Câmara de Avis


Câmara de Avis
EUROPH – European Routes from Order’s
Patrimony and Heritage
Strand 1.2.1
Início - 01-10-2008
Fim - 30-09-2010
Município de Avis – Portugal
Centre de Conservation du Livre – França
Comune di Pievepelago – Itália
Valor Elegível : 320 461.98 €
Concelho de Avis
Área - 606 km2
População - 5197 habitantes
Densidade populacional – 8,6 hab/km²
Uma imagem de marca:
‘A Ordem de Avis’
Assenta esta ideia na diferenciação criada pelo
património histórico e cultural ligado à ‘Ordem de
Avis’ (da qual nos tornámos sede em 1211), a D. João
I, Rei de Portugal e 20º Mestre da Ordem de Avis e às
heranças que nos ficaram de 800 anos de história.
As raízes e o percurso
da Ordem de Avis
As raízes da Ordem de Avis vêm da Ordem de Calatrava. A
Ordem de Calatrava teve a sua origem em Espanha, tendo
como objectivo a luta contra os mouros na zona da fronteira
do Guadiana. No reinado de D. Afonso Henriques (11281185), há freires de Calatrava instalados em Évora. Por volta
de 1211 instalaram-se em Avis em terras doadas por D.
Afonso II, onde construíram o seu principal castelo.
Procuramos investigar o percurso antes de Calatrava…
Europh – Objectivos
European Routes from Order’s Patrimony and Heritage
(EUROPH), is a partnership between Portugal, France and
Italy, bringing together professional interdisciplinary artists to
create new works through innovative transnational
collaboration with communities.
The purpose of this project is to promote transnational
mobility of cultural players and to encourage the circulation of
artistic and cultural works and products. Promoting patrimony,
developing fairs, exhibitions and performing medieval arts and
songs, we will be able to show that the roots of Europe lie down
beyond national frontiers of the member states and encourage the
European spirit and unity.
Europh – Acções
The actions will guarantee the systematization of scientific
knowledge, through the promotion of Creative Weeks with
conferences and workshops and will promote the architectonic
patrimony and history, divulging these testimonies through the
Conventual Nights and Medieval Fairs.
Creative Weeks, Conventual Nights and Medieval Fairs in each
country will provide the vehicle for collaborative activity.
Creative Weeks will connect experts, share knowledge, develop a 3D
Virtual Route and a Digital Library of historical documents and
encourage intercultural dialogue through the exchange of ideas, skills
and methods, providing training and creative exploration. Also, it will
encourage young artists to understand local history and the roots of
actual Europe.
Conventual’s Nights and Medieval Fairs will encourage
professional artists from the different countries to interact with
communities, will develop shows of sacred and lyrics music, street
animation (dressing people according to medieval times), promoting
local products (liqueurs and convent sweets), and will undergo with
the traditional gastronomy products promotion, which are part of
cultural heritage from the Order’s.
Found European roots in local heritage and integrate it in local actions
will fortify European spirit and belongings.
Tasks and Outputs
WP1 - Management (Responsible: CM Avis; Also working: CCL; Pievepelago)
WP2 – Creative Weeks (Responsible: CM Avis; Also working: CCL; Pievepelago)
WP3 – Virtual Library (Responsible: CCL; Also working: CM Avis)
WP4 – Virtual Route (Responsible: CM Avis; Also working: CCL; Pievepelago)
WP 5 – Exhibit Development (Responsible: CM Avis; Also working: CCL; Pievepelago)
WP6 – Conventual Nights (Responsible: CM Avis; Also working: Pievepelago)
WP7 – Medieval Fairs (Responsible: CM Avis; Also working: Pievepelago)
WP 8 – Seminar Exchange Programme (Responsible: CM Avis; Also working: CCL)
WP 9 – Communication and Dissemination
(Responsible: CM Avis; Also working CCL; Pievepelago)
Boa sorte a todos
E obrigado pela vossa atenção

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