Mother and young child dental treatmen based on


Mother and young child dental treatmen based on
Mother and young child dental treatmen based on cariology
Sonia Groisman
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Caries is an infectious disease. Cavities are its result. This facilitates thinking about primary and secondary prevention
methods. This paper provides evidentiary basis for caries prevention in young children. It will review the association of
mutans streptococci as the prime initiator of carious lesions. These bacteria are transmitted in a matrilineal fashion between
generations. The identification of the caries predictive factors in mothers and their child has not only a preventive purpose
but also to indicate the best treatment. Caries are a multifactorial disease, but dental plaque is the only cause. More generally,
conditions that compromise the long-term maintenance of an adequate oral hygiene are at an increased caries risk. There are
different multifactorial methods which have been implemented to help the practitioners in the diagnosis, prognosis and
treatment decision of caries disease (Cariogram, Cambra).The main components in caries risk prediction can be summarized
by: Streptococcus mutans count, salivary Lactobacillus count, salivary buffering capacity, visible plaque levels, and sugar
intake.Interventional trials that include strategies that use antiseptic treatments and dietary manipulations that suppress their
colonization levels in mothers have resulted in significant delay in colonization and lesion occurrence in their children.
While fluorides are known to inhibit lesion formation, they appear to have little effect on disease transmission, having their
effect mainly on the mineralization/remineralization of the tooth’s interface with the plaque biofilm. This presentation will
attempt to integrate these concepts into useful strategies for both primary and secondary prevention of decay, using
antibacterial strategies for the prevention of caries.
Odontologia Materno Infantil surgiu, com a evolução histórica de novos conhecimentos sobre compreensão: do processo
saúde doença da enfermidade cárie dental; na publicação de novos níveis de prevenção e aplicação que fundamentam
cientificamente uma prática odontológica diferenciada
A gravidez é um período impar, onde uma vida depende da saúde e bem estar de outra,que sofre de mudanças físicas e
emocionais que podem gerar medo, dúvidas, angústias, criadas a partir das modificações físicas, metabólicas e emocionais
(SCHIRMER, 2000),tais como STEENBERGHE
Por outro lado é um momento onde amulher encontra-se emocionalmente sensível e susceptível a novos conhecimentos e a
mudanças de hábitos que influenciarão no desenvolvimento saudável e no bem estar do bebê, sendo necessário que o
Cirurgião dentista instrua,oriente e motive a mãe sobre consumo racional de açúcar e higiene bucal para estabelecer um
ambiente mais favorável à saúde e reduzir o risco das doenças cárie e / ou retardar o seu aparecimento.e Periodontal,
ressaltando a importância de uma boa saúde bucalque infecções bucais durante a gestação podem provocar danos graves ao
binômio materno-infantil, tal como a correlação entre doença periodontal e nascimento de bebe de baixo peso.
OFFENBACHER et al. 1995.
Uma das questões mais discutidas atualmente na odontopediatria, quando se leva em consideração o binômio materno
infantil, perpassa não apenas pelo papel da mãe na determinação precoce dos hábitos alimentares e de higiene, mas também
na transmissão de bactérias cariogênicas, interferindo na pressão cariogenica exercida no bebe.
A doença cárie é de caráter multifatorial, fortemente influenciada por carboidratos da dieta e ações dos componentes
salivares, e por microroganismoscariogenicos que podem ser transmitidos de mãepara filho,durante a janela da
infectividade(19 a 31 meses de vida do bebe) CAUFIELD et. al, 1993.Sendo também fortemente influenciada pelos
determinantes sociais e comportamentais, que são fatores de risco para cárie de acometimento precoce.14,15,16,17,
A transmissão de bactérias cariogenicas,ocorre via saliva nos objetos domésticos contaminados com saliva, tal como colheres
e escovas . Estudos demonstram que os riscos de contagio de EGM aumentam substancialmente quando mães e adultos mal
informados beijam as crianças na boca ou alimentam-se com os mesmos talheres.. A cavidade bucal é, portanto, o
reservatório natural dos EGM que é transmitido através da saliva, sendo a mãe a principal fonte de transmissão para a criança
Among the problems of oral health, tooth decay is still one of the biggest challenges of dentistry worldwide [Lima, 1992; Maciel,
1998; Ribeiro et al. 2005].
In a Brazilian National survey it was found that young children (from 18 to 36 month of age) had a mean of 1 decayed tooth per
child. In the South of Brazil, caries prevalence varies between 31 and 39%, while in the north it could reach 97.3% in the same
age group. [Health Ministery, 2003; Kuhn and Wambier, 2007] [Moreira et al. 2001; Kuhn, 2002; Wambier et al. 2004].
In a study in the “Baby Dental Clinic” from the Estadual University of Londrina in Brazil, it was found that 96% of young
children remained caries free after they where included in a preventive program from birth on. The mean caries incidence in a
control group was 62% at the age of 2.5 years [Walter et al. 1992].
Oral health programs for Young children, where mothers are educated in oral health care, have proven to introduce a change
towards an improved oral health. These programs usually have a good cost/benefit relationship in reducing the cariogenic
challenge [Donahue et al. 2005]. Although Brazil introduced a National program to achieve this, there is still a great need of early
preventive dental measures in very young children.
There is a lack of data available on the multidisciplinary approach in Brazil in the prevention of dental caries such as presented in
Sweden. Therefore the aim of this study was to examine the introduction of a baby dental clinic for young mothers and their child
on the caries prevention. This baby clinic comprised of support of the mother by a physician, nutrition adviser, and psychologist.
Furthermore a dental examination and, if necessary, a dental treatment was included. The whole team was trained to act as one
team to have the same aims for the benefit of the child’s health, including oral health.
Based on the medical needs of the child, the child was revered to the dental clinic as a joint medical program. The dental recall
frequency was set to once, twice or four times a year. Therefore, the second aim of this study was to investigate whether the
frequency of recall influenced the caries prevalence after 3 years.
Sonia Groisman has completed her Ph.D im Community dentistry, at the age of 30 years from Federal University of Rio de janeiro
-_Brazil, was pos gradueted in cariology in Lund-Sweden. She is the coordinated of Community Dentistry pos graduation and
master at School of dentistry in Federal University of rio de janeiro, foccus in Clinical trials and treatment. Coordinated the
continued education in prevention from the nacional brazilian assotiation of dentistry and dental babies clinical at federal
university of Rio de janeiro. Vice President of European organization of caries research congress in 2013,in Brazil. I have
published more than 25 papers in reputed journals .
Dr. Al-Anezi has obtained his Doctorate in Orthodontics from the University of Bristol, UK in 2008. In the same year, he became
a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh achieving MOrth RCSEd Diploma. He has published few articles in
several orthodontic journal including the AJODO and AO. Dr. Al-Anezi also referred for two orthodontic journals. He currently
works in Kuwait in both Governmental setting and has a private clinic where he treats successfully a wide range of malocclusions
with a variety of sophisticated and contemporary techniques and mechanics.

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