
Belén Fernández-Feijóo Souto
Departament of Finances and Accounting
Faculty of Economics and BA
Lagoas – Marcosende
University of Vigo
36200 Vigo
Tel: 986 81 24 71 / 986 81 24 60
E-mail: [email protected]
Associate Professor - Cost Accounting
Bachelor and Master in Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
University of Santiago de Compostela
June 1979
Bachelor and Master in Business Administration
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
University of Santiago de Compostela
June 1981
PhD in Economy
University of Vigo
November 1994
GAELICO, S.A. - La Coruña
Category: Software Responsible.
Date: October 1981 - June 1983.
IBM, S.A. - La Coruña
Category: External Collaborator.
Date: January 1983 – December 1983.
Civil Service Ministry of Economy and Taxes Madrid
Category: Civil worker, Public accounting
Place: Dirección General del Centro Informático del Presupuesto y el Plan,
del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda en Madrid
Date: January 1984 – December 1984.
Civil Service Regional Ministry of Economy and Taxes Santiago
Categoría: Civil worker, Public accounting.
Place: Intervención General de la Xunta de Galicia, en Santiago de
Date: January 1985 – June 1985.
Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Vigo – CaixaVigo.
Category: Software Analist
Date: July 1985 – September 1992.
Administration: University of Vigo.
Current Category: Associate Professor
Since November 1986
University of Santiago de Compostela – Campus de Vigo
Dedication: Full
Subject: Entrepreneurial economy
Date: October de 1979 - September de 1981
University of Santiago de Compostela – Campus de Vigo
Dedication: Partial
Subjects: Contabilidad – Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting
Date: November de 1986 - December de 1989
University of Vigo
Dedication: Partial
Subject: Cost Accounting
Date: January 1990 – September 1992
University of Vigo
Dedication: Full
Subject: Cost Accounting.
Date: October de 1992 – since now
Administration: University of Vigo
Colegio de Economistas de Pontevedra
Curso Superior de Acceso al Registro de Economistas Auditores
January - February 1994
Administration: University of Vigo
Consellería de Sanidade - Xunta de Galicia
Servicio Galego de Saude
I Master de Gestión Sanitaria
April 1995
Administration: University of Vigo
T&C Consultores de Formación
Deloitte & Touche.
Ciclo “Implantación de un sistema de control de gestión en pequeñas y
medianas empresas”.
April 1995
Administration: Conselleria de Xustiza, Interior e Relacions Laborais.
Jornadas de Cooperativismo.
October 1996
Administration: Departament of Finances and Accounting
Doctoral Program
Bienio 1995 - 1997
Administration: University of Cantabria
Banco de Santander
Master de Gestión Bancaria.
March 1997
Administration: University of Vigo
Colegio de Economistas de Pontevedra
Curso Superior de Acceso al Registro de Economistas Auditores
November 1997 - January 1998
Administration: Departament of Finances and Accounting
Doctoral Program
Bienio 1997 - 1999
Administration: Departament of Finances and Accounting
Doctoral Program
Bienio 1998 - 2000
Administration: Departament of Finances and Accounting
Doctoral Program
Bienio 2000 - 2002
Administration: University of Vigo
Consellería de Sanidade - Xunta de Galicia
I Master en Dirección y Gestión de Centros Gerontológicos
Year 2000
Administration: University of Vigo
Consellería de Sanidade - Xunta de Galicia
II Master en Dirección y Gestión de Centros Gerontológicos
Year 2001
Administration: Departament of Finances and Accounting
Doctoral Program
Bianual 2002 - 2004
Administration: University Extension
University of Vigo
Financial management: practices.
September 2005 - October 2005
Administration: University of Vigo
Consellería de Sanidade - Xunta de Galicia
III Master en Dirección y Gestión de Centros Gerontológicos
Year 2004
Administration: University of Vigo
Medium and small size enterprises management..
October 2004
Administration: University Extension
University of Vigo
Fundations management.
September 2005 - October 2005
Administration: University of Vigo
Vicepresidencia da Igualdade e do Benestar - Xunta de Galicia
IV Master en Dirección y Gestión de Centros Gerontológicos
Year 2006
6.- RESEARCH (Books chapters and books)
Title: La Contabilidad de Gestión en las Entidades Financieras bajo la perspectiva de un
Modelo Informático Normalizado.
Editorial: University of Vigo.
Year: 1994.
Title: “A Documentación Social e a Contabilidade”. En Estudios sobre a Lei de
Cooperativas de Galicia.
Editorial: Escola Galega de Administración Pública.
ISBN: 84-453-2586-8
Year: 1999
Pages: 133 - 149
Title: La Economía que nos envuelve.
Editorial: Ludus Editorial.
ISBN: 84-95507-02-1
Year: 2000
Title: A Economía que nos envolve.
Editorial: Ludus Editorial.
ISBN: 84-95507-03-X
Year: 2000
Title: “La Contabilidad de Gestión en los Centros Educativos: Algunas reflexiones”.
Editorial: Ediçoes Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
ISBN: 972-8184-86-7
Year: 2002
Pages: 197 - 221
Title: Las Cajas de Ahorro en Europa: Valoración de las Cajas de Ahorro gallegas.
Editorial: Tórculo.
ISBN: 84-8408-275-X.
Year: 2003
Title: “El Cuadro de Mando Integral. Herramienta de gestión en el ámbito gerontológico”
In Gestión de costes, Control de gestión y Mundialización.
Editorial: ISEOR
ISBN: 978-2-917078-03-7.
Year: 2007
Pages: 865-876.
Title: “Accounting publications and research in Spain. Second half of the twentieth
century” En Two hundred years of Accounting research.
Editorial: Routledge.
ISBN: 978-0-415-77256-3
Year: 2007
Pages: 152-165.
Títle: La responsabilidad social corporativa es más que una moda. En “Un enfoque
múltiple de la economía Española: Principios y Valores, 175 opiniones de los principales
investigadores de España”.
Editorial: Ecobook
ISBN: 978-84-96877-03-0
Year: 2008
Pages: 207-208.
Title: El flujo de caja y la rentabilidad como forma de valoración. En “Un enfoque
múltiple de la economía Española: Principios y Valores, 175 opiniones de los principales
investigadores de España”.
Editorial: Ecobook
ISBN: 978-84-96877-03-0
Year: 2008
Pages: 143-144.
Title: La medición del esfuerzo de aprendizaje en la Contabilidad de costes. En “Del
crédito tradicional al crédito europeo (ECTS)”.
Editorial: Tórculo
ISBN: 978-84-8408-506-5
Year: 2008
Pages: 41-44.
Title: Cooperativisme Agrari a Catalunya: Reflexions i reptes de futur
Editorial: Fundación del Món Rural
ISBN - DL: B-45962-2008
Year: 2008
Title: Information Systems for Sustainability: Hofstede’s cultural differences in the
perception of quality measures of sustainability reports.
Editorial: Springer Berlin (Alemania)
ISBN: 978-3-642-24357-8
Year: 2011
Pages: 54-62
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24358-5
Title: Evolución del tratamiento contable del capital social de la sociedad cooperativa
Coauthors: Cabaleiro Casal, M.J; Fernández-Feijóo Souto, B.
Editorial: Verbum
ISBN: 978-84-7962-949-6
Year: 2013
Place: Madrid
Pages: 584-603
7.- RESEARCH (Thesis)
Title: Evolución del modelo de empresa económica al modelo de empresa social. Una
propuesta de adaptación del Cuadro de Mando Integral.
PHD Student: María del Pilar Muñoz Dueñas
Date: February 2008
Mark: Cum laude unanimously
Title: La influencia del entorno social en el sistema contable. La imposibilidad de
trasladar el modelo contable privado al público.
PHD Student: Rafael André Fernández
Date: December 2008
Mark: Cum laude unanimously
Title (European thesis): O balanco social obrigatório como ferramenta da
responsabilidade social corporativa ñas empresas cotadas: ampliaçáo da sua capacidade
informativa, pela incorporaçáo de novos indicadores e da valorizaçáo dos recursos
humanos. The compulsory social balance as a tool for corporate social responsibility in
quoted companies: enlargement of its informative capacity through the incorporation of
new indicators and human resources valuation.
PHD Student: Eurico Cirne de Lima Basto
Date: November 2010
Mark: Cum laude unanimously
Title: A utilização da informação contabilística no hospital empresa português.
PHD Student: Amelia Cristina Ferreira da Silva
Date: January 2011
Mark: Cum laude unanimously
8.- RESEARCH (Reviews)
Title: Tratamiento de la moneda extranjera en el PGC y la Circular 4 del Banco de
Journal: Revista Galega de Economía.
Date/Number: 1993. Vol. 2 Nº 2. Pages: 101 – 110.
Title: Tratamiento de las diferencias de cambio de valores de renta fija, créditos y débitos:
Sistemas actuales y una alternativa.
Journal: Actualidad Financiera.
Date/Number: September 1994. Nº 32. Pages: C639 - C663.
Title: Análisis da estructura do pasivo de trece empresas cooperativas textís galegas
Journal: Cooperativismo e Economía Social.
Date/Number: Xullo 1995. Nº 12. Pages: 47 – 56.
Title: Implicaciones legales del régimen económico-financiero de las cooperativas:
propuestas para futuros desarrollos.
Journal: Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad.
Date/Number: October/December 1996. Nº 89. Pages: 905 – 936.
Title: Análisis económico financiero del sector cárnico.
Journal: Eurocarne.
Date/Number: Informe Anual. Nº 52. December 1996. Pages: 95 - 104
Title: Particularidades de la Estructura Financiera de las Empresas Cooperativas. Un
estudio en la Comunidad Gallega.
Journal: Actualidad Financiera.
Date/Number: March 1997. Year II. Nº 3. Pages: 39 – 57.
Title: Tendencias actuales de la Contabilidad directiva y su reflejo en los principios y
valores cooperativos.
Journal: Técnica Contable.
Date/Number: November 1997. Nº 587. Pages: 757 – 766.
Title: Las entidades de crédito después del EURO: Una aproximación a sus futuros
Journal: Cuadernos de Información Económica.
Date/Number: January. 1998. Nº 130. Pages: 103 - 109.
Title: Does the future of small european financial entities lie in a strategy of mergers? The
spanish case.
Journal: Estudos de Economía.
Date/Number: Primavera. 1998. Nº 2. Vol. XVIII. Pages: 117 - 144.
Title: Derechos de cobro a largo plazo con interés nulo o inferior al de mercado.
Journal: Técnica Contable.
Date/Number: February. 1999. Nº 602. Pages: 101 – 108.
Title: Realidad económico-financiera de la sociedad cooperativa moderna y su viabilidad
futura: una investigación empírica de la empresa Cooperativa Gallega.
Date/Number: May - August 1999. Nº 103. Pages: 93 – 107.
Title: As caixas de aforro do sur de Galicia: A relevancia do capital humano no proceso
de fusión.
Journal: Revista Galega de Economía
Date/Number: 2001. Volumen 10. Nº 2. Pages: 125 - 149
Title: El Cuadro de Mando Integral en las PYMES: Un instrumento para su contabilidad
Journal: Partida Doble
Date/Number: 145 – June 2003. Year XIII. Pages: 40 - 53
Title: Accounting research in Spain: second half of the 20th century.
Journal: De Computis
Date/Number: December 2006. 5. Pages: 7-38
Title: Instrumentos financieros para as sociedades cooperativas: o debate segue aberto.
Journal: Cooperativismo e Economía Social
Date/Number: 2007. Nº 29. Pages: 171-174
Title: Clasificación del capital social de la sociedad cooperativa: una visión crítica.
Journal: CIRIEC-España
Date/Number: August 2007. 58. Pages 7-29
ISSN: 0213-8093
Title: Sustentabilidad y cooperativismo: una propuesta metodológica basada en un
proyecto real.
Journal: Revesco
Date/Number: December 2007. Nº 92. Pages 72-106
Title: O longo debate da IAS32, Instrumentos financeiros para as sociedades
cooperativas: un novo capitulo.
Journal: Cooperativismo e Economía Social
Date/Number: 2008. Nº 30. Pages: 261-263
Title: Crisis and Corporate Social Responsibility: Threat or Opportunity?.
Journal: International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research
Date/Number: 2009. Nº 2/1. Pages: 36 - 50
ISSN: 1791-5120
Title: Sustainability reporting and assurance: current situation and future trends.
Journal: Applied economics: systematic research
Date/Number: 2009. Nº 3/2. Pages: 155 - 172
ISSN: 1822-7996
Title: Las aportaciones obligatorias al capital social en la reforma contable cooperativa.
Journal: CIRIEC-España
Date/Number: October 2010. 69. Pages: 217-244
ISSN: 0213-8093
Title: Information Systems for Sustainability: Hofstede’s cultural differences in the
perception of quality measures of sustainability reports.
Journal: Communications in Computer and Information Sciences.
Date/Number: October 2011. 219. Pages: 54-62
ISSN: 1865-0929
Title: Corporate Social Responsibility: A Spanish Parliamentary Initiative.
Journal: China-USA Business Review.
Date/Number: 2011 Vol 10 (12). Pages: 1335-1346
ISSN: 1537-1514
Title: Does Board Gender Composition affect Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting?
Journal: International Journal of Business and Social Sciences.
Date/Number: 2012 Vol 3 (1). Pages: 31-38
ISSN: 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online)
Title: Measuring quality of sustainability reports and assurance statements: characteristics
of the high quality reporting companies.
Journal: International Journal of Society Systems Science.
Date/Number: 2012 Vol. 4(1) Pages: 5-27
ISSN: 1756-252X (Online) - 1756-2511 (Print)
Title: Transparent Information System for Sustainability. A Sectoral Analysis.
Journal: Procedia Technology.
Date/Number: 2012, Vol.5, Pages: 31-39
ISSN: 2212-0173
Title: The Cost of Digital Preservation: A Methodological Analysis.
Journal: Procedia Technology.
Date/Number: 2012, Vol.5, Pages: 103-111
ISSN: 2212-0173
Title: Implementación e avaliación dun proceso de ensinanza-apredizaxe colaborativo
na titulación de Administración e Dirección de Empresas.
Journal: Revista Galega de Economía.
Date/Number: 2012, Vol.21 (2), Pages: 133-154
ISSN: 1132-2799
Title: España en el GRI: empresas que comunican y empresas que verifican
Journal: Revista Digital del Instituto Internacional de Costos
Date/Number: 2012, Nº. Extra 1, pp. 147-169
ISSN: 1646-6896
Title: Effect of Hofstede’s Cultural Differences in Corporate Social Responsibility
Journal: International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change.
Date/Number: 2013 Vol. 4(1), pp. 68-84
ISSN: 1941-868X, EISSN: 1941-8698
Title: Digital preservation cost: a cost accounting approach
Journal: Learning Organization, The
Date/Number: 2013, Vol. 20 Iss: 6, pp.419 – 432.
ISSN: 0969-6474
DOI: 10.1108/TLO-09-2013-0049
Title: Género y experiencia laboral: ¿afectan a la percepción de la comunicación de la
Journal: Revista de Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa
Date/Number: 2013, nº 15, fourmester III, pp. 73-99.
ISSN: 1888-9638
Title: Women on Boards: Do they affect sustainability reporting?
Journal: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (CSRandEM)
Date/Number: 2014, Vol. 21 (6), pp 351–364
ISSN: 1535-3958
DOI: 10.1002/csr.1329
Ttle: Perceptions of Quality of Assurance Statements for Sustainability Reports.
Journal: Social Responsibility Journal
Date/Number: 2014, Vol. 10 (3), pp. 480-499
ISSN: 1747-1117
DOI: 10.1108/SRJ-10-2012-0130
Title: Effect of Stakeholders' Pressure on Transparency of Sustainability Reports within
the GRI Framework
Journal: Journal of Business Ethics (JBE)
Date/Number: 2014, Volume 122, Issue 1, pp 53-63
ISSN: paper 0167-4544, on-line 1573-0697
DOI: 10.1007/s10551-013-1748-5
Title: Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility measured through Global
Reporting Initiative reporting: Factors affecting the behavior of companies
Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production
Date/Number: 2014, Volume 81, 15 October 2014, pp 244–254
ISSN: 0959-6526
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.06.034
Title: Multilevel approach on decisions of sustainability report assurance
Journal: Australian Accounting Review
Date/Number: 2015, No. 75 Vol. 25 Issue 4, pp 346–358
ISSN: 1835-2561
DOI: 10.1111/auar.12104
Title: Integrated reporting: an international approach
Journal: Business Ethics: A European Review
Date/Number: Forthcoming
ISSN: 1467-8608
9.- RESEARCH (Conferences)
Title: Asignación de responsabilidades en el Proyecto de Mecanización de la Contabilidad
de Gestión en Entidades de Crédito.
Conference: 3er Congreso Internacional de Costes.
Place and Date: Madrid, September 1993.
Title: Las Necesidades de Información para la Gestión en las Entidades Financieras.
Conference: 1er Congreso Europeo de Contables.
Place and Date: Barcelona, November 1995.
Title: La Licenciatura de Dirección y Administración de Empresas: su adaptación a las
necesidades del entorno empresarial.
Conference: V Congreso Nacional de Economía.
Place and Date: Gran Canaria, December 1995.
Title: La mecanización de la Contabilidad de Gestión en entidades de crédito: Ficheros
Conference: VII Encuentro de Profesores de Contabilidad.
Place and Date: Barcelona, June 1996.
Title: Consecuencias actuales de la explosión de los procesos de fusión de las Cajas de
Ahorro en el periodo 90-92.
Conference: VI Congreso Nacional de ACEDE.
Place and Date: La Coruña, September 1996.
Title: La evolución del pensamiento cooperativo en Europa y su concreción en una forma
Conference: V Congreso Internacional AEDEM.
Place and Date: Praga, September 1996.
Title: An analysis of the merger convenience of the saving banks of a peripheral european
Conference: 20th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association.
Place and Date: Graz, Austria, April 1997.
Title: El Euro y el Sistema de Información Contable de las Entidades Financieras.
Conference: IX Congreso de la Asociación EspYearla de Contabilidad y Administración
de Empresas.
Place and Date: Salamanca, September 1997.
Title: Una alternativa de validación del diagnóstico de los procesos de fusión.
Conference: VIII Jornadas Luso-Espñolas de Gestao Científica.
Place and Date: Oporto, March 1998.
Title: La Licenciatura de Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Una propuesta de
colaboración entre la Universidad y los licenciados.
Conference: VIII Encuentro de ASEPUC.
Place and Date: Alicante, May 1998.
Title: Environmental factors and financial and management accounting regulation: a
general perspective.
Conference: VII Congreso Internacional AEDEM.
Place and Date: Estambul, Turquía, September 1998.
Title: Does financial and management accounting require regulation?.
Conference: International Conference on Accounting and Governance.
Place and Date: Nápoles, Italia, October 1998.
Title: Impacto del Euro en el sistema financiero de España y Portugal.
Conference: VIII Congreso Internacional AEDEM.
Place and Date: Sao Leopoldo, Brasil, September 1999.
Title: ¿Evolución de la Contabilidad de gestión o Evolución del concepto de Empresa?.
Conference: VI Congreso Internacional de Costes.
Place and Date: Universidad do Minho, Braga, Portugal, September 1999.
Title: Algunos aspectos cualitativos en las fusiones de cajas de ahorros desde la
perspectiva del cliente interno.
Conference: IX Congreso Nacional de ACEDE.
Place and Date: Burgos, September 1999.
Title: La Contabilidad de Gestión en los Centros Educativos: Algunas reflexiones.
Conference: II Simposio Internacional de Contabilidade.
Place and Date: Oporto, Portugal, November 1999.
Title: El concepto de caja de ahorros: origen y desarrollo en España y Portugal.
Conference: X Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestao Científica.
Place and Date: Vilamoura, Portugal, February 2000.
Title: Balanced Scorecard para PMEs.
Conference: 1ª Conferencia de Contabilidade de Gestao..
Place and Date: Coimbra, May 2000.
Title: La valoración de las cajas de ahorro: una cuestión no resuelta.
Conference: XI Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica.
Place and Date: Cáceres, España, February 2001.
Title: El capital humano en los procesos de fusión de entidades financieras.
Conference: X Congreso Internacional de AEDEM
Place and Date: Reggio Calabria, Italia, September 2001.
Title: The Balanced Scorecard as a strategic accounting instrument for the small and
medium-sized enterprises.
Conference: 25th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association.
Place and Date: Copenhagen, Dinamarca, April 2002.
Title: El CFROI como método de valoración de entidades financieras. Análisis crítico.
Conference: XI Congreso Internacional de AEDEM
Place and Date: París, Francia, September 2002.
Title: Los nuevos métodos de valoración de empresas: Una revisión crítica en base a su
utilización genérica.
Conference: IX Congreso de Contabilidad ISCAP.
Place and Date: Oporto, Portugal, November 2002.
Title: El CFROI: Una herramienta de valoración de la creación de valor.
Conference: XII Congreso de AECA
Place and Date: Cádiz, September 2003.
Title: New Perspectives for the Management Control in Non Profit Organizations.
Conference: 27th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association.
Place and Date: Prague, Check Republic, April 2004.
Title: Las cofradías de pescadores en España: factores económicos bajo la perspectiva
legislativa estatal y autonómica. Especial referencia a la Contabilidad.
Conference: X Congreso de Contabilidad ISCAL.
Place and Date: Lisboa, Portugal, November 2004.
Title: El Capital social de la sociedad cooperativa, ¿Deuda o patrimonio neto?.
Conference: XIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración
de Empresas.
Place and date: Oviedo, Septiembre 2005.
Title: Balanced Scorecard for Non Profit Organizations.
Conference: IV Simposio Europeo dei Docente Universitari
Place and date: Rome, Italy, June 2006
Title: Economía social: una aproximación conceptual.
Conference: XI Jornadas de Investigadores en Economía Social y Cooperativa.
Place and date: Santiago de Compostela, October 2006
Title: Clasificación del capital social: una visión crítica.
Conference: XI Jornadas de Investigadores en Economía Social y Cooperativa.
Place and date: Santiago de Compostela, October 2006
Title: Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: Algunas reflexiones críticas con especial
referencia a las tutorías.
Congreso: III Jornadas Pedagogicas “O Processo de Bolonia: Reflexoes sobre as novas
metodologías e prácticas pedagógicas”.
Place and date: Porto (Portugal), May 2007.
Title: El Cuadro de Mando Integral. Herramienta de gestión en el ámbito gerontológico.
Conference: X Congreso Internacional de Costos y 1er. Congreso Transatlántico de
Contabilidad, Auditoría, Control de gestión.
Place and date: Lyon (France), June 2007.
Title: University responsibility in Social responsibility.
Conference: V Simposio Europeo dei Docente Universitari
Place and date: Rome, Italy, June 2007
Title: University responsibility in Social responsibility: Bases for future valuation.
Conference: 31st Annual Congress European Accounting Association
Place and date: Rotterdam, Holland, April 2008
Title: Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC): Marco conceptual para sociedades
Conference: 27 Congreso Internacional CIRIEC
Place and date: Sevilla, Spain, September 2008.
Title: La responsabilidad de la Universidad en la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa.
Conference: XI Congreso Internacional de Costos y Gestión
Place and date: Trelew, Argentina, September 2009
Title: Sustainability reporting and assurance: current situation and future trends.
Conference: 10th International Scientific Conference: Management Horizons in Changing
Economic Environment
Place and date: Kaunas, Lituania, September 2009
Title: Spanish Accounting Framework.
Conference: 16th International Conference AFECA
Place and date: Vanness, France, October 2009.
Title: Experiencia en docencia virtual: Equipo de investigación Grímpola.
Conference: IV Workshop on Educational innovation in university.
Place and date: Vigo, December 2009
Title: Docencia virtual: aprender a enseñar desde la experiencia.
Conference: XX Jornadas Hispano lusas de gestión científica
Place and date: Setubal, Portugal, February 2010
Title of the dissertation: Humanism as the new entrepreneurial paradigm: Corporate social
responsibility and humanistic management.
Simposium: VII International Symposium of University Professors
Place and date: Rome, June 2010
Title: Corporate social responsibility: A Spanish parliamentary initiative
Conference: International Conference on Applied Business & Economics (ICABE)
Place and date: La Coruña, Spain, September 2010
Title: Assurance Statement for Sustainability Reports: the case of Spain
Conference: 2010 NBEA Annual Conference
Authers: Romero, S.; Ruiz, S.; Fernandez-Feijoo, B.
Place and date: Montclair (USA), 30th September-2nd October 2010
Title: Accounting Model in Spain.
Conference: 17th International Conference AFECA
Place and date: Nuremberg, Germany, September-October 2010
Title: Corporate Social Responsibility in Spain.
Conference: 17th International Conference AFECA
Place and date: Nuremberg, Germany, September-October 2010
Title The use of accounting information systems in decision-making by the Directors of
Clinical Services.
Conference: 34th Annual Congress European Accounting Association
Place and date: Rome, Italy, April 2011.
Title: Testing Quality of Assurance Statements for Sustainability Reports.
Conference: 12th International Conference on Global Business and Economic
Development (SGBED).
Place and date: Singapur, Julio 2011.
Title: Information Systems for Sustainability: Hofstede’s cultural differences in the
perception of quality measures of sustainability reports.
Conference: Conference on Enterprise Information System (CENTERIS).
Place and date: Algarbe, Portugal, October 2011.
Title: España en el GRI: empresas que comunican y empresas que verifican.
Conference: XII Congreso Internacional de Costos
Place and date: Punta del Este, Uruguay, November 27 – 29, 2011
Title: A utilizaçao contabilística na tomada de decisoes dos directores de serviços
Conference: XXII Jornadas Luso-espanholas de gestao científica
Place and date: Vila Real, Portugal, February 2012
Title: Effect of Hofstede's cultural differences on CSR reporting
Conference: American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Place and date: Washington (USA), 4-8 August 2012
Title: As Limitações da Informação Contabilística. Tentativas de Superação
Conference: XV Encuentro AECA
Place and date: Ofir – Esposende (Portugal), 20-21 September 2012
Title: Transparent Information Systems for Sustainability: A Sectorial Analysis.
Conference: Conference on Enterprise Information System (CENTERIS).
Place and date: Algarve (Portugal), October 2012.
Title: The Cost of Digital Preservation: A Methodological Analysis.
Conference: Conference on Enterprise Information System (CENTERIS).
Place and date: Algarve (Portugal), October 2012.
Title: Accounting information systems and Clinical decision-making process.
Conference: 5th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business.
Place and date: Montreux (Suiza), October 2012.
Title: Influence of Leadership style on the use of Accounting information system.
Conference: 5th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business.
Place and date: Montreux (Suiza), October 2012.
Title: Connecting the accounting education to the needs of the employers.
Conference: 1st International Conference Accounting and Auditing Perspectives.
Place and date: Timisoara (Rumania), November 2012.
Title: Responsabilidad Social Corporativa: Un Concepto en Evolución.
Conference: XXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de gestión científica
Place and date: Málaga, España, Febrero 2013
Title: Level of compromise with CSR through reporting: Factors affecting behaviour of
Conference: American Accounting Association Mid-Atlantic Region Meeting
Place and date: Parsippany, New Jersey, USA, April 2013
Title: Sistemas de información: la comunicación de la responsabilidade social
Conference: XIII Internacional de Costos
Place and date: Porto, Portugal, April 2013
Title: Accounting logic and new professionalism in healthcare. A case study.
Conference: 3th Transatlantic Conference on Accounting, Auditing, Financial control and
Cost control
Place and date: Lyon, France, June 2013
Title: GRI standards: Evolution towards transparency and accountability.
Conference: International Conference on Applied Business & Economics (ICABE)
Place and date: Manhattan, New York, The US, October, 2013
Title: Does the Leadership style affect the use of accounting information systems?
Conference: 19th Workshop on Accounting and Management Control Memorial
Raymond Konopka.
Place and date: Burgos (Spain), January 2014.
Title: Leadership style in the use of accounting information tools.
Conference: 37th Annual Congress European Accounting Association
Place and date: Tallinn, Estonia May 2014
Title: Assurance on sustainability reports: why and who?
Conference: 13th SGBED Conference
Place and date: Ancona, Italy, 16-18 July 2014.
Title: Commitment to CSR Measured through GRI reporting: Factors Affecting the
Behavior of Companies.
Conference: American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Place and date: Atlanta, GA, USA, 2-6 August 2014.
Title: Physicians under the accounting logic in public hospitals: Hybrid managers versus
clinical doctors in a teaching hospital
Conference: 20th Workshop on Accounting and Management Control Memorial
Raymond Konopka.
Place and date: Segovia (Spain), January 2015.
Title: A communication theory approach to corporate social responsibility reporting: The
need for a triple bottom line report
Conference: 20th Workshop on Accounting and Management Control Memorial
Raymond Konopka.
Place and date: Segovia (Spain), January 2015.
Title: Financial auditor effect on sustainability reporting: An exploratory study
Conference: American Accounting Association Mid-Atlantic Meeting
Place and date: Cherry Hill, New Jersey, April 23-25, 2015.
Title: Board effectiveness and transparency of corporate social responsibility reporting: A
partial least squares analysis
Conference: 38th Annual Congress European Accounting Association
Place and date: Glasgow (Scotland), 28th -30th April 2015
Title: Physicians under accountingisation in public hospitals: Professional doctors,
occupational doctors and hybrid doctor-managers in a Portuguese teaching hospital
Conference: II Research Forum on Challanges in Management Accounting and Control
Place and date: Sevilla (Spain), 5th – 6th May 2015
Title: Physicians under accountingisation in public hospitals: Professional doctors,
occupational doctors and hybrid doctor-managers in a Portuguese teaching hospital
Conference: 10th ENROAC Conference
Place and date: Galway (Ireland), 3-4 June 2015
Title: Accounting information tools in managerial clinical service decision-making
Conference: 5th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy
Place and date: Valencia (Spain), 13-16 Julio 2015
Title: Leadership style and the use of accounting information tools
Conference: 5th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy
Place and date: Valencia (Spain), 13-16 Julio 2015
Title: Is board of directors’ diversity always benefcial? The influence of age and tenure
diversities on the level of CSR reports
Conference: 39th Annual Congress European Accounting Association
Place and date: Maastricht (The Netherlands), 11th -13th May 2016
Title: Financial auditor and sustainability reporting: An exploratory study among
companies following the GRI guidelines
Conference: 39th Annual Congress European Accounting Association
Place and date: Maastricht (The Netherlands), 11th -13th May 2016
10.- RESEARCH (Proyects)
Group Member: Proyect of Banco de Datos de Galicia.
Administration Supporter: University of Santiago de Compostela.
Dates: October 1979 - June 1980.
Group Member: Proyect "As empresas de Economía Social en Galicia: Alternativa de
mercado. Un estudio de Factores Limitantes".
Administration Supporter: Consellería de Xusticia, Interior e Relacions Laborais de la
Xunta de Galicia.
Dates: September 1994 - May 1995.
Group Member: Proyect “As fusions de entidades financieras como instrumento de
configuración do mapa financeiro galego ante o novo marco europeo. Especial referencia
as caixas de aforro”.
Administration Supporter: Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento. Xunta
de Galicia.
Dates: March 1998 - February 2000.
Main researcher: Program of Promoción Xeral da Investigación do Plan Galego de IDT.
Administration Supporter: Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento.
Dates: September 2002 – June 2003.
Main researcher: Proyect “Cara a un espacio único europeo de investigación: la
homogeneización de la información económico-financiera”.
Administration Supporter: Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento. Xunta
de Galicia.
Dates: Year 2003.
Main researcher: Proyect "La actividad de marisqueo y pesca de bajura en las Rías
Gallegas: La sociedad cooperativa como fórmula de articulación de un proyecto
Administration Supporter: Dirección Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento da
Consellería de Innovación, Industria e Comercio.
Dates: October 2003 - October 2006.
Group Member: Project DESQOOP. “Desarrollo rural transfronterizo de base
cooperativa, Galicia – Norte de Portugal”.
Administration Supporter: European Union. Interreg III A.
Dates: January 2006 - December 2007.
University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Check Republic
Socrates Program – European Union
Cost accounting. Situation in Spain - Universities and enterprises.
Financial accounting. Situation in Spain, relations with the EU.
How we teach accounting at University of Vigo.
Date: September 2001.
Fachhochschule Osnabrück - University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Socrates Program – European Union
The Spanish Language in Economy.
Date: June 2003.
Faculty of Economy - University Roma Tre, Germany
Socrates Program – European Union
Internationalition of Spanish enterprises.
The Spanish Language in Economy.
Date: May 2005.
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canadá
Invitation of Professor Richard Mattessich
Research activities
Date: July 2005
Fachhochschule Osnabrück - University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Socrates Program – European Union
Introdution to socioeconomic Spanih context.
Date: April 2006.
University of Oulu, Finlandia
Socrates Program – European Union
Management control
Date: May 2006.
University of Valahia Targoviste, Rumania
AFECA – Conference
Accounting reform in Spain.
Fecha: October 2006.
University of Corvinus, Hungría
Socrates Program – European Union
Management control
Date: May 2007.
University Corvinus of Budapest, Hungary
AFECA – Conference
Accounting reform in Spain.
Fecha: October 2007.
University of Tallin, Estonia
Socrates Program – European Union
Cost accounting
Date: May 2008.
Universitá degli Studi di Urbino, Italia
Socrates Program – European Union
Teaching: CSR in universities
Date: June 2009.
Universitá degli Studi di Firenze, Italia
Socrates Program – European Union
Teaching: Cost accounting
Date: June 2010.
Universitá degli Studi di Urbino, Italia
Socrates Program – European Union
Teaching: CSR reports and the importance of their assurance
GRI: A useful tool for communicate social responsibility
Date: June 2011.
Universitá Federico II di Napoli, Italia
Socrates Program – European Union
Teaching: CSR in universities
Date: June 2012.
Montclair State University
Research visit
Date: October 2013
Montclair State University
Research visit
Date: November 2014
Director of the Department of Finances and Accounting, since May 2003 to June 2006.
Secretary of the Department of Finances and Accounting, from February 1998 to April
Academic Secretary of I, II, III and IV Master en Dirección y Gestión de Programas y
Centros Gerontológicos Socio-Sanitarios, organized by the University of Vigo, the
IMSERSO and the Xunta of Galicia. Years 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006.
Responsible for organization of the Seminar "New challenges for Accounting Theory",
organized by the Department of Financial Economy and Accounting and the Department
of Marketing and Organization of Companies of the University of Vigo, in collaboration
with AECA.
Speakers: Richard Mattessich, Leandro Cañibano, José Luis Cea. April 2003.
Directress of the IV Workshop of ACODI with the motto "The Corporate Social
Responsibility: A new challenge for the Directive Accounting ". June 2003.
Coordinator of the First Program Official of Postgraduate in “Accounting and Finances”.
Responsible for the organization of the course “Responsabilidad Social Corporativa”,
with 64 hours, under E-learning modality, organized and imparted in the framework of
Activity 3: High level education, in the project INTERREG 3 A DESQOOP.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the XV Conference of the Society of Gerontology
and Geriatrics. November 2003.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestao
Científica. February 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the X Congreso Internacional de Costos y 1er
Congreso Transatlántico de Contabilidad, Auditoría y Control de Gestión. June 2007.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Xornadas 125 anos da ponte internacional
Tui-Valença. Unindo xentes, territorios e culturas. March 2011.
Censor of “The Journal of Management and Governance”, publish by Kluwer.
Reviewer for XVIII Conference Luso-Espanholas de Gestao Científica, that took place in
Porto (Portugal), February 2008.
Reviewer for XIX Conference Hispano Lusas de Gestión Científica, that took place in
Baeza (Spain), February 2009.
Reviewer for XX Conference Luso-Espanholas de Gestao Científica, that took place in
Setubal (Portugal), February 2010.
Reviewer for XXI Conference Hispano Lusas de Gestión Científica, that took place in
Córdoba (Spain), February 2011.
Reviewer for XXII Conference Luso-Espanholas de Gestao Científica, that took place in
Vila Real (Portugal), February 2012.
Reviewer for XXIII Conference Hispano Lusas de Gestión Científica, that took place in
Málaga (Spain), February 2013.
Reviewer in the International Colloquium AOM-ISEOR, that took place in Lyon (France),
June 2009.
Reviewer for the XIII Conference on Accounting and Auditing, organized by the ISCAP,
that took place in Porto (Portugal), in May 2011.
Reviewer of CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa.
Reviewer for the “Review of Economics & Finance”, sponsored by the Academic
Research Center of Canada.
Multilangueage Program at University of Vigo, teaching Cost Accounting in English.
Years: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
Certification of GRI Certified Training Program – Spain for GRI Sustainability Reporting
Process, by BSD Group Ltd, held in Madrid, April 2010.
Collaborator of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Vytautas Magnus
University – Kaunas (Lithuania), for the activities of PhD studies.
Representing the University of Vigo in the AFECA program. Intensive Program in
International Accounting, supported by the European Union.
English (Certificate in Advanced English - University of Cambridge).

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