colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo


colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo
excelência em educação
Débora Toledo
Valor da Prova:
50 pontos
Assinatura do responsável:
Orientações gerais:
1) Número de questões desta prova: 13
2) Valor das questões:
Abertas (5): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada. R
3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão.
4) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e
conceituação comprometida.
5) Tópicos:
- Simple Past
- Present Perfect
1ª Questão: Assinale a opção que completa a frase: “She _______ that movie yet.
a) don’t seen
b) haven’t seen
c) have seen
Nota =
d) hasn’t seen
e) hasn’t seed
2ª Questão: Qual opção completa a frase “My mom and my dad ______ married for 25 years”.
a) hasn’t been
b) were
c) were been
Nota =
d) have been
e) didn’t be
Leia o texto abaixo para responder às perguntas 3, 4 e 5:
People are sick. They’ll pay stupid amounts of money for just about anything that may have
belonged to a celebrity. And I’m not talking about actual memorabilia (like Sharon Stone’s ice pick
from Basic Instinct, which, incidentally, sold for $4,125). Two slices of French toast partially eaten
by Justin Timberlake sold for $1,025 to an obsessed University of Wisconsin student who said she
“just wanted a piece of them.” Justin had the toast at the radio station Z100 in New York City, and
the DJ sold it. Even sadder, Drew Barrymore’s mother, Jaid, sold her daughter’s baby clothes on for $450. Elvis Presley’s sheets went for $475. Lip imprints from Ricky Martin,
Cindy Crawford, Calista Flockhart and Brooke Shields made money for the American Foundation for
AIDS Research. Hey, I have Michael Bergin’s home phone number. Any takers?
Glossary: worship= adoração; sheets: lençóis; memorabilia= recordações; lip imprint= marca dos lábios;
toast= torrada; ice pic= furador de gelo; slices= fatias; sadder= mais triste.
3ª Questão: De acordo com o texto, as pessoas estão doentes porque:
a)Conseguem muito dinheiro vendendo seus pertences.
1ª P.R. / Inglês / Debora / 9º / pág : 1
b) Pagam uma enorme quantia de dinheiro para comprar algo de uma pessoa famosa.
c) Arrecadam dinheiro para diversas fundações.
d) Gastam uma fortuna tentando virar uma celebridade.
Nota =
e) Vendem seus pertences a pessoas famosas.
4ª Questão: O texto afirma que $1,025 foi a quantia paga por:
a) Roupas de Drew Barrymore
b) Lençóis de Elvis Presley.
c) Torradas de Justin Timberlake.
d) Furador de gelo de Sharon Stone.
e) Marcas dos lábios de Ricky Martin.
Nota =
5ª Questão: According to the text, the American Foundation for AIDS Research has
a) bought celebrities’ memorabilia.
b) kept the belongings of celebrities.
c) made money from celebrity admiration.
d) promoted celebrities’ investments.
e) sold celebrities toasts.
Nota =
6ª Questão: Leia as frases abaixo e escolha a opção correta:
I) I've studied piano ________ ten years.
II) They've practiced soccer _______ 2005.
III) We have known each other ______ a long time.
Nota =
a) I. for; II. since; III. since.
b) I. for; II. since; III. for.
c) I. for; II. for; III. since.
d) I. since; II. since; III. since.
e) I. since; II. for; III. since.
7ª Questão: Qual dos advérbios abaixo não está corretamente inserido?
a) He hasn’t met me yet.
b) I have never traveled to Japan.
c) She has already finished the exercise.
d) They haven’t already seen the movie.
e) We have just arrived from school.
Nota =
8ª Questão: A respeito do uso de Make e Do, qual é a frase incorreta?
a) Lisa and Sarah do exercises every day.
b) Do me a favor and shut the door when you leave.
c) Who made this cake? It’s delicious!
e) We need to make a list of tasks.
f) Jerry makes his homework in the morning.
Nota =
9ª Questão: Complete o e-mail com o present perfect dos verbos entre parênteses na afirmativa,
negativa ou interrogativa.
Dear Helena,
I'm sorry, I ___________________ (not send) you an email for a long time. Lot of things
1ª P.R. / Inglês / Debora / 9º / pág : 2
I ___________________ (make) some good friends here. David _________________ (have) an
accident on his bike. Mum _____________________ (start) working at a restaurant as a cook.
David is fine, by the way, but he ___________________ (not ride) his bike since the accident.
_________________________(forget) their email address.
Say hi to your sister. _______________________ (she/stop) wearing those green trousers? I
hope so. They really don't suit her.
Nota =
Love, Linda.
10ª Questão: Complete o texto com o Simple Past ou Present Perfect dos verbos entre
Jim's Car Accident
Jim ___________________ (have) three car accidents. The
most recent accident __________________ (happen) yesterday.
A woman ________________ (crash – regular. verb)) into his car
in the parking lot of the grocery store.
The woman
____________ (get) out of her car and _________________
(yell- regular verb) at Jim. She _____________(be) very angry.
She said, "I'm an excellent driver. I _____________________
(never have) an accident before.
This is your fault."
When Jim ____________ (get) home, his wife ____________
(be) upset. She said, "It ______________ (cost) us $800 to
repair the car after your last accident. I'm really worried that you
have become a bad driver."
Jim insisted, "It _________________ (not be) my fault. The other driver _____________ (drive)
through a stop sign and then she hit me. I __________________ (be) very careful since the last
accident. This has been the worst day! I'm going to bed!"
Nota =
11ª Questão: Romeo and Juliet
Everything seemed black for Romeo. His dear friend was dead and Tybalt hated him more
than ever. The prince would punish them for quarrelling in the streets of Verona and for Mercutio’s
Then Tybalt came back.
“Tybalt is alive, and my friend Mercutio is dead!” cried Romeo. “Now I do not care what I
do. One of us will die with Mercutio.”
There was a terrible fight between Romeo and Tybalt, and Tybalt fell dead.
“Escape, Romeo!” cried Benvolio. “People are coming. The prince will be angry, and he will
punish you with death.”
As the unhappy Romeo ran away, the prince, the Montagues and the Capulets arrived.
“Who started this quarrel?” asked the prince.
Lady Capulet stood weeping over the body of the dead Tybalt as Benvolio tried to explain.
“Romeo tried to stop the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio but he could not. Tybalt killed
Mercutio, then Romeo killed Tybalt.”
Lady Capulet did not believe him. “Benvolio belongs to the Montague family. He is lying.
Romeo killed Tybalt and must not live.”
“I will have to punish Romeo for Tybalt’s death,” said the prince. “He must leave the city
and never return. If I find Romeo in Verona, he will die!”
Adapted from: The Great Plays of Shakespeare. Peguin Active Reading. p. 11.
1ª P.R. / Inglês / Debora / 9º / pág : 3
Vocabulary: dead: morto; to kill: matar; death: morte; quarrelling: brigand; angry: furioso, com
raiva; ran away: fugiu; stood weeping: estava chorando; to live: viver; mus not: não deve.
Nota =
Responda em Português:
a) Quem morreu? Como?
b) Qual era a opinião de Lady Capuleto em relação à briga?
c) O que Romeu fez após a briga? Como ele estava se sentindo?
d) Qual foi a decisão do príncipe?
12ª Questão: Siga as orientações e faça o que se pede:
Nota =
I. Mude as frases para o Present Perfect:
a) "Then Tybalt came back."
b) "Romeo tried to stop the fight…"
II. Mude as frases para a forma Interrogativa ou Negativa:
a) "…Everything seemed black for Romeo."
Neg.: _______________________________________________________________________.
b) "There was a terrible fight…"
Int.: ________________________________________________________________________?
III. Complete com os verbos no Present Perfect:
a) Benvolio __________________________ Romeo to escape. (to tell)
b) Lady Capulet ______________________her nephew dead. (to see)
13ª Questão: Complete as frases com o Present Perfect ou o Simple Past escolhendo entre:
have seen
has had
has written
have learned
have invaded
has come
a) I __________________ to ride a bicycle when I was a little boy.
Nota =
b) American Troops ______________________ Iraq in 2003.
c) Quick, call a doctor! Mr. Smith _________________________ a heart attack!
d) Jorge Amado _____________________ several novels about Bahia and its people.
e) We __________________ The Lord of the Rings two or three years ago.
f) The bus ____________________. Let’s go!
1ª P.R. / Inglês / Debora / 9º / pág : 4