

Publication list Carsten Nowak, July 2010 ISI articles Frosch, C, Haase P, Nowak C. First set of microsatellite markers for genetic characterization of the Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber) based on tissue and hair samples, submitted to European Journal of Wildlife Research. Vogt C, Hess M, Nowak C, Oehlmann J, Oetken M. Effects of cadmium on life‐cycle parameters in a multi‐generation study with Chironomus riparius following a pre‐exposure of populations to two different tributyltin concentrations for several generations. Ecotoxicology DOI: 10.1007/s10646‐010‐0501‐4. Senapati S, Mahon AR, Gordon , Nowak C, Powell THQ, Feder J, Lodge DM, Chang HC (2009). Rapid on‐chip genetic detection microfluidic platform for real world applications. Biomicrofluidics 3, 022407. Zakharov EV, Lobo NF, Nowak C, Hellmann, JJ (2009). Introgression as a likely cause of mtDNA paraphyly in two allopatric skippers (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). Heredity 102, 590‐599. Nowak C, Brown, CM, Hellmann, JJ (2009). Development of 16 microsatellite markers for the hybridizing species Papilio glaucus and Papilio canadensis and their applicability to museum specimen and congeneric species. Molecular Ecology Resources 9, 800‐803. Nowak C, Vogt C, Oetken M, Pfenninger M, Schwenk K, Oehlmann J, Streit B (2009). Genetic erosion in tributyltin exposed experimental Chironomus populations. Environmental Pollution 157, 881‐886. Pfenninger M, Nowak C (2008) What allows sympatric occurrence of cryptic sister species? Reproductive isolation and ecological repartition among Chironomus riparius and C. piger (Insecta, Diptera). PLOS One 6, e2541. Nowak C, Czeikowitz A, Vogt C, Oetken K, Streit B, Schwenk K (2008) Variation in tolerance to cadmium exposure among genetically characterized laboratory populations of the midge Chironomus riparius (Diptera: Chironomidae). Chemosphere 71, 1950‐2956. Barateiro J, Natal‐da‐Luz T, Sousa JP, Vogt C, Nowak C (2007) Tolerance of genetically characterized Folsomia candida strains to phenmedipham exposure ‐ a comparison between reproduction and avoidance tests. Journal of Soils and Sediments 6, 388‐392. Nowak C, Jost D, Vogt C, Oetken M, Schwenk K, Oehlmann J (2007) Effects of inbreeding and reduced genetic variation on tolerance to cadmium stress in the midge Chironomus riparius. Aquatic Toxicology 85, 278‐284. Pfenninger M, Nowak C, Kley C, Steinke D, Streit B (2007) Utility of DNA‐taxonomy and barcoding for the inference of larval community structure in morphologically cryptic Chironomus (Diptera) species. Molecular Ecology 16, 1957‐1968. Vogt C, Pupp A, Nowak C, Jagodzinski LS, Baumann J, Jost D, Oetken M, Oehlmann J (2007) Interaction between genetic diversity and temperature stress on life‐cycle parameters and genetic variability of Chironomus riparius populations. Climate Research 33, 207‐214. Nowak C, Vogt C, Barateiro J, Schwenk K (2007) Genetic impoverishment in laboratory cultures of the test organism Chironomus riparius. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 26, 118‐122. Vogt C, Nowak C, Barateiro J, Schwenk K, Oetken M, Oehlmann J (2007) Multi‐generation studies with Chironomus riparius ‐ Effects of low tributyltin concentrations on life history parameters and genetic diversity. Chemosphere 67, 2192‐2200. Pfenninger M, Nowak C, Magnin F (2007) Intraspecific range dynamics and niche evolution in Candidula land snail species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90, 303‐317. Vogt C, Belz D, Galluba S, Nowak C, Oetken M, Oehlmann J (2007) Effects of cadmium and tributyltin on development and reproduction of the non‐biting midge Chironomus riparius (Diptera) ‐ baseline experiments for future multi‐generation studies. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 42, 1‐9. Nowak C, Hankeln T, Schmidt ER, Schwenk K (2006) Development and localization of microsatellite markers for the sibling species Chironomus riparius and Chironomus piger (Diptera: Chironomidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 6, 915‐917. Further article contributions Nowak C, Steyer K (2009) Eine haarige Spurensuche ‐ Molekulargenetische Untersuchungsmethoden im Dienste des Wildkatzenschutzes. ZGF Gorilla 4, 15‐16. Nowak C, Nemec S, Vogt C, Pfenninger M (2009) Chironomus als Modellorganismus der Molekularen Ökologie – vom Wert genetischer Vielfalt bis zur Anpassung an Klimastress. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) ‐ Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2009 (Oldenburg). Nowak C, Sauer J, Haase P (2009) Genetische Haaranalysen zur Erfassung der Wildkatze in Deutschland – Chancen und Grenzen der Lockstockmethode. In: Fremuth, Jedicke, Kaphegyi, Wachendörfer, Weinzierl (Hrsg.) Zukunft der Wildkatze in Deutschland – Ergebnisse des internationalen Wildkatzensymposiums 2008 in Wiesenfelden, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin. Nowak C (2008) Consequences of environmental pollution on genetic diversity in populations of the midge Chironomus riparius. Cuvillier‐Verlag, Göttingen, Germany, 101p. Vogt C, Hess M, Nowak C (2007) Anpassung, Aussterben und genetische Verarmung ‐ Auswirkungen des Pestizids TBT auf die Fitness und genetische Populationsstruktur bei Chironomus riparius. In Horst Korn, Ute Veit (editors): Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt 7. BFN‐
Skripten 207, 191‐198.
Vogt C, Nowak C, Oetken M, Oehlmann J (2006) Umweltschadstoffe und genetische Variabilität bei aquatischen Wirbellosen ‐ Ergebnisse einer Multigenerationsstudie mit C. riparius. Tagungsbericht 2005 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V. (DGL) und der deutschsprachigen Sektion der Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL), 487‐491. Nowak C, Pupp A, Vogt C (2006) Reaktion genetisch verarmter Populationen der Zuckmücke Chironomus riparius auf anthropogen verursachten Umweltstress ‐Konsequenzen für den Artenschutz. In Horst Korn, Ute Veit (editors): Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt 6. BFN‐Skripten 164, 199‐204. Nowak C, Albrecht C, Kappes H, Renker C (2004) Neue Funde von Heideschnecken (Hellicellinae: Hygromiidae) in Südwest‐Deutschland. Flora und Fauna in Rheinland‐Pfalz 10, 571‐579. Conference abstracts Balint M, Nowak C, Pauls SU: Quantifying losses in genetic biodiversity under different scenarios of climate change. 58th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society,. Santa Fe, USA 2010 (poster). Nowak C, Nemec S , Feldmayer B, Cordellier M, Streit B, Schwenk K, Pfenninger M: Assessing climate change effects on aquatic invertebrates – a large‐scale molecular approach. SETAC Europe 20th annual meeting, Seville, Spain 2010 (poster). Nowak C, Pauls S, Balint M: Effects of global climate change and environmental pollution on genetic diversity of aquatic insects: experimental and modelling approaches. SETAC Europe 20th annual meeting, Seville, Spain 2010 (talk). Jagodzinski LS, Vogt C, Nowak C, Oetken M, Oehlmann J: Loss of genetic diversity due to sediment contamination in sequential life cycle tests with Chironomus riparius. SETAC Europe 20th annual meeting, Seville, Spain 2010 (poster). Nemec S, Nowak C, Oehlmann J, Pfenninger M: Impact of climate change on the competition of the sister species Chironomus riparius and Chironomus piger. SETAC Europe 20th annual meeting, Seville, Spain 2010 (poster). Nowak C, Vogt C, Imo M, Pfenninger M: Chironomus als Modellorganismus in der Molekularen Ökologie. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Limnologischen Gesellschaft, Oldenburg 2009 (talk). Nowak C, Steyer K, Sauer J, Siemund M, Haase P: Non‐invasive genetic monitoring of the Wildcat in Germany. 7th International Conference on Physiology, Genetics, and Behaviour of Wildlife, Berlin 2009 (poster). Nowak C, Büntjen M, Barateiro Diogo J, Steyer K: A short DNA marker for species identification of nin‐invasive samples from European mammals. 7th International Conference on Physiology, Genetics, and Behaviour of Wildlife, Berlin 2009 (poster). Sauer J, Nowak C, Haase P: Genetisches Monitoring der Wildkatze ‐ Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Lockstockmethode. 17. Internationale Naturschutztagung Zoologischer und Botanischer Artenschutz in Mitteleuropa. Bad Blankenburg, Germany (talk). 3
Vogt C, Nowak C, Schwenk K, Oetken M, Pfenninger M, Streit B, Oehlmann J: Multi‐generation studies with Chironomus riparius – Chronic effects of tributyltin on life history parameters, genetic diversity and adaptation potential. SETAC Europe annual meeting, Warszawa, Poland 2008 (talk). Gordon, JE, Senapati S, Hou, D, Nowak C, Sengupta S, Chang H‐C: Bead‐based microfluidic platform for rapid DNA identification. AlChE annual meeting, Salt Lake City, USA 2007 (talk). Nowak C, Gordon JE, Senapati S, Feder JL, Chang H‐C, Lodge DM: Development of microfluidic chip technology for real‐time detection of invasive species within ships' ballast water. Ecological Genomics Symposium, Kansas City, USA 2007 (poster). Nowak C, Baumann J, Vogt C: 'Real‐world' relevance of laboratory data ‐ the example of genetic erosion in Chironomus riparius. 12th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Leipzig 2007 (poster). Jagodzinski L, Vogt C, Nowak C, Oetken M, Oehlmann J: Effects of TBT contamination in sediments ‐ life history of the midge Chironomus riparius at different temperature levels. 12th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Leipzig 2007 (poster). Barateiro J, Natal‐da‐Luz T, Sousa JP, Vogt C, Nowak C: Reaction of populations of the collembolan Folsomia candida to phenmedipham exposure: Does genetics really matter? SETAC Europe annual meeting, Porto, Portugal 2007 (talk). Barateiro J, Natal da Luz T, Sousa JP, Nowak C: Reaction of different Folsomia candida strains to phenmedipham exposure ‐ the haplotype matters. 11th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Landau 2006 (poster). Jost D, Nowak C, Vogt C, Oetken M, Schwenk K, Oehlmann J: Inbreeding reinforces susceptibility to Cd stress in Chironomus riparius populations. 11th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Landau 2006 (poster). Nowak C, Jost D, Czeikowitz A, Vogt C, Oetken M, Schwenk K: Consequences of inbreeding and reduced genetic variation on the susceptibility to cadmium stress in Chironomus riparius. 11th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Landau 2006 (talk). Czeikowitz A, Jost D, Nowak C: Reaction of genetically differentiated Chironomus riparius strains to Cd‐stress. 11th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Landau 2006 (poster). Vogt C, Nowak C, Hess M, Baumann J, Schwenk K, Oetken M, Oehlmann, J : Effects of TBT on the fitness and genetic diversity of Chironomus riparius populations ‐ results from two multi‐
generation studies. 11th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Landau 2006 (poster). Nowak C, Vogt C, Barateiro J, Oetken M, Schwenk K: Tracing genetic variability under pollution stress over multiple generations. 4th International Ecological Genetics Symposium at the University of Antwerp, Belgium 2005 (poster). Pfenninger M, Nowak C: The where, when and why of landsnails: Range dynamics and niche evolution in Candidula. 4th International Ecological Genetics Symposium at the University of Antwerp, Belgium 2005 (talk). 4
Nowak C, Vogt C, Oetken M, Pfenninger M, Schwenk K, Oehlmann J: Die Rolle genetischer Diversität in der Ökotoxikologie. 10th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland 2005 (talk). Vogt C, Nowak C, Schwenk K, Oetken M, Oehlmann J: Adaptation von Chironomus riparius an TBT ‐ Ergebnisse einer Multigenerationsstudie. 10th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland 2005 (talk). Nowak C, Vogt C, Barateiro J, Kley C, Pupp A, Pfenninger M, Oetken M, Streit B, Oehlmann J, Schwenk K: Population genetic markers in ecotoxicology. 15th SETAC Europe annual meeting, Lille, France 2005 (poster). Nowak C, Vogt C, Barateiro J, Oetken M, Schwenk K: Comparing Apples with Oranges‐ genetic diversity in Chironomus riparius test cultures does not represent natural variation. 15th SETAC Europe annual meeting, Lille France 2005 (poster). Nowak C, Pupp A, Vogt C, Oetken M, Schwenk K, Oehlmann J: Interactions between genetic diversity and temperature stress in Chironomus riparius populations. 15th SETAC Europe annual meeting, Lille, France 2005 (poster). Vogt C, Nowak C, Oetken M, Schwenk K, Oehlmann J: Genetic diversity influences the effects of chronic TBT exposure on chironomid populations. 15th SETAC Europe annual meeting, Lille, France 2005 (poster). Nowak C, Hess M, Pfenninger M, Oetken M, Schwenk K, Oehlmann J: Genetische Verarmung durch Cadmiumstress bei Chironomus riparius. 10th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland 2005 (poster). Barateiro J, Sousa JP, Nowak C: Different susceptibility to phenmedipham exposure between test cultures of the springtail Folsomia candida. 10th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland 2005 (poster). Kley C, Nowak C, Oetken M, Schwenk K: Beeinflusst der Faktor Sedimenttoxizität das Vorkommen von Chironomus‐Arten? 10th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland 2005 (poster). Pupp A, Nowak C, Vogt C, Oetken M, Schwenk K, Oehlmann J: Genetische Diversität beeinflusst die Reaktion auf Temperaturstress bei Chironomus riparius. 10th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland 2005 (poster). Pfenninger M, Nowak C, Magnin F: Hybridisation of divergent lineages on the origin of a land snail species. SSE Evolution Meeting, Fort Collins, USA 2004 (talk). Vogt C, Nowak C, Oetken M, Oehlmann J: Genetische Verarmung als Folge von Schadstoffstress bei Invertebraten ‐ ein Beitrag zur Biodiversitätsforschung. 9th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Aachen 2004 (talk). Nowak C, Vogt C, Schwenk K: Loss of genetic diversity in laboratory strains of the test organism C. riparius. 9th SETAC‐GLB annual meeting, Aachen 2004 (poster). 5
Nowak C, Albrecht C, Seidendorf B, Pfenninger M: Phylogeography of Candidula gigaxii. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, Magdeburg 2003 (poster). Further oral presenations Nowak C: Lost between basic science and applied conservation: genetic monitoring of wildcat, wolf, and other endangered wildlife species in Germany. Umweltwissenschaftliches Kolloquium der Universität Koblenz‐Landau, Landau 2010 (talk). Nowak C, Haase P: Von Wasserinsekten und Wildkatzen: Beispiele angewandter und abgewandter Forschung. Dresdener Zoologisches Kolloquium, Dresden 2010 (talk). Tackenberg O., Nowak C.: Der Klimawandel in Europa: Gewinner und Verlierer in Tier‐ und Pflanzenreich. Vortragsreihe: „Hessen, Afrika, Antarktis ‐ Einblicke in die Arbeit des neuen Forschungszentrums BiK‐F. Frankfurt am Main 2010 (talk). Nowak C Genetische Analyse von Wildkatzenhaaren – ihre Bedeutung für die Naturschutzpraxis. Vortragsreihe der Zoologischen Gesellschaft Frankfurt (ZGF), Frankfurt am Main 2010 (talk). Nowak C, Steyer, K.: Genetische Analysen zum Nachweis der Wildkatze. Workshop Wildkatze in der Rhön, Obereisbach 2009 (talk). Nowak C:. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des genetischen Monitorings bei Wolf und Luchs. Monitoring von Großraubtieren in Deutschland ‐ 1. Arbeitssitzung des Bundesamts für Naturschutz, Bonn 2010 (talk). Thein J, Nowak C:. Anforderungen an eine zentrale Gendatenbank für die Wildkatze. Wildkatzengenetik‐Workshop im Rahmen des BUND‐Projektes Ein Rettungsnetz für die Wildkatze, Mitwitz 2009 (talk). Nowak C, Steyer K: Genetisches Monitoring mit Lockstock und Baldrian. Abschlusskonferenz "Rettungsnetz Wildkatze" ‐ Länderübergreifender Verbund von Waldlebensräumen in Deutschland, Eisenach 2009 (talk). Nowak C, Steyer K: Genetisches Monitoring der Wildkatze Felis silvestris ‐ Chancen und Grenzen der Lockstockmethode. Wildkatzengenetik‐Workshop des Rettungsnetz Wildkatze, Mitwitz 2009 (talk). Nowak C, Sauer J, Haase P: Genetisches Monitoring der Wildkatze, Felis silvestris ‐ Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Lockstockmethode. Wildkatzen‐Symposium Wiesenfelden 2008 (talk). Nowak C: Reaktion genetisch verarmter Populationen der Zuckmücke Chironomus riparius auf anthropogen verursachten Umweltstress ‐ Konsequenzen für den Artenschutz. Biodiverstäts‐
Expertentagung des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz, Internationale Naturschutzakademie Vilm 2005 (talk). 6

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