Simulado P4 Ingles


Simulado P4 Ingles
Estrada da Água Branca,
2551 – Realengo – RJ
Tel: (21) 3462-7520
Helena Baptista
Questão 1
O Interrogative Pronoun que completa
corretamente a frase
“If you have __________ problem, come to
me.” é?
a) some
b) no
c) any
d) none
Questão 2
Are there ________ books for me today? ) No,
there are not ______ books for you today.
a)any – any
b) some – some
c) any – some
d) anyone – some
e) something – no
Questão 3
Complete com Some , any , no
a) She has __________ problems at home.
b) They played __________ kind of game which
I don't know.
c)I haven't said ___________ words at that
d) Do you have __________ idea?
e) ____________ of those will make them
English, a global language
Why does everybody study English? What
makes it a global language? English is the
language that facilitates communication in
thousands of individual contacts made daily all
over the world. It is used in air, land and sea
communication, in information tecnology,
sports, TV, movies, science, politics, music…
English is necessary to surf and chat on the
internet, to e-mail people around the world, to
read international books, magazines,
announcements, ads, song lyrics, instructions,
manuals, scientific journals, etc. The following
graph shows the use of English all over the
Questão 4
De acordo com o texto, julgue C (certo) ou E
a) Everybody studies English nowadays. ( )
b) English is a global language because it is
used in all countries of the world. ( )
c)The language of air and sea communication is
English. ( )
d) People are studying English at school, to
surf and chat on the internet. ( )
e) Brazil and Greece are countries where Englis
is used as an international language.( )
Questão 5
a) Na fala de Garfield podemos identificar o
verbo Have afirmando que algo não foi feito no
passado simple.
( ) certo ( )errado
b)qual o contexto da charge acima?
Questão 6
De acordo com o estudo dos pronomes
indefinido, complete as frases abaixo com
some, any ou no e depois marque a alternativa
com a seqüência correta.
I – I need __________ money.
II – The bottle is empty. There is _______
water. III – Are there _________ books for me
a) some – no – any
b) some – any – no
c) any – no – some
d) no – some – any
Questão 7
a)O Pronome indefinido Any deve ser usado em
frases negativas acompanhadas de outras
negativas ou não. Essa afirmativa está:
( ) certo ( )errado
Questão 8
Is there ______________ in the bottle ? No,
a)anything – something
b) something – anything
c) something – nothing
d) anything – nothing
e) anything – anything
COLÉGIO MARQUES RODRIGUES – O Colégio que mais cresce em seu bairro!
FEIRA PEDAGÓGICA 2015 – ESCOTISMO – Descubra todas as peculiaridades desse movimento que existe a
mais de 100 anos, e que ajuda na construção de um cidadão melhor, preocupado com o meio ambiente e o ser
Questão 9
He doesn’t want ______ fruit
b) no
c) None
e) not
Questão 10
Complete com some ou any
a)Do you have ____ change?
b)Let's buy _______ stamps.
c)My brother doesn't have _____ friends. Isn't
it strange?
d) I'm so sorry but there aren't _________
cheese left. I must go to the shops.
e)Do you know _______ famous people?
Questão 11
Complete as frases com some ou any:
a) They didn`t make ______________
b) I can pay. I have got ____________ money.
c) Have you got ____________ brothers or
d) I haven`t got ____________ stamps but
Ann has got _____________.
Questão 12
Qual é a alternativa que preenche corretamente
todas as lacunas das sentenças abaixo?
There isn’t _______________ at school.
The girls need _______________ to teach
My cousin left my keys ______________
a) anyone – somebody – somewhere
b) someone – anybody – anything
c) anybody – somewhere - nothing
d) someone – someone - somewhere
e) anyone – somebody - anything
Questão 13
Complete as frases com Indefinite Pronouns.
a) She said ___________________ but I didn't
understand anything. (alguma coisa)
b) I didn't eat ___________________ because
I wasn't hungry. (nada)
c) Dad, can we go ________________ on
Sunday? Yes, what about going to the zoo?
(algum lugar)
d) Is there __________________ in the house?
No, it's deserted. (alguém)
e) __________________ has broken the
window. I don't know who. (alguém)
Questão 14
“Would you like _____________ to drink?”
“Yes, please”.
O pronome que melhor complete a frase é:
a) anything
b) something
c) nothing
d) somewhere
e) anywhere
Questão 15
My friend never buys ______ books at the
a) any
B) something
c) nothing
d) no
e) anything
Questão 16
Don’t make ______ noise! He wants to get
_______ sleep
a)some – no
b)any – some
c) some – any
d)no – some
e) any – any
Questão 17
Nowadays, ___________ wants to work
a) some
b) none
c) nobody
d) anybody
e) somebody
Questão 18
Sublinhe a frase que completa corretamente as
frases abaixo:
a)Sam was alone at home, no-one / anyone was with
b) Did you go everywhere / anywhere last weekend?
c) There is always nothing / something interestingto
read in this magazine.
COLÉGIO MARQUES RODRIGUES – O Colégio que mais cresce em seu bairro!
FEIRA PEDAGÓGICA 2015 – ESCOTISMO – Descubra todas as peculiaridades desse movimento que existe a
mais de 100 anos, e que ajuda na construção de um cidadão melhor, preocupado com o meio ambiente e o ser
d) Are you doing anywhere / anything tonight?
e) Please, don’t tell anybody / somebody about
Questão 19
Marque corretamente:
__________ students were late today. They didn’t
arrive at school on time.
a) Any
b) Some
c) No
Questão 20
Marque corretamente:
I called you yesterday evening, but there was
__________ at home.
c) everybody
COLÉGIO MARQUES RODRIGUES – O Colégio que mais cresce em seu bairro!
FEIRA PEDAGÓGICA 2015 – ESCOTISMO – Descubra todas as peculiaridades desse movimento que existe a
mais de 100 anos, e que ajuda na construção de um cidadão melhor, preocupado com o meio ambiente e o ser

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