ECO 2143 - PUC Rio


ECO 2143 - PUC Rio
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Departamento de Economia
Programa de Pós-Graduação
Versão 21.1.2009
História da Economia Mundial
Prof. Marcelo de Paiva Abreu
Os seminários serão semanais, com duração de 3 horas. O ideal para o bom aproveitamento é
que todos os participantes leiam os requisitos obrigatórios de leitura ou pelo menos parte deles.
Vou indicar leituras distintas a distintos participantes. A nota final do curso resultará de média
aritmética simples considerando as notas em duas provas e uma nota relativa à participação nas
discussões. Ao final do programa está anexado um cronograma preliminar das principais
atividades relacionadas ao curso. As leituras marcadas BPUC estão disponíveis
eletronicamente na biblioteca da PUC.
A lista de referências está dividida em duas partes. A primeira inclui as referências obrigatórias
e a segunda referências bastante heterogêneas, desde textos introdutórios até textos
especializados. Existem obras de referência que poderão servir de fontes complementares de
consulta, algumas bastante datadas: Carlo M. Cipolla (coord.), The Fontana Economic History
of Europe, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, vols. 6, 7 e 8, em especial esse último,
menos antiquado, Cambridge Economic History of the United States, Cambridge Economic
History of Latin America e Cambridge History of Latin America. A sequência de livros de E.J.
Hobsbawm, The Age of Revolution, 1789-1848, The Age of Capital, 1848-1875, The Age of
Empire, 1875-1914, Londres, Widenfeld e Nicholson, 1962, 1975 e 1987, e The Age of
Extremes: The short twentieth century, Londres, Michael Joseph, 1994, oferece um
contraponto político de grande interesse às interpretaçõs tradicionais , embora de qualidade
declinante com o ano de publicação.
A.G. Kenwood e A.L. Lougheed (K&L), Growth of the International Economy 1820-1980: An
introductory text, 4a. edição Londres: Routledge, 1999, caps. 1-11 e B. Eichengreen,
Globalizing Capital: A history of the international monetary system, 2ª edição, Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2008, são textos introdutórios. Assinalei os capítulos relevantes à
medida que o material for abordado no curso.
1. A integração da economia internacional sob a Pax Britannica, 1815-1914: hegemonia
britânica e concorrência da Alemanha e dos Estados Unidos.
K&L, caps. 1, 5, 6 e 8.
A.H. Imlah, Economic Elements in the Pax Britannica: Studies in British foreign trade in the
nineteenth century, Nova York: Russell & Russell, l969, caps. 1 e 3, especialmente pp. 42, 43,
45, 55 e 65. X1/09
C.K. Harley, “Trade, 1870-1939: from globalization to fragmentation” in R.Floud e P. Johnson
(orgs.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain. Volume II: Economic maturity,
1860-1939, Cambridge, Cambs.: Cambridge University Press, 2004. X2/09
C.P. Kindleberger, “Germany's overtaking of England” in C.P. Kindleberger, Economic
Response: Comparative studies in trade, finance and growth, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press, 1978, pp. 222-236. X3/09
Stephen N. Broadberry, “How did the United States and Germany overtake Britain? A Sectoral
analysis of comparative productivity levels, 1870-1990’, Journal of Economic History (JEH),
v. 58, n. 2, e errata em v. 58, n. 3. BPUC
2. Revolução nos transportes e nas comunicações. Fluxos migratórios. Divisão
internacional do trabalho, agricultura temperada e exportadores de commodities
tropicais. Staple theory: Argentina, Australia e Canadá.
K&L, caps. 3, 4 e 9.
C.K. Harley, “Ocean freight rates and productivity, 1740-1913: the primacy of mechanical
invention reaffirmed”, JEH, v. XLVIII, n. 4, 1988. BPUC
K. H. O´Rourke e J.G. Williamson, “Mass migrations: why they moved” in K. H. O´Rourke e
J.G. Williamson, Globalization and History: The evolution of the nineteenth-century Atlantic
economy, Cambridge (Mass.), MIT Press, 1999. X4/09
C.B. Schedvin, ‘Staples and regions of Pax Britannica’, Economic History Review (EcHR),
XLIII (4), 1990. BPUC
3. Primórdios dos mercados financeiros pré-1815. Finanças e guerra no século XVIII.
C.P. Kindleberger, A Financial History of Western Europe, Londres: Allen and Unwin, 1984,
pp. 159-167, X5/09
J.D.Tracy, A Financial Revolution in the Habsburg Netherlands. Renten and Renteniers in the
County of Holland, 1515-1565, Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1985, pp. 21822. X6/09
P.G.M. Dickson, The Financial Revolution in England: A study in the development of public
credit 1688-1756, Aldershot, Hants: Gregg Revivals, 1993, cap. 1 e p. 471. X7/09
J. Brewer, The Sinews of Power. War, money and the English state 1688-1783, New York:
Knopf, 1989, pp. xiii-xxii, 3-24, 30, 39, 90, 115, 117, cap. 7 e conclusões. X8/09
4. Movimentos de capital. Flutuações econômicas. Imperialismo. Mercado internacional
de bonds, 1815-1945.
K&L, caps. 2 e 10.
C.P. Kindleberger, A Financial History of Western Europe, Londres: Allen and Unwin, 1984,
caps. 12, 14 e 15. X9/09
M. Edelstein, ‘Foreign investment, accumulation and Empire, 1860-1914’ in R.Floud e P.
Johnson (orgs.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain: Vol. 2, Economic
maturity, Cambridge, Cambs.: Cambridge University Press, 2003. X10/09
F.G. Dawson, The First Latin American Debt Crisis. The City of London and the 1822-25 loan
bubble, New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1990, cap. II, pp. 59-61, 82-84 e 173.
P. Mauro, N. Sussman e Y.Yafeh, Emerging Markets and Financial Globalization. Sovereign
bond spreads in 1870-1913 and today, Oxford, Oxon:Oxford University Press, 2006, cap.2 e
pp. 86-100. X12/09
5. Protecionismo e economia política: Grã-Bretanha, Estados Unidos e Alemanha
R.D. Putnam, “Diplomacy and domestic politics: the logic of two-level games”, International
Organization, v. 42, n. 3, 1988. BPUC
K. Borchardt, ‘Protectionism in historical perspective’ in K. Borchardt, Perspectives on
Modern German Economic History and Policy, Cambridge, Cambs.: Cambridge UP, 1991.
C. Schonhardt-Bailey, From the Corn Laws to Free Trade. Interests, ideas, and institutions in
historical perspective, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 2006, pp. 9-30 e cap.11. X14/09
M.J. Hiscox, International Trade and Political Conflict: Commerce, coalitions, and mobility.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2002, pp. 3-11, 18-19. X15/09
M.J. Hiscox, Michel J., ‘The magic bullet? The RTAA, institutional reform, and trade
liberalization’, International Organization, v. 53, n. 4, 1999. BPUC
Kevin H. O’Rourke, ‘The European grain invasion, 1870-1913’, JEH, 57 (4), 1997. BPUC
M. Tracy, Government and Agriculture in Western Europe, 1880-1988, Nova York: Harvester,
1989, pp. XII e XIII. X16/09
F. Capie, Tariffs and Growth. Some Insights from the World Economy, Manchester, Great
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994, pp. 31, 32, 41 e 44. X17/09
6. O padrão ouro pré-1914 nos países centrais e periféricos
K&L, cap. 7.
B. Eichengreen, cap 2.
B. Eichengreen e Marc Flandreau, ‘Introduction’ in B. Eichengreen e Marc Flandreau (orgs.),
The Gold Standard in Theory and History, Londres: Routledge, 1997, pp. 1-30. X18/09
A.G. Ford, ‘International financial policy and the gold standard, 1870-1914’ in P. Mathias and
S. Pollard (orgs.), The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Volume VIII. The Industrial
Economies: The development of economic and social policies, Cambridge, Cambs.: Cambridge
University Press, 1989. X19/09
W. Fritsch, External Constraints on Economic Policy in Brazil, 1889-1930, Londres:
Macmillan, 1988, cap. 2. X20/09
7. A Primeira Guerra Mundial e suas consequências econômicas. Reparações. Política
A. Offer, The First World War: An agrarian interpretation, Oxford, Oxon: Clarendon Press,
1991, pp. 1-10. X21/09
Kindleberger, Financial, cap. 13 e 16. X22/09
F. Machlup, International Monetary Economics, Londres: Allen and Unwin, 1966, pp. 380386. X23/09
W. J. Ethier, Modern International Economics, Nova York: W.W.Norton, 1983, pp. 263-265.
C.P. Kindleberger, ‘Commercial policy between the wars’ in P. Mathias e S. Pollard (orgs.),
The Cambridge Economic History of Europe volume VIII The Industrial Economies: The
development of economic and social policies, Cambridge, CUP, 1989, pp.159-170. X25/09
F. Capie, Tariffs and Growth: Some insights from the world economy, Manchester, Manchester
University Press, 1994, p. 59. X26/09
8. Gold Exchange Standard. Crise e recuperação nos anos 20. Hiperinflações. Money
doctors e Liga das Nações.
K&L, cap. 11.
Eichengreen, Globalizing, cap. 3.
Eichengreen, Golden Fetters: The gold standard and the great depression, Nova York: Oxford
University Press, 1992, caps. 6 e 7. X27/09
D.E. Moggridge, “The gold standard and national financial policies, 1919-1939”, in P. Mathias
e S. Pollard (orgs.), The Cambridge Economic History of Europe volume VIII The Industrial
Economies: The development of economic and social policies, Cambridge: CUP, 1989. X28/09
S. A. Schuker, “Money doctors between the wars: The competition between central banks,
private financial advisers, and multilateral agencies, 1919-39” in M. Flandreau (org.), Money
Doctors; The experience of international financial advising 1850-2000, London:Routledge,
2003. X29/09
M. de P. Abreu, “British money doctors: Niemeyer in South America, 1931-1935”, mimeo.
Versão eletrônica preliminar será enviada a tempo.
9. A "grande depressão" 1928-1933.
C. Romer, ‘The great crash and the onset of the great depression’, QJE, CV, 1990. BPUC
B. Eichengreen, ‘The origins and nature of the great slump revisited’, EcHR, XLV (2), 1992.
B. Eichengreen e R. Portes, “After the deluge: default, negotiation, and readjustment during
the interwar years” in B. Eichengreen e P.H. Lindert (orgs.), The International Debt Crisis in
Historical Perspective, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 1989. X30/09
M. de P. Abreu, `Brazil as a debtor, 1824-1931´, EcHR, v. 59, n. 4, novembro de 2006. BPUC
10. A recuperação econômica nos países centrais e periféricos, 1933-39. Regimes
cambiais, multilateralismo e bilateralismo.
C. Romer, ‘What ended the great depression?’, JEH, v. 52, n. 4, 1992. BPUC
C.H. Feinstein, P. Temin e G. Toniolo, The European Economy between the Wars, Oxford,
Oxon.: Oxford University Press, 1997, cap.8. X31/09
L. Neal, ‘The economics and finance of bilateral clearing agreements: Germany, 1934-8’,
EcHR, v. XXXII, n. 3, 1979. BPUC
M. de P. Abreu, ‘Argentina and Brazil during the 1930s: the impact of British and American
international economic policies’ in R. Thorp (org.), An Economic History of Latin America .
Volume 2. Latin America in the 1930s: The role of the periphery in world crisis, Basingstoke,
Hants: Palgrave in association with St Antony´s College, 2000. X32/09
K. Dam, “From the gold clauses to the Gold Commission: A half century of American
monetary law”, Chicago Law Review, v. 50, n. 2, 1983, pp. 504-532. X33/09
11. A Segunda Guerra Mundial, Bretton Woods e a nova ordem econômica internacional.
Eichengreen, Globalizing, cap.4
M. Harrison, “The economics of World War II: an overview” in M. Harrison (org.) The
Economics if World War II: Six great powers in international comparison, Cambridge,
Cambs.: Cambridge University Press, 1998. X34/09
J.M. Keynes, The Collected Writings, vol. XXII Activities 1939-1945 Internal War Finance,
Londres e Nova York: Macmillan e Cambridge University Press, 1978., pp. 40-51. X35/09
J.M. Keynes, “The income and fiscal potential of Great Britain”, The Economic Journal, v. 49,
n. 196, 1939. BPUC
R.N. Gardner, Sterling-Dollar Diplomacy: The origins and the prospects of our international
economic order, Nova York: McGraw-Hill, 1969, caps. 5 e pp.110-121. X36/09
R.F. Mikesell, United States Economic Policy and International Relations, Nova York:
McGraw-Hill, 1952, cap.7.X37/09
R.N. Gardner, Sterling-Dollar Diplomacy, caps. 9, 10 e 11. X38/09
12. A escassez de dólares e o retorno à conversibilidade das moedas dos paises centrais.
Os países em desenvolvimento. A reconstrução econômica. O Tratado de Roma e a
integração européia, 1944-1958.
Eichengreen, Globalizing, cap. 4.
A.K. Cairncross, Years of Recovery: British economic policy 1945-51, Londres: Methuen,
1985, cap.6. X39/09
M. de P. Abreu, ‘Brazil as a creditor: sterling balances, 1940-1952’, EcHR, V. XLIII, n. 3,
1990. BPUC
United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America, The Economic Development of
Latin America and its Principal Problems, Lake Success, NY: 1950, seção 4. X40/09
A.S. Milward, The Reconstruction of Western Europe 1945-51, Londres: Methuen, 1984, cap.
III. X41/09
J. Bradford DeLong e B. Eichengreen, ‘The Marshall Plan: History’s most successful
structural adjustment program’ in R. Dornbusch, W.Nolling e R. Layard (orgs.), Postwar
Economic Reconstruction and Lessons for the East Today, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press,
1993. X42/09
L. Neal e D. Barbezat, The Economics of the European Union and the Economies of Europe,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993, cap. 2. X43/09
13. O fracasso da ITO e o papel do GATT e da OMC. Políticas comerciais e negociações
multilaterais, 1946-2008.
J.H. Jackson, The World Trading System: Law and policy of international economic relations,
Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 1998, caps. 2 e 12. X44/09
Marcelo de Paiva Abreu, Comércio exterior: interesses do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro: Campus,
2007, cap. 4. X45/09
14. As dificuldades de funcionamento do sistema de Bretton Woods, a reformulação do
papel do dólar como moeda de referência e os desequilíbrios da economia mundial desde
Eichengreen, Globalizing, caps. 4 e 6..
P. Krugman e M. Obstfeld, International Economics: Theory and policy, Boston: Addison
Wesley, 6a. edição, pp.557-61, 577-582, 584-90, 604-17. X46/09
Michael Bordo, ‘The Bretton Woods International Monetary System: A Historical Overview’
in Michael D.Bordo e Barry Eichengreen, A Retrospective of the Bretton Woods System:
Lessons for international monetary reform, Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press,
1993, pp. 80-85 e 99-108. X47/09
M. P. Dooley, D. Folkerts-Landau e P. Gaber, “An essay on the revived Bretton Woods
system”, Working Paper 9971, NBER, 2003. (
Calendário tentativo:
10 de março: introdução
17 de março: seminário 1
24 de março: seminário 2
31 de março: seminário 3
7 de abril: seminário 4
14 de abril: seminário 5
28 de abril: seminário 6
5 de maio: : seminário 7
12 de maio: primeira prova
19 de maio: seminário 8
26 de maio: seminário 9
2 de junho: seminário 10
9 de junho: seminário 11
16 de junho: seminário 12 & 13
23 de junho: seminário 12 & 13
30 de junho: seminário 14
7 de julho: segunda prova
Lista de leituras complementares
1. A integração da economia internacional sob a Pax Britannica, 1815-1914: hegemonia
britânica e concorrência da Alemanha e dos Estados Unidos.
A.J.P. Taylor, The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 1848-1914, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1965.
W. Woodruff, ‘The Emergence of an International Economy 1700-1914’ in Carlo M. Cipolla
(ed.), The Fontana Economic History of Europe. The Emergence of Industrial Societies, Part
Two, Londres, Collins/Fontana, 1973.
D. Landes, The Unbound Prometheus. Technological Change and Industrial Development in
Western Europe from 1750 to the Present, Cambridge, CUP, 1969, caps. 2 a 5.
F. Caron, Histoire Économique de la France. XIXe.-XXe. Siècles, Paris, Colin, cap. 5.
[Gillett Brothers], The Bill on London. Or, the Finance of Trade by Bills of Exchange,
Londres, Chapman & Hall, 1952.
E.J. Hobsbawm, Industry and Empire. An Economic History of Britain since 1750, Londres,
Weidenfeld e Nicholson, 1977, caps. 6 a 9, especialmente 7 (Da Revolução Industrial Inglesa
ao Imperialismo, Rio de Janeiro, Forense-Universitária, 1978).
R. Sayers, A History of Economic Change in England, 1880-1939, Londres, Oxford University
Press, 1967, caps. 2 e 3.
D.N. McCloskey, Enterprise and Trade in Victorian Britain. Essays in Historical Economics,
Londres, Allen & Unwin, 1981, caps. 5 e 6.
2. Revolução nos transportes e nas comunicações. Fluxos migratórios. Divisão
internacional do trabalho, agricultura temperada e exportadores de commodities
tropicais. Staple theory: Argentina, Australia e Canadá.
W. A. Lewis, The Evolution of the International Economic Order, Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1978, caps. 1 a 3.
C.E. Solberg, The Prairies and the Pampas. Agrarian Policy in Canada and Argentina, 18801930, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1987.
Alan Taylor, ‘Argentine economic growth in comparative perspective’, tese de Ph. D., Harvard
University, 1992.
W.A. Lewis, Tropical Development 1880-1913. Studies in Economic Progress, Evanston,
Northwestern UP, 1970, cap.1.
B. Dyster e D. Meredith, Australia in the International Economy in the Twentieth Century,
Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 1990, caps. 1 a 3.
M.H. Watkins, ‘A staple theory of economic growth’, Canadian Journal of Economics and
Political Science, 29 (2), 1963.
J. Fogarty, ‘Staples, super-staples and the limits of staple theory: the experiences of Argentina,
Australia and Canada compared’in D.C.M. Platt e G. di Tella (orgs..), Argentina, Australia and
Canada. Studies in Comparative Development 1870-1965, Londres, Macmillan, 1985.
J.D. Gould, ‘European Inter-continental Emigration, 1815-1914: Patterns and Causes’, Journal
of European Economic History 8, Winter 1979.
B. Thomas, Migration and Economic Growth. A Study of Great Britain and the Atlantic
Economy, segunda edição, Cambridge at the University Press, 1973.
Dudley Baines, ‘European emigration, 1815-1930: looking at the emigration decision again’,
HER vol. XLVII (3), agosto de 1994.
R.F. Foerster, The Italian Emigration of Our Times, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard UP, 1919.
3. Primórdios dos mercados financeiros pré-1815. Finanças e guerra no século XVIII.
B.G. Carruthers, City of Capital. Politics and Markets in the English Financial Revolution,
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996.
V. Barbour, Capitalism in Amsterdam in the 17th Century, Baltimore, Del.: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1950.
L. Neal, The Rise of Financial Capitalism: International markets in the age of reason,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
A.E. Murphy, John Law: Economic theorist and policy-maker, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997,
caps. 10-19.
F.T. Melton, Sir Robert Clayton and the Origins of English Deposit Banking: 1658-1685,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
P. Dehing, Pit e M. ‘t Hart, “Linking the fortunes: Currency and banking, 1550-1800” in M. ‘t
Hart, J. Jonker e J. L. van Zanden (orgs.), A Financial History of The Netherlands, Cambridge,
Cambs.: Cambridge University Press,1997.
P.T.Hoffman, G. Postel-Vinay, J.-L. Rosenthal, Des marchés sans prix: une économie
politique du crédit à Paris, 1660-1870, Paris: Editions de l´Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales, 2001.
4. Movimentos de capital. Flutuações econômicas. Imperialismo. Mercado internacional
de bonds, 1815-1945.
A.I. Bloomfield, ‘Patterns of Fluctuation in International Investment Before 1914’, Princeton
Studies in International Finance 21, Department of Economics, Princeton University, 1968.
C.A.E. Goodhart, The Business of Banking 1891-1914, Londres, Weidenfeld & Nicholson,
1972, cap. 14 e 15.
C.P. Kindleberger, Manias, Panics and Crashes. A History of Financial Crises, Nova Iorque,
Basic Books, 1978.
H. Feis, Europe the World's Banker. An Account of European Foreign Investment and the
Connection of World Finance with Diplomacy before the War, Clifton, Kelley, 1974.
L.H. Jenks, The Migration of British Capital to 1875, Londres, Nelson, 1963, caps. 1, 2 e 9.
A. Cairncross, Home and Foreign Investment 1870-1913. Studies in Capital Accumulation,
Cambridge at the University Press, 1953, caps. 5 a 7.
W.A. Lewis, Growth and Fluctuations 1870-1913, Londres, George Allen & Unwin, 1978.
E. Varga e L. Mendelsohn, New Data for V.I. Lenin's "Imperialism the Highest Stage of
Capitalism", Londres, Lawrence and Wishart, sem data.
D.C.M. Platt, Finance, Trade, and Politics in British Foreign Policy 1815-1914, Oxford,
Clarendon Press, 1968.
D.C.M. Platt, Business Imperialism, 1840-1930; an inquiry based on British experience in
Latin America, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1977, introdução.
K. Boulding and T. Mukerjee (coords.), Economic Imperialism, Ann Arbor, University of
Michigan Press, 1972.
N. Charlesworth, British Rule and the Indian Economy in the Nineteenth Century, Londres,
Macmillan, 1982, caps. 4 e 5.
P.J. Cain, Economic Foundations of British Overseas Expansion 1815-1914, Londres,
Macmillan, 1980.
P.J. Cain, ‘The Political Economy of British Expansion Overseas, 1750-1914’, EHR
XXXIII(4), 1980.
P.J. Cain e A.G. Hopkins, ‘Gentlemanly capitalism and British expansion overseas II: new
imperialism, 1850-1945’, EHR XXXIII(4), 1980.
R. Robinson e J.Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians. The Official Mind of Imperialism,
Londres, Macmillan, 1961, caps. 1 e 15.
D.K. Fieldhouse, ‘Imperialism'. An Historiographical Revision’, EHR XIV(4), 1961,
reimpresso em Boulding e Mukerjee (coords.).
D.K. Fieldhouse, Economics and Empire 1830-1914, Londres, Weidenfeld and Nicholson,
M. Simon, ‘The Pattern of New British Portfolio Foreign Investment’ in A.R. Hall (ed.), The
Export of Capital from Britain 1870-1914, Londres, Methuen, 1968.
D.C.M. Platt, ‘British Portfolio Investment Overseas before 1870: Some Doubts’, EHR
XXXIII (1), 1980.
D.C.M. Platt, Britain's Investment Overseas on the Eve of the First World War. The Use and
Abuse of Numbers, Londres, Macmillan, 1986.
D.C.M. Platt, Mickey Mouse Numbers in World History. The Short View, Londres, Macmillan,
C.Feinstein, ‘Britain's Overseas Investments in 1913’, EHR, XLIII (2), 1990.
S. Pollard, ‘Capital Exports, 1870-1914: Harmful or Beneficial?’, EHR, XXXVIII(4), 1985.
P. Temin, ‘Capital exports, 1870-1914: an alternative model’, HER, XL(3), 1987.
P.F. Clarke, ‘Hobson, Free Trade, and Imperialism’, HER, XXXIV(2), 1981.
P.J. Cain, ‘Hobson's Developing Theory of Imperialism’, HER, XXXIV(2), 1981.
A.M. Eckstein, ‘Is there a 'Hobson-Lenin thesis' on late nineteenth-century colonial
expansion?’, HER, XLIV(2), 1991.
S. Pollard, Comment on Peter Temin's comment, HER, XL(3), 1987.
P.L. Cottrell, British Overseas Investment in the Nineteenth Century, Londres, Macmillan,
D. Landes, Bankers and Pashas. International Finance and Economic Imperialism in Egypt,
Nova Iorque, Harper and Row, 1958.
M. Edelstein, Overseas Investment in the Age of High Imperialism, The United Kingdom 18501914, Londres, Methuen, 1982.
M. Edelstein, ‘Realized Rates of Return on UK Home and Foreign Overseas Portfolio
Investment in the Age of High Imperialism’, Explorations in Economic History 13, 1976.
Avner Offer, ´The British Empire, 1870-1914: a waste of money?’, EHR, XLVI (2), maio de
J. Gallagher e R. Robinson, ‘The Imperialism of Free Trade’, EHR, VI (1), 1953.
W.H. Wynne, State Insolvency and Foreign Bondholders Volume II. Selected case histories of
governmental foreign bond defaults and debt readjustments, New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1951.
L.E. Davies e R.E. Gallman , Evolving Financial Markets and International Capital Flows:
Britain, the Americas and Australia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
M. Flandreau e F. Zumer, The Making of Global Finance 1880-1913, Paris: Development
Centre of the OECD, 2004.
G. Fodor, “The boom that never was ? Latin American loans in London 1822-1825”,
Discussion Paper 5, Department of Economics, University of Trento, 2002.
E.Jorgensen e J. Sachs, “Default and renegotiation of Latin American foreign bonds in the
interwar period” in B. Eichengreen e P.H. Lindert (orgs.), The International Debt Crisis in
Historical Perspective, Cambridge (Mass.), MIT Press, 1989
P. Lindert e P.J. Morton, P. J., ‘How sovereign debt has worked’, in J. Sachs (org.) Developing
country debt, Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
Mitchell, B. R. and Deane, P., Abstract
B. Eichengreen e P.H. Lindert (orgs.), The International Debt Crisis in Historical Perspective,
Cambridge (Mass.), MIT Press, 1989.
N. Ferguson, The World´s Banker: The history of the House of Rothschild, London:
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998.
F. Stern, Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichröder and the building of the German Empire, Nova
York: Vintage Books, 1979.
R. Girault, Emprunts russses et investissements français en Russie 1887-1914, Paris: Colin,
A. Raffalovich, L´abominable venalité de la presse française, Paris: Librairie du Travail, 1931.
C. Marichal, A century of debt crises in Latin America: from independence to the great
depression,1820–1930, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989.
E. Turlington, Mexico and her Foreign Creditors, Nova York: Columbia University Press,
R. Junguito Bonnet, La deuda externa en el siglo XIX: cien años de incumplimiento, Bogotá:
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C. Clay, Gold for the Sultan: Western bankers and Ottoman finance 1856-1881: A
contribution to Ottoman and to international financial history, Londres: Tauris, 2000.
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