Englisch (PDF, 48 KB, nicht barrierefrei)


Englisch (PDF, 48 KB, nicht barrierefrei)
Erziehungsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt
To all parents of children in Family Child
day-care Providers of the Canton BaselCity
To all Family Child day-care Providers
Basel, August 2009
Swine influenza A/H1N1 influenza (deutsch: Schweinegrippe) - Information for parents of
children in day-care families and Family Child day-care providers in canton Basel City
Ladies and Gentlemen
Dear Parents, dear Family child day -care provider
Through this letter, we would like to inform you about the latest information on the course of influenza A/H1N1,which is known also as Swine influenza ( Swine flu ) . Cases of this illness
have been confirmed in several cantons. It is believed that this illness will spread and there will
be many cases of swine flu in the autumn of 2009.
Swine flu A/H1N1 is a viral Infection caused by H1N1 virus. It can be spread from person to
person by direct contact (droplet infection). Typically this illness begins with symptoms of acute
respiratory infection (cough, sore throat, runny nose) and a High temperature (Fever more than
38 ° C), can also cause chills with muscle pain, headache or joint pain. Usually the illness is
If your daughter or your son become ill in the next few weeks and has above mentioned symptoms, please contact her or his Paediatrician or your family doctor.
The doctor will then decide whether the suspect of an influenza A/H1N1-Infektion exists? And
will decide about next measures.
When the doctor diagnoses A/H1N1-Infektion, your child und its little brothers or sisters must
stay home until 1 day after recovery from symptoms, as well as all other children in the family
day care and their little brothers and sisters must stay at home.
This means they must also not visit the kindergarten or school. Furthermore, please inform the
Office of the Family child day-care about the illness of your child. The Office of the Family child
day-care will consult children and youth health services if it would be necessary. If in a case of
a single illness, other measures would be necessary, you will be informed about theses measures.
Erziehungsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Seite 2
It is necessary in such situations, to follow the simple hygienic precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus. For precise instructions, please see the enclosed leaflet. The use
of a protective mask is not necessary.
For medical questions please contact the Child and Youth Health service Basel city:
St. Alban-Vorstadt 19, 4052 Basel, Tel.: 061 267 45 20, E-mail [email protected].
For questions, please contact the Office of Family child day-care
With regards
Dr. med. Thomas Steffen
Leiter Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention
Dr. med. Cornelia Conzelmann
Leiterin Fachstelle Tagesbetreuung