the Menu à la Carte


the Menu à la Carte
Herzlich willkommen!
Ob einheimisch oder im Urlaub, Alt oder Jung, männlich oder
weiblich, geschäftlich oder privat, fröhlich oder nachdenklich
oder einfach „nur“ hungrig oder durstig:
Ob in der Gruppe oder allein, in „Bei Otto“ freut man sich über
Jeden - jahrein und jahraus - und das bereits seit über 30 Jahren.
Wir sind stolz auf unsere viel gerühmte gute Qualität, aber auch
auf unser weithin bekanntes authentisches Flair, das aus einer
Kombination von gemütlicher Schwarzwaldatmosphäre und
freundlichem thailändischen Personal besteht.
Unser ständiger Ansporn ist es, ein Ort der guten Gastlichkeit
zu sein und unsere lieben Gäste mit unserem unvergleichlichen
Scharm und unserer speziellen Küche zu erfreuen.
Schließlich verdanken wir unseren guten Ruf treuen Gästen aus
nah und fern und werden aus diesem Grund auch schon seit
Jahren als „Die Deutsche Institution in Thailand” bezeichnet.
Nehmen Sie Platz und haben Sie viel Spaß bei uns!
A warm welcome!
The local and the foreigner, the old and the young, the male
and the female, for business or for leisure, the happy and the
content or simply the thirsty and the hungry:
If you come alone or in a group, at “Bei Otto” we welcome you all
with a smile, every day for more than 30 years.
We are proud to be known for our quality and our atmosphere
which combines romantic Black Forest ambiance with the
genuine Thai hospitality from our team.
It is our ambition and inspiration to offer you and all our valued
guests the highest quality of service and cuisine, each and every
After all, we are grateful to all our loyal guests for their support
and for being known as “The German Institution in Thailand”!
Kindly take a seat and enjoy your time with us!
Vorspeisen & Kalte Gerichte / Appetizers & Cold Dishes
01 Brotkorb
Verschiedenes hausgemachtes deutsches Brot,
Laugengebäck und Butter
Selection of homemade German breads, pretzel rolls and
02 Variationen von Leberwürsten
Kalbs-, Schweins - und Entenleberwurst serviert mit hausgemachtem Brot und Butter
Assortment of homemade German liver sausages
(veal-, duck- and pork liver) with bread and butter
03 Norwegischer Räucherlachs
mit Honig-Senf-Dill-Vinaigrette, dazu hausgebackenes
Norwegian smoked salmon served with honey-mustarddill vinaigrette and homemade white bread
04 Schwarzwälder Brotzeitteller
Mit Blut- und Leberwurst, Wurstaufschnitt, Schinkensülze
und Schwarzwälder Schinken, serviert mit hausgemachtem
Brot und Butter
Black Forest Farmer’s meal with blood- and liver sausage,
Black Forest ham, pork jelly, cold cuts, served with home
baked bread and butter
05 “Bei Otto’s” Rindertartar
Rindertartar frisch zubereitet an Ihrem Tisch
Raw beef steak tartar prepared at your table
06 Schweizer Wurstsalat
Mit Wurst, Gurken, Zwiebeln und Emmentaler, mariniert
in Essig und Öl, serviert mit hausgemachtem Brot
Swiss sausage salad with sliced sausages, gherkins,
cheese and onions, marinated in vinegar and vegetable oil,
served with home baked bread and butter
07 Käseplatte
Versch. Käseaufschnitte, Obatzda, Camembert,
Frisch- und Blauschimmelkäse, garniert mit Weintrauben
und Nüssen, serviert mit hausgemachtem Brot und Butter
Variation of imported and local cheese, Bavarian cheese
spread, served with fruits, nuts, bread and butter
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and applicable government tax
Suppen / Soups
30 Bayrische Leberknödelsuppe
Bavarian liver dumpling in beef consommé
31 Kartoffel-Lauchsuppe
mit Speckkrusteln im Brotlaib serviert
Potato leek soup with crispy diced bacon, served in
bread bowl
32 Deftige ungarische Gulaschsuppe
Hearty Hungarian beef goulash soup
33 Klare Hühnersuppe mit Nudeln
Clear chicken consommé with homemade noodles
34 Französische Zwiebelsuppe
mit Käsecrouton
French onion beef consommé with cheese crouton
35 Deutsche Erbsensuppe
mit Wiener Würstchen
German pea soup with “Vienna“ sausage
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and applicable government tax
Salate / Salads
20 Kleiner gemischter Salatteller
mit versch. Blattsalaten, klassischen marinierten Salaten
und deutschem Kartoffel- und Krautsalat
Small mixed salad with assorted greens and classical
marinated salads including German potato- and
coleslaw salad
21 Grosser Blattsalatteller 150.-
mit Gurken, Tomaten und Paprika
Large salad with mixed leaves, cucumber, tomato and
bell pepper
Auf Wunsch mit Beilage nach Wahl:
or add one of the following items to your salad:
- Gegrillte Hühnerbruststreifen
Grilled chicken breast stripes 265.- Meeresfrüchte (Garnelen, Muscheln, Thunfisch, Calamares) und Knoblauchbaguette
Seafood (shrimps, mussels, tuna, calamari) and garlic baguette
345.- Gebackener Mozzarella, geröstete Sesamkerne und Knoblauchbaguette
Baked Mozzarella, roasted sesame seeds and garlic baguette
22 Gebackener Camenbert
mit eingelegten Preiselbeeren und Blattsalaten
Deep fried Camenbert with mixed leaves and
cranberry sauce
335.Dressing nach Wahl / Dressing of your choice: Italian, house, balsamic or yogurt
23 Italienischer Salat
Mozzarella, Tomaten und Basilikum, mariniert mit
bestem Olivenöl und Balsamico
Italian tomato Mozzarella salad with fresh basil and
balsamic vinaigrette
24 Gratinierter Ziegenkäse
mit frischem Ruccola, porchierter Birne, Cashewnüssen
und Trüffel-Balsamico Vinaigrette
Caramelized goat cheese on rocket salad with poached
pear, cashew nuts and truffle-balsamic vinaigrette
485.All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and applicable government tax
Unsere Klassiker/ Our Classic Dishes
54 Knusprige Bayrische Schweinshaxe
mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelknödel
Bavarian style crispy pork knuckle with sauerkraut
and potato dumpling
55 Berliner Eisbein
mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelpüree
Boiled pork knuckle with sauerkraut and
mashed potatoes
56 Geröstete Bauernente
serviert mit Rotkohl und Kartoffelknödel
Roasted duck with braised red cabbage and potato
1/2 duck 685.1/4 duck 485.-
57 Jägerschnitzel
Gegrilltes Schweinefilet auf Pilzrahmsosse mit
Butterspätzle und Preiselbeersahne
Grilled pork escalope on mushroom jus with
homemade Swabian soufflé pasta and cranberry cream
58 Wiener Schnitzel
Vom Milchkalb / Vom Schwein mit Bratkartoffeln,
Pommes Frites oder Kartoffelsalat, dazu Preiselbeeren
Crumbed milk fed veal escalope / pork escalope served with
cranberry sauce and your choice of home fried potatoes,
French fries or German potato salad
veal 760.- /pork 305.-
59 Cordon Bleu
vom Schwein gefüllt mit Käse & Kochschinken, dazu
Pommes Frites und eingelegten Preiselbeeren
Pork cordon bleu filled with cheese & ham, served with
French fries and cranberry sauce
395.All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and applicable government tax
Vegetarische Gerichte / Vegetarian Dishes
40 Herzhafte Käsespätzle
mit Röstzwiebeln
Swabian soufflé pasta with melted cheese and crispy
41 Spinatknödel
mit Käsekern, serviert mit brauner Butter und
gehobeltem Parmesan
Spinach dumpling with cheese core, served with
brown butter and shaved parmesan
Schmorgerichte / Braised Dishes
50 Sauerbraten
mit Rotkohl und Semmelknödel
Braised beef (marinated in vinegar) with red cabbage
and bread dumpling
51 Geschmorte Rinderrouladen
mit Speck, Essiggurke, Zwiebel und Senf gefüllt,
dazu Rotkohl und Kartoffelpüree
Braised beef rolls stuffed with bacon, gherkins, onions
and mustard, served with red cabbage & mashed potatoes
52 Deftiges Rindergulasch
serviert Semmelknödel und Essiggurke
Braised beef goulash served with bread dumpling
and gherkin
53 Geschmorte Lammhaxe
mit mediterranem Gemüse und Basilikum-Kartoffelpüree
Braised lamb shank with Mediterranean vegetables
and basil potato puree
660.All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and applicable government tax
Aus unserer Wurstküche / Our Homemade Sausages
90 Wiener Würstchen
mit Kartoffelsalat
2 poached “Vienna“ sausages with German potato salad
91 Münchner Weisswürst
mit süssem Senf und hausgemachter Brezel
2 poached “Munich“ white sausages with pretzel and
sweet mustard
92 Thüringer Bratwurst
mit Sauerkraut und Bratkartoffeln
Grilled “Thüringer“ sausage with sauerkraut and
home fried potatoes
93 Nürnberger Rostbratwürstchen (6 Stück)
mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelpüree
6 grilled “Nuremberg“ sausages with sauerkraut and
mashed potatoes
94 Kalbsbratwurst
auf Bratensosse mit Sauerkraut, Bratkartoffeln und
Grilled veal sausage with sauerkraut, home fried potatoes
and cripsy onions
95 Ottos Wurstplatte (suitable for 1-2 person)
Verschiedene hausgemachte Würste vom Grill mit Sauerkraut
und Kartoffelpüree
Assorted homemade grilled German sausages with
sauerkraut and mashed potatoes
96 Curry Wurst
Klassische rote Currybratwurst mit Pommes Frites und
Grilled large red sausage with French fries and curried
tomato sauce, served with mayonnaise
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and applicable government tax
Unsere Klassiker / Our Classic Dishes
60 Zigeunerspiess
Rustikal gegrillte Schweinefiletmedaillons am Spiess mit
pikanter Zigeunersosse und Pommes Frites
Pork fillet skewer with bacon, onions and bell peppers,
served with French fries and gipsy sauce
61 Holzfällersteak
Gegrilltes Schweinenackensteak mit sautiertem Gemüse
und Kartoffeln, dazu Speck, Röstzwiebeln und Knoblauchbutter
Grilled pork neck steak with sautéed vegetables and
potatoes, served with bacon, crispy onions and garlic butter
62 Zwiebelrostbraten
in Zwiebel-Majoransosse mit Speckbohnen,
hausgemachten Spätzle und Röstzwiebeln
Chargrilled beef sirloin with bacon wrapped beans,
homemade Swabian soufflé pasta, crispy onions and
onion marjoram jus
63 Elsässer Flammkuchen
mit Zwiebeln, Speck, Pilzen auf Sauerrahm
Alsace tarte flambé with topping of bacon,
mushrooms, onions on sour cream base
64 Wiener Backhendl
Mit Kartoffel-Gurkensalat, Kürbiskernöl und
Baked chicken “Vienna“ with potato cucumber salad,
pumpkin seed oil and sauce remoulade
65 Hausgemachter Leberkas´
mit Spiegelei und Bratkartoffeln
Homemade German meat loaf with fried eggs and
home fried potatoes
295.All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and applicable government tax
Nachspeisen / Sweets
101 Frische Früchte der Saison
Fresh fruits of the season
102 Mango im Teigmantel
mit Erdbeersosse und Kokoseis
Baked fresh mango wrapped in filo pastry with
coconut ice cream and strawberry sauce
103 Dessert-Viefalt
of dessert
104 Schwarzwälder Eisbecher
mit Schokoladeneis, Kirschwasser und Sahne
Black Forest ice sundae with chocolate ice cream,
German cherry spirit and whipped cream
105 Rote Grütze
mit Vanillesosse
1 grits with vanilla sauce
106 Original gezogener Wiener Apfelstrudel
mit Vanilleeis und Vanillesosse
Original hand drawn Viennese apple strudel with
vanilla ice cream and vanilla sauce
Kindly ask our staff for Bei Otto's daily homemade cakes!
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and applicable government tax
Für den großen Hunger / Sharing Platters
73 Otto’s Grillplatte (suitable for 2-4 persons)
mit Rinderrücken Steak, Thüringer Bratwurst, Nürnberger
Rostbratwurst, Schweinemedaillons, Wiener Schnitzel,
mediterranem Gemüse, gratinierten Grilltomaten und
Ofenkartoffeln mit Sauerrahm
Grilled beef steak, “Thüringer“ and “Nuremberg“
sausages and pork medallions, crumbed veal escalope,
Mediterranean vegetables, grilled tomatoes and oven
baked potatoes with sour cream
74 Bayrische Platte (suitable for 2-4 persons)
mit knuspriger Schweinshaxe, versch. Grillwürsten,
Sauerkraut, Röstzwiebeln, Semmel- und Kartoffelknödel, dazu Bratensosse
Crispy pork knuckle, assortment of homemade grilled
German sausages, sauerkraut, fried onions, potato- and
bread dumpling, served with gravy
Fischgerichte / Fish
80 Matjes Heringsfilet “Hausfrauen Art“
mit Petersilienkartoffeln
Imported marinated baby herring fillets “housewife style”
with boiled parsley potatoes
81 Forelle Müllerin
in Butter gebraten mit Petersilienkartoffeln
Trout meuniere, floured and pan fried in butter and
lemon juice, served with boiled parsley potatoes
84 Lachsfilet
Gebratenes Lachsfilet mit Gemüse der Saison,
serviert mit Weisswein-Sahnesosse
Pan fried salmon fillet on seasonal mixed vegetables
and white wine cream
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and applicable government tax
Flaschenbier Imported Bottled Beer from Germany
This Pilsner, brewed with top-quality ingredients and the
particularly soft water from Warsteiner’s own spring.
Warsteiner alkoholfrei
(alcohol free) Flasche 0.33 l
Warsteiner Pils Flasche 0.33 l
From Northern Germany, Flensburger Pilsner
is malty with a noticeable hops presence, finishes crisp, clean and
overall very easy drinking
Flensburger Pils Flasche 0.33 l
The formulation of top-fermented specialty beer based on a 400
year old brewing tradition. Selected ingredients and maturation on
Buchholz give Duckstein stock a soft, slightly caramel taste
with slightly bitter note. The airy foam head and the clear
red-blond colour makes it a visual pleasure also.
Duckstein Original Red-Blonde Beer
Flasche 0.5 l
From the oldest brewery in the world! Weihenstephaner Vitus.
A light-coloured, spicy single-bock wheat beer. This single-bock
a really special beer with full body and a distinctively great mouth
Weihenstephaner Vitus Flasche 0.5 l
Schneider Weisse - the wheat beer specialists of the Schneider
brewery are regularly awarded at international competitions.
A unique variety of distinguishing world class wheat beers
are being produced at Bavaria’s oldest wheat beer brewery
under the German purity law of 1516.
Schneider Weisse TAP2 Mein Kristall
– Filtered wheat beer
Flasche 0.5 l
240.Schneider Weisse TAP7 Unser Original
– Signature hop wheat beer Flasche 0.5 l
240.Schneider Weisse TAP6 Unser Aventinus
– Double bock wheat beer
Flasche 0.5 l
Lokales Bier / Local Bottled Beer
Bangkok’s premium brew, with its straw yellow colour makes it
an easy-drinking lager. The only beer in Thailand which has been
brewed after the German purity law of 1516.
Singha Flasche 0.33 l 120.-
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and
applicable government tax
Otto‘s Bier Auswahl Otto’s Selection of Beers
Gemütlichkeit wird da gefunden,
wo Bier, Durst und Humor verbunden
Deutsches Fassbier Imported Draught Beer from Germany
Munich’s Hofbräu’s Hefe is a simple, pleasant wheat beer,
characterized by its sparkling rich foam and naturally by its
unforgettable refreshing and fruity taste.
Hofbräu Hefeweizen vom Fass 0.3 l
Hofbräu Hefeweizen vom Fass 0.5 l 240.-
Hofbräu Hefeweizen vom Fass 1.0l 460.-
Hofbräu Hefeweizen Dunkel vom Fass 0.3 l 160.-
Hofbräu Hefeweizen Dunkel vom Fass 0.5 l 240.-
Hofbräu Hefeweizen Dunkel vom Fass 1.0 l 460.-
Hofbräu Original. More than any other lager, HB Original
embodies Munich´s character as the city of beer.
Full bodied with fine hops aroma & well balanced taste.
Hofbräu Original vom Fass 0.3 l
Hofbräu Original vom Fass 0.5 l
Hofbräu Original vom Fass 1.0 l
Fürstenberg Premium Pilsener from the Black Forest.
Straw coloured, refreshing and full bodied. Its herbal aroma,
hoppy notes and the well developed head makes it a very
enjoyable drink
Fürstenberg Pils vom Fass 0.3 l
Fürstenberg Pils vom Fass 0.5 l 170.T 245.-
Thailändisches Fassbier Draught Beer from Thailand
Singha Draught Beer from Thailand vom Fass
Bangkok’s premium brew, with its straw yellow colour makes
it an easy-drinking lager. The only beer in Thailand which has
been brewed after the German purity law of 1516.
Glas 0.3 l
Glas 0.5 l
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and
applicable government tax
Aperitifs, Sherry & Port
422 423
424 425
426 Aperitifs Pernod, Campari, Fernet Branca,
180.Sherry Tio Pepe
180.Port Taylor´s Special Tawny 180.Gin Gordon´s, Tanqueray, Beefeater,
Bombay Sapphire
180.Vodka Smirnoff, Stolichnaya, Absolut,
Absolut flavours
180.Rum Bacardi, Captain Morgan,
Three Monkeys
Cocktails & Long Drinks
Bloody Mary, Tom Collins, Margarita,
Gin Fizz
200.Singapore Sling, Mai Tai, Pina Colada,
Daiquiri, Kamikaze, Pink Lady,
Strawberry Daiquiri, Caipirinha
B 200.-
Whiskey, Brandy and Cognac
452 453 454 455 456 457
458 459 Thai Whiskey: Mekhong, Sang Som
Jim Beam
Johnnie Walker Red Label
Johnnie Walker Black Label
Chivas Regal
Martell Cognac V.S.O.P
Hennessy Cognac V.S.O.P
Remy Martin V.S.O.P
Asbach (Famous German Brandy)
130.TH B 180.THB 180.THB 200.200.200.-
240.THB 240.THB 240.T 160.-
Schnaps, Spirits & Liqueurs
470 From Germany
Obstler, Williams, Himbeergeist, Dooleys
Kirschwasser, Zwetschgen, Apfelkorn,
Nordhäuser Doppelkorn, Sauer Kirsch,
Jägermeister, Underberg, Kümmerling, 180.
471 From Switzerland
Appenzeller, Raber Kirsch, Williams Grand Cru,
Apricot Eau-De-Vie
180.472 Others
Tequila, Calvados, Grappa Cavi, Sambuca,
Contreau, Grand Marnier, Drambuie, Kahlua,
Amaretto, Bailey´s 180.
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and
applicable government tax
Coffee, Tea & Chocolate
Regular Coffee
Double Espresso
Caffe Latte THB
Iced Coffee Irish Coffee
Mexican Coffee
Dilmah Black Tea
Dilmah Green Tea
Dilmah Herbal Tea
Hot Chocolate
Iced Chocolate
(Jameson, espresso, brown sugar and whipped cream)
(Kahlua, espresso and brown sugar and whipped cream)
English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Darjeeling
Camomile, Peppermint, Strawberry, Lemon, Ginger & Honey
Soft Drinks
414 Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Soda Water,
Tonic Water, Ginger Ale
416 417 Bei Otto bottled water 50.Gerolsteiner naturally sparkling mineral water
Small / Large
115.-/175.Apple Spritzer
Fruit Juices
Pineapple, Tomato, Lemon, Orange, Apple 100.-
Blended Juices
419 Fruit Punch, Strawberry, Pineapple,
Orange, Cantaloupe, Apple, Tomato
Milk Shakes
Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Banana 180.-
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and
applicable government tax
White Wine
From Austria:
2012 Grüner Veltliner Höhlgraben,Dry, Edlinger, Kremstal
Bright golden with a touch of green hues. A gorgeous dense fruit nose with
a nice pepper spice. On the palate with notes of citrus and baked apple.
A typical fresh Grüner Veltliner with a finesse acidity. Firm and elegant with a
lovely fruity aftertaste.
From Italy:
2012 Gewürztraminer DOC, Elena Walch, Alto Adige 1,750.-
This award-winning Gewürztraminer, with its typical dry South Tyrolean
charm and personality, gleams in intensive straw yellow. Classic GewürzTraminer notes are mirrored in the bouquet – intensively aromatic notes of
rose petals, flowers and spices. The wine presents itself rich in finesse on the
palate, with fresh fullness, harmonic elegance and a long finish.
2009 Pinot Grigio DOC, Dry, Elena Walch, Alto Adige
A wine of great elegance, harmony and balance. Goldenrod straw yellow with
green reflexes. On nose it is elegant with ripe fruits, fresh herbs and floral
aromas. In the mouth full-bodied and rich, concentrated and viscous, complex,
fresh and succulent. It goes well with any meal.
2011 Müller-Thurgau DOC, Dry, Köfererhof, Alto Adige
A gorgeous wine laced with lime, white flowers, crushed rocks and sweet
spices. It possesses striking inner perfume and highly expressive fruit, all
supported by lively acidity that gives the wine its vivacity and energy.
Sparkling Wine
From Austria:
2010 Ultra Brut Rosé Sekt Solomon, Undhof, Kremstal
This Ultra Brut Rosé sparkling wine of Bertold Salomon, made of 100%
Zweigelt is one of the best of Austria. This delicious sparkler shows subtle
fruit flavours, freshness and minerality. Dust dry and a true drinking pleasure.
Enjoy it as aperitif or with seafood.
From Italy:
Prosecco Miol Treviso DOC, Bortolomiol, Veneto
This extra dry Italian sparkling wine from the province Valdobbiadene
vibrates with natural grit. Essential in the expression, but at the same
time elegant, thanks to the subtle scent. The thin carbon bubbles regale the
palate with soft and seductive caress. A wine that impresses with femininity
and the balance just whispered notes of fresh citrus and musk. Food
Matching: Aperitif, white meats, poultry, eggs, seafood, fish and rice dishes.
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and
applicable government tax
White Wine
From Germany:
001 2013 Riesling St. Urbanshof, Dry, Mosel
Beautiful refreshing nose of apple, citrus, flower and honey. On the palate, very
digestible with only 9.5% alcohol. Great balance between acid and sweetness with
delicious fruit with a tick of mineral at the finish to make you want to take the
next sip. Good middle long finish.
002 2012 Riesling Leitz, Dry, Rheingau
Refreshing and fruity nose with nutty nuance. Lively acid, salty mineral and
good concentration with good long finish.
003 2012 Riesling Dr.L, Dry, Dr. Loosen, Mosel 1,700.-
This succulent white wine embodies the elegant and racy style of a classic
Mosel- Riesling. Filled with plush red peach, cherry and white currant flavours
that are supported by zesty acidity.
004 2013 Riesling Nahestein, Dry, Schlossgut Diel, Nahe
Nose of apple, apricot, mirabelle and stones. On the palate, many layers of
flavours with ripe fruit, refreshing acid and load of salty mineral. Like drinking
fruit juice full of rocks. Very good middle long finish.
2012 Riesling Von Der Fels, Dry, Keller, Rheinhessen
Jancis Robinson, “Hints of mint and sorrel more than just imply spontaneous
fermentation, but 2012 has also equipped the "Von Der Fels" with a wealth of fruit
and minerality. The wine has s substance and depth that belies its mere estate
status, making it tempting to predict a much longer life span than this cautious
one. I judge it on its almost-chewy quality, firm backbone and rugged edges,
and these can be enjoyed now.”
2013 Bacchus Bocksbeutel Hans Wirsching, Dry, Franconia
Bacchus, named after the Roman god of wine, is a strongly perfumed white
wine grape variety that is widely grown in Germany. The variety is a crossing
of Müller-Thurgau, Riesling and Silvaner. The Wirsching winery is a specialist
in Franconian dry wines. Now in its 14th generation, they are making wines
since 1630’s. This remarkable wine is full- bodied, fruity and substantial, with
a flowery bouquet and the slightest touch of nutmeg. A unique flavour which
you will never (and don’t want to) forget!
2013 Weissburgunder QBA, Dry, Gunderloch, Nackenheim 1,750.-
This Pinot Blanc promises to be elegant, rich and enticing. On your palate
it shows a rich apple, lemon and peach character and a steely backbone of
acidity. Fascinating is the creamy texture without being heavy.
2013 Sauvignon Blanc Cuvée, Dry, Weingut Knipser, Pfalz 2,050.-
This wonderful summer wine presents itself with local and exotic fruit richness
and structure. Gooseberry, peach and mango dominate the bouquet with a
nose of spring breeze, grass field, apple and lemon.
On the palate is very light and fresh with a fine fruity aroma, lively acid and
mineral. Light to middle body with good middle long mineral finish.
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and
applicable government tax
House Wine
Bei Otto’s house wine which can be served by glass & carafe
White Wine
Riesling Classic, Dry, Knöll & Vogel Pfalz, Germany
Classics stands for good quality and a harmonic dry flavour. Our House
Riesling is a light summer wine which matches perfect with light salads,
asparagus, seafood, salmon, poultry, pork, and sweet desserts.
Red Wine
Dornfelder Rotwein Classic, Dry, Knöll & Vogel Pfalz, Germany
A ruby red wine with the fine taste of cherry and black currant – barrique,
fully harmonic body taste and a not-too-astringent finish. The wine for a
nice romantic dinner. Recommended for all red meat and braised dishes.
180ml 280.-
250ml 385.-
500ml 775.-
1000ml 1550.-
Apple Wine
A special wine made from apples, popular in German state of Hessen.
Fruity with a little acidity and apple aroma.
250ml 180.-
500ml 350.-
1000ml 660.-
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and
applicable government tax
Red Wine
From Germany:
015 2010 Cuvee Guillaume, Dry, Friedrich Becker, Pfalz
Beautiful nose of black fruit, cherry, cassis, chocolate and roasted coffee. On the
palate, flavourful with good fruit and well integrated oak. Lively acid and well
balance with smooth body. Good long finish.
From France:
2012 La Champine, Dry, Northern Rhone
Beautiful nose of red berries and liquorice. A bit gamy scent. Very fine and
fruity on the palate. Smooth velvet body with good long finish.
017 2011 Grenache Exarena, Dry, Domaine de Cebene, Languedoc 2,150.Expresssive fruity nose of strawberry, plum, cherry, liquorice and spices. On
the palate, very concentrated with ripe fruit and loads of spices. Middle to full
body with very delicate tannic. Good long spicy finish.
From Spain:
018 2007 Reserva Conde de Valdemar, Dry, Bodegas Valdemar, Rioja 2,400.A wonderful blend of 90% Tempranillo, 5% Mazuelo und 5% Graciano, aged
for 22 month in French and American oak. This is a textbook traditional Rioja,
with dry spice, earth, light herbal notes and leather on the nose alongside
cherry and plum scents. The palate is crisp, elegant and pure, with raspberry,
vanilla, plum and leathery flavours. Modest complexity and elegance rise up
on the finish. An absolute winner!
From Italy:
019 2010 Nero d'Avola Chiaramonte, Dry, Casa Vinicola Firriato, Sicily
1,850.Chiaramonte Nero d'Avola is the personification of Sicily's most important
native grape variety - from its intense purple colour to its unmistakable
character. Made from 100% Nero d'Avola, the nose is a rush of black fruits and
spices - the palate is extraordinary round and complete, with a completely
natural and effortless balance of tannin and acidity, structure and length.
Red fruits and spices bouquet; round and complete palate with a right
balance of tannins and acidity.
All prices in THB are subject to 10% service charge and
applicable government tax

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