TER DE INGLÊS 9ºanos 2ºBimestre Professoras Josiane e Juliana


TER DE INGLÊS 9ºanos 2ºBimestre Professoras Josiane e Juliana
Professoras Josiane e
Discurso Indireto
É possível relatar o que foi dito por alguém de duas formas: utilizando o discurso direto
(nesse caso apenas transcreve-se o que foi dito) e através do discurso indireto (quando
optamos por contar com nossas próprias palavras o que foi dito). Veja os exemplos:
Discurso direto: Bob said: “I love Mary”. (Bob disse: “Eu amo a Mary”).
Discurso indireto: Bob said that he loved Mary. (Bob disse que ele amava a Mary).
Discurso direto: Bob told Mary: “I love you”. (Bob disse à Mary: “Eu te amo”).
Discurso indireto: Bob told Mary that he loved her. (Bob disse à Mary que a amava).
Diferença de “said” e “told”
Apesar de ambos significarem “disse”, devemos usar “said” toda vez em que na frase não
for mencionado com quem se está falando. O uso do “told”, no entanto, deve ser usado
sempre que for mencionado com quem se está falando, como no exemplo acima: Bob
disse à Mary, logo, Bob told Mary, e nunca, Bob said Mary.
Ao passar a frase do discurso direto para o indireto, e vice-versa, é necessário ficar atento
aos tempos verbais, assim como aos pronomes e advérbios de tempo que acabam
sofrendo alterações. Segue abaixo uma tabela para consulta:
Mudanças nos tempos verbais
Direct Speech (Discurso Direto)
Simple Present (presente simples)
Indirect Speech (Discurso Indireto)
Simple Past (passado simples)
Bob said: “I love Mary”. (Bob disse: “Eu amo a
Present Continuous (presente contínuo)
Bob said that he loved Mary. (Bob disse que ele amava
a Mary).
Past Continuous (passado contínuo)
Bob said: “I am writing a letter”. (Bob disse: “Eu
estou escrevendo uma carta”).
Simple Past (passado simples)
Bob said that he was writing a letter. (Bob disse que
ele estava escrevendo uma carta).
Past Perfect (passado perfeito)
Bob said: “I wrote a letter”. (Bob disse: “Eu escrevi Bob said that he had written a letter. (Bob disse que ele
uma carta”).
tinha escrito uma carta).
That (aquele)
This (este)
Bob said: “This is my car”. (Bob disse: “Este é o
meu carro”).
These (estes)
Bob said that (that) was his car. (Bob disse que aquele
era o carro dele)
Obs.: Nesse caso, pode-se omitir o “that” que está
entre parênteses.
Those (aqueles)
Bob said: “These tickets are too expensive”. (Bob Bob said that those tickets were too expensive. (Bob
disse “Estes ingressos são muito caros”).
disse que aqueles ingressos eram muito caros).
Today (hoje)
That day (aquele dia)
Bob said: “There is a great movie on TV today”.
(Bob disse: “Tem um filme muito bom na TV
Tomorrow (amanhã)
Bob said that there was a great movie on TV that day.
(Bob disse que havia um bom filme na TV naquele
The next day / The following day (o dia seguinte)
Bob said: “It will rain tomorrow”. (Bob disse: “Vai
chover amanhã”).
Bob said that it was going to rain on the following day.
(Bob disse que iria chover no dia seguinte).
I (eu)
He/she (ele/ela)
Bob said: “I am hungry”. (Bob disse: “Eu estou
com fome”).
We (nós)
Bob said that he was hungry. (Bob disse que ele
estava com fome).
They (eles/elas)
Bob said: “We have to work”. (Bob disse: “Nós
temos que trabalhar”).
Bob said that they had to work. (Bob disse que eles
tinham que trabalhar).
Frases Condicionais
Usamos as sentenças condicionais para expressar situações hipotéticas, ou seja,
situações que possam vir a acontecer.
1ª Condicional: expressa uma situação hipotética no futuro e é marcada pela construção:
“If + present → Will”.
Ex: If I work a lot I will earn a lot of money. (Se eu trabalhar muito, eu irei ganhar muito
If she studies she will be approved. (Se ela estudar, ela será aprovada).
If Bob comes his mother will be so happy. (Se Bob vir, sua mãe ficará muito feliz).
 Nota-se que nessa condicional, o verbo que segue a sentença condicional deve
estar sempre no presente.
1. Mark the correct conditional form:
1.If it snows, I..............stay at home with my family.
a. Will
b. Would have
c. Will have
2. If the weather is fine, the team.............train.
a. Will
b. Would
c. Will have
3. If I have enough time, I.................study Spanish.
a. Would
b. Will
c. Will not
4. If they see you, you...............be surprised.
a. Would
b. Would have
c. Will
5. If I __________ you, I will.tell her about it.
a. am
b. Was
c. ´m not
6. If I ____________, I will visit you more often.
a. could
b. can´t
c. can
7. If I study, I.....................pass the test.
a. Would
b. Will
c. Would
8. If we ___________________, they will complain.
a. won´t play
b. don´t play
c. play
9. If she arrives safely, we...................make a donation to charity.
a. Will
b. Would have
c. Could have
10. If you decide to go, you....................have a good time.
a. Aren't
b. Would
c. Will
Exercícios Inglês - Discurso Direto e Indireto
1) They asked the fisherman, “Where did you
leave your boat?”. In reported speech, this
sentence is:
a) They asked the fisherman where the boat had
b) They asked the fisherman where he felt his
c) They asked the fisherman where he had left
his boat.
d) They asked the fisherman, “Did you leave your
boat anywhere?”
2) Which is the indirect speech for: She said to
Jim, “Did you see many whales in the South
a) She told Jim if he had seen many whales in the
South Pacific.
b) She asked Jim whether he had seen a lot of
whales in the South Pacific.
c) She asked Jim if he did see a lot of whales in
the South Pacific.
d) She said to Jim whether he saw many whales
in the South Pacific.
3) The correct indirect speech of the following
text is:
They said to John: ‘Do you think that you lead a
good life here?’
Indirect speech: They ______ him if he _____
that he _____ a good life ____.
a) Asked / thought / led / there
b) Told / thought / leads / here
c) Said / thinks / leads / there
d) Ask / thought lead / here