church of the epiphany - Epiphany Catholic Church


church of the epiphany - Epiphany Catholic Church
November 27, 2011
First Sunday of Advent
Church Address
8235 S.W. 57 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33143
Ministry of Religious Education &
Pastoral Services
Mrs. Isabel Prellezo, Directress
Telephone: 305-665-0037
Office of Development & Parish Affairs
Mr. Edmund F. Onorati, Director
Telephone: 305-667-4911
Rectory/Mailing Address
8081 S.W. 54 Court, Miami, Florida 33143
Telephone: 305-667-4911
Fax: 305-667-8067
Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m.
Ministry of Music
Mr. Thomas Schuster, Organist
Mr. Angelo Marchese, Cantor
Mr. Georgi Danchev, Choirmaster
Telephone: 305-667-4911
8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 a.m.
12:30* & 6:00 p.m. (*Spanish)
Sister Margaret Fagan, IHM, Principal
Ms. Ana Oliva, Vice Principal
5557 S.W. 84 Street, Miami, Florida 33143
Telephone: 305-667-5251 Fax: 305-667-6828
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays at 4:30 p.m.
Sister Rose Harlan, IHM, Superior
Telephone: 305-667-2144
7:40 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Monday-Friday 7:00-8:00 a.m. &
8:30-9:30 a.m.
Sacrament of Baptism
Call the Parish Office two months in advance.
Sacrament of Matrimony
Call the Parish Office ten months in advance.
Monsignor Jude O’Doherty, Pastor
Father César Peña, Associate Pastor
Deacon Don Livingstone
Deacon Norman Ruíz-Castañeda
Deacon Paul Munter
Deacon José Luis Carrión, Jr.
Deacon Thomas V. Eagan
Deacon Marcos Pérez
Pastor’s Pen
Today is the first Sunday of that season
of the year we call Advent. The word simply
means "coming." We use it in this context
to refer to the coming of Christ into the world.
Characteristically, we think of Advent in terms
of the Christmas story. This is when we pause
to look back across the centuries and
remember that the Son of God came into this
world as a little baby, born of the Virgin Mary.
At othe times, we turn our faces to the future,
remembering that He has promised to come
again, marking the culmination of history and
the fulfillment of God's purpose in the earth.
For want of a better term, we refer to this as
the "Second Advent" or "Second Coming"
of Christ.
Both of these meanings are clearly
written in the Bible. They have been celebrated
and proclaimed throughout the history of the
church. But if we stop with these and go no
further, it has the practical effect of removing
thecoming of Christ from the experience of our
daily lives. We need to open our minds to one
more meaning. We need to recognize that
Christ, not only has come in the past and
shall come in the future, but does come in
the present.
This, it seems to me, is quite possibly
the meaning of our Gospel reading for today. Jesus
told a story about a man who was getting ready
to travel abroad. Before leaving, he turned the
responsibility of his household over to his
servants. To each of them he gave a specific
task and this final word of instruction: "You do
not know when the master of the house is
coming. Do not let him come suddenly and
catch you asleep." Then, Jesus added this
comment, "What I say to you, I say to all.
Be on guard."
I think the Lord is trying to open our
minds to the truth of His coming in the events
and experiences of our daily lives.
Surely, He is never far from us, and we should
look for Him, not just in the clouds of
tomorrow, but in the streets of today. Perhaps
the first thing we need to do is teach ourselves
to think of His coming, not as a threat,
but as a promise. His exhortation to alertness
does not mean that we should be feverishly
anxious, but rather that we should be joyfully
expectant. After all, the one whose arrival we
anticipate is not a policeman with a search
warrant. He is a loving friend who knows us
better than we know ourselves and loves us far
beyond our power to even imagine.
If the heart is right and the mind is
expectant, we will find Him in many places,
in the face of a child, in the need of other
people, in our joys and even in our sorrows.
Seems I remember His promising, "I will not
leave you comfortless; I will come unto you."
This is the Advent season, a very special
time of the year. It speaks to us of the Christ
who has come as the virgin-born Son of
Mary. It speaks to us of the Christ who shall
come as the King of Kings. But it also speaks
to us of the Christ who does come as a
friend to walk with us amidst all the
pain and gladness of our daily lives.
“And with your Spirit”
Today, with the start of Advent, we not only
begin a new liturgical year in the Church
calendar, but we also finally use the revised
translation of the Mass in its entirety. There are
several things that are now different in what we
say; many of the changes we have briefly
examined over the past couple of months. The
new translation is more literal to the original Latin,
and uses an elevated and traditional style of
language, which is more fitting for approaching
God. A clear example of this is the response “And
with your Spirit,” when the priest says “The Lord
be with you.” This change is significant; the simple
“and also with you” is now replaced with words
that are not part of our common vocabulary. Just
the fact that it’s uncommon in everyday speech
makes it more sacred- or set apart- an expression
reserved for use in the Liturgy. However, there is
important theology behind “and with your spirit”,
which made it one of the phrases which especially
required revision in this new Roman Missal.
In the old translation, one might get the
impression that our response was intended to
express a personal greeting of reciprocal good will:
“May the Lord be with you, too, Father.” But there
is much more to it. When a man is ordained a
priest, the Holy Spirit comes upon him in a unique
way, enabling him to perform the Sacred Rites of
the Mass and consecrate the Eucharist. By
responding, “And with your spirit,” we acknowledge
the Holy Spirit’s activity through the priest. We
are referring to the “spirit” of the priest - the very
core of his being. Through the Sacrament of Holy
Orders, Christ has forever configured the priest’s
soul to Himself in a special way, by the power of
the Holy Spirit. For this reason, “and with your
spirit” is only addressed to an ordained minister.
By specifically referencing the priest’s spirit, we
affirm this transformation and state that we join
ourselves in a particular way to Christ who dwells
within, and acts through, the priest. The spirit of
the priest who celebrates Holy Mass is that of
Jesus Christ.
Whenever the priest greets the people he
does so, not as a function of his own humanity,
but according to the Holy Orders that he has
received. With the words “The Lord be with you,”
the priest expresses his desire that God’s Spirit
be given to His people, enabling them to do the
work of transforming the world He has entrusted
to them. He is urging the faithful to turn to, and to
be with, the Spirit of the Lord received in the
waters of Baptism, that they may be personally
conformed to His divine presence and properly
disposed to unite themselves with the
sacred action that is about to take place. It is
fitting that our response reflects this. We are
acknowledging that God works through the priest,
and it is ultimately Jesus Christ who is the primary
actor in the Liturgy, regardless who the particular
priest celebrating Mass may be. We are also
offering a prayer for the man who stands before
us, that he be strengthened by God’s grace, in
faith, so as to lose his identity in such way as to
yield entirely to Christ, whom he represents.
The expression “and with your spirit” has
its origins in Scripture, and has been used from
the very beginning of the Church. In the 4 th
century, St. John Chrysostom taught: “If the Holy
Spirit were not in our Bishop when he gave the
peace to all, you would not have replied to him all
together, ‘And with your spirit...’ You don’t first
partake of the offerings until he has prayed for
you the grace from the Lord, and you have
answered him, ‘And with your spirit’, reminding
yourselves that he who is here does nothing of
his own power, nor are the offered gifts the work
of human nature, but is it the grace of the Spirit
present and hovering over all things which
prepared that mystic sacrifice.”
The dialogue “The Lord be with you. And
with your spirit.” occurs five times during Mass,
keeping us focused on the awesome spiritual
reality we are witnessing. Far from an antiquated
version of “Hi, how’s it going,” it is an expression
of our desire and our prayer that God be present
in each other’s lives. As we become more familiar
with this new translation, let us remember that all
these changes give us an opportunity to ponder
the significance of everything we say and do allowing for a more profound awareness of the
splendor, richness, and beauty of the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass.
Nov. 26
5:30 p.m
Nov. 27
8:00 a.m.
Nov. 28
Hugo & Beba Rams
+ Otto Newman
+ Alberto & Isabel Calderin
+ Rosalie Fernandez
+ Susana Segura
+ Eileen McCaughan
9:30 a.m.
Adele Moas - In Thanksgiving
+ Monica Juan De Bernabeu
11:00 a.m.
People of Epiphany
12:30 p.m.
+ Diana Briceno
+ Tommy Gil
6:00 p.m. + Aristedes Jacobs, Sr.
+ Mary Fontela
6:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Nov. 29
6:30 a.m.
Ana Maria Lopez De Azua
Alejandro Suero
Holy Souls in Purgatory
Lydia Bou
Rogelio De J. Fernandez
Requested By
Newman-Villalba Family
Manuel & Barbara Diaz
Izique Family
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bell
Mercedes Moas
Juan Family
Is 63:16b-17,
Ps 80:2-3,15-16,
1 Cor 1:3-9
Mk 13:33-373
Andreina Zambrano
Evans Osorio Family
Pargas Family
Fontela Family
Antonio & Martha Bauza
Diaz Family
Harold Zabsky
Is 2:1-5
Ps 122:1-9
Mt 8:5-11
Ricardo & Lizy Rivera
Wedding Anniversary
+ Elizabeth Sumner
+ Luis Lange
+ Emilio Martinez
Fanny Gutierrez
Hugo & Beba Rams
Diaz Family
Mr. & Mrs. William Ramirez
Miyares Family
Wednesday 6:30 a.m.
Nov. 30
8:00 a.m.
+ Eduardo Rams
Maria Elizabette Pistorino
+ Ramon Iglesias
+ Gladys Borges
Pistorino Family
Ruiz-Iglesias Family
Rasco Family
Rom 10:9-18
Ps 19:2-5
Mt 4:18-22
Dec. 1
+ Ramon Robayna
Special Intentions
+ Aguilera Family Members
+ Emilio F. Martinez
Robayna Family
Pistorino Family
Jack & Debbie Downey
Is 26:1-6
Ps 118:1,8-9,
Mt 7:21,24-27
Jane Hernandez
Harold Zabsky
Is 29:17-24
Ps 27:1,4,13-14
Mt 9:27-31
8:00 a.m.
6:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Dec. 2
6:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Dec. 3
8:00 a.m.
Timothy Fitzgerald
Holy Souls in Purgatory
Epiphany Parishioners
Vernon Jordahl
Jordahl Family
+ Alex Carrion
+ Roger Caron
Eleanor Stritter
(Sunday Vigil) 5:30 p.m.
Troops in Harms Way
+ Enrique Villamil
+ Maureen H. Parker
Shahin Family
Dec. 4
+ Ricardo Perkins
+ Isabel Calmet
+ Marta Cespedes De Leon
Mari & Greg Reed
Izique Family
Ruiz De Pellon &
De Leon Familes
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m. +
6:00 p.m.
Carlos M. Calvet III
People of Epiphany
Otto Newman
Jose L. Piedra
Marcos Perez
Pedro Acosta
Is 11:1-10
Ps 72:1-2,7-8,
Lk 10:21-24
Newman-Villalba Family
Jose & Rina Hernandez
Armenteros Family
Raymond & Miriam Lopez
Is 30:19-21,23-26
Ps 147:1-6
Mt 9:35-10:1,5a,
Is 40:1-5,9-11
Ps 85:9-14
2 Pt 3:8-14
Mk 1:1-8
Mass Schedules
5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Msgr. Jude
Msgr. Jude
Fr. Cesar
Msgr. Jude
Fr. Cesar
Msgr. Jude
Altar Servers
Maria Escagedo
Sarita Baigorri
K. O'Flaherty
C. Ortiz
A. Padron
D. Pons
W. Reis
G. Rotter
E. Savitzky
S. Tsaoussis
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
HOST: Michelle Montalvo
Luis Siman
Sandy Rogowski
Cristina Velarde
Jorge Velarde
Michelle Montalvo
Craig Rogowski
COORDINATOR: Maria Eisenhart
HOST: Maria Eisenhart
Paul Eisenhart
Igor Velikopoljski
Tom Beier
Marlene Velikopoljski
Calene Candela
Henry Pujol
A. Velikopoljski
F. Velikopoljski
N. Velikopoljski
Gaby Jenkins
Jason Johnson
S. Miguez
L. Moas
E. Pozo
R. Roca
C. Sacher
A. Smith
COORDINATOR: Mari Angel Carrion
HOST: Mari Angel Carrion
Mari Pinero
Delia Valcarcel
Raphael Bastian
James Boink
Ron Quintero
George Valcarcel
Ileana Gordon
Ramon Garcia
N. Prendes
L. Rasco
S. Rasco
A. Rosabal
A. Santana
S. Velikopoljski
T. Velikopoljski
P. Bean
COORDINATOR: Eduardo Del Valle
HOST: Manolo Larrieu
Tere Larrieu
Maggie Martinez
John Porro
Tania Porro
Maria Cristina Sousa
Art Martinez
Eduardo Del Valle
Jorge De la Torre
Elena De la Torre
T. Mas
B. Northland
D. Rodriguez
COORDINATOR: Mary Gonzalez
HOST: Mary Gonzalez
Humberto Gonzalez
Gloria Acevedo
Pedro Marrero
Bernuil Marero
Enrique Bludau
Plinio Gonzalez
Jorge Perez
Maria Iparraguirre
S. Rodon
G. Rodriguez
A. Romagosa
E. Roza
M. Saca
S. Salavarria
F. Tomasino
N. Vega
HOST: Gelcys Campo
Rafael Campo
Nuri Gaston
Debbie Hasty
Rick Hasty
Camilo Lopez
Jose Gaston
Bulletin Board
Epiphany Magnet Sale!
To benefit the Epiphany Endowment Fund.
Stewardship Corner
The word advent is derived from the Latin
word adventus meaning “the coming of Jesus at
His birth on earth in Bethlehem.” The four weeks
of Advent prepare us to celebrate the mystery of
the incarnation…God became human to bring us
out of the darkness and into His eternal light.
During the season of Advent, the liturgy stresses,
not only penance, but also hope, light, joy and
First Sunday of Advent - Hope…Jesus is
our hope. Hope believes that the best is yet to
come. The hope that Jesus brings means, not
only His promise to redeem us from sin, but also
to come again.
Second Sunday of Advent - Light…The
light of Jesus dispels the darkness of sin and
confusion. He said, “I have come as light into the
world, so that everyone who believes in Me should
not remain in the darkness.
Third Sunday of Advent - Joy….Joy is the
simplest form of gratitude. This third Sunday is
called “Gaudate Sunday” from the Latin word
meaning “rejoice”. This Sunday’s liturgy breaks
from the somber mood of penance and reintroduces joy. We await the coming of the Lord with
glad and joyous anticipation.
Surrender….Spiritual surrender is the act of
turning you life and your will to God. This fourth
Sunday’s liturgy brings us to Bethlehem, the
birthplace of Jesus. Like Mary, we can bring Jesus
into the world and share Him with others. Now it’s
our turn to reach out to others in a spirit of love.
In four weeks, we will celebrate Christmas
Day. We will offer gifts to one another, and we will
receive the perfect gift of all….Jesus Christ, Our
Lord and Saviour. Advent helps us to prepare.
Saturday, December 3 after the 5:30 p.m. Mass
Sunday, December 4 after the 11:00 a.m. Mass
Annual Christmas Toy Drive
for St. Ann’s Mission
We are given the opportunity to be
generous sharing the Good News of Christ’s birth
with the migrant people from Saint Ann’s Mission.
Our goal is to provide Christmas gifts for nearly
1,000 children.
wMake sure the gifts are age and sex appropriate. If a toy requires batteries, please include them.
No used toys at this time, please!
wWrap gift and firmly attach the original tag.
wReturn your gifts on the night of the
Christmas Festival on December 9, or to the
Religious Education Office no later than
Wednesday, December 14
w Monetary donations payable to Saint Ann’s
Mission are also accepted!
Consider Going the Extra Mile!
wAdopt a family for Christmas. After every Mass
there will be “family sheets” available with the names
of every member of the “adopted” family. Be
creative! Buy gifts for all family members perhaps
include a certificate to one of the supermarkets,
or add a few extra goodies.
wIf you wish to personally deliver your gifts to your
adopted family, please send an e-mail to one of
the names below so that the appropriate
arrangements can be made.
wYou might wish to help with the sorting of toys.
wA party for migrant families living in fincas in
South West Dade, served by Saint Ann’s
Mission, is planned for Sunday, December 18, at
2:00 p.m. If you are interested in participating in
this or any of the above activities associated
with the mission, please contact the Religious
Education Office at 305-665-0037.
Bulletin Board
Contemplative Cenacle
of the Divine Mercy
Monday, December 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the church.
With songs of praise, prayers, the reading of the
Gospel of the day and reciting the Chaplet of
the Divine Mercy, we deepen our faith
drawing closer to the Fount of Mercy
of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christmas Festival
with Choirs and Orchestra
Tuesday, December 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Bone Marrow Registration
Save a Life! – Become a Bone Marrow Donor
Rosi and I recently learned that our nephew
and godson, John Michael Portuondo, 19 years
of age, has a rare immune system disease called
HLH that is life threatening. He needs a Bone
Marrow transplant (BMT) to save his life. A search
of the over 16.5 million registered donors did not
yield a match so our challenge is to find a match.
Time is of the essence. You can be that person
who can save his life or the life of another patient
waiting for a BMT. Registering is easy.
Who: Any healthy person between 18 to 60 years
of age.
How: Register and provide a cotton swab sample
of cheek cells.
How to Register:
1.Online at , go to the “Join the
Registry” tab and click “JOIN NOW”. A
swab kit will be mailed to your home.
Once you gather the samples, send it
back. 5 minutes. Register all of the
adults in your family!!!
2.When donating blood, ask to be placed on the
Bone Marrow Registry. A cheek swab will
be performed.
Epiphany Parish will host a
Bone Marrow Donor Registration
event after all of the Masses on
Sunday, December 4.
Thank you and God Bless,
Rosi and Nacho Portuondo
An annual favorite for the whole family!
Join the Epiphany Children’s Choir, Adult Choir,
and Orchestra in a program featuring familiar
carols and Christmas music from many cultures.
Parish Pilgrim Virgin Ministry
During the week of November 27,
the Parish Pilgrim Virgin will be in the home of:
Plinio & Gloria Gonzalez
Patricia Betancourt
To schedule your visit, please call
Patricia & Luis Siman at 305-238-4555.
Zoraida Barreto, Bea Campbell, Seida Carbonell,
Ana Alicia Fernandez, Ricky Gamundi, Heidy
Gastelu, Fanny Gutierrez, Sophia Herter, Stephany
Kury, Angel David Martinez, Rosi Maza-Saez,
Caridad Mora, John Michael Portuondo, Rolando
Ruiz, Lola Salas, Corinne Steinbauer, Ivan
Schlundt-Bodien, Caridad Tawil.
Fe del Carmen Caminero de Beche, Francisca
Gonzalez, Rolando Martin, Grace Mayfield, Mario
Paradelo, Jean Wehrle.
The Faith community of Epiphany is proud to congratulate and welcomes into the
fullness of membership in the Church, the following Confirmed Catholics:
Sebastian Javier Abarca
Dolores Gabriela Abreu
Daniel Ferguson Adams
Andres Tomas Aguirre
Gabriela Sofia Aponte
Carlos Alberto Arazoza
Sofia Alexandra Aviles
Jerry Junior Balepogi
Gianna Maria Balli
Mark Andrew Bertematti
Francisco Armando Blanco
Michael Phillip Borell
Jason Taylor Bouchard
Daniel Jorge Bravo
Armando Ignacio Brito
James Fitzgerald Britt
Olivia Luisa Candela
Adriana Lourdes Castellon
Camila Maria Celi
Nicole Alexandra Cerra
Chloe Danielle Christiansen
Daniella Elizabeth Clavijo
Misha Marilyn Cruz
Isabella Maria de la Pedraja
Claudia Maria De Ona
Alberto Manuel Diaz
Andres Rogelio Diaz
Marcus Anthony Diaz
Nicole Marie Diaz
Nicole Elizabeth Diaz
Richard Gregorie Diaz
Christopher Daniel Diaz-Silveira
Michelle Marie Diaz-Silveira
Sofia Isabel Dominguez
George Andrew Downey
Yago Louis DunoyerDeSegonzac
Thomas Patrick Falcon
John Lucas Farach
Alexandra Maria Fernandez
Michelle Alexandra Fernandez
Ana Teresita Ferrer
Miguel Alberto Ferrer
Gabriel Luis Figueredo
Gabriela Mia Fonte
Sofia Cecilia Franca
Alejandro Manuel Gallart
Andrea Sofia Garcia
Alexandra Diana Gomez
Valeria Carolina Gonzalez
Alexander Gonzalez-Brito
Maximilian Gonzalez-Brito
Katarina Michelle Grande
Javier Jose Hernandez
Michael Alexander Herrero
Sebastian Huguez
Christina Marie Jimenez
Ross Alexander Jimenez
Sophia Elizabeth Jimenez
Erika Alexandra Kovacs
Amanda Sophia Lazcano
Gabriela Georgina Lee
Cesar Alejandro Llano
Linda Alicia Luaces
Rebeca Claire Luaces
Lauren Maria Lugones
Jesus Alberto Luna
Alessandra Teresa Mackle
Cristina Teresa Mackle
Daniel Alexander Martinez
Jose Manuel Martinez
Kayla Martinez
Brad John McCormick
Connor Patrick McCormick
Sarah Taylor Medina
Sophia Alexis Medina
Gabriella Sofia Mencio
Francisco Jose Menendez
Daniella Sofia Midolo
Maurice Andres Milton
Nicholas Frank Milton
Andres Javier Moas
Eduardo Luis Montalvo
Regina Morfin
Gabriella Maria Morrison
Carolina Sophia Ortega
Benjamin Peter Otruba
Katarina Otruba
Emily Rose Packert
Carla Maria Palenzuela
Andres Francisco Pena
Raquel Inez Pena
Adrianna Lucia Perdomo
Zachary Michael Peredo
Patrick Michael Perez
Rafael Eduardo Perez-Subira
Michelle Anne Pina
Adriana Carolina Pino
Isabella Rose Prieto
Gabrielle Marie Puig
Allison Marie Pujol
Claudia Ana Quirch
Layla Martha Rahmanparast
Jacob Everett Reis
Alejandra Sofia Rey
Kate Grace Reynolds
Gabriel D. Rivera
Veronica Elisa Rivera
Kelly Christina Roberts
Alfonso Rodriguez
Amanda Maria Rodriguez
Christian Emilio Rodriguez
Gustavo Alejandro Roig
Lorenzo Ivan Roman
Jorge Alejandro Rosabal
Teobaldo Jorge Rosell
Maximilian Alexander Sabo
Natalia Saitcevsky
Nicolas Alexander Salado
Alejandro Sanchez
Sven Schele
Christian Ryan Silva
Alejandro Jose Smith
Victoria Michelle Sotolongo
Karina Marie Steel
Gabriela Victoria Suarez
Mariana Margarita Suarez
Ashely Medora Terwiller
Ana Cristina Torres
Javier Nicolas Torres de Navarra
Maximo Jose Ulloa
Carlos Eduardo Uribe
Michael John Vara
Charles Javier Vega
Nadya Maria Vento
Gabriella Sofia Villacampa
Carolina Price Vonder Haar
Winter Gemma Walker
Lucy Michaela Walsh
Robert James Weber
Erick Joseph Wilson
Miguel Ignacio Yaniz
The Confirmation Class of Epiphany Parish is very grateful for the example shown to us
by our teachers and catechists - those who brought us closer to the faith of Jesus Christ.

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