swiss national day 2014


swiss national day 2014
JULY 2014
Sunday July 27, 2014
Country Heritage Park in Milton
The Swiss Club Toronto cordially invites you and your friends
to come and celebrate with us. Enjoy great entertainment, Swiss food
and refreshments, wagon rides, and our famous raffle.
Canadysli Guggemusig Band
Come with your family, make new friends and renew old
acquaintances. Meet Swiss artists and appreciate their work.
Enjoy delicious Swiss food, have a Nussgipfel with a coffee,
buy some souvenirs, and don’t forget our famous raffle!
12:00 noon
Visit some of the 30 heritage buildings. Enjoy a Swiss lunch,
and for dessert have a Nussgipfel and coffee.
Plus The Trillium Alphorns
1:30 p.m.
in the Gambrel Barn, finishing at 4:30 p.m.,
followed by our famous raffle draw.
(including Heritage Park fee and parking):
Members and Children: FREE / Non-Members: $10.00
Directions from Toronto
We are again looking for volunteers who can help out
at our 1st of August celebration. As quite a few of our
regular volunteers are either away or otherwise occupied
(e.g. Canadysli) we are a bit short of people who can help.
Please contact Sascha Frassini at 905.821.2392 or by
e-mail [email protected] for more
details. Thanks a lot for your cooperation!
Country Heritage Park is located at 8560 Tremaine Road, west
of Milton. Take the 401 West to Highway 25 Exit; go north on 25 to
the third traffic lights; turn left onto Side Road 5/Regional Road 9;
after 3 km turn left onto Tremaine Road (hidden intersection);
go over the 401 bridge and the Park is immediately on the right.
If you require further information please contact Sascha Frassini at:
(905) 821-2392 or email: [email protected]
For park information:
For Swiss Club information:
The President’s File
Board Of Directors
Schweizer Bundesfeier • Fête nationale Suisse
Festa nazionale svizzera • Fiasta naziunala Svizra
Sascha Frassini • Tel. 905.821.2392
[email protected]
Vice President
Marianne Mian-Krenger • Tel. 416.827.2003
[email protected]
Past President
René Wälti • Tel. 416.630.8049
[email protected]
Claude Tièche • Tel. 416.494.0814
[email protected]
Elysabeth Fischer • Tel. 905.505.0700
[email protected]
Membership Chairperson
Monika Rüber • Tel. 416.203.2026
[email protected]
Director of Entertainment
Denise Frassini • Tel. 905.821.2392
[email protected]
Tell Tale Editor
Heidy Lawrance • Tel. 416.733.1827
[email protected]
Swiss Club Sections
Amicale Romande
Jean-Marc Velen • Tel. 416.488.6493
[email protected]
Dear members,
The board of directors of the Swiss Club Toronto has the pleasure to invite the entire
Swiss community and friends of Switzerland to our Swiss National celebration, held
on Sunday afternoon, July 27th, at the Country Heritage Park in Milton. Please see the
front page of our newsletter for more information and directions. Again the entrance
for all club members and all children is FREE! Come all and enjoy!
We are pleased to present you with a program of entertainment, brought to you by
the Canadysli Carnival Band. You will also be serenaded by the ‘Trillium Alphorns’ (Eva
Hajda, Rene Waelti & Erwin Oechslin). And several acts will again entertain with their
accordions outside. As always, you can enjoy art displays, jewellery, good food, Nussgipfel, and our popular raffle on this, the 723rd birthday of Switzerland. There will be
something for everyone, including making crafts for the kids in the afternoon. Come,
and join the celebrations! Here is a tentative program for the day:
12:00 h -Explore the grounds of Country Heritage Park with a hayride
Enjoy the taste of back home with Swiss food, Nussgipfel and coffee
13:30 h - Trillium Alphorns
13:40 h - Greetings: Sascha Frassini, President Swiss Club Toronto
13:45 h - Singing of the National Anthems
13:55 h -The President of the Swiss Confederation, Mr. Didier Burkhalter (audio CD)
14:05 h - Representative of Swiss Consulate General Montreal (tbd)
Bowling: 5 Pin
Marie-Thérèse Artus-Velen
Tel. 905.428.9147
[email protected]
14:15 h - Entertainment by the Canadysli Carnival Band
Bowling: 10 Pin
Doug Gross • Tel. 905.634.3824
[email protected]
16:30 h - RAFFLE DRAW
Gym Section
Suzi Hubler • Tel. 416.534.5141
[email protected]
18:00 h - The Park closes
15:30 h - BREAK
15:50 h - Part two of the entertainment
17:30 h - Uf wiederluege! Au revoir! Arrivederci! A revair!
Jass Section
Albert Lenz • Tel. 905.513.1825
[email protected]
Please note that we cannot allow any outside alcohol. This is due to Liquor License regulations.
We could lose our license to sell alcohol at this and any future events if an inspector should
show up and find alcohol that was not sold by us. We thank you for your cooperation.
Men’s Section
Arno Sigrist • Tel. 416.493.8025
[email protected]
Sascha Frassini,
Theatre Section
Magdalena Hess • Tel. 905.508.8014
[email protected]
Women’s Section
Paula Rico • Tel. 416.652.9067
[email protected]
Swiss Connection
Marianne Mian-Krenger • Tel. 416.827.2003
[email protected]
Tell Tale is published 4-5 times per year by
Swiss Club Toronto, P.O. Box 823, Station Q.
Toronto, Ontario M4t 2n7
Patricia Keller Schläpfer
Tel. 416.236.0039
[email protected]
Arno Sigrist
Tel. 416.493.8025
[email protected]
Ernst Notz
Tel. 416.922.7532
Ernst Notz,Toronto
Tel. 416.784.2872
[email protected]
Edith Dietsche, President
Tel. 905.518.8247
[email protected]
Kati Lyon-Villiger, Ottawa
Tel. 613.523.7818
Women’s Section
April 7: Tour We enjoyed a guided tour
through the beautiful Elgin Wintergarden. It
was an amazing experience.
Bus trip to the Peach Festival
at Niagara-on-the-Lake
See details on page 4 of this Tell Tale.
May 4: Theatre We attended the last
performance of the season of Blythe Spirit at
the Bloor West Playhouse, a comedy classic
by Noel Coward.
May 21: Aquarium We visited Ripley’s
Aquarium at the foot of the CN Tower.
What a creation, hardly describable the set
up and work that went into this place. The
restaurant was very disappointing.
June 6: Lunch at the Woodbine Racetrack A large group headed out to the
Woodbine Race Track. This seems to be
one of our favourite outings.
Concert tour by
Knabenkantorei Basel
July 27: Swiss National Day
Please see front page of this Tell Tale.
September 4: Potluck Luncheon
at Elisabeth Orfei’s home in Markham.
A e-mail will be sent out at a later date.
Founded in 1927, this tradition-rich
boys’ choir will visit Canada for the
first time. Performances will include
works by several Swiss composers, as
well as Bach, Mozart and Bruckner.
ONGOING Kaffeeklatsch
First Wednesday of the month, 2:00 p.m. at
2312 Bloor Street West, at Java Joe’s Cafe;
last Wednesday of the month, 1:30 p.m. at the
Richtree Restaurant (Bayview & Yorkmills).
Saturday, September 13, 2014
at 7:00 pm
St. James Cathedral,
65 Church St., Toronto, ON
Welcome to our new members
Theresa Arnold and Magdalena MacKay
your chairperson, Paula Rico
Sunday, September 14, 2014
at11:00 am
St. Paul’s Bloor Street,
227 Bloor St. E., Toronto, ON
Men’s Section
In April, many of us went to see the Swiss Theatre at the Estonian
House on Broadview Avenue.
On Sunday, July 27, we will celebrate the Swiss National
Day at the Country Heritage Park in Milton. See separate announcement in this Tell Tale.
On May 29, we had a very interesting Plant Tour at Electro-Pack, an
injection moulding company.
On Sunday, September 7, we will participate at the Raclette
of the Amicale Romande, see information elsewhere in this
Tell Tale.
On June 21, we had our yearly FAMILY BAR-B-Q at the Egger
Farm.The weather was just perfect, sunny and warm all day, with a light
breeze. We had a good turnout, even though the Worlcup was going
on! Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
I would like to thank the various donours of the many desserts,
which were delicious. A special thank you to René Schudel, who did a
masterful job grilling all the sausages and thanks again to Walter and
Trudi for letting us use their beautiful facilities.
Come and join us every Monday morning from about 10:15
till noon for coffee (or whatever) at the Bakery Garden Restaurant (near Loblaws) inside the Bayview Village Shopping Centre, Bayview at Sheppard.
On June 15, 20 and 25, we we went to see the Swiss team play
their first 3 World Cup matches in local pubs.We all had a good time,
with Cow Bells, Flags and a Contest, even though not all games had
the desired outcome. Thank you Ernst Notz, for organizing this all.
Many happy returns and good health to you all !
Dieter Schaffner will be 70 on July 22
Arno Sigrist
Niagara-on-the-Lake Peach Festival Bus Trip
Open to all members!
See details on page 4 of this Tell Tale
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Annual Soccer Tournament
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Amicale Romande Raclette
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Zoo Walk & Picnic
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Concert tour by Knabenkantorei Basel
Saturday, September 13, 2014
St. James Cathedral, 65 Church St., Toronto, ON
Sunday, September 14, 2014
St. Paul’s Bloor Street, 227 Bloor St. E., Toronto, ON
Theaterabend 2014
Vier Fraue und ei Maa
Die Aufführungen in Moorefield und Toronto (wir gingen dieses Jahr nicht nach Ottawa)
waren wie immer ein grosser Erfolg. Nach vielen Proben fand das diesjährige lustige Stück
in drei Akten “Vier Fraue und e Maa” eine grosse Anzahl lachender Zuschauer. Alle Akteure/
innen zeigten mit vollem Einsatz, viel Flair und Spass ein sehr lustiges Stück.
Sepp Chratzli (Franz Zuber) ist ein Bauer, geizig und grosszügig, faul und arbeitsam, wie es
gerade kommt. Vor allem aber ist er ein erfolgreicher Frauen-Verehrer, trotz Herzschrittmacher. Seine Schwestern Klementine (Rita Nussbaumer) und Berta Chratzli (Doris Oechslin)
sind vor allem auf sein Erbe aus, holen sich aber gerne etwas Dünger oder Eier, solange der
Bauer noch lebt. Bei ihm auf dem Hof wohnt seine Haushälterin Rosalina Schlemmerbühl
(Eva Hajda), die ab und zu eher etwas schlecht aufgelegt ist, wegen seinen Faulheiten. Dann
ist da noch der unzuverlässige Briefträger Schang (Sascha Frassini), der mit der Post immer
einige Tage zu spät kommt. Bei so viel Widerwärtigkeiten würde wohl gar Mancher die Flinte
ins Korn werfen. Nicht aber Sepp. Er löst die Probleme auf geniale Art und Weise, wenn ihm
auch ein wenig der Zufall in die Hände spielt. Der Zufall ist das blutjunges Liebespärchen,
Anneli Rogger (Stephanie Oechslin) und Fritz Schlemmerbühl (Dominic Aebi). Beide lieben
zuwenig und zanken zuviel. Doch Sepp weiss für das vergrämte Bräutchen Rat. Eifersüchtig
muss er werden, der Fritz. Und für diese edle Tat will Sepp dem Anneli schöne Augen rollen.
Doch was anfangs nicht glühen will, entfacht sich plötzlich zum wilden Feuer. Um diesem
‘Problem’ zu entgehen, macht er kurzerhand sein Testament mit Notar Zebedeus Schramm
(Rene Wälti) und verschwindet nach Japan. Nicht einmal zwei Monate vergehen, und schon
erreicht ein etwas makabrer Brief seine Bekannten und Verwandten in der alten Heimat:Vom
Chratzli-Sepp sei nicht mehr als ein kleines Häufchen Asche übriggeblieben, steht geschrieben. Alle oder die meisten trauern um ihn. Das Testament ist ein Abbild von Sepps
Weisheit und gibt natürlich einen Riesenkrach unter den Erben. Die Turbulenz ist vollkommen, als der todgeglaubte Sepp wieder auftaucht und das sogar mit seinem Japanischen
Schnuggi (Edith Zuber). Sepp hat seinen Tod nur vorgetäuscht, um Anneli und Fritz in die
richtige Bahn zu lenken. Am Schluss ist alles wieder in Ordnung und es gibt ein Happy-End.
Besonders gut gefallen hat uns allen auch dieses Jahr wieder das wunderschöne Bühnenbild
von Heike und Arnold Koch.
Die Regie führte Walter Brunner und unsere fleissige Souffleuse war wie immer Maggie Hess.
Denise & Sascha Frassini
Gruppenbild 2014
Edith and
Franz Zuber
Doris Oechslin
and Rita
Regie:Walter Brunner
Maggie Hess
Franz Zuber
Eva Hajda
Niagara-on-the-Lake Peach Festival Bus Trip!
Come and join us for a day trip to beautiful Niagara wine country. Includes a wine tasting
stop, live music, classic cars, sidewalk sales, vendors of all thing peachy, and a parade!
(lunch not included) • Price $67.00
Please pay and RSVP by July 26
Holiday Inn, Markham and Progress • Yonge and Yorkmills, north-west corner
Holiday Inn, Dixon and Martin Grove • Tim Hortons, south of Fairview Mall
Holiday Inn Trafalgar, Oakville
Cheque payable to: Paula RIco
15-50 Clearview Heights, Toronto M6M 2A1
Tel. 416-652-9067 • [email protected]
Dominic Aebi
Sacha Frassini
Stefanie Oechslin
René Wälti
2013 – 2014
n April 12th, 2014 we had our Jass Dinner with Awards Presentation at the Delta Hotel in Markham. We had a terrific
selection of prizes for our Jassers and everybody could take something home.
I would like to thank all the players for participating again this
year. A special Thank You goes to all our sponsors, corporate as
well as private sponsors, within the membership, for their support.
And finally, we also would like to thank the Swiss Club Toronto for
their support. We appreciate their generosity by advocating membership in the Swiss Club.
The winners of this past season were as follows:
Followed by: Erik Nufer, Anneliese Martin,
Daniela Kasper and Sepp Odermatt
OVERALL WINNER: Madelaine Muller
Followed by: Daniela Kasper, Hugo Bischof, Walter Huber
and Dorli Blackman
Followed by: Erik Nufer, Peter Muller,
Walter Egger and Konrad Zuend
Margot and Edi Nufer
Followed by: Dorli Blackman & Erik Nufer,
Hedy Jenzer & Silvia Koller
Meinrad Meerkamper
Followed by: Robert Furger, Robert Walder,
Madelaine Muller and John Wey
The next Jass Season will be starting on
Sunday, October 19, 2014.
Have a Happy and Healthy Summer!
Albert Lenz, Chairman
Important message from the Consulate General of Switzerland
to all Swiss citizens residing in the Toronto area
Dear Fellow Citizens,
Since the recent introduction of the “Biometric Passport”, passport
requests must be made in person in order to allow the recording of
necessary biometric data which includes: a photograph of the
applicant’s face and a scan of two fingerprints.
The Consulate General in Montreal is pleased to inform you of
the upcoming visit to Toronto of two Consular Officers during the
week of October sixth, 2014.
Equipped with a “mobile biometric passport station”,
this visit will enable the Consular staff members to
record the required biometric data of those living in
the Toronto area.
If you would like to take advantage of the opportunity of having
your biometric data recorded in Toronto, this representation asks
that you complete an application for a new passport via the following website: Please follow the procedure for
Swiss nationals living abroad and indicate under “remarks” that you
request that your biometric data be recorded in TORONTO.
Please note that as the number of appointments for biometric
data recording is limited, the requests for appointments in Toronto
will be accepted until August 15th 2014 and that holders of Swiss
passports which expire within the next 12 months will be given
Once the receipt of your application for a new passport is confirmed, detailed information of your appointment for biometric data
will follow. (Date/time, exact location, required documents etc.)
Should you require additional information or consular assistance,
please do not hesitate to visit this Representation’s official website
at: or to send an mail to:
[email protected].
The Consulate General of Switzerland in Montreal
Swiss Club Events
Fogolars Country Club, Oakville
Saturday August 16, 2014
• Game rules will be handed out with Tournament schedule
• Announcement of winning teams and presentation of prizes
will be about one hour after the final game
• Injuries are each player’s responsibility
• Tournament fee: $30 per team • Games start at 9:00 am, PLEASE BE EARLY
To be held at:
Fogolars Country Club, 2026 Lower Baseline Rd,
Oakville, ON L6M 4E7 • Tel: 905-878-1030
Admission to the Fogolars Country Club is $3
Bring your friends and family, the club offers:
Swimming pool (adults $1) and two tennis courts.
We organize the ongoing barbecue and drinks.
To register teams contact: Suzi Hubler
Tel. 416.534.5141 • [email protected]
Welcome New Members
Priska Freeman
Happy 60th Anniversary to Irene & Ted Iten (celebrated June 12, 2014)
In Memoriam: Clara Schmid, passed away early this year
September 13, 2014
Come and join us for our second
annual Zoo Walk & Picnic.
See the new Panda’s and new exhibits.
We will meet in front of the main
entrance of the Toronto Zoo at 11 a.m.
Bring your picnic or buy your lunch at
one of the restaurants at the Zoo.
Price for a group of at least
20 people is $24.35 for adults, $15.65
for children and $17.40 for seniors
Please RSVP with Denise Frassini
at 905-821 23 92 or
[email protected]
by August 31, 2014 at the latest.
Monika Rüber, Membership Chairperson
Presented by
Appointment of Mrs. Kathy Utigard as
Honorary Consul of Switzerland in Toronto
Mrs. Kathy Utigard was appointed Honorary Consul of Switzerland in Toronto on June lst,
2014. Reporting to the Consul General of Switzerland in Montreal, her duties will include
the representation of the Consulate General at various political, cultural, scientific, economic and commercial related events. Mrs. Utigard will maintain and develop the network of
numerous contacts linked to Switzerland. Also, in collaboration with the Consulate General,
she will provide support to Swiss nationals in situations of emergency. Our Honorary Consul will not be responsible for consular issues nor will she be responsible for administrative
matters. Swiss citizens requiring consular assistance are asked to contact the Consulate
General in Montreal directly.
Mrs. Utigard has occupied several positions in various fields during her 30 years in
Canada. Her past includes occupations with the Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce
(Ontario), Switzerland Tourism, the Canadian travel industry as well as with a few private
businesses. Employed by the Consulate General of Switzerland in Toronto, until its closure
last April 3 30th, Mrs Utigard remains an active member of various professional, cultural and
Swiss associations.
Amicale Romande at the
Fogolars Country Club
September 7, 2014
12:00 noon
We are looking for volunteers for this
event. If you would like to help or for
more information please call
Jean-Marc at 416-488-6493
[email protected]

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