
rica. /oly SO OJ.R)-Cmn»dUn fcnw h»r*
captured Ktcsoria, tbree mile* «Mt -ot
Lconrorte, and Amcricati Inops bava made
neir calm la the dlreeUim ot m SI«N
ftno, on the iwrihcm BleUUn.cout, It
Two ihort bat »tw>rt)lor ftnnnur Tac»»
tlon tcrUls will follsir tbe c n rm it sto ry
In the Tlmrs-Nen.
Y ooll Ukt them both . . . to w ateh ta r
i r u aoKODnced today.
A Rcelonal Newspaper Serving
0(0eUl^Clir »n4
V OL. 26, NO. 91
Nine Irrigated Idaho Conntlea
TW IN F A L L S , IDAHO, FRIDAY. JU L Y 30. 1943
-------- .. ------Durwn St
A«oeUU<I rnM and UalU4 Twi
Demonstrators for
Texas Hurricane Leaves Boats H igh and Dry
Foreign Minister
Peace Defy Orders
To Shoot Paraders
WASfflNOTON. Ju ly 30 m —
President Roosevelt Issued a virtual
ulUmatum to neu tro l nations today
not to offer asylum to axis leaders.
He also told, a prcss-radio con
fctciice th a t h e does not care with
whom the governm ent deals in Italy
as long as I t Is not a definite ir —
bcr of the fascist party. He
pressed a willingness to treat .. .
pcace, when th e tim e comes, wlU» a
king, prime m inister o r even a - or of a city.
In a form al atatem cnt, the chief
executive took cognizance ot ru ­
mors tliat ‘‘Mussolini and members
of his fascist gang' m ay attem pt t
take refuge I n neu tral terri^ry.
One day. ho added, H itler and his
gang and T ojo and h is gang will be
trj’lng to escape trom their (
(NEA Telepholol
Texas’ Ule»t hunlcine blew the w ater r i|h t out of Dutralo bijon, near ilo iu lo n , a n d le ft thcM tu n and
tinall boat* marooned cd dry land. L ife was x ndualljr rtlu rn ln r t« normal todaj’ a lo n s th e Texas r>lt cout,
where the hnirlcane, wont ilnce 1915, le ft 14 p e n o n i dead, th r « nnaeconnled fo r a n d damaiB uU nutcd
at n e arlr 110,000,000.
Yank Subs Bag 10 More Jap
Ships to Boost Toll to 210
nri rilT rpnniioil
n r l rl\I 'W ' l\H
W a s h i n g t o n , J u ly so (U.PJ—^THc n u m b e r of Japanese
s h ip s sunk by American submarines w a s m is e d to 210 today
a s p relim in a ry reports indicated th a t a llie d shippins loases,
w h ic h reach ed a rccord-breaking low l a s t m o n th , would show
an in c rc o sc d u rin g July,
30 (/F>—Aincrlcaa troops. Inching re­
lentlessly (oraard througb the ]un*
elcs o( New acorgia, hikra moved
200 yards nearer ilic Munda olrbase and Oeti. DougUs MacArthur
today described their piogrus
satbfacUiry nnd eccordlog to plan.
T he ceaselcs* poundliij of "
M unda area by sea and by
MacArthur said, has cut the eae
supplies to the very boiu. Boo
have dropped at Iciut 100 ton
explosives on the Munda dele___
la th e past four weclu and U. a.
warships have poured more than 400
tons of shells upon that ccntrat
Solomons itronghold, which for
three weeks has been Uolated from
any Important rclnfoKtmcnt by
Fourteen Jopanese pillboxes .
destroyed ycJterdoy by the advanc­
ing American soldiers and marines.
y?ho now are within 1500 yards of
the airdrome. T he ground forces
carried the entire bnJnt of the aU
tack. Tliey were in too close con*
ta ct w ith the enemy to risk bomb­
(A ]..... . .
I i t Admiral
WUUoin Halsey's headquarten In
th e south Paclflo said that so far
there hud been no Indication the
enemy was evacuating hlunda as
In th e final days of the Quadal*
canal campaign).
■ ■ '■ .......d head*
. _______ jn fire. The three ships
were attAckcd Wednesday oft Cape
Gloucester, New Britain. One deatxoyer.bum lnj fiercely,
e<L Yesterday allied b „
tacked and demoUshed the
destroyer. The tmosport, s
leg. waa described a wreck.
Food Blamed for
Sickness of 300
D U E . Penn, July 30 « v c i ^
H ealth Officer James n . Smith said
today he believed food p o l s o ^
caused th e lilneu of mort th«n joo
workers stricken y e s t e i ^ after
they ha d eaten lunch In an Erl*
One hundred eleWetn personi,
eight o f them repotted seriously
lU, remained la hoeplUIs wbUs oth<
. e n were treated by doctor* a t pri'
v a le homes.
Dr. Sm ith said as far u he w u
able to detetmloe th e o&o food eaten
by all those stricken w u corned
beef, served to worker* in fire dif­
fe re n t buUdlnp of the Oeneral
EJecW c p lant by a eafelerla efln-
Burley Sergeant
wins Air Medal
WASHINOTOK,'..July SO fUBT b e w ar d e p u ln e n t tonight aa*
nm m eed aw aidi of.'o lr medab to
^ l e e r t . and-,enlisted'B en a t ’ the
8.' lOCh a ir force for wert tn la a U , B urm a and China. •
■toong the rtelplenfi'was'TVch.
S B t RuawU p. Domao, *wt« onB,
Burley. ' .
CALDWELL. July 30—Th»
ta u ra n t a t which the Lions and the
■Riafltnuiitcrs. the communltys two
civic clubs, held meetings has closed.
A nd H arold Chetsebrough, oper*
n to r of tho only other cafe In town,
snld he was too busy serving ratals
to c ate r to clubs.
TOPEKA. Kan.. July 30 — Prof.
H. J . Colburn. Woslibum coDege.
wnllccd Into his classroom to Itach
his first group of navy
B e found them standing a t atten­
H o told them good morning. He
poked around in his desk
Finally ho flushed and «ald:
' U/S*
WILBUR. Wash.. July 30-Ranch­
e r W alter WynhoCf's overalls caught
In th e revolving connecting rod of
h is tractor-blnder unit.
H o was spun around tho rod and
th ro w n clear, badly shaken.
L e f t on him were his shoes »nd
hla glasses.
OTTAWA, K a n , July 30-A tur­
key h e n on Uie Roy flusby farm de­
se rte d her neat and 17 eggs.
T h e turkey gobbler Jump«l Inlo
th e breach. Jumped quite literally,
I n five weeks he'd broken all but
. The e x te n t o f .G erm an subtnorlnc
success d u r lf ig 'J u ly Is not duo for
official dlscloauxe for another two
Weeks, b u t th e re was evidence that
enemy su b m arin es were more ncUve
Irv July t h a n In June. Among other
factors, th e y h ad more targets to
Rhoot a t bccniise of the vast number
of ships Involved in the SlcUlanJnvaslon.
10 Sunk, 4 Dam ard
■me n a v y announced lale yester­
day th a t A m erican submarines have
sunk 10 m o re Japanese ships fn the
Pacilio n n d dam aged four others. In
nddlUon to th e 210 ships sunk by
Amerleiui subm arines. 23 moro probnbly w ere su n k since Pearl Harbor
and 68 dnm nged. A total of S71 Jap­
anese sh ip s of oil types lias been
sunk by cvm blncd American fortes.
The la te s t 10 chips sunk were two
large tm n s p o rts . tw o large cargo veS'
Mis, th ree mcdlum-slicd cargo vcs.
scls, tw o mcdliim -slzcd lankera, and
ono m edlim i-slM d carjo vessel. The
damaged sh ip s were one large and
three m edium -sized cai^o vessels.
Subs Valuable
American submarines have
a m ajor f a c to r In tlie wor of attriUon a g a in st J a p a n wlilch President
described Wednesday
night. Ho reveolod Uitn that “the
Japs h av e lo st moro planes and
more sh ip s tiinrj Ujcy hate been able
to replace" a n d t h a t "the continuous
and en erg etic prosecution of the —
Of a ttritio n " wiU drive the Japai
hack fro m th e ir overextended 1
In the so u tliw est pacific.
Aa for th o allied shipping plcUire,
the navy d e p a rtm e n t has announc­
ed tho sin k in g o t four merchant
ships th is m o n th . I t announced only
one Blnktns f o r Ju n e. But Uio navy
does n o t m a k e public all'merchant
slilp’ sin k in g s, confining itself to
those eases I n w hich survivors have
been lan d ed In tlils country. Furtherm ore. weeks and cametlmes
months elapee betw een the Ume of
the slilp ictsa a n d Its anoounccmcnt
for publication.
n OPA Acts Against
100 Mining Stores
WASHIHGTON. July 30 (Ui)Prcsfd en t Roosevelt announced to­
d ay th a t h e wlU tend to eongrcss
a b ro o d program for poet-war demdbUlzaUon. Including ono pnrrisloa f o r payment of three tnonlha
( ^ p e n s a t lo n to members of the
a rm e d forces when they aro '
I b o program, announced by tlia
P re sid e n t a t hU press and radio con-.
fercnce, was Vorked out by
m lttc e appointed last year to pUa
fo r post-w ar readjustment of clvUiaa
an d n:illltary personnel.
inconsistent W ith Principles
"I find it dUfleult." he said, "to
believe th a t a n y neu tro l would give
a.^ylum to o r extend protection to
aiij’ ot them. 1 can only say that
Uie Kovcrnment of tlie United
Sintes would regard the action by
n neutral governm ent in affording
asylum to nxlfl leaders as inconsls. with th e principles for which
United N ations are fighting and
t tho U n ited Statc.s government
hopes th a t n o neu tral Bovcrament
permit ita territory to be used
place of refuge or otherwise asilsi tucli persons in any effort to
icapc their ju s t deserts."
Mr. Roosevelt recalled Uiat as
early as lost August ho had refer­
red 111 a sta te m en t to axis crimes
oRBliist Innocent people and warned
the enemy’s leaders th a t the time
would coma w h en they would have
lo stand In courts of law “in Uio
countries w hich they arc now oprcsslng" and onawer for their "barirlc crimes.”
Cite* O ctober Statement
Again last O ctober, he said, ho
had stated th o American gcn'emmonl'i-lntcntion to oUtaln surrender
of "WTir crim inals" to tho United
NaUona a t the close a t th e wor.
Asked for clorlllcatlou as to
whether this country would deal
with the BadogUo govcnuiient in
Italy. Mr. Roosevelt said that re­
minded him of the questfoa of which
an Pu * S. C*liaa <>
The fire w hich blackened an es­
timated 25,000 acres o f range east
and south of Itogerson claimed its
fourth victim n t 7:18 p, m. Thurs­
day, when Jaclc Oreene, 31, died at
the Twin Falla county peneral hos­
pital trom b u m s received Sunday.
Oreene was one of four men who
clung to the outside o f a ear irpced, were crossing.
Tho group h a d been trying to hold
the fire on one side of the road, and
suddenly noticed th a t shifting wind
wss cutting o ff their escape. When
they had n early reached safety the
cor was suddenly surrounded by a
“sheet of flam o" and th e four men
dropped to th e road.
Forrest M. Sm ith. 2fl. Twin Falls,
and Joseph Nebel. 67. HoUUtcr.-dled
in about seven hours, and Atley
Btandlec. 63, T w in Falls, lived only
few hours longer.
Jimmy Nebel. 10. son of Josepli
Hebei, one o t seven persons Inside
the car, was burn ed sUghtly, but was
released from tho h ospiul after
Mr. Oreene w as bom June 1. IfllJ.
in TWn Falls, and was
of the L. D. S. church.
He U tu rriv ed by h is wife, Mrs.
IwbeU O reene; a son. Bobby; his
Its, Mr. an d Mrs. Alphus
» . Tw in Falls; three slsteni,
W. T . w m iam a. Twin Fallr.
...... O scar 'W right, Richmond,
Calit, and M m . G erald Compton.
------- -)re.: a n d tour brothers. Jay
H ugh Oreene, Call Oreene
______ rence Oreene, aU o t Twin
*8 wlU bo held a t a
a t th e Twin Palls
mortuary chapel, w ith th e L. D. s.
church in ch arg e of bu rial in
Twin Falls
office of p rice
acted a g a in s t m ore than 100 retaU
food stores i n v arious mining
of price ceiling TloutuuiM, IK w oa learned today.
The a c tio n foUowed charges made
a t the tim e o f th e coal lUlkes by
labor JefldcTB t h a t celling price regulatloos h a d been violated and that
miners " wcto b eing robbed” by the
community sto re s in the mining dis­
By D o ite d Press
The O PA h a s temporarily prohib­
was escorted oat
ited th e sto re s from selling the com­
modities f o r w hich exccMlve prices of tha final m e etin g o f the tasclst
wora ch arg ed . T h e prohibitions range grand council last Saturday by
'anned gen erals an d Is now a
from one to 30 days.
------tt prtso n er in a Rome hotel,
detAUs. He said these would h a n to
n MBO -broadcast frcm north Af­
be determ ined by congress.:
rica said today.
T h e m eetin g . . . degenerated
- • - b a t t t o betw een King Victor
Included these points:
1.' T h ree m onths' furlough a t teg­
u la r b ase pay, n o t to exceed
UBoUnJ^had to report Hitler
meot2i. jdus family allowances.
rates o t tb e S u n Valley sUgea . _
n o t deUver th e full promised
^ » .J S g o n d ^ th a t time If neot t ^ . heard to d a y b y m em b en of the Ida<
-------ly asslstanee . . .'b u t he d«■- ■llo xUtUlUl
c ^ lU Iy wouM f l ^ t on. TTie
* n ee to r t h o s ^ 'r e g S t ^ ^ l t h the
l l a m M a n d taformed U duce
U. B, e m p l< ^ e tit serrlce.
------ la fOrt-kiDg) ruled Italy. When
M r. Roosevelt wlU transmit the, office of d efe n se tntnsportalion.
to protest eight
re p o rt to congress a t the end of ths i J . I>. e w ln n . T w in Falb, is oper- w w rtls w ithArted
piau aa en tertd and es­
p re se n t recess.
|* to r o f th e l i n e . - - corted hlm 'o o t,".
Sun Valley Bus.
~~R ate€ase Heard
R^dio Says Duee
Hotel Prisoner
B E ItS , BwlUetUnd. J a lfS i (UOA roob was reported today lo have
storm ed tbe Cellirl prison at Milan
and reUased bnadrtds of poUllcal
priaonert aa new dlsordcn spread
through northern lU ly. A general .
strike conUnued la effect at Milan,
aeeerding to one diipstch from
Cblasao, on tho border, and tbarper
connter-m easnra were btisi taken .
by tb e aoUioriUes.
Squeeze on Axis in
Sicily Tightening
A rrofeulonat diplomat and
ambassador (o Turkey. ItulfaelB
Goarlglla has b een appointed toreirn minister In th e new retime
In Italy. He was reported relum­
ing (0 Rome from Ankara, where
It vaa believed Iio may hare pul
osi feeten for a negotiated peace.
LONDON. July 30 (UB—Hundreds
of giant British bombers, pushing
an olfenslve to eroBC O crmanys'blggest port and second city, dropped
2.000 to n s of explosives
in the seventh m id in 120 hours
smoldering, devastated Hamburg
last night.
Titraly-clght bom bers were jost
in-Uio t5-mlnut« e atu ratlo n oaault.
during which bom bs plummetod
doi-n on Uie hapless city o f 1.632220
inhabitants a t the r a te o t more than
0 a minute.
. Tho as.^aull, c a rried o u t In what
the air ministry s a id was ' ‘very great
Rlrength," boosted the tonnage of
bombs dropped on H am burg by Br"
Ish and American planes sm c t Si
urday night to approxim ately 1^ ..
—equal to the to ta l welgtit of bombs
dropped on L ondon during Uie en­
tire ll-m onlh ••blitz" trom Beptember, l«0, to July. 1041,
America m edium bombers sent
tlic greatest olr offensive of aU time
into Its icTcnth d a y today with a
daylight mid thLi m orning on a Oerman airfield a t W ocnsdrccht in oc­
cupied Holland.
Informed sources estimated that
pyramiding Anglo-American air
poi'tr has loosed n t least 13.600 t6ns
of bombs on axis w a r factories, air­
fields and other ta rg e ts In western
Europe In Uie p a s t six days and
nights and increased the bomb ton­
nage for July to a t le ast 22,000,3.000
----- than Uie record set la st monUi.
crman broad
(U.R)— American an d C a n a d ia n forccs have squeezed th e a x is
tig h te r into the n o rth e a s t c o rn e r of Sicily w ith new advances,
it w as iinnounced to iia y aa tho allied a ir offensive on th e
island and tho Italian m a in la n d attained a new fury.
Coincident w ith a f r o n t dispatch reporting indications t h a t
the German 15th p a n z e r division is w ithdraw ing before th e
Americans in n o rth Sicily, a communique said M aj. G en.
George S. Patton’s a e v e n th a rm y had moved fonvard a t se v ­
eral places.
In tho center o f t h e allied
fro n t, tho Canadians p u sh e d
ahead through stro n g opposi­
tion whilo allied planes pou n d ­
ed tho axis "cscapc” b rid g e ­
head in tho n o rth e a st en d o f
Sicily. On th e B ritish e ig h th
arm y front below it, p a tro ls
punched a t Germ an d e fe n se s
LONDON, July 30 (UJJ-The a l­
in small but successful s k ir­ lies are believed to be revising
their tuategy In tho light o t tb e
m ishes.
Italian situation tar a spectacular
Associated Press War Editor
P r i m e lilin ls te r Church­
ill h e ld a sudden post-mid­
n i g h t m eeting o f the B rit­
is h c a b in et a t No. 10
D o w n in g s tre e t today,
s t a r t i n g a t 1 :3 0 a. m.>
a m id signs o f a m a jo r
t u r n in th e Ita lia n crisis
o v e r peace o r w ar. The
c a b in e t also m et, a g a i n '
l a t e r in th e dajr.
A a the. crisis mounted,
d is p a tc h e s fro m Sw itzer­
l a n d said Ita lia n troops
h a d revolted a t M ilan, refusing-; to obey orders to
f i r e on dem onstrators w ho
s w e p t through the Btreets.
s h o u tin g dem ands fo r
Revised Plans
May Speed up
Eiu’ope War
Y aab Edge Forw ard
Tho Americans m et stitte r resist­
ance ns they moved eastw ard ngoinat
ixia defensci anchored a t S a n S tefjno, on the north coast, b u t .they
edged forward steadily over rough
terraia aloi« a 40-mile fro n t. '
T ho Canadians struck a t t h i ___
lino -below Nicosia, on • th e e o u th tn 5 '
end o t the American line, a n d iPefo*
slowly bending it back. C a pture Of
Nicosia hid snapped tho lin k s JietwecQ the enemy forces oa th e cen­
ter and tho American flanle and
wedged tho outer defenses of. th e
chief ails line of strongpolnts
tectlng UiD Messlan bridgehead. >..
T he British reported some lim ited
gains on U« right flank below Ca­
Alls Cornered
T he axis forccs had been ram m ed
back Into an area smatl enough to r
aUied aircraft, enjoying com plete
superiority, to blitz their rem aining
foothold on the Island m uch a s was
done In Uie final phase of tb e T unUia campaign.
A ir a ......................... . . . .
taking in four Italian m alnlnnd a ir­
dromes, including one above Rome.
<C«Bltiin< «a p.t« X. C»lBn n I)
drive to come to grips w ith G er­
many this faU and possibly end the
European war by ChrlsUnas.
There Is no allied statesm ca '..__
allows blmselt to vclce hopes for
t Bpeedy conclusion o t th e
It 1( U obvious th a t m iU tajy
tfrhlch/ni^ 'h u :preMh(<4' ^
> '■■■
Navy Oil Deal to
Bring New Probe
Tug Boat Sunk in
Gulf Hurricane
Row Again Flares
ALGIEHS, Jufir 30 C/PJ—T h e dis­
pute between Oen. Cliarlea
OaUlle and Gen, Henri O im tid . . . .
the fusion ot their arm ed forces
'as reported today to have broken
ut agolD aud more violently th a n
A long session of the P re n ch
tlonol eommlttce- ot UberaUon.
which the generals head os cochairmen. was said to have been
sundlng board.
Railroad Impoimds One Cow
Plus 1 0 Pigs, SL\ Chickens
Ju ly MOOD— . Reed clstned the freight ag e n ts a t
engaged la . HalU quoted a price ot 63 c e n ts pe r
an argument ove
' rate s with 100 pounds. He bought passenger
a Negro family o f seven, pondei
tickets tor himself, his w ife 'a n d his
today over w hat t o do w ith a c.
97-year old mother. His dau g h ter,
10 pigj and six chlclten*. . . .
three sons, cow, 10 pigs a n d six
m toe prw e at. tb e cow, . 10 pigs chickens «ere shipped a s fre ig h t,
and six chickens A re r u t l n s com- along with tbe family tu m ltu re .
fortal^ In a Ire lg h t c ar abunted off . T he clilWfen shared one e n d of
on a tide track and kept there un- the box car and the. anim nls the
other. The children drank m ilk from
the cow and tn>5jed tbe trip .
Bui when they arrived h e r
South Bend agent informed
that the rate was fis eenU p e r
pound»-a difference of tSOI. R —
Informed thg railroad he. d id not
have the UOl. Tho railroad aald It
could put the side track and freight
car to better service, but business
Is business.
need said It certainly li.
.would be '
o u s te d th e >UUoii inUltary
c o m n a n d c r. ‘ General Canale,' ■
a n d ' ordered Gen. Vittorio
to hare been besi .
R uRgero, chief o f an Alpinist
But a careful examination
th a t argument shows th a t i t is division, to take o y er the riot^'
not CK eaariiy valid. Actually th e o u s industrial a rea.'
Gereian arm y had_not been beaten
when the crackup storted in 1018.
As late a s July ot IBIB G erm any
still was capable of moim tlng th e
most dangerous offensives on th e
western fronts. Tho Oertnan poeltlon had been strengthened bjr
eUmlnatlon of the whole e astern
front. Outwardly the Oermans pre ­
sented a facade of ImpregnabUlty.
But In 1918 the aUies' perplphera l atUcks — most simUar to th e ir
present stnitegy-tlnally began to
bite into th e Oennan sateUltes. T he
attaeks fUmUy exposed the f a ta l
WASHINQTON. July SO ' OUD— Oerman weakness which was th e .
Clialrman 3. Hardin P eterson, D., inability to continue to supply th e
Fla., o t the house public la n d s com­ a ^ j m d maintain Its tarflung b a tmittee announced today t h a t his
I f the present allied momentum
Tlie lioscow rad io reported today committee would conduct a new and
that Heinrich H lmmler, h ead of th e , more thorough invesUgaUon o t th e can be kept up and Increased—cmd
Oerman gestapo. had arrived In navy's Elk lUIla oil c c m tn c t when -•-•- )ing is probably the chief fac ,
--- -herein—chances for repetition
bomb-battertd Ham burg on a visit congress rwoavenes.
‘leia certainly are within th e
prompted by “rec en t peace demon­
strations- In tho G erm an p o rt city. charging that the navy h a d fa ile d ' realm ot possibility. .
10 cancd Its contract wiUi S ta n d a rd
011 o t CaUfomla as ordered by the
JusUce department and w as stUl
operating Ui# Hk Hills lease under
•• terms.
HOUSTON, Te*.. July 30 W —
Sinking of tho seagoing tu g Tllan
has been added to th e toU of a hur­
ricane which lashed the Texas gulf
coast Tuesday. D ea th s earlier had
totalled o t least 15. and 6,0Cp persons were left homeless.
H. lUchardfioa. disp a tc h er for the
Intraeoastal T ow ing andd T ranspor.
tlon company, reportedI la s t -night
that the lug sank n t s eaa during
____ _ the
hurricane. He said tho coastguard
Intormed him th a t some survivors
had landed on Ufo ratta.
^ e ^ 'n u i n norm ally carried
Both 'American and B r itU ------ ,:flhot f o r p arading.
flcals wam against use o t.tb e .W W ' M a rah a l Ba^oglio, tho new
pamllel to r eomparisoo w ith - th e pre m ie r, w as reported to have
W Asnm aTO N , July so a ir o - r h e
navy blimp K-74 was shot down In
the AtlanUe during a battle w ith ft
surfaced German submarine, th e
le member ot the crew
---------------N om al complement of
the S-closs blimp U U officers a n d
men. The one casualty, listed as
missing in action, is aa aviaUon m a ­
chinist's m ate second class, Isadore
I. BrookJyn.
K-74 was allacking the siib. presumably with depth
when the U-boat^ gunnere
---------up on the.SiO-toot airship.
T he U-boat scored a hit, which forc­
ed the eratt. to make a landing on
tho sea.
T he K.74 was one of 200 pa trol
airships buUt or. building for off*
abore anti-submarine woiic. T he K type is the largest class of con-rlgld
aitahipi ever built,
WLB Conunissioa
Power R estoret
A t th e same Ume, Transocean, the
O ertnan propaganda agency, report­
ed t h a t all members ot Uie out­
law ed fascist grand council except
one h a d been arrested. The excep­
tion- waa not named. Council membera Included ex-Premler UussdUni a n d his son-in-law. Count Oalea a o Clano.
Naxls, lU tlans Flgbt
T h e new outbreaks of fighting
betw een Oerman and Italian troops
In n o rthern Italy were reported aa
advices direct from Rome to U adrid to ld of a methodleal nail mili­
tary occupation of th e Istrian pen­
insula and the whole Udine region
from th o gulf o t Trieste to the Aus­
tria n border.
H i e Germans were uld to be
movin* 'Into the Udine rtgloo and
T rieste from Klsgenturt, Austria,
e u ttln s to the southwest across the
c o m er ot Yugpslavla and the Julian
Alps J u tt as the Austiians drove
thro u g h In the tin t World war.
' Naxd columns also were reporied
moving eastward trom Klsgenfurt
th rough mountain passes leading
across the Italian frontier.
I t Appeared that the aermana
<^tlaM < •« fu * if <UaiM t)
o tt Ita ly , July 29 (Delafed) (UA— ,
Ships o f the royal navy- bombarded the Ita lia n mainland early
for tb e seccad time since the Blclllan campaign started, dlrecUng their
guns sMTslnst a Tulnerable nilw ay -'
line I n tho Crotone area.
The neet' which.bad pnTlousU
bit at the'raUwayUne la the same -■
area along Italy's aouth ecait blast-.:
ed a railway bridgs vlth.iU-tncb'
shells and started flrei aibore wUh-'.•
out drawing any opposltlao.
- From the bridge of thJr cruiser,'
I- -watched the cruiser group aad'-'
tbelr accompanying dettrpyen n o n
leisurely .to. wlthln-.four.- aad;.n»i>'.r.
mite* of
Friday, July 80,1048
TIM ES-NEW S, t w i n f a l l s . IDAHO
Page T\vo
“Big Inch” Pipeline Complete
Doris in Reno
<Pr*n rts« Om )
MOSCOW, July 30 WJO - Nail I
( r n a P.«. — .
came tin t, the chicken or th e egg;.
Mirthal OBolher t o d K lor* threw I
m l«ht bo bent on occupying #U the
When a vlotcricus army e nters a
»nn«rt<I and a ir
territory north of the Po r i« r «h!eh
country, ho observed, i t w a n u .tw o '
^ _ they eonsider neceutry •- *’•*'*
thlngi^-an end of armed ojipostUoa
Derate effort to keep th e walls «t
"■ 'dcfflw e pUins.
a nd avoidance of anarchy. A coun«
Ibe battered O erm an salient frenl
I ' ■P in t rtporta oT tlia JljhUng
try that enters a state of an arch y
esrlog in under th e Im pact ot Bi
brlof, but theiy IndlalM Ui#t «PorIs dllUcult to deal with, the P re si­
elan alUcka en lh r t« sides.'
odlc rtsifltancD wm being offered
dent said, and a lot Ot treops.ju'fr
by Boroe Ii«Uia tnwfo, *bo «pporneeded for th« dealing.
MOSCOW, July 80 O m -OTders to i
cntly shared the p»plo'» conviction
He went on to say he (3oea n o t
fi|bt to the death h av e gone out to
th a t p « e « with tb« »UlH Ji not fat'
care with whom we deal In Italy
Oennan and Irtlan try forces coun­
off. .
. ,
04 long os I t li not daflnltely a
ter-attacking desperately In a so
lU llun forces wero » ld to
membsr of the'fasclst party a n d a s
threeBtrongly enirenched et UU»n #nd
long os the Italians lay dawn th e ir
pronged Russian advance or Orel
Bolosn# and should the Italiani
arms and avoid anarchy.
front, dlspatchca aald today.
wish they might make Oerinan oeOne oblecUve u to let the Ita lia n s
The Germans w ere rep o rt........
cupaUon of the P o vallty tery dUh a r t self dtertninsUon In th e ir
have brought up fresh batUllons
rieult Indeed.
from France end O erm any itself in
I h # pwbltm of tho llaUan <Ua frantic effort to save Orel, keyvisions now urving In the Balkans.
itono of tho cen tral a n d southim
i i n headnche to the Germans In Uie,
Ne C
fronts, but the Soviet h igh command
preaent unsctUed situation.
No controversy
announced gains o f th ree to six
A group of Slava and CroaU who
the present eltuallon.
miles and the capture of over 40
arrived In Madrid J u t beforo Be­
ccuUve sold.
n ito Mussollnl-g reilinallon reportHe released some InfortnaUon,
detente perimeter yesterday.
cd Increasing squabbiM between,
forwarded by aen. Owlgbt D . E ls­
More ihan 9M 0 O erman. '
Italian and German troops in tho I
enhower, on the help being given th e
./erg killed around Orel, a co
people ot SlcUy. avIUon* hove been
lU lU n Aiuwtr "No"
supplied food trom ortny roUons, tie
Fahlcularly heavy botU es were
l a f d T ^ a stockpile b e l r - ............ Straws In the wind lndlest«d th at
raging south of O rel, where the crack
th e Italian answer to Ocn. Dwight
In Africa Includei.iuch
airm an second ta n k arm y under
•ugor. flour, miU, oil, m eat, a n
D. ElscrUiowct's nve-polnt terms for
<NEA Telephoto) OoL Gen. W alter Model woa ham­
a n d end to hosUUUes may have been
iiopie called pasta, m edical
n ig Inch, Ibe oil pipeline eoacelred and b o llt as p a rt o t the loiDuon mering a small bridgehead which,
"no" This wa.1 suggested by the
Boop'and matches.
fac t th a t alter a virtual lull of sev- to • serlotu national problem has been completed n e a r Ph « n .iru .e, the Russians established o n the w ut;
ot a river o n th e city's sp-l
;th e fttt& ei
om l days, allied warplanes renewed P e n n , 1^41 mUes from the watem end at Loncvlew. T ex - and already bank
oli li nowlDg eastn>ard thros(h ihs *»-lnch tnbe. D ere, Beerclary of proachei after a th ree-d ay battle, j
authaised to free.ieleoted prlsonera
tho bombing of aouthero Italy.
to assist in bringing about the wcUA t th e aam« tin e , tht 6wUs tele*
cd from the fro n t th a t Model, on
belng of the people.
g rap h 'd scn c y quoted Italian gov­
taking com nond Ju ly 14, Issued
ern m ent circles u declaring that
order of the day calling o n his n -_ .
th o nooscvclt* Churchill spcechcs
LONDON, July 90 (U »-A n offloth is week had Dot modified the
sutem ent today sold tha B ritish
Casablanca formula ot uncondition­
The Russians, In forcing tho river,
government welumea P rtsld e n l
a l surrender which Italy 'could nev­
kniad 400 ot the enemy and cap­
Boosevelt's statement th a t axis le ad e r accept without renouncing the
tured a strong point, 16 ammunition
Hi not» be permitted to escape
e u will
m oat elemental sense ot dignity.”
dumps and other booty an d prliThB Rome radio also ssteiUd the
From California.
h c u u 5 "M u n m ei!* & rlS 5 a ^ o d a^
Billed peace term s wet* too dras­ O n U a re
Mr. and M n. Maekey E. Brown.
Uout.- M. H. Jensen ond wll*
hereeU with thU lUlemant, th e ,a n ­
tic, and ooDplalned that Great B rit-, visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
nouncement sa il
a ln was asking (o r a -Carthaginian I
returned from Sunland. Calif. Mr.
^ peace'*—a peace that would — ' W . H. Jensen, during his Icare from Brown’s moUier, M rs. Albert Drown,
i plctely wipe out tho defeated.
, F o r t Camby, liVash.
accompanlcd them o n the trip home.
BadogUo was said to bo balking
particularly against allltd occupa­
Doris Doke CromweU. above,
T echnician Fifth Grade Fred Lleense* Issued
tio n of Italy.
Marriage llcenaes issued Friday
(obacfo heiress, iliowii In B«ne
Deokwith is home on turlough troo
Popntaca Wertled
morning a n d T hursday altemooal
where she has estabiUhed resi­
Swlas-ItaUan frontier reports tald O am p W hite, Ore. Ho is o gueat at went to P ra n k K asgie, 3J. and Vlrdence. Ehe said, “perhaps U tc r
' (F n a r a n Dn<l
th e .Ita lia n populace vsa becoming th e homo of his sitter, M n. John glnla Cordova, 33. boUi of Denver;
Reschlng 80' mUe* obove Rome, on" whFD asked If the planned to
Increasingly worried over Dadogllo’a Ny«.
and to H en ry Yamoda, 47, and M lAmerican Flying ro rtre s s e t batter- divorce James II. It. Cromwell,
laUura to ask tho allies for an
sako Wako, 38. b oth ot Iluni.
DCTROrr. July so. (UJ9 — N ine
td the airdrome yesterday against former U, S. minister to Canada.
trm bU ce and his apparinl hesita­ New Crew Chief
thousand strlken In two M ichigan
Jerry Kruss has been pro­ Hunt F a ir Weds
weak enemy opposition, a headijuat.
tio n In answering Elsenbomir's offer: m oSfft.
w ar planU retumtd to work u n d e r
ted to orow chlet ot a Flying Henry V am ada and Mlu Uisako ters announcement sold,
fo r an immediate and honorable |
temporary orbllraUen settlem enU
Fortress bomber group. Sergeant Woke,
A db[iatch from th e B ritish eighth
b o th of H unt, were married
and a t Muskegon today, b u t a
PubUcatlon of E l s e n h o w e r 's
by JutU ca o t the Pcoce J. 0. Pum - rmy headquarters in Sicily said
third walkout halted operoUons of
broadcast was banned In the Italian W ash.
phrty P rid o y a t th o city hall. W lt- HAF pilots had seen trucks tilled
BeUoit’s Essex Wire corporaUon,
press, but counUcss thousands lis­
ncues wpre Miss Leyaho Hsyaahl with men moving eastw ard throujh
1.500 persons.
tened to It on the radio and copies
Three thousand workers resum ed
Members of the Townsend clubs and &Usa A rlene Lowery.
axis b rid g ^ead aro u n d Messina.
o f the address appetred In “
production ot axles for arm y a n d
of th is district are to bring buket Huibanfl W ins Divorce
Direct n lU
a tre eu within a few houn,
navy vehicles at tho planU of th e
luncheon an d table service to the l
The Viterbo attaclc resulted in di­
rarad c rt Demand Feaee
Hmken-Detrolt Axle c om ponyhcre
Demonstrators In Milan and other I p. m . Sunday plcnlo to bo held at the trict c o u rt Pridoy morning from! rect hits on every to rg et o n th e olrBOISE, July 30 « > -R e p re se n la - and ot Muskegon 8,000 returned to
d u e s were reported piradlng .wlthl city park.
Mrs. D lmls O rcutt, whom he m ar-j field, relum ing filers sold.
Uvcs of Idaho agricultural group* work ot Continental Motor* Corp.
b anners inscribed:
ried April 12, 1911 a t Mlnden. Nob.l Flying Fprtresse# set a h a lf doi. today tu m ^ their big guns ot c riti­
The two-day Timken strike, p reT roop t Drills
••W# want peacel"
Ho charocd cruelty. Custody of two ..1 fires and touched off one huge cism heatedly against th e federal clplUted
by the discharge of a shop
Riders or Troop B, cavalry unit children w as not adjudicated by th e explosion a t . the alrdromo, vhtre
•■We want our sons backl'
government's farm program, p artic­
they met only w eak ground tire. ularly In regard to platu fo r a r e ­ steward who countermondcd a fore­
Elsenhower’s offer stipulated that o t th e Idaho volunteer reserves, will court.
Three other Italian airdromes, all' duced 18U sugar beet ocreage, a t a man's orders, ended last night w hen
th e hundreds ot thousands of Ital­ m e et a t 7 p . m. Bunday a t the Den­
of Local 174 of the U nited
around Naples, were h it In heavy conference with Idaho congressional
ia n prisoaers now In allied hands n is Btables fo r a paper chase w part Hsme on Furloogh
Worken (CIO) voted
w ould be restored to their homes U
Mr. a n d Mrs. B. V. Van Ausdeln, raids Wednesday n ig h t e n d yesUr- delegates In Qovemor Bottolfsen'a
to return to
I ta ly surrendered and returned al­ R o se n o n announced.
both ot whom havo been eerving as
meeting In Muskegon
lied prisoners In ItoUsn hands.
military police guards a t the arm y
Oovemor BottoUien, w ho said he ast night, a group ot maintenance
I n London, Foreign Secretary An-1 BIrtbs
service forces depot, Ogden, have airfield near Naples an d th e fllen ..os "impelled to act because ot th e UwwkeiJ,
also members of tho OAWth o n ; Sden told tho houie ot com-1 T o Mr. an d Mrs. Gerald Whiterst, returned o n furlough to handle th e ir saw one big explosion am ong eight extreme gravity of tho situation," CIO. voted
to end their one-day
m ona ih a t Uie British gOTcnmicnt T w in Falls, a son, Thursday, end to busincos Interesta here. Van Ausdeln planes on the ground. T h eir Light­ said In a slatemenl opening tha con­ walkout. T he
w orkers
approved Elsen^ower’e otter, hut Mr. » n d ;I to . J. W. B lcvins;^en, hss served a t Ogdon for 11 months ning escort mot do enemy Ilghtere ference "we have not como togeth­ had charged theUuskegon
regional w ar labor
em p hasiud th a t t h e s e s sim V ' ti aoo, fn d a y .' both, a t t h o i^ in H)d his w ife for e ig h t months. Both ahd ground tire was Inaccurate.
e r to alng h)-mni of ha to n o r to In ­
Palla e o taly general h o sp l^ f ma­ were in eliarge of control gates.
The raids near N aples saw RAF dulge in reerlminatlons o r destruc­ board with discrimination a g a in st
m onded uncondiUoboi aurrtnder.
their trade In granting production
and Canadian W ellingtons atUCk- tive, crltlciim."
Strikes continued In a number .. te rn ity home.
o f 40
Ing Monte Corvlno Itavello, 31
Visit En R onle
Im p ortant northern Italian lactorles
B ut epeaker afler speaker who cents an hour while molntenance
» n d there was aporadlo fighting In Flnlahts Primary
Ma], K enneth A rth u r Keveren miles so u th eu t of th e d ty . and
him blasted th o present workers were limited to Increases of
AvlaUon Cadet Charles 3. Hel- and Mrs. K everan ore visiting a t Capo dl Chino, in tho Naples sub- followed
sectors north ot Rome.
form program without a n y apparent 33 to : t cents an hour.
the home o f the wife's parents, Mr. urbs. The explosives dropped "
Faielsls Burrtndcr
Ifort to puli his punches.
In the Esse* wire a to p p « e »evD ie-hard fascUts ot Forll-Mui- train in g a t the Brady aviation and &trs. .Ohorlos M. Smith, Twin eluded two fi-t«a blockbusters.
flU te Orange Master El. T . Toy- eral hundred employes, m ost o t
Bollnl's blrthplBco—who bad taken , school, Brady, Tex., and has been Fails. &faJor K everen, who has spent
lor opened the discussion by
them women, were reported to have
possession ot the viUagt,,agreed to Ise n t to the Waco (Tex.) army fly' the past 23 m onths with the arm y
d aring "agriculture Is flsh tln g .... atruck to support demonds for h ig h ­
in Alaska. U on a 20-day delay
•u rrender It to troops of tho regu­ ' in s school tor boslo training.
' the great battles of th e world. er wages, idling other workers. R ep­
route to a new assignment on i
l a r army on the condition th a t they
I ore trying to produce more food resentatives ot the striking emplc^es
east coast.
w ould not b« “abandoned to the Basle Sab Training
w ith less manpower a n d machinery, were to meet today with federal
A lb rn A. Keoms, 8S, formerly liv­
h a n d s ot Uio extrtrsUts," Itallsn ada nd find ourselves h am pered by o conciUator Blehard Harris.
ing ftt 2S1 Taylor elreet, Twin Falls, IT Orerparkera
vlccs said.
of regulations and rules-w hich
Seventeen overparkera planked
Troope near Forll had lurrounded h a s completed basic training at the
crippling us.
th « faaclst-hdd town, tiut the lat­ aubmarlne base at New London. down II each, according to a report
"The American farm e r Is being
te r h ad refused to sunender until O onn. w ith a fireman first class by Municipal Judgo J . ’O. Pumphrey. permit farmers to grow sugar beeu taken for o colossal ride."
Ihey were Amos Howard, Milton h . or to guarantee th e m ag ain st loss In
a rm y relnforcemenU arrired.
Powell, O rval Rose, M n . J. X. F en ­ changing to other crops.
G erm an propagandists, apparently
wick, M rs. Mariow Glenn, Ben; "Beet growers should be permitted
anxious lett Mussolini’s tali h u fighters.
BOISE, July M W ^D urlng
Rughei, C a rl N. Andenon, Pred ' ,j grow the crop they know how
resulted In growing aglution In the
past week Idaho weather was ..
StiMie. M. 6. Passey, WUUam D.i
B alkans against axis alliances, re­ B rands Approved
S ta te b rand applications granted White, W. M. Chance, Mrs. George | and have the equipment to grow, or
oroble for crops and forming acUvvived th e Une th a t an liUed victory
tw o trustees were recorded here MendenhaU. Jo h n HonsUln, J. A. I Immediately be given w ar contracts
BOIBE, July 80 O IB -Id a h o poul­ lUes, R. M. Hlghtman, federal
w ill result In Soviet eontrol of the to
to convert to'foods you need more
F rid a y morning. A. W. Bowman,
E. J . McKlsaick, 0 . R. Balm , urgently, assuring th em og o liut loss trymen were asked tod a y to con­ weather bureau meteorologist, said
Nev., tnutee for Utah Locke,
tribute turkeys, chickens a n d ducks today In his weekly summary of
T he Berlin radio quoted Propa- S o n Jacinto, company,
of Income.” Patton telegraphed Mar­ for governmental w -r needs, prin­ crop
has received forth and Robert G erman.
Bonda Minister Paul Joieph (Soebbals Construction
vin Jones, war food adm inistrator.
U te allocaUon of the 4-T brand on
cipally for tables ot m ercliont m a­
a s saying in his lateit article in Das scatU
“Farmers.deserve guarantees pa rine a e n oiul for ho lid a y dinners
e only; W. O. Foulgsr, trustee,
f l^ r m d ™ n S 'O T « much* o ^ e
Rolch th a t "the decUlva queiUon for Berkeley,
aUel to thoia given Industries.'! Calif., received a i ^ r s l
for American fighting m a n .
dty fomjlng sections of tha south­
Europe U O trm oo or Borlel.''
east helped to rellsve the m oisture
R e assoU ^ th e Americans and horoes.
director of the food dlstrlbutloii ad­ deficiency In that region.
B ritish fo r’ attempting to deilioy
HELENA, Mont., Ju ly 30
ministration, aald today th e FDA .G rains were reported generally
~the political and economic unity"'
resentaUvcs of th e sugar beet In- will buy these items: D ressed roast- good,
although only fair locally In
o f Europa and aald thst “the tear
diutry In M ontana urged th e feder­ Ing chickens, SH to 4U pounds; the north-with
stooUngs. H ar­
o t Uie Soviets, In case of victory,
al tovemment today to enlarge Ih* drMscd ducks, 4 pounds and up; vesting U well light
underway in early
w ill n o t acknowledge British and
£0*1 for beet acreage plantings for dressed tom turkeys, 16 potmds and
of the southwest.
American oontrol over Europe b not
Fire In two overhaul pits Friday ]>« and "eetabllsh such a p r l« tor
and dreued fowl. 3M pounds
Haying continued with second
FMneral services tor Arley stand- noon called the fire department to sugar beete th a t w U be era a basis of up,
liimlnlshlng but b Incrtaiing In the
All Item must be U . S. grode crops rtady for cutUng. Beets, po­
lec, who died ot bums received In the Earl Johnson fforoge, at3 se c ­ eouallty with the prices now es­ a^ ndorup.
ftlUed cajnp.**
tatoes and truck crop* ware reported
th e Sunday range tire, were held at ond avenue south. T he fire truck tablished for other compeUng crops."
Pull details of the purchase plan, generally in good condlUon. Pea and
th e Tw in Palls mortuary chspel at aUnply rolled out th e station door>- The resolution cited “the report­
which buying .will contlnuo bean p l ^ g is active in some seo2 p . m. Thursday with Rev. a. D. and there u was. Scene of the b la » ed InUnUon" of federal officials to tmder
By United Fress
until further notice, are
Apple spraying is being done
Conditions In Italy "faror Insur- T refre n of th e Kimberly MethodUt was next door to Uie station.
establishtilgb goalj “for o th er com­ available at the etote PD A office, tions.
recUon," it was admitted today by c h u rc h officiating.
Fuel for the tire was said to be peting « « p s and a very tow goal « S Yates buildlog, Boise, Itowley In louthwastem eecUons.
tlie Oerraan Transoceaa news' J o e . Ed ao d ErU Stasdlee, Jim the oU a n d gas th a t accumulates for sugar beets."
agency, which reported continued' Beverly, M. I. Cameron and Dan In an orerh au l pit, an d firoaen asJd
M orris acted a« pslibeartrt. Mrs. It was likely th a t a spark from a
July SO W)
u n rest In MUan.
Johnnie Welling Atkins, f o u .
As reported by the British radio,, B en Potter and Mrs. Prank Thlet. tool or a oboe nail started th« blase.
menth-old w n of Mr. and Mra. J a c k
Transocean jald th e Italian nation; te a fum U hed music. Intatment was There were cars o n each of the
died fnm suffocoUon W ed­
piU when th e fire started. The ex­
“ awaits events which It presumes to I
between th e
imme..Ik Imminent. Uncertainty prevails I
. CHL, July Jt^ -H e n rr Jaspe" “
B 0 I 8 1 July JO
— District bed and mattress at his home. A t­
jdlstely known.
M d this condltioQ faTora Insurree-'
resident o t Flier alnce 1918. d l____ Judge Chorlu P. W instead bos tempts to revive the child were
hli home yssterday. Re wa« bom nnteneed Edward W. John son to a successful.
T b s news agenoy said the general
July Ji, 1U4 in U ppedltm U dt. O tr- term of ose to two y e a n la th e
• trik e In Milan h a s not been ended
miny, and came to th e trnllod
peoitenUory a lte r Joh
fo u rth mile c u t and one-halt mile
a n d th a t dem onstra".....................
BUtos la ItT M tU Nebraska. ____Jed guilty to a charge o f os
n o r th of th e MeOloud ranch at
Mr. Jasper m et a n d m arried A cni w ith a deadly wsapon.
W endell, according to a report to DOIILEY. July 30-A roold lo ffaa .Malting
there la 187S an d 14 chil*
Johnson was accused o f stabbing
th e oftlM of Sheriff Wanen W. Parker, 68. form er Burley tormer, idren were
Lowery. T h e cans are the property died T hursday a t BUllngs, Moot. Jaaper preceded h im In death In Mwreae* J. Palmer d u rln s a fight
Joty B'Ot Oleniu Ferry.
of J o e ---------The body is to be brought to Burley
Mr.' P a rk er, a prominent local
A registered Jersey bull w u re­ fanner f o r IB years until be moved three daugblert, Mra. B erth a BUfl- ' WAQHINQTON, Ju ly SO (AV-!
cen tly bought by Mr. and Mrs. Mal­ to Montana In 1938, was bom Nov. KT. FOer: Mrs. M argaret Btoekoap, . n u r e will be no calling price* on I
th e IMS crop of frash freestone
lory PU her, Twin Polls, tram J. W. IT, ItTS. a t Hooper, \]tah.
Denver, Colo, a n d Mrs. H. O. peaches and Bortlstl p e a n , the of‘
ilnl, Fem dale. Oallf. The name
aurrlvlog a re hU wife, Mrs. Sarah Sehuli, Twin Palls, a n d five mbs ,
an im al Is Tiny Malden 8*yda Powles P a rk er: five daughteit, Mrs. WiilUm. Hastings, Net).: Heniy, lice ot priH administration (OPA)
tli9 W?»H« r ia o
a nd the war food a dm lnlstn "
O b ie m r ««7000. ^
MUdred Nobis a n d Mrs. Marvel Julius and Otorge. all of PUer. and: (WPA) announe«d today.
o f S a ftty Flving
P e o d i^ , b o th o t Vancouver, Wash.; Fnd Jasper, TVtUe.
Mrs. Ro m Blouer an d Mn. Alma
BUuer, b o th of Sutley, aad Mrs,
Meibo HtU, ItW ca, N. Y , and four t m relattvea.
Emergency beds only were arall- SOM, R ual. V aaeo u v cr;‘Bwood, BQable Friday a t the Twin Falls couoty lb |s ; Sheldon w ith th e morines in
We tra contracting for
general bosplUL
the south Paclfis, a n d S io n report­
ffrowinff turnip se « d that
ed to be w ith th e army, in th e;
Charlie Lowe, Miss C lubeth PhlUppinea.
um phrey a n d J. A. Som es, Jr., oil
He also leaves a brother, 0 . O.
, t T w in Palls, ond Everett Bcanlck- Psrkcr. Burley, a n d two slsten, M rs., DWCKPOOT, July 10 (AV-I>atei
p«r acre. If you have
H o . FUsr. . .
a n d Mt«. Viola
- s iS M u a n )
Wadsworth, both o f Ogden. Utah,
fioy lAnd that wlU be
M M . IDU UcAuley. Mist Mortaret and several h alf bro th ers and sisters
for rMeedlng
ite r o li, Mlsa Z^uwlnla Cocaosotier,. Including D avid P a rk , A e « ^
. , Oeavy Brceda
The purebred boar and gilt soli
U n . J . O. padset, a W. Smith, B1& . Funeral cervices wUl be held a t «IU be held O ct 37 a t the eu to m
bjr tbs Iniddle of Auguit,'
B c o tt. Jerry Sohulti and-Mrs. Vslmo 3 p n . M onday a t t h o I>. D. S. first ;dabo
state fair grounds. S « U U ^
T crtn e u sii a iid sen and Mrs. o. p . ward chapel with Bishop Ernest R. for 11^
ielephoQS ^ b tr lj r S«ctl
enw es u ^ t . lo?TOo
K nobto a n d daughter, an ot Twin BUuej olflcU U nr, T h e tody may annual fared.tow
th .o w V f fg io
and gilt sole wlUi
F a lte r -J*an Cobb, PU «; Jamet b« viewed a t the .-Payoe mortuary beheld P e b . J * t the S ir
J^Compsnjr, 6W6.
'818 Shoshone 6L So.
H apitlttw . Burley, and rre re tt Bab- Sunday evening a n d Monday m orn- Olmllar sole* wlU be hem N o v ^
K tr and Nov. « a t CsW wS.
Twin Falls News in Brief
,Ji gooua
as he su nds a t bank oom er'. . .
Darrel Deagle, with heavy load of
pop bottlss, alm ost-but not quite
—taking tumble In front of McVey'*. . . Porm en a t county a g tn fs
office, signing John Hancocks In
last call for labor sponsoring out118 . . . Soldier and girl In,brown
suit holding hands as they walk
along Shoshone . . . Berman Deiss
OASTLEFORD, July SO' - Their
_ j r now buried la the water and
m u d of Deep creek, two CaiUeford
youths, Harold Reod, W, and LouU
Jteod. 17. were thrown from their
model-A Pord os It slipped over a
concrete culvert l u t T^^unday eve­
n in g . H arold, who was driving the
c a r , escaped with several bniisea,
b u t Louis received a severe leg
wound retjulring 33 aUtches to close.
T h e youths, sons of Mr. and Mra.
Claude. Reod, OuUeford, wero trovellng w est on the Oastleford road
w hen th e y neartd the culvert where
th e highw ay trtases Deep creek. Ano th e r c a r w u Immediately behind,
a n d H arold, glonelog over hla shoul­
d e r for sui instant, foiled to moka
th e eulvert. TTje cor plunged tato
D eep creek, throwing the boys free
o f tho wreckage.
T h(M a t the scene of the acci­
d e n t re p o rt that the boys wero trav•U n t alow ly-oot more than i i miles
p e r hour.
K o estim ate u to ths domige hsa
b e en m ade, because the Pord Is itiU
b uried I n Deep creek. I t U belisred;
however, a total loss.
By a O. laOJdPSON
three Bolkon-satelUtea —
Rum ania ond Bulgsrlo—ora desper­
ately anxious to get out of the war
and spectacular d e v tk ^ n t c .m a y
coma *ooa' trom that dlreotloo, outhorlUUve sources ssld today.'*'
' Hungary woa sold to’bs the most
anxious ot the three to quit but
proboby h u the I tu t chance be­
cause of her location ond because of
the strong hold Oermany h u up«t
her. German selsurt of Hungoi? to
prevent developments similar to
those in Italy w u being predicted
In some quarters here.
Bulgaria may be ablt to
render If Qermony, olorme'd by the
Italian debacle and finding it neces­
sary to shorten dsfenw lines, pulls
back from Greece ond Bulgaria to
the borders of Rumania.
Peace feelers-have ccme trom
Hungary in recent months but tho
allied powers have given them not
th e allghtest attentico.. TTia three
countries have declared war upon
tho United S totts and they are
marked for unconditional surren­
der Just os surely u Oermany, Italy
and Japan.
The message directed ' by Qen.
Dwight D. Ebenhowcr to the Italian
people, offering them peace under
honorable conditions, could be ex­
pected to Increase ruUeasness ond
war weariness In the Balkans.
Officials here believe oU three
axis sotelUUs would be willing to
accept terms similar to those ottered
Italy and would do so immediately If
i t were not for the Germans In their,
midst. Since Italy has the . same
problem, although perhaps to a les­
ser degree, the outcome ot the Ital­
ian sltuaUon may be reflected later
to the Balkans..
150 tU e, ihen BOo (tax ine.)
HURRY! Ends Sail
I h tii iitl
fUUII eiiitiii -
rm m t
«• Akin Ttnlrari
U.S. Aid for Beet
Producers Sought
Poultrymen Asked
To Aid S e r v ic e s
Arley Standlee’s
F^al Rites Held
.Seen Today
Bioyole puDlng trailer f a s h i ^
from bod and two rear wheeU of
toy wagon . . . Fire Uddles d a s ^
out o f aUtlon for bit ot bloi« right
neat d o o r. . . Large tile and woodm
keg a t sheriff's office, found out In
blackened region of range tire . . .
Couple ot tiny girls who habitually
hove a cheery greeting for passersby a t-S econd street and Third
north . . . Jock Carson and Firank
Hornes bustling about u they get
ready to open their new. store la
old Zlpway quarters , . . Olri c a ; ^
for.Tlmes-Kewa anoyed In cowboy
h o t a n d boyl. trousers . . . 8moU
boy slowly hut n r ^ , riding black
horse and leading a gray o o t
Fellow walking along Main with
Weather of Past
Week Aids Crops
Quick Run: This
Blaze Was Next
Door to Station
Mother, 29, Dies
After Son’s Birth
Mrs. John Wells, » , whose homo
is In Napa, Calif., died early Friday
morning at the Twin Palla c c iity
general hospital two weeks ofter her
aon was bom.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis
etephens, Eden, Mrs. Wells wos bom
March 9, »14, a t Brownwood, M a
She w u married Deo. 17, MJJ, to
John Wells, who w u here a t the
time o t her death. .
The young mother leaves onothBr
son, four, ond a nlne-yeor-old
doughter. Also surviving ore four
sisters, Mn. Charles Wel;«, Mrs.
Lytm Dovli, Mrs. Earl Bo'*on and
Miss Nola Jane Stephens, oil of
Eden, and four brothers, Carl ond
Delmar, both of Wendall; Amel,
fiubniu, and Lem, Eden.
The body resU a t the White mort­
uary with funeral orrongemtota
iwolUng word from relatives.
Killed in Action CASTLETORD. July 30-M r. and
Mra. Leo Shaver have reHl»«J w«rd
th o t 0 couiin, C p l Horry BuHord,
h u been killed In acUon scraevhere
In the Facltls theater. Young Bul­
lard, who was a B-IT machinist sm cloUst In the olr corps, spent hU
Ohristmas furlough a t the Shaver
Henry Jasper, 89, Knifer Receives •
Called by Death
Term in P r iso n
The Hospital
[Filer Sow, Gilt
Sale on Nov. 6
: Sterted Chicks
Produce Company
^ ber Trwpi. FATS WALUR /
Ends Tonite — Uo
‘T h e Palm Beach Story’*
Saturday Onlj
Me tU <, then JJo (Ux Inc.)
. 8 U Gnn
N asi
Sobottsrsi I
ira iK s n N e
Arnold L. Parker
Dies in Montana
ConM s
Milk Cans Stolen
iL S tarts SUNDAY
U tw t World News
DouUe Action Bltal
;W O N O j
except e n M o B d a y i.A r^ .
noon or evenings. . . ,
fore or afta r to *. touH
find ooDgeaiality ond czerclie oa cwr atr-toBmUoned oUeyi.
O ' w o ' i f K o o n i - ' -X w E IX U a H T ID
PHONE'827 .
.BanM ta i l b y B«mi> Mm.
.•nirUIcr Cotnpanion HItr
Ffiday, July 30, 1943
Captured W eapons Will Disclose A xis Secrets
WASniNOTON, July 30 (ff) —
Americ*'* m erchant ahlp building
program haa reached th o lerellnf
off atoee and th u s becomea the flrat
ef the major w ar efforts to rtaeb
a production r a to approxlmaUng It*
ultimate goal.
The ahlpbuUdlag graph wUl iwiog
>U<hUy upward la the ' la it naif
ot thla year, * n d aeltle back a UlUe
Id lfi(4, but th e chimge from the
preaent rote o f produeUon will not
be substantial, o n the basla of oier«
all figurea.
President Roosevelt'a anno'incement th a t n e x t year's goal calla
for ai. 000,000 deadweight tons —
eariylng capacity — of merchant
thlpping waa interpreted a« reflect.
Ing marked improvement rei;entlr In
Ing boom of depth.
The ftflenjeon calm wo* to m t<
pItcM 115 Uie n*Ty showed ,off oni
of Ita new dMtroyer-eseort ships.
Wfl h ad saUtd In the early m o m .
which a dcMO Kreat sh lp y a r^ tn d
nearly «U Ihfl U. B. navy yard s are
ru.hlns eoiuUueUon.
Aimrer Ui U-Boat
Built In two sizes. Uie larger about
300 feet long, aait the other n little
BherUr. they are part of the navy's
answer to the threat of enemy Vb S t andair-ralder.
Our» was one of the larger ahlps.
dull In her war-Ume groy paint, but
already fiercely 4oved by h e r of.
fleers *nd crew. Bw»t and roaneuverable. she took fuU rudder tu n u
a t fuU speed.
High In tlie coning tower, loftiest
deck In tlie ship, was her skipper,
Ucut. Comdr. Fred 0. BlIIlnBs,
Bhort Hills, N, J , an AjinnpoUs
gniduate who had retired from naval
aerrlce. In private life, ho had been
in the banking business In New
York, a n assistant secretary o f the
J. P. Morgan and company li™ ,
till Uifl w ar called him back to sea.
In turn erciy gun on the ship
w»s fired, Uis tbree-lnchera throw ­
ing sJirtpnel w high that
scednds beforo tlio puff o f _____
appeared — followed by the eound
or the exploding shell, Uie oerUkon
anU-alrcralt guns, and four-barrelled pom-poms ipltUng cut tracer
shells th a t followed each oUier Into
tha a ir so closely they seemed
cherry-red slrtamers th a t stretched
from their niunJcs high Inio the
blue sky.
Terror <« U-Boal Crews
Then came the deplh-chargcs, the
night-marlsh krTor to axis U-boat
July 30 <UB - The deck resoim drf
to Uia dnimmlos ot ccorts o f Tun>
nlng teet. eTcn beforo tbo lost echo
iliwl away d te r the loudapcakm*
call of. “all huifls. m an jo u r bntUo'
lU tlons!'
Sooa cams ths staccato b a rk Of
the rapld-Jlre, anU-ftlrcratt
... ■_...
In Navy Shift
Almost an types of C tnnan eannon, tank*, troop carrier* and other meehsnlcal eqnlpment, caplnred In
n o rth Africa, are atont to onflergo a technical post-mertem a t the array’! Aberdeen proving gnntid* In
Maryland. This plctare shows tho unloading, a t an east eoait pert, of a part of a SOD-ton shipment oC «rar
trophies. Delnr swaor off the ship Is a 105 inm . anll-alrcraft gun; and on the dock, partly obscartd by the
g un carriage, la a imsti tan k destroyer. O nly one item of Italian eqalpment was considered worth sending
to tbU comitry for letts.
Superlatives Fill Description
Of Ail’Base at Mountain Home
MOUNTAIN HOME, July 20 yp>Where prairie owls and aoorins
hawks onco provided the only .aerial
ncUvlty. U. 8. army enslnecra hovo
turned a sagebrush desert south of
hero Into a mlUtary airport of Paul
brief span ot
- h o new Mountain
e, now nearly ready to bo turned
T to the air corps, Is almost lost
. . . the flatness of the wide Snako
river valley of south-central Idah»—
Then the “K-pms.” pipe-llke af- i t Is 2i mUea to the nearest mour
fairs se t a t an outward angle along tain , a good IS to the nearest tree.
I n terms of
these wide open
the stem quarters of the ship, went
• a dot c
Into action.
There were K-guns on each side,
and they were fired one after an­
other, tossing the BOO-pound bombs
air b
like ^ a n t hammen far out on coch
b u t 1‘vc never heard of them," says
side of tile ship.
O. A. Lewis, Dolse-Pocatello
At tAe same time, tn-o more depth
of englbomb# were released from the atcm
.................... ............conslruction.
MnJ. U w ls.ond MiJ. WlUlom D.
Tor a moment Uiere was nothing,
only Bulisldlng splashes where the Alexander,' resident ensincer, con­
cede (hat other bases ol elmllar pro­
bombs had Undcd.
Then oia- world was flUed with portions are under cowtrucllon else­
sound — a blast that almost knocked where, but th a t fact doesn't de­
up from our feel as the ship leaped tra c t from their pride. Their con■nd the ocesn rose in twisting, vcrsatloa is full ol supcrlaUvcs.
T h eir every sentence bulges with
chuml&g columns all about
figures ond statistics.
rroauctlon U ne Mtlhods Used
ot the charges had exploded
S o Immensoiis 'tlie accomplish­
alm«talmu:»neously,*aod two oth­
tho necesers a second cr so later, tossed what m en t and so Urgent
tlie contractor, J. A. Tertellocked like mUUons of gallona of
water SO feel or more In th e air. __ ____ Sons. Boise, and tho
“How," asked a navaJ officer adopted production line .met
standing near me, -would you hare using so much mechsnlzed c
liked to be in a submarlna under m en t th at only. 4,000 men wen
ployed a t the peak ot bulkllng.
MaJ. Alexander, boylsh-looking 33year-old SouUi Carolinian, gave
example the method develoi...
the spot to keep one phase ot
work going In cold weather.
RUPERT, July SO-Punerol
and leveling of t h e __
vices were conducted this wet
ways started last December, wlUi
' the Methodist church for George temperatures sometimes doii-n to 10
Benson Gmlth, farmer ot the Ja c k ­ below zero, contractors couldn't hope
son dUtrlct. Rev. D. 6. McNeil offl- to use wat«r for conpsctlng the
claUd and burial was tmder direc­ eartii, yet no delays were tolerable.
tion of the Goodman mortuary.
So tho engineers heated thousands
t gallons ot water, dumiwl u uckloads of salt into a lank, latched an
engine to an agitator and pumped
tho resulting brlno in.................
Mrs. Albert MUIer and he r _ ... trucks. They used up ...... ..
daughter have returned to tliclr salt, but tlie runways will b t ___
home from the Twin Falls county pleted la entirety 20 to 30 days
general hosplial maternity home.
ahead of schedule.
■prt. EUward J. (Junior) Thomp. Thaosands of Ftct Long
»on, F ort Jackson, 5. O., has arrived
The main runways, the major
fee a week's visit with b li parenljv
lalned, are each thousands o f ___
U r. and U n . B. 0. Thompeon.
a g . Surfaced shoulden and safety
Mr, a nd Mr*. Olmrles Prior reres* a t the ends add to tha size of
turned from Salt Lake City, w here
une landing space. .
, Mr. Prior coniulled a specialist « t
A “small” connecting runway is
I clinic.
th e size of main runways a t roost
Maryln Ulter. son of Mr. and M n . recently built bases, and even Uila
Charle* Utter, went to Boise, w here strip will have a n additional "annorhe took an exsmlnatlon for a rta tlo s plate" shoulder surface to double Its
cadet. While there Marvin wo«
safe landing space.
guajt of Oovenior BottoUsen, a t t _
Each maliv runway bss a s much
tlms he signed the proclsLtnatloa paving as is Included in all runways,
setting Mide Aug. 18-31 as avlaUan oprons, taxlwsys and similar instoicadet week.
latlona at many ordlnan' army porta.
Douglas and Stevea Hutchinson,
Driving down the center ot one
two smiJl boyi of a working m otber o t these monster strips in an a m y
of Twin Falls, will be taken Into sedan. MaJ. Alexander n ld laughthe home of U n. Jim Muse during
the summer moaths.
Mn. Carrie Crockett and Mrs.
Trucka and heavy machinery
Cora Mclnture, Rock Creek, cam e
------- the Jar eno of the runway
to the aid of the Ore flghtcr» who
lost In the shlaunerlng
were a t wori( on the Sugar Loaf f i n ...................lew asdefim telyafeelby (aUng luoehet to them during Ine of flying as Iht gray asphalt
the algbt.
‘treoked post.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. MusUfts u d
SensaUon of UmlUess Spata
•oa and daugbUr spent the
T he sensation was that of being
four dayj a t Bald MountoU.
urrounded by llmltless space. The
spring*, near Ketchtzm. Mr. U tu h . omparlson of a pea rolling along
JIU ta ns/.najtr ,o( the Independent le e e n ^ ot a meat platter was Inbean warslwusa.
Members of ttu
E ren from the toll control tcwer,
d u b and their fi
. la hard to be sure Just where the
nmways end.
day f o r...................... ....... .............
of th» party apent the renuU ndtf Ot.
Final Tribute Paid
To George B. Smith
ren. MarysrlUf,' WD .re tu rn 'tiie ra . - . rt to push around Just imog th­
tWs week end, where Mr. Hm
in* the bumps out of level w unSy."
plannlojg to get woriL
OeUing tlie dally Rquireaent of
W4X» to 18,000 cubic y*rds of gravel
to the runw ap gave the builders
— ‘‘ler problem that only
mcUtods could solve, so the englnceta built a 17-mllc*long railroad
complete even to a round house, U
gravel beds they uncovered neat
th e town of Mountain Home.
350 C an Uaoled Daily
For fo u r montlis eight locomo.
lives hauled 350 cars of gravel dallj’.
an d when even this amount proved
Inaufflcienl, the contractor tmootlie d a Imul road througlj tho sage­
brush and at one lime had 400 trucks
supplemcnUng the railcara. Five
drOBllnea and four crusher plants
operated constantly a t tlio pits.
A t Uio oUicr end. at tho heart
ti>c runway system, a three-iloiy
loading system was set up. IT
train s lumped their loads through
raised open trestle to the roof i .
n tunnel beIo«-. Here two bulldozers
ke p t the gravel pushed toward the
center, while a steady stream ot
trucks moved through the under­
ground tunnel. Suedal e h u te i.
through the tunnel roof loaded
trucks in 20 to 30 seconds each, s
o ral trucks lllllng to capacity
"Moro heavy machinery was used
I n this project In seven months than
m any a n engineer sees In years,’'
M aJ. Lewis said.
I n addlUon to tha ranwas’s, the
InstallaUons Include two 600-;ootwliSo concrcte oprons lUnklng the
control tower, Uie small 1,CNM feet
long, tho larger 3JOO. There are
miles of taxlways, connecting all
p arts o f (he ruaways with (ho
nprons. T here are lira hangars, one
fo r repairs and maintenance, four
fo r sQiuidrons soon to be training
•■They can house the largest
bombers now in use or visuallad for
th e future," MaJ. Lewis said.
Other faculties are moro nornial,
a n d tho cantonment area and hos­
pita l section, for example, are not
greatly different from tliose at many
o th e r bases.
W hat I3 different, however, is Ihot
th e whole baso is groTting uniformly.
A lthough some sections oro ready
lo r occupancy, most of the estlre
spraw ling cHy Is a t U« sarot dtgwe
o f completion, tribute to the organlsaxttonal work and larte-scale methwla of th o men In charge.
•The engineers expect (o turn over
WASHINGTON, July 30 W Plans to awell the strength of the
Waves to 91,000 by the end of 1D44
were announced by Uio navy as It
reported th a t th e women's naval
auxiliary, b y taking over shore Jobs,
already h a s released enough officer*
and blue jackela to man a major
ta-^k forcc.
Just a y c n r old today, with the de­
mand for the ir service* multiplying
and tho variety of their assignmcnls Increailng, tho Waves noi
niunber 27,000, or nearly triple the
enrollment anticipated by tho navy
when President Roosevelt signed the
act creating the organization July
30. lOU.
Of tho 27,000 Waves now on duty,
about 10,000 are still In training.
Ttie lorgcflt grpup is on duty in
Washington with more than 3.000
officers nnd'-cnllsted women bil­
leted in th o office o t Uie command­
er in chief, V . S. fleet, and the chief
of naval operations. Approximately
3.000 m ore oro on duty In other of­
fices of th e navy department.
Offlcera In charge of shore eslabitshments, attaches explained, are
requesting moro a n d more uniform­
ed women fo r assignment In their
%Vhen th e -women's r ts m e w___
tablbhed o year ago plans called
for 1,000 officers an d a b o u t........
enlbted women,
Today, tiie 16 training schools for
enlisted 7.-omen a n d the naval re! midshipmen’s school for oHih avo n canblned capacity for
training more th a n tliat number
-* -lo tlm e, tho navy sajs.
the base to the a ir corps any day
now. Col. ArUiur J . Melanson, base
commander, and tho first air corps
personnel already have arrived.
In the w orld can bo brought Into
your hom o now. Come and seo me
about th is wonderful healing,
health m ethod. D r. H aa, 3S4 N.
Main S t.. Phone 835.
T o Keep Our Cufitomcra’ Cars a n d T rucks Rurininff
If wo can't mirtch it In t h o netv o r rebuilt,
wo can most likely fin d a . good used parL
for a b o ut^ihndces of c a rs .
Ford, Buick, Chevrolet, P ly m o u th , Dodge,
Olds, Chrj-Bler.
You buy the lining — w e install on shoes
Free o f Charg«J.
A rm atures
B r a k e D rum s Fuel Pumps
\V hecI B olts a n d Nuta
S p a r k P lu g s
. Speedometer Cables.......... W a te r P u m ps-and
Repair Kits
-^ W IN -F A L L S
WASHmOTON, July 30 <A>-ActIng on protests fr«ra eongreatm en,
Uie agricultural adju stm e n t agency
haa wlUidrawn regulaUona Issued
last'week pn>hlbltlng I ts 30
ita le and local form er com m ittee- UalKl Banner and Ralph n
Crane havo relumed from a tten d -,
___ from dUlrlbutlng AAA Infor­
ing the rodeo and pioneer celebromation to the press a n d radlr
Uon In Salt Lake City.
Mrs. Sarah Qover. Salt L&ke City,
has left to, visit her daughter, Mrs.
U urn Thenson, Twin FaUs. follow­
salaries and expenses ot re< ing a week’s visit wlU) her daugh­
glonai, suta and local prcas agents. ter, lilrs. Samuel Banner,
Mr. and Mn. Oeorga Haycock,
T he department soUcltor, la a
memorandum interpreting tho con­ who have been living In llynsa, Ore.,
gressional provision, had advised tho have returned to live on th e ir
AAA to UuUUAt Its commUteemen farm here. They have for the ir
and field workera to r e f ra in from house guests, Miss Paulina and
dlstrlbuUng Information and from Helen Homer of California.
Pvt. Ross Haycock relum ed to .
making speecliea in b e h alf
AAA or Its crop progrnms.
his camp a t McCall. U. 0., foUowShorUy ailtr tho AAA regulaUons ing a week furlough. His brother
tere sent to Uie field, protests
George of flancroft,-visited him over
Uie week end.
a n arriving ot tho o ffice 'of
Mr. and Mrs. Wflde Baker have
.ood admioljtrator M arvtn J<
from member* of ci
_one to Ogden to attend tho f u ­
neral of their great grandmother.
Roy FUntln ond Calvin C rane
Uie AAA regulttUons im posed
spent the week>end in Ogden.
upon committeemen w hich co .
Mra. Steas Heward, Draper, U tah,
did net intend to impose. Among Is visiting her dauRhter, Mrs. A l­
Uiose protesUng wn* C hairm an T ar­ fred Crane, and family
ver. D , Oa., ol Uio houso agTlcultural
UUng 1,078500 deadweight torn
waa o t nn a n n u a l ralo exccedlnj
20,000.000 tona.
In the first h a lf of 1S43. B79 (hios
aggregating 831B.62} deadwelsht
tons were delivered into cfrvito,
compared with 740 ships of 8,00,733
tona In all of 1D «.
Next year’a program will ccnler
on faster. harder>to>bulld veuela
than the m ass production Liberty
dhlp, partly on th e theory that Uio
faster freighters will be more suit,
able for post-w ar eompetlUve trades.
The Victory c h ip , auccesaor to tho
Uberty, will go Into production In
Uie spring, w lih yards shUtlng to it
Uiroughout th o rest of Uie year.
With a speed o f 16 to 17 knoU tae
Victory Is several knots faster than
Uie Liberty a n d there ia little dif­
ference la the carrytag eapacU/,
Mis* H au l H aw ker haa gone to
Salmon to visit friends.
Miss Cleora A nderson returned to
Oecio after apcndlng several days
vblUng her a u n t In Salt Lake City.
Ur. and Mrs. Eldon W ard, WaUa
Walla, W aalu o re visiting at the
Orjon Ward hom e.
Mis* Deylla P reaton h n i lelt for
CaldvelU wlxera sh e will be employ­
ed by the Jack Slmplot company as
a bookkeeper.
Mrs, Nellie E ld d and Mrs. Ross
Higley relum ed home from a visit
at Ogden and Brigham City.
r, th a t they ^ I d not. empW r i'’.'''',
press a gents..
In Its original resulatioas.: U u AAA inatrucled Uie committeemea ,,
to turn over (o state and 1se«l ex>
Unslon services Uie function of.dU - trlbutlng AAA InformaUon.. I n ; . ,
many suites, ttie AAA and e x lc n - .
Sion services havD been ot odds over '
fann programs.
5, Jo nea requeste d ^ h e AAa ' io recall Ita reguliU ons
and Instnicl the com m ittcem en th a t
Uiey, In Uielr capacity o» admlnistm tora ot crop program s, eonSd dis­
tribute InformaUon neccsoary to In­
form fonnert and tho pubUo ot the
'S i i ^ 't K
Hear Admlrml J o h n S. MeCaln
New naval e m p h u U on air power
was Ken as tte ar Admiral MeCaln became the d rp o ty eblef of
U, B, naval ’ air operations and
near Adm lnt Itom sey snceet^ded
him as eblef ot th e cavy-i bnreao
w ere told,how -
Cenenlar « Slarfer
. Ana Aulo PalnUn*
4H Mala Kt. .
PHONE 2 0 1
te t Sboahono S k East
Chkase, IIL
Menajtr J. 6. AuUtn
A t*
W rol Ollitii 7 0M g Eon C«nHf St.,
Phon* 2»0
loee«.d.« UTAH. Soil tal.»Crtr,Prc«.
Tootl^ '
Oo*"; IDAHft
OlocUwl. ldoh» Folli. twin fittCeelM;
^ .
^and surrmmding territory
pbone 713
Used O.ii’M.irkel
Wantr Grgct'ond d230
$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0
FABM « a n P R O PE B T I
F r id ^ , Ju ly .8 0 , 1943
PiiRC Four
I'yblUhlEC CMDC»r-
DiUM* «*■• •>
BOtU ,, .
S tt»
ttm moa-Ju_____
n >11 J n tr,i Wmtn ts Ui« brrle* . 1 BQiitbi
CcnpUl. t m «fvl« o« *»>• A»«.cl.l»4 fTnn.
.................... '-rf b» U« or l»» ort*'" or
« pablUlMd wwklT.
* * ^ ( T l ' * i '5 w ° l h ‘. ^ ^ u ‘ x r c h ^ ™ ' r s i . ^ w
'u n
wnsT-Jioi.unAT CO.. ino.
CU lUikft Btmk te n SVaotlKO. Cillt.
Rubber D ire c to r'W illia m Jeltera believes
th a t synthetic ru b b e r c a n compele ngalnst
the n a tural gum w ith o u t babying or sub­
sidization, alte r th e w a r. H e thlnka th a t the
price can bo b ro u g h t d o w n t o somewhere be­
tween eight and 16 c e n ts a pound.
Experts say t h a t b e fo re th o w ar the eco­
nomic price level of r a w ru b b e r was about
15 c e n ts'a pound—t h a t Is . t h a t this was the
lowest overage price f o r w h ic h crude gum
could be laid down In N e w Y ork with ccmD
m argin of profit. '
A fter th is w ar they d o u b t th a t crude rub­
b er can be sold here, c o n siste n tly , as cheaply
. u 15 centfl a pound. T h a t price rested on
coolie wages. T h ere Is m u c h doubt th a t the
• cooties wlU'consent to g o in g back to a 25cent-a-day wage scale.
In th a t ease, Mr. J e f f e r s ' prediction occomes reasonable. I ' Is co stin g between 25
- and 30 cents now vo p ro d u c e a pound of
: synthetic. But we are J u s t one year old as
commercial m an u fa c tu re rs o f synthetic. Wo
hardly have begun. Wo a r e n ’t working with
cost In mind, We need ru b b e r. We need It
badly and we need It f a s t.
Even now; however, p r o m is in g studies are
in tho pilot stage. O n e , d em onstrated to
. newsmen the o th e r d a y a t Lawrenceburg,
• Ind., Is the Schenley D la tllle rle s’ new method
of making butadiene d ir e c t fro m grain w ith ­
out going through alcohol. B utadiene la the
key constituent o f , th e m o s t .useful type of
synthetic rubber.
. By eliminating several c h e m ic a l Interm edi­
ary stages, this process I s supposed to save
grain, labor and e q u ip m e n t, a ll of which to­
gether control alm ost c o m p le te ly th e m an u ­
facturing cost level.
The original discovery w h ic h makes this
short-cut p ^ lb le - was m a d e a t Iowa State
college before th is war", w a s really In sight.
Experiments In th e e ffe c ts o f vorlous bacteria
on grain found ono w h ic h transform ed It to
butanedlol. which Is m u c h closer chemically
• • to butadiene th a n a lc o h o l Is. The U. S.
- regional research la b o ra to ry a t Peoria carried
•. on from, there, u n til t h e m ethod was for,
' enough advanced so t h a t Bchenley's re• search director. D r. A. J . L lebm an, was able
; to build a pilot p la n t a n d dem onstrate th a t
• It works.
In other university a n d governmental and
Industrial laboratories a t t e m p t s arc under
. way to Improve th e tec h n o lo g y of making
- synthetic rubber. Some o f th e m a re promising
1 olrcady. Others m ay c o m e th ro u g h .
These improvements, p l u s th o economies'!
s th a t inevitably will flow f r o m mass produc• tlon, should justify D ir e c to r Jeffers' con­
fidence and make th is c o u n tr y self-sufficient
, so fa r as rubber Is c o n c e m c d .
-The Russians are c o o p e ra tin g again with
Hitler—but this tim e n o t q u i t e to der fuehrer’s
taste. In fact, he p ro b a b ly w ishes th a t tho
, Reds wouldn't b s quite s o h e lp fu l.
Eicperts believe th a t t h e vicious drive
launched by the n&zls o n t h e eastern front
was designed to s tr a ig h te n o u t tho line so as
to release a few divisions l o r use elsewhere—
perhaps on the second f r o n t t h a t Is impend­
ing. Hitler couldn't s tr a ig h te n th e line, but
tho Russians are s tr a ig h te n in g i t for him —in
th e other direction.
In th e long ru n this p r o b a b ly will do the
Austrian corporal little g o o d . T ho Reds lovo
variety, and they a re lik e ly t o bend the line
westward Just to see h o w i t looks th a t way.
. so th a t Just os m any O ernuL ns will bo needed
a s ever.
I t ’s a tough world fo r t h e ambitious, Isn't
. It? ,
One Responsibility F rom W hich Mussolini Can’t R esig n
OABOLINE-Automobllo driven wUJ icon btneflt
from nn over-nu revJalon of tho coupon lyilem lajm- T lio change wUl be ln#u*un»t«l because of conrreulontl protuU And
forelffn developmenli tilU uapubllclced which luve provided tb t DbUcd Blate« wl(h an abundance ot pe­
troleum and lU lubtldUrr produeU.
F o r one thins, u rnctled exclu*ively in thU column, the BrtUih are
planning to supply our nortli African
a n d mlddJe ewlern apedlUon* with
UiU viU l fue). e^crtby U Unf on
p a rt of the load Uncle Sara has
been csrrrUss alone up to nov. The
submarine h u been licked in tht!
Caribbean. Wo bsre cotutrucud
large, fa it wc'J-inncd Isnkers, aod
....................... ... Timodlty from Veneniels and Colom­
bia. On top of th o se adrontagM, we recenUjr flnUhea
the "Dig in ih ” pipeline from Longview, Tex, to New
York and Philadelphia.
There U no reaso n for an ol! famine Id any pari
of Uie country. T h e nrmy and navy have buUt Tip
luftlclent Inventories abroad to service our forces and
Icrelffn units fo r a t least three yeare. Ih eir demind*—
always exceaslvc— caused tbe present sborlsie.
Here Is the pro g ram under consideration:
“A" cards In 17 eastern states and the District ot
Columbia wlU b e Increased from one and a half to
lliree eaUons a w eek. T b e value of gaseUne tickets In
DlstrlcU II an d lU , which comprise 17 western and
five eouttiw cstem sta te s, will be reduced froa four to
three gallons wecU y.
Tho CPA will m ako a scrupulous review ol holders
of a , 0 . It ancJ T applications, for the purpose of
an d will smock down on black
market operatloos.
NSW TORE—I fee l th a t 1 h a v e,th a t h i dldnt even- h a r t a snetro*
profited by my Uttle refre sh e r course poUtan rating, much less a oAUonal
h« never entered
to Uie cose of Dr. W illiam A . W irt,' ---------- and
—' ------------------------Uie Oary, tn d , schoolmaster, who even Use 8 o'clock trials a t th e naU ontl press cluK,— .................. '
'got U ie' works
Every coigressman knows th a t It
' from a loaded
lakes lupert speed and endurance
...w deal e<_____
to out-talk and orer-U U a n y g a tt, tee of Uie house
ertnp of new dealers, wlUi o r wlUi' of representatives,
out eUmuIanIs, and that Uie m a n or
back I n ;» « . Doewtanan wbo can do io for a n enUre
tor Wirt wrote a
evening h a m t yet been bom .
manifold letter to
a lot ot RepubUU y n a n neibert Swope, 1 am
cans In which he
.jr e f would be Uie Jln t to admit
reported th a t a
Uiat such a contest would be an
----- ■— of'
over-match and Mr, Swope h a s nev­
er been accused of flUicblng fo r he
talked hU way Uirough Uie peace
.conference in Venalllei a n d once
. .. after a dinner p a rty , h a d said
1 a spectacular victory ove r D athat President Roosevelt w as to be ,
Uoyd Oeorge and OeorgM Clemthe Kerensky of a n A m erican rov- enceau who took him literally when
oluUan who would la te r give way .he said he represented Uie world.
-) a Btalln.
He meant Uie New York world. HU
Now none of Uiem m ay have said famous match wlUi Isaao P . MorJust Uiat and Dr. W irt m ay have cossoD was really no contest, which
moy give you an Idea. Mr. Morcoseral li
son got In only a few feeble "yta.
motion ^ ut my review convlnees
buts" and "may I Interrupto ’ and
Uiat Uie Uiroe new deal congress­ was helped sway by his handlers
men who consUtuted tho mojorlty
of Uie committee did n o t g e t a t the
truUi of .the case and did n o t want
to. i t Is my conviction, baaed on
much experience, U » t Uiose oUier I f PleMlng H. -Hurry tJ p - Yoat
persons at Uie dinner party, five of ere sUU In his prime, of courss I
them government tnireaucrats ond would have to rate him a bor# my
oU of Uicm underlings, could not m an RertKrt but age takes its toll
have been telling th e tru th when and i t was »4d to see him m urdered
, Uiey told Uie committee Uint, what- few years ago a t a footbaU c o a c h ^
lever they might have liked to say leetlng 1^ Itobert Zuppke, a sood
th a t nigbl, Uicy were unat>le to soy ..lan, to be sure, but second siring,
anyUilng because W irt took Uie a lter all. But when Mr. T o s t was
■ he was marvelous and I bellere
floor In a harangue o n the subject
alUieuih he best m y man
of a
1 his service i any ___^ one night long ago, Mr.
Bwope learned lessons from t h a t de­
feat which have contributed to hts
I h s t story b too th in fo r belief enduring gresUiess. That n ig h t, a t
because anyone who h as had any OnaiUand Rlce^ house, M r. Yost
social experience w ith new dealers was talking and acting out footbaU
will admit th a t n o t even Betbert pIaj-8 and Mr. Swope, Just a brash
Bayard Bwopes, him self, could put and Impetuous novice a t th e tim e,
on much of a rally, m uch less hold tried to challenge him. I t waa a
the floor all evening a g ain st a room­ slaughter for Mr, Yost U lked right
ful of Uiem. even a roomful o t the Uirough him for three hours. Fi­
scrub, Ur. Swope would be m y man nally, conceding defeat, my m a n got
today In almost any contest for I his h a t and was starUng hom e and
have,heard him sta n d down a whole Uien, as a last crushing blow, Mr.
round table, including Ja ck Pearl Yost eiclalmed •■Uils Eekersall used
and a novelist, but I would n o t back lo kick olf Uie side of his foot, like
him against those w h o were present Uils" ond seizing my man, H erbert's
a t Uiat dinner party fo r more than hat, booted It out Uie 11th floor
a sprint of one m inute and I would window Into PlfUi avenue.
- ■ plenty of odds, even so. Mr. Albert Lasker has b een very
_____ tone or more of Uie new deal good but he has a flaw In h is style
varsity I would n o t even pay Uie Uiat Is fatal against any m a n ot
entry fee for Uiat wouW bo Just Swope's class. Mr. Lasker r u n s out
of words at Umes and when h o does
throwing money away.
And, afU r all, who was D r. WIrtJ he goes "hoomp-hoomp" s o one
If he was so hot h e surely would night my Herbert slxed h im up,
have been heard from before Uie tore In Uuougb one of those open­
dinner party a t which he Is suppos­ ings and never let him get In anoUied. lo have turned In the perfomi- r word alt evening.
' I worid cham pion and In B ut new dealers are special. My
. . .. th a t rem ained to him he man is game and has plenty o f class
would have won f u rth e r recognlUon and endurance but I don't w a n t to
In fast company. Bi^t Uie truUi Is get him murdered.
CnAStriO.VED—W ashington Insiders luipcet th at
lally warnings o f a gasoline
---------------------------from Karold L.
gasol— dearth
fckcs, our petroleum coordinator, are closely related
to the efforts o f the oU Interesu to obtain higher
prices. No one accuses “Honest Harold" of Insincerity,
but tho conlccturc Is th a t he 1< being used because of
his Ignomnce'of th e trade and his reliance on (he ad­
vice of Ralph K , Davies, former vice-president of the
Standard OU co m p any o f California.
Tlio pclxolcum Industry war council, cowUUnj of
key men In U int field seleeted by the secretary of Uie
Interior, twice recommended a 33 cents a barrel In­
crease on crude. T h a t upping would cost the govern­
ment, nlilclt buys most of this output, a ln u t a mil­
lion and a h a lf doIUirs a day. Frentlss Brown re ­
jected the first proposal but Mr. Ickea sent him an ­
other a t the suitecstlon of Mr. Davies.
The Davles-Iclccs faction wants an over-ail rise th at
Bill saddle alm o st $500,000,000 nnnuoUy on Uie taipoyer«. The OPA c h lc f orgucs th a t marginal wells yield­
ing this c :icn tlal c an bo subsldlicd a t a yearly expenso
of *10,000,000.
The Davles-Ickea an d Brown memoranda now He
on P. D. n.'s blK desk. W atch for the Wtilte House de­
cision and solution. I t may furnish a tlp-olf as to
vthcUier P. D, I t . l i playlna along wlUi the "fat boys"
or tho “little feUows” whom he champlooed to heart­
ily In his 1033 in n u g u ral address.
CHEER—T he welcome given lo the Anglo-American
forces by the Sicilian populace lias lifted great concern
from tho m inds o t diplomats and mllliary men In
Washington a n d London. It suggests that our armies
WlU receive tho some so rt of greeting when Uiey
descend on the o th e r axis-held countries.
Tho mental c ta to of th e people In such areas has
caused deep th o u g h private anxiety In our itat« de­
partm ent and a t 10 Downing street. Althsuiih cer­
tain groups wero h arm ed and molested by det fuehrer,
the masses lived b etter th a n they had before. T hat Is
fact, strange o s It may
Classes havi '
as tn Franco — ---------- — .......... -................
Ills* wero destroyed by th o upheaval of 17SS, llol poUol
have reveled In th is destruction ot false values and
h&ve efcdlted th o brown shirts with the accomplish­
ment. I t Is Uie sivmo k ind ot upset th a t BItler staged
In the relch a fte r ho cam# to power.
So Messrs. H u ll and Eden have worried about tho
treatment our tro o p s m ight eUcounter after four years
of Oermon occupation ond rule. But the favorable re­
action to our conquests on the Island of Sicily Indicates
that tho folks I n France, tho Balkans and even In
Qcnnany will c h ee r a t the sight ot tlie Stars and
oKlclal expression on Uie subject is In The Baguo
bardmcnt by w h atev er means ot .
pledged. The r u le apparently had In view undefended
eltics lying In th e path o t a land Invasloa ’Hie term
used In Uie convenUon Is "undefended,” not "opea”
Nevertheless tn practice It has been considered permlsiable to bom bard purely military ©bjectlvu In uodetcnded cities. N or have Qermsny, Italy and Japan
In wars subsequent to 1907 a t aU. times spared —
defended cities Iro m general bombardment.
Technically, I t may be supposed that were Rome
dKUred to be o n undefeated city, Italy could sUU
make use of railw ay yards ond tcrmliuils In transport­
ing war m aterials, and th at would subject them to
bombardment Um lted wholly thereto. The allied bom­
bardments th a t h av e taken plaee have been directed
utmost to p revent Rome from falling into th t path of
a land Invasion. T h e allies are stlU several miles from
Rome with land forces, but. If the city were undefend­
ed, air borne tro o p s could occupy It without ru litu e e ,
and thereby d eprive tho a ils ot Rome's Important
transportation activities. Rome Is Uie hub ot Italian
Cnder the formaUUes o t International law, the prodslm lng of R om e to be an undefended city could
_ J T U E itE D -p o p u la r guess _
th a t th e first Balkan terrltorlu ear.
m ark ed for seizure b y Americans
B ritish and Canadian troops ari : gle ash o re on either th# froni
Crcto and th e Aegean sea stcpplni : back of Uie lU lla n l(g.
The A driatic seaboard may be an
Ideal ta rg e t for those American
vctem ns who have been practicing Dear Potto:
beach Inndlngs. Prom Brindisi to When, several y e a r s ago, th e own­
Venice streU hes a flat, sandy and ers ot Crony Cove cam p erected a
muddy coast.
fUgstaff and u nfurled Old Olorv to
Orcece. Military The oppoJltfl ban k Is Indented by the m ountab breezes, two American
logicians consider several excellent ports but, apart eagles, one to tho n o r th of the flag
their plucking vi­ from th e se gaps, steep headlands and one to the so u th flew in clKles
tal fo r the next extend Irom Greece to Croatia. Be­ over the flag a t a n altitude of about
phase of the Med­ hind these rise th e nhnoat unbroken M yards and tho Incident was wld*
iterranean cam­ DInarlo Alps w here Ohetnlks are ly cttnmentcd on a t the tim e as i
fighting th e axis, tfn lte d States war- auspicious omen.
Corfu Is
On tho same h ig h stum p to which
rlors would be contronted with
AlWrt L . » a
miles from Italy; desd-cnd canyons and a railroad i the flag Is fUed a large brass beU
Cepbalonls Is forther to the south. system running n o r th and south. I has also been a fix tu re for several
O ur possession would not be im­ Even In the la st w ar when Italy years being used o n various oceap o rta n t In th e great pincers move­ was w ith us the a llies did not have elons and more particularly for
m e n t which may swing from tlie the stom ach to a tta c k the Balkans calling In occupants of th e cabins
d irection of BalonL'ca and Join
and Uie like. Now I t c an't be rung
from thU forbidding approach.
easte rn push from Italy and
Id Yugo> time a n d there's likewise
Wo ought to f in d wUUng com­
' slavlo.
amotion a b o u t lowering and
rades am ong the irrepressible Oreck
D u t if a e n e rsl Elsenhower can and Yugoslav p atriots. Tho status raising Uie flag o v e r th e bcU.
One day last w eek a pair ot robswoop down o n the pin points toon, of the Albanians Is less clear. This
ho c a n duplicate on a grander scale midget country w as under Italian is-la to arrivals— flew Into ■'
tho f e a t of Hobson a t Santlaeo har- tutelage long before Benito’s comic .;ene and decided t2ist under
broad beU afforded a n Ideal space
a n d plug the Adriatic battle open annexaUon I n 10» .
make their su m m er camp. They
m outh, cotchlng every axis ship
—i so and are b u sy a t this time
aflo a t on Its waters.
TOTS — N early three mUUon ndslng their UtUe fam ily, or nesUng,
T h e gateway between Otranto and
Uiey have becam e somewtiit
Valona. Albania, Is only 60 miles babies w ere bom I n ISti, the largest But
used to m e colors a n d surroundlngi,
wide. I ts channel Is too deep for number I n the hU tory of the United although
beU clap p e r Is tied into
anti-sub m arin e nets an d co exposed States. V e t there a re glum sUitls- Uie ntst, Uie
and do n o t fly a t all Umei
to a i r raids th a t Americans cannot tlclans w h o caution against UUnklng Uie nag Is raised o r lowered. I t U a
a n ch o r an effecUve mine barraES that th is Increase wlU check the • ■ -sq u e in cident of peace, and
Uko th e bdrricr Rear Admiral Beli-; downward sidral of population
In th e classUleatlon
n a p laid across the NorUi sea Ini which bcBon 75 y e a rs ago. William
1 omens.
Sims’ day. B u t planes reconnolter- Fielding 0 8 b u m ln “War,Bablesand
—Charley fiumner
Ing fro m the Greek Isles could doss I the F uture ," published by the pub-:
the stro lt without being greotly
• by Juftwaffe fIghUn t-ik- "with several mlUlon men In distant Dear Third U an:
camps a n d at th e faraway battle- 1 guess our police are n 't kidding.
front, th o birth r a t« Is bound lo deNoUced In rea d in g the T-N Uiat
cltoethe overtime pa rk in g list slutwed a
■Durlnff the la s t world war, we lawyer, a n ag Instructor, a real es­
FIE B C E -U n c le Sam will prob­
ably t!s« the Adrlstle fo r more Uian had only 2 ,000.000 m en overseas and tate man, a te le g ra i^ manager and
a h u g e seine to trsp Italian fish. then only f w a sh o r t time. It was a cafe owner in o n e batch.
W ith th a t sea under the Star- long enough tor th e raU to fall
Spangled Banner, we shall have a obout 10 pe r cent.” French poUus
cliolce' of new invulon Uttorsl, If were n e a re r hom e, yet the stork
FOB THE •‘GBIPBBSU you ftnd Uie new deal Irksome
Italy does n o t sunxnder soon now made only half a s m any trips
And It’s hard lo k e ep Uie pace,
th a t U dues IM deposed. While Fat- normal tim es.
There's a-boy dow n In New Guinea
Who wUI, gladly ta k e your place,'
U you trade I'U g u arantee you
You'd be glad to g e t back home,
, And 111 bet you'd g e t some noUoni
I n ia fs now foreign l o your dome.
By DB. TttO&lAB D. MA6TEE9
Palermo. Uie caplUil city of Blclly,
was evidently a welcome relief tor
Uie populaUon. I drove in hero few hours after
Uie city had sur­
rendered to the
Americans a n d
f o u n d a, moet
friendly reception
along Uie way.
Several t i m e s
people ran up lo
and tossed lemon.i
In. They cheered
us. and often call-
exuemely hilly and
As a matter of fact It h a s been
• parade except for some rclaUvely
tmaU clashts In which Uie Ameri­
can soldlen’ «)Ulpmen( easily prov­
ed best.
Aside from that It seems tO me
Uiot this Is a case of ft people being
sick of war. certainly weary of our
air attack, which has again proved
devastating in Palermo. I h a v e been
around Ui» city and some secUons
are a shamhlts. I t must havo been
wlUi great.reUef thot Uie people
taw the Americans come I n and
knew there would be n o . more
bombing. Actually General P atton
gave the order some time before the
surrender to lay off furUier bombing
to as cau/8 unnecessary suf­
The first ere to call on G eneral
Patton a t Palermo was th e bishop
represenUng Uie cardinal. In cid e n t­
ally, the general Is a Rom an C ath­
olic. The bishop asked P a tto n If
Uiere would be any Interference .
tlt h the church and P a tto n said
not. He told Uie bishop th a t one of
our fundamental rules Is freedom of
religion. He asked Uie bishop io
UU Uie people their soldiers hsd
fought magnificently but t o urge
them to spread the word t h a t fur- ^
Uier fIghUng would be a w aste of ^
blood because if they did n o t atop
flghUng they would be kUled.
been a revelation to ms about
quered (erritoty. I drove f o r miles
from tb s Ume I le ft Uie airborne
division wimout seeing allied sen­
tries. There would often be groups
ot Italian soldiers disarmed but
wlUiout guonl. J saw them 'w alU ng ..
In groups to be called for tran sfe r
to camps.
T he eouatiysSde was scarcely
touched. Thrrt was almost b o e n denee of war along Uie r o u te ex­
cept a s we neared the elty. A t the
scene of Ui« final encounters there
tlon U anoUier stoiy w hich _ ..
were some memy dead piled u p be*
lltUe about- General PaU on Is
turslly proud of th e speed m m i slds disabled guns and arm ored ve­
which Uie Americans c u t across the: hicles. Tha only real marks o f irar
Two blU mors pe r d a y In salary
are th e bomb wreckage h e re in
I am sure would n o t Induce
Palermo, which wU taka m long
You lo itrtks a g a in s t your country
time to replace, again showing how
ffhlle Uift Japs a re on Uie loose.
■" It Is.for any c ountry to
Out Uiere caooched down In a fo
a difficult te rra in I
Tension and orenror* are grow­
vaded are parU clpoats. Italy cannot expect the alUes
to treat Romo o s an undefended city when It Is in ing problems in a naUon at
fact defended a n d used by lu ly u an Impoctont and recent evidences of poUUco..
military asset-—P o rtla n d Ortgonlaa
e c o n c c n l o u n r e s t I sitive to many Impressloos, wtlcomm s y b e l a p a r t a t - l Ing small novelUes of observst'
letUng the fancy have fr«o rein, mu
contribute to powers of reflectlco
Times do c h j * « , an d men do change with them.
and absorpUon t ^ t hold human
Wiuiess the d e S n n o f th e sUly-four memben ot th at
beings reUiUvely saae and happy lo
logging crew In Zdnho to quit work and slay quit until
01 anxiety ..
mad world.
Ihelr employers a d d more t>eefst«ak to their dally diet.
DKted with our,
Crowded an_______ _
Ttiey can't get en o u g h energy from meals consisUng
mm a t tba front
chiefly of llsb, stn w b e n te s . and raspberries, they
Very few extrta** tatlon to and from defe
argue, to carry o n w ith th e h e -m a n i Job of telling the
p busy people
big trees tn th e I d a h o forests and getting them out to
b a r e le a rn e d
~ilUs and m a rk e ts. *
along th e wiy'tbs
__ Paul B u n y an m u st be looking from the shades
tn n lu a b le . kuek. tmaHnf. T o the man who knows
and wondering, n o t a t th e demand of these loners for
ot relaxlni aod, I how to relax, there U endless enter*
italnment to be fouitd In observing
mors'beefsteak a n d a n unfailing supply ot It, but at loafing a t the right times.
tb» behavior and appcaraaee of
their Inability to provide for themselves. Psul v sa a
those about him. Purthermore, It is
mighty man, th e (iTcatest logger of >11 Ume. He bad from implying neglect c
n a n s -a n d . fpedfleatlons fo r a , Durhig Uie visit to Uie TWln PaHs
%great deal easier to see the counto have his m eat, u d when mesJtlma come he went
trysidi at U m. p. h. than at 50- saying that It'S now . . . ----------- municipal beaUng ;J a n t for th e city Icountry ot ,Uie county agricultural'
deeper into the woods a n d caught him a fat bear,
which h a probably a te raw .
can stand Just so much o l ----- ■nd far less wstring on the nerves. pay Ui« nalgbbor iMys as much u
The fact th a t-b c a r at«alcs are highly outrlUoui, ere a
then nature re- P Ir'r""* u>d endurancs are you want for aowtog your Uwn-, Uia city councU M onday by T . J. rsnch.and cheese factory n e a r BuhL
. .; :
I today, sucseats t h a tth y ld i ito n o g g en migh t bew tis- and
quires that it must rest and repair grim oeoeaslUss tn any nsUonal The OPA abolUbsd prloe control oa to
.:« j:-:A ;4 o * jM ih a p iif tm e d -F o x .-- w h O 'ls - ir P iu ia r tied with th a t Bnbctitute;. T be merit of the tulgesUoa lu wwn-out cells. Rating may be
entUng of grasL ' .
- ' ; Douglas who is in o h a rg t of the,
' Jam es X-’Burgy and Jo h n C u n
Tills momentous «ction, think wt, i municipal buildings.
- iejphl* automobUo mechanic, haa found a se< Is letsened by th e fac t, to which thousands of prewar- partUl.- or whole and i^U ve.,
ran of Hsgem an were visitors in
tourlsU can te stily , th a t sracUeoUy all of Uit bean Seep takes cars ot mueh o( tbei 'our people nmstempJoy teaglns
............. ooa of two things,!
' ^ 'ioo*rfttioQe<S fael oa whlcb be can drive In
•wore outslds moaey h as come Uifl c ttr Uia lin t of Uie wedc.
west hav« M ttled in YeUoinlone p a rt I h e y wear and tear of tlis day. but Ume ■ n d W ^ ? . l » a p d . ^ p
r:^ lar u. he otaobses without offending havethebecome
into Uia su te for. m in in g , purposes
to coddled and so laiy th a t they have must also be set sslde for dcdng m Jtatf tbelr ticbest noortshmeat
MBtilatioiu; '..He wut n o t dlTidge the forgottea how to fe n d for themstlrasvand Infest with' nothing effecUv^, u the mind ^ h ' the; pnutooi .hours or cpilet, ot Amertesa boys a i« m n e d indlvld- wiuiln Uii y w
5” *
ihsir ntm erous fomUIcs the h lih w y i of elvUizatloa
nallsts who aren’t sc a re d for a m b- vious year o t w hlch.^ have knowlody, an
i t h o d l i , Mid we all 01 beggars for th o lr food. ■■'
Uu eretaiT of tb s Idaho m ining asaom*ie» YeUowstooe safer. If lest plcbraqus,
D oliig any c m Uilng fot Ignt
o w n ..'W ith :paln t store U ItItiwould
datlon, v tu stopped in Tirta Falli (su o t th s Eallsy oooatry.'.
uhlQuUoua bears-w ere slaughtered and t m ^ h ours a t atreteh Is h l ^
' b a ^ r^itld n ed and eTety- into steaks for t h e consumption of hungry *orklns<
a n r tw r k IneoBant.
J.'flif: tb a a ^ e v e r ,, s u c h »
One h u n ^ flttr-nln'e bottles of!
- . . . Ob bey, two ceps ef eetfs*
not enough r a r .ln s e r r H t Detach*
m a d e loses ita vlrtiis
It will be Interesting t o p u ll from the flics
in November, 1645, a c lip p in g recording tho
. prophecy made by O corgo L . Googo, southern
vice president of th e A. P . o f.L .,M r. Qoogc
says th a t three-fourths o f t h e congressmen
who voted to override P r e s i d e n t Roosevelt's
• veto o t the antt-strlke b ill w ill be defeated In
, th e n ext two years.
Wo doubt th at so la rg e a proportion will
i -bfi;defeated for any a n d a U re a so n s. We doubt
'. th a t aay.eubstantial f r a c tio n of th a t n u m ber iffllbo beaten b ecause o f t h e ir a ntl-strlke
: c^blli vote. O rg a n is t la b o r m a y claim credit
- l o r aU who foil by th e w a y a ld e —b ut threefourthfl? Let's tu ck - th a t clip p in g away for
tw oy M rsan d je e .'
v itb h u
— — any note to transform tht .Ycllevitona la MUviCy to u S
tiru Into food would ptOToka a stotm of public protert. ^ t of thslr r o u i > i ? ^ » ta S
-Dallas (Texas) News. •
* h o spends his UoUd^ S T ^
fran city attd foetoiy, tUs Bemlflgl .
i n & d i .o tr m o n M c ret of ertaUrs|
^ ^ ^ mOTlng*’"
One man, who'.was p roud th a t he
knew a few words of E nglish, waved
and shouted "good nig h t* although
I t was early dttem oon.
Many times I havo rea d wltb
skepticism accounts o f haw a con­
quered populaUon cheered occupy­
ing troops. They n e v er seemed "■
ring tn:e to me. I f I hod n o t si
this m j'se lfl would n o t havo be­
lieved It- Tiierefore y o u m ay have
your doubts and m ny feel th a t I
am Uylng It on. P e rh ap s th e lU lIans Uiat I saw w ere n o t sincere.
AU I know is w hat I sa w and heard.
The reaction ot th e crowd
the road was, I should s a y . --------version of a minor poUUcal candi­
date's recepUon oa a cam paign tour
In Uie United S tate s. A bout like'
London cam paign p«instance; better Uian
- ................ for Hoover during Uie
Maybe Uie fact t h a t Americans
.jss out cigarettes a s they drive
throuBh Uie vUlages encourages
friendly reception. I f so these peopie leam very fast, indeed, becauM
they were out'cheerlng, even email
children holding up th e ir fingers la
not Ure y o u so badly
a Vlcioiy V bright a n d early Uia
brings a smile froco everyone. __ , «To would
tear out some ra tio n stampi.
morning after m e Ai -----------------plight has many parallels else-; And
a few days w ith o u t pork chops to to occupy ths city.
where. Variety ot Interests is essea- Would
t CSUI0 y o u hunger crampt,
tlal to kee^ the mind alertand free Buyingno
bonds would be a pleasure
of rigidity. Keeping Ihe brain sen­
la a raid by
cellar of
Lay-■ -night. -
Friday, J u ly 3 0 ,1 0 4 3
Page Five'i:
S o c ia l a n d C le lb N e w s
Dorothy Weaver Bride
Of Lieut. R. B oothe
Weds Soldier
At an im p re s s iv e nuptial ceremony perfo rm ed a t 4 p.m.
July 17 in t h o b e a u tifu l Shntto chapcl of the F i r s t C on grega­
tional c h u rc h , Lo3 Angeles, Calif., Miss D o ro th p G raco
Weaver be c a m e th e bride o f Lieut, (j.g.) R ay m o n d H . F .
i3 ;o lh o ,U S N E ._ _ _ ^
»..v .1— - —=
0. IL Plsio I n the presence of 70
relnUyes and Irlenda. Mrs. W. H.
W »rer, Tn-ln P a lls, mother of Ihc
bride, wm p re se n t
The bride w aa gowned In a floor
ItM lh drew o i whit® ‘^'’cpc failrtoned wlUi ft sw ccU itarl ntOtlSne, tcWo
bodice and d rop cd aklri. She wore a
taig veil w ith ft BOft Dutch cap edg­
ed in pearls. H er bouquet was of
bovardla and ord>lds.
Daniel Von VnlkcnburB. Loj Angtlts gavo tP8 bride in marriage.
TOO couple WM attended by Henry
and Marjorie Goodwin, nlto of Los
VloUn Muifo .
tonal friends o* llio coup:c. plajed
Mleciloiu by M endclisohii nrfl Mo"D rink to Me Only With
TJilne ETCS." L-ohengren and Men­
delssohn wctldlng inarches were
used. Soft orSon music was played
Uuuughout us th e vows wcrt exchanged.
A reception wa.i Held In Uie
church pallo foUowlng the cercmony. After a wedding dinner nt
Chapman Porlc hotel, the couple left
for Santa D arbnrn on a brief wed­
ding trip. T h eir present acldrea Is
fourth naval con-stniction biltnl.IQO, Camp PWIcB. Calif. •
l) '
Xwln FsUls Oradoale
Mra. Booth Is a groduntc ol Twin
Palls high school. Asbury c^Ilcge
and did graduate work .a t the Uni­
versity of C alifornia and at tiianford. She ta u g h t In Valencia high
school, Calif., la s t winter, and (
preceding year tauRht tho blind
Idaho State School for OcaI and
Blind, aoodlns.
Lieutenant Boothe, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Royal Boothe, Lai Angeles. L
a gradual« of th e California Instllute ol Techno^otty wW' a inivsvn of
science degree In civil englnccrlnK.
UnUl recently h o na s been siaiioncd
It Dutch H arbar.
New L e a d e r s for
L. D. S. Society
Second L. D- a . ward ncllef
clety h is reorganized wlili Mrs. Lois
Bean as tho new pre.-ildent, replac­
ing Mrs, Zlnn Sl/nmons.
Otlier new officers arc Mrs. RuUi
Abbott and M rs. Iri.-! Archer, c
ellors and M rs. Moy Bates,
rttarj’. Mrs. Beiui and Mrs. Cleon
Bell were tlie form er counsllors.
Til# new presidency with Mrs.
Queena Boren, now visiting teacher
leader, have requested th o t nt least
one visiting tcocher from each dL^itlct meet im m ediately alter Sunday
school to receive m aterial to take
next week's visit.
Marian Martin
P attern
---------1-------- 7 ---------— -----------
Ensign Leeright
Weds Idaho Girl
At Yakima Rites
Ensign J. R . L e e r ig h t, fo r­
merly of R u p e rt, a n d Mias
Helen D orothy F o u a t, B onners
Ferry, Ido., w e re u n ite d in
roarriuffe July 11 a t a cere­
mony perform ed i n th e Y aki­
ma, Wash., M eth o d ist church.
The pair was a tten d ed bx M r. and
Mn, P. Bcrjl Morris, Vaklmn.
and brother-in-law o f the bride.
Hit. LeerlEht is continuing her
nurse's training a t th e Deaconess
hosplial, Spokane, Wuslj,
Ensign LcerlBht, a form er TlmcsNews employee and so n of J. B.
Leeright, Itupert, is statio n ed a t Ci
naval air staUon a t Po.v:o, Wash.
The ensign and h is bride returned
lost week from a w edding trip i
VIclorla. B. O.
* *
Mary E. Bradley
Marries Sergeant
AtAi’my Air Base
Tlio marriage ot UIsj * '
or Bradley, daughter ______ ____
Mri. Oeorge A. Bradley, Twin Falls,
and staff Sgt. Peter R . Syvnid, son
o{ Mr. and Mrs. Olaua Syvrud. Mandan, N. D.. waa solemnized Satur­
day, July 17, In tho C entral L uth­
eran cliurch In M lnncapolb. Minn.
Rev. Uither Roaland officiated.
Mri. Syrnid Is a g rad u ate of the
Tftln Falls hlgli school an d attended
Uie University of Idah o , southern
brancli. She has b een engaged In
teaching at Pocatello.
Etrft&nl SyvTUd Is & e tad u ale ot
tlie Mandan high school and Con­
cordia college, Moorhead. KUnn.. and
was stationed a t Uic U. S, arm y air
corps baic a t Pocatello.
The bridegroom has been assigned
(o overseas duty, Mrs. S>-vrud will
jpend the aummer w ith her parents
In TR'ln Falls.
» V ^
Swimming Honor
Earned a t Pool
By Girls’ Groups
-Eiplorlng Waters Slclir' was the
theme,and Harmon p a rk pool was
the desllnatlon as tw o Comp Fire
group] set out T hursday afternoon
to delcmine tlie progress made in
a season o( water octlvity.
Tests for the pollywog an d frog,
Ui6 Il«t Camp Flro sw imm ing h o n­
ors were p a ss^ by m em bers of the
Wahsnka and W atanapo group and
the girls ran up n to ta l of 69 sep­
arate honors for various other
Camp Fire pollywog tests c<
resiKnd wltli the beginners te st . .
tlie Hed Cross, wlille th e frog test
l3 {Imllar to Ihe lU d Cross in te rmedlila sntlmmer test.
OIrls ttud,lcd tho S ch afer prone
preaure metliod of artific ia l* res­
piration, demonstrated by Zcnas
Smltli, |)ool manager, assisted by
Marshall Pettygrove.
Pollywog tests were passed by
Anne Ackerman. M ary W lnterholer.
Barbara OUalloron, B a rb ara Ja n e
FcUon, Patricia O H allo ra a and
DmoUW Lei Bwry. P a r tia l U sla for
the trog honor were ta k en by Vlrglnii Higgins, D orothy Lee S a n r
and Velma Roberts,
Doris Ann Weaver and Betty
Ann Russell completed tcst« for
tlie frog honor.
Mrs. Alfred Pugliono acted as
swimming councilor nsslsi«d by
Mn. N. O, Johnson, M rs. J . U Derry and ML\s Muriel PugUano.
« ¥
Mr*. Ifenrr MeCarty, who
niUi U ls Palmer. Jerome, before
her m a rrlsn ta Abetdften, Wa^h.
Ib U ll Knirarmgj
Miss Lois Palmer
Marries Soldier
JEROME, July 30 - Mr. a n d Mrs,
Otis Palmer of this city h a v e an­
nounced the recent marriage o f their
daughter. Miss Lois Palmer, to Staff
Sgt. Henry McCarty, son o f Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas McCarty, Coffeertll. Kan.
T he manisge was perform ed thU
month In Aberdeen, Wash,, a n d the
bride was dressed. In a n av y blue
two plccc Irock with b rid al cor­
sage. The couple was atten d e d by
Sergeant Uacey and Mrs. Maccy,
Fort Lewis. Wash. The couple will
live for the present In Olympia.
Until recently the bride w as ....
ployed In the offices of th o J , R.
Blmplot Pouto company in Jcrome as secretary to Emeat Craig,
She was graduated from Jeron
Iilgh school with the class o f 10‘
Utah Nuptial fo r
Twin Falls Girl,
i California Man
&Uss Mary Jane Wright, d au g h ter
of Mr. and ilrs. Leon W right, became the bride of B enjam in G.
Carlisle. Hollywood. Calif., a t a Julj27 ccremony In the L. D. 8 . temple
at ManU. UUh,
T he bride wore a white
gown styled In a long p rln ctss line
for her wedding. She c arrlcd -OTchld bouquet.
'Mrs. Carllilo 1r a member o f the
■39 gradutttlDg class of Uio Twin
Falls high eehool. The couple nre
guests a t the homes of the brlde'i
parents -unUl next Monday when
they wlU leave to make th eir home
in Hollywood, where the bridegroom
Is employed at an alrcra/t company.
convenll'^n, and Mrs. S
councilor and recently retired dedepartment president.
Department officers o f tho Dan
McCook circle were M rs. Viva LawBon. historian; Mrs. Id a Sweet. Jua"
lOTTlce-presldent: Mrs. Mnbla Jo h n ­
son, tressurer and M rs. OUla Jones,
member of the council o f a dm lnb-
Hie ehle tailored lines of this but-'
ton-front slilrtffnist frock are detlgned to conccAl th a t extra pound*
■s«l U ariac M a rtin P a lte m s m .
nuule In a crisp cotton or a firm
rajM . w a u ite y o u ahopplng o r keep
;ou trim ihrougb biu y days a t Red
Ciwi or canteen 'work.
Fatlem S«3 may be ordereed onl
In vocneni sizes 94, SB, 38,40, *i. «
48, iS. 61a sa require# 3H yardj :j.
Inch ftbrle.
eoltts for (hU M a ria n M artin pat­
tern. w n te pla inly SIZE, n a m e ,
TEH CENTS m ore > and tba
U tflan M artin Siunm rr I>attein
Book ts younl S m a rt h a n d U g
Ptttera prtoted i n b o o t
Sena y o u r,o rd e r. to...TIraMi
Now, Pattern. D epartm ent, T»lfl
Conrersatlon, tho Indoor diversion
. ! the evening centered aro u n d tho
convEntlon held In Boise la st m onth,
l^ te r In tlie evening O . V. Jones
served English walnuts tak en from
a tree on his place.
* ♦
Emuon club will holcl Its an n u al
family plcnle a t 1 p. m . Sunday
a t the 0. E. Oriere hom e. U em bers
have been asked to b rin e table t e n lee. i ^ tables, ch lck en -o r ple-and
a covercd dlsli.
*. * *
. Fleketts Fn«resslre c lass o f th e
Methodut church wlU b o ld a basket
picnic at the b o n e of M rs. Archie
Poe- after serrlees S u n d ay . AU
friends and members o l th e c la a
have been Invited to a tte n d .
dvUlta morale, w p b will soon order
a loo per eeat step-up in prodaetlon
for Uie third quarter.
jJiMT^cnnisTUN chyn^ra
•. IB., Ulbl* iTlwil, »^r»nk
Mn. VUtocIm ili>t>tru.pulor
U .S.
WAairiNOTON. July 3o im
• p» IP. W«d« DesplU a rec o rd birth rate, the' '.
civilian population of th e tJnltcd .,
Statea declined 3.100,000 between .
AprU 1. 19«. a n d last March I. •
the census bure& u reporUd today.
The a,4 per c e n t droj>-from li l .
p. to. Tbund*)', pr»r»r ib«»»Iii».
500,000 to 128,200,000- r e n e c ti tho .
growUi of the fttm ed aervlcea a t a •
rate far ouLttrlpplng natural in-'
creases, the b u re a u said.
Discussing p apulation shifts oc­
casioned by th e w ar, It noted l h a t '.
of the four geographlfial areas only
the vrest showed a gain during the
as month period, although 12 ttates
and .the D istric t o t Columbia re- •
ported increases.
T he District o f Columbia reportedthe I t ^ t s t population te crcu e , 3TA
per cent, while N evada led th e states
showing gains w ith 3J.4 1
tha »orl<l. on Eundar. AurJU I, Tk« S
-0 Uod. U». ,n
llKlpIn ot Chrlil; >ntlM God i mmtlr- ’^*11 * •««'* thr*l . . . lUeatuo
oT.r KTFL thy lo«lns klndncM U IxlUr Uitn JKt.
RMdi” *roon>'’"os* Sli' ‘''“ ’ m
."crYic' M tpiij,
cnt;ncn or^TiiE^ASCgNgioN
Rer. Z. L «ll/'tollt. ik>r
Slilh Sundir tfMr Trlnlir, llill ». i
Mornin* c rv r r .nd temon. Hi. n
M mh. U r r»*(l.r^
Iltrbtrt Happ. pulor
Suntlar Mhosl, 10 t. m. Dltlni wr
.hip. II V in, V«cilion UlbU .tlwl d
W.riU H. Z.J.I,-BlnUUr
.1 Ttlnll. 'rl’iwr.n,
I'.n'' il
.....Thur«d»». : s. m_ I
S ilory.
f10?p.; Ri..
Wnlthcr 1n(u<.
• l4B •. m.. Kund4r
•rd5. iur.ilM»nd«nl: II i. n... Wor.hlp.
. t>. m-. CounDr r«m wt.k., liSO p.
H «»tf iT.thilUwikli;'TVrf.ri'’
luuoon): »nih»m. “Mor» Uii« u Th»«.
O ChrU r fAJ.m.)! du«t. - T n x r
lUrnolJ*. mlnUUr
noni. cniTRcn o
BALVAnON ...p .
low rttwru b)- o
.r •th®ol. < p. Bi. I'tlJtr. Junior »»d
ilrrmnllat* cluac* will fartn ■ <trtlr and
III prtcllrol Hr, " .............
n ‘'/^rk
W»<Jne.d»r. pr«j»r *nd pr>U< ».rTl
lOiM «. m.."thurth'Kh^'°Siipt. Iltr-
iS b
i s
Diwllra; » p. la.. prrinmSii tiu.’l"'’’’
U<tm "A»V,. O Zlcin- IR. K. itrr*>rj.
unJfr ilirvctloa of huvlon Alb^Uon : iln,
r £ ; . , . ' s r - ; ’v . ; i v . i i : s s - r
KTll. Unluf.
Itrr. a. A. Cirljon. piiUr
. ,lpj ifrinon,
U>.*^,'l>’ °«
W, o^f th.
«, u
In CIU P»ck, til
10 >. m ..% lb " « ’hiof“ MMrt.. WhI'
is iijim
&»Uogg'fl Com Flatos
a ro roototed to wholo
o iain nutritive valuo e!
T hiam in (Vitamin Bi),
Niacin and Iroo. as rooommonded by the U. S.
Official Nutrition Food
R uleo.
Ih. CUr P*ik, Ilev. II. G. llrCllliKf.
iixaltr. ThurKUr. Womtn'i UUtlonar>
Ijrlcl; innli 11 hone o{ Un. flalxrl
^ Sot4»j nVitori# V m.. Hi,. ISort Bliri.
t'Armt HIM. puur
10 a. m,. Gonilar irhoo). II l n . nr*
n ic n n e u ) um ioD tsT
JoMph Jllll Coulur. mlnl>t<r
sS ™
J . K. Ur«t». putor
t h f —
s.v-T.s-.i.iiJs ..... ......
tx 1i«IU»Iq*.
iW. cola prvrtrfrtL
* »
ciiuncii'oV COD
Camp Honors for
Wahanka Group
n«y. Wilbur U. Skirw, pulor
Churth xhoil la ■. m. II t. ni.. Wor>
SIp! ••rmoni "V« IleUci
- .........
.. ij., Junkr CcM-atr.
1. praUa
ueNS'ONiTE nntrriiRKN I cnnisT
On a single overnight trip
memben of tlie Wahanka Camp
Fire group earned 10 camp honors
In. addition to the fagot finder M. J. C»rralchnl.
honor. Tliese were accorded th e
lWrrk« Wednrtd*7, 6 p. rn.,
iBPtllni. Mil. W. JI.
girls a t a recent ceremony whero
they WOTiettd toU-tall wiUi thtlv
Indian names.
Those receiving the camp bead.i
Il« . Hier.
K 0-Toolf.
an d leather honon were B arbara
Ja n e Funke, Ann Ackcrman. K ath­
erine Berks. Patricia O 'llalloran.
Laurelle Chaney, Oarbara June Fel­
ton, Patrlclq Flynn, Harlene O am brel, Barbara OUolloran. Darlene
Powers and MarV Wlnterholer.
A t the-grand council fire ten of
these girls received their trail seeicer'8 rank of five purple beads asid
th e wooden emblem of rank, which
■was the gift of their guMdlon, Mrs.
Alfred Pugllano, Trail seeker's
awards were made by Mm. Harold
Schutt of tlie Twin FalU Camp Fire
lUntfcnt. IIJIO «. m.. Wonhip; drcouncil.
Dinner in Honor
Of GAR Officers
Ladlrs of the O. A.
D an MeCook circle, entertained Thursday
evening ol a potluck d in n e r o t the
liome of Uielr pre.^ldent, M « . OlUe
Jonu, In honor of d e p artm en t of­
ficers, .
Ilusbanlt of Uie m em bers were
also guests lor the fried chicken
dinner served buffet stylo a t a long
table on (he spacious law n of the
0 . V. Jones home.
. Patriotic colored flow ers centered
the table where U»e hon o red guests
were stated, I>cpartm ent olflcers
of tlie ahennan circle, H ansen, honMrs. M aty T ninkey,
■ ^ " fO lA T l OF
At the Churches
O nei voice Is the w und of o n e ^
snirltual quality. There Is n othing
In tlie world that can dUguise th e
voice. It la penonsl, unique. T ra in
It. pUce It. modify it as much a s
you may. It will sUll be your se lf
sueaklng a n d you vUl bo knotm by
It for v h a t you are.
There, being countless personali­
ties. all different, there will bo
th at many -voices, and quallUes of
voices but they will all be devlded
Into ttro groups, pleasant and u n ­
pleasant. Anybody con havo h is
choice, but one or the other, h e
must own as hii pccuUikr'note of
communication wlUi Ills kind.
It Is so easy to have a ple asa nt
voice that It Is a wonder there a ro
so many of the oUier kind. It Is
easier to th in k kindly of people th a n
to (ll&Uke them. Kindtiess gives o.
musical tone to any voice and It Lt
ceruin to reacli the h eart as w ell
os the ears of the Listener and w in
Ills good WlU and gixrf «ord.
I will n o t say that It Is easy to
be patient with children but It Is
safe to say tliat Impotlcnce roba
tlie voice of lls pleasing quaUty.
nitu Uio listener the wrong w ay.
sets up his hackles, and drives h im
to set his teeUi In the enemy t h a t
lurks In those ttralned tones,
Qualities Voice Should Express
□cntlemen of spirit makes a
voice jay, “Come unto me," I t draw s
people to It for there U nobody o n
this long suffering earth who la
noi In need of sympathy, kindness,
gentleness and love. Tlie voice t h a t
expresses these (alls like a bcncdlct/on upon troutled hearts,
Lautshlcr Is a healing quoUty o f
the jplfit an d the voice th a t holds
trills of laughter comes like th e
sound of th e harp and the m in ­
strels to cheer lonely henru, ic
bring light and laughter to b u r­
dened Jouls. to call youth to g a j
grollc and set Its feet dancing. T liai
voice has In It the iprlngtlme o.
life, ihe sound of the brook. th<
song of tho birds, the wind in th i
mcurtoKi. I t lessens the weight o .
ane and lends height o Die flig h t
of youth. Blessed be tlie voice ' '
tVhat Is In Yeuf Volce..
Whflt Is In your voice, teacher
mother, preacher, leader? Is th e re
in U the quaUty tin t draws chUdren and youth (o you? Is th e re
love In It, and laughter, and kin d ­
ness, and the strcnsth of wisdom
gained In overcooilng? is the qu a l­
ity of the Teacher In It. the T eacher
who jpoke BO gently, «> kindly anc
yet 90 austerely when He tjiughi
His Tsclve.
•'Speak th a t 1 may know you."
carries Important implications to
nil of us. We who have to da
with chUdrcq and young people
should listen to ourselves as —spenk to discover the quality
spirit we are ejpressing and ita
effect upon those »e hope to '
t the eUect thougUt Ixaa
. .. voice, "nilnli fondly a n d
affectionately of a clilld and tlicn
roiy, ••Come." Now think Im patient­
ly of his shorUomlng». his Ignor!, Ills nuisance values and when
hsve mustered them say
“Come," And then, In humility and
hope, turn back to your right placc
and in affection and humility, say,
U ttle have left far Comp Hulen.
Tex., Where Ucutennnt Little is s u tloned after a vblt vlth his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Uttle. and other
This fall seceaiory team c o n »iiU of eiealnr hat of white .w a n
■Dd p heannt bbreaili
re a ili.............
with sh irred
. ...
cmerBld frtu i reiret. and n a t c h tag barrel ma(f, n lid'U ned.
Word has been received o f the
hlrth of a son to Mr. and Mr*. W llil»m Thompson, Oakley. M rs.
Thompson was formerly Miss *Rtelma Lattlmer.
Mr. and Ura. C. M. Stone. M rs.
Aggie Otto and Miss Blanche O tto
visited ttl^ u ,ts la Ooodlsig.
Ronald Metcalf, son of M r. an d
Mrs. Ourlls Metcalf, has retu rn ed to
^ex a n d rla air base. Alexandria.- L a ,
from a week's furlough spent h e re .
B<Irs. a . 0. SUples and d a ag h ter,
Charlotte, returned home th e p a st
week from a month's visit w ith rel*
aUves In Spokane. Wash.
UeuU WeUon UtUe and M rs.
r ; . but we’re • doing our
be^t- to . eerve' you properly.
tu , and .It we csn't de>
liver repair service or mer*
.chandlse, w ell, HONESTLY ,
•: ■BOBff'raoMAa
D rive-In Market
M edford’s tw o frrocery sto re s lo c a te d a t Five Points E ast on K im b e rly ro ad ,
n nd Five Points West — are o p e r a tin g under a low ovcrhehd an d w ith t h e ir
combined buyins power mnkea i t possible to bring you a co m p lete line o f
G roceries, M eats and V e g e ta b le s a t th e lowest possible prices. T h e r e is plenty
o f parking space and fo r th e b e n e f it o f o ur customers these sto re s ■will be op­
e n every night, Sundays and h o lid a y s. W e a re having a seven day s a le a t both
sto re s. Following nre som e o u r m a n y sp e cia ls:-^
W e Pay in Trade 37C Dox. for E®GS:
8 P o in ts Until Sunday
P o u n d ....... 4 4 c
y. G,i...... 2 4 c
............ ............. .. ............
f t ) u n d ___ ; . ' 3 ® C
M o u n tic Brand
1 lb.
pkff. —
B reakfast o f Cham­
pions. Pkg. f A m
Each .......... A v C
Oolden ’West
100% Hatil Wheat
48 lbs. $
« 6 5
....................... ......................... -
V e Have Plenty o f Soap — Att Brands — attd a
Variety of S y m p s. Plenty o f Potato'Chips.
No Points
Oolden West - l>el Moote
8 lb. J a r
„ 7 4 c_ ^
W ein ers
P o u n d ..
P O V A V f f ll^
No Ammunition for
Sale in Twin Falls
Phils Win Protested
Tilt but Drop Second
I f you d id n ’t see th o handwriting on tho wall a n d fa iled to
Jay in a su p p ly o f a m in v M o n Jast year w hen y o u atil] h a d
a chancc, y o u 'll do n o huntlnff in tho aensona co m in g up.
Thcrc’a no a m m u n itio n available other th an th a t sc c rc te d in
the h u n ters’ lockers.
irt Roods d e a le rs showed in
W in Folia. T h o y j u s t haven t
any am m unition.
However, tiiot doesa’l mean there
won't be any h unting. There U be
lot of It becauso many hunter*, ri
alWnB thnt tha onned forces would
be Kobbllnj up the ammunlUon.
bought »11 they couJd iM t fall wd
And‘it won’t d o anyone any good
to eonlnet nmmunltlon dealers elM*
Tliero InOljB * tat« because, with a
few exceptions In remote orcas, Uieyl
haven't any clUier, according to'
James O. Deck, director of the stale
flsli and Rame departm ent.
"A good many litmlera hftve juj>.
piles of greater o r lesser amount«|
left over from 10« , and will he
Bble to lan Uiese. b u t a h u n te r pUnnlns to start o u t this year for Uio
first .time w ithout such left-over
wppUfs U Jilst o u t of luck on elUier
guns or ammunlUon. There ju s t Isn’t
'*''ho added U iat th e deparUnenl U
makUig offorl* to learn w hether the
war producUon boa rd will rcleaio
any new am m ultlon for U ib year’s
huntltiB. but h a s received no def­
inite JnfonnaUon s o Sot. T h e Intent
proposal, ho said, w as th a t th e WPB
would release 25 per cent of tho
amount sold la st year, principally In
shotBun amm unlU on but Including
zorne large caU ber.rifle.cartridges,
but Uiere has b e e n no official conflmifttlon of thla plan.
Blasting away o t game Just for
the heck of U, wUl be considered
unpatriotic. W h a t’s more. If Ihats
yaur Idea w hen- you buy shells,
keep It to yourself or Uie hardsan
clerk Is entitled to ring up "nt
sale." You’re supposed only to kll
off "pests" th a t prey on crops,
A few weeks ago. officials dtal. Ing wIUi such Bovemmcnt InlertJU
as how mucti m aterial to allot hunte n for tho pending season, Indleated that Uie arm y of nlmrods
eould cxpect a JltUe ammunition—
none to tlirow o w ay.-but. enough
to have some sp o rt.
Today, however, some authorities
tn the war production board showed
an IncllnaUon to qualify that In
Huri'tcr!! probably will get ''llnjlted
ciuantltles" of nm m unltlon but not
...... rep r
_____ e and rem em ber they
to prevent crop damage from tooplentlful numbers of game.
F arm en and ran c h ers get ammunlton a t present for "pest control,"
and lu st plal
hunter* probibly'
. will be allowed
nhoot for
. what the same reii.
Although huge qua Itle* of hunU,
ing-slio ammunlU on being manu­
factured, It is ftbAorbi by the army
and a ir force a n d other bm nch tj of
the military for train in g eunncrt,
The \VPO la w orking o u t a pla
89 th a t w wnunlUon can be released
for areas where crop damage Im­
pending or existing. A "dcfW
statement- will b e made wit'-'- i
week. WPB m en promised.
BOISE, July 30 tffV-The first
R»rae bird shooting of th e season
for this year o pe ns Bundny In se>
eral soulhw estcm nnd southem !di
ho counUes, the sta te fish and gnmc
deoartment said today.
Bagchen* may b e hunted In Butte
county and t h a t p art o f Custer
county lying s o u th of WUlow ereek
summit, known ns the Big Lost
Tlver drainage area, except Uial
part lying w ithin the boundaries ot
the Big Lost riv er game p resene In
M3lalne, Elmore nnd Owyhee ----ties. .
OUier sagehen seasons a re sched­
uled for later In . th e m onth and In
DlMageio to Play
At Garden Sunday
OODEN, July 30
— Joe DIMaggio and his ScnlA Ana baseballer» will cany o u t th e original base­
ball schedule th is week-end with r
single game a t S n lt Lake City Sat­
urday night and a double-header ai
' John Affleck pa rk In Ogden Sunday
night, lie u t. C harles Mallory, pub*
lls relations officer at.HlU field, -Dounced today.
“Plane transportaU on wlU b# | ..
Tided by the S a lt Lake arm y air
base.'* said Lieut. Mallory.
Proceeds from th e two contcts turned in to the a rm y <
gency relief fund.
Baseball fans o t the l a t e n t . .
tain region are expected to Ja n the
Ball Lake City nnd O gden parks.
Two former O gden Reds, Bobby Ad­
ams and Dick A dnnu, will perform
lor uie uanta A n» a ir bas« machine
and joiUng Joe DlMasglo .will hold
down center field.
Threatened Strlie
Of Riders Averted
DETROIT, Ju ly SO WV-A threatstrike of Jockeys th n t would
'- - e hnllod racing a t tbe Detroit
Jc Btewarda reduced
' - to 10 days a n
on jockcy J o h a w Adam*.
Friday, J u ly SO, 1943
Page Six-
I punished for 25
) t to Chicago to
, Ptsher'a Amber
____ ln-ibfr-ArUBtt<a>-«Is«8lerRealM « u ceheduled to ilde Eari R.
-Adamii had not taR iM A n iM W fra m Beezlqr.
On the
CaWhes It the Hard Way
Sport Front
When Ye Old# 'S p o rt Scrivener
broke Into football w riting back a t
the University o! Ullnola. tho dear,
dear old alm a m ater o f the Uttla
guy with the luavyw elght In ltlo lsMr. Pot Shots—the big nam es In
tho coaching world were Percy
Houghton a t Harvard, A. A. S tage a t
Clilcajo, Pop Warner o u t a t P itts ­
burgh (or was It stiU Carlisle) nnd
Fielding Yost up a t Michigan.
No, no, Nanette, n o t Mr. K nute
noetoie, or Robert Zuppko a t n ilnolsl Ye Oldo Scrivener Is talking
about ancient history — Rockne
hadn’t really got under way yet and
Zuppke hadn’t brought Red Ornnge
along to plaster his nam e on tl sport pages of the nation.
You used to hear a lltUe about
guy by the name of O il Doblo out
In Washington, something at>out thi
Jones boy* and a few others anc
ever to often about "Doc" -WliUams
n t Minnesota. But loudly it wos
Houghton. Stagg, W arner and Yost
-m ostly Yost.
Too lee (he tsldwest had
llw d aoWri Yojl’s “po in t « L-...
teams. The rest of th e Big 10 folriy
shuddered when (bey thought about
thoM Wolrerlna Jorcem aul*. Any
• • (hem led a Ustener t» believe th at (hey
posed only of all-Americans, .
though Mr. Waller Cam p ■( (h at
(ima «nu >(111 keeping moi* -*
all-Amtrleans In the eaat.
Pootball supermen were those
poInt-B-mlnut« team members car­
rying their feats down th e football
halls of time.
This old word puddier oftt...
dered what beeam# of those g rid ­
iron greats. Ever so often, some
court case up in D etroit, w here ho
presides as Judge, would bring the
name of tliat all-llmo oll-A m encan,
%Vlllle Heston, Into p r in t, but Ume
seemingly swallowed u p tho others,
even Schultz, tlio g reat center.
At least Ume had u n til Mervln O.
Shoemaker, the Time's-Ncws ace re­
porter. dug up a n o th er — Everett
M. Sweeley, Twin Foils county pros­
The football saga of E v erett Sweeley is told In o story th n t Shoemaker
has prepared for distribution b y the
Associated Press. All In the Magic
Volley know th at Sweeley is a for­
mer mayor, a former m em ber o t tha
Idaho publle utlUUes commlssli
and the Inventor of n sh o tg un loi
th at has the-d ev astatin g effect ot
n hall doien high powered rifles
n t close range. W liat they d idn’t
know Is his footbaU history. Con­
sequently. Ye Olde Scrivener will
let Mr. Shoemaker c arry o n ' from
"Swceley came west to W ashing­
ton Slate college, Pullm an. Wash,
(as coach) In lilM, but deserted nthletics when he came to Twin FaUs
In i m to begin the pmcUce o t law.
■3»ecley wns bom M arch '4 . isao.
ni Adel la. O raduntlng from hlgl)
school at Sioux City. lo ., h e en ­
tered the University o t M ichigan la
less, niter serving in Co. II, 62nd
Iowa Intantiy in the Bpanlah-A m erIcan war.
*As a frtahman a t M ichigan Bweeley pUyed In (he f irst university
foolbill g»mo he ever »aw, a n d he
(ock part in every game (h at M ichi­
gan played, eicept one, un(il he
reeeircd his degree In 1901
■'Sweeley ploj-ed u nder Y ost In
lOQl and 1002. the famous coach’s
first two years a t Michigan. I n tlie
first year the team scored 6fi0
points In 11 games, n n d was not
scored on. ’The next y e a r M ichigan
rolled up S4< points, a n d opponents
scored onlf 13 pokjts.
"Six of the la p cinta scored by
AUchlgan opponents in 1003 re p re ­
sented a touchdown by Case col­
lege In the one game th a t Sweeley
missed In his four yeora a t the
■'I * u having a little row w ith (
ith professor,’ Sweeley confides.
'It happened th a t th e touchdown
s made by a man w h o eluded tho
safety, who was Sweelcy’a aubsUtute
In (he game.
"Delng (he (eam's kicking for his
enllre foar years a t th e nnlvetmity,
Sweeley never had a p tm t blacked.
“Sweeley coached a t Momlngslde
college, 810UX City, in h la first year
out ot the university, a n d then w ent
to Pullman.
-Coming to Ta-in F alla In 1909.
only two y e an a fter canala had
brought Irrigation w ater to create
fatmlaodj where previously had
been o n l y ..................
" u u c h of'Uie credit lor Uxe victory
>ca to pitcher Vey Olah, who UmiU d tho Jaycees to four hits and al-
ST. LOUIS, July 30 (/P) ^ In th e opinion of William D .
Cox, president of th e Pnillie.s, F reddy l''itz3ininion3 is “th e
greatest living disciple o f J o h n McGraw” and that’s one o f
tho reasons he was hired to rcplnco Bucky Harris to m a n ­
a g e th e ball team.
Tho 42-year-old p itch er,
who served seven years u n d e r
th e toiiRh little Napoleon w ith
th e New York Giants, mad«j
h is debut in a typiuii M cG raw
NEW YORK, July 30 UF) — T he m anner — pigeon-toeing o u t
Yanitees treated the Cleveland I n d i­ to wrnnRle with tlie um pires.
ans to a typical "bomber speclnl’
Cox almost exploded with happl-
Russo Pitches
Two-Hit Game
wiUi ail the trimmings.
Lefty Marius Russo sen-ed u p i
gaudy two-hllter and the bom bers
flattened three Cleveland cur— ~
with 14 hits. The result was n i. to 1 Yankee triumph that evened
Uio season series between th e
clubs at six vlclorlcs nplece.
Along tlie way, Charley K eller
clouted ills Hth homer of thti se a ­
son: Joe Gordon parked his lOth
among the paying guests and Bud
Metheny chipped In with No. 3.
These hlock-bustera made I t n
clneh for Rusvj to chalk u p ' his
third win of tho year. Exccpt for
Uio first Inning, when the T rib e
tame through with Its only ru n o n a
walk. Hank Edwards’ single and
Roy CullenblnCs fly. It was a n cnsy
all tlie way for Marius.
Tha Yankees evened the cou n t
la the second when Keller doubled
and aeored on Mickey Rocco’s e r­
ror, and In tha third, a to u r-ru n
rally pu. tho gsme on Ice and drove
Vernon Kennedy to th e showers. A
pair o( walks, a long fly and slnRles
by Metheny, Keller, Russo, Nlcl:
Etten and Dill Johnson contributed
to tha splurge.
Oordon’a homer added three m ore
runs in the fourth. Mothenys ro u n d tripper was part of a two-run spree
In the sixth and Keller's poke wound
it up In the elghUi.
F or 1
know httle or nothing about h is
squad. Fits got off to an auspicious
s ta rt, shaking up the rhlUics' b a t
tin g order to produce a 6 to 4 vic­
tory over the world ehunpion C ard­
S tra te n Pays Olf ' '
For the first time this season, th e
Phils' catcher batted higher thnr
eighth in the lineup. Tho concen­
tration ot power paid off quickly
with Bob Finley. In the sU th slot,
cracking a single driving In t'
fourth run of a flrst-lnnlng rally.
"We're going along for a few
da>-a and let Fitzsimmons look over
Uie team," Cox said. T h e n I w ant
him to tell me what he needs
make the PhllUes a flrat-dlvlalon
club and If wo can buy or trade
for any player he wanu. we’ll do
It. So far IVe got everything we've
tried to go after,"
Rebellion Closed Incident
T h e threatened player rebellion
In support of H anli was a ci
Incident and there apparently . —
no lU effect on morale, o t le ast
Judging from the way the team piled
Into the Cardinals.
Cox reiterated that he had In­
tended to break the news to H arrla
personally but the decision to ehanga
- kcd 01"could
“T h e players fell that becauao
of his long managerUJ service H ar­
ris should have been given the rig h t
to resign,- Cox a a ll “And ao do I .
There never was an Intentloa to
fire him.'
dercrs' row" — Stanley MetUei.
a corge Tiiorp and toj-*! ftTTy, Ot
tho four, only Ferry broke
thh lt column, which he did wlUj
Wlleya Pound BaU
. O n’the other hand, the WUeys got
to Croft, the Jaycee southpaw, for
nine aafeUes, among Uiem double*
by Weaver, Carl Corky Cartaon and
Joe D onahue and a triple by Louie
Ackerman. Also clouting an extra
le Jaycees,
base h it was Davis of the
gelUng n double.
T he Wileys broke into Uie nin
column In Uie first mnmg when
John Wagner singled, stole i«ond,
w ent to third on an Inlleid out and
home on a passed Ball. Howth e Jaycees tied Uie score*la
___ half of the frame when Bliss
Russell rcached llrst on an ei
stole second, went to third on
- home on
outfield fly.
Tho Wlleya look the lead wlU i. ...
in In th e second frame and (herea fter never wcro headed. A walk Kr
acorge Paulson, Weaver's two bag­
ger and a fielder's choice put ovci
the m arker.
Five Hum In Third
T he Wiley’s big outliursl came li
the third, scoring live runs after
one was d
cd across ... _
grcn, Carlson’s two-bagscr.
Swim's single, an intteld out, walks
to W eaver and Olsh, a sing
W arner and an error oi
B othne's smash.
Perry's two-hagger and ........ .
on Dob Carnahan's drlie gave Uie
Jaycces n nin In the fourUi a ^
they threatened wlUi a rally In Uie
tlf th th a t was stopped after three
ru n s h a d been marked up. Three
stra ig h t WUey errors, an Indeld out
and a walk produced the runs.
T he final niii of Uio game, by
tho Wiley's, came la the sUUi
A ckerm an’s triple ana Barney j
kinson’s one-bagger.
T he Union Motor* will have
chance lo tie for the leadership
when Uicy meet the Wiley’s at Jaycee park on Tuesday night.
T he tabulaUd
I. S ttn 1. JobnMS.
NEW YORK, July SO W1 - Tiie
boxing service athleUc fund, organIted by the naUon’s various stfte
boxing commissioners, announced
today th a t It has sent fight parsphem alla and oUier sports equip­
m ent to more than ISO cafflDs. sta­
tions and bases of the am ea forces
in th e United States and on foreign
M aintained by coaldbuUons from
the gates of fight shows all over
th e country, the fund has sent out
such Uilngs as 3 ,« l pain of boxing
gloves, 33 complete rings, 72 punch­
ing bags, 733 headguards, 7« pairs
of boxing trunks as well as medi­
cine balls, skipping ropes. Indoor
baseballs, flghtera' mouUipleces
bond. tape.
T r r i t s s s i i . * a S
Big,"Fas(rFiddAt Arlington
cm cA O O .JulyM
Yesterday’s Stars
Dy The AxsKUled Preaa .
(£01 park meeting n t WashU»«t«n - U arlua Rusaa Yanlees—H and­
cuffed Indians with Urohlts for I l - l
Hells, a New Orleans oil m oo. r«‘nju rjn sn Tucker, White sox—H it
cently becaae active to major
ilni» J,
Minor Leagues
i s h S iiin m /X . 'v u w t
Bad<«(*r t-T. BaJOioor* l-lt
M eatm l I.
0»tr IK J?
^ P T w lT m tr Seaatnr*. .
Whltey Ktu-OTSU. CardlnaU—Col-,
________f a » roch high caliber
handicap perfotiBm aa Ttium bs UJ>,! lected four hits, drove In three run*
RoUBden aod Uartlsge.
' M d^w oryl two ta IJ.J victory o r e r
Vandy Fans 14
As Reds Win
Cards Sign Former
Holy Cross Star
Suw.rt ••
M .n '.
CinCAOO, July 30 WV-The Chi­
cago Cardinals bobbed up today
wlUi a lucccjsor fo r Bud Bchwcnl^
....................rooWe passing a rt­
ist last fall who now Is In the
armKi forces.
The Cards will trn v cl Uie aUlanes
this seasoln with n o nnlo Cahill—
Uie passing, running and kicking
star at Holy Cross i n 1937, 1038 and
lfl3S. Ho sigTie'd w ith the pro footbnll team yesterday a n d will report
lo the Cardinals' tra in in g camp at
Waukesha. Wb., on Aug. 20.
Touu — a;
..... .......
llUr?*T-c.“ fcuJ*ht2-KI
•tiller. Ilomt run—
Krftui, WAlk«r, Stawnrt. Dc
Uan*-Jsb and Oiblann. Loi
Rtrnlar Cint
Phllldttphl. • - .............
HurtAsb tb
AiUm« c t ..
'D<>. e ...
li'icpj 1/'.....
Moorr I
Chisox Bloclt
Rally to W in
Cowboy Sport Card
SportsEquipment Definitely Erased
^ 1 1 ^ * Tad g«lkTlS~| Phlp^
noc»«d r .u n . Lolas pluh-
CoropleUon o f Uie game, which
was hoJted by rain after
-1 Ju n e B, waa ordered on Pbiladelila's contenU on th a t the Cardinals fnUed to cover Uie field so Uiat
play c ould bo resumed after ths
O nly Brown Misslnc
W ith the exception of Jimmy
Brown o f the Cardinals, now in Uie
arm y.thoaam ellneupstookthB field
to fin ish th e IK Innings, with Jaek
K raus opposing Howard Krlst.
Jim m y Wasdell, first up for
Phillies In th e n inth, Ued tho at,...
wiui ft home r u n to Uio rlght-fleld
pavilion roof. Babe Dahlgren walked.
Olen S tew a rt sacrificed and Mer­
rill M a y looped a single
Ing D ahlgren.
T he gam e ended dmmaUeally wiUi
the CftTdlnals' would-be lying run
1 o f t a t the plate. Danny Utwhllp ln c h -h ittln g . doubled In tho last
th e n in th . Ocorge Eurowski sin­
gled b u t U tw hller was out trying
' > score on a fine throw from Waieli to c a tc h e r Tommy Livingston.
D arrett Loses B(aff
T he regularly scheduled game
sta rted nff a s n pitching duel be­
tween D ick B arrett, PtUls, and
O eorgs Munger, who was knocked
out o t th e box In tha first Inning
r W ednesday night's contest.
B a r re tt suddenly lost his stuff In
(he fo u rth toning and two-more
rhllUo pitchers. Lloyd Dietz and
Dale M athew son, saw senlco before
the C ardinals were stopped with
nine ru n s. I n aU H men went to
Uio P lata. K en OU ca and Kurowski e ac h h it tw o singles In tho In*
nlng n n d Munger helped himself
with n double.
D a h lsre n had n perfect day for
Uie PhU s with five for five.
- “ u ;;, •• "•
UuUU Carlliiilt _ _ H ili II II
l) iB^—
A»* I«IW
juibrican l ea c u b
W iley’s Down
Jaycees, 8-5
Wiley’s vs. Union Motor.
T he Twin ta ils City Boflball
leaguo campaign U only tso weeks
old, but the W ileys-today stood
w here they found Uicmselvta ao
often la the circuit of five year*
Bgo—o n top of the heap.
Tho Drugs cUnibcd ther# Thurs­
day n ight when Ujey handed Uia
Jaycees, who had been Ued with
them for the top of Uie league, an
Cox Tells Why Fitz
Was Hired as Pilot
IDAIIO PALM, Ju ly 30 W V ^ o
luore teams were cUm lnated from
tho lOU Idaho sem i-pro baseball
tournament last n lg b t when Uie
Hunt relocaUon nine ra n up » l i
to 1 score over Uie mlU taiy police of
E denand'tbe Idaho F ftU siferehants
walloped Pocatello s u b depot in ancUier one sided game, l i to 3.
Tha defeats m arked Uie end of
tournament play f o r the mlUtary
police and the sub dep o t clubs, each
wlUi two defeats, a n d narrowed the
number of teams compeOag for the
championship to four.
Ends S aturday
Tho Pocatello Bombers and na­
val ordnance teams, wlUi two wins
apiece, and Idalio F n lls Merehaata
and Uie Hunt relocaUoa nine, each
with two Wins and ono loss, will
fight It out on Uio diam ond tonight
and Saturday night to decide the
IBO Idaho championship.
In Uie twilight a ffa ir last night,
li e mUli&ry polica J u s t eouJdn't get
goUig as Ui8 hard hittin g JapaneseAmerlcans ran up a high score In
Ui# early Innings. T h e game was
called a t Uiq end o t six and a half
The army players collected one
run in the second o n an error nnd
after Uiat the H unt Uam stopped
them cold, in each Inning of tho
. . . C incinnati southpaw of Jopsitfed game, H u n t player* wero
Stable n o-hJt game fam e dcmon- golnj tUong, {loiindlne out hJtJ and
straUd (h at he sdU bo s plenty of •bringing in the runs.
-stoff on hLi (as( ball when he fan­
Just as easily, Idttho Palls Mer­
ned U Braves a t ' ClnchinaU chants won the nightcap 14 to 3 as
Thursday n ighl.
eacli local player wna credited WlUi
one or wore h iu a n d one or' moro
runs, Hank Nlemier, le ft fielder for
tha Merchants, pounded out Uiree
hits to lead j^ e parade. Jolm '’Cat"
Thompson, fikuoned a t second tor
the Merchants, connected for two (tfi
Patia 13
CINCINNATI, O., Ju ly 30
— I Johnny Jordln, on Uie mound for
Johnny V ander Mecr walked nine the llerchanta. turned In a star per­
I and fonncd. 14 for one of his formance by sU-Ulng o u t 13 sub de­
v.s.'tlme victories for th e Cincinnati pot players in a ga m e which was
Reds In tho play-off bf Wednesday aUo caUed after sU n n d a half In­
night’s postponed army-navy relief nings. Jordln walked only one m an
game with th e Boston Craves. The and allowed alx hits.
Tonight tho M erchants face Uio
,idy h a d the crowd chewing Hunt evacuees a t 6:30 o’clock and
flngemnlls tnroughout but he was Uie two Pocatello team s. Bombers
hotter than h e was cold nnd wound and naval ord?;4nee. present leaders
up tlie game by fanning the side In in UiB t«i-:„ey, are scheduled to
tho ninth. H e got C het Ross thrice tangls in the nightcap. George A.
Aupperii, Mereluuit m anager, an­
and three o th e r players twice.
nounced th a t Jack Hawkins, who
Steve M eaner won the gam
him In U e clshU i. a fte r the Braves pllched a e to 4 victory o w the
had Ued th e score In their half evacuees In last a u n d ay ’a game, wlU
on Phil M asl’s pinch single with be on Uie mound ag ain .
Uic bases fu ll. Mesner doubled to
rare Frank McCormick, who had
• lanrlBBjll
ST. L O U IS , July 30
— Rising in in ju re d indignation,
a fte r lo sin g t h e playoff o f a protested g am e, 2 to 1, th e Cardivhelmed Freddy
P h ila d e lp h ia Phillies,
nals overwL___
. Fitzaimmons’
13 to 5 , sco rin g ninb ru n s in
one in n in g .
L o ss o f th e playoff was
h a rd f o r th e Cardinals to take
T eam 'V. U Pot. becauBC i t sub tra cted a 1 to 0
0 1.000 ...............
Wiley’s ......................-2
edited to
th e w o rld cham pions and sub­
Qlnas a nd P a in t ----- 0
« » s titu te d a d efeat.
Thursday Nlghfa nesniti
W iley’s 8, Jaycees 5.
Tuesday Night’s Cane
EUle Clary, third ba.eman o f (he Wnahinilon Senaton, went head
over beets a i he crashed Into the field bmei at Grilllth stadlam
ehasing a foul In (he game w ith the Cleveland Indisns. ile held (he
baU for the potouL
Evacuees Put
MPTeam out
WA8HINOTON, Ju ly 30
Chicago staved olf ft WashUigton
rally In. the ninth to win a night
game. 6-4. before 3,400 fans.
Two singles and a n error gav. —
Sox one run in the first. They added
four moro In tho fourth on two sin­
gles. .Tucker’o double, three bases
on balls and a double aUal.
Facing a five run deficit, the 5ei
alors put over lone marker* In the
fourth. flfUi, slxUi a n d nlnUi In­
nings. With th e tying ru n on third
and winning ru n on second Gordon
Maltsberger. reUet pitcher, fanned
Bob Johnson to end th e game.
LARAMIE, w yo.. July 30 Ml Even th e arm y will not ba able tc
save W yom ing imlverslty Intercol­
legiate nthletica from folding up,
the L om m le Republlcan-Boomerang
declared Thursday.
T he p a p er sold that whether ..
not th e arm y .gave Its trainees at
tbe u n iversity permission to parUcipate I n athletics, the school's board
ot a th le tle control will serve noUce a °IUIU4 "(or lltelntr In OUi.~
on th e MounUtQ conference by Aug.
16 t h a t Wyoming wlU not have a
football team ne x t fall or a basket­
ball te a m se x t winter. ■
T he RepubUcon-Boomerant ..
ported th e schedule set for S2S sol­
diers undergoing special tnlnln*
enough tim e for intercoUeL
(ha school doea not allow them Eslitl. Wianln* pllehn—Salt*.
PHZLAOELPHIA. July 29 (;P) L ightw eight champion Bob MonU
gomery nnd F ritd e Zlvle, Plitsburgh'a form er mlterweight Utle*
holder, have been signed for a 10round bo u t a t Shlbe park Aug. 23.
E acb deposited » tl,000 check wlUi
the s U to a thletic commission as a
forfeit fo r failure to appear, Tlie
flx td 'lt
liS pounds.
B E n E R , L A T E MO DEL
1938 C H EV R O L E T
Radio, h e a te r, fo g lights,
tires and m o to r in A-1
Tires and m o to r A-1.
1936 FORD D E L U X E
Radio, h e a te r , excellent
tirea. M otor in tip-top
Zivic Will Fight
Bob Montgomery
F i o n r CALLED O FF
CLEVElJAND. J u ly 30 <UJ!)—A
scheduled lo-round bout betw een,
Lulu Co.itantlno and Beau Jade has
been called off bccnuse of an ear
Injury suffered by ConstanUno tn a
recent fight wlUi Chalky Wright,
promoter Bob Brlckm nn said today.
1935. C H EV R O L E T
Motor and t i r e s in A-1
Nats Trade Pyle to
Association Club
Yloualy dism ayed by eight defeats
of the W ashington Senator* to Ihelr
last nine gomes. O wner Clark OrlffiUi announced today the ^
w hat be so ld will b« »
sbakeups deolgned to streagtiua the
^ * ^ 1 to g o was P ltch tt EwiJd
Come and s e e th e se cars,
and talk to th o se who
own them.
All ’locally ow n ed w ith
1943 Ucensea.
Cenei SbosboM 8a.
A tnd
Le Febvre, ft M utbpaw ftna«rly
with tlu B oston R ed S o x ..
H u n t Eroeneea M, Eden MlUlair
PoUes 1.
Id a h o F»n* 11. Poeatella 6tib D«Pol i
• P rrre8U B Q B ,4tdy30M V -M *n- HE8UMI8 WORKOtTfl
ager Uel OU, dlsin>olated w ith hJa
CraOAOO, July ao Wl _ LOU
own abowlos *i weU Bs tb a t o t tb e Not. , th* Van Nuyi, calif, be*TXteam, u td 'h a vm ld ben ch 'h lau e U welgbt, resumed voritouis today f o r
and KDd Butter M tjc a n l to rig h t! his lO.«und bout wlt'i
H«ia-Trtien-th»- HB»~Y0rtt-OlftMta ^-of -Patew n, K. J , oa Aug. # 7 ^ t S
taka tha field against the ? ltto > |
tmrgh Ptnte* today. ■ . ■ '
I - ftUJUfvAUCB IB O C T r U H
W« are.Hat^briaed ageols for ALLIED VANS, world’s larg ^ ':
lo ^ d is ta n t
W O quot^ r a lM 'a n y d e ^ o a t l o n ; . .
Friday, J u ly 3 0,1943
Feeding WACS in North A frica
Page Seven
when ft recess was token Until 10:00 .
o'clock A. M. July 16, 1913,
Chairman. ■
Twin Foils, Idaho
Cloa Book Store, cfflee lupjdles, CHARLES A. J}UtLE8,
aerk .
July 12. 19U,
. .
10:00 o'clock A. IL
T h e Board of County CommlsOen. Electric X-Ray Corp, X-ray
m ENGLAND. July 80 MV-The
and f i ^ for sir.p lu s "parity of
1:00 o'clock P. M.
B lonets.m et .a t .lhis tlma pursuant jpplies, *4iJ3.
crew Of th e P ly in g Fortfesi;“pl4tol
service and fic£ues for all n i r a l
to recess, all members ond the clerk
Idaho Dept. Store, In c, assigned MEETING O F EQtJAtlZATION
BaU';rode h o m e from th t dtyllght
people- were sutanlttcd to th e U,
bomblnc of K ie l y uU rdsy atop th«
The Board of ^ uallza tlon m et at
Mllly Smith, nune, *07.10
a. department of agriculture's post •
/Proverbial ••powder k n " la th#
a n recess. Com­
M}-rtle Roberts, oorse, 13333
fifiape o( th r e e Uve bombs vhlcb
missioners M ohtnder and Potter and
war farm planning conference.C urrent expense clateis were a
^ tu M d to d r o p —a nd a t the cams
Cooimittee reports indicated t h a t
*130,43 tha clerk present. CommlSBloner ,
lowed, ond warrants were ordered
lime (ou sht o ff O um an tl«bterB
the suggestions for recovery feom
Green absent.
dm w n In poyment tliereof
and had to w eave through Itae* of
the var would b« built around:
Idah o Packing Ca, provUlons,| Business a s such Soard was trans­
low s:
H at
Freer internaUonal trade w ith
Acme Sanitary Supply Co, sup- *111,65; Idaho Power Co., Eleo. and acted untU th e hour of 5:00 o'clock
■But they Bot back »afcly and. with
P. M. when a reccsa was taken until
ready exdiange of farm goods.
'r, *1C8.12.
pUcs. Janitor, $38.08; Abbolt Plumb.
other filers, cnlhiulastlcallr
Lifting of American agrlculttutil
C . Jeppesen, mUeage. *2i3J; 1:00 o'clock P . M. July la . W4S.
Ing Co., repair, «(l.70.
Bcrlbcd os c nonnoua tha d i. .
Income lo "real parity."
Boise Payette Lumber Co.. repair, Jerom e Co-op Creamery, provisions,
thev w rought—which photograph*
A new parity barometer to I r •
*185.70; Johnson i t Johnson, surgl- Attest:
•lO .ai; E. P . Boyd, witness fee.
confirmed. Aleo F ly lns Fcrtrewes In
cluds such costs as hired labor,
D . T. BoUngbroke, cash receipts,
the raid d ro p p ed propapmda leaf,
taxes and Interest and farm m n >
42J)5: Jno A. DronTJ, mileage, ex­
leta, as Uicy did yesterday.
plies, *24.10: Kingsbury’s, . drugs,
StaGunners Xrom thU sUUem claimed
Twin Falls, Idaho
Farm land expansion—opening up
Uonery C o . office supplies. t31fl6; *5383 8 ; Krengel's, surgical supplies,
10 llshlcrs destroyed, nine probably
July 15, 1843
of probably between 30.000,000 a n d
Jam es O. Bangs, Stationer, office *54.86.
destroyed n n d seven damped.
M cKesson & Robbins. Inc., drugs,
.10:00 o'clock A. M.
40,OOOJ»o acre* of new land.
supplies, SO.IB; L tron Orlggs, extra
The "PU tol Ball.” pUottd by
*134.70; Moon’s Paint & Pum.
Setter land tenure, based on th i
Lieut C a rl W . Wilson, Corpus
Tha Board o f County CommlsslonStore, H . H. supplies, *73.18; Utn.
jjrlnclple th at prtrato property is :
Chrlsll T ex., b a d Jiwt turned off
rs met a t th is tim e pursuant to re­
public trust and that wherever p r i­
Bob Baker, cash receipts, )2i0; Statca T el. & Tel. Co, Tel. service, cess,
the inrRet to w a rd s liome when three
Ccanmlssloners Molander and
vate and public InteresU on la n d
B . L. Barron and K. H. Btewart, *83,45.
cxnloslvB Incendlailes—Ihelr gaiety
Otla Elevator Co, repair, *35,17, Potter and th o clerk present. Com­
use conflict, the public Interest e h tu i
wrlUng llcerues, I1B.U; Buiroughs
pins T u n o v ed -w cre discovered —
physicians and Boepltol Supply missioner O reen absent.
Adding Mach. Co., maintenance. Co,
Bled In th e bom b U y.
business was transocled
Lover marketing costs as a m eans
$ tT Ii3 : S tu o rt P. Cooper, paper,
From th e m om ent they were dis­
Services C o, Inc, office sup­ until the h o u r of 1S:00 o'clock noon,
o f liftreaslDg faro Income.
USO; H. L. Clark, printing, »4.70; neer
covered. th e crew vrreslled Iranplies, $44.62; Price Hardware Co,' when a rccess was token until 10:00
Employment and seciulty
City W oter Dept, woter, I45J7; surgical
A. M. July 16. 1043.
tlcally to dislodge tho lethal load.
supplies, *3,05,
rural resldenu and p art time f a rm D
They succeeded, bu t o ^ y when al­
F re d lUppe, provlslohs, *13.45;
ir » with Bttentlon to those on aut>Clos Book Store, office supplies. Royal
most In slR ht of th e English coast.
Bakery, provisions. *88J7,
tnarglnal land.
S34.SS; H elen Craig, extra help.
The bomb Incident wasn't the only
Per F . 6.inde, prtnisions, *123J)9:
Reduction of mortgage debt w ith
*72.10; ConUnenUl Oil Co..
Homer Saxon, surgical supplies.!
close call f o r S g t Leslyo O. Win­
the credit system to favor tho fam ily
expense, »7J3: P. V. Cox. radio
chester, W oulcesha. Wli.. radio op*7J0;
pcnse, sheriff, *03.00; Diamond vision, surgical supplies, *813,84; O,
emtor a nd gunner. During -Uie
Employment and security for p a r t
H ardw are Co., equipment, tI3J0; p.
Uilckest fig h tin g w ith German purSlcaggs System, provisions,
July 18. 1S13
time /armcni. ,
D etweller Bros, Inc., repair. $JB1.0a; *137.00:
B. R, Squibb & Sons, drugs,
suJii a Ilitlc froB m ent ripped through
1:00 o'clock P. M.
Hijli hidustrlal pnxlucUon a n d -a
Flctclier Oil Co., car ciiiense, *3JJ; *183.80: sta n d ard Brands. In e, pro-' MEETING OF EQUALIZATION
the sleeve o f h la left arm and the
hleh level of employment.
Cnlvln Mfg, Corp., radio expense, visions. *34.23; Standard Printing
wholo fro n t o f his flying Jacket,
In Uielr deUlls tho reporti sftld
Co, office supplies. JM55; Stuart H.
The B oard of EqualliaUon m et at
snapped o ff h is parachute harness,
tho over-all goverrmier)t objective
Gordon Omy, reporting. »7JM; Tnylor, Ins. pnmlum . *360.74.
lht<i tlma pursuant to recess. Com­
cut his oxygen Una and pJnetured
should be "adeQUste food and fib er
K enyon Qrecn, mllcoge ond exp..
T hom et* Top & Body Works, up­ missioners Molander and Potter and
his "Mae W est.”
and all prlccs fair to both (
keep, *40.00; Tlmes-News Publishing Uie clerk present. Ccmmlssloner
■ "I felt som ethlnB h it me bv
sumer and producer."
*3.30; H. O. Iloycs, equipment. Co., office supplies, *4Ji9i Troy Oreen absent.
afraid to look a n d see If I was hurt.’
T his basic national agricultural
*14.50; S . P . Hall, cash receipts. L oiindry, cleaning, *1,75.
Business na such Board was trans­
'h e said.
policy after the n i subscribes to
* 3 J0 : Irrigated Lands Co, InsurT w in Foils Coca Cola Bottling Ca,
u n til th e hour of 5:00 o'clock
H on
the Atbntlc charter to help provide
nnco premium. *30.00; Idaho Record *13J)0; Tw in Falls Co.Oen. HosplUl, acted
M. w hen a recess was taken tmill
the means for securing frecdon
Book Co.. bIanks,.M3.07: Idaho Pow­ cosh recciptfl. •lOfl.TO; Tw in Falls P.
from want for men," the reports
e r Co, electricity. *113.28: Imperial Feed As Ice Co., provisions, *S9J3; 1:00 o'clock P . M. July 16,1J43.
Carbon Co., office supplies, *30.04; Vc^el’s , provisions, *116.55: Kyle M.
W . W. Lowery, oosh receipts, |IS35 l Wnlto Co. surgical luppUes. *llJfl; Attest:
C. A. B U L r . E S . Clerk. .
W . W. Lowery, cash receipts, *7i)0; W algreen Drug Co.. drugs. t22J9;
W . W. Lowery, prisoners’ board, Lester W ord, upkeep, *8.00; Weston
Twin Falta. Idaho
Five-months-old Bonita Hen­
Union, telegrams, *4.03; 'ifoung'i
July 16, 1943
Min, S tates Tel, Js Tel. Co., tel- Dairy, provisions, |351iO.
ning did a one-foot stand (top)
10:00 O'clock A. M.
on th e hinil of her mother, Mrs. service, *147.75; Ernest V. Molander.
LONDON. M ay 30 (Ui5 - Lady
Alva Henning of Chicago, and mileage and exp.. »30J5; Magic POOR FUND CLAIMS ALLOWED
The B o a rd of County CommlsAstor, A m erican - born member ot
hung from a coat hanger (belonl. Chemical Co., Janitor’s supplies,
Poor Fund clolms wero oUowed aloners m e t a t this Ume pursuant
parliament, pleaded guilty at
Normal in every mpect except *23.08.
and w arrants were ordered drawn to recess, a ll members and tho clerk
street police c o u rt today to a
A. J. Jilyen. Insanity hearing, In p aym ent thereof as follows:
appetite, Bonita
They say an a rm y travels on III iloniseh, and the U.’ S. women’s
mons c hargin g aho attempted t.
,*10,00; M tn. Stotes Tel. i Tel. Co,
beran her career when
Acme Sanitary Supply Co., H.
Q oarterly Iteport Filea
quire rationed goods from the United anny corps I* n o exception. At a WAC headquirleni In n o r th Africa, Editor, 'nmes-News:
found calls. raUonlng board, *2,16; J. E supplies. *80.70; John Bolkwlll, i
Q uarterly, report of ihs Auditor, i.
Concftnlng the canning advice months of ace she
Etatcs c o n tra ry to defense regula­ Meis Bgi. G ertro d e Lund. In truck a t lop, passu boxes of food to
stondlns alone. She li taia lo eai Ogg. Justice fees, eo.oo; Den E Pot­ tra h e lp . *35.00; Denson Coal _ Clerk and Recorder was filed with I
tions. She waA fined SO pounds and
twice as much as an ordinary baby. te r. mileage and exp., *13JI<; I!. S Scrvlce. fuel, *1,06: 0. D. Dorlng and opproved by th e Board.
10 p o un^ cost, o r about 1340.
Post, salary, liai.lO; 0, T, Parkin­ Drug Co., drugs. *5A0; Buhl Phar­
Routine business was transacted &
t of bolUnc nater, rJghL Lucille perts also warned.against too tig h t
Lady A stor. noted for her barbed |
so n , salary, *183^0; Panther Oil macy. <lrugs. *0.75; Children’s Home,
scaling of Jar lids before the h e a t
nn d Grease Mfg. Co.. repolr, *52J5; allow ance, *300,00; City of Twin until tho h o u r of 12:00 o’clock noon, K
remarks In parllnm entarr debate,
treatment Is finished. .
wrote a frien d In the American Bed
W m . P. Passer, Insanity hearing. Falls, w oter, *1.56; Davidson \VhoIe- when a recess was token until 10:00
o’clock A. M . July 17. ISO.
I have never In my life h e a rd
* 10.00.
Cross In B rita in la st May 1, aocord.
so msny dan'Is on canning. Soon
Parisian Laundry Co, laundry. ler. sa la ry , *08,10; Roy FMUer. cash
Ing to th e summ ons, enclosing i
Chairman. ?
we will begin to wonder If It's s a fe
>14.11; Mrs. Kennetli Ridgeway, receipts. *19,02.
clipping fro m a n American news­
C. A. BDLLES. Clerk,
to do any conning and I'd like to
w riting licenses. *3850; C. E. Rury,
V erda PuUer, salary, *5030; Rler
RUPERT. July 30-A cnango In JusUce
knoT whoever heard of putting a
fees. *8.00; Doris Gtrodley, E levator, fuel. *1J0; Factory Radio
The e llppln s showed an advertisetho
can in a preisure cooker p a rtly
Twin Palls, Idaho
mileage and exp, *37.53; Everett M. Scrvlce. repair, *2.70; Filer Meat &
m ent of a w o m a n 's fur Jacket, which
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R oberts
July 10. 1D43
sealed. You certainly cannot seal n
Sweeley, mileage and exp, *12.02; O rocery, provisions, MiO; Roe HyLady Astor asked the Red Cross
celved woril thot their so n , Daniel, self-sealing
Ud alter it 1s removed ■ r the large number In the Durlcy etn n d a rd Printing Co, printing. der,
1:00 o'clock P. M.
man to’ h a v e hla wife look at. “
e x tr a help, *5.00; Hansen Uerc.
hod arrived ssfely overseas — his
ass. which Rupert was to Join.
the cooker.
*20.lfl: S>Tns-Vork Co, records.
was alleged.
destination "somewhere in Eng­ from
Beginning Monday Rupert boys $C0.40; Standard Oil of Catlf,, car C o, provisions, *9.00; Idolio Dept. MEETING OBOARD
Personally 1 think J | ^ . o f th e
‘ If It la n o t too much, perhaps
Store. Inc.. form supplies, *12.42;
and girls will Icava the clvio build­ expense.
one would be possible," she wrote, WASHINGTON. July 30 </T>-flenThe B o a rd of EquollzoUon m et at
Idoho Dept. Store, Inc., assigned
miss Shirley Adams o f Weston. they are talking a b o u t ^ ^ V th e y ing by bus At 10 a. m.. and will go
lor Wherry, R.. Nob., proposed to­
according to th e Eummons,
th at the governm ent abolish Ida., Is visiting her b ro th er. CccU purlng tliclr expert odviW on th e by way of Pershing school for all T w in Polls Veterinary Hospital, claim s; K eith Malone, extra help,, this tim e p u n u o n t to reccss. all
The letter also contained a hand­ day
clerk present.
Adams, anil family,
who niny wish to leave from there. professional services, *2iO; Troy
written list of oUicr artlcles-sUlc exiting quotas o n cattle slaughter­
Business o s such Board was transRudean anti Dcvcrc K e n t, young public.
Continuing to tlie Burley beach for L aundry, laundry. *1.03; Twin Palls *7,00—lOJO; Idaho Power Co, etesing and open the b u tch er shop
stockings, gloves, evening shoes,
, triclty, *8.01; Kimberly Elevator, acled u n til Uie hour of 8:00 o'clock
sons of Arlo Kent, a re quests of
swimming Instruction will bo under Co-op OU Co., car expense, 18.18.
dress with a f u r collar, and e'.- ten to what he described a s a
was taken unUl
nlng gown a n d a white shirt. (It Is plus" of livestock.
Tlmes-News Pub. Oo, publishing cery, provisions, rent, *25J0; Kin­ l:oo o'clock P. M- July 17. 1043.
and family In Pocntello th is week.
guard. Tills program U to continuo
contrary to regulations to ask per­ Juit bock from Nebraska. Wherry
Mrs. Sarah Whitworth received
through two weeks, beginning Mon­ n n d printing, *70.a0; Union Motor ney WDolesalo Co., provisions, *2iJ7;
lid an Interviewer h e was convinced
sons abroad to send articles to that
C o , car expense, I22.4B; Utah Oil K ingsbury's, drugs, tlS.lS.
th e word of the birth o f a great
Refining Co, car expense. *0,40;
Floyd Lincoln, phosphate, *14J0;.
0, A. BULLES. C iert
grandson, bom to her gran d d au g h ­
■ ^ T h a le tte r cam c Into the hands la "would do m o re to augm ent tlie ter. Mrs. Robert W. H nppln, Poca­
America leads the world In design U nited Oil of Idaho, car expense, Lydum Drive I n Market, provisions,
supply of meat a n d cut th e retail
Mr. and Kirs. Martel Cooper n n d
of the board of trade In tome
Twin Falls. Idaho
*34,44; M att’s Service Station, car
tello. The father Is In n o r th Africa. daughter, Annette, Boise, ore vLnlt- and production of Intcreeptor nnd *O Jl: Union OU Co. of Callfprice than any rollback sutisldy."
explained w ay a n d an officer .
expciu;o. *10.18; Mtn, States TeL &
July 17, 1943
'There Is a su rp lu s ol cattle and Mrs. Halpln was the fo rm er Louise Ing at the home of Mr. and M rs. pursuit fighters.
Ited Lady A stor. who ezpUlned thatl they
W estcott Oil Co., car expense. T e l C o., tel. service, *13.25; Mrs.
10:00 o’clock A. M .. .
ought to ta k e off these quota* Culley, daughter of Mr. an d Mrs. Amos Barton.
tlie Red C ross m a n was going to ' Juit os
*27.28: W estern Union Telegraph H ulda Ohlson, caro of hid,.' *10.00;
Uie}’ have abolished ration­ Elmer Culley. former A cequla resi­
Mr. and Mrs, Farrell Smith. F llUnited S ta te s a n d would be
Co.. telegram, * .60; Rose J. Wilson, Lula PhlUppl. extra help. *20,00: La
dents. The child Ls Mrs. Adeline E. -lore, Utah, returned to their hom e
The B oard , of County Commbing of coffce."
turning by a irp lan e .
Ume pursuant to
Wherry said h e beUeved th a t such
after visiting wllh relatives for th e
•'1 had n o Id ea I was doing i_., , problems
G race Brermcn. extra help, *7.00; al B akery, provisions, *13.20; Salta­ reccsa. Commissioner Molander and
could o n ly bo handled In­ child.
past two weeks.
thing wrong a n d eertalnk nothing I telligently by the establishm ent of
Roso J. Wilson, county treasurer, tion A rm y Home, qr. allowance. Potter a n d the clerk present. CcwRaymond Gentry Is attending the
Mis . j . H. Patterson, FUer. a n d
IN THE PROBATE COURT OP cash receipts, *5-00; Webster Pub- *100.00:
to Impede th e w ar effort,^ the was I food adm inistrator with powers summer session at the U. I . S. B, In
TWIN FALL3 COUNTY, STATE Ushing C o, office supplies. I1J8;
quoted. 'T knew ' he would be re­ anslygous to those given Rubber Di­ 'Pocatello.
B. liosp. indlgcnts, *203il5: Homer
O rder to Draw WamuiU
son and Pfc. Arthur Patterson w ore OP IDAHO.
turning by a ir and therefore
K yle M. W aite Co.. repair, 120,45;
rector William Je ffers.
The C ounty Auditor was author­
vlsitora In Carey over the week-end.
In Uio matter of the cslnte of W m. E. Whitaker, constable fee, Saxon. Ind. expense, *14.07; Ken­
slilpplng space was Involved."
The same sort o f control ov
Private Patterson has been staUoned JAMES SHERMAN STEWART, *4il0: W est Publishing Co.r Uw U- neth W . Snyder, house rent, *13J»; ized lo d ra w warrants payable to
The m a gistrate. Imposing the fine, whole food producUon and dlstrlbuTwin Fa lls Mortuary, Ind. burials. tho Collector of Internal 'icvenua
said that l4 « ly Aster's high prin­ ■■ program also wo* urged by Senbrnry, *10035.
*130.00; Twin Falls Veterinary Hosp, for V ictory tax withheld for tha
returned to his sutlon Uils week.
STEWART, deceased.
Noxious Weed Claims Allowed
ciples were w ell known and that he
prof. services, W2.75; Tw in Fails
' Davis. R.. P e n n ., who said In a
q u a rte r of the year 1043, as
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Cooper a n d
Noxious weed claims were allowed, Feed & Ice Co., feed and provisions, second
accepted h e r statem ent that she ataKment he hoped th e appointment
follows: *503.00 on Current Expense
ID, Brent, occcmpanled by lUl D IIacted In Ignorance.
BOISE, Ouly 30 (U.R)—Motorists wortli, have relumed to their hom e. the undersigned, Administrator of a n d w orronts were ordered drown *163.77; Twin Foils Co. OeiL Hosp, fund; *52.80 on Weed Eradication
of Chester Bowles a s general mana­
the’estate of Jam es Sherman Stow- in payment thereof os follow:
hosp. in d , *l.OB8J7: Troy Laundry,
ger or the olflco o f price admlnlsThey have been visiting for tho p.ost
*613J0 on Hospital fund; *9.90
t, deceased, to Uie creditors of and
Sureau Nox. Weed Control, cosh laundry. *4SJS; Vau Engelen's. sup­ fund:
traUon lOPA) w ould "result, in a purchase the (5 federal auto uso tax two weeks a t the home of Mr. a n d
on the P o o r fund; and *11J0 on
persons having claims against receipts. *3.00; Brlzeo Metal Works,
change In both th o philosophy and stamp are being given a chance to Mrs. Ernest OUvorlh.
the said deceased, to exhibit them repolr. »41,10; Clos Book Store, of­ plies, *11.78: W hite's Grocery, pro­ Health U n it T rust Fund. And war­
pay without going to court. John R.
the method which h av e attended ■'
Private Lloj'd Wilde,vson of M r.
tlio nccessary vouchers, within fice supplies, $4i0: Roy Dare, extra I visions, *10.50; Mrs. G. 8. Wren, care ran t oh th e H ealth Unit Ttust Fund
Vlley. Internal revenue collector for ind Mr#, ananuel Wlkf», who h a s »1th
of Ind., *58.00; Roso J. WlUon. Co. for *13,70 w ithheld for first quarter
efforts of th at agency thus far.
four months after tlie Ilrst pubUcaIdaho said today.
been homa on a two-week furlough, tloD of this notice to the said Ad­ h e lp , *177,59: AusUn Orlmm, extra' Trcas.. osslgned claim, A. W. Jack- of the y e a r 1943.
he lp . *107.10; W. M. Knieger. re­
Vlley said It violations were wll- relumed to his tlatlon i&nday.
the Gooding h o sp ita l
Routine bu.-dncss was transacted
ministrator a t the law offices of p a ir, t47.G0: Krengel's. repair, *73,41. 11a, e x tra help, »8J3; Walgreen
ful, the guilty person Is hailed Into
Drug Co., drugs, *33J6; W. A L. unUI the h o u r of 12:00 o'clock noon.
^ A K L E Y
Miss Wilma Sn-Jth. Deriver, visited
Mr. and M rs. A lan Coates, Mr. and
L, Stephan, Twin Polls Dank
John Lolb, extra help, I203J5; Mccourt where he may be fined up to the post week at tha homo of M r. Frank
Mrs. George Coates and Mr. and
& T ru st Co. Bldg.. Twin Palls, Coun­ Vcy's, repair, *54.71; Mtn. Slates Tel. Stowe, drvgs, *2J0; Clarenca White, When a rc c e ss w as token unUl 10:00
M5. He tald collectors of h is depart­ and U n . L. A. Smith.
Janitor service, *10.00.
• Mrs. Chris Farnsw orth have re­
A. H . July 10. 1D<3.
___ Whitney D . Hale, son
Norman Hutton, second clsja c e a - being‘the place fixed lor Uie tran­
turned from Nairfpa after attcnd- Ur, and'M rs. W allace A. Male, . . m ent now were making a drive to
■hPg the funertU of Mrs. Jesse Coate*. turned homo a lte r serving two years apprehend all motorists whose ear* msB. returned home this week f o r n saction of the business of said estate. I j. E. Nichols, watchman. *3.50; *
W . Norris, extra help, *40.40,
Doris Stradley, Eupl. of Public Attest:
vW^e mother of M rs. George Coates as a missionary f o r tho
Dated Uils 23nd day of July, 1013.
D. 8. do not have the M sticker. M ore, visit with his parents, Sir. ond M rs.
0. A. BULLES, Clerk.
L. H. Hutton. He has been sU Uoned
and Alaa C oates.
church In the c e n tra l atates mlaalon,
Tcxaco Station, car expense, *33.44;
' a t Furaguu
Miss L oreta Vaughn, Salt Lake wtih headquarters a t Independence, Idaho.
Adm lnlstra^r of tho estate of SawtooUi CO., repair, *10J3; Walter
Twin I ^ ls , Idaho
S City. Is visiting relatives hen tor a 'lo.
Jam es Shetman Btewari, sometimes T urner, warehouseman. *1BiM: Twin Com mon School Dist, No. 17, t
July 17, IflU
week. Her b ro th e r h as left to report
known as J. S henn Btewart.
1:00 o'clock P. M.
Mrs. Quentliv H im ter a n d baby.
F a lls Lumber Co.. repair, *4.43;
e ra l Fund of said dlstrlcL
for duty a t B rem erton. Wash.
publish: July 23, 30. Aug. 8, 13. 1M3. W heeler, Reynolds,. Stauffer, weed a cTnran
Grace, Ida., are g u ests a t th e Cyrus
sfer was ordered mode i
J. 0. C raw ford -has returned to Hunter home. '
NOTICE OF nBAniNQ OF PE­ m aterial, *4,480,00.
his home a t W elser after bringing
mot at
MlM.Anna Lue H alo has returned
R outine business was transacted this tim e p u m iaEquallatloo
his four c h lld re a here to visit a t from Salt lAke c ity , where she has
n t to recess. ComMORTGAGE BEAL ESTATE.
! Dr.- O. T . Parkinson, Director ol unUl th e hour of 12:00 o'clock nooa. !mlsslonera M olander and Polter and'
the home of h is brother, Newt Craw­ been employed’a t the Children’s
IN THE PROBATE COURT OPi th e D istrict Health Unit, was grant- when a recess t^as taken until 10:00 I the clerk p ru en t. Commisslooer
hospital the past tw o months..Mlss
o’clock o. m. July 14, 1943.
^ CpI. Louia V aughn has written Bala will teacli school a t P a u l Ida.
leave of absence with pay for
E, V. MOLANDER, ' Green a b s e n t
hla parents, M r. and-Mrs.- L. R.
~ '
such Board was t r u s Herbert J . H ard y Is In B aR Lake
months to attend a so c ial
Vaughn, t h a t h o was promoted to
In U<e Matter of the Estate of
acted untU th e hour of SiOO o'clock
Ity on business. B e plans to pur*
course In Health U nit work being Attest:
, the rank of s e rg e a n t a t Camp Berk- Ichata supplies to s e t up a shoe sho;i
P. M. w hen a recess was taken until '
given In Denver, Colorado.
A. BULLES. Clerk.
I wy> Tex.
1:00 o’clock P . M. July 19. 1943."
' here.
Routine business woj traniacled
I Mrs. Elm er Swatnvoa has retianed
T hat E. 0, Tyler, tho administra­ u n til the,hour of 12:00 o'clock noon,
Nelson Smith, Po rtlan d , Ore.,
Tw in Palls. Idaho
home after a we«k« visit In Boise ThlUng a t the h o m e of h is partor of the esUta of DellUh B. Tyler, w hen a recess was token uoUl 10:00
Ju ly 13, ISiS
, w ith her p a re n ts, M r. and Mrs. lU J. «nU. Mr. and M rs. John Smith,
deceased, has filed hli pcUUon for o'clock A- M. July 13.1043, •
I Moss.
1:00 o’clock P . U.
•uUiorlty to execute, as such ad­
a e rk .
1 ^ M ltf E lisabeth Oregory, Nampa.
ministrator, his prpmlssory note and A tte st;
Ur. and Mrs. Henlnr Bowlea, Eam^
ShM r ^ g n e d a s fU th grade teacher
real estate mortgage for the lum of
Twin FWtj, Idaho
visiting a t tht
T he B o a n l of EqualliaUca met a t
Sand the vacanejr will be flUtd b r — ------- --------- I S r s . J. Roy Pair.
I 6i 0.00, tba payment of sold nou
jM las Leon* C enarrusa, Rinhf)fH banks, Oakley, an d M rs. Bowles' osrthis tim e pursuant to recess, Ccct-:
to be seeurcd by a real estate mort*
10:00 o’clock A. M.
T^in Foils, Idaho
?who u now
« 0« S cnli, Mr. and M rs. T racy Oast
mlssloncra Molander and Potter and'
gage upon the following described
July 12. Ifi43.
w arplanL
the c le r k nresenU '
real esUte situate in Tfrln Falls
Tlie B oord of County Commission. ,
Utah. Mr. Bowles la tn the bee buil1:C0 o'clock P. M.
G reen ftbsenU
County, SUte of Idaho, to-wlt:
neu In .California.
n m et a t th is Urns pursuant to re- ,
MEETING OP EQUAUZAnON , __________ such board was traniBraxII
Lot Sev enteen <17) In Block One
e a t. CwnmValonera Molander and
acted xmtU tho hour of S :00 o'clock
jfe ^ v e S
“ ““
(1) of Kare's Addition to the
T he Board of EquallzatloQ met a t P. M. w h e n « rccess w u taken unUl Potter t e d th e clerk iBtBeot. CctQ>
Previously rc c e irln g P e a s and Beans a t the
city of T sln Falls, Idaho, u the
mlssloner O re en absent. '.
th is time pursuant to recess, all ;;00 o U o o k P. M. July 14, l»43.
■ io D ra w ^
»ame_,la Tihown .in d dfslgnatcd._
.and-the. '
----------- - - —H a h o B ea n and-£levator-C o.—
V.-MOLANDEH,on the official p lat of said oddU
_________ such B o a r d _______ A ttest: ■
Chalnnsn. ed to draw w am nt on tbt Poor fund' •
Uon, filed fo r record In the
sacted untU the hour of 5-.00 o'clock
In the amount of %HiO ^ pannest '
county recorder's ofllee of the
P . M , when a recess was taktn until
C lerk.
county of Twin FaUj, fiiaU of
direct relief for th»' '
1:00 oVslock P. M. July IS. 1043,
month of July. W3: . V ’
Twin Pall*. Idano
Routine. buslnesf v u transaetM .
for tho purposes In said petlUoa, A tte st;
July 14.1943
13:00 o'clotkjwo)..' ic t forth, to which u ld peUUoa
C. A. BOLLES, Clerk
10:00 o’clock A. M.
vhep a receainaitnluaimtQ.lOiOl)"
reference Is hefelqr mad# for f u r- '
ther parUeuIars.
Twin Falls, Idaho
T be. Board o f County Oomn_ -'clock.A. M.July.33, IMS.--.,'.,
And oU p*r»on» lat«rtsted la .th # ,
-- ...........July 13;
alooeni n e t a t tlils line purtuant to
said estate are beraliy notified that
l;00 o'clock P, M.
rtoeits, Commtsslonen Ucdonder and
th e y ^ ^ ^ ijq u lre d to appear before'
'P o tte r a n d the clerk preaeat. Ooothe Probate-Court; of.'Tirto Palli
T h e ^ r d of County “
e ra 'm e t at' tfifiHiae p tt
Qtiartertr B«p«rt* Filed
u ld eourt,‘to - to .c o u r t btJUM, on cess, Commiulonen Uolaoder and
_iart«rly tepocta of the SberUi T lu < lu g e st
Mb d w of Aagnst, IMS. P o tte r e nd the cleric preatnU Ccta- tod ProbAte Judge iret« 1U«4 wlU: u e M g n u p .ta
a t the how p iJ T ta Jl U . o l uJd mlsslonep O rten absent.
B<UaU« • l i 'a ^ o u i b l a '' ' '
day, then t t d
If any they b a ^ .,|fU T th e . order
Hospital Claims were allovtd end
Joint monlbly report of the Audi,
,>“ ;«W :P«2uoij should w *nant« were ordered drawn In p»y- tor. UKl Treaturet.vaa tlUd with
One ^ c k ^ Q t h of Eaat ^ve^PoInts. Adjacent to
not be gttoU d.
H ^ P a iff iE a , SUitdLKS AND
lent thereof a* foUowst,
tn l aBprored by tiuBosKL- .
Acme Sanltoiy Supply Oo, B B ,
Jo ta « Q o ju ta ii Z t tv i jm tA - .
' Ihe SheU Oil CompMjfs S^rage'Rinka , . ;
tupplles, «50,61; Artffiore Co, .B B . Joint qutneny remn ot tta« AuiU
BpoMbrtd by'ldaha Woei
supplies, *31JO; Benson Coal & 8er> tor mhS, Treasuwr; w t m vJUt
r ic e , fusl. t3874); B uhl Uundiy. a n d a p p ro
d bhst
z .tbaBoara.
- re
•:0.-'A ;'8AiiK r,
laundry, H.037JO.
R outlna buslnen
buslnen wat tnuttteitd.i
City of Twin n ils , water, |»4.S3;|untU t h e bpuro f-ia ;
O m D E tK E G ’
The Public
Proceedings of the Board of County
Commissioners, Ttvin Falls County, Idaho
Time Change for
Swimming Pupils
“Break” Given in
Car Stamp Drive
Mark Means Co.
' a t Filer, Idaho .
W e d n e s d a y ,-A u g r-4 ,
W d iy . July JO, 1048
P a g e E ighl
Y \ { ^ ' i f b y A chm ed Abdulloh ;-:
ME'<, MASOR f D 1D K .T
i v o i) h e a r t w e r o o c t e r v M
\ BipvJ ReMEIL)-H ?
^ " ^ fd c a
Some mlnulM UMr-there
luxve been *een, on the m i roof top
o f Uio co«e« house. .llhouelW
b la ck esaJnst the daallrg mwnU t sky, a Ntgro UenUnB a wooden
d r u m with *cl«itUle rhythm, tcnilI n g It* tone wbtm dronlns w d Mbb ln * Into tha «eat, whero other
d n i L took up tiio temng-unm,
IlnaU f, It reachri th e «an of» liltio
pygmy mcdJdnfl m an who was
a q u attlcs in a hut by ths tide of a
dcllrioiu American.
Znman Khan's knowledjs of p«ro f th e Nlanj'tJlam. he would have
buUled and tfirtatenccl lilm, even
b e ate n him with the kutbaih. Dut
distance w u the Uitlo uvige's ufety . Tliereforr. fUltery was indlcalcd;
a n d meat flattering and Mul MtlifyI n s was the drum roeuosa which
. coUcd the pygmy greaUat among all
medicine men, called him « wlurd
w ithout a peer whom the trtci obey­
e d nnd the rocka ond the winds,
c alle d him a eorccrer more powerful
th a n tlio elephant in mating time,
w ise r than the owl. and u much to
be feared a s the swamp buffalo.
W ould th e Nlam-Nlsm, being
a ls o generous and
do h is best lo r the foreigner nhue
f a t e rested in the hollow of tils
h a n d ? Would he. furlherniote. tend
b a c k by drum talk a description of
t h e location of Uio nearest Jungle
p a t h connecting with the hut where
th e Blck m an lay? Me. Ooman Klisn,
w h o was dispatching this mcjjage
Wtto UiB medicine m an's most devot­
e d slave, knew th a t the knowledge
o t these Jungle ItbIIs was a secret
lo re , rcstrlotcd to the mighty ones
a m o n g th e bush folk. Bo he gave
Oftth that—by Allah and by Allah
a n d by A U ahl-ho would not use
tii o secret, precious knoslc^lge ex­
c e p t thU once, to hosUn to tlie ilde
o f h U friend.
T h e Nlam-Nlam llatcned.
"T here Is none greater tlian I,
h o announced. "In alt ttie Blldern c sa. a -e n the Maslems acknowledge
m e master. Hereafter my tribesmen
s h a ll call me Uon, shaU give to me
w hatever tribute I demand. Thus
th e re is thf-i woman whom 1 have
d ealred for a long Ume."
H o smiled. PretenUy, once more,
th e drum talk spanned the distance;
a n d . half an hour later, wlUi Nancy
in th e driver’s test ond tlie Afghan
beside her, studying another rougtily drown map, the Ford cUnlied
a n d wheeled Into the African night
—a night which was drowning In a
ahlm m erlng wave of stars, shot
th ro u g h with a huge, zodiacal light.
Y et, clanking and whecdng. the
e a r gripped the hard-baked ground.
I t plunged forward enthusiastically,
lik e a sentient being, eating up the
m iles; and Nancy Drovi-n, who be­
lo n ge d to th a t new American gen­
e ra tio n which was os keen to ttie
IndlvlduaUty and the Idlosyncrailea
of mnchlncry as tlie older gentraU on had been to horseflesh, rode the
steering-w heel as she hk('
d o n e before.
O n through the night. A short
re s t. Then on agslo.
A look a t the tank. Plenty Juice
—tlia n k Qodl And more petrol. In
tlr u , stowed away in back.
B o th the bM and the m
s ile n t. Tlielr hopes end prayers
n u n parallel. Then, finally, the
e d g e of the Jungle; and a n'gymy
p o pping out ot the g rau-no t the
m ^ lc in e m an, but* another KUunN lo m whom Uie la tte r had 1
m oned.
H e made cllcky noises: pointed
I n to the wlldemesa. They itopped,
Jum ped out of the car, foUoved
6 H0 0 / J ;
aw w o r d / i s - m i s A ^
{ RULE IS At.1.
/ fall-ekj a r c o e s
T here, where h e had been wjuattlng o n tlio Usreshotd, rose a small,
ochre-ameaied savage.
W ith o u t a word, but with aa much
pride I n hla achievement na ajiy
great American doctor, he stabbed
a finger into the cool shadows of Uie
hut. T h e man whom he had nursed
and called bock from tlie gates of
death w ith hln queer Jungle craft,
lay th e re , pole, emaciated, but
breathing regularly, sleeping ealm<
Momentarily. Nancy . .
throw lns her arm a about the little
ravage an d klw lng him. The Af­
ghan m u st have read her mind.
"W h at," he Inquired, "ilocs ft mon­
key know of the scent of lasmlne?'
"W h a t do you meanJ"
"I m e a n th a t you should give the
fl wlia
appreciate, To me. for insuncc,
since th e saheb la lulccp.''
3he sm iled happily.
'1 m u st givo the little mat
"1 h a v e a string of bends In my
pockct— ”
"Beads." she Interrupted, "for sav...rf a m an 's life? I guess there's t
drop o f Scotch in your Arghan
She drew a diamond ring from
her flnKcr and gave It to the NlamNlam, H e broke Into Joyous, highpitched laughter; was out of Uie
hut Into the Jungle.
Z am an K han followed; and Nancy
as alo n e wlUi Lincoln.
The medicine man's shrill mirth
had awakened him. lie saw Nancy,
and ho did not seem astonished at
all, a n d his first words
"I love you, denr."
"And 1 lovo you." she rcpUed.
She leaned down. He rcochtd
up. He felt her lips yield to him.
Then, after o minute or twt
as men count time—that seemed ....
eternity, ho heard her voice, husky
and w ith a tremulous lough:
"You know—if you were a gen­
tleman, you'd tell mo your name."
(To De Continued)
' wctiPROMTH'
H O eO £ P A
■- l-SMUT
■\;w. -K W A t
V isit N avy Officer
KETTCHUM, Ju ly 30—Now vbltlng
Capt. F . M, nohow, executive officer
of the n av al hospital, are his 1
In-tow, U eut. Commander H.
Wiggins. wlUi Mr«. Wlgglna and
I. Tho lieutenant command- ............- 1. in U.0 n*vj. m cd lcl
corps, w ill leave shortly for active
duty n t se a. Mrs. Wiggins, daughter
of C ap ta in Rohow, and her
remain n t Sun Valley.
, _
7 -3 0 -4 3
T 6 E T 1T A T A W J
F (N E s T T u jiL U )
----- ^ * © ,0 0 0
"Pep cm cto Jokea every night when we sleep on th e floor 'M o aj^
Ust night h e sa id your rcUtlres changed us to war r e f u g e e ^ ,
SC pR C ^
A 5 T«y «ta jffa tB ,TV € R «in « lI'F o n T H fu w r ” '
J lL F lB B /f '
By P R A N K R o is B IN S
By V. T. H AM LP^^
F riday, July 80, 1043
Page Nine
(D«m4 m
-S T K s fs 'S
U BlnlMQa of It ■onJi <•
u r on.
DEADUHIS. ttr CUalfM •«tr>
I ’y -n rssa ’
M a rk e ts a t a Sla n o G
M lsr9raai7«*'<*B
L iv e sto c k
..s a % i& «
cotttooB to filvdlum eow* 1 1 0 Ml
.......... 1 «b4 rniu n 17 to
**>!• |
HEW YORK. Ju ly SO <AW lene«-.
ed telling iw ept through th s stock
market today, dropping m any lead­
e n under T hursday's recovery levels
and In scma Instances carrying quo­
tations «ua lower.
Ralls, steeb, motora, rubbers and
Irerofts-m ost o f th e «>-called
“n r " equlUea a n d m any with peace
pnupeotA—wero prom inent la the
Losses ranged from fractions to
loro than three points In the final
hour. Volume am ounted to about 1,»
000.000 share*.
Under water w ere tT. 8. BteeJ,
. Y o u n g s t o w n , OencraJ Motors,
Chrysler, aoodyeor. J , I. Cate, Deere,'
FIANOS Douglas, Dnlted A ircraft, Bant* Fe.
DuuAS'WAiwEa uue io tr o M
Southern Pacific, G re a t Northern,
Korthem Pacific, s ta n d a r d CU (NJ).
AjnerJean Can. W esttoghouse, du
Pont, Union Corbldn. Johns-M uitUle and PcnsJ-Coln. Bethlehem, re­
sistant a t tta M o n th e basis of
(ood eamlDga, also aUn>ed.
m.MhOD* N.
|\ ,g . t tl
*MOl B«tlT»
eometUt bulk ot nnlpta i BWatlJf I n ___ _
- lit IliM «.lsl>t «no»t«.M i 044
rood WIi III tcBlin MUMiji («o4
oU«r rx>4 and
New Market WiU
Be Open Monday
The Drive-«Vny market, owned
aad operated by Ja ek CRrson imd
Frank lla>'Dcs, wUl open for btul>
nesa Uonciay m orning In th# bwUd1ns fonnerly occupied by Ihs old American R adiato r ___
ZIpway m arket a t the intersection American fl, as R . ____
of Second s tre e t <ind Third avanuo Am. Tel. & T e L _______
American Tobacco B .
Remodeling a n d redccorfttlns ot Anaconda Copper ___
the erocery a n d m eat departmcnU Atlanllo Refining ........
had been virtually completed Fri­ Bendljc Aviation _____
day, and ahelvea wei« being loaded Bethlehem Steel _____
with whnt Ciu'son described ms a Burr. J
"complete and varied slock of trroc- Canadian PacUlo celu." Tlie a to re will baxe full fa< J. I. C a se _______
clUUcs for th e handUng ot fresh
Carson was employed by the Con*
siuncra' morkot fo r 10 year*, serv­
ing as m annaer lo r th e 0. 0. Anderion com pany which teccntly Curt Wrlfiht .
purchased t h a t plocc, a nd as aoilst- DuPont _____
ant under A. W . UcOoanell, the for- I Eastman .
owner. H oynes formerly
tlie C onsum ers' market and
the Royal b a kery, and h u been on
or consiruotlon work for the past
L. S. Ghurtloff, w ho ha s been em­
ployed by se veral Twin Palb m ar­
kets, will bs In charge of the Drive■ Clerks In th# int NIek Con .
Int T * T __
Kenn ...............
CalUai li«libl« aad loUiI SOOi calm t l
iiKtt, nart/nn and hcir«n Koutr.
OS4 «I9 lb. (to btiren
StlabU as4 l«taa *001 Barkfl
!>r11. / K a w £ : s * s
Butler and Eggs
Ohami WkhaaU prtaaa, loai
lau plain trIpTKa
E«cti Otada A lur< He. f « d « A me­
dium 4<(, inda A m all 40e. artd* B
> tbnub t
y]<« IU.7S doiTB
canaan balow 11—
t 0I 11.SO1 TiaUn
L>UI 9,C0»I nothtns
_____ markat eloaid follr.
Ml*.'idlS, . “ in* "umS'j*iu*Si?t>i“25!d5
l‘-«to»H.M i.rr.fal mizad L»4a llU e i
E ' __
in t»4!. Id ih . D1I»
llllo*' '**■*’ **
8.u'l1. cam, i.eo,
ehalra nrdliis «<icbus hclhra
iUMj al
!ra H.S»*la „S9?Z?}
cannm |j,n
SaUll. .bwp l.ojei. loUl T.OOOi fln4ar-
Potato F u tu r e s '
-.s S 'S :
North American Aviation____ _ iflij
Northern Paclflo _
Packard Motora _
J. 0, Penney C o Penn. n . R-______
Pullman _ _ _ _ _ _
Pure O U _________
n. 0. A. _______
n. K. o. _____
Reynolds Tobacco, B._
M^tbolc cairw . b4 *a>lm qooM |i s |o
ilii ii s r '
fi')<a>;i BaUUa IOi cull «n4 ce.
. ~w«r, laUi .
.a s Z f c T
I.' &
Stock Averages
■ & ! * . S S .- S M
Gooiiing’s Grange
To Picnic Sunday
Col. Mickelwait
Holds High Post
aduitu from Twla Tails high
Khwl In »U received vord
-• -ID of their claasmatea, now o a
Is B. Mickelwait. eldwt wm of
_ ..Jl-known pioneer family living
ber«.nu&y yean.ago..Ula mother,
Mn. May t Mickelwait U Jlrlztc at
Santa Orut OaUf.
Colonel Ulcktlwalt, who U Judgt
adrocste of the fifth V. B. aroy and
a veUaa of World war I, ha* been
, overMai with Oea. Mark Olwk
Isince last Revsober. la writing to
Thrte KDI o t Colonel U ScIuItbII
Tliree h u n d red t i f t r b e id of
vb9 w a'als o in tb o M n le e an
Ue. Of Which B x tin ^ ia n 'H io n n Ueat. X e u u th M ickalvalt, J n ,
beet anlaa l# ,'--w e ro . wW a t the *ith th i army overseas: MaleoIm,i
Wednesday :M>otlon :;of •' the Twin
U P. Iiuwii. Kimbarly. tomed
the market w i t h .
. SlMBBElbY, Jtily 9i>~Oelcgstlana
tm o the S u b ; Filer a n 4 Tw in Falls
J : ; Nuarene churches w in atten d -th a
)f utUe wei«"ft.;Utt]e,«ttMDer .Bii
s £ S a S £ " - ’-
Mining Stocks
auditorium a t 13:90. A t that time
cliemurglo film . ‘T la stls Age," will
a thovn by R a lp h Gale.
new . a u t t « y - « u d
amoAa™a^*’i « ' i ^ O B ^ i • ii .t t i
ib4 Utal 10 0 J nominal I
lU -
Standard Oil of C a llf _
eundard OU of N. J ___
and nylon ho sie ry . T he new drive Btewart Warner _ _ _ _
will be In th e fo rm o t oonUit be­ Btudebaker Corp. ____
tween clubs, div id e d Into two periordi, Jan. 1 to Nov. 1, and July a« to
Nov, l^ o T crlC 'S th e drlvo already
undcrwoy. ThLs activity Is to be tu m - ■Hmken Roller B e a rln g _
to th e K lw anls Udles.
Ttanaam erica___ — ......
Union Cnrblde ______ _
BAN mAKCtSCO, Julr » (tn*l-B rt-
vilfbUi um« downwurd to 111.78 an
>M CUKI4* that r a w i a o n |I U i
chotea tMdar p ita.
Eilibla ai.4 loUl I 0 | talna
nesumlng t b e l r regular weekly
meetings •n m rad a y , the Twin Falls
Klwanls club elected delegates to
the U tah-Idaho <!lstrlct convention
to be held in B o lt Lake City Sept.'
M , Twin P a lU representatives who|
win attend a r e R . J . Schwendlmon,
club president: F re d Ingraham,
retary, and C ecil Jones, treasurer.
U. N. Terry. E r n e s t Oyer and O. P.
DuvoU were n a m e d altematfl dele­
Olnude B. D etw eller, speelol speak­
er, dlseuKsed th e m a tte r of post­
war planning, no w being considered
by Tft-ln F a lls clvlo and social
Reporting o n th e KlwaiUs spon­
sored Boy S c o u t troop « , In sum ­
mer camp a t Eoaley, Secretary I n ­
graham th a n k ed M r. Detweller '
furnishing tram sporation.
President SeU w endlm an presenl«d
Larsen Tops Fat
Steer Price Here
ind clolM •l4usbur*«WM
Kiwariis Selects
Three Delegates
GOODIHO. J u ly SO — Ooodlng
Jrange mem bers mAdo plans for the
annual picnic t o be held Aug. t, a t
the regular m e etin g . M aster
Steele presided. T tio plcnie for m u n ' crt and the ir fiu&lUes v U b« beld
t the c l^ p o rk » t i p. m.
Members wlU brin g a baikst d in ­
er and the G n w g « will pnnlde the
cream a n d d rin k . Mra,.Lew]a
Boatman, c h a lr m o a o( lh» b o n e
economics cottina tte e, will b9 la
charge of a rro n g a n e n ts.
During th e tw sin M i m u Ioq t h i
group Tolrt t o o rd e r a se rrt* flag
*■— ' “T. the o lx membera irho *r*
serving in t h e nnn ed forcw.
New York
S tock s
DHlOAao, July » tfo - A eharp
eak In rye toUovlns &modest «d-Jiee at the tt«rt unsettled other
pralns today, canwlltog early
in wheat and oato. Rye fell about 9
tto r tl y
isllL ttiaoodtocholM after the opening, and w m d o im
more than two cenU from tb a pre­
vious close.
T he Ut« selling oomplet«l7 erased
Ui^^cood « b4 rt«k« earUer
galni which had been based
on a n adrance in parity betw een
June IS aad July 15 a n d a t tlf)
ck«e w h u t was unchanged to >A
lower, e * p tem b tr-IlM H -U . o a ts
were down H-%, Beptember
Mto lift box**. Mwlni bukaU. bridn
rioill o?h*r*ll«i ’ **
6 iN a E a " s ^ iN o mactiikb
Nasarena'S aturday
'L i
. £ f . ?le.e
© “•B'y a it- iii
’» i p 5 i i w ? . » ' a ’2 - s s ; w
« ! S W t e \ s , s a ; S ! ? s ! , 'K
r^Fwin Falls Mafkel8~
Mines Uncovered in Sicily Advance
DCTRorr, July so
Port, who observed h!s M lh b ^ • day winlvereaJT
1" eieeUet^
------h<»3lh ond-BS TJptlml»tJe us
ruscrted todar U ia t biulncss and !n>
d u s t n ^ m t btilld Uio physical b». *14 or Ui# £00d w c l e lf "
And, he added. buSneiu and Induatria) eHorl m u st be deKWopcd
around tlie phllOGophy U ial
n a l benefit b th e genertU bcncHt.
TlierB must bo moro a^d mow
IndiuliT," Ford sftld. " I t b e ^ n Ual to DoUUcal o s d economic freedan, and anything th a t hinder* In*
. (luJtry Is harm ful to tho American
comes to tils SOth blrhdny
with hcflTlcr rcspansIblllUe# than
he has had In approxlm atcjy o qunrUt of n ecntury, b u t seemingly la
Iht best hia llh h e h a s «-■— -• any time and th oroujthl, ----- . .
cany on Indefinitely. A fter a lapse
of nearly J5 years Pord took over
nsiln the presidency a n d general
managtrshlp of tS e F ord company
following the d e a th several wetks,
ago of his » n . Bdscl B. Ford.
Started W ith 128,000
A l« n ahead of th e a dvanclnr <ro«p* In the Sicily Invasion, go (heia membera of an anll-Unk r
Ford, who developed art initial ln<
vfslment of 138.000 fo u r decades pUtaon shown here uncovering land mines In the vlelally of r a lr o a lu the BlcUIan Invasion. -Signal e
Dgo Into an in d u stria l em pire that radiotdtpholo. '
tcdsy h u assets w o rth m ore than
1800,000,000, 8 trc« » d t h a t hU comto n j h ia been nW o to do "many
things that needed to be done,” be*
ciiwe It has b e en ''fre e from all
stocUioIder and fin a n c ia l control.''
“Money Is ]u*t a p o rt of a pracUcal life—it saves tim e In exchang­
ing goods—and is n o good for any­
CmiNOKINO, July 30 (U.PJ—J n - for virtually every nation i n Asia
thing else. People w ho dealre to live
off modey, th la U n ? U iat money Ss <an Is making a despernto n ltem pt and hnve promised a higher econ­
How the post-war future of Tw in
wealth, easily becom e parasites. . . . 0 consoUdsle her political fro n t imd omic level through "co-prcepcrity of
Falls offers a cliallenge to the Junior
real prosperity Is p rosperity for all." solidify an Aslallc bloc agnlnst th e aU Asiatics,"
Armies are being trained In
Chamber o t Conyncw and other
Only industry. F o rd said, can ab' westero powers by softer trcotm ent
pled orens for the "defense o f th eir forward-looking orgaiiltatlons wft"
of conquered 4>eoples.
oUsh poverty.
by Claude H, Dctwellci.
- I t can glvo tho only social eecurAbandan Rathtessness
presidtnt o t tho 'Twlo Pails CUamt tj humwi b tlngo c a n tnvsw-lhe ae mlUtatv, the oUwc poUUcal.
Wliere their poUclcs once ----- ber of Commerce, at a general mem­
Since Jspui's war of a rm s may be
' security of beltiB nhle to produce
rulhics.1 with conqucrcd peoples In bership meeting of the Jaycees held
said to hare passed Its p e ak Into
what they need," h e odded.
China, Uiey now ore wooing U ie sub­ Tliursilay noon ot the Bogcrso •
•There Is no b e tte r way for .. long rcttcallng w ar of a ttritio n . It
jected peoples with all the a r ts of UL
young man to servo his generaUon Uie pollUcfll offensive w hich nc
EsUmatlntt tluit 3.500 heads of
than to get into th o work of m&lc engages tho attention of farsighted (k Invfi*.
iHimia u a typical exam ple of families will bo reluming to Twin
Ing Induitiy a b e tte r builder of eo- American and Chinese lenders, who
mcUio In lB3i), B u rm a ’s Falls from the armed services and
say a United Nations victory will be Jnpaneso mcUiods.
cUl values."
iwlltlcaliy cotisclous
elements aided war Industry, Dctwcller colled i
a long and coeliy process.
Opposes Scarcity Theory
Calls fer Help
tho Jaycees and others lo aid in
Pord said Uiat unU l ho started In
The political army h a s prcachcd Japan laid the groundwork fo r a program th a t will provide work for
business he ‘‘had n o Idea how com­
Burmese uprising lo coincide w ith them, meklng unnecessary the espletely American business was gov- Uint Jajnn Is not wurrlng. ag ain st the
Jftpaneie Invasion. I n re tu rn toblislmicni of public works proj­
emed by the Ideo o f m aking money." tho Aslstlcs and now l i calling
ects for "made work."
"Somo men even tho u g h t It wns
Pollowlng the Invasion, J a p a n
Can Tiatlde Job»
■gwid tiuslneis' to c u t down produc­ fend then, according to la te s t allied gave
evasive promlSM. Tho B unneso
“By working along tho proper
tion In order to in crease profits," he
became rcjtlesj, Then tho Jnpaneso lines of community development,'’
The propagandists have started
said. Tliey believe In tho theory
started their political an d economic he said, "we can povlde Uie Jobs
that scarcity makes wealth. I could itrong pro-Japancse y o u th mov
ment by iponsorlng the exchonge of impalgn.
and build a bigger and better Twin
never understand It.
Burma's i)uppet political creed Falls."
‘'Young Americans aliould know Thai, Sumicse and FlUpIno s tu ­
H ie Chamber of Commerce presi­
(hat there ara tw o ways of doing dents between Uielr co u n tries an d . DW 1s "one parly, - - - ----- —
buiiness-ono th a t m akes money Its Japan.
d ent urged the eslabllshmcnt rmd
They have "Buaranteed" freedom
m uter and one t h a t m akes money
encouragement of new Industries,
Its servant. For <0 years, th e latter
jiartlcularly those that would
h u been my stylo o f business, and
css the ogrlcultural products o. ..
I think It nil] bo t^ o only typo of
'tcrrltorj-®such os conncrlcs, deliybtulness that wlU euecced la the
drators and meat processing plants.
DetweUer also stressed the ImporloAco of developing the tourist
potentialities of Tnln F&lls a fter
the war. In this connection he told
of plans for building a scenic drive
along the rim of Snake river canyon.
A call for a -largo w ork p arty " to
Ho also urged that local residents
JB310ME, July 30 — Among the
wire netting backstops a t tho
become moro aware of their Indl60 people present n t th o N orth Bide Install
Pomona Orango ‘potluclc dinner new rock asplmlt tennis courts a t In Sicily, received today from Lulgl dlnial responsibility for encourag­
puk Sunday m orn in g h as Cardlnol Lnvltrlno an offer o f coop­ ing a tourist to remsin In -the vlclnwere two stato officers and iv num. Joyces
ber of Tain Falla P om ona Orange been Issued by Chartea Bleber, presi­ eration by the Catholic c h u rc h a n d Ky as long a s possible; TliU can bo
the people In occupied territory.
done, ho said, by a person ta U n s
Tho prelate told tho Amcrlc.'in Uio time to tell a cLranger w hat
Following the dinner- th e Palls Chamber of Commerce.
of th e Jaj-ceo commander he hoped the stru g g le there Is to see In this community,
Ctly Juvenile O ra a s e exemplified . "Not only membcra
oro asked to help on
1 Italian soil would bo ended soon. and giving h im directions for reach­
• their degree. T hese children pre­ orgonliatlon
ing points of Inteitst.
sented the degree
th e eUle
Coarts Nearly Ready
Orange when th e session was held whb likes to ploy tennis a n d has th e ncarty city to which ho moved somo
tim e to spare to help p u t th e finish­ time ago from his town residence
Ken Shook reported the new te n ­
In Twin Falls la s t December.
becauso of heavy allied air r a id s on nis courts o t Jaycee park virtually
During the business session the ing touches ou the laj’o u t."
He said the Job will co n sist of re ­ Palermo. His naldcnce has n o t been ready for play.
fifth degree obllgaU oa was r '
moving wire netting fro m tho old damaRcd, however, nor was th e h is­
to four candidates, M r. and
Robert H. Warner, captain o:.......
courts, stialjhtenlng It o u t, and In- toric Palermo catlicdral.
staff of tho Twin Palls county b a t­
Tom Davis, Mrs. M innie Zawi
stalling U on supports. A smaller
"rhe meeting between rankinff m il- talion, Idaho volunteer reserves, told
and U n . Anna J a n e Roblnsoi.,
Earl Jones, overseer of tho State work party already was orKonized to It/iry and religious leaders cem ented the meeting th a t the help given '
the friendly cooperation th a t h a s tho IVR a t th e HogcrMn range
existed between Ulo I ta lb n c h u rc h demonstrated the utility of the .
Other visitors w ere Mrs. Ebrl the Joycee'presldcnt said.
■This Job won't take long." said and tho American arm y since tlie gaolzation, an d that a need for Its
Jones, Plora in th o S tate Grange,
Mr. and Mrs. F red Beer, Mr. and Sleber, 'If we get plenty of help. Invasion brsan. Italian priests h ave services sUll exists. Pointing o u t
Mrs. J. U . Pierce a n d Mrs. Carrie I hope we have a good rep rese n ta ­ complied with requests by U . S.
■a largo percentage of the m em A. Jones of the T w in PaUa Pomona tion of Jtycees and others interested army civil aflalrs ofllccrs th a t they
dp a lita d y btlcngs to one of
In tennlj."
explain to their ccngregatlons tho three Twin Falls companies, be
ijy /jiig o t—nl- urged other members to en list
The next m eeting wUl be
Pleasant Plains on Aug. lo.
Tom Bell, J . 0 . Penney company
assistant manager, told how his
company Is cooperating In tho plan
which Colo Brothers circus will
. e free Uckets to 3M w ar bond
BOISE,' July SO (AV -ldaho's cap­
Ur. and Mrs. Jo e A spitartle and ital city has its first conviction u n ­
Blair Ballard. CaUente. Nev.. nnd
daughter, nio T in to , Nev., visited der th e ---------9 for their Sari Ballard, Parragut naval base!
a t the home of her p a re n ts, Mr. and
youngsters' nocturfai acuviues.
returned hero for funeral services
Mrs. W. H,"Boyer.
Mrs. Mildred Johnson w as fined for their faUitr, Pranlc Bollard.
Lloyd Jensen a n d Bob Oardner
IDAJIO FALLS, July 30 W V-What
Ur, an d Mrs. Luke Williams. Miss
left last week on a business trl^i tlO la poUce court for perm itting he r
as planned o s a gay plcnlo outing
ll-year-old w n to be dow ntow n »S- D o n WUUana s n i Mr. a n d M rs. A.
to Dtavtr. Coto.
>r some 25 Ammon Beehive girls
Blehl. oil of Boise, aro here, called turned
Mrs. U!a Terry leW fo r Lake View,
Into a. tragedy }at« yesterday
Ore, after a sho rt visit hero with
and Mrs. Williams aro p a re n ts of afternoon when Betty Isaacs, 13friends and on business.
year-old daughter of Xfr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Bnllard and MIh Williams
Ulss Donna’ Lou Boyer, Boise,
Alvin Isaacs, Ammon, was drowned
Mrs. Blehl ore sisters'.
visited a t the homo o f h e r parents,
wliUo swimming wllh a group In
Mrs. Lillian Itayncs has gone to WlUow
Mr. and Mrs. E m erson Boyer,
Betty Lou Crltchfleld, Ogden.
creek, three miles southeast
Charles A. LIndburgh h as le ft for Utah, Is vlilting h e r grandparents, Salt Lake City to visit TClaUves.
Bone. Bone is 23 miles southeast
Urs. Zulu Qregory iios rctximcd ooff Idaho
ILU City where h o will '
U r. and Mr*. J. N. Dayley.
Springfield. U o, where sh e h ad
Mrs. Josephine Clirlstensen. S alt from
Ur. and M n. Lyale O ilmore and I*ko City, is a guest of M r. a n d Mrs. gone to be wllh her sister, MUs
aiad js Stokes, whose death occurred
Urs. Uarle M ontgom ery. Boise, P^ed Chrblensen.
serera] weeks igo.
Visited In Hagcrman.
Mrs. Frank Manning retu rn ed
Mrs. Audra Bo>-so n n d son. Don­ home from DUllngs, M ont., ofter
ald, PruSUa&d, u e v lsltln s At the vtoJUng h tr sister and b ro th e r-in home of her sister, M rs. Raymond law. Mr. and Urs. Arnold O . Parker.
Mrs. Wallace 'Taylor. A lm o, h a s
Harry and A rlln D ennis, Boise, been rtleased from an O g d en hos­
visited a t the h o n e o f th e ir par' pital and Is here convalescing a t th e
ents, Ur. and Mrs. A . I . Dennis.
home of her parents, Mr. And M rs.
Oeorglanna Dickerson. lY esa Mai E. D. Jonn.
CondJt and Laura C lifford, who hav<
Jackie Bufflt, Pocatello, w*
For T h e Famous
been attending tlie
guest of Jimmy Bronson,’
............. ......... ... - .
. 1 to their
‘Itia Springdale L. D. S. w ard re ­
homes following th e eloae of school union was held a t the Burley CounUel(a nariow w u a su e st a t the try club. Beginning with a program ,
' home of Mr. and M rs- UoUy Conk­ lunch was ten'cd followed by races,
lin., She relumed to ESnm ett whera and ball games. Several g uests from
. «t» Is taploytd.
Ighbojlng wards were present.
Ur. and Mrs. B o b Anderson.
Amcricui Palls, » ro visiting this
with lelsUves I n H aller
----------Ma r -u iain r 3 aBtwiek~an- ___
-------- u o lse . vlsIKd Id
Desperate Japs Try “Softer
Handling of Conquered Ai’cas
Guest Grangers
At Pomona Fete
Jaycees Called
For Work Party
At New Courts
1st Parent Fined
On Curfew Rule
NEW YORK, July 29 . . . --------stocks of green coffee on band In
the u nited Slates a p ^ ^ t e s,.
000,000 bags, largcst,Iii history, tn d e
sources said'tpday,..with additional
supplies held by tho govemmenfRif
the arm ed forces. Tlio rate ot recent
Imports and prospects indicated permUllnB norroid
of <»«to eoasumpUon while maintaining ample
reserve stocks, the trade said.
•T lie readiness with which the
ofllco of price admlnbtratlon has
acted la cUmlnallng coffee ration­
ing h as made on extremely favor­
able impretslou on business men
tlirouehoul Uie United Stoles," iald
George C. Thlcrbach, president of
Uie Nallonul Colfce association.
"Ellmlnallon of coffee, rationing
has definitely Indication that there
is no IntenUon on the part of the
govemmcut lo conUnue waiilm#
restrictions ond rcguloUons when
the need for such restriction has
Calloway. Uountsiln
- ^ * . j W t « d • m ie ^ h o m e .o f Mrs.
r and
-' . a i n £ l i s « f ^ n i s 0 . 8 e a
Q R L O m L IA M S
ftOt R o rd Ofc
War Effort
Vour TOrtblesa. o r dead horses,
cowl, ahetp a n d . hogs. wlU bring
yoQ cash and win mippl7 our
govemmoit frtth fata S o t *lyC u h psid for hides, p e lts, ta l­
low,, bouiebatd f a u .'b o n e s. CoS
collect T rln Falla, ai«; O o o d ln s,'
47: Rupert. &s.
& TA L L O W C O .
farm prices equaOr f a ir to oon-
SlDce tho outbreak o t th e present
war In I93D. prices re c d v e d by farm-,
ere have almost doubled, th e bureau
said, wliile prices p a id by farmers
WABinNG'TON, July 30 (/T>-Th« have advanced about & third.
bureau of
reported t h a t for the first time In
Real Estate Tranafere
flvo m onths Iho-general'level of
— Infermallon Pitm lsb ed by
fann priccs hod turned downward.
Twin Falls TlU e 'sind
'The farm proiluct price Index de­
Abstract C o m p aa jclined. the bureau said, from IDO lo
IBS per cent of th e 1009-14 average
between m id-June and mid-July.
Not since Ja n u ary had there been a
Deed-W. R. -Riylor
T ajft'
break In th e ro th er steady advance lor $1, lots 8. e, block 00, Tw in Falls.
which lias c haractcrlicd the farm
Deed-Same lo sam e, IIO, same.
price movement since sta rt of the
Decd-i-Hatel J. B < ^ e r to
Hoover, M400, lot 9. block 06, Twin
Downturns l i priccs received by Falls.
farmers fo r m eat nnimols, potatoes
ond opplcs were held responsible for
tho'July decline In Uie general In­
dex. Although m e at animal priccs
fell olf .8 points, they remained
steady advance which begau lost
AugujL However, Increases In rural
living and farm production costs
have not k e p t pace, tho bureau eald,
wllh upturns In farm product prices.
/ • l o nDera iflstreu of UO>rTEir'<\
Female Weakness
LjrdI* E. Plnkham's Te«Ubl» CtonpouQd U m ads cipcdallir tor wonen
to btlp nilevft peiloeso pkln wltta
weak, norvoui, blua ffelloc*-<lu«
O ruosttonal monthly au tutbimett.
Trtto rrBTllajlj—U h«lp» bulM up
raUtaneo acalnit such symptosu.
FoUaw label dlrtcUoos.
A B e tte r
• p a s t e o k iz e d
From Year G rocer or
at yonr door.
l r o M E . P f f l K M H 'S g S J S ,
Elcock Describes
Sugar Production
JEROME. July 30 — Harry Elcock,
Manager of the Amalgamsled Su­
gar company, Twin Falls area, ap­
peared 03 gu«t speaker before mem­
bers of Uie Jerome HoUry club and
told o f the objeeilvea cl the sugar
company In helping to provide sugar
as a food for clviiuuis and men in
our armed »en1ccs.
O ucsls were two youths from Jer­
ome now In tlie service. John ond
D ana L. Mrtscnger, Jr.. tons of Mr.
and M n. D. U Messenger, former
residents. One of the youths is In
the army while tlio other Is in the
navy. 'They are visiting friends In
Cpl. Horace Pbher with Ills wife
and baby visited Saturday with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Plsher,
Corporal nsher- has been In a hos­
pital to Callfomio with an Injured
Thelma Lee Alexander. Sweet
Home, O re, Is visiting at the home
of he r grandmother, Urs, M. O.
Mrs. Rex Clayton and small
daughter. San Fronclao, are
of M rs. Grace Blxler.
Mr. a nd Mrs. Leon Handy and son,
IX nald, &r« vlslUng.Mr. snd Urs.
VlrgU Cross In Driggs.
Leo Alexander a nd son. lUcltard.
relu m ed from Seattle where they
It’s “Right
★ A cool m ountain la k e , tw o fisherm'en with' a
boat. E verything is r ig h t. R ig h t tackle, rig h t
lake and rig h t c o n tro l when casting
U n. E. Freneh, K nm po. arrived
to apend ft week a t th e homa o f M n.
P v t. £jm er Snodgrass u d Urs.
SnodffToss are visiting his oother,
Mrs. I d a Snodgrass. Private SnodgrosS Is In chemlcjU warfare di­
vision o f the u m y and has just re­
tu rn ed from a mission to Oigiuid.
He b o s B 10-day fu rlo u ^ before be­
ing tm naferred.
O le n B arrett, son of Mr, and Ur>.'
-WUl B a rre tt, has been tmnsferwd
Into foreign service.
J . O. W cmer left for OrofUiD
where h e will spend a couple of
weeks visiting his ton and fsmliy,
Mr. a n d U rs. R jbert Wemer. Urs.
W cm e r went to Oroflno last week
w ith th e Robert Wemer's.
Bob BcUlston, DSN, left for Camp
PtoHBUt, after spending a lO-d»y
fu rlo u sh visiting his parents. Bishop
Joseph B ellbton and Mrs. DeiUston.
Mr- a n d Mrs. Jake Baumgartner
atU n d ed the dedication ot the L.'0.
S. tc m plo In Idaho Falls, going on
to C orey to visit relatives for ceveml d ays.
M rs. Meredith McVlckers enter­
ta ined a t a brldge-luncheon honorliig M ias Blanche Currlo and UW
M ercedes Reed of Wayne, Neb.
G uests mcluded M n. R. }L Snyder,
Mrs. Florence Buckles, Mrs. OrvlUe
Uult. Mrs. Wes ShurtUff, iw ,
Maude James, Mrs. J . Earl Powers.
Mm. B . L." AvcrlU, Mrs. J", Albert
Tracy and Mrs. R. 1. Reed.
M r. and Mrs. Louis Mooney.
Glenns Ferry, visited relatives here
and w en t on to Pocatello, ilrs.
Mooney and &{abelle
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brasil, July
30 (/P>—'Tills bisaeil coffee-produc­
ing country In tJie world played a
m ajor role In ensbllng the UnlUd
S tates to abandon coffee r&Uoning.
leaders In the coffee Industry disclosed here.
Jaym o aueilcs. president of the
BrarlUan natlonai toliee depart­
ment. said tliat -If tljtags continue
0.1) well as now until the end ot tids
m onth. Bnisil
PUt In tho
United States bigger quantity ot • F lfs t International crickcl match
to/fec Uds >'par tl'on w u delivered played in the United States wns
during the whole quota year ended played a t Hoboken, ff. J., on Oct.
3, 1850.
Sept. 30. 1012."
■Qucdees added that during the
first 21 days of July Braill export­
ed 1,153.000 bsgs to the 'OalUd
Suites—a figure which ho said was
a record since the beginning ot the
crisis In June, 1912.
'•Currenlly oui te a ts due to. en­
emy action don't reach one-llttli
ot tho losses at the sta rt of the sub­
m arine campalffn.'
A rec ent Brazilian offer of 400,000
bags for U. 6. forccs overseas is
not Included In the general figures
and is not interfering wllh civil
consumpUon In the United Slates.
“Wo have cnouKh colfee to be
shipped to the United BUtcs. We
are only burning coffee, deteriorated
through long storage and that
which falU to meet grading specWlcnllons. 11 'h e Invmpon tiluaUon
continues good, there Is no reason
for a n y reduction In wports.-
Girl, 13, Drowns
tdU ct. JUoBrtkl
. re v ii it lo g th l a x
mt o f .U r , ftn d M r s . Q
a , i t S h a k e c re e K r a n j
R ld a y , J u l y 3 0 , 1943
TIMES-NEWS, t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO
Page Ten
Fo r dependable tnnsporialloD,
youH flod U pays to
F e r i Dealer first.
lOU Packard 130 special Club
Sedan. Has nm 6,000 miles, has
radio, heater, seat covers.
IM l Bulck Super six Psssenger
m i F ord super Dl* 'Tudor SeIM l Ford Deluxe Coupe.
IM I Mercui7 Sedan, rsdlo and
40 M c m ity Town Sedan.
lO -M ercu ry JW o r Sedan,
40 M ercury Club'Ooupe.
•40 P ord Dlx Pordor Bedsn.
40 F ord OU Tudor Sedan.
40 C b evrolel-^w n Sedats.
30 Oldsmoblle O ub Coupe.
S9 Lincoln coupe.
r d DU Foroor Sedan.
37 Ford DU Fordor Sedan.
37 P ord 80 Fortor Sedan.
Whana!—you’ve g o t a strik e . I t a ll has to be
• right to “click." I t ’s th e sam e w ith y our ad ­
vertising. And th e r e ’s one t h a t always
★ Tinm -Ncxos cU uisified a d ve rtisin g geta re­
sults consistently f o r a d v e rtise rs a t small coat
The Times-News m a in ta in s an adequate daily
circulation in M a g ic V alley. A teji-word advertisement costs o n ly $1.S0 a w eek and goes
into over UflOO M a g ic V a lley hpmea each day.
Why not phone o r w r ite the Times-News
“classified” d e p a r tm e n t now ? W hatever you
■ have to sell or tr a d e , th e "C lassifieds” will do
________ ^he-job'quickly, econom ically.

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