
T he following is a list of tho principal Jo u rn a ls from w hich a b strac ts are m ade (directly or indirectly) by th e B ureau of
Chemical A bstracts. F u rth e r inform ation regarding any of these Jo u rn a ls m ay be obtained from the S ecretary of th e B ureau.
A b b r e v ia t e d T it l e .
A b b r e v ia t e d T it l e .
J ournal.
Abh. Böhm . A kad. . A bhandlungen der Böhm ischen Akadem ie.
A cta P hytochim .
A cta Phytochim ica.
A cta Sei. Fennicae . A cta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae.
Agric. L ive Stock A gricult a n d Live Stock in In d ia.
In d ia
In st., A gricultural R esearch In stitu te , Pusa,
R eports and B ulletins.
Pusa, R ep. (Bull.) .
A llgem . Ocl- F ett-Z tg. ■Allgemeine Oel- und Fett-Z eitung.
Allgem. Z. B ierbrau. . Allgemeine Z eitschrift für Bierbrauerei
und M alzfabrikation.
Am erican Jo u rn a l of B otany.
A raer. J . B ot. .
Arner. J . Dis. Children A m erican Jo u rn a l of Diseases of Children.
A m erican Jo u rn a l of P harm acy.
Am er. J . P harm .
A m erican Jo u rn a l of Physiology.
Am er. J . Physiol.
Amer. J . Publ. H ealth Am erican Jo u rn a l of Public H oalth.
A m erican Jo u rn a l of Science.
Am er. J . Sei. .
A m erican M ineralogist.
Am er. Min.
Am er. P a in t. & Var. A m erican P a in t a n d V arnish M anu­
facturera’ A ssociation Circulara.
M anuf. Assoc. Circ.
A nal. Asoc. Qulm. Anales de la Asociación Quím ica A rgen­
A rgentina
Anales de la Sociedad E spañola de
A nal. Fis. Qulm.
Física y Química.
A nalyst.
A nalyst .
A ngow andte Chemie (changed from Z.
Angew. Chem. .
angew. Chom. in 1932).
A nn. A cad. B rasil Sei. A nnals d a Academ ia B rasileñ a do
J u s tu s Liebig’s A nnalen der Chemie.
A nnalen .
A nnals of B otany.
A nn. Bot.
A nnali di Botánica.
A nn. di Bot.
A nnali Chim. Appl. . A nnali di Chimica A pplicata.
A nnales de Chimie.
A nn. Chim.
A nn. Chim. A nalyt. . A nnales de Chimio A nalytique e t de
Chimie Appliquée.
Annales des Falsifications.
A nn. Falsif.
A nn. In s t. A nal Phys. A nnales de l ’In s titu t d ’Analyse P hysico­
chim ique.
A nnales de l’In s titu t P asteu r.
A nn. In s t P a ste u r
Annales do l’I n s titu t d u P la tin e e t des
A nn. In st. P latine
A utres M étaux Précieux.
A nnalen der Physik.
Ann. P hysik
Annales de Physique.
Ann. P hysique
Ann. R . Staz. Chim. A nnali délia R . Stazione Chimico A graria
Sperim entalo di Rom a.
A grar. Sperim.
A nn. sei. U niv. J a ss y . A nnales scientifiques de l’U niversité de
Ja ssy .
A potheker-Zeitung.
A poth.-Z tg.
A rb. G ebiet. Physik, A rbeiten aus dem Gebiete der Physik,
M athem atik und Chemie.
M ath., Chem.
A rch. E is e h h iitte n w .. A rchiv, fü r das E isenhüttenw esen.
A rch.
P a th . A rchiv für experim entelle Pathologie und
P harm .
Arch. F arm , sperim . A rchivio di Farm acología sperim entale e
Scienze affini.
Sei. atf.
A rchives of In te rn a l Medicine.
Arch. In t. Med.
A rch. Med. P harm . Archives de Medicino e t de P harm acie
m ilitaires.
m ilit. .
Archives N éerlandaises de Bciences
Arch. N eerland.
exactes e t naturelles.
A rch. N eerland. p hys­ A rchives N éerlandaises de physiologie de
l’hom m e e t des anim aux.
A rchiv der Pharm azie.
Arch. P harm . .
Arch. Sei. phys. n a t. . A rchives des Sciences physique e t n a tu ­
J ournal.
A rchief voor de Suikerindustrie in N ederlandsch-Indië.
A rhiv za H em iju i F arm aciju.
A rkiv
K em i, Mineralogi och
A strophvsical Journal.
A tti della R eale Accadem ia Nazionale
dei Lincei.
A tti R . A ccad. Sci. A tti della Reale Accadem ia dello Scienze
di Torino.
Torino .
A ustral. J . E xp. Biol. A ustralien Jo u rn a l of E xperim ental
Biology a n d Medicino.
B ritish P a te n t.
B .P.
B erichte der D eutschen chem ischen
Ber. D eut. bot. Ges. . Berichte der D eutschen botanischen
Ber. Gcs. K ohlcntech. B erichte der Gesellschaft fü r Kohlentcchnik.
O hara
In st. B erichto des O hara In stitu ts fü r lan d ­
w irtschaftliche Forschungen.
landw . Forsch.
Ber. Sachs. A kad. B erichte über die V erhandlungen der
Sächsischen Akadem ie der W issen­
Wiss. .
schafton zu Leipzig.
B erlin. K lin. W och. . B erliner K linische W ochenschrift.
B iederm ann’s Z en tralb latt.
Bied. Z entr.
B iochem ical Jo u rn al.
Biochom. J .
Biochem . Z.
Biochem ische Z eitschrift.
Bol. A cad. N ac. Cien- B oletín de la Academ ia N acional dea
Ciencias, Cordoba.
cias, Cordoba
B olletino Chimico farm acéutico.
Boll. Chim. farm .
Boll. Soc. Geol. Ita l. . B olletino della Societá, Geológica Italian a .
Med.- B olletino della Sociotá M edico-Chirurgica,
P avía.
Boll. U ff. Staz; Sperim. Bolletino Ufficiale dolía R . Stazione
Sperim entale per l’In d u stria dello
In d . Essenze
E ssenze o dei D crkw ati dagli Agrum i
in Reggio C alabria.
Staz. R . Stazione Sperim entalo per l’In d u stria
delle Pelli e dello m aterie concianti,
Sperim. In d . Pelli
B ollcttino Ufficiale.
B otanical G azette.
B ot. Gaz.
Brasserio e t M alterie.
Brass. M alt.
B rau- u. M alzindustrie.
B rau- u. Malzind.
B raunkohlo.
Brennstoff-Chem .
B rew ers' Jo u rn a l.
B rew ers’ J .
B ritish Jo u rn a l of P hotography.
B rit. J . P h o t. .
B ritish M edical Journal.
B rit. Med. J . .
B uletinul Chimio.
B uletinul Chim.
u letin u l de Chim ie p u ra si a p lic ata al
S ocictatii R om ane de Chimie.
Rom ano
Bui. Soc. R om ane B uletinul S ocietatii R om ane de Stiinte.
B ull. A cad. Polonaise B ulletin In tern a tio n a le do l ’A cadém ie
Polonaise des Sciences e t des L ettres.
Bull. A cad. roy. Belg. Académ ie royale do Belgique— B ulletin
de la Classe des Sciences.
B ulletin de l ’Académ ie des Sciences
B ull. Acad, Sci.
de l ’U nion des R épubliques S o v iét­
U .R.S.S.
iques Socialistes.
Sci. B ulletin de la Section Scientifique de
l’Académ ie Roum aine.
R oum aine
Bull. Assoc. Chim. B ulletin do l’A ssociation des Chim istes de
Sucrerie e t de Distillerie.
Arch. Suikerind. N ed.In d ie .
A rh. H em iju
A rkiv Kem i, Min.,
Geol. .
A strophys. J . .
A tti R . Accad. Lincei
A b b r e v ia t e d T it l e .
J ournal.
B ull. B ur. Stand.
B ulletin of th e B ureau of S ta n d ard s
Bull. Chem. Soc. Ja p a n B ulletin of the Chemical Socioty of Ja p a n .
B ull. E ntom ol. R es. . B ulletin of E ntom ological Research.
Bull. F ćd. In d . Cliim. B ulletin de la F é d é ratio n des In d u stries
Chim iques do Belgique.
B ull. F o rest
E x p . B ulletin of th e F o rest E xperim ent
S ta t. Meguro
S tatio n , Moguro, Tokyo.
Bull. Geol. Survey, B ulletin of th e U .S. Geological Survey.
Bull. Im p. In st.
B ulletin of th e Im perial In stitu te .
lu s t.
Phys. B ulletin of th e In stitu te of Physical and
Chem. Res., Ja p a n
Chemical Research, Ja p a n (Rikagaku K enkyujo Ihö).
B ull. I n s t. P in
B u lletin de l ’I n s titu t du P in .
Bull. A cad. Polonaise B ulletin In tern a tio n a l do l’Académ ie
Polonaise des Sciences e t des L ettres.
Bull. Jo h n s H opkins B ulletin of th e Jo h n s H opkins H ospital.
H osp.
B ull. M ath. Phys.
B ulletin do M athém atiques e t do Physique
B ucarest
pure e t appliquées do l’Ecole P oly­
technique “ R oi Carol I I ” B ucarest.
B ull. M at. Grasses
B ulletin des M atières Grasses.
School Mines B ulletin of th e School of Mines and
and M et., U niv.
M etallurgy, U niversity of Missouri.
Bull. Sei. Acad. R o u ­ B ulletin de la Section
m aine .
Académio R oum aine.
Bull. Sei. P harm acol.. B ulletin des Sciences Pharm acologiques.
B ull. Sericult., Ja p a n B u lletin of S ericulture a n d Silk In d u stry ,
Ja p a n .
Bull. Soc. ohiin.
B ulletin de la Société chim ique de
Bull. Soo. chim . Belg.
B ulletin de la Sooiété chim ique de
Bull. Soc. Chim. biol.
Bulletin de la Société de Chimie bio­
Bull. Soo. d ’Enoour. . B ulletin do la Société d ’E ncouragem ent
pour l ’In d u strie N ationale.
Bull. Soc. F ranç. P h o t. B ulletin de la Société Française de P h o to ­
Bull. Soc. In d . Mul­ B ulletin de la Société Industrielle de Mul­
B ur. S ta n d . J . R es. . B ureau of S ta n d ard s Jo u rn a l of R e ­
Caliche .
Canada D ept. Mines Canada D ep artm en t of Mines Public­
Canad. Chem. Met.
Canadian C hem istry and M etallurgy.
C anad. J . R es. .
C anadian Jo u rn a l of R esearch.
Caoutchouc e t G utta- Le Caoutchouc e t le G utta-P ercha.
Cellulosechem. .
Cem ent .
Cement and Cem ent M anufacture.
Cereal Chem. .
Cereal Chem istry.
Chem. Age
Chemical Age.
Chem. App.
Chemische A pparatur.
Chem. E ng. Min. Rev. Chemical E ngineering a n d Mining R e ­
Chem. E rde
Chemie der E rde.
Chem. F a b r.
Die Chemische F a b rik .
Chem. and Ind.
Chem istry and In d u stry .
Chem. In d .
Chemische Industrie.
Chem. L isty
Chemické L isty pro Vëdu a P rum ysl.
Organ de la “ Ceska chem ioki
Spoleönost pro V edu a P rü m y sl.”
Chem. a n d Met. E n g .. Chemical and M etallurgical E ngineer­
Chem. News
Chemical News.
Chem. T rade J .
Chemical T rade Jo u rn a l.
Chem. U m schau
Chemische U m schau auf dem G ebiete der
F e tte , Oele, W achse, und H arze.
Chem. W eekblad
Chemisch W eekblad.
Chem iker-Zeitung.
Chem. Z entr. .
Chemisches Z en tralb latt.
Chim. e t In d . .
Chimie e t Industrie.
Chinese J . Physiol. . Chinese Jo u rn a l of Physiology.
Coll. Czech. Chem. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical
Com m unications.
A b b r e v ia t e d T it l e .
Com pt. rend.
Com pt. rend. Soo.
Com pt. rend. T rav.
L ab. Carlsberg
D ansk T idsskr. Farm .
D ept.
A ustralia, Bull.
D eut. m ed. W och.
E cology .
Econ. Geol.
R oy.
D ubl. Soo.
E ng. and Min. J .
E ng. News-Reo.
F .P .
F a rb e u. L ack .
F arbon-C hem . .
Farben-Z tg.
Ferm entforsch..
Food Tech.
Gas J .
Gas- u. W assorfaoh .
Gas W orld
G azzetta .
Geol. Mag.
Giorn. Chim. Ind.
A ppl. .
Gum m i-Ztg. .
H aw aii Agric. E xp.
S ta t. Bull.
H elv. Chim. A cta
In d ia n J . Agric. Sei. .
In d ian J . Med. Res. .
In d ia-ru b b er J .
In d . Chem.
In d . E ng. Chem.
In t. R ev. Sei. P ra c t.
In t. Sugar J . .
Iro n Steel In st. Car­
negie Schol. Mem.
Iz v estia
T eplotech.
In st. (Moscow)
Ja h rb . geol. Reichsanst.
J a h rb . Min.
J a h rb . Min. Beil.-Bd.
J a h rb . R ad io ak tiv .
Ja h rb . wiss. Bot.
vaterl. K u ltu r
Ja p a n . J . Med. Sei. .
Ja p a n . J . Phys.
Je rn k . Ann.
J . Agric. Res. .
J . Agrio. Sei. .
J . Am er. Ceram . Soo.
J . Amer. Chem. Soo.
Am er.
L eather
Chem. Assoc.
J . Am er. Med. Assoc..
J . Am er.
P harm .
J . Am er. Soc. A g ro n ..
J ournal.
Com ptes rendus hebdom adaires des
Séances do l’Académ ie des Sciences.
Com ptes rendus hebdom adaires de
Séances do la Société de Biologie.
Com ptes rendus des T rav au x d u L ab o ra­
toire Carlsborg.
D ansk T idsskrift for Farm aoi.
D ep artm en t of C hem istry, South A us­
tralia, B ulletins.
D eutsche medizinische W ochenschrift.
Economio Geology.
Economio Proceedings of th e R oyal
D ublin Society.
Engineering and Mining Journal.
E ngineering New s-Record.
French P a te n t.
F a rb e u u d Lack.
F arben-C hem iker.
Farben-Z eitung.
F erm entforschung.
Food Technology.
F uel in Science a n d P ractice.
G erm an P a ten t.
Gas Jo u rn al.
Gas- und W asserfach.
Gas W orld.
G azzetta ohimica italiana.
Geological Magazine.
Giornalo di Chimiea Industriale ed
A pplicata.
G um m i-Zeitung.
H aw aii A gricultural E xp erim en t S tatio n
H elvetica Chimiea A cta.
In d ian Jo u rn a l of A gricultural Science.
In d ian Jo u rn a l of M edical Research.
In d ia-ru b b er Journal.
In d u stria l C hem ist.
Ind u strial a n d E ngineering Chem istry.
In tern a tio n a l R eview of th e Science and
P ractice of A griculture.
In tern atio n al Sugar Jo u rn al.
Iro n a n d Steel In stitu te , Carnegie
Scholarship Memoirs,
Iz v estia
Teplotechnischeskogo In stit u ta (Moscow).
Jo u rn a l of th e Chemical Society.
Ja h rb u c h der geologischen R eichsanstalt.
N eues Ja h rb u c h für Mineralogie, Geologie
und Paläontologie.
N eues J a h rb u c h fü r Mineralogie, Geologie
und Palaeontologie, Beilage-Band.
Ja h rb u ch der R a d io a k tiv itä t und E lek ­
Ja h rb u ch fü r w issenschaftliche B otanik.
Ja h resb eric h t der schlesischen Gesell­
schaft fü r vaterländische K u ltu r.
Japanese Jo u rn a l of Medical Sciences.
Japanese Jo u rn a l of Physics.
Jern -k o n to rets Annalor.
Jo u rn a l of A gricultural Research.
Jo u rn a l of A gricultural Science.
Jo u rn a l of the Am erican Coramio Society.
Jo u rn a l of th e A m erican Chomical
Jo u rn a l
of the
Am erican L eath er
Chem ists’ Association.
Jo u rn a l of th e A m erican M edical Asso­
Jo u rn a l of th e Am erican Pharm acoutioal
Jo u rn a l of th e A m erican Society of
A gronom y.
A b b r e v ia t e d
T it l e .
J . Assoc. 0 2 . Agrio.
J . B act. .
J . Biol. Chem. .
J . Canad. Min. In st. .
Cellulose In st.
J . Chem. Inch Ituss. .
J . Chem. Mot. Soc. S.
J . Chem. Soc. Ja p a n .
J . Chim. phys. .
J . Coll. Agric. H o k ­
J . Coll. Agric. T okyo .
J . Coll. E ng. T okyo .
J . Coll. Sei. T okyo
J . Econ. E ntom ol.
J . E g y p t. Med. Assoc.
E xp. Med. .
F ranklin In st.
Fuel Soc. J a p a n .
Gen. Chem. Russ. .
J . Gen. Physiol.
J . Geol. .
J . Geol. Soc. T okyo .
J . Hygieno
J . In d ian Chem. Soc.
In d ian In st. Sei. .
In d . H yg.
In st. Brew. .
In s t. F uel .
In st. M etals .
In st. Petroleum
J . Iro n a n d Steel Inst.
J . J a p . Ceram. Assoc.
J . Landw .
J . M arine Biol. Assoc.
J . Med. Res.
J . Min. Agric. .
J . Oil Col. Chem.
J . O pt. Soc. Amor. .
J . P a th . B act. .
J . P h arm . Chim.
J . P harm . E xp. Ther.
J . P harm . Soc. Ja p a n
J . Physical Chem.
J . Physiol.
J . Physiol. P a th . gen.
J . Phys. R adium
J . Pom ology .
J . pr. Chem.
J . Proc. A siatic Soc.
B engal .
J . Proc. R oy. Soc.
New South W ales .
J . Rheology
J . R oy. Agric. Soc. .
J . R oy. H o rt. Soc. .
J . R oy. Soc. W est
A ustralia
J . R oy. Tech. Coll. .
J ournal.
Jo u rn a l of the Association of Official
A gricultural Chemists.
Jo u rn a l of Bacteriology.
Jo u rn a l of Biological Chem istry.
Jo u rn a l of tho Canadian Mining In stitu te .
Cellulose In d u stry , Jo u rn a l of th e
Cellulose In s titu te , Tokyo.
Jo u rn a l of Chemical In d u stry , Russia.
Jo u rn a l of th e Chemical, M etallurgical,
and Mining Society of South Africa.
Jo u rn a l of th e Chemical Society of Ja p a n .
(Nippon K w agaku K w ai Shi.)
Jo u rn a l de Chimie physique.
Jo u rn a l of the College of A griculture,
H okkaido Im periaiU niversity, Ja p a n .
Jo u rn a l of tho College of A griculture,
Im perial U niversity of T okyo, Ja p a n .
Jo u rn a l of tho College of E ngineering,
Im perial U niversity of Tokyo.
Jo u rn a l of th e College of Science, Im perial
U niversity of Tokyo.
Jo u rn a l of Econom ic Entom ology.
Jo u rn a l of th e E g y p tia n Medical Associa­
Jo u rn a l of E xperim ental Medicine.
Jo u rn a l of tho F ran k lin In stitu te .
Jo u rn a l of th e F uel Society of Ja p a n .
Jo u rn a l of G eneral Chem istry, R ussia
(form erly J . Russ. P hys. Chem. Soc.).
Jo u rn a l of Goneral Physiology.
Jo u rn a l of Geology.
Chishitsugaku Zasshi (Jo u rn a l of the
Geological Society of Tokyo).
Jo u rn a l of Hygiene.
Q uarterly Jo u rn a l of th e In d ian Chemical
Jo u rn a l of th e In d ian In s titu te of Science.
J ournal of In d u strial Hygieno.
Jo u rn a l of tho In stitu to of Browing.
Jo u rn a l of th e In stitu to of Fuel.
Jo u rn a l of tho In stitu to of M etals.
Jo u rn a l of th e In stitu tio n of Petroleum
Jo u rn a l of tho Iron and Steel In stitu te .
Jo u rn a l of th e Japanese Ceramic Asso­
Jo u rn a l fu r L andw irtschaft.
Jo u rn a l of the Marine Biological Asso­
ciation of tho U nited Kingdom .
Jo u rn a l of M edical Research.
Jo u rn a l of th e M inistry of A griculture.
Jo u rn a l of tho Oil and Colour C hem ists’
Journal of tho O ptical Society of A m erica.
Jo u rn a l of Pathology and Bacteriology.
Jo u rn a l de P harm acie e t do Chimie.
Jo u rn a l of Pharm acology and E x p eri­
m ental T herapeutics.
Jo u rn a l of th e P harm aceutical Society of
Ja p a n . (Y akugakuzasshi.)
Jo u rn a l of Physical Chem istry.
Jo u rn a l of Physiology.
Jo u rn a l do Physiologie e t do Pathologie
Jo u rn a l de Physiquo e t le R adium .
Jo u rn a l of Pom ology and H orticu ltu ral
Jo u rn a l fiir praktische Chemie.
Jo u rn a l a n d Proceedings of tho A siatic
Society of Bengal.
Jo u rn a l and Proceedings of th e R oyal
Society of New South W ales.
Jo u rn a l of Rheology.
Jo u rn al of the R oyal A gricultural Society.
J ournal of th e R oyal H orticu ltu ral Society.
Jo u rn a l of th e R oyal Society of W est
A ustralia.
Jo u rn a l of the R oyal Technical College
A b b r e v ia t e d
J ournal.
T it l e .
T itle changed to J . Gen. Chem. R uss.
J . Russ. Phys. Chem.
J . Sei. In str.
J . Scot. Met. Soc.
J . Soc. A rts
J.S .C .I. .
Soc. Chem. In d .
Ja p a n
J . Soc. D yers a n d Col.
J.S oc.L cather T rades’
J . Soo. Glass Tech. .
J . S. African Chom.
J . S ta te Med. .
J . T extile I n s t ..
J . Usines Gaz .
J . W ashington Acad.
J . W est Scotland Iron
Steel In st.
K au tsch u k
K cijo J . M ed. .
A kad. H andl.
K ontucky E xp. S ta t.
K oram . R undsch.
Kolloidchem. Beih. .
K un ststo 2 e
L ancet
L andw . Ja h rb .
Landw .
VersuchsS ta t.
L a tv ij. U niv. R a k s t i .
Louisiana P la n te r
Malay. Agric. J .
Medd. K . Vetenskapsakad. N obel-Inst.
Medd. on G rönland .
Med. Genees. Lab.
W eite vreden
Med. Doäwiad.
Mem. Accad. Lincei
Mem. Accad.
Mem. Coll.
K yoto
Mem. Coll. Sei. K yoto
Mem. D ept. Agric.
In d ia
Mem. M anchester Phil.
Mem. Poudres .
M etall u. E rz .
M etallurgia
M et. & Alloys .
M etrop. W ater
Milch. Z entr. .
Min. Mag.
M itt. M aterialprüf.
M itt. m ed. Ges. T okyo
M itt.
N aturforsch.
Ges. H alle
Jo u rn a l of Scientific In stru m en ts.
Jo u rn al of th e Scottish Meteorological
Jo u rn a l of the R oyal Society of A rts.
Jo u rn al of tho Society of Chemical
Jo u rn a l of th e Society of Chemical
In d u stry , Ja p a n . (K ögyö K w agaku
Journal of the Society of D yers and
Jo u rn a l of the Society of L eather T rad es’
Jo u rn a l of the Society of Glass T echnology,
Jo u rn a l of th e S outh A frican Chemical
In stitu te .
Jou rn n l of S ta te Medicine.
Jo u rn a l of the T extile In stitu te .
Jo u rn a l des Usines à Gaz.
Jo u rn a l of tho W ashington A cadem y of
Jo u rn a l of tho W est of S cotland Iro n and
Steel In stitu te .
K ali.
K autschuk.
K cijo Jo u rn a l of M edicine.
Kongliga Svenska V etenskaps Akademiens H andlingar.
K en tu ck y E xperim ental S tation, Bulletin.
K eram isch R undschau.
K olloid-Zeitschrift.
Kolloidchemisohe B eihefte (title changed
to K olloid-B eihefte in 1932).
K unststofie.
T he L ancet.
L andw irtschaftliche Ja h rb ü ch e r.
landw irtschaftlichen
L atv ijas U niv ersitätes R a k sti, K im ijas
F ą k u ltâ te s Serija.
Louisiana P lan ter.
M alayan A gricultural Jo u rn a l.
M eddelandon frän K ongl-V etenskapsakadcm iens N obel-Institut.
M eddelser on G rönland.
M ededeelingen u it h e t Geneeskundig
L aboratorium te W eltevreden.
M edycyna D ośw iadczalna i Społeczna.
Mcmorio della R eale Accadem ia dei
Momorie della R eale Accadem ia delle
Scienzo di Torino.
M emoirs of th e College of A griculture,
K yoto Im perial U niversity.
M emoirs of the Collego of Science, K yoto
Im perial U niversity.
Memoirs of tho D epartm ent of A griculture
in India.
Memoirs and Proceedings of the M an­
chester L iterary and Philosophical
Mémorial des Poudres.
M etall und E rz.
M etals a n d Alloys.
M etropolitan W ater B oard R eports.
M ilchw irtschafthches Z en tralb latt.
M ineralogical Magazine a n d Jo u rn a l of
th e M ineralogical Society.
M itteilungen aus dom M aterialprüfungs­
a m t zu Gross-Lichtorfelde W est.
M itteilungen der m edizinischen Gesell­
schaft zu Tokyo.
M itteilungen
N aturforschenden
GeseUschaft zu Halle.
A b b b e y ia t e d
T it l e .
M itt. P a th . In st. K .
U niv. Ja p a n
M onatsh.
Mon. Sei.
M onth. N ot. R oy.
A str. Soc.
M üneh. m ed. W och. .
N achr. Ges. Wiss.
G öttingen
N atu re
N atuurw otcnsch.
N aturw iss.
N aturw . Rdsoh.
New Y ork Agr. E x p t.
S ta. Bull.
Now Z ealand D om in­
ion L aby. R ept.
New Z ealand J . Sei.
Tech. .
N ova A cta Soc. Sei. .
Givers. F iń sk a Vot.Soc.
O esterr. Chom.-Ztg. .
Oil a n d F a t In d .
O versigt Dansko Vid.
P apier-F abr. .
P e in t., P ig ., Vor.
Perf. & E ssent. Oil Rec.
Pflüger’s A rchiv
P harm . J.
P harm . W eekblad
P h arm . Z ontr. .
Philippine J . Sei.
Phil. Mag.
Phil. T rans.
P h o t. J . .
P h o t. K orr.
Physical Rev.
Physikal. Z.
P h y to p a th .
P la n ta (Z. wiss. Biol.)
P la st. Massi
P roc. Am er. Acad.
A rts Sei.
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc.
P roc. Amer. Physiol.
Proc. Am er. Soc. Biol.
Proc. Am er. Soc. Civ.
Am er.
T esting M aterials .
Proc. A ustral. In st.
Min. Met.
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.
Proc. D urham Phil.
P roc. E ng. Soc. W . Pa.
P roc.
Im p .
A cad.
T okyo
Proc. In st. Civ. E n g ..
J ournal.
M itteilungen aus dem pathologischen
In s titu t der K aiserlichen U niv ersität
zu Sendai, Ja p a n .
M onatshefte fü r Chemie u n d verw andte
Teile anderer W issenschaften.
M oniteur Scientifique.
M onthly N otices of tho R oyal A stro­
nom ical Society, London.
M ünchener medizinische W ochenschrift.
N achrichten von der Gesellschaft der
W issenschaften zu G öttingen.
N ature.
N atuurw etenscbappelijk T ijdschrift.
Die N aturw issenschaften.
N aturw issenschaftliche R undschau.
New Y ork A gricultural E xperim ent
S tation Bulletins.
New Z ealand Dom inion L aboratory
R eports.
New Z ealand Jo u rn a l of Science and
N ova A cta Rcgiae Societatis Scientiarum
G fverslgt af F inska Vetenskaps-Societéten s Förhandlingar, Helsingfors.
Oesterroichische Chem iker-Zeitung.
Oil a n d F a t In d u stries (title changed to
Soap in 1932).
Oversigt overdetK ongelige D anske Videnskabernes Selskabs F örhandlingar.
P apier-F abrikant.
P e in tu re , P ig m en t, V ernis.
P erfum ery and E ssential Oil Record.
Petroleum (Germ an).
A rchiv fü r die gesam te Physiologie des
Menschen und der Tiere.
P harm aceutical Journal.
P harm aceutisch W eekblad.
P harm azeutische Z entralhalle.
P hilippine Jo u rn al of Scionco.
Philosophical M agazine (The London,
E dinburgh, a n d Dublin).
Philosophical T ransactions of th e R oyal
Society of L ondon.
P hotographic Jo u rn al.
Photographische K orrespondenz.
Physical Review.
Physikalische Zeitschrift.
P la n ta (Z eitschrift fu r w issenschaftliche
P lastitschekie Massi.
Proceedings of tho A m erican A cadem y of
A rts and Sciences.
Proceedings of th e Am erican Philo­
sophical Society.
Proceedings of the A m erican P hysio­
logical Society.
Proceedings of tho A m erican Society of
Biological Chemists.
Proceedings of th e Am erican Society of
Civil Engineers.
Proceedings of th e A m erican Society for
T esting M aterials.
Proceedings of th e A ustralasian In stitu te
of Mining and M etallurgy.
Proceedings of the Cambridgo P hilo­
sophical Society.
Proceedings of tho U niversity of. D urham
Philosophical Society.
Proceedings of th e E ngineers’ Society of
W estern Pennsylvania.
Proceedings of th e Im perial A cadem y
Proceedings of th e In stitu tio n of Civil
E ngineers.
A b b r e v ia t e d
T it l e .
Proo. In st. Mech. Eng.
A kad.
W etensch. A m ster­
Proo. N at. Acad. Sci..
Proo. N ova Scotian
In st. Sci.
Proo. Phil. Soc. Glas­
Proc. Physical Soc. .
Proc. Physiol. Soc.
Proc. R oy. In st.
Proo. R oy. Irish Acad.
Proo. R oy. Soc.
P roc. R oy. Soc. E din.
Proc. R oy. Soc. M od..
P roc.
R oy.
Q ueensland
Proo. R oy. Soc. T as­
m ania
P roc.
P roc. Soc. E xp. Biol.
P roc. S. W ales In s t.
E ng.
Proc. T ech. Sect.
P a p o r M akers’ Assoc,
Proc. U.S. N a t. Mus. .
P u b l.
U niv. M asaryk.
P u lp a n d P a p e r Mag.
Q uart. J . Geol. Soc. .
Q uart. J . Med.
Q uart. J . P h a rm .
R ec. A ustralian Mus.
Roc. tra v . bot. Nćerland.
Rec. tra v . chim .
R ond. A ccad. Soi. Fis.
M at. N apoli
R end. 1st. Lom b. Sci.
L e tt.
R ep. A nst. Assoc. Sci.
R ep. B rit. Assoc.
R ev. Alum inium
R ev. chim.
Rov. gen. Colloid.
Rov. Gćn. M at. Col. .
Rov. M6t.
Rev. Sci. In str.
Rocz. Chem.
Schweiz. Chem.-Ztg. .
Sci. Agric.
Sci. In d . R ep. RoureB e rtra n d Fils
Sci. Papers In st. Phys.
Chem. Res. Tokyo
Sci. Proc. R oy. D ublin
J ournal.
Proceedings of the In stitu tio n of M echani­
cal Engineers.
K oninklijke Akadomio van W etenschappen te A m sterdam . Proceedings
(English version).
Proceedings of tho N ational A cadem y of
Proceedings of tho N ova Scotian In s ti­
tu te of Science.
Proceedings of th e Glasgow P h ilo ­
sophical Society.
Proceedings of tho Physical Society of
Proceedings of tho Physiological Society.
Proceedings of tho R oyal In stitu tio n of
G reat B ritain.
Proceedings of th e R oyal Irish Academ y.
Proceedings of tho R oyal Society.
Proceedings of tho R oyal Society of
E dinburgh.
Proceedings of th e R oyal Society of
Proceedings of the R oyal Society of
Proceedings of tho R oyal Society of T as­
m ania.
Proceedings of the Science Association,
M aharajah’s College, V izianagram .
Proceedings of the Society for E x p eri­
m ental Biology and Medicine.
Proceedings of th e South W ales In s titu te
of Engineers.
Proceedings of th o T echnical Section of
th e P a p e r M akers’ A ssociation of
G reat B rita in a n d Irelan d .
Proceedings of the U n ited S ta te s N ational
M useum.
P ublications de la F acu lté des Sciences
de l’U niversité M asaiyk (Spisy
vydâvané Prirodovèdeckou Facoultou M asarykovy U niversity).
P u lp a n d P a p e r M agazine of Canada.
Q uarterly Jo u rn al of the Geological
Q uarterly Jo u rn a l of Medicine.
Q uarterly Jo u rn a l of P h arm acy and
Pharm acology.
R ecords of th e A ustralian Museum.
Recueil des tra v a u x botaniques N éer­
Recnoil des tra v a u x chim iques des PaysBas.
R endiconto dell’ Accademia dello Scienzo
Fisiche e M atem atiche, N apoli.
R endiconti dell’ Realo Istitu to L om ­
bardo di Scienze e L ettere.
R e p o rt of th e A ustralian A ssociation for
th e A dvancem ent of Science.
R ep o rt of tho B ritish A ssociation for tho
A dvancem ent of Science.
R evue de l ’Alum inium .
R evue chim ique . . . Oficijelni organ
u d ru ïe n ja Jugoslavenskih K em iiara.
R evue générale des Colloïdes.
R evue Générale des M atières Colorantes.
R evue do M étallurgie.
Review of Scientific In stru m en ts.
R oczniki Ckemji organ Polskiego Towarzystw a Chemiczncgo.
Schweizerische Chem iker-Zeitung.
Scientific A griculture.
Scientific and In d u strial R ep o rts of
R o u re-B ertrand Fils.
Scientific P apers of the In s titu te of
Physical a n d Chemical Research,
Scientific Proceedings of the R oyal D ublin
A b b r e v ia t e d T it l e .
Soł. R ep. T ôhoku
Sei. T rans. R oy. Dubl.
Scot. J . Agrie. .
W iss. Wien
Sitzungsber. H eidel­
berger A kad. Wiss.
Sitzungsber. Prouss.
A kad. Wiss. Berlin
Soil Soi. .
Stahl u. E isen .
S tain Tech.
Staz. sper. agr. ital. .
Suom on Koni. .
Suporphospbat .
Svensk K em . T idskr.
Tech. Rop. T ôhoku .
T ekn. Tidsk.
T extilber.
T ids. Ivjemi.
T onind.-Ztg.
T rans. Amer. E lectroohem. Soc.
T rans. Amor. In st.
Chem. Eng.
T rans. Amor. In st.
T rans. Amer.
Min. Eng.
T rans. Ceram. Soc. .
T rans. F a ra d ay Soo. .
T rans. In st. Ivlin, and
T rans. N . E ng. Inst.
Min. a n d Mot.
T rans. Now Z ealand
In s t.
T rans. N ova Scotia
In st. Sei.
T rans. Roy. Irish Acad.
T rans.
R oy.
T rans.
R oy.
T rans. R oy. Soc. S.
T rop. Agrio.
Tsch. Min. M itt.
U .iS . B ur. Mines, Bull.
and Tech. Papers.
U.S. B ur. P la n t In d .
D opt.
H yg.
U .S.P.
J ournal.
Science R eports, T ôhoku Im perial U ni­
Scientific T ransactions of the R oyal
D ublin Society.
Scottish Jo u rn al of A griculture.
Sitzungsberichte dor Akademio der
W issenschaften, Wion.
Sitzungsberichte der H eidelberger A ka­
demio der W issenschaften.
Sitzungsberichte der Proussischen A ka­
W issenschaften
Soil Science.
S tahl und Ei30n.
Stain Technology.
Stazioni sporim entali agrarie italiane.
Suom en K em istilehti A cta Chomica
Svensk Kom isk T idskrift.
Technology R eports of th e T ôhoku
Im perial U niversity, Sendai, Ja p a n .
Toknisk T idskrift.
M elliand’s T cxtilbcrichto über W issen­
schaft, In d u strie und H andel.
T idsskrift for K jem i og Bergvesen.
T ransactions of th e A m erican E lectro ­
chem ical Society.
T ransactions of th e Am erican In stitu te of
Chemical Engineers.
T ransactions of th e Am erican In stitu tio n
of Metals.
T ransactions of th e A m erican In stitu te of
M ining E ngineers.
T ransactions of tho Ceramic Society.
T ransactions of the F a ra d ay Society.
T ransactions of th e In stitu tio n of Mining
and M etallurgy.
T ransactions of th e N orth of E ngland
In s titu te of Mining and M etallurgy.
T ransactions of the New Zealand
In s titu te .
T ransactions of tho N ova Scotia In stitu te
of Science.
T ransactions of tho R oyal Irish Academ y.
T ransactions of the R oyal Society of
T ransactions of the R oyal Society of
E dinburgh.
T ransactions of th e R oyal Society of
South Africa.
Tropical A griculturist.
T scherm ak’s M ineralogische M itteilungen.
U nited S tates B ureau of Mines, Bulletins
and Technical Papers.
U nited S tates B ureau of P la n t In d u stry .
U nited S tates D epartm ent of Agriculture
U nited S tates Hygienic L aboratory
U nited S tates P a ten t.
A b b r e v ia t e d T it l e .
J ournal.
U kraine Chemical Journal.
U nivcrsity of Illinois Bulletins.
U tah A gricultural College E x perim ent
Statio n B ulletins.
V erhandlungen der Geologischen Roiohsa n stalt in W ien.
V erhandlungen der G esellschaft doutschor
N aturforscher und Aertze.
W issenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen aus
dem Siemens-Konzern.
W ochenschrift für B rauerei.
Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie.
Z eitschrift für angew andte Chemie.
Z eitschrift für anorganische und all­
gemeine Chemie.
Z eitschrift für Biologie.
Z. Biol. .
Z eitschrift der deutschen botanischen
Z. deut. bot. Ges.
Z. dout. Geol. Ges. . Z eitschrift der deutschen Geologischen
Z eitschrift fü r Eloktrochomie.
Z. E lektrochem .
Z. exp. P a th . T her. . Zeitschrift für oxperimeDtelle Pathologio
und Therapie.
Z eitschrift für das gesam te Brauwesen.
Z. ges. Brnuw. .
Z eitschrift für die gesam te experim entelle
Z. ges. exp. Med.
Z. ges. Schiess- u. Z eitschrift für das gesam te Schiess- und
Sprengstoff wesen.
Sprengstollw .
Z eitschrift für Hygieno und Infektions­
Z .H y g . .
Z eitschrift für In stru m en ten k u n d e.
Z. In stru m en t.
Z eitschrift fü r K ristallographie.
Z. K rist. .
Z eitschrift für M etallkunde.
Z. M etallk.
Z eitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und
Z. Pflanz. Düng.
D üngung.
Z eitschrift fü r Physik.
Z. P hysik
Z. physikal. Chem. . Z eitschrift für physikalische Chemie.
Z. physikal. chem . Z eitschrift fü r den physikalischen und
chem ischen U n te rric h t.
U nterr.
H oppe-Seyler’s Z eitschrift fü r physio­
Z. physiol. Chem.
logische Chemie.
Z eitschrift fü r p raktische Geologie.
Z. p ra k t. Geol.
Z. Sauerstoff S tick ­ Z eitschrift für Sauerstoff u n d Stiokstoff
stoff In d .
Z eitschrift fü r S piritusindustrie.
Z. Spiritusiud. .
Z. U nters. L obensm .. Z eitschrift fü r U ntersuchung der L ebens­
m ittel.
Z. V er. d eu t. Z ucker Z eitschrift des Vereins der deutschen
Z ucker-Industrie.
In d .
Z eitschrift fü r w issenschaftliche M ikro­
Z. wiss. M ikrosk.
skopie u n d m ikroskopische T echnik.
Z eitschrift fü r w issenschaftliche P h o to ­
Z. wiss. P h o t. .
graphie, P ho to p h y sik und P h o to ­
Z. Zuckerind. Czecho- Z eitschrift fü r die Z uckerindustrie der
Cechoslovakischen R epublik.
Zellstoff u n d P apier.
Zellstoff u. P apier
Z e n tra lb la tt für Bakteriologie, P a ra site n ­
Z entr. B akt.
kunde u n d Infektionskrankheiten.
Z en tralb latt für Mineralogie, Geologie
Z entr. Min.
und Paläontologie.
Z e n tra lb la tt für Zuckerindustrie.
Z entr. Zuckerind.
Zymologica, Chimica dei Colloidi e degli
U kraine Chem. J .
U niv. Illinois Bull. .
U tah
E xp. S ta t. Bull.
Verh. Geol. Reichsanst. W ien
N aturforsch. Aertze
Wiss. Yeröff. SiemensKonz.
W och. B rau.
Z. anal. Chem. .
Z. angew. Chem.
Z. anorg. Chem.

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