Courtney Burgtorf, soprano


Courtney Burgtorf, soprano
Courtney Burgtorf, soprano
Jonathan Sanford, piano
Friday, November 22, 5:00 pm
Souers Recital Hall
Symphony Orchestra
Friday, November 22, 7:30pm
Hall Auditorium
Student Degree Recital: Mark Simmons, euphonium
Saturday, November 23, 11:00am
Souers Recital Hall
Student Degree Recital: Molly Jackson, violin
Saturday, November 23, 1:00 pm
Souers Recital Hall
Student Degree Recital: Alexandra Nash, clarinet
Saturday, November 23, 3:00 pm
Souers Recital Hall
Student Degree Recital: Natalie Tyrey, mezzo-soprano
Saturday, November 23, 5:00 pm
Souers Recital Hall
Student Degree Recital: Laura Feibelman, flute
Sunday, November 24, 11:00 am
Souers Recital Hall
Student Degree Recital: Rachel Nelson, piano
Sunday, November 24, 1:00 pm
Souers Recital Hall
As a courtesy to all patrons, please turn off and store all phones and
other electronic devices for the duration of the performance. Please
refrain from texting, recording, and photography until after the concert.
Die Schwestern
Johannes Brahms
Lizabeth Malanga, mezzo-soprano
Mädchenlied Op. 95, No. 6
An die Nachtigall Op. 46, No. 4
The trees they grow so high
At the mid hour of night
Cuatro Madrigales Amatorios
¿Con qué la lavaré?
Vos me matásteis
¿De dónde venis amore?
De los álamos vengo, madre
arr. Benjamin Britten
Joaquín Rodrigo
“Mother in the Mirror” from Facing Forward/Looking Back Jake Heggie
Lizabeth Malanga, mezzo-soprano
(b. 1961)
“A Lucky Child” from At the Statue of Venus
This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance
Die Schwestern
The Sisters
Maiden’s Song
Wir Schwestern zwei, wir schönen,
So gleich von Angesicht,
So gleich kein Ei dem andern,
Kein Stern dem andern nicht.
We two sisters, we beauties
So alike by sight,
No two eggs are so much alike,
No star resembles any other more.
Am jüngsten Tag ich aufersteh'
Und gleich nach meinem Liebsten seh',
und wenn ich ihn nicht finden kann,
leg' wieder mich zum Schlafen dann.
On Judgment Day I will rise again,
And immediately look for my sweetheart;
And if I cannot find him,
Then I will lie down again and go to sleep.
Wir Schwestern zwei, wir schönen,
Wir haben nußbraun Haar;
Und flichtst du sie in einem Zopf,
Man kennt sie nicht fürwahr.
We two sisters, we beauties,
We have nut-brown hair,
And if you braid them together,
No one can tell which is which.
Herzeleid, du Ewigkeit!
Selbander nur ist Seligkeit!
Und kommt mein Liebster nicht hinein,
mag nicht im Paradiese sein!
Wir Schwestern zwei, wir schönen,
Wir tragen gleich Gewand,
Spazieren auf dem Wiesenplan
Und singen Hand in Hand.
We two sisters, we beauties
We dress the same,
Stroll in the meadow,
And sing hand in hand.
O aching heart, an eternity of you!
Only when two are together can there be bliss!
And if my sweetheart doesn’t get in,
Then I don't wish to be in Paradise!
— trans. Beaumont Glass
Edited by Courtney Burgtorf
Wir Schwestern zwei, wir schönen,
Wir spinnen in die Wett,
Wir sitzen an einer Kunkel,
Und schlafen in einem Bett.
We two sisters, we beauties,
We vie with one another in spinning,
We sit together in an alcove,
And sleep in the same bed.
¿Con qué la lavaré?
With what shall I wash?
O Schwestern zwei, ihr schönen,
Wie hat sich das Blättchen gewandt!
Ihr liebet einerlei Liebchen;
Jetzt hat das Liedel ein End!
O sisters two, you beauties!
How the little leaf has turned,
You love the same sweetheart;
Yes- now this little song is over!
¿Con qué la lavaré
la tez de la mi cara?
¿Con qué la lavaré
que vivo mal penada?
Lávanse las casadas
con agua de limones.
Lavome yo, cuitada,
con penas y dolores.
With what shall I wash
The skin of my face?
With what shall I wash
That I lived badly punished?
The wives wash them
With water from lemons.
I wash myself wretched,
With pains and sorrows.
An die Nachtigall
To the Nightingale
Vos me matásteis.
You killed me
Geuß nicht so laut der liebentflammten
Tonreichen Schall
Vom Blütenast des Apfelbaums hernieder,
O Nachtigall!
Do not pour your love-inflamed songs’
Tuneful sounds so loudly,
Down from the blossoming branch of the
apple tree,
O nightingale!
Du tönest mir mit deiner süßen Kehle
Die Liebe wach;
Denn schon durchbebt die Tiefen meiner
Dein schmelzend Ach.
With your sweet throat, you sing and
Awaken Love within me;
For already the depths of my soul are
By your melting cry.
Vos me matásteis,
niña en cabello,
vos me habéis muerto.
Riberas de un río,
Ví moza vírgen,
niña en cabello,
vos me habéis muerto.
You killed me,
girl with your hair,
you have killed me.
By the banks of the river,
I saw a virgin,
girl with the hair,
you have killed me.
¿De dónde venis amore?
From where have you come, beloved?
Dann flieht der Schlaf von neuem dieses
Ich starre dann
Mit naßem Blick und totenbleich und hager
Den Himmel an.
Then sleep flees once more from this place,
I stare then
With a tearful gaze, deathly pale and
At heaven.
¿De dónde venís, amore?
Bien sé yo de dónde.
¿De dónde venís, amigo?
Fuere yo testigo. ¡Ah!
From where have you come, beloved?
I know full well where you've been.
From where have you come, friend?
I have been a witness. Ah!
De los álamos vengo, madre.
I come from the poplars, mother
Fleuch, Nachtigall, in grüne Finsternisse,
Ins Haingesträuch,
Und spend im Nest der treuen Gattin
Entfleuch, Entfleuch!
Fly, nightingale, off into the green darkness,
Into the bushes of the grove.
And shower kisses in the nest of your
faithful mate,
Fly away, fly away!
De los álamos vengo, madre,
de ver cómo los menea el aire.
De los álamos de Sevilla,
de ver a mi linda amiga.
I come from the poplars, mother
from seeing how they shake in the air.
From the poplars of Seville
from seeing my pretty friend.
— trans. Suzanne Rhodes Draayer
Edited by Courtney Burgtorf

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