colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo


colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo
excelência em educação
Valor da Prova:
50 pontos
Assinatura do responsável:
Orientações gerais:
1) Número de questões desta prova: 13
2) Valor das questões:
Abertas (5): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão.
4) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e conceituação
5) Tópicos:
- simple future
- conditional
- if clauses
- also/ too/ either
- each / every / all
1ª Questão: Leia e faça o que se pede:
Maybe someday they’ll make a movie about my life.
a) Em que tempo está a frase da tirinha?
b) Escreva essa frase na negativa.
c) Passe a frase para a interrogativa.
d) Passe a frase para a conditional.
e) Traduza a frase.
2ª Questão: Marque a opção que completa as frases abaixo:
I. George ______studies French besides English.
II. Are you going to the party ________?
3ª P.S. / Inglês /Debora / 8º / pág : 1
III. I won’t say anything about it _______.
a) either – too - also
b) also – too - either
c) also – also - either
d) too – too - either
e) also – either - too
3ª Questão: If He _________ until 6 o’clock, I’ll go home.
a) Not comes
b) Won’t come
c) Did’nt come
d) Doesn’t come
e) Don’t come
4ª Questão: Complete as “If Clauses” com a forma correta dos verbos entre parênteses.
a) If you do your homework now, we ___________________ (go) to the cinema in the evening.
b) If I had more money, I _________________ (buy)a bigger car.
c) I will call you if I ______________ (need) your help.
d) I would go swimming if the weather ________________ (be) better.
e) If he _________________(not – have) time tomorrow, we will meet the day after.
f) If I were you, I _________________ (not- know) what to do.
5ª Questão: Qual das frases abaixo é a forma negativa de “He walks to the University, too”?
a) He either doesn’t walk to the University.
b) He doesn’t walk to the University either.
c) He also doesn’t walk to the University.
d) He doesn’t too walk to the University.
e) He doesn’t walk either to the University.
6ª Questão: Complete as frases com Every, each ou all.
a) _____________ the books are covered with dust.
b) I get up early _____________ day.
c) ___________ babies are born innocent.
d) _____________ house in the area is white.
e) _____________ shirt has a pocket. (____ camisa tem um bolso)
f) _____________ room in the hotel has its own bathroom.
7ª Questão: Complete as frases com also, too ou either.
a) Jane speaks French. Sam _____________ speaks French.
b) I am taking a great art history class. Sarah is in the class ____________. We both love it.
c) I am really tired, and I don't feel like going out tonight ______________.
d) I am _____________ studying economics.
e) Frank can come with us. Nancy can come with us _______________.
f) I don't really like tomatoes. My brother doesn't like them ______________.
8ª Questão: I would buy a new apartment if I ________ money.
a) have
b) would have
c) don’t have
d) didn’t have
e) had
3ª P.S. / Inglês /Debora / 8º / pág : 2
9ª Questão: Observe o desenho, leia o poema e responda em português:
a) Quanto a pessoa tem de pagar à vidente para ver sua vida na bola de cristal?
b) O que pode ser visto nessa bola de cristal – o futuro ou o passado?
c) O que foi que a vidente descobriu a respeito da garota?
d) A vidente precisou olhar na sua bola de cristal? Como foi que ela descobriu tudo isso?
10ª Questão: Qual é a frase correta?
a) If they go to Washington, they will see the White House.
b) If she had a hamster, she will call him Fred.
c) If he give her a sweet, she would stop crying.
d) Andy will cooked dinner if we buy the food.
e) Janet would to go jogging if she didn’t have to do her homework.
3ª P.S. / Inglês /Debora / 8º / pág : 3
Big city noise
My name is Olaf.
I live in a big city. I live on a busy road. At night and during the day, cars go by. Buses go by.
Trucks go by. People do not seem to hear the noise during the day. But at night, the noise makes it
hard to sleep. My road has a lot of animals, too. People keep their animals outside in their yards at
night. There are cats. There are dogs.
The dogs make a lot of noise. To me, the dogs are like the trucks. The dogs are like the cars.
The dogs are like the buses. All of them are loud! One dog barks more than the others do. His name is
Simba. Simba is Mr. Cheek’s dog. “That is a very bad dog. He keeps me up at night,” says Mr. Lucas.
Mr. Lucas lives next door to Mr. Cheek. “You should give him away,” says Mr. Lucas. This makes Mr.
Cheek very mad. "You should not sleep with your windows open," says Mr. Cheek. "You should take
your dog inside at night," yells Mr. Lucas.
The two men argue about Simba’s barking almost every day. I think this is funny. To me, Simba is as
bad as the cars. He is as bad as the buses. He is as bad as the trucks. This is what living in a big city is
like. There is a lot of noise.
Vocabulary: busy road: rua movimentada; noise: barulho, hard: difícil, yard: quintal,
barulhento, to bark: latir, up: acordado, should: deveria, mad: furioso, inside: dentro, to argue:
discutir, as…as: tão...quanto
11ª Questão: Que barulho deixa mr. Lucas furioso?
a) cats meowing
b) trucks going by
c) a dog barking
d) people talking
e) buses going by
12ª Questão: Quem discute todos os dias?
a) Mr. Lucas and Olaf
b) Olaf and Mr. Cheek
c) Simba and Mr. Lucas
d) Mr. Lucas and Mr. Cheek
e) Nobody
13ª Questão: O que Mr. cheek poderia fazer para que Mr. Lucas possa dormir.
a) get a cat
b) not argue with him
c) not drive his car at night
d) take his dog inside at night
e) dormir com as janelas fechadas
3ª P.S. / Inglês /Debora / 8º / pág : 4
3ª P.S. / Inglês /Debora / 8º / pág : 5

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