colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo


colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo
excelência em educação
Debora Toledo
Data: 26/03/2011
Valor da Prova:
50 pontos
Assinatura do responsável:
Orientações gerais:
1) Número de questões desta prova: 13
2) Valor das questões: Abertas (5): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão.
4) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e
conceituação comprometida.
5) Tópicos desta prova:
- Simple Past
- Present Perfect
- Make and do
1ª Questão: Escolha a opção que melhor completa as frases abaixo:
He left his job but he has ________ found another.
Mr. Green has _______ left his office.
I’m expecting him but he hasn’t turned up ______.
a) yet – already – yet
b) already – just – yet
c) already – yet – already
d) yet – just – already
e) already – yet – yet
Nota =
2ª Questão: Marque a opção que completa a frase “I ________ my key yesterday, so I couldn't
get into the house. Eventually, I found it in my jacket pocket.”
a) have found
b) have
c) lost
d) lose
e) have lose
Nota =
3ª Questão: Assinale a opção que melhor completa a frase “She had to repeat the composition
because she had _________ a lot of spelling mistakes”.
a) do
b) made
c) did
d) done
e) don´t
Nota =
1ª P.P. / Inglês / Debora / 9º / pág : 1
4ª Questão: Leia a tirinha abaixo e assinale a afirmação incorreta:
Nota =
a) Há somente uma frase com o verbo no Present Perfect.
b) A forma verbal “told”, no primeiro quadrinho, encontra-se no passado simples.
c) O infinitivo da forma verbal “told” é “to tell”.
d) A forma interrogativa da frase “I’ve told you before...” é “Have I told you before?”
e)A forma negativa da frase “ I´ve told you before é “ I haven´t told you before”.
5ª Questão: We ___________ for this seminar since last year. A forma verbal que complete essa
frase é:
a) have wait
b) wait
Nota =
c) has waited
d) have waited
e) waited
Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões 6, 7 e 8:
Tigers in Trouble
Governments and conservation groups are working to save the tigers. Is it too late? Tigers
are a symbol of power, courage and good fortune, but the big cat´s luck may be running out.
According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in 1998 there were about 6.000 tigers, now
there are about 3200. Scientists believe the decline is due to illegal hunting, climate change and
loss of habitat. Sybille Klenzendorf, a tiger expert , said that it´s startling how fast they can lose
their habitat.
Tigers live in a wide range of areas, people move into tiger territory and destroy much of its
habitat. Today, tigers live in 7% of the habitat they occupied a hundred years ago.
2010 is the Year of the Tiger for the Chinese; many scientists hope people will take action
to save the tiger this year. Leaders from 12 Asian nations and Russia are cracking down on
hunters and on the sale of tiger products, they´re also looking for ways to protect the tiger
Scientists believe that with help from local communities, tigers can make a comeback.
Adapted from
Vocabulary: luck: sorte; due to: devido a; loose for: procurer; hunting: caça; run out: acabar, esgotar; loss:
perda; startling: surpreendente; crack down: reprimir; comeback: retornar.
6ª Questão: De acordo com as informações do texto, marque a afirmação incorreta:
a) Local communities can help the tigers.
Nota =
b) People are not destroying the tigers’ habitat.
c) There´s a decline in the number of tigers today.
d) Not only governments but also conservation groups are working to save the tigers.
e) Leaders from 12 Asian nations and Russia are trying to protect the tigers.
1ª P.P. / Inglês / Debora / 9º / pág : 2
7ª Questão: Leia as frases a seguir:
Nota =
I) Reprimindo caçadores.
II) Procurando maneiras de proteger o habitat dos tigres.
III) Mudando para o território dos tigres.
IV) Reprimindo a venda de produtos do tigre.
Assinale as ações que alguns líderes vêm realizando para salvar os tigres:
a) I, II
b) I, II e IV
c) I, III e IV
d) II, III e IV
e) I, II e III
8ª Questão: Marque a alternativa incorreta:
Nota =
a) Tigres são símbolos de poder, coragem e boa sorte.
b) 2010 é o ano do tigre na China.
c) O declínio do número de tigres acontece devido à caça ilegal, mudança climática e perda do
d) Hoje em dia o território habitado pelos tigres cresceu 7% em relação há cem anos atrás.
e) Líderes de 12 nações e a Russia estão reprimindo os caçadores de tigres
9ª Questão: Escolha a forma correta para completar o texto (Present Perfect ou Simple Past)
Raefael Nadal ________________ (be) born in Manacor, in
1986. He _________________ (win) four French Open titles. In
2008, Nadal ________________ (become) the second Spanish man
to win Wimbledon.
Since 2004, Nadal __________________ (be) a strong
competitor to Roger Federer. They __________________ (play)
against each other in seven Grand Slam finals. Nadal
__________________ (win) five of them.
Rafa _________________ (play) the Davis Cup with the
Spanish team four times. They ________________ (win) the trophy
in 2004 and 2008.
Nota =
Some trivia about him:
He ____________________ (begin) playing tennis when he was five.
He _____________________(always – play) with his left hand although he is right handed.
10ª Questão: Complete as frases com SINCE ou FOR:
a) This house needs cleaning. We haven’t cleaned it ___________ months.
b) I’ve studied Chinese ___________ two years and I still can’t have a sensible conversation.
c) I don’t see my family very often. I haven’t seen them ___________ Christmas.
d) My parents have had the same car __________years.
e) Helen has lived in Madrid ___________ she was eighteen.
Nota =
f) I’m fed up with this rain. It has rained ___________ hours.
1ª P.P. / Inglês / Debora / 9º / pág : 3
11ª Questão: Complete as frases com DO ou MAKE:
a) will you ____________ me a favor?
b) I don’t know how people _____________ money without hard work.
c) If you wear this hat everybody will _____________ fun of you.
Nota =
d) We always _____________ a delicious cake for her birthday.
e) I’m on a diet, but I can’t ______________ without chocolate.
f) I don’t promise anything but I will _____________ my best.
12ª Questão: Escreva frases no Present Perfect:
a) We ______________________________ dinner. (prepare / already)
Nota =
b) She _____________________________ yet. (arrive / not)
c) How many letters _________________________ so far? (write / you)
d) We _________________________ to the zoo since last summer. (be / not)
e) ______________________________ the tickets? (buy / he / already)
f) They _____________________________ home. (leave / just)
13ª Questão: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões, em Português:
Nota =
Television has been with us very long, and we have already begun to forget what the world
was like without it. Before we admitted it into our homes we never found it difficult to occupy our
spare time. We used to read books and listen to music and broadcast talks now and then. Now we
gulp down our meals to be in time for this or that program. A sandwich and a glass of milk will do;
anything, provided it doesn’t interfere with the program. Whole generations are growing up
addicted to the TV. Food is left uneaten, homework undone and sleep is lost. The TV is a universal
pacifier. It is now standart practice for mothers to keep the children quiet by putting them in the
living room and turning on the set. It doesn’t matter what they will see so long as they are quiet.
(M. T. Azevedo, C. D. Santiago)
admitted: aceitar, admitir; spare time: tempo livre; broadcast talks: conversas transmitidas
pelo rádio; gulp down: engolir; whole: inteira; addicted: viciadas; to be left: ser deixado;
pacifier: chupeta; standard: padrão, comum; set: aparelho.
Antes de a televisão existir, o que as pessoas costumavam fazer em seu tempo livre?
De acordo com o texto, o que as pessoas deixam de fazer para assistir televisão?
Segundo o texto, a televisão tornou-se uma “chupeta universal” (universal pacifier). Explique.
O que significa a expressão “Will do” na frase: “A sandwich and a glass of milk will do”?
1ª P.P. / Inglês / Debora / 9º / pág : 4
1ª P.P. / Inglês / Debora / 9º / pág : 5