May 2011


May 2011
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
May 2011
May 14
Viennese Gala Ball
Main Hall
Band - Variations
May 15
June 5
June 19
Film Nachmittag - Peter Alexander
Film Nachmittag - xxxxxxx
Annual Picnic
August 13
3rd Annual Schnitzengiggle
Wilmot Rod & Gun Club
Schwaben Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
September 3-4 Tag der Donauschwaben (Mansfield, OH)
September 10 Kirchweih
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
October 7-15 Oktoberfest
All Halls
Bands – The Golden Keys & Schwaben 12
October 28
KISS Tribute Show: The Destroyers
Schwaben Hall
October 29
Schwaben Hall
Halloween Dance
Band – The Barefoot Boogie Band
November 19 Frauen Gründungsfest
Main Hall
Various Groups
December 31 New Year’s Eve Ball
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
December 11 Christmas Luncheon
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
$37.50 plus taxes per person
$24.99 plus taxes per person
Dinner & Dance 5:30 p.m.
Dance Only 7:45 p.m.
Let yourself be immersed in an elegant atmposphere of dance and music!
Thank you to our Frauengruppe for
the $200.00 donaton.
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
[email protected]
Die Jahreszeit zum Reinemachen des Klubgelaendes
kommt erst, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass wir im Klub
nicht aktiv sind! Der Monat April war fuer uns mit
vielen Aktivitaeten gefuellt. Am 6. April gab es das
Fruehlingskonzert. Die Unterhaltungskuenstler waren
alle sehr begabt und das Publikum war sehr begeistert.
Leider war die Anzahl der Anwesenden ziemlich gering.
In der Zukunft erhoffen wir uns eine bessere Teilnahme.
Am 9. April haben das Komitee, sowie die Schwabenund Donautanzgruppen und andere Klubmitglieder
das grosse Landestrachtenfest in Toronto besucht. Wie
gewohnt haben unsere Tanzgruppen die Anwesenden
mit ihren Auftritten begeistert. Wir haben uns auch die
Gelegenheit genommen, mit anderer Schwoweleit zu
sprechen und gemeinsam Plaene fuer die Zukunft zu
schmieden. Ein besonderes Augenmerk verdient das in Brasilien stattzufindende 60. Jahresfest
der Donauschwaben.
Donauschwaben haben sich in den 50er Jahren im heutigen Entre
Rios in Brasilien niedergelassen. Entre Rios ist
merkwuerdigerweise mit einem oesterreichischen Bauerndorf zu vergleichen—ein Stueck
Deutschtum mitten im Suedamerika! Zum 50.
Jubilaeum waren Mitglieder von unserem Klub
(u.a. Herr Stefan Jauch) angereist. Damals
hat man zwei Wochen im Raum Entre Rios
verbracht und haben neben der Feier auch andere Sehenswuerdigkeiten in den nahelegenden
Ortschaften erlebt. Eine Reise zum 60. Feier ist
zur Zeit in Planung. Naeheres erfolgt.
In den kommenden Wochen haben wir einige
Veranstaltungen, und zwar das Abschlussessen
der Kegelvereine, Muttertagsessen, und den
beliebten Wiener Galaball. Mary und ich
freuen uns auf ein gemuetliches Essen mit den
Keglern. Ein gutes Essen kann man ohne weiteres erwarten, sowie lustige Geschichten vom
vergangenen Kegelsaison. Zur Muttertagsfeier
am 1. Mai werden alle Tanzgruppen ihr Bestes
tun, uns zu unterhalten. Wir freuen uns
auf Ihr zahlreiches Erscheinen! Saemtliche
Tanzgruppen bemuehen sich staendig, die
Kultur und Traditionen aufrechtzuerhalten
und brauchen weiterhin die Unterstuetzung
unserer Mitgliedern. Insbesondere hoffen die
Donautaenzer auf Ihre Unterstuetzung beim
Wiener Galaball. Neue Taenze wurden ausgearbeitet und durch monatelange Proben weiterverfeinert fuer Ihre Unterhaltung. Diese einmalige Tanzvorfuehrungen sind nur an diesem
Galaballabend zu sehen! Bitte, vermissen Sie
nicht die Gelegenheit, diesen einzigartigen
Abend mitzuerleben. Gelder, die an diesem
Abend eingesammelt werden, kommen der
Tanzgruppe zugute, in dem sie neue Kostueme
kaufen kann, und den Klub und unsere Kultur
extern in anderen Staedten und Laendern vertreten kann.
Unser altes Klubgebaeude fordert immer wieder Wartung und Nachsehen. Der Tanzboden
in der Schwabenhalle wurde mit einer neuen
Glanzbeschichtung versehen. Im Bierkeller sind
auch einige Instandsetzungen zu erledigen, um eine
einladende Atmosphaere verschaffen zu koennen.
Unsere Kueche bleibt weiterhin sehr beschaeftigt
und wir suchen noch geeignetes Personal zum
Aushelfen, besonders wenn andere Urlaub nehmen wollen. Sollten Sie Interesse daran haben,
oder kennen andere Interessierten, bitte setzen
Sie sich mit dem Buero in Verbindung.
Zum Schluss bitten wir um freiwillige Helfer
fuer das Grossreinemachen des Klubgelaendes.
Blumenbetten muessen bearbeitet werden,
Gaertnereiarbeiten sind durchzufuehren, ein
allgemeines Saubermachen ist erforderlich.
Kommen Sie am 7. Mai heraus. Um 9 Uhr
puenktlich faengt es an. Wir moechten um
Mittag fertig sein. Wir hoffen auf ein zahlreiches Erscheinen!
President’s Report
The busy yard work season has yet to arrive but
that doesn’t mean we have been idle here at the
Schwaben Club. April has been a busy time for
us. On April 6th, we held the German Spring
Show. The performers were all very talented
and our audience really enjoyed the show. It
was disappointing to have so few in attendance.
Hopefully at our next event of this type we can
have more of our members coming out. On
April 9th some of our executive, club members
and our Schwaben and Donau dancers attended
Toronto’s Landestrachtenfest. Our dance groups
did us proud and we enjoyed the opportunity to
talk with our fellow Schwobs and exchange ideas
on future events. One event that caught our attention was a proposed trip in January 2012 to
participate in the 60th anniversary of Schwaben
Club in Brazil. The club is located in a town that
looks exactly like a Bavarian town. A number
of our members made the trip to Brazil for their
50th anniversary and enjoyed a two week tour
of the area in addition to the anniversary events.
Discussions are just getting underway on a possible trip. More information will be made available over the coming months.
A number of events are taking place in the coming weeks. At this writing we have the Bowling
Leagues Pot Luck dinner, our Mother’s Day
celebration, and the Viennese Ball. Mary and
I are looking forward to enjoying a casual evening with our bowling league members. I know
we will eat well and we will be sure to ask for
stories about the past season’s games, highlights
and funny moments. All our dance groups and
our choir will be entertaining us at our May 1st
Mother Day celebration. Hopefully you were
able to attend and enjoy this annual event.
All our groups at the club work so hard and put
in a great many hours to further our culture and
traditions. These groups need your support. Our
next fundraiser is for the
Donau Dancers who have once again put in endless hours to bring you an elegant evening on May
14th with Viennese Gala Ball. Special dance performances are taught and practiced for close to
four months to bring you a unique entertainment
experience. These dances are only performed
at the Ball. So if you haven’t attended the Gala
before, then come on out and support this hard
working group. Our dance groups are our clubs
ambassadors and the monies raised through their
fundraising efforts help with the purchase and
maintenance of their costumes, and provide travel subsidies to attend and perform at functions
throughout Ontario and the US. So I strongly encourage you, your friends, and family to come
out and enjoy some fabulous food and entertainment at a price that cannot be beat, also giving
this group the support it deserves.
We have also been busy with some building maintenance. The floors in the Schwaben Hall were refinished and we are looking to make some changes to the Keller Room. The process may be a bit
of trial and error as we experiment with some new
seating to make the space more inviting.
Our kitchen also continues to be a busy place and
we are looking for some more help. We are looking for anyone with cooking experience to help
out in the kitchen while staff is on vacation. If you
are interested or know of someone who might be
interested, please be sure and contact our office.
Finally we are looking for some volunteers to
help with our spring outdoor cleanup at our club.
We will work on cleaning up our garden beds,
trim the shrubs and bushes and perform general
cleanup. The date is May 7th, the work will start
at 9:00 a.m. and will finish around noon. We
hope you can come and help out.
George Kraehling Jr.
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On”
Snow in April is no fun; hopefully spring will come
to stay this month. April was cold outside but inside
the Club the heat was felt as we hosted a number
of events including concerts, dances, a fundraiser
for cancer, an Oktoberfest party, a retirement party,
and some special dinners. Thank you to everyone
who stepped up to help out and make everything
go smooth while I was away on vacation.
The year is moving right along and before you
know it Oktoberfest will be right around the corner and speaking of which tickets are now available in the office. Enjoy the summer and if you
are in the neighbourhood pick up your tickets
for all the great events coming to the Schwaben
Club. Bring your friends; we’d love to see them,
everybody is welcome to enjoy the Schwaben
Don Egley
Bryan Bauman...Happy Belated Birthday
April 5th (not May 5th)
Geburtstage für Mai
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat Mai Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Brattan, Henry
Gross, Paul
Schaadt, Richard
Tetzlaff, Sophia
Albrecht, Wilhelm
Slivar, Djuro
Doepner, Gerlinde
Schaman, John
Anstett, Monica
Szierer, John
Schilling, Andrew
Welches, Joseph
Gaysek, Karin
Pelley, Stephen
Schick, Magdalena
Thompson, Catherine
Hoedl, Monika
Becker, John
Ehrenberg, Jochen
Gissing, Melissa
Borch, Katelyn
Vogel, Erich
Ries, Irma
Borch, David
Switzer, Norma
Pilz, Emma
Koehler, Christel
Krech, Elisabeth
Gellner, Andrew
Kindergruppe and
Since our last Nachrichten article in May our
Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe performed at
Winston Park Retirement Home in Kitchener
on March 26, 2011 and our Jugendgruppe
at Landestrachtenfest in Toronto on April
9th, 2011. This was our first time at Winston
Park Retirement Home and the residents were
very welcoming. At Landestrachtenfest the
Jugendgruppe made us very proud to be representing the Kitchener Schwaben Club! It was
the first time for our Jugendgruppe to perform
at this event and experience the Toronto Club atmosphere and culture. Thank you fellow dancers and friends for a great night!
It’s hard to believe our 2010-2011 dance year
is nearing the end! The official year end practice date is May 12, 2011. We continue to prepare for a few upcoming events at Sunnyside
Nursing Home on May 7th and Driftwood
Public School on May 19th for their Multiculural
Event. We are also preparing for Landestreffen
der Donauschwaben 2011 in Mansfield, Ohio
on September 3rd and 4th. A huge thank you
to our instructors for another successful dance
year: Brandy Chapman, Kirk Hanke, Jennifer
Offak and Katelyn Borch! Your dedication and
commitment doesn’t go without notice and appreciation. You have truly changed our dancer’s
cultural experience. I would also like to thank
our Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe Committee
for their continued support: Johanne Watchorn,
Kathy Beckett, Tara Willemsen, Lea Becker,
Lena Herold and Helga Hill. It is with everyone’s collaborative effort that has made this
group so successful. In just over 3 years our
group has grown from 6 dancers to 42 dancers!
Congratulations everyone!
We look forward to seeing everyone at our
Annual Club Picnic on Sunday, June 19, 2011.
Please come out and support our Picnic Raffle.
Lisa Schaadt
Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President
Schwaben Club
Spruce-Up Day
May 7, 2011
9:00 am
Clean all flower beds
Clean parking lot
Clean windows and doors
Trim shrubs
Prepare Keller washrooms for painting
Reroute wiring for ATM machine
Other ideas are welcome
Film Nachmittag
May 15, 2011
Greetings from the Frauengruppe. By the time
this edition of the Nachrichten is out we will have
had our Mother’s Day Luncheon which takes
place on May 1 in our Club. We hope to have a
large turnout to enjoy a delicious hot meal and
all our entertainment. There will dancing and
singing and raffles. As we all know spring is very
slow to come this year, but we will have a spring
cleanup at the club on May 7 from about 9 to 1. I
invite any ladies who like to garden and are able
to, or have extra plants in there garden to join me
and the others on that morning. You know the
old saying..the more the merrier! I also would
like to wish everyone Happy Mother’s Day!
Susan Cook
Frauengruppe Secretary
Landestrachtenfest 2011
5, 2011
Dienstmann June
Doors Open 2:00 pm
mit Hans Moser
Film Begin 2:30 pm
Schwaben Family Bowling
Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All
Here (Almost)
We are looking for youth (age 4 and up) as well
as adults who are searching for a fun and exciting way to make new friends and stay in shape!
If we receive enough interested children we will
be putting together a children’s team alongside
our regular adult team.
We bowl every 2nd Sunday at 6:30 pm from
September till April.
Please contact me at [email protected]
or call the club.
Every year, the four Schwaben Clubs of southwestern Ontario get together to celebrate their
shared heritage. This year, Landestrachtenfest
was hosted by the Blue Danube Club in Toronto.
And it was a wonderful event. If you’re wondering why there’s an “Almost” in the title – I’ll explain. The event usually plays host to four clubs;
Toronto, Kitchener, Windsor, and Leamington.
This year however, due to circumstances beyond
their control, there were only a limited number of representatives from Leamington and
Windsor, and no dance groups. This, however,
did not ruin the mood of the evening.
Toronto is always an exciting club to visit. The
members are friendly, the hall spacious, and the
food wonderful. While it might seem to have
been a bit disorganized in the beginning, that’s
what happens when you try to shuffle hundreds
of people and 6 dance groups into a hall in less
than an hour. Although some tables might have
had to wait a bit longer than usual for their dinner to be served, it was definitely worth the wait.
The starter house salad was quite good. The
pork roast and chicken schnitzel that came with
the entrée were excellent and accompanied by
potatoes and vegetables.
Then came the programmed parts of the evening. First the Grand March; a chance for all
the dance groups, flag bearers and dignitaries to
march around the hall, displaying the splendor
of the costumes and the clubs. Then a few short
yet poignant speeches, and we were onto the
Tracht show. This is an important part of every
Landestrachtenfest: it’s a chance for members to
show off their traditional trachts, most from the
“old” country, and many hand-made by relatives.
It’s a time of great pride and tonnes of pictures.
After the Tracht show, the evening alternated between performances by dance groups and dancing to the music of the D.S. Brass Band. All the
dance groups did a wonderful job, and the dance
floor was kept quite full by the band. Toronto
has a lot to be proud of. I can’t wait till next
year’s event. See you all there!
Helga Hill
President, Schwaben Family Bowling League
Peter Speckner
Cultural Director
Our Spring German Show...
Yes, ‘wow’ is a good word to describe our last
German show. I believe it was the best one yet.
The Pfälzer Buam were two very talented brothers; one an award-winning singer and the other
a champion accordionist. They started the show
off with a musical bang.
Duo Mosaique, a husband-wife team, really got
the audience going. They walked through the
crowd, singing our favourite songs.
The next entertainer is also a TV star in Germany;
Romy. She hosts her own show and has a voice
like an angel. And, according to Tony Sertic, she
also has very lovely legs. She stood on his table
right in front of him, while belting out a song.
OK Tony, stop drooling.
Axel Becker (who looked like a Mafia boss in
shiny black suit and slicked-back black hair) has
a mellow, romantic voice that makes the ladies
swoon. He brought a group of people up to the
front of the dancefloor to demonstrate a dance
step. He also walked among the audience to everyone’s delight.
There was a lot of enthusiasm and audience participation. Good job Schwaben Club.
I hope to see everyone at the Christmas show. I
am sure it will be great!
Cathy Thompson
Roving Reporter
in our Schwaben Club
Everyone welcome.
Contact: email [email protected]
or call the office (519) 742-7979
WANTED: Ladies dance shoes
8 Wide. If you have a pair you no
longer need, please call me. I would be
interested in buying them if they are in
good condition.
Please contact Elizabeth Schiketanz at
[email protected], or call
(519) 501-1554
Strategic Planning
Regular Meetings
1st Wednesday of every month
6:30pm - 7:30pm
prior to our monthly General Membership meeting (unless
otherwise scheduled)
Chair ..................... Nikolaus Lang
Co Vice Chairs ..... Glenn Herold
............................... Heidi Peller-Oliver
Secretary .............. Neil Hoffman
Culture Rep. ......... Peter Speckner
Member Rep ......... Bob Foster
Mission Statement:
To provide a support mechanism to the Schwaben
Club Executive and its Members by developing
short and long-term strategies to financially
sustain the club such that the cultural values can
be maintained.
The Strategic Planning Committee will be including a Survey/Questionnaire in the May issue of the Nachrichten. It is our hope that our
members will take the time to answer the questions and return it to the Club. We will use the
information gathered to help make beneficial decisions for future aspects of the Club. The survey is completely anonymous, so feel free to be
honest. And since only one copy of the survey is
included with each Nachrichten, if family members need more copies, they are available for
pickup in the Club office.
The Schwaben Club Cooking Class is open for
business. The first class will be held on Friday,
June 17 and will teach the cooking of Rouladen.
The cost is $30 per person, will include full portions of the recipe and a copy of the recipe to
take home. Space is limited, so sign up early.
The sign-up sheet is in the office or on the bulletin board outside the office. All are Welcome!
After years of absence, the Schwaben Family
Bowlers are trying to start up a Youth Bowling
League again. The new league will play on every
other Sunday evenings, beginning in September
2011. Ages are 4 and up, and we’re hoping to
get at least 6 children to start the league with.
Cost will be approx $10 per evening (not including the cost of shoe rental), making it a wonderful chance for kids to get out, have fun, and get to
know each other in a different environment.
We are closer than ever to having a child-themed
Oktoberfest celebration this fall at the Schwaben
Club. A chance for kids to be kids with an
Oktoberfest twist. It’ll be a great chance for our
own children and dancers to mingle and show
off to children from outside the Club. Although
a date hasn’t been finalized yet, we will keep you
posted. Volunteers will be requested to help the
event operate smoothly, and corporate sponsorship will hopefully add not only the theme, but
also the bottom line! More to come.
The Schwaben Club is also looking into hosting its first ever Golf Tournament. Details have
not been finalized yet, but for all those out there
who enjoy the playing a few rounds in the open
air, keep reading the Nachrichten and bulletin
boards for when final details are announced.
We are looking at playing at River’s Edge Golf
Course, with possible costs ranging from $35 $50. Prizes and meals may be included at an
extra cost if there is interest. This is definitely
something new and different for our Schwaben
Club members to partake in.
As for the Strategic Planning Committee itself,
we are always looking for input from our members. If anybody has any ideas or suggestions
they’d like to see considered or researched, feel
free to attend our meetings and share your input with us. We have a hard-working, dedicated
group of open-minded individuals who are ready
to listen to what our members have to tell us.
Finally, we are still hoping to have a new column
appear in future issues of the Nachrichten called
“Our Stories”. We are asking for members to
share the personal histories of their involvement
with the Schwaben Club, so that we can share
them with our community. If enough stories are
collected, we’d like to compile a book/journal
of them, so that future generations can read up
on what it took to get to us where we are now.
Feel free to email your story to any member on
the committee, or drop off a printed/written version in the office. We must never forget the past,
as it is important to use as a guide to the future.
As always.....History matters.
Nick Lang
Chairman, Strategic Planning Committee
GOLDEN BOOKS, 700 (approx) children’s
Golden Books. Old ones, newer ones,
shaped ones, unique ones. 519-569-7824
To add an item please contact the Schwaben Club at
519-742-7979. or send an email to [email protected]
Transylvania Club
07. Mai
Konzert der Blaskapelle – Brass Band Concert
20:00 Uhr
18. Mai
Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon - Alpine Club
11:30 Uhr
04. Juni
Chorkonzert – 60th Anniv - Choir Concert – GCHFC
15:00 Uhr
15. Juni
Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon - Alpine Club
11:30 Uhr
18. Juni
Waldfest – Picnic & Golf Tournament – GCHFC
15-17 Juli
Heimattag - Saxonia Club, Aylmer
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
[email protected]