colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo


colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo
excelência em educação
Valor da Prova:
50 pontos
Assinatura do responsável:
Orientações gerais:
1) Número de questões desta prova: 13
2) Valor das questões:
Abertas (5): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão.
4) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e conceituação
5) Tópicos:
- Genitive Case
- Simple Present
- Near Future
- Adverbs
1ª Questão: Complete o texto abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses no Simple Present.
Every summer,
____________(throw) a party for his birthday. He is 15. All his
family and friends ____________ (go) to his party. The party
_________________ (give/not) an expensive gift. The food and
drink are always perfect. We __________ (eat) a lot of fast food
and we _____________(not/ drink) very much. Jorge’s mother
_____________ (bring) a big birthday cake. Everybody brings him
beautiful gifts but I sometimes ______________(forget) to give
him mine. Everything never ends at midnight and we
_________________ (get/not) home late. We all are so happy.
We _____________ (enjoy) the party very much. Finally, I want
to have my own party to invite all of my friends
2ª Questão: Choose the CORRECT sentence:
a) I studies medicine at the university.
b) Roni and Vika has a dog.
c) He drives hundreds of kilometers every day.
d) Our cat eat fish.
e) They watches TV before they go to sleep.
3ª P.S. / Inglês / Debora / 7º / pág : 1
3ª Questão: Leia e marque a opção cujo auxiliar completa as lacunas da tirinha.
a) Do - Does
b) Are - Am
c) Do - Do
d) Does – Do
e) Am – Are
4ª Questão: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às perguntas em Inglês.
Tim's Morning Routine
At seven o'clock Tim gets up and brushes his teeth with his sister. His mum prepares breakfast
for the rest of the family. Tim usually has a bowl of cereals with milk for breakfast while his sister
doesn't have breakfast: she reads comics in the morning. Tim's father is Italian, he comes from Milan.
He usually has a cappuccino with a croissant.
After breakfast it's time to go to school... Tim and his sister go to school by bus. They like going
to school by bus, because the bus driver is very nice: he comes from India and he often tells
jokes. Their father goes to work by train.
School starts at 8 o'clock. Today is Monday and on Mondays the first lesson is Maths. Tim
doesn't like Maths. His favourite subject is English.
a) What does Tim do when he gets up?
b) What does his mum do?
c) What does Tim have for breakfast?
d) What does his father have for breakfast?
e) How does Tim go to school?
f) Who's the bus driver?
g) What's the first lesson on Mondays?
3ª P.S. / Inglês / Debora / 7º / pág : 2
5ª Questão: Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes que substituem as palavras sublinhadas.
Em seguida, marque a seqüência correta:
I – I visited London last year.
II – They bring flowers to my mother.
III – My friend and I like chocolate ice cream. Are these ice creams for ________?
IV – Mary doesn’t love Peter.
a) It – she – we – him
b) It – her – us – him
c) It – she – us – he
d) It – him – me – her
e) It – her – us – his
6ª Questão: Rewrite the sentences using the Genitive Case:
a) The play of Shakespeare. ___________________________________
b) The film of John Ford. ______________________________________
c) The car of Marcos. _________________________________________
d) The words of Jesus. ________________________________________
e) The salary of the men. ______________________________________
f) The mother of John and Amanda. _______________-______________
g) The jobs of Henry and Richard. ________________________________
h) The door of the church.______________________________________
7ª Questão: A frase “Angela spends the next week in Poland” no Near Future é:
a) Angela is spending the next week in Poland.
b) Angela are going to spend the next week in Poland.
c) Angela is going to spend the next week in Poland.
d) Angela doesn’t spend the next week in Poland.
e) Angela is going spend the next week in Poland.
8ª Questão: Complete o texto com os verbos no Near Future
The Logans have many plans for the weekend. What _________________________ (they – do)?
Peter Logan __________________________(play) soccer on Sunday. He ___________________
(not – watch) TV because that is a very important soccer game.
Mary Logan _______________________(travel) with her friend Camille. They ___________________
(visit) Santos.
Juliana________________________ (not - go) to Santos with them because she
_______________________ (study). She __________________________(have) a difficult exam on
As you see, the Logans are a very busy family with many plans for the weekend.
9ª Questão: Classifique os advérbios das frases e assinale a opção correta:
I play on the computer on the weekends.
There are three dogs sleeping here.
They study hard for the test.
She does the homework carefully.
a) time – place – time – manner
b) time – time – manner – manner
c) place – time – time – manner
d) time – place – manner – manner
e) time – place – manner - place
3ª P.S. / Inglês / Debora / 7º / pág : 3
10ª Questão: Substitua os nomes abaixo por pronomes pessoais (Subjective and Objective Case).
My mum is playing football with my brothers.
Joe is talking to Sophie.
Bob can’t come to the party tonight.
I like cake.
My sister and I arrived late this morning.
Susan and Paul will get married next summer.
11ª Questão: A sequência correta dos advérbios always, usually, often, sometimes, never é:
a) sempre, às vezes, frequentemente, nunca, normalmente
b) às vezes, sempre, normalmente, frequentemente, nunca
c) sempre, frequentemente, às vezes, normalmente, nunca
d) sempre, normalmente, frequentemente, às vezes, nunca
e) normalmente, às vezes, frequentemente,nunca, sempre
12ª Questão: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs:
1. Helen and Ben ______ ice cream every day.
2. He _______ homework very quickly.
3. My friends _______ computer games after school.
4. I ___________ Italian food.
a) buy – does – play – like
b) buys – do – plays – likes
c) buying – doing – playing – liking
d) buyes – dos – plays – like
e) buys – does – plays likes
13ª Questão: Assinale a alternativa cujos advérbios completam as frases abaixo.
I ( 50%) ___________ see a film at night.
Mr. Brown (25%) _________ gets up at 7 a.m.
They (100%) _________sing at the club
We (0%) __________ play soccer when it is raining.
My parents (75%) __________ travel to England.
a) usually – sometimes – always – never – often
b) often – sometimes – always – never – usually
c) usually – often – always – never – sometimes
d) sometimes – usually – always – never – often
e) usually – sometimes – never – always - often
3ª P.S. / Inglês / Debora / 7º / pág : 4

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