Liceu Albert Sabin Simulado Livre 07 Inglês – Prof. Maurício Meyer


Liceu Albert Sabin Simulado Livre 07 Inglês – Prof. Maurício Meyer
Liceu Albert Sabin
Simulado Livre 07
Inglês – Prof. Maurício Meyer
“THE CHINESE KNOW: ________________________”
By Shirliey Fung
If you run into someone you know on the street in Taiwan, he’s likely to greet you by
asking, “Have you eaten?” The polite thing to do is say yes, but even if you haven’t, it’s
likely that you’ll be having a real meal soon. In Taiwan, good food is never hard to find.
Restaurants are three or four to a block, and outdoor grocery markets flourish like
dandelions after a rainstorm. Outdoor cafés line the streets during the day, while
stands selling snacks are a big attraction of the popular night markets, where you can
buy anything from Hello Kitty toasters to leather shoes.
Cities like Paris and Florence come close to competing on the food front, but they can’t
surpass the sheer variety that a walk down any street in Taipei reveals. From one
direction comes the rich smell of frying bread, from another the aroma of boiled pork
dumplings and from yet another fermented or “smelly” bean curd, a Chinese favorite.
Even the raw fruits and vegetables in the markets give off their own sweet smell.
01. The complement to the title of the article is probably:
a) outdoor cafés line the streets during the day.
b) Hello Kitty toasters sell a lot.
c) frying bread is smelly.
d) raw fruits and vegetables are very popular in the night market.
e) we are how we eat.
Resposta da questão 01: [E]
O texto fala do ato de comer em Taiwan, da importância deste ato. É dito logo no início
do texto que um cumprimento provável lá é “Você comeu?”. Tradução da alternativa:
estamos como comemos.
02. According to the text, it’s right to say that
a) Paris and Florence are far from competing with Taipei when food is involved.
b) sales of dandelions have risen after rainstorms.
c) the streets in Taipei reveal that every direction leads to a new “smelly” curd.
d) different kinds of snacks can be found in Taiwan.
e) a real meal in Taipei flourishes in every block; a good example is the boiled pork
dumplings offered for free in the markets.
Resposta da questão 02: [D]
O texto fala da fartura, dos diferentes tipos de comida que se encontra nas ruas de
Taiwan.Tradução da alternativa: Diferentes tipos de comida podem ser encontrados
em Taiwan.
The following text refers to questions 03 to 05.
The Samaritan
By John Maguire
It is one of the day’s most familiar and most chilling images: rescue workers carrying
the beloved Fire Department chaplain Father Mychal Judge from the rubble. But the
man nearest Judge was no rescue worker: he was a 28-year-old associate at Goldman
Sachs. Seeing papers flying in the air outside his office, he headed into the chaos on
the ground. Just after the first tower fell, he found the men struggling to carry the dying
Judge. It was too late to perform CPR, so John Maguire started back toward Ground
Zero. Then the second tower collapsed. “I jumped under a truck, and everything went
black,” he recalls. “I thought, ‘I guess this is how it’s going to end.’ “Maguire eventually
made it to the apartment of his sister, who showed him the photo the next day: “It
seemed surreal.” He found solace in an unexpected place. Recalled to active duty, the
West Point graduate served as a civic-affairs officer in Iraq from 2006 to 2007. Doing
so was his therapy, alleviating a crushing sense of futility. Today, Maguire is back at
Goldman. “(I) because I commute through that site every day.”
03. The text states that
a) Father Mychal Judge was a rescue worker working near the site of the 9/11 attacks.
He was also a CPR expert.
b) Ground Zero, where the WTC towers collapsed, is on the west side of New York
City, next to Maguire’s sister’s apartment.
c) John Maguire escaped the attacks as he left his office in search of the sheets of
paper which had flown away with the first explosion.
d) The work Maguire did some time after the tragedy gave him some consolation and
comfort in his sorrow.
e) Maguire’s sister showed him the photo she had taken from her apartment on that
surreal day.
Resposta da questão 03: [D]
No texto: “…the West Point graduate served as a civic-affairs officer in Iraq from 2006
to 2007. Doing so was his therapy, alleviating a crushing sense of futility.”
Tradução da alternative: O trabalho que Maguire fez um tempo depois da tragédia lhe
deu alguma consolação e conforto em sua dor.
04. The word “rubble” in the text means
a) broken bits and pieces of anything.
b) explosive device used as a weapon to disperse crowds.
c) violent expansion or bursting with noise, as of gunpowder.
d) a premature spontaneous bur ning due to the high temperature of air compressed in
a cylinder.
e) combustion or consumption of fuel in such a way as to give off heat, gases and light.
Resposta da questão 04: [A]
Rubble=cascalho (, fragmentos de qualquer
coisa quebrada
05. The right sequence of words that properly fill in blank I in the text are
a) It’s hard for myself to really don’t think about…
b) It’s hard for me to really not think about…
c) It’s hard for me to really think not about…
d) It’s hard to really don’t think about for me…
e) It’s hard for me not to really think about…
Resposta da questão 05: [E]
Tradução da alternativa: É difícil para eu não pensar realmente sobre...
Note a posição do NOT negando o infinitivo. NOT TO THINK