Juliet Attwater - Translation Directory


Juliet Attwater - Translation Directory
Juliet Attwater
49 Norcutt Road, Twickenham, TW2 6SR
Tel: 020 8240 1453
Mob: 07979 635 111
Website: www.orbitalingua.com
e-mail: [email protected]
Education & Qualifications:
PhD in Translation Studies (including 2 years maternity leave)
Pós-graduação de Literatura Brasileira and
Pós-graduação de Estudos de Tradução,
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Thesis title:
Translating Brazilian Poetry: A Dissenting Canon and
Cross-Cultural Anthology
An approach to canonicity, anthology formation, poetry translation and
Brazilian poetry from the Brazilian modernist movement to today.
Supervisors: Dr. Walter Costa & Prof. Paulo Henriques Britto.
MA The Theory and Practice of Translation
(Distinction with a special commendation)
School of Arts and Education, Middlesex University
Dissertation title:
From Wor(l)d to Wor(l)d: Translating Cruz e Sousa
An intersemiotic translation of the Brazilian symbolist poet João da Cruz e
Supervisors: Dr. Kirsten Malmkjaer & Dr. Carmen-Rosa Caldas Coulthard
CELTA – Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults
International House, London
BA (Hons) Creative Arts (Upper Second)
Nottingham Trent University
Professional Affiliations:
MITI (Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting)
Certified member of ProZ.com
Member of the European Society for Translation Studies
Professional Experience:
Freelance Translator: Portuguese-English for a variety
of Internationally respected agencies.
1997 -
Specialising in literature and art criticism with over 1.2 million words of
translated text (for full details see www.orbitalingua.com)
Over twenty translations of books for Cosac Naify
(http://editora.cosacnaify.com.br), multi-award winning Brazilian
publishing house (see Publications).
Exhibition catalogues for galleries such as the Galeria Fortes Vilaça in
Brazil and the Henry Moore Institute in the UK.
Collaboration with international translation agencies on a range of
Translation of academic articles, conference papers and websites in the
fields of literature, art criticism, poetry, information science, ergonomics,
literary theory, language learning, pedagogy, educational history and
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, (www.unisul.br) Campus Pedra
Branca, Palhoça, Santa Catarina, Brazil and Unisul Business School,
Campus Norte da Ilha, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Teaching and supervising students on the Letras Inglês/Português
[English/Portuguese Language Studies] undergraduate degree course with
modules in English Language; English Literature; North-American
Devising and convening unit modules for the English and North American
Literature Undergraduate programs covering both literatures from the 7th
century to the present day.
Selecting key texts for study and independently elaborating a series of
course material for the modules.
Developing, producing, implementing and teaching the supplementary
English language support programs offered every semester in
collaboration with other staff members in the department.
Providing on-going support for students with particular focus on
supplementary English language courses.
Flexible support for evening, weekend and intensive supplementary study.
Supervision of final research papers and assessing undergraduates for
taught modules.
Member of examination panels for undergraduate final research paper
Teacher of English as a Foreign Language
Wimbledon School of English
Teaching students from beginner levels to those on courses for Cambridge
First Certificate, Advanced, and Proficiency exams, and preparing and
teaching students for IELTS.
Preparing course work for students on the courses for the above
Freelance private English teacher
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Teaching using a flexible approach tailored to individual student's needs,
from beginners to advanced students with specialist requirements such as
English for academic purposes and business English.
Proprietor & Manager: Órbita Bar
Licensed Bar & Night Club
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Profa. Dra. Andréia Guerini - [email protected]
Departamento de Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras, Pós-Graduação em Estudos da
Tradução, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, S.C. Brazil
Prof. Dr. Walter Costa – [email protected]
Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis,
Santa Catarina, Brazil
Charles Cosac – Publisher - [email protected]
Cosac & Naify Editores
Rua General Jardim, 770 - 10º andar - cj. 10A
Vila Buarque - São Paulo/SP, Brazil 01223-010
Tel.: 55 11 3218-1452 / 1448 Fax: 55 11 3218-1443
Publications & Presentations
Oral Conferences and Symposia Presentations:
Third International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting at the
University of Edinburgh (http://www.hss.ed.ac.uk/tipciti/): “The Stuff that Dreams are made
of: Anthologies of translated literature and their role in canon (de)(re)form(ul)ation” (paper)
Funded by a travel award from The Royal Society of Edinburgh
Translation: Process and Performance at King’s College London: “From Wor(l)d to Wor(l)d:
Translating the Brazilian symbolist Cruz e Sousa” (paper). 2007
III Colóquio de Literatura Traduzida at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina:
“From wor(l)d to wor(l)d: Traduzindo Cruz e Sousa” (paper) 2006
Journal Articles:
“The stuff dreams are made of: Anthologies of translated literature and their role in
canon (de)(re)form(ul)ation”. Cadernos de Tradução (Florianópolis) In Press
"Traditional Versification and Modernism: Translating Guilherme de Almeida’s 'Savage'
Lyricism" in Tradução em Revista número 6, (and online at
“Perhappiness: The art of compromise in translating poetry or `Steering betwixt two
extremes`”. Cadernos de Tradução (Florianópolis), v. XV, p. 121-140, 2006 (and online at
Selected translated publications (2005-):
Kossoy, Boris et al: Guilherme Gasensly, (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo: Cosac Naify
ISBN 978-85-7503-978-6 (forthcoming)
Andujar, Claudia: Marcados, (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo: Cosac Naify ISBN 978-857503-829-1 http://editora.cosacnaify.com.br/ObraSinopse/11365/Marcados-(ing).aspx
Cosac, Charles (org): Maria, (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo: Cosac Naify
ISBN 978-85-7503-846-8 http://editora.cosacnaify.com.br/ObraSinopse/11367/Maria%5bedi%C3%A7%C3%A3o-em-ingl%C3%AAs%5d.aspx
Wolfenson, Bob: Apreensões, (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo: Cosac Naify (forthcoming)
Paula Scher, Artur Nestrovski & João de Souza Leite: Cartazes Musicais-Kiko Farkas-Musical
Posters (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo, Cosac Naify.
ISBN 978-85-7503-854-3 http://editora.cosacnaify.com.br/ObraSinopse/11363/Cartazesmusicais.aspx
Pignatari, Décio: Bili com Limão Verde na Mão (Mila with a Green Lime), (transl. Juliet
Attwater) São Paulo: Cosac Naify. (forthcoming)
Gomes, Alair: A New Sentimental Journey, (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo: Cosac Naify
ISBN 978-85-7503-822-2 http://editora.cosacnaify.com.br/ObraSinopse/11325/Alair-Gomes--A-new-sentimental-journey-.aspx
Moura, Diógenes et al: Paraíso Tropical/Tropical Paradise, (transl. Juliet Attwater)
Florianópolis: Museu de Arte de Santa Catarina
Saraiva, Roberta (org): Calder in Brazil: the tale of a friendship, (transl. Juliet Attwater) São
Paulo: Cosac Naify ISBN 85-7503-550-9
Tassinari, A: Rodrigo de Andrade. (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo: Cosac Naify. ISBN 97885-7503-600-6
Michael Asbury et al: Espaço Aberto/ Espaço Fechado: Sites for Sculpture in Modern Brazil
(transl. Juliet Attwater), Leeds: The Henry Moore Institute. ISBN 1-900081-99-7
Tunga et al: Boxset, (transl. Juliet Attwater) São Paulo: Cosac Naify (limited edition out of
Fernandes Júnior, Rubens : Sobras: Geraldo de Barros. (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo:
Cosac Naify. http://editora.cosacnaify.com.br/ObraSinopse/10826/Geraldo-de-BarrosSobras-Mais-Fotoformas.aspx
Various authors: Marco Gianotti, (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo: Cosac Naify.
ISBN 978-85-7503-596-2
Contino, G: A Boy Named Rorbet. São Paulo: Cosac Naify. (forthcoming)
Pignatari, Décio: Mia with a Green Lime, São Paulo: Cosac Naify (forthcoming)
Duarte, Paulo Sérgio et al: Campo Ampliado/Expanded Field, (transl. Juliet Attwater), São
Paulo: Instituto de Arte Contemporânea ISBN 978-85-60291-01-4
Chiarelli et al: Paulo Pasta. (transl. Juliet Attwater) São Paulo: Cosac Naify. ISBN 85-7503552-5 http://editora.cosacnaify.com.br/Loja/PaginaLivro/10127/Paulo-Pasta.aspx
Conduru, Warwick: Willys de Castro. (transl. Juliet Attwater) São Paulo: Cosac Naify.
ISBN 85-7503-403-5
Fernandes Júnior, Rubens (org): Otto Stupakoff. (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo: Cosac
Correa, Patricia: José Resende. (transl. Juliet Attwater), São Paulo: Cosac Naify ISBN 857503-195-3
2005 –
50+ translated academic papers in humanities including Brazilian art, Anthropology,
Ergonomics, Pedagogy, Marketing, and Education history. (see www.orbitalingua.com for
further information)