Testing and creaming First scrub, then care


Testing and creaming First scrub, then care
­­Information for the well-being of your feet
more on page 2
Suffering for beauty
more on page 2
jojoba oil
Testing and creaming
Elderly persons in particular value foot care. Since years, however, more and more young people
are also going to foot care practices and cosmetics institutes. There is increasing demand not just for
classic foot care, but increasingly for wellness and beauty care as well.
Forget stress
To eliminate the hectic pace of everyday life for a
moment, people are increasingly looking for relaxation
paired with health engagement and a wish for a good
appearance. This is not just about the offers. The entire
atmosphere plays a role: Candlelight and scent dispensers
for a pleasant room climate, or soothing music. Offers
range from massage – as stated – via a relaxing foot
bath to modern applications which are moving into the
beauty scene from other continents. Nibbling fish are
an example of this. Even immersing the cleaned feet in
the water with its temperature of about 30 degrees
Celsius feels good. Then the Kangal fish from the
Turkish region by the same name come and nibble
dead skin scales from the feet. The result: silky soft foot
skin. Many compare the effects to a scrub.
Foto: drubig-photo | Fotolia
About 70 billion Euros are annually turned over in the
wellness market, according to estimates by the Institute of
Labour and Technology (Institut Arbeit und Technik = IAT)
of the Gelsenkirchen technical college. The trend is
more and more towards specific prevention and health
support and with it, “to medical wellness, which
combines medical services with feel-good offers.” This
development is also reflected in the foot care field.
Aside from classic offers such as callus removal or nail
care, more and more foot care practices are offering
functions, the hormone household and the immune
system, essential oils have a direct wellness effect.
Aside from the classics, increasingly modern, soothing
ingredients are in demand by consumers. For instance,
aloe vera is among the trendy ingredients. Famous
persons such as Cleopatra and Nefertiti used desert lily
as a beauty and health elixir for silky soft skin.
services which meet the needs of customers for beauty
and feel-good care. For instance, persons who are
conscious of wellness enjoy a relaxing massage with
essential oils. Since ancient times, these plant essences
have been used in cosmetics and wellness. They unfold
their effects through the sense of smell and via the skin.
Essential oils release so called messenger substances
(neurotransmitters) which positively influence our
physical and mental-emotional state of being. With
their positive influence on mood, important body
First scrub, then care
With its select combination of scrub and care substances, GEHWOL Mother of Pearl Scrub
ensures an optimal skin sensation. With its balanced recipe, it gently removes superficial
skin scales in the first step. Even during the scrub, care is already being provided. A
combination of mineral-rich algal extracts and jojoba oil provides the “new” skin surface
with moisture and skin related lipids. This renders it resistant, visibly smooth, and
noticeably supple.
But such fashions are scarcely suitable for daily care.
Still, anyone can start their own beauty and feel-good
program. The ingredients: a bath and high quality foot
care products. In this way, beauty care will be a success
every day.
Suffering for beauty
Foto: JJAVA | Fotolia
Women hope for a positive effect on their appearance by wearing high heels: slender legs and an emphasis
on the figure. But those who are conscious of appearance often put up with uncomfortable shoes as a
trade-off. A Brazilian study proves that wearing high heels may cause varicose veins.
The two parameters were first obtained from the test
subjects while they were walking barefoot. In women
for whom normal RVF and EF parameters were measured
when they were barefoot, the parameters were outside
the normal range as soon as the same test subjects wore
high heeled shoes. In the authors’ opinion, this is due to
the fact that the raised heels restrict the mobility of the
talocalcanean joint, weakening the function of the muscle
pump. This reduces the return flow from the veins. The
result: The higher the heels, the greater the residual
blood volume in the legs. At a heel height of about
seven centimetres, this amount rises to up to 60 percent.
When walking barefoot, these parameters are at about
30 percent. Consequently, there is not just a risk of
varicose veins at the skin surface. The deeper venous
system may be lastingly damaged.
Providing relief
Attractive but dangerous – wearing high heels can lead to serious health problems.
According to a Brazilian study at the University of São
Paulo, high heels may harm the veins and encourage
varicose veins. 30 women aged 20 to 35 years were
investigated. None of them had vein problems before
the study. This changed when they wore high heels.
Even a heel height of about 5 centimetres means that
the venous pumps no longer work, and circulation in
the legs increasingly becomes congested.
So that as little blood as possible flows back between
the muscle contractions, there are valves in the veins at
regular intervals. Wearing high heels renders the muscle
pump ineffective, and blood increasingly congests.
Varicose veins then form quickly when the connective
tissues are weak.
Foto: Simone Rößling | Fotolia
The unpleasant consequences which high heels are
shown by the example that ten percent of high heel
wearers need to be carried home after a long night.
Nearly 60 percent of all women wear high heels – for
between one and eight hours per day. Wearing shoes
with high heels may, however, lead to serious health
problems, for pressure should normally be evenly
distributed between the frontal foot and the heel.
Women do not have to go without high heels entirely.
Regularly changing the shoes contributes to ensuring
that the venous pump is activated frequently. Therefore
the credo should be: Wear high heels as little as possible.
And those who need the kick of heels can relieve the
feet with insoles such as GEHWOL High Heels relief
soles, which ensure balanced pressure relief and a
natural roll-off process. Blood comparison
The study compared the blood quantity parameters
between wearing flat shoes and wearing high heeled
shoes. Two parameters are decisive: The EF parameter
(ejection fraction) states the share of blood which is
ejected in relation to the total amount of blood when
the heart contracts. The RVF parameter (residual volume)
measures the amount which remains in the veins after a
muscle contraction.
Muscle contractions pump the blood back from the
veins to the heart.
Blood is transported through muscle contractions. The
body has to pump against gravity from the feet and legs.
jojoba oil
Friend to the skin
Due to its excellent caring properties, jojoba oil has
special significance as an active substance in cosmetics
production. It stabilises the lipid and moisture content of
the skin, protecting it against dehydration. At the same
time, the wax improves skin elasticity. In addition, the
high quality natural product also helps sensitive skin by
relieving itching, encouraging the circulation and
simultaneously unfolding soothing, anti-inflammatory
The foot skin needs regular and sufficient care to
stay soft and supple. The liquid wax jojoba oil
provides the required lipids and moisture.
The evergreen boxwood plant jojoba (simondsia chinensis)
is in the order of clove species. This beneficial plant
grows in the region of the Sonora desert in Mexico and
California and does best at temperatures ranging from 27
to 38 degrees Celsius. The shrubs grow up to four metres
high. The seeds of the olive-green fruit of the female plant
consist of about 50 percent precious jojoba oil.
Even in the 18th century, the native Indians used this
liquid wax as a general medicinal product and called it
“liquid gold”. Even today, jojoba oil is used for many
purposes due to its numerous positive effects. As a
liquid wax, the odour-neutral jojoba oil does not leave
The fruits of the evergreen boxwood growth supply the
skin nourishing jojoba oil.
an oily residue on the skin. It is easily distributed and
rapidly absorbed into the skin. It contains vitamins E, A
and F and is very temperature resistant. Natural sun
protection keeps the skin safe from UV rays.
In GEHWOL med Deodorant Foot Cream or GEHWOL
Balm for dry skin, jojoba oil supports the skin’s natural
functions. Due to its excellent care properties, jojoba oil
is contained in the GEHWOL med Nail Protection Pen.
The pen effectively prevents nail fungus infections and
renders dry nails elastic and naturally beautiful. In the
GEHWOL Mother of Pearl Scrub, jojoba oil renders the
skin – still sensitive after the scrub – smooth and supple.
„Vierteleschlotzer“ werden
Er zählt zu den größten Ferienregionen Deutschlands. Das Freizeit- und Genussangebot ist riesig. Er
verbindet die Mittelgebirgslandschaft im Osten mit flachen Landstrichen im Westen und bietet ein Überangebot an Freizeitaktivitäten und kulinarischen Highlights – der südliche Schwarzwald.
Und dort, zwischen dem Feldberg, Bad Säckingen im
Südosten und Lörrach im Südwesten wird das Thema
Wellness großgeschrieben. Zahlreiche Hotels, Thermen
und medizinische Einrichtungen tragen das Prädikat
„Wellness Star“. Im Bäderland Baden-Württemberg sichert es die Qualität der Angebote. Ergänzend dazu
gibt es das regionalspezifische Label „Schwarzwald Balance“. Basische Ernährung mit regionalen Produkten,
Essenzen aus heimischen Fichtennadeln und Holunderblüten gehören zu diesem Wellnesskonzept. Im Südwesten liegen so viele Luft- und Heilklimakurorte wie
nirgendwo sonst in Deutschland. Am südli­
­Westrand des Mittelgebirges laden B
­ adenweiler, Bad
Bellingen und Bad Krozingen, aber auch Freiburg in
ihre vielfältige Thermenlandschaft ein. Im Südosten gehört Bad Säckingen zu den beliebtesten Wellnesszielen.
Das Wandergebiet ist zugleich das Mekka von Mountainbikern und Gleitschirmfliegern. Im Süden gibt es
eine Anbindung an die etwa 350 km lange „Bike Crossing Schwäbische Alb“ und einen 400 Kilometer langen
Rundkurs von und nach Bad Säckingen als Ausgangsund Zielpunkt. Bei Freiburg trifft sich jedes Jahr die
­europäische MTB-Elite zum „Black Forest Ultra Bike
Marathon“. Für Radfahrer existiert ein dichtes Netz­­
gut be­
schilderter Radwege, und E-Bikes können an­­
170 Tankstellen frische Energie zapfen.
Das Genießerparadies
Um Bewegung, Landschaft und Genießerfreuden zu
binieren, haben die „Schwarzwald Wanderorte“
das Label „Schwarzwälder Genießerpfade“ entwickelt.
In diesem Jahr wurden zunächst neun zertifizierte „Premiumwege“ ausgezeichnet. Weitere sollen folgen. Ein
Beispiel ist der Wasserfallsteig. Der idyllisch gelegene
Fahler und der naturgewaltige Todtnauer Wasserfall liegen auf dem über elf Kilometer langen Weg zwischen
Feldbergpass und Todtnauberg. Örtliche Spezialitäten
wie Brägele oder Bibiliskäs lassen sich auf den Pfaden
in unzähligen Gaststätten genießen.
Das Bewegungsparadies
Aktive kommen im Südwesten Deutschlands zu jeder
Jahreszeit auf ihre Kosten. Im Winter bietet sich ambitionierten Skifahrern, Winterwanderern, Snowboardern
und Snowkitern mancherorts noch eine wahre Winterwunderwanderwelt. Ob Rheinauen, Reblandschaften,
weite Täler, hohe Aussichtsberge oder bewaldete Bergrücken – von Frühjahr bis Herbst genießen Wanderer,
Radfahrer, Mountainbiker und Motorradfahrer die abwechslungsreiche Landschaft. Insgesamt sind es mehr
als 23.000 Kilometer an Wanderwegen im Schwarzwald. Auf dem 118 Kilometer langen Schluchtensteig
Foto: © Monika Erdenbrink | STG
Das Wellnessparadies
im Süden führen die Etappen durch fünf Schluchten.
Dieser und weitere Wanderwege tragen heute das
­Gütesiegel „Qualitätsweg Wanderbares Deutschland“.
Foto: © Bade- und Kurverwaltung Gmbh Bad Bellingen
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, Schwarzwälder Schinken,
Bollenhut oder Kuckucksuhren – in aller Welt sind sie
Sinnbild für die Ferienregion Schwarzwald. Insgesamt
ist das größte Mittelgebirge Deutschlands 11.100 Quadratkilometer groß, gut 200 Kilometer lang und 60 Kilometer breit. Die Region steht für so unterschiedliche
Naturlandschaften wie den waldreichen Norden, den
mittleren Schwarzwald mit seinen breiten Wiesentälern
und den mit weiten offenen Flächen bis auf eine Höhe
von 1.493 Metern ansteigenden Süden.
Auf den Qualitätswegen Natur pur erleben.
Genuss verspricht auch das Weinwandern. Lohnenswert ist zum Beispiel das „Markgräfler Wiiwegli“. Der
Weinwanderweg verbindet über eine Strecke von 81
Kilometern Weil am Rhein mit Freiburg. Im Südwesten
des Schwarzwaldes wachsen am westlichen Rand des
Mittelgebirges Rebsorten wie der Blaue Spätburgunder,
Gutedel oder Müller-Thurgau. Und beim Durchschreiten der Weinwanderwege wird der Besucher schnell
zum „Vierteleschlotzer“ – so nennen Badener jene, die
guten Wein zu genießen wissen. Eine Fahrt mit dem
„Rebenbummler“ am Kaiserstuhl oder der Besuch von
einem der schöns­­ten Sandsteintürme christlicher Kirchen in Freiburg – das Angebot ist enorm groß. Mehr Informationen gibt es bei:
Schwarzwald Tourismus GmbH
Telefon 07 61 89 64 693
Der Südschwarzwald ist bekannt für seine Thermen.
Beautiful relief
Elegant, slender legs – that’s what women hope
to get by wearing high heeled shoes. The associated
health risks are enormous. GEHWOL High Heels
relief soles can simply be glued in for relief.
High heels shift the body’s centre of gravity forward.
Studies used pedographic tests to show that pressure on
the frontal foot increases with the height of the heels. At
a heel height of 7.5 centimetres, about 75 percent of
bodyweight rest on it. The measurements showed that
the pressure points – that is, the places where the
greatest pressure occurred – shifted farther forward as
heel height increased. The permanent pressure on the
frontal foot can cause foot and toe deformities. Hallux
valgus commonly forms. The base joint of the large toe
is pushed out, so that the large toe points inward. One
of the best known “victims” of high heels is Victoria
Beckham. The musculature can also atrophy. Then the
change to flat shoes may trigger severe pain, since
muscles and tendons cannot make such a rapid adjustment.
Other consequences of wearing high heeled shoes
include circulatory problems, varicose veins, muscle
and tendon shortening, and postural damage. Back
pain develops due to a hollow sacrum as a consequence
of an angled body posture.
Fashion-conscious wearers can use GEHWOL High
Heels relief soles made from highly elastic silicone gel
to reduce foot strain. The soles distribute the pressure
about equally onto the frontal foot and the heel. The
prerequisite is that they are glued in correctly. The soles
have a protective foil on their backs. By not pulling off
the entire foil right away, one can work on the position
while putting them in. The sole is optimally centred
Reduces the consequences
of wearing high heeled
GEHWOL High Heels
Relief Soles.
about three millimetres away from the end of the heel.
Once everything is right and no corrections are needed,
the foil can be pulled off entirely.
Toxic excretions
Nearly 340 years ago, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek discovered
bacteria with a microscope which he had built himself.
He found them in saliva and bodies of water. So far,
however, a maximum of five percent of all bacterial
species have been identified. Consequently researchers
are always finding new surprises. For instance, the
largest bacterium known thus far was discovered in
1990. The ‘sulfur pearl’ of Namibia - thiomargarita
namibiensis – grows up to three-quarters of a millimetre
long and can be seen with the naked eye.
Bacteria exist in various forms – as staff cells, threads,
tubes or spheres. Bacteria have a cell wall as well as a
cytoplasm and ribosomes. They carry genetic information
within themselves which is passed on through cell
division. They are not automatically pathogenic to
Foto: Sebastian Kaulitzki | Fotolia
It’s not just the bacterium itself, but particularly its excretions which cause illness. Even though not all
bacteria have negative health consequences, it is recommended to prevent them from penetrating the
body, particularly since only a fraction of them are scientifically known.
Risk of poisoning
Numerous bacteria have positive effects on the human
body or are neutral. Others excrete bacterial toxins.
These toxins – usually enzymes – can trigger illnesses
such as cholera, whooping cough and diphtheria, tetanus,
scarlet fever or abdominal typhus. The body also reacts
to the bacteria themselves with a foreign body reaction.
Inflammations with swelling, redness, fever or pain may
They are usually picked up with food, beverages or via
the skin. The latter occurs particularly if the skin’s natural
protective barrier is disturbed. On the foot with its
tendentially dry skin, the barrier can be maintained
with regular care using rich creams.
The forms of bacteria differ, ranging from spheres to
threads to staff cells.
20 GEHWOL-Produktsets für gepflegte Füße und Beine
zu gewinnen!
So geht’s: Finden Sie heraus, welches GEHWOLProdukt die negativen Folgen durch das Tragen
von High Heels vermindert, und ge­winnen Sie
je ein sechsteiliges Set mit weiteren, hochwertigen
GEHWOL-Fuß- und -Beinpflegeprä­paraten – zusammen mit einem kuscheligen Handtuch.
Mit den GEHWOL-Produkten unserer Gewinnsets kommen Sie mit warmen und gepflegten Füßen durch feuchtkalte Wintertage. Im GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam sorgen
Extrakte aus Algen, Paprika, Ingwer, ätherische Öle aus
Rosmarin und Lavendel sowie belebender Kampfer für
ein angenehmes Wärmegefühl und wirken durchblutungsanregend. Trockene Haut wird mit GEHWOL med
Lipidro Creme intensiv gepflegt. Harnstoff, Glycerin,
GEHWOL Balsam (normale Haut)
GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam
GEHWOL Bein-Balsam
GEHWOL med Lipidro Creme
GEHWOL pflegendes Fußspray
zusammen mit einem kuschelig weichen Handtuch
Sanddorn- und Avocadoöl und ein belebender Algenextrakt bringen die Haut in ihr natürliches Gleichgewicht.
Hochwertige Pflegesubstanzen in den GEHWOL-Fußcremes und im GEHWOL Bein-Balsam stärken die Fußund Beinhaut und machen sie weich, geschmeidig und
widerstandsfähig auch gegen Fußpilz. Spray-Liebhaber
genießen eine ausgewogene und reichhaltige Pflege mit
dem GEHWOL pflegenden Fußspray.
Bitte ausreichend frankierte Postkarte mit Ihrer Lösung
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