Die Klassenarbeit 1.1 - Camden Haven High School e


Die Klassenarbeit 1.1 - Camden Haven High School e
Die Klassenarbeit
In this unit you will learn to:
• say what you can and can’t do
• say what you are/are not allowed to do
Abbreviations: Kb
Kursbuch (Textbook)
Arbeitsbuch (Workbook)
Blackline master (worksheet)
Website CD or website:
Wir dürfen nicht mogeln!
We aren’t allowed to cheat!
Read the cartoon story, Kb pp82-83, while you listen to
Audio CD 3 track 1.
Poor Christian! But as Sibel says, Mogeln ist einfach nicht erlaubt!
(Cheating is simply not allowed!)
-1Camden Haven High School
Did you understand the story?
(a) Answer these questions
Who is good at Maths: Julia, Sibel or Christian?
Do Jessie and Nick have to do the test, too?
What equipment do the students need for the test?
What is Christian holding in his hand?
What is Julia’s explanation for Christian’s action?
What is Herr Lenz going to do?
Check your answers at the end of Lesson 2.
(b) Find the German for these phrases:
I don’t understand this here.
Do we have to do the test too?
You’re good at Maths.
You need paper.
Give me the piece of paper!
I am disappointed.
How disgraceful!
Aren’t we allowed to use notes?
10. Is everything OK (in order)?
Check your answers at the end of Lesson 2.
You should be familiar with the story by now, so try the Richtig oder
falsch? exercise, by going to Kb p83 and listening to Audio CD 3 track 2.
Check your answers at the end of Lesson 2.
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Presentation (cont’d)
Consolidate your knowledge of the cartoon story by going to Web and do
the cartoon story exercises:
Übung 1
Listen with, and then without, the speech bubbles.
Übung 2 Find the missing words.
Now go to your workbook and do these exercises:
Ab p110
Ex 17 In der Klasse stimmt was nicht! Make the false true!
Ab p104 Ex 8 Kreuzworträtsel
cartoon story
Ab p105
Crossword puzzle, based on the
Ex 9 Wortsuche Word search
Check your Solutions.
An extra exercise: Use each word from the Wortsuche in a complete
eg. Klassenarbeit:
Die Klasse macht eine Klassenarbeit.
You can use phrases from the cartoon story or create your own.
Write them on a sheet of paper and send in to your teacher with this TP.
-3Camden Haven High School
1. Sibel
2. No
3. Paper, pencil, calculator
4. A piece of paper
5. Christian finds Maths hard and his father is very strict.
6. He’s going to ring Christian’s parents.
1. Das hier versteh’ ich nicht.
2. Tut mir leid. / Entschuldigung.
3. Müssen auch wir die Klassenarbeit schreiben?
4. Du bist gut in Mathe.
5. Ihr braucht Papier.
6. Gib mir den Zettel!
7. Ich bin enttäuscht.
8. Wie unverschämt!
9. Dürfen wir keine Notizen benutzen?
10. Ist alles in Ordnung?
1. Falsch. Die Klasse macht einen Mathetest.
2. Falsch. Sibel ist gut in Mathe./ Christian ist nicht gut in Mathe.
3. Richtig.
4. Falsch. Christian mogelt.
5. Richtig.
-4Camden Haven High School
Saying what you can and can’t do
Thema 9 introduces the verbs which are called ‘Modal verbs’, such as ‘can’,
‘may’, ‘must’, etc which usually work with a second verb. This lesson will
concentrate on the verb können which means ‘to be able to’ or ‘can’. It
looks like this:
to be able to, can
ich kann
I can, am able to
du kannst you can, are able to
er/sie/es kann he/she/it can, is able to(use this form + singular noun)
wir können we can, are able to
ihr könnt
you can, are able to
sie können they can, are able to (use this form + plural noun)
Sie können you can, are able to
Let’s have a look at how to use this:
Turn to Kb p84 Fokus a. and follow it as you listen to
Audio CD 3 track 3.
What would you answer to these questions:
(your teacher may ask you – be ready!)
Kannst du Gitarre spielen?
Kannst du gut schwimmen?
Kannst du Ski fahren?
Kannst du Klavier spielen?
Make up 4 or 5 questions you could ask your teacher.
(See Mach mit! 1, p84)
Remember to use the polite Sie form, “Können Sie ...?”
-5Camden Haven High School
Do some listening practice by completing Ab p101, Ex1 Kannst du ...?
while you listen to Audio CD 3 track 8.
Note the formation of the negative: ich kann.. and ich kann nicht ....
Revise the forms of the verb in exercise 3.1 and then do Ab p106, Ex 10
können, matching the subjects given (the nouns and pronouns) with the
verb forms provided at the top of the column.
Check your Solutions.
Finally, tell us what you can and can’t do.
Complete Ab p110, Ex 18 Was kannst du gut? Was kannst du nicht
Give your answers to your teacher next time you are speaking.
Kannst du
Klavier spielen?
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Saying what you’re allowed or not allowed to do
In the cartoon story, Christian asked: ‘Dürfen wir keine Notizen benutzen?’
‘Aren’t we allowed to use notes?’ He used the modal verb dürfen which
means ‘to be allowed’ or ‘may’. This is how it is formed:
to be allowed to, may
ich darf
I’m allowed to, may
du darfst
you are allowed to, may
er/sie/es darf
he/she/it is allowed to, may (use this form + singular
wir dürfen
we are allowed to, may
ihr dürft
you are allowed to, may
sie dürfen
they are allowed to, may
Sie dürfen
you are allowed to, may
(use this form + plural noun)
Further examples:
Die Schüler dürfen Taschenrechner benutzen.- The students are allowed to
use calculators.
Nick darf Postkarten schreiben. - Nick is allowed to write postcards.
Ich darf hier nicht schwimmen. - I am not allowed to swim here.
Another way of saying something is allowed is to use erlaubt, as in
Schwimmen ist hier erlaubt or Parken ist hier erlaubt. (parking)
If it is not allowed, use nicht erlaubt or verboten, as in
Schwimmen ist hier nicht erlaubt or Rauchen ist verboten. (smoking)
Read through Kb pp84-85, Fokus b. Was ist nicht erlaubt? while you
listen to Audio CD 3 track 4 to get a feel for these expressions.
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Now do Mach mit! 2 part (ii) (Kb p85), writing new dialogues (like on p84)
to match the pictures shown. Be ready to do them with your teacher next
time you speak.
So now we have two possible ways of saying something is allowed/not
Hier darf ich schwimmen.
Schwimmen ist hier erlaubt.
I am allowed to swim here.
Swimming is allowed here.
Hier darf ich nicht parken.
Parken ist hier nicht erlaubt.
(Or Parken ist hier verboten.)
I am not allowed to park here.
Parking is not allowed here.
Try this exercise: Ab p111, Ex 19 Was darfst du? Was darfst du nicht?
Check your Solutions.
If you have any questions, make sure you ask your teacher.
Now some listening to practise what you’ve learned:
Ab p101, Ex 2 Darf ich hier ...?
Audio CD 3 track 9.
Check your Solutions.
Finally, if you have time, go to Web and do Fokus Übung 1.
Complete this exercise by matching the picture and the phrase.
If you don’t have time now, make sure you catch up as soon as you can!
Rauchen ist verboten!
Rauchen ist nicht erlaubt!
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