inflation taxes, that are a result of the competition ends.
The third step was translated in the construction of a independent variable, through
the elaboration of a questionnaire appealed “ human resources management
practices”, that was made to the selected enterprises board, in a way to evaluate the
quality work level of the Nippon human resources management system and of the
traditional human resources management system.
For the effect, it was calculated a gap in the work versus importance (percentage of
the division of the work level by the level of importance) of the posed questions, in a
numeric scale from 1 to 6 points.
And it was measure through a indices composed by six points referring to the Nippon
human resources management system and other six points referring to the traditional
human resources management.
From the responds of the questionnaires I Got two indices of quality work, one
corresponding to the vector of attributes of the Nippon human resources
management system, and other of the vector of attributes of the traditional human
resources management system, in enterprises with and without Nippon capital.
To evaluate the level of importance and the level of work in the Nippon human
resources management system, in the enterprises with and without Japanese capital,
it was adopted the fallowing procedure: By the responds of each posed question in
the questionnaire I determinate the level of importance, the gap Work versus
importance dividing the work by the importance,
What allows learning the dissemination of the Japanese human resources
management system in the enterprises with and without Nippon capital.
After the gathering and treatment of all data it was used the statistic tactic of the
correlations sufficient (r of Pearson), that allows determine the straight of association
between two variables.
Allowing this way the analysis of the mechanisms of causality between the level of
quality work of the Nippon human resources management system and the traditional
human resources management system (result of the questionnaire), and the work
quantitative of competition of the enterprises ( a result of the model integrate of
evaluation of the enterprises competition)
Chart 1a
Correlation average between the niponic human resources management system and
the indicators of economic competitiveness
with japanese
without japanese
Correlation average between the traditional human resources management system
and the indicators of economic competitiveness
with japanese
without japanese
3. Conclusions
The study fixes the evidences substantial that the Nippon human resources
management system does one influence effective in the enterprises competition, in
the enterprises with and without Nippon capital. The main conclusions are the
The 1st Hypotheses is valid in the enterprises with Nippon capital, because the
association between the Nippon human resources management system and the
economic competition indicator is highest, in relation to the traditional human
resources management system and the same indicator.
That means, the enterprises with Japanese capital compete using competitive
strategies based in the costs.
The 2nd Hypotheses is valid in the enterprises with Nippon capital, because the
association between the Nippon human recourses management system and the
indicator “workonomic índex” is the highest, in deterioration to the associations
between the traditional human resources management system and the same
This means that the enterprises with Japanese capital compete using strategies
competitive based in the qualification of human resources (workonomic index).
In conclusion, in the enterprises with Japanese Capital, there is always a relation of
causality between the Nippon human resources management system and the
indicators of enterprises competition.
Being right that many managers affirm that the enterprises need to centre in a unit
base of competition advantage, the Japanese by tradition adopt multiple bases of
competitive advantage, talent that they have been used to flank the occident players.
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