

excelência em educação
Debora Toledo
Data: 26/03/2011
Valor da Prova:
50 pontos
Assinatura do responsável:
Orientações gerais:
1) Número de questões desta prova: 13
2) Valor das questões:
Abertas (5): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão.
4) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e
conceituação comprometida.
5) Tópicos desta prova:
- Imperative
- Quantity adverbs ( a lot of- much – many)
- There to be
1ª Questão: Leia a tirinha abaixo:
A frase do primeiro quadrinho, na negativa, ficaria:
a) Not clean your feet.
b) Clean not your feet.
c) Don’t clean your feet.
d) Doesn’t clean your feet.
e) Clean don´t your feet
Nota =
2ª Questão: Baseado no uso da forma do imperativo, marque a alternativa incorreta:
a) Don’t talk to me!
b) Stop the car!
c) Don’t walk on the grass!
d) To drink water!
e) Do the homework!
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1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 7º / pág : 1
3ª Questão: Qual das frases abaixo representa um convite?
a) Don’t go home.
b) Go home.
c) Let’s go home.
d) Don’t let’s go home.
e) Go not home
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4ª Questão: Assinale a opção que completa as frases seguintes:
I) In London, ................ a lot of museums.
II) Are there many animals in the house? No, ………. only one.
III) ………… a little girl in the room?
a) I. there are; II. There is; III. Are there
b) I. there are; II. There isn’t; III. There is
c) I. there are; II. There is; III. Is there
d) I. there are; II. There isn’t; III. Is there
e) I. there are; II Is there; There is
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5ª Questão: Os significados das palavras “lettuce, beetroot, cabbage” são, nessa ordem:
a) repolho, beterraba e cebola
b) alface, beterraba e pepino
c) pepino, repolho e cenoura
d) alface, beterraba e repolho
e) alface, repolho e beterraba
Nota =
Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões 6, 7 e 8:
Sandra Rosa is a good student. She lives with her mother in her home town. Her house is
near the beach. It is a beautiful house. There is a big swimming pool.
Beside her house there is a bakery. Between the bakery and the drugstore there is
restaurant. Sandra isn’t at home now. She is in the restaurant because she is very hungry. She
loves vegetables.
Waiter: Good evening!
Sandra: Good evening. The menu, please.
Waiter: Here it is.
Some time later...
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Sandra: Yes. Baked potato with carrots. Is there any juice here?
Waiter: Yes. Tomato juice.
Sandra: Are there good desserts here?
Waiter: Yes. There are delicious cakes in our restaurant.
To live: viver
Beach: praia
Swimming pool: piscina
6ª Questão: Where is Sandra’s house?
a) It’s near the school.
b) It’s near the beach.
c) It’s near the mall.
d) It’s near the supermarket.
e) It´s beside the beach
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1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 7º / pág : 2
7ª Questão: Assinale a alternativa incorreta:
a) Há uma padaria ao lado da casa de Sandra.
b) Há um restaurante entre a padaria e o açougue.
c) Sandra está no restaurante porque está com muita fome.
d) Sandra pediu batata assada com cenouras.
e) Sandra ama legumes.
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8ª Questão: Assinale a alternativa incorreta:
a) Não há sobremesas no restaurante.
b) Sandra mora com sua mãe em uma casa bonita.
c) Há uma piscina grande na casa de Sandra.
d) Sandra mora em sua cidade natal.
e) Há suco de tomate no restaurante
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9ª Questão: Escolha o verbo que melhor completa cada frase da receita e escreva-o no
to put – to take – to cut – to cook
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1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 7º / pág : 3
10ª Questão: Este é um lugar famoso em Londres chamado “Piccadilly Circus”. A foto foi tirada
em 1896. Observe-a e complete as frases com there was, there wasn’t, there were ou there
a) ______________________ some old buildings.
b) ______________________ traffic lights.
Nota =
c) ______________________ lot of traffic.
d) _______________________a flag on top of the building on the left.
e) ________________________ many horse-drawn carriages.
f) ________________________ a double-decker bus.
Old buildings: prédios velhos
Traffic: trânsito
Left: esquerda
carruagens puxadas por cavalos
Traffic lights: semáforos
Flag: bandeira
Double-deck bus: ônibus de dois andares
Horse-drawn carriages:
11ª Questão: Complete as frases com How much ou How many.
a) _____________________books are there in your bag?
b) _____________________ money do you spend every week?
c) _____________________ friends does Linda have?
d) _____________________sugar do we need?
e) _____________________tomatoes are there in the fridge?
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f) _____________________milk did you drink yesterday?
1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 7º / pág : 4
12ª Questão: Complete as frases com “much” ou “many”.
a) She invites ________________ friends to her birthday party.
b) Do you have ________________ notebooks? Yes, I have ten.
c) There isn't ________________water in the fridge.
d) There weren’t ________________ flour in this bottle.
e) There aren't ____________________ hotels in this town.
f) Does your father drink ________________ coffee?
Nota =
13ª Questão: Leia o texto abaixo:
Brian's Family.
My Family lives in New York city. There are six members in my family. My mother, father,
my youngest brother, Ted, and I live in a house. It is not big but it is very comfortable. My married
brother and sister live in different houses.
New York is the largest city in New York State and in the United States. It is located in
southeastern New York at the mouth of the Hudson River; a major financial and cultural centre.
My father works in an office. He is an accountant. My mother does not work. She takes care
of the house. She always wakes up at 6:30 to prepare breakfast. My father and brother, Ted,
never wake up before 7. Ted, who is a student at the department of economics, usually takes the
bus to University. My father goes downtown on foot. He works hard all day. He takes one hour for
lunch. He usually eats in a cafeteria near his office. Ted prefers having a sandwich for lunch.
In the evening, my family meets in the living room. They watch TV while they have dinner.
After that, my father retires to his bedroom to read a newspaper before he sleeps. My brother
usually listens to music before he goes to bed. My mother generally washes and dries the dishes,
watches her daily film then goes to bed by 11 p.m.
Vocabulary: married: casado; largest: maior; accountant: contador; to take care: cuidar; to meet:
encontrar; lunch: almoço; dinner: jantar; to eat: comer.
Nota =
Responda em Inglês:
a) How many people are there in Brian’s family?
b) What is Brian’s father?
c) What is Brian’s mother?
Responda em Português:
a) Como é a casa de Brian?
b) Onde fica a cantina onde o pai de Brian almoça?
c) O que a família costuma fazer quando se encontra à noite?
1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 7º / pág : 5

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