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Freie Scientologen
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Groß, Schweiz
FS Bulletin vom 1. September 2006
Scientology Auditor Rehabilitation Serie Nr.
Eine kurze Internet-Recherche ergab, dass LSD vor allem wasserlöslich ist und mit einer Halbwertzeit von knapp 3 Stunden binnen 24 Stunden den Körper verlassen hat.
Es gibt in der Scientology Kirche das stabile Datum, dass niemand, der jemals LSD genommen
hat, wegen seiner unhandhabbaren Unzuverlässigkeit ein Mitglied der Sea Org werden kann.
Diese Abqualifizierung einer bestimmten Fallkategorie „for ever“ ist völlig unscientologisch.
Wir haben es mit dem Statik eines Thetans zu tun, der einen Fall hat und letzterer kann sich
kaum einer Handhabung entziehen.
Meine Sichtweise wird von folgendem HCOB-Zitat gestützt:
When you are dealing with an LSD case or anyone who has ever taken LSD you cannot
and must not consider their Drug Rundown complete until they have been sweated and
given liquids and exercised for months as well as heavily audited. They can recover with
auditing and this handling, but it won’t be very fast. [HCOB 31 MAY 1977 LSD YEARS AFTER THEY HAVE “COME OFF OF” LSD]1
Spätere Referenzen nehmen darauf Bezug und verschärfen den Umgang mit LSD-Konsumenten bis zu dem o.g. Sea Org Verbot.
Der folgende Satz aus dem gleichen HCOB erklärt den bekannten Flashback von LSD-Konsumenten rein körperlich:
The LSD apparently stays in the system and is liable to go into action again giving
them unpredictable “trips.” Which could be quite fatal while driving and even walking
Seit dem Dianetikbuch ist bekannt, dass die Zeit unter einer Droge zu einem Engramm wird
(siehe unter dem Stichwort Alkohol im DMSMH). Das bekannte LSD-Flashback2 wird sogar
von der Schulmedizin als Dramatisation eines rein psychischen Traumas 3 gewertet und nicht
Ich bin nicht davon überzeugt, dass dieses HCOB wegen der folgenden Outpoints von LRH stammt: Der Autor
verallgemeinert und charakterisiert einen sogenannten LSD-Case ausgehend von nur 2 untersuchten Fällen und
macht keine Angabe darüber, wie hoch der LSD-Konsum dieser beiden LSD-Fälle gewesen ist. Trotzdem wurde
ein hoher Prozentsatz von Staffs und Sea Org Mitarbeitern als Psychotiker abqualifiziert, denn Ende der 60er und
Anfang der 70er war LSD-Konsum unter Jugendlichen sehr stark verbreitet.
Flashback ist ein psychologisches Phänomen, in dem jemand ein früheres Geschehnis erinnert. Der Dianetiker
würde es eine Restimulation oder ein Lock nennen.
"Post-traumatic stress disorder has been commonly associated with war veterans, but it also affects victims of disasters and violence... Experts estimate that 1% of the population suffers from the disorder."
als Wirkung von etwaigem Rest-LSD, was zu den MEST-Apologeten viel besser passen
Da dieser Flashback eine reine Bestätigung dianetischer Betrachtungsweise ist, macht es wenig
Sinn, eine körperliche Ursache zu suchen, wo es keinen Anhaltspunkt dafür gibt.
LSD ist wasser- nicht fettlöslich. Daher wird es schnell im Urin aus dem Körper
ausgeschieden. Es gibt umfangreiche Studien, die bewiesen haben, dass binnen einem Tag
nicht ein Picogramm LSD mehr im Körper vorhanden ist.
Ich habe nichts gegen die Verwendung des Purif einzuwenden, um wirklich alle möglichen
chemischen Reststoffe aus dem Körper eines Drogenfalles oder eines Chemiearbeiters etc.
herauszuschwitzen. Insbesondere bei PCs, die Strahlung (auch Elektrosmog wie von Handys
etc.) ausgesetzt waren soll er gut gewirkt haben. Auch ist die Behebung von Mineralstoff- und
Vitaminmangel ebenso förderlich für die Gesundheit, wie tägliches Joggen und leichte
Saunagänge. Aber er ist m.E. nicht von LRH und kein zwingender Brückenschritt.5
Aber ich habe etwas dagegen, wenn mit unwissenschaftlichen Willkürdaten Menschen in die
Kategorie „unheilbar“ abqualifiziert werden. Ich vermute eher, dass - nachdem die Kommlinien
von LRH gekappt waren - diese „LSD-Daten“ vom Übernahmeteam geschaffen und verwendet
wurden, um störende Führungskräfte der Sea Org von Posten zu nehmen. Vermutlich damals
noch ohne jeden Protest seitens der betroffenen Führungskräfte, gegen diese „LRH-Daten“.
Andreas Groß
für die
Freien Scientologen
Copyright © 2006 by
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Groß
Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
---LA Times, Feb 18 1992, p A3, "Journey For Better Life Hell For Some Women."
Download heute von Auszug über Flashbacks:
Quoted without permission from 'Licit and Illicit Drugs,' written by Edward M Quoted without permission from
'Licit and Illicit Drugs,' written by Edward M. Brecher and the editors of Consumer Reports. ISBN:
0-316-15340-0 - A simple explanation of LSD flashbacks, and of their changed character after 1967, is available.
According to this theory, almost everybody suffers flashbacks with or without LSD. Any intense emotional experience--the death of a loved one, the moment of discovery that one is in love, the moment of an automobile smashup
or of a narrow escape from a smashup--may subsequently and unexpectedly return vividly to consciousness weeks
or months later. Since the LSD trip is often an intense emotional experience, it is hardly surprising that it may
similarly "flash back."
Eine hochinteressante Methode, um Hubbards Werk zu diskreditieren: Man denkt sich eine nicht funktionierende
Tech aus (z.B. Purif, seit 1978 entwickelt), fügt sie der Brücke hinzu und zwingt so jedermann durch ein Endphänomen, dass er nicht erreichen kann und gewinnt damit Zweifel „an der Tech“. – Schließlich lässt man als geschickte Dritte Partei auch noch Wissenschaftler Gutachten über den Purif schreiben und veröffentlicht dann diese
als „Widerlegung des Dilettanten Hubbard“, siehe die „Critical Analysis of the Purification Rundown“ by David
Hogg, M.D. die im Internet zu finden ist.
Myth Debunking6
LSD Does Not Stay in your Body Forever
by Erowid v2.2 - May 2006
Last J. "LSD Does Not
There is an often circulated myth that once you have taken LSD, it remains in your body forever. One thing that
keeps these rumors circulating the is fact that some people (though very few) experience "flashbacks" (generally
within a few months after a hallucinogenic experience). It is universally accepted, however, that these flashbacks
are not the result of lsd remaining in the system.
LSD is almost entirely metabolized within a day after ingestion. Since the half-life of LSD is only a few hours,
only a very small amount of LSD remains even at the end of the trip, and this is excreted in the urine. All traces are
undetectable after several days and are certainly gone entirely within a couple of weeks. As detection technology
improves and thresholds drop (it is now possible to detect picograms reliably), the time that incredibly small
amounts of it could be detected will extend.
It has long been reported that LSD is fully metabolized almost immediately after ingestion. This was based on research done in the 50's and 60s which used instruments not sensitive enough to detect the extremely small amounts
of the chemical.
Occasionally, people claim that LSD has been found in spinal fluid years after the last time LSD was taken. There
is no support for this claim. If anyone knows of a research article that has looked at spinal fluid of LSD users for
LSD, please let us know.
Although research in the 1960s found the half-life of LSD was around 3 hours, more recent research shows that
LSD's metabolism takes several hours and its peak plasma levels occur at around 3-5 hours after ingestion. It is important to note that such research is highly dependent on the individuals who were used for the research, with
metabolism of many drugs varying by up to 2-3 times, larger numbers of research subjects reduces the likelihood
of having a skewed range.
From "Notes on the Persistence of LSD in Humans" by Jim Ketchum MD, working with Aghajanian:
Half-life found to be around 160 minutes mean across 40 subjects. "It seems logical to conclude that in man also,
its duration in the brain is finite -- almost certainly less than 24 hours."
From: "Measurement of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in human plasma by gas chromatography/negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry." Papac DL, Folts RL , J.Anal. Toxicol., 14, 189-190 (1990)
In a single volunteer given about 70 ug, the apparent plasma half-life of LSD is 5.1 hr. The peak plasma concentration of 1.9 ng/mL occurred 3 hr after administration.
From: "The determination of LSD in human plasma following oral administration", Upshall DG, Wailling
DG. Clinc. chim. Acta, 1972; 36:67-73.
LSD was detectable for up to five hours...
From: "A urine screening test of lysergide" Faed EM, McLeod WR. Journal of Chromatographic Science. 11,
4-6 (1973)
"LSD and its metabolites were still detectable in human urine for as long as 4 days after the ingestion of 0.2 mg of
the drug."
From LSD My Problem Child, by Albert Hofmann, 1969
The concentration of LSD in the various organs attains maximum values 10 to 15 minutes after injection, then falls
off swiftly. The small intestine, in which the concentration attains the maximum within two hours, constitutes an
exception. The elimination of LSD is conducted for the most part (up to 80%) through the instestine via liver and
bile. Only 1 to 10 percent of the elimination product exists as unaltered LSD; the remainder is made up of various
transformation products.
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From Psychedelics Encyclopedia :
LSD is a very curious chemical. When given by injection, it disappears rapidly from the blood. It can be observed
when tagged with Carbon 14 in all the tissues, particularly the liver, spleen, kidnes, and adrenal glands. The concentration found in the brain is lower than in any other organ -- being only about 0.01 percent of the administered
dose. [...]
LSD is highly active when administered orally, absorbed through mucous membranes or through the skin, and is
almost completely absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Concentrations in the organs reach peak values after only
ten to fifteen minutes; then they decrease very rapidly. [...] Some 80 percent of injested LSD is excreted via the
liver, bile system and intestinal tract, with only about 8 percent appearing in uring. After two hours, only 1 to 10
percent is still present in the form of unchanged LSD; the rest consists of water soluble metabolites -- such as 2oxo-2,3-dihydro-LSD -- which do not possess any LSD-type influence on the central nervous system.
Psychic effects of LSD reach their peak about one to three hours following ingestion, when much of the substance
has disappeared from the body's major organs, including the brain, though measurable amounts persist in the blood
and brain for about eight hours.
From the DEA Web Site :
LSD is absorbed easily from the gastrointestinal tract, and rapidly reaches a high concentration in the blood. It is
circulated throughout the body and, subsequently, to the brain. LSD is metabolized in the liver and is excreted in
the urine in about 24 hours.
From Pharmacotheon :
The drug is almost completely eliminated from the body before the peak effects begin, suggesting that it acts as a
sort of catalyst, inducing neurochemical changes which subsequently result in the entheogenic experience. Only
about 1-10% of injected LSD is excreted unaltered, the remainder as a variety of degradation products.
From Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered :
The half-life of LSD in blood plasma is about two hours.
References #
Aghajanian GK, Bing OHL. "Persistence of lysergic acid diethylamide in the plasma of human subjects" Clin.
Pharmacol. Therap., 1964; 5:611-614 [ Abstract ]
Ketchum JS. "Detection of LSD" Amer J Psychiat, 1969; 125:1447-1448 [ Abstract ]
Grinspoon L, Bakalar JB. Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered. 1997. pg 14.
Hofmann A. LSD My Problem Child. 1979. pg 27.
Ott J. Pharmacotheon. 1993. pg 128.
Stafford P. Psychedelics Encyclopedia. 1992. pg 69.
Revision History #
1.0 Feb 11, 1998 - First Public Version.
1.1 Feb 18, 1998 - Updates.
2.1 May 2006 - Added Papac Reference.
2.2 May 23, 2006 - Updated HTML, added Ketchum Note, added Ketchum reference, added Aghajanian reference.