Bulletin in english - LMC


Bulletin in english - LMC
Ano I / No 0
The Fire Research Group (GSI) of the Research Center on Architecture and Urban Design
Technology (NUTAU) of the University of São Paulo (USP)
A Brazilian researchers group has developed studies on Firesafety in the last 25
years at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo
(FAU-USP) and at the Technological Research Institute of São Paulo State (IPT).
In the Seventies, efforts were made to assure a technical staff and to implement the
Fire Laboratory at IPT. During this period, Professor Teodoro Rosso, who was
writing his thesis entitled “Architecture and Fire”, in order to get his PhD degree,
passed away, leaving a significant gap in the developing program.
In the last five years, priority is being given by the group to the graduation of
professionals in fire safety through courses abroad and at FAU-USP.
Today, the firesafety in buildings is being developed in order to provide safety to
the increasing complexity of human activities and risk to life and property.
In Brazil, there is a lack of fire countermeasures and the number of technical
standards concerning firesafety is insufficient to cover its basic concepts. As a
consequence, the small group of researchers and experts is facing serious problems
which have to be solved.
Efforts are being made to disseminate information, organize technical seminars and
set up professional associations, however, among these activities, fire research has
been the least considered. Today, the University of São Paulo seems to be the
proper site for the development of this field.
A fire safety group was founded at NUTAU (Research Center on Architecture and
Urban Design Technology) of the University of São Paulo to do research on
firesafety due to the need of development in this field of knowledge in this country.
The group called GSI (Fire Research Group) has been organized by NUTAU to be
composed, initially, by the following members:
Dr.Prof. Ualfrido Del Carlo - Professor of the Department of Technology of FAUUSP. Former Dean of FAU-USP and former Chief of the Environmental
Technology Group at IPT (Technological Research Institute of São Paulo State),
Boletim Técnico do GSI / NUTAU / USP
Ano I / No 0
where he set up the Fire, Accoustics and Higrothermic Laboratory and, Researcher
at Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment - CSTB from 1969 to 1971.
Former President of the Latin American Group for Acoustics and author of :
“Controle do Ruído Industrial (Industrial Noise Control) ” and “Nível de
Satisfação em Conjuntos Habitacionais da Grande São Paulo (Level of Satisfaction
of Residential Apartment Buildings in Great São Paulo)”.
Alexandre Itiu Seito - Chemical Engineer, Lecturer in Safety Engineering
Specialization Course at Mackenzie Engineering College. Former President of
Brazilian Committee for Fire Protection (CBPI) at ABNT (Brazilian Technical
Standards Association), former Chief of the Fire Safety Group of IPT and
Consultant of SãoPaulo Fire Department. Courses on fire tests (reaction and
resistance to fire) in the U.S.A. (NIST) and Japan (BRI).
Colonel Alfonso Antonio Gill - Working at the São Paulo Fire Department since
1967, Mechanical and Safety Engineer, Vice-Fire Chief of the Fire Department of
São Paulo State. Former Director of the Technical Activities Section of the Fire
Department and former Dean of the Training Center for Firefighters of São Paulo
State. Courses in several fire departments in Germany.
The Mission of GSI
The group’s aims is development and spread of scientific and technological
knowledge of firesafety through research and academic activities at the University
of São Paulo and to:
1. promote projects and research on firesafety;
2. organize and publish technical papers and books ;
3. hold technical meetings, seminars and congresses;
4. promote the technical exchange with international experts;
5. give consultancy and technical support to projects;
6. work on new technical standards;
7. take part in meetings related to the field and
8. prepare and give firesafety courses.
GSI Participants
The Group is composed by professionals that study or work on firesafety and
graduate students from USP invited by GSI members.
For further information, please contact the GSI at the address below:
The Fire Research Group (GSI) of the Research Center on Architecture and Urban Design Technology (NUTAU)
of the University of São Paulo (USP)
NUTAU - Rua do Anfiteatro, 181 - Colméia - Favo 11 - Cidade Universitária - 05508-900
São Paulo - Brasil / Telefax: (011) 818-3209 / e-mail: [email protected]

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