BRASA Digest 494


BRASA Digest 494
Champaign, Illinois – September 29, 2014
European Brazilianists Meet to Discuss Establishing a Network
On Saturday, August 23, during the XII BRASA conference at King’s College London, Anthony
Pereira, BRASA’s in-coming President and Director of King’s Brazil Institute, convened a meeting
attended by 40 scholars working on Brazil in Europe. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss
how to strengthen and expand Brazilian Studies in Europe. James N. Green and Ramon Stern
from Brown University and former BRASA President Timothy Power from Oxford University were
among those present. Scholars from Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland,
Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, and France attended the meeting. During the discussion James
Green emphasized that over the last decade BRASA has encouraged the formation of a network,
group, or association of people working on Brazil in Europe. There was general enthusiasm for
establishing closer connections among scholars initially through a listserve and later though a
website. It was reported that a small conference of Brazilianists has been planned for 2015 in
Budapest, and this might be an opportunity to have further discussions about different
proposals. Another academic event on Brazil in Denmark in March 2015 is an additional chance
for further discussions. It was suggested that people in Europe might wish to organize a
European conference in odd numbered years so as not to conflict with the BRASA conferences.
BRASA representatives offered their enthusiastic support for the project. The meeting came up
with the name ABRE (Association of Brazilianists in Europe) as a possible name for the new
organization. After the meeting, scholars from Italy, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark
met to serve as an ad-hoc committee to carry out the proposals made in the meeting. This ad
hoc committee will meet in March to set up a preliminary “mission, goals and objectives
statement”, as well as the structure of an executive committee, both to be approved and voted
by those who will register to the Association.
For more information, contact: Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho, King’s College, Brazil Insitute,
London: [email protected], who is participating on the ad-hoc committee.
About the Digest: The BRASA Digest is a weekly summary of information related to Brazilian Studies, it announces academic events such as lectures, congresses,
book releases and job opportunities. BRASA Digest currently exceeds 1,500 subscribers.
Sobre o Digest: O Digest é um resumo semanal de
informações da BRASA com o objetivo de divulgar
palestras, congressos, livros, concursos e eventos
relacionados aos estudos brasileiros. O Digest é
distribuido para mais de 1.500 assinantes.
European Brazilianists Meet to Discuss Establishing a Network
Brazil's Presidential Elections: Expectation for Foreign Policy
A New Course for Brazil - Inter-American Dialogue
Brazil’s Internet Governance: A Model for the World?
Debate Cedem - Mídia e Eleições na América Latina: Brasil, Chile e Venezuela
Gain Insight! 2014 Brazil Economic Conference, Washington, D.C.
Simpósio de Literatura Negra Ibero-Americana lembrará Semana da Consciência Negra na
Gramáticas territoriais no Porto Maravilha: alisamentos, rugosidades e conflitos - FCRB e
Portuguese Lecturer - position/ Lauder Institute – Upenn
Lemann Family Foundation Professor of Brazilian Studies (open rank) Columbia University
Call for Research Proposals, IDB INTAL - RED SUR
Young Economists Award, IDB INTAL - RED SUR
The Drama of Brazilian Politics from Dom João to Marina Silva
BRASA announces the 2014-2015 Brazilian Initiation Scholarship
Chamada para Propostas para Sediar o Congresso da BRASA XIV (2018) no Brasil
BRASA on Facebook
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Brazil's Presidential Elections: Expectation for Foreign Policy
The Brazil Initiative at the CSIS Americas Program is pleased to invite you to the launch of our
latest publication:
Brazil's Presidential Elections: Expectation for Foreign Policy
Featuring Remarks by:
Carl Meacham Co-Author, and Director CSIS Americas Program
Hussein Kalout Co-Author, and Senior Fellow - Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Harvard University
Sergio Lamucci Columnist - Valor Economico
Claudia Trevisan U.S. Correspondent - O Estado de Sao Paulo
Paulo Sotero Director, Brazil Institute - Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Thursday, October 2, 2014
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
CSIS 1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036
On October 5, Brazilians will head to the polls to vote in one of the most interesting presidential
elections in recent Brazilian history. In the wake of the World Cup, last year's widespread social
protests, and the sudden, tragic death of PSB candidate Eduardo Campos, the election, it seems,
is anyone's to win. Join us as we discuss the elections and expected outcomes and launch our
latest report, which explores what each candidate's victory could mean for Brazil's foreign policy
and place in a changing world order.
This event is open to the public, but seating is limited. To RSVP, send confirmation to the Americas Program at [email protected].
Need help finding us? Use the map of our new location on with parking lots and metro
A New Course for Brazil - Inter-American Dialogue
We are pleased to invite you to join us on Tuesday, September 30th, from 9:00 to 10:30 am for a
discussion of the following Sunday’s Brazilian elections. The event will take place at the InterAmerican Dialogue (1211 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 510).
Polls show that the race between President Dilma Rousseff and her major challenger Marina Silva, former Environment Minister and Senator, is very tight. Marina has generated enthusiasm
among Brazilians unhappy with the country’s politics and economic situation, while Dilma enjoys
the backing of the powerful Workers’ Party and support of her very popular predecessor Lula da
Silva. While some analysts believe that former governor Aecio Neves could gain enough votes
to make the second round, most think it will come down to a close contest between Dilma and
The discussion will examine the political strategies of the three major candidates, the electoral
outlook, and the changes likely to come to Brazil as a result. If Dilma is re-elected, will she stick
with the domestic and foreign policies she pursued in her first term or will she take a different
path? How would a Silva or an Aecio presidency differ from Dilma’s ? Are their proposals politically viable and can they be implemented?
Our featured speakers include: World Bank senior official Otaviano Canuto, who served as director of international affairs at the Brazilian Finance Ministry; the Washington correspondent for
São Paulo’s Estado newspaper Claudia Trevisan; Chief Latin American Analyst for Eurasia Group
João Augusto de Castro Neves; and Dialogue President Emeritus Peter Hakim.
We very much hope you will be able to participate.
Michael Shifter
To accept, decline, or get more information, please click on this link.
Gramáticas territoriais no Porto Maravilha: alisamentos, rugosidades e conflitos - FCRB e UFRJ
História & culturas urbanas:
Série especial A cidade e o porto
Quinta palestra – 30 de setembro, às 18h
Fernanda Sánchez (Arquitetura e Urbanismo/UFF)
Gramáticas territoriais no Porto Maravilha: alisamentos, rugosidades e conflitos
O debate proposto recai no reconhecimento das ações territoriais de renovação urbana no Porto
Maravilha, os ditos “alisamentos”, bem como das ações culturais, artísticas, políticas e urbanísticas que configuram as rugosidades com as quais lida, em conflito ou captura, o projeto
dominante. A alegoria da gramática territorial supõe o acionamento de cartografias alternativas
e outros instrumentos para desvelar protagonismos, presenças e ausências socioespaciais na
área portuária do Rio de Janeiro. A série ocorre na última terça-feira de cada mês, exceto durante o período de férias escolares. Concede-se certificado, a pedidos.
Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa
Sala de Cursos
Rua São Clemente, 134 – Botafogo
Informações 21 3289 8616
Entrada franca
Estacionamento gratuito
Brazil’s Internet Governance: A Model for the World?
The New Marco Civil in Brazil and Its Global Impact
September 30, 2014 | 2-6:00 p.m.
Fundação Getúlio Vargas | Rua Itapeva, 432 – Bela Vista – São Paulo
Keynote Speech
Agnès Callamard - Director, Global Freedom of Expression & Information, Special Adviser to
the President, Columbia University
3:00 p.m. | Session 1
Crafting Internet governance principles for the world: Will Brazil take the lead?
Agnès Callamard - Director, Global Freedom of Expression & Information, Special Adviser to
the President, Columbia University;
Ronaldo Lemos - Director, Rio Institute for Technology & Society (ITS), UERJ;
Ambassador Benedicto Fonseca Filho - Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazilian Ministry of External Relations;
Maria Tereza Fleury (Moderator) - Director, EAESP-FGV.
4:30 p.m. | Session 2
The Brazilian Paradigm for Internet Governance and Domestic Challenges
Marivaldo Pereira - State Secretary of Legislative Affairs for the Ministry of Justice;
Demi Getschko - Member of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI);
Joana Varón - Consultant, Rio Institute for Technology & Society (ITS), UERJ;
Eduardo Diniz (Moderator) - EAESP-FGV.
6 p.m. | End of the Event
RSVP, email: [email protected] or by phone:55 11 3034 5295
To see the full program description, click HERE
For more information, contact us at [email protected]
Debate Cedem - Mídia e Eleições na América Latina: Brasil, Chile e Venezuela
Debate Cedem/Unesp: 30/09/14
Campanhas presidenciais: Mídia e eleições na América Latina: Brasil, Chile e Venezuela, de Katia
Saisi, editora Medianiz Ltda – Porto Alegre/RS-2014, será tema do Debate Cedem/Unesp, a ser
realizado no dia 30 de setembro de 2014 às 18h30, promovido pelo Cedem – Centro de Documentação e Memória da Unesp.
As campanhas que elegeram Dilma Rousseff, Sebastián Piñera e Hugo Chávez como presidentes
do Brasil, do Chile e da Venezuela são o foco da análise deste livro, que esmiúça a relação entre
mídia e política nesses países. Katia Saisi acompanha a propaganda televisiva dos candidatos e a
cobertura diária dos principais jornais desses países: Folha e Estado, no Brasil, El Mercurio, no
Chile, e El Universal, na Venezuela. Mas antes de mergulhar no universo de cada país, a autora
traça um panorama da democracia na América Latina, descrevendo os processos históricos, políticos e eleitorais dos 20 países que integram a região.
O sistema legislativo e o financiamento de partidos e campanhas eleitorais também são analisados comparativamente. O estudo identifica os princípios norteadores dos discursos dos candidatos e da cobertura jornalística sobre eles, relacionando as estratégias discursivas com os mitos
políticos clássicos, mostrando que em cada país há a prevalência de um modelo, ainda que o
personalismo seja uma tendência geral. Revela a ascensão de novas formas de comunicação dos
candidatos (mídias alternativas, desde rádio e TVs comunitárias, celulares e redes sociais), que
estão mudando o modo de se fazer política na atualidade.
Kátia Saisi - graduação em jornalismo pela PUC-SP, especialização em Comunicação e Marketing, mestrado em Comunicação e Mercado - ambos pela Faculdade Cásper Líbero e doutorado
em Ciências Sociais (Política) pela PUC-SP. Diretora executiva da Pluricom Comunicação Integrada e professora convidada da ECA-USP, Instituto do Legislativo Paulista e Universidade São Judas Tadeu.
Genira Chagas – jornalista, mestre em Comunicação e Semiótica e doutora em Política pela
PUC-SP. Sua área de pesquisa está relacionada às telecomunicações, com foco em radiodifusão.
Coordena a área de comunicação do IPPRI/Unesp (Instituto de Políticas Públicas e Relações Internacionais).
Vera Lucia Michalany Chaia - concluiu o doutorado em Ciência Politica pela Universidade de
São Paulo em 1991 e a livre-docência em 2000 pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Atualmente é professora-associada na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Atua na
área de Ciência Política, com ênfase em Comunicação Política, Comportamento Político e Política
Brasileira. É coordenadora e pesquisadora do Neamp (Núcleo de Estudos em Arte, Mídia e Política), do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências Sociais da PUC-SP e do CNPq.
Duração: 2h30
Vagas limitadas: 70
Inscrições gratuitas - enviar nome completo, e-mail e instituição para: Sandra Santos, e-mail:
[email protected].
Certificado de participação
Data, horário e local: 30/09/14 às 18h30: Praça da Sé, 108 – 1º andar (metrô Sé) (11) 3116–
Gain Insight! 2014 Brazil Economic Conference, Washington, D.C.
Friday, October 10, 2014
8:00 A.M. - 2:30 P.M.
Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
The 2014 Brazil Economic Conference will address economic developments, including new
trends and sectors that will continue to drive Brazil as an attractive market for foreign investment. We will also engage in a debate about the current political landscape in the country and
the challenges that will face the next president, to be elected in October.
Conference Chairperson:
Kellie Meiman Hock, Managing Partner, McLarty Associates
Speakers Include:
- Ambassador Mauro Vieira, Ambassador of Brazil to The United States, Embassy of Brazil
- Professor Luciano Coutinho, , President, BNDES - The Brazilian Development Bank
- Kenneth E. Hyatt, Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade, US Department of Commerce and Co-Chair, US-Brazil Commercial Dialogue
- Marcio Holland Brito, Secretary of Economic Policy, Ministry of Finance of Brazil
- Representative from the Marina Silva Campaign - (Name To Be Announced)
- Ambassador Anthony S. Harrington, Chairman, Brazil-US Business Council and Wilson Center Brazil Institute, and Former Ambassador of the United States to Brazil
- Theodore M. Helms, Chairman, Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
- Paulo Sotero, Director, Wilson Center Brazil Institute
- Marcio Percival Alves Pinto, Vice-President of Finances and Control, Caixa Econômica Federal
- Robson Braga de Andrade, President, Confederação Nacional da Indústria - CNI
- Gilberto Peralta, President and CEO, General Electric Brazil - GE
- Odmar Almeida-Filho, President, Amway Brazil
- Otaviano Canuto dos Santos Filho, Senior Advisor on BRICS Economies, DEC, World Bank
- Paulo Nogueira Batista Junior, Executive Director, International Monetary Fund
- Cassio A. Calil, Managing Director, Head of International Commercial Banking, JPMorgan
Find out More
Please click here to register online.
Please click here to download the registration form.
Simpósio de Literatura Negra Ibero-Americana lembrará Semana da Consciência Negra na UFPR
Na semana da consciência negra – 17 a 21 de novembro – a UFPR recebe o I Simpósio de Literatura Negra Ibero-Americana. O objetivo é discutir a representação do negro na literatura, problematizando a questão do “negro escrito”, bem como a sua contribuição para a construção da
identidade nacional. A partir de leituras de obras de escritores negros e afrodescendentes, serão
discutidas questões relacionadas à valorização cultural das matrizes africanas, formadoras da
diversidade latino-americana.
Organizado pelo Grupo de Pesquisa da UFPR Interfaces Literárias e Estudos Culturais: as
Poéticas Afro-Latinas, o congresso contará com palestras de professores e pesquisadores
nacionais, além de atividades culturais. A programação completa será divulgada em breve no
site do evento:
Os interessados em participar com comunicações no tema do simpósio poderão enviar seus resumos até dia 6 de outubro para o email [email protected]. A dinâmica das
apresentações prevê 20 minutos para exposição, seguida de debate. Os trabalhos apresentados
serão publicados nos anais do evento (em CD com ISBN). As normas detalhadas também podem ser conferidas no site do simpósio. As inscrições são gratuitas.
Portuguese Lecturer - position/ Lauder Institute – Upenn
Position Title:
Lauder Institute and School of Arts and Sciences Lecturer in Portuguese
Position Type:
Humanities/ History/ Philosophy
Lecturer in Portuguese
Position Description
The Lauder Institute and the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania invite
applications for a full time appointment as Lecturer in Portuguese. The appointment will begin in
August 2015 and includes a teaching load of three courses per semester as well as coordinating
duties related to the Lauder Portuguese Language and Culture Program. Minimum qualifications
are an MA in linguistics, applied linguistics, and/or language and literature, Ph.D. preferable.
Preference will be given to applicants who have experience teaching Portuguese in a university
setting at the advanced and superior levels. The successful candidate should also have experience teaching Portuguese to native speakers of Spanish. This position requires candidates to
draw upon in-depth knowledge of the cultures, societies and business practices of the Portuguese speaking world in order to develop course materials for language practice and use for
graduate-level Portuguese Language & Culture courses. Candidates must have superior command of Portuguese and English. Preference will be given to candidates who are: certified
ACTFL/ILR testers and raters, familiar with standards-based instruction, and available to coordinate the Lauder Summer Immersion Program in Brazil. The salary is competitive.
How to Apply/Contact
Candidates are to apply at Include a
cover letter, CV, and brief description of teaching philosophy and methods. Also submit names
and contact information for three individuals who have agreed to provide a letter of recommendation. The University will contact the recommenders with instructions on how to submit their
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The
Lauder Institute and the School of Arts and Sciences are strongly committed to Penn’s Action
Plan for Faculty Diversity and Excellence and to creating a more diverse faculty (for more information see: The
University of Pennsylvania is an EOE. Minorities/Women/Individuals with disabilities/Protected
Veterans are encouraged to apply.
Affirmative Action Statement
The University of Pennsylvania values diversity and seeks talented students, faculty and staff
from diverse backgrounds. The University of Pennsylvania does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status or any other legally protected class status in the
administration of its admissions, financial aid, educational or athletic programs, or other University-administered programs or in its employment practices. Questions or complaints regarding
this policy should be directed to the Executive Director of the Office of Affirmative Action and
Equal Opportunity Programs, Sansom Place East, 3600 Chestnut Street, Suite 228, Philadelphia,
PA 19104-6106; or (215) 898-6993 (Voice) or (215) 898-7803 (TDD).
Supplemental Questions
Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Applicant Documents
Required Documents:
1. Cover Letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Teaching Statement
Lemann Family Foundation Professor of Brazilian Studies (open rank) Columbia University
Columbia University
School of International and Public Affairs
Lemann Family Foundation Professor of Brazilian Studies (open rank)
Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) invites applications for the
Lemann Family Foundation Professorship of Brazilian Studies to begin in July 2015 (or as soon
thereafter as possible). The professorship can be filled at the rank of the assistant professor, associate professor, full professor, or professor of professional practice levels, with a preference for
a tenured full professor appointment.
PhD in economics, political science, sociology or public policy is required. Senior candidates
must have a distinguished publication record; junior candidates must show promise of developing an outstanding publication record, suitable for tenure at a leading research university. Research and teaching interests must include contemporary policy issues facing Brazil. Interest in
the relevance of research for policy is essential. A record of engagement in the policy process
would be an advantage.
The Lemann Family Foundation Professor will contribute to teaching and intellectual leadership
in the SIPA curriculum and will coordinate research and co-curricular activities in Brazilian studies
in SIPA and across Columbia University. Applications will be reviewed beginning immediately
and until a suitable candidate is identified.
Please visit our online application site at:
for further information about this position and to submit your application.
Screening of the candidates will begin immediately and the search will remain open until filled.
For further information, please contact Joe Chartier, Academic Department Administrator, School
of International and Public Affairs, at [email protected].
Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs brings together an interdisciplinary faculty to conduct research in policy-related fields and train students at the master’s and
doctoral level for careers in global public policy.
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Applications from
women and underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged.
Call for Research Proposals, IDB INTAL - RED SUR
IDB-INTAL, from the Integration and Trade Sector, and the South American Network on Applied
Economics / Red Sur are putting out a joint call for research projects by researchers / research
centers throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
Four studies will be selected, one for each subject area, and funds of US$15,000 will be made
available to each.
The proposal and supporting documentation should be sent no later than 5:00 p.m. (Uruguayan
standard time), November 3, 2014 to the following email addresses simultaneously: [email protected] and [email protected], with the following subject line:
CALL FOR PROPOSALS IDB-INTAL/South American Network on Applied Economics.
Application Guidelines
Young Economists Award, IDB INTAL - RED SUR
IDB-INTAL, from the Integration and Trade Sector, and the South American Network on Applied
Economics / Red Sur are putting out a call for a new edition of the Awards for Young Economists
in order to promote the insertion of young people in the field of economic research and
knowledge creation in areas of interest to regional and global integration.
The awards consist of scholarships to carry out the research submitted, as well as the support of
a researcher from the South American Network on Applied Economics to act as project tutor.
1st Price: A scholarship for US$ 7.000
2nd Price: A scholarship for US$ 5.500
3rd Price: A scholarship for US$ 4.000
The proposal and supporting documentation should be sent no later than 5:00 p.m. (Uruguayan
standard time), November 3, 2014 and simultaneously to the email addresses: [email protected]
and [email protected], with the following subject line:
Application Guidelines
The Drama of Brazilian Politics from Dom João to Marina Silva
Online publishing makes this brand new book both more timely and
less expensive than conventional texts. It is available in Kindle format,
and can be read on any tablet, computer or smart phone. The price is
only $2.99 including free shipping. Or you can borrow it for free if you
belong to Amazon Prime.
It is appropriate for classes in Brazilian or Latin American history or
politics and could be added in the middle of the semester. Here are the
Ted Goertzel and Paulo Roberto de Almeida (eds.):
The Drama of Brazilian Politics: From Dom João to Marina Silva
(Amazon Digital Services; Kindle Book, 2014, 278 p.; ISBN: 978-1-49512981-0;ASIN: B00NZBPX8A; book length: 1199 KB; Sales Price: $ 2.99; available at: )
Table of Contents:
Introduction, by Ted Goertzel
1. The Drama of Brazilian Politics: from Dom João to Marina Silva, by Ted Goertzel
2. The Politics of Economic Regime Change in Brazilian History, by Paulo Roberto de Almeida
3. The Brazilian Presidency: From the Military Regime to the Workers’ Party, by João Paulo M.
4. A Woman’s Place is in the Presidency: Dilma, Marina and Women’s Representation in Brazil, by
Farida Jalalzai and Pedro G. dos Santos
5. A Brazilian ex-President’s Public Speech: A Threat to the Existing Order?, by Inês Signorini
6. Life Without Turnstiles, by Alipio de Sousa Filho
7. The Changing Face of Brazilian Politics: Lessons of the 2013 Protests, by Sue Branford and Jan
8. Political Leadership and Protest in Brazil: The 2013 Vinegar Revolt in Comparative Perspective,
by Guy Burton
9. Presidential Leadership and Regime Change in Brazil with Comparisons to the United States
and Spanish America, by Ted Goertzel
BRASA announces the 2014-2015 Brazilian Initiation Scholarship
The Brazilian Initiation Scholarship (BIS) is a key component of BRASA’s agenda to expand Brazilian Studies
in the United States. BRASA invites applications from graduate and undergraduate students for a onetime $1,500 travel scholarship to do exploratory research in Brazil. This scholarship targets aspiring Brazilianists with relatively little or no experience in Brazil. It seeks to contribute to the student’s initial trip (for
a period from six weeks to three months), to heighten the student’s interest in Brazil, and deepen his/her
commitment to Brazilian studies in the United States. Students are encouraged to combine this scholarship with other grants or awards.
Eligibility: Proposals for the BIS will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
Highest priority will be given to applicants who are outstanding college seniors, recent college graduates
applying to graduate programs in Brazilian studies or in Latin American studies with the intent of focusing
on Brazil, or new graduate students already focusing on Brazil.
Students from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences are eligible. In exceptional cases, applications from the natural sciences will be given consideration (for example, someone in environmental sciences who is writing a dissertation on the Amazon or pollution in São Paulo and who plans to continue
research on Brazil).
Preference will be given to those applicants who have little or no in-country experience in Brazil. A student requesting funding to undertake an exploratory research trip should present evidence at the time of
the application that he/she has achieved at least an intermediate level of competence in the Portuguese
language sufficient to carry out the proposed research.
Successful applicants may combine BIS with other
grants, scholarships, or awards, as long as he/she specifies clearly how the funds are going to be spent
(for example, the BRASA scholarship might be used to cover travel costs, while a grant from another
source could be used for living expenses, etc.). Applicants are required to be BRASA members at the time
of submission.
Application Process: A complete application will include the following documents:
- The application cover page (download form);
- Proof of BRASA membership,
- A two-page prospectus - which include your research agenda (double spaced, 12-point font);
- A two-page bibliography on the subject of study (list of references)
- A budget specifying how the $1500 will be spent;
- A two-page résumé or CV;
- Electronic copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts;
- Evidence of Portuguese proficiency on intermediate level - (This can be demonstrated by a transcript
or a letter from a university instructor of Portuguese);
- A letter of intent to study Brazil in graduate school, in the case of undergraduates or recent college
- Two letters of recommendation from professors;
- All documents must be submitted to [email protected]. In the subject line of the email, please
include the applicant full name and the sentence “BIS Application” (e.g. Mary Smith - BIS Application).
- Professors can email the letters of recommendation directly to BRASA at [email protected]. In
the subject line of the email, please include the applicant full name and the sentence “BIS 2014 Application” (e.g. Mary Smith - BIS Application).
- Partial applications or applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process:
In order to be considered for the scholarship, the two-page prospectus should:
(1) Clearly and coherently outline the project’s engagement with Brazil;
(2) Demonstrate as precisely as possible the feasibility of the proposed exploratory research project and
how it will contribute to the student’s academic development;
(3) Briefly discuss the role the work undertaken in Brazil will play in shaping the applicant’s future course
of academic study (for instance, it could be the seed project for a larger grant application, provide the basis of a paper prepared for presentation at a BRASA conference, or serve as the foundation for future research on Brazil).
Report: Upon completion of the research experience in Brazil, recipients are required to file a two-page,
double-spaced report with the BRASA Executive Director summarizing their activities and identifying rele-
vant academic outcomes. In addition, a statement accounting for the expenditure of funds must be sent
to the BRASA Executive Director. Following completion of studies in Brazil, BRASA strongly encourages
recipients to participate in a subsequent BRASA congress in order to report on their activities.
Deadline for application: November 15, 2014.
Awards will be announced by February 1st, 2015.
To submit a proposal and for all other correspondence
regarding this award, contact, the BRASA Research assistants at [email protected]
Chamada para Propostas para Sediar o Congresso da BRASA XIV (2018) no
O Comitê Executivo da BRASA está recebendo propostas de instituições brasileiras para
sediarem o XIV Congresso da BRASA em 2018 no Brasil. O prazo final para o envio da proposta
é 1 de dezembro de 2014. A proposta completa deve conter os elementos descritos abaixo:
1. Introdução: Constar um breve perfil da Instituição proponente e sua capacidade para sediar
um Congresso de grande porte. Introdução: Constar um breve perfil da Instituição
proponente e sua capacidade para sediar um Congresso de grande porte. O Congresso da
BRASA no passado tem atraído a participação de um público de 600 à 800 pesquisadores do
Brasil, Estados Unidos, e outros países da América Latina e Europa. No nosso Congresso de
2014, em Londres, esperamos receber um total de 200 painéis ao longo de três dias (12
sessões com 16 painéis por sessão).
2. Instalações: Indicar o local onde se realizarão as conferências e demais reuniões do Evento
(ser o mais específico possível, indicando a quantidade de salas de reuniões, a capacidade de
amplas salas de reuniões e salões de eventos, bem como a disponibilidade potencial desses
espaços e o acesso aos meios de transportes).
3. Acomodações: Indicar as opções de alojamentos (hotéis, pousadas etc.) para os participantes
da Conferência.
4. Os recursos da Instituição: Indicar os recursos disponíveis para o evento. Cartas de apoio de
universidade ou faculdades, administradores indicando interesse da instituição e compromisso
com a conferência serão particularmente úteis. Por favor, seja o mais específico possível ao
nomear as pessoas da instituição que irão comprometer-se a planejar e executar a conferência,
em parceria com os representantes da BRASA.
5. Datas propostas: Geralmente o Congresso da BRASA no Brasil é realizado em junho ou
agosto para combinar com os calendários acadêmicos dos Estados Unidos e do Brasil. BRASA irá
trabalhar com a instituição selecionada para determinar as datas ideais. Indique o mais
especificamente possível as datas pretendidas e da disponibilidade de salas de reuniões,
acomodações e transporte durante essas datas.
6. Pessoa de Contato: A proposta deve conter com um breve perfil acadêmico e profissional do
responsável da Instituição para o planejamento e execução do Congresso (experiência em
planejamento e execução de grandes eventos acadêmicos será particularmente considerada).
Por favor, envie propostas concluídas em docx ou pdf para:
1. Bryan McCann
[email protected]
+1-202-687 3552
2. James N. Green
[email protected]
Skype: jamesnaylorgreen
Desde já o Comitê Executivo agradece a todos os anfitriões potenciais. Entendemos que a
realização de um grande Congresso é uma iniciativa importante e agradecemos o interesse em
sediar o Congresso da BRASA.
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Você quer receber o boletim BRASA-NET?
Mande uma mensagem para [email protected] com o assunto: "subscribe brasa-net"
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Send your Submission to [email protected], in the subject line write "Digest Submission”.
The Digest is distributed on Mondays, please send your submissions until Friday.
Envie seu anúncio para [email protected]. Na linha do assunto escreva “Digest Submission".
O Digest é distribuido às segunda-feiras, favor enviar os anúncios até a sexta-feira anterior.
BRASA Secretariat:
Renato Vieira:
Doctoral Student
College of ACES, Agricultural and Consumer Economics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dan Bacon:
Technology Coordinator and Website Support
[email protected]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Contact BRASA
Phone Fax:
223 International Studies Building
910 South Fifth Street, Champaign, IL 61820
[email protected]
O Digest é um serviço oferecido à comunidade acadêmica, e não reflete necessariamente a opinião da Brasilian Studies Association.
The Digest is a service provided to the scholarly community, and does not necessarily reflect official positions of the Brazilian Studies