constable. :village GLOSSARY : customs house


constable. :village GLOSSARY : customs house
: constable.
: customs house.
: market inspector
: royal edict I Decree usually in force for a single year, but
frequently extended indefinitely.
: balancing sheets of the previous year and calculating income
and expenditure of the expected year. The combining of the
different assatamentos allowed the Crown to have annually a
sort of general budget. The majority of these documents were
: resolution made by one of the courts or councils.
: small market I market for vegetables and fruits.
Camara de Goa
: municipal council of Goa.
: Marathi-Konkani inhabitants of Goa
Carreira da India : fleets to India from Lisbon and back via the Cape of Good
: Crown trade route
: royal letter, a long term decree.
Carta Regia
: safety conducts.
Casa da India
: India House, the government agency m Lisbon which
supervised trade and communications with the overseas
empire and collected customs and pother charges on imports.
Casa da Moeda
: Mint
Casada Supricacao: prison/ appeals court.
: Portuguese married men.
: born of Portuguese parents in Asia.
Cavaleiro-fidalgo : nobility by service/lower ranks of nobility often from
plebian promotions based on service.
Christao Novo
:New Christians (Jewish Converts).
: senators of the Goa municipality.
: school or Institutional shelter.
: brotherhood; fraternity
Conse/ho da Fazenda: India Council, royal council responsible for Portuguese
colonies, 1604-1614.
: A written report drawn by the state council or other official
body, in accordance with an established form. It contained a
summary of the views of each voting member of the body, as
well as a formal policy of recommendation.
:courtiers (separate courts and courtiers for the king in Lisbon
and the Viceroy at Goa respectively)
: principal money of account during the 16th and 17th
centuries. Each cruzado was composed of 400 reis and was
equal to 10 spanish reals.
: male criminal exiles
: a high court of justice.
: exiles
: treasurer.
Estado da India
: Portuguese Asian Empire centered on Goa.
:trading posts or factories where cargos were accumulated.
: sureties/mortgages
: nobility by birth.
Homens bons
: good men
Juiz dos orfaos
: probate judge (supervising the estates of widows and
Juiz do Peso
:Weight inspector for Pepper.
Juiz ordinaria
:justice of peace
: Duty-free cargo allowance permitted to each crew member
on returning Indiamen (Ships of the Carreira).
Liberty chests
: allowing sailors and others to take with them to Portugal a
certain amount of merchandise free of freight. Such spaces
could also be sold by the awardees to the others.
: subsistence allowance in money or kind or both.
: Grants or Benefices
: Those born of Portuguse and Indian intermarriage or
: one thousand reis (written 1$000)
: Caretaker.
: born of Portuguese and African parents.
Negro I Negra
: black colored people (In documents often used for African
: Nayaks
0 Rei
: the Portuguese king
: pay of an appointment of officials.
Orfas del Rei
: orphan women sent from Lisbon to the Portuguese colonies
in Asia and America to marry and populate the settlements.
: highest echelons of judicial offices in India which in 17th
century was granted only to individuals with a certain degree
of academic achievement. By late 16th century the office was
divided into two at Goa: an Ouvidor-Geral for civil affairs
and another for criminal proceedings.
: Portuguese Crown as Patron of the Catholic missions and
ecclesiastical establishments in the East.
Pai dos Cristaos : official (often a Jesuit father) responsible for guarding and
punishing indigenous Christian converts.
: gold or silver coin of Portuguese Asia valued at 360 and 300
Pare as
: tribute collection
: opinion given by a council.
: Municipal attorney
Promotor da Justica: Promoter of Justice.
: President (elected) of the board of guardians serving the
: instructions
: European born Portuguese
:High Court
: Rents or non-agricultural revenues/ farmed revenues.
: revenue, income, rent. Also To surrender, yielding up,
delivery, rendition, weariness, submission.
Senado de Camara: Municipal Senate.
:basic pay according to a man's rank in army
: a silver or copper coin of Portuguese Asia valued at 60 reis.
: A standing infantry regiment with a full strength of about
3,000 men; the Portuguese equivalent of a Spanish tercio.
Vedor da Fazenda Geral: Comptroller-general
Vedor da Fazenda: revenue officer.
: aldennen
viagens de lugares: concession system of voyages to Crown officials.
: Portuguese money in Asia which equaled 300 reis or three
quarters of a cruzado.
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