2 Etapa - Ingles


2 Etapa - Ingles
Read the text about Alejendro Martinez and answer the
following six (06) questions.
And Your Previous Jobs?
It may be tough for Alejendro Martinez to clear himself of
charges that he robbed a Las Vegas pizza parlor after
allegedly leaving behind a crucial piece of evidence.
According to prosecutors, the 23-year-old Martinez
entered the parlor, ordered a pie and requested a job
application. “The cashier immediately gave him an
application and a pen, so he started filling it out,” said
Clark County prosecutor Frank Coumou. “Then, when he
thought the moment was right, he lifted his shirt, exposed
the butt of a firearm, and told her to give him all of the
After stuffing over $200 in his pocket, Martinez hustled out
to a waiting car, authorities say. But a witness followed the
gunman and jotted down the license plate. An easy trace
of that number led police to Martinez, whom they found
sitting at home.
None of that has made it easy for the public defender who
has taken on the case. But the evidence left behind could
make his job nearly impossible. When police returned to
the pizza parlor after the arrest, they found Martinez’s job
application still on the counter. He had dutifully written
down on it his real name and address. “I’d chalk it up to
either inexperience or plain stupidity,” said prosecutor
Coumou. Martinez has pleaded not guilty and his case is
now pending in district court.
(From And Your Previous Jobs?, America’s Dumbest Criminals,
Reader’s Digest, September 2005, pages 168-169.)
17. When Alejendro Martinez went into the Las Vegas
pizza parlor he actually
0-0) wanted a big apple and almonds pie.
1-1) planned to take away the house’s profit.
2-2) wished to impress the woman at the cashier.
3-3) was reluctant as to filling out the job form.
4-4) wasn’t interested in any job application form.
1-1) e 4-4) Verdadeiras. Quando Alejendro Martinez
estava em uma pizzaria em Las Vegas, ele, na
verdade, planejava unicamente roubar o dinheiro
do Caixa. Apesar de haver preenchido o
formulário candidatando-se a um emprego, isto
não lhe interessava de modo algum.
0-0) , 2-2) e 3-3) Falsas. As interpretações: Alejendro
queria comprar uma grande torta de maçã com
amêndoas, visava impressionar a mulher que
operava como Caixa e estava um tanto indeciso
quanto a preencher o formulário para um
emprego, são errôneas.
18. The cashierwoman got to know Mr Martinez’s real
intention only when he
finally chose the D hour for acting out his plan.
desperately told her he needed a job.
moved his shirt upwards.
showed her the bottom end of a gun.
asked her for the job application form.
0-0) , 2-2) e 3-3) Verdadeiras. ‘O Caixa da pizzaria em
Las Vegas só tomou conhecimento da verdadeira
intenção do Sr Martinez, quando ele decidiu o
momento certo de executar seu plano, ao
levantar sua camisa e expor deliberadamente a
coronha do seu revólver.
1-1) e 4-4) Falsas. ‘Martinez disse ao Caixa que
necessitava desesperadamente de um emprego,’
e ‘pediu-lhe o formulário de emprego,’ não estão
coerentes com o texto.
19. The police could catch the robber because
0-0) the cashier herself immediately contacted them.
1-1) they were able to surprise Martinez right after
his crime.
2-2) a customer at the place was fast enough to grab
3-3) somebody saw the robbery and went after the
illegal guy.
4-4) an eyewitness took note of the plate number.
3-3) e 4-4) Verdadeiras. A polícia capturou o ladrão
porque alguém que presenciou o roubo, o seguiu e
anotou a placa do seu carro.
0-0), 1-1) e 2-2) Falsas. ‘O Caixa contactou a polícia
de imediato;’ ‘Martinez foi surpreendido pela polícia
logo após o roubo;’ e ‘um freguês foi suficientemente
rápido e agarrou o ladrão,’ não conferem com a
informação que está no texto.
20. Prosecutor
Coumou commented he’d
Martinez’s attitude as that of a person being
0-0) either naive or silly.
1-1) neither intelligent nor dumb.
2-2) either foxy or mischievous.
3-3) neither courageous nor fearful.
4-4) either careless or foolish.
0-0) e 4-4) Verdadeiras. O promotor público Coumou
comentou que o mesmo ‘julgaria a atitude de
Martinez (‘documentar’ seu verdadeiro nome e
endereço, na proposta de requerimento de
emprego) como sendo aquela de alguém que é
‘ou ingênuo, inexperiente ou tolo’ e ‘ou alguém
negligente, desatento ou bobo.’
1-1) 2-2) e 3-3) Falsas. As respostas: Martinez seria
‘nem inteligente nem bronco, estúpido;’ ‘ou
astuto, velhaco ou malvado’; e ‘nem corajoso
nem medroso,’ são falsas.
21. Finally, Alejendro Martinez
0-0) has officially declared that he is innocent.
1-1) has his question matter still waiting to be
2-2) left a very concrete proof of his being the actual
3-3) recalled he didn’t finish filling out the job
4-4) has left no evidence whatsoever of his crime.
0-0) , 1-1) e 2-2) Verdadeiras. ‘Alejendro Martinez
declarou que é inocente.’ ‘Seu processo ainda
está à espera de julgamento.’ ‘Ele deixou, atrás
de si, uma prova concreta do delito que praticou.’
3-3) e 4-4) Falsas. As proposições: ‘lembrou-se de
que não havia preenchido totalmente o formulário
de pedido de emprego’ e ‘não deixou prova
alguma do seu ato ilegal’ não condizem com o
que está no texto.
22. In “It may be tough for Alejendro Martinez to clear
himself of charges that he robbed a Las Vegas pizza
parlor ... “ the expressions ‘may be tough’ and ‘clear
himself of charges’ are, respectively, similar to:
0-0) is certainly not difficult / blame himself of
1-1) should be easy / bring a charge against.
2-2) is probably not easy / free himself from blame.
3-3) must be simple / take charge of.
4-4) is possibly hard / get rid of accusation.
2-2) e 4-4) Verdadeiras. As expressões “may be
tough” e “clear himself of charges” são
equivalentes em sentido, respectivamente, a:
‘provavelmente, não é fácil’ / ‘livrar-se de ser
culpado;’ e ‘é possivelmente difícil’ / ‘livrar-se da
0-0) , 1-1) e 3-3) Falsas. Os itens ‘certamente não é
difícil’ / ‘culpar-se pelo delito;’ ‘deve ser fácil’ /
‘fazer uma acusação;’ e ‘deve ser simples’ / ‘ser
acusado’, não se coadunam com a informação
presente no texto.
Read carefully the following two short texts and answer
the questions:
“Daddy, draw me a spider,” said my two-year-old
daughter. So I drew her a massive spider with eight huge,
hairy legs.
“Draw me an airplane,” she said. So I drew a large airliner.
“Now draw Daddy.” So I drew a man with a washboard
stomach, Popeye-like muscles and a chiseled chin.
After admiring it for a few seconds, she said, “Now draw
me, Daddy.”
September 2005, page 129.)
23. The purpose of this text is
0-0) to tell a joke.
1-1) to describe a painting.
2-2) to teach drawing.
3-3) to show the little girl’s cleverness.
4-4) to present an argument.
0-0) ,e 3-3) Verdadeiras. O objetivo do texto é,
considerando o gênero e o seu conteúdo, ‘contar
uma piada’ e ‘mostrar a sagacidade da garotinha’.
1-1) , 2-2) e 4-4) Falsas. As formulações ‘descrever
uma pintura’, ‘ensinar a desenhar’ e ‘apresentar
um argumento’ não correspondem nem ao
gênero nem ao conteúdo do texto.
24. The two-year old girl said: “Daddy, draw me a
spider.” The reported speech for this sentence is:
She requested him
0-0) that he draws her a spider.
1-1) that he had drawn her a spider.
2-2) if he had drawn her a spider.
3-3) to draw her a spider.
4-4) whether he should draw her a spider.
3-3) Verdadeira.O discurso indireto da frase “Daddy,
draw me a spider.” corresponde a ‘She asked him to
draw her a spider’.
0-0) , 1-1), 2-2) e 4-4) Falsas. A forma imperativa, no
discurso indireto, requer o uso do infinitivo
Has the inevitable transition from petroleum to nextgeneration fuels begun, right under our very eyes?
Certainly no one expects oil to disappear overnight – or
even in the next one or two decades. Even after the recent
surge, farm-grown biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel still
account for only a small fraction of fossil-fuel use, as do
other renewables such as wind and solar power. But
thanks to skyrocketing oil prices, worries about climate
change and growing anxiety over the future security of the
world’s supply of crude, the prospects for ethanol and
other biofuels to make major inroads in oil use are bright.
Even as much of the world has focused on hydrogen cars,
which may still be decades away, biofuels have, in the
words of a Canadian report, begun to pose “the first
serious challenge to petroleum-based fuel in a century.”
The boom has some powerful institutions behind it. As
governments across the globe come to grips with global
warming, biofuels are seen as a pragmatic step toward
reducing carbon emissions. A growing number of
countries now require biofuels to be mixed into the fuel
supply, and oil companies like Shell and British Petroleum
have invested heavily in response. Already, Shell has
become the world’s largest distributor of ethanol through
its global service-station network. Companies as disparate
as Du Pont and Volkswagen are jostling for a slice of the
$20 billion-plus market. Farmers worldwide are
enthusiastic about a big, new outlet for their produce.
Environmentalists hail the new fuel as clean and
sustainable. Whereas petroleum releases carbon that had
previously been trapped deep underground, the carbon in
biofuels emissions has simply been captured from the
atmosphere by crops. Some carbon and energy goes into
production – fertilizers, transport, distilling – but the net
effect, biofuel advocates say, is an up to 90 percent
reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions.
Serious questions remain as to whether biofuels can be
successfully scaled up to take on oil. Would there, for
instance, be enough land on which to grow energy crops
without putting the squeeze on food production? And will
biofuels be able to take hold without tax credits and
subsidies, especially if oil prices head downward? Then
there’s the politics of global trade. Already, powerful richcountry farm lobbies are trying to prevent exports of
biofuel from Brazil, Pakistan and other developing nations.
“There’s no way to say where this will go,” says Parisbased biofuels consultant Christian Delahoulière. “There is
too much complexity and politics involved to draw a
26. Suitable titles for the text are
0-0) Will Biofuels Take On Oil?
1-1) Emerging Global Market in Biofuels
2-2) Biofuels as a Viable Alternative to Oil
3-3) Bio versus Oil
4-4) The Next Petroleum
0-0) , 1-1), 2-2), 3-3) e 4-4) Verdadeiras. Todos os
biocombustíveis competirão com o petróleo?;
Mercado global emergente em biocombustíveis;
Biocombustíveis como uma alternativa viável ao
petróleo; Biocombustível versus petróleo; e O
próximo petróleo.
27. Chances for success of viable choices to petroleumbased fuel are great, thanks to
0-0) the farmers’ uncertainty of the outlet for their
1-1) worries about global warming.
2-2) sky-high oil prices.
3-3) growing air pollution.
4-4) the future exhaustion of the world’s supply of
1-1) , 2-2), 3-3) e 4-4) Verdadeiras. As chances para o
êxito de opções viáveis para a gasolina e o óleo
diesel são enormes, devido às preocupações
com o aquecimento global; aos elevadíssimos
preços do petróleo; à crescente poluição do ar; e
à futura exaustão das reservas mundiais de
petróleo cru.
0-0) Falsa. A incerteza dos fazendeiros com relação
ao mercado comprador da sua produção não
corresponde ao que é dito no texto.
28. Factors that make the new fuel so compelling are
0-0) low quality.
1-1) carbon emission reduction.
2-2) promising market.
3-3) clean burning.
4-4) scarce investments.
(NEWSWEEK August 8, 2005, page 43.)
25. In the text, the author deals with topics related to
0-0) science.
1-1) technology.
2-2) environment.
3-3) agribusiness.
4-4) global trade politics.
0-0) , 1-1), 2-2), 3-3) e 4-4) Verdadeiras. No texto, o
autor aborda tópicos relacionados a: ciência,
tecnologia, meio ambiente, agronegócios e
política de comércio global.
1-1) , 2-2) e 3-3) Verdadeiras. Fatores que impelem o
surgimento do novo combustível são: a redução
da emissão de carbono; mercado promissor; e
combustão limpa.
0-0) e 4-4) Falsas. A baixa qualidade do
biocombustível e os escassos investimentos são
fatores que não correspondem ao texto.
29. The clause “Certainly no one expects oil to disappear
overnight.” (in paragraph 1) can be paraphrased as
0-0) Undoubtedly everybody thinks that oil will
disappear soon.
1-1) Surely it is not expected that oil may disappear
in a short time.
2-2) For sure everyone expects oil to disappear
3-3) Definitely it is not supposed that oil will
disappear suddenly.
4-4) Of course oil is not disappearing gradually.
1-1) e 3-3) Verdadeiras. A frase ‘Certamente ninguém
espera que o petróleo desapareça da noite para o
dia.’ pode ser parafraseada, na voz passiva,
como: ‘Com certeza, não se espera que o
petróleo possa desaparecer a curto prazo’; e
‘Definidamente, não se supõe que o petróleo
desaparecerá de repente’.
0-0) , 2-2) e 4-4) Falsas. O sentido dos enunciados
não corresponde ao original.
30. In the phrase “As governments across the globe
come to grips with global warming,” (in paragrph 2)
the expression ‘to come to grips with’ is similar in
meaning to
0-0) to fight in hand-to-hand combat with.
1-1) to work out a solution to.
2-2) to deal seriously with.
3-3) to avoid facing.
4-4) to tackle.
1-1) , 2-2) e 4-4) Verdadeiras. Estas formulações se
equivalem, semanticamente. Nelas, existe a idéia
de enfrentar o efeito estufa e combatê-lo,
tentando encontrar uma solução ou soluções
para o problema.
0-0) e 3-3) Falsas. A formulação dos enunciados não
corresponde ao sentido expresso no contexto.
31. In the sentence: “Environmentalists hail the new fuel
as clean and sustainable.” (in paragraph 2) the word
‘hail’ can be, adequately, substituted for
0-0) approve.
1-1) praise.
2-2) demand.
3-3) disregard.
4-4) recommend.
0-0) 1-1) e 4-4) Verdadeiras. As palavras possuem
sentidos que se equivalem: Os ambientalistas
aprovam (‘approve’) e enaltecem (‘praise’) o novo
(‘recommend’), por ser limpo e sustentável.
2-2) e 3-3) Falsas. ‘Demand’ (demandar) e ‘disregard’
(menosprezar) expressam outros significados que
não se ajustam ao contexto.
32. The phrase: “The carbon in biofuels emissions has
simply been captured from the atmosphere by crops.”
(in paragraph 2) has, as its active counterpart,
0-0) Crops are simply capturing the carbon in
biofuels emissions from the atmosphere.
1-1) Crops simply capture the carbon in biofuels
emissions from the atmosphere.
2-2) Crops simply captured the carbon in biofuels
emissions from the atmosphere.
3-3) Crops have simply captured the carbon in
biofuels emissions from the atmosphere.
4-4) Crops had simply captured the carbon in
biofuels emissions from the atmosphere.
3-3) Verdadeira. A frase – ‘O carbono em emissões de
biocombustíveis é simplesmente retirado da
cultivados’– tem, como frase correspondente, na
voz ativa, a opção que utiliza o presente perfeito
simples ‘have captured’, pois esse tempo verbal
se refere a uma ação que se iniciou no passado e
ainda ocorre, como na frase original.
0-0) , 1-1), 2-2) e 4-4) Falsas. Os tempos verbais
dessas frases não se equivalem, na voz ativa, ao
presente perfeito passivo da frase original.