3ª prova substitutiva de inglês colégio xix de março


3ª prova substitutiva de inglês colégio xix de março
excelência em educação
Professor(a): Débora Toledo
Valor da Prova:
65 pontos
Orientações gerais:
1) Número de questões desta prova: 17
2) Valor das questões: Abertas (9): 5,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão.
4)Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e
conceituação comprometida.
5) Tópicos desta prova: Reading, Plural, Modal Verbs, Comparative, Superlative
1ª Questão: Todas as palavras seguem a mesma regra para formar o plural, exceto:
a) plural in “ies” – lady. Baby, city, fly
b) plural in “es” – watch, church, brush, hero
c) plural in “ves” – wife, roof, chief, life
d) plural in “s”- key, girl, chair, day
e) change “oo” to “ee” – goose, tooth, foot
Texto para as questões 2, 3, 4 e 5:
There is a small fire station in town. At this station, the firefighters are volunteers. That
means they work for free. The fire station gets some money from the government to take care of
the building and the fire truck. But the fire station has a problem. Last winter, a pipe in the fire
station froze. Then it burst. Water went everywhere. There is a lot of damage. Now the building
cannot be used. What is worse, the fire station does not have enough money for the repairs needed
to fix the damage. The people in town are worried about what will happen if there is a fire and no
working fire station. But they will figure out a way to solve the problem. They always do!
*fire station: posto de bombeiros; firefighter: bombeiro; truck: caminhão; pipe: tubo, cano;
froze: congelou; burst: explodiu; damage: dano; to fix: consertar.
2ª Questão: O principal problema na cidade é que
a) os bombeiros não conseguem dinheiro
b) um cano congelou no inverno passado.
c) as pessoas não conseguem consertar o prédio dos bombeiros
d) as pessoas da cidade estão preocupadas
e) os bombeiros trabalham de graça.
3ª Questão: According to the author, the water went everywhere because the pipe
a) froze
b) burst
c) leaked
d) broke
e) went everywhere
4ª Questão: no texto, o autor escreve: “But they will figure out a way to solve the problem.” Nessa
frase, “solve the problem” significa:
3ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora /9º / Pág. 1
a) conseguir mais dinheiro.
b) consertar o prédio dos bombeiros.
c) ter certeza de que incêndios não ocorrerão.
d) ter certeza de que os canos não congelarão.
e) consertar o cano que congelou.
5ª Questão: O sentimento no final do texto pode ser melhor descrito por:
a) hopeful
b) worried
c) upset
d) excited
e) sad
6ª Questão: Qual das alternativas completa corretamente as frases abaixo?
The weather this summer is even _____________ than last summer. (bad)
A holiday by the sea is _________________ than a holiday in the mountains. (good)
a) worse – best
b) worst - best
c) worse – better
d) more bad – more good
e) best – worse
7ª Questão: The people _____ happy because the news ____ excellent.
a) is – are
b) are – is
c) is – is
d) are – are
e) was - were
8ª Questão: Complete as frases com as formas de comparativo dos adjetivos entre parênteses.
Oriente-se pelas indicações de igualdade, superioridade, inferioridade em cada caso.
a) Popcorn is _____________________________ chocolate. ( = delicious)
b) I think Jennifer lopes is _________________________ Julia Roberts. (= pretty)
c) Sylvester Stallone is _________________________ Sean Connery. (+ young)
d) Rambo is ________________________ James bond. (- popular)
e) Whoopi Goldberg is ______________________ Bette Midler. (+ funny)
f) AI was _______________________ than other Spielberg`s movies. (+ interesting)
The Mighty Amazon
The Amazon is the largest river in the world. Measuring about 6,400 kilometers from source
to mouth, it is second in length only to the Nile. The Nile flows 6,695 kilometers in Africa and is the
longest, but it does not compare with the South America river in other respects. With its numerous
tributaries (more than 1,100 in total), the Amazon drains a territory of more than 7 million square
kilometers (40% of South America) the largest river basin in the world. The Amazon has by far the
greatest volume of any river, carrying more water than Nile, Mississippi and Yangtzw rivers
combined. In a single second it discharges about 180,000 cubic meters of water into the Atlantic,
pushing back the waters of the ocean for enormous distances. It is so powerful that you can take
and drink fresh water from the ocean 150 kilometers away from the river mouth.
The exact source of the Amazon, the precise location where the great river begins, had for a
long time been the subject of argument and speculation, but in 2001, in an expedition sponsored by
the National Geographic Society, an international team of explorers managed to find the true source.
Using the most modern GPS (Global Positioning System) navigational equipment, the explorers
identified the place where the Amazon begins as a small stream on a mountain called Nevado Mismi
in the Peruvian Andes, roughly 60 kilometers away from Lima and the Pacific Ocean. It is just a
trickle of water but it is the true origin of the mightiest, the most powerful river in the world.
3ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora /9º / Pág. 2
Vocabulary: mighty: poderoso; measuring: medindo; source: nascente, origem: mouth:foz;
length: comprimento, extensão; to flow: corre, flui; tributaries: afluentes; to drain: drenar, regar;
square: quadrado; basin: bacia; to discharge: descarregar; sponsored: patrocinado; to manage:
conduzir, tartar, administrar; stream: córrego; Peruvian: Peruano; trickle of water: fio de água.
9ª Questão: O texto destaca a supeerioridade do rio Amazonas em relação a outros rios do mundo
em vários aspectos. Dos adjetivos abaixo, identifique o único que não se refere ao rio Amazonas.
a) the largest
b) the mightiest
c) the greatest
d) the most powerful
e) the longest
10ª Questão: Identifique as afirmações verdadeiras (T) e as falsas (F). Em seguida, corrija as
a) The Nile is the largest river in the world.
b) The Nile is longer than the Amazon but it does not compare with the Amazon in other respects.
c) The volume of water carried by the Amazon is much larger than that of any other river.
d) The Amazon carries more water than all the other rivers in the world combined.
e) In 2001 explorers discovered the source of the Amazon is in the Peruvian Andes, near the Atlantic
f) The Amazon begins as a large river on a mountain in the Andes.
11ª Questão: Complete as frases com o superlativo dos adjetivos entre parênteses:
a) The Amazon is not the __________________ river in the world, because the Nile is longer than
the Amazon. (long – superlative de superioridade)
b) Amazon is the _______________________ river in the world. (powerful – superlative de
c) The recent discovery of the true source of the Amazon is one of the _____________________ in
geographical terms. (important – superlativo de superioridade)
d) The Amazon is the _______________ river in the world. (large – superlativo de superioridade)
e) Today was the __________________ day of the month. (cold - superlativo de inferioridade).
12ª Questão: Complete as frases com Anomalous verb.
a) A good 1500 runner_____________run the race in less than 2'30 minutes. (habilidade no
b) When I was younger I ___________speak better Italian than now. (habilidade no passado)
c) You seem tired. You _______________ have a rest. (sugestão)
d) He __________ improve his writing skills. (obrigação no presente)
e) They ____________ park here. (proibição)
f) She ___________ travel abroad. (possibilidade no presente)
3ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora /9º / Pág. 3
13ª Questão: Rescreva as frases usando Modal Verbs:
a) Do you think I am able to finish this work?
b) It’s possible that Susan arrives late for the class.
c) They are allowed to do their homework at home.
d) You have to obey the traffic terms.
14ª Questão: Escreva o plural das palavras:
a) language: ______________________
b) woman: _______________________
c) story: _________________________
d) monarch: ______________________
e) donkey: _______________________
f) tooth: _________________________
g) half: __________________________
h) mosquito: ______________________
i) child: __________________________
h) matchbox: ______________________
15ª Questão: Passe as frases para o singular:
a) These are big sheep. ____________________________________________________________
b) The keys are on the tables.________________________________________________________
c) The salesmen are very polite. ______________________________________________________
d) The watches run well. ____________________________________________________________
e) They are not afraid of dogs. _______________________________________________________
16ª Questão: Complete o quadro:
Comparative of Superiority
Superlative of Superiority
(melhor do que)
(pior do que)
17ª Questão: Leia o texto e responda às perguntas:
Three mathematicians, including a Briton, won the world`s top prize in Mathematics on
Sunday at a ceremony in California. The prize, called the Field Medal, is awarded every four years at
a meeting of the International Congress of Mathematicians. Recipients must be under the age of 40.
The medal is named after John Charles Fields, a Canadian mathematician who lamented back in
1932 that there was no Nobel prize in Mathematics.
* prize: prêmio; recipient: beneficiário
a) Por que John Charles resolveu criar o “Fields Medal”?
3ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora /9º / Pág. 4
b) Quem pode receber o “Field Medal”?
c) Quando acontece a premiação?
Have a good test!
3ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora /9º / Pág. 5

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