Lista de monografias do Centro de Direito Biomédico


Lista de monografias do Centro de Direito Biomédico
Lista de monografias do Centro de Direito Biomédico CREATED = 25-­‐10-­‐05. La condition juridique du corps humain avant la naissance et après la mort / Xavier Labbée. CREATED = 25-­‐10-­‐05. The continuing demographic transition / ed. by G. W. Jones... [et al.]. CREATED = 25-­‐10-­‐05. Human genetics and the law : regulating a revolution / ed. by Roger Brownsword, W. R. Cornish, Margaret Llewelyn. CREATED = 25-­‐10-­‐05. Un quadro europeo per la bioetica? / a cura di Cosimo Marco Mazzoni. CREATED = 25-­‐10-­‐05. Simple heuristics that make us smart / Gerd Gigerenzer, Peter M. Todd and the ABC Research Group. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Alguns problemas jurídico-­‐criminais da procriação medicamente assistida / Ana Paula Guimarães. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Aprenda a viver com os seus genes / Dean Hamer, e Peter Copeland ; trad. J. Santos Tavares. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Clones humanos : a nossa autobiografia colectiva / Clara Pinto Correia ; trad. Margarida Vale de Gato. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Como uma dádiva : caminhos de antropologia bíblica / António Couto. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. O consentimento informado para o acto médico no ordenamento jurídico português : elementos para o estudo da manifestação da vontade do paciente / João Vaz Rodrigues. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Contributos para a bioética em Portugal / coord. João Ribeiro da Silva, António Barbosa, Fernando Martins Vale. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Dicionário de bioética / coord. Salvino Leone, Salvatore Privitera, Jorge Teixeira da Cunha ; trad. A. Maia da Rocha ; rev. José Madureira Beça. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Direito ao património genético / Stela Marcos de Almeida Neves Barbas. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Direito constitucional e teoria da Constituição / J. J. Gomes Canotilho. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Direito da medicina / Universidade de Coimbra -­‐ Faculdade de Direito ; coord. Guilherme Oliveira. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. O direito geral de personalidade e a "solução do dissentimento" : ensaio sobre um caso de "constitucionalização" do direito civil / Nuno Manuel Pinto Oliveira. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Direitos do homem e biomedicina : actas da Oficina sobre a Convenção para a Protecção do Homem e da Dignidade do Ser Humano face às Aplicações da Biologia e Medicina / org. Instituto de Bioética. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Ensaios clínicos / Jeovanna Viana Alves. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Estudo tridimensional do dano corporal : lesão, função e situação : sua aplicação médico-­‐legal / Teresa Magalhães. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Genoma : autobiografia de uma espécie em 23 capítulos / Matt Ridley ; trad. Carla Rego. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. L'influence des progrès de la génétique sur le droit de la filiation [texto policopiado] / Gilda Nicolau. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. A justiça em laboratório : a identificação por perfis genéticos de ADN : entre a harmonização transnacional e a apropriação local / Susana Costa. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. A justiça em laboratório : a identificação por perfis genéticos de ADN : entre a harmonização transnacional e a apropriação local / Susana Costa. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Leis decretos, etc. Enfermagem : legislação / Francisco Sá Lopes. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Leis, decretos, etc. A lei de saúde mental e o internamento compulsivo / [anot.] Álvaro de Carvalho. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Mãe há só [uma] duas! : o contrato de gestação / Guilherme Freire Falcão de Oliveira. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Moderna saúde pública / F. A. Gonçalves Ferreira. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. As mulheres telefonam às cegonhas : família, procriação e bioética no espaço público / José Luís de Oliveira Garcia. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. O ovário de Eva : ovo e esperma e preformação / Clara Pinto Correia ; pref. de Stephen Jay Gould ; trad. de Miguel d'Abreu. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Patentes de genes humanos? / J. P. Remédio Marques. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Portugal-­‐Brasil ano 2000 : tema direito / António de Pádua Ribeiro... [et al.]. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Prioridades na saúde / Rui Nunes, Guilhermina Rego. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Segredo de justiça e controlo de dados pessoais informatizados / Agostinho Eiras. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Temas de direito da medicina / Guilherme de Oliveira. CREATED = 26-­‐10-­‐05. Terramoto geracional : uma viagem na montanha-­‐russa demográfica : agitando os negócios, as finanças e o mundo em que vivemos / Paul Wallace. CREATED = 28-­‐10-­‐05. A armadilha da globalização / Hans-­‐Peter Martin, Harald Schumann ; trad. Lúcia Pinho e Melo e Ana S. Silva. CREATED = 28-­‐10-­‐05. Caminhos para o desenvolvimento : alguns projectos apoiados pela fundação / Fernando Gonçalves, José Manuel Fonseca ; rev. A. Miguel Saraiva. CREATED = 29-­‐10-­‐05. Afectação de recursos para a saúde : perspectivas para um novo SNS / coord. Rui Nunes, Guilhermina Rego, Cristina Nunes. CREATED = 27-­‐01-­‐06. O consentimento informado na relação médico-­‐paciente : estudo de direito civil / André Gonçalo Dias Pereira. CREATED = 27-­‐01-­‐06. Leis, decretos, etc. Notas e comentários à lei de saúde mental : (lei nº 36-­‐98, de 24 de Julho) / António João Latas, Fernando Vieira. CREATED = 02-­‐06-­‐06. Guia para familiares de doentes mentais / Silvia Basteiro, Carmen Maria Gil, Remedios Marín ; trad. Mário C. Hipólito. CREATED = 07-­‐08-­‐06. Direito da vida : relatório sobre o programa, conteúdos e métodos de ensino / Paulo Otero. CREATED = 04-­‐12-­‐06. Conselho consultivo : acto de investidura (foto reportagem) : metas e estratégias da CNLCS 2004-­‐2006 / fot. Celestino Santos ; concepção Carlos de Figueiredo. CREATED = 29-­‐01-­‐07. Estudos de direito da bioética / coord. José de Oliveira Ascenção ; ed. Associação Portuguesa de Direito Intelectual. CREATED = 29-­‐01-­‐07. Estudos de direito da bioética / coord. José de Oliveira Ascenção ; ed. Associação Portuguesa de Direito Intelectual. CREATED = 09-­‐03-­‐07. Temas de direito da medicina / Guilherme de Oliveira. CREATED = 16-­‐04-­‐07. De mãe para mãe : questões legais e éticas suscitadas pela maternidade de substituição / Vera Lúcia Raposo. CREATED = 16-­‐04-­‐07. O doente mental : a pessoa : a gestão do património : actas de I Simpósio FNAFSAM / [org.] Federação Nacional das Associações de Famílias Pró-­‐Saúde Mental ; coord. ed. Mário C. Hipólito ; rev. Maria da Graça Sobrinho. CREATED = 16-­‐04-­‐07. O doente mental : a pessoa : a gestão do património : actas de I Simpósio FNAFSAM / [org.] Federação Nacional das Associações de Famílias Pró-­‐Saúde Mental ; coord. ed. Mário C. Hipólito ; rev. Maria da Graça Sobrinho. CREATED = 16-­‐04-­‐07. O doente mental : a pessoa : a gestão do património : actas de I Simpósio FNAFSAM / [org.] Federação Nacional das Associações de Famílias Pró-­‐Saúde Mental ; coord. ed. Mário C. Hipólito ; rev. Maria da Graça Sobrinho. CREATED = 16-­‐04-­‐07. Rotary e sida : reflexão e solidariedade / coord. Isabel Carvalho Garcia ; Mariza Amaral da Cruz. CREATED = 02-­‐07-­‐07. Responsabilidade civil dos médicos : integrado no projecto de investigação bianual responsabilidade civil dos médicos / Congresso Internacional ... ; [org.] Centro de Direito Biomédico ; [introd. Guilherme de Oliveira]. CREATED = 11-­‐08-­‐07. El inicio de la vida : identidad y estatuto del embrión humano / obra dirigida por Mónica López Barahona, Ramón Lucas Lucas. CREATED = 10-­‐09-­‐07. A reparação do dano corporal na responsabilidade civil extracontratual / Armando Braga. CREATED = 20-­‐09-­‐07. International directory of bioethics organizations / ed. Anita L. Nolen, Mary Carrington Coutts. CREATED = 21-­‐09-­‐07. Direitos de propriedade intelectual e saúde pública : o acesso universal aos medicamentos anti-­‐retrovirais no Brasil / Maristela Basso... [et al.]. CREATED = 12-­‐10-­‐07. Direito e medicina, um estudo interdisciplinar / coord. André Luis Nigre, Álvaro Henrique Teixeira de Almeida ; [colab.] Alexandre Freitas Câmara... [et al.]. CREATED = 12-­‐10-­‐07. Genetic testing and the criminal law / edited by Don Chalmers. CREATED = 12-­‐10-­‐07. El resarcimiento por daño moral en España y Europa / Marcelo Barrientos Zamorano ; [pról.] José Antonio Martín Pérez. CREATED = 12-­‐10-­‐07. La responsabilità penale del medico / Salvatore Aleo, Alessandro Centonze, Enrico Lanza. CREATED = 12-­‐11-­‐07. The role of health law, bioethics and human rights to promote a safer and healthier world / 1st Biennial Seminar in Health law and Bioethics ; ed. Paula Lobato Faria ; [org.] Fundação Luso-­‐Americana. CREATED = 12-­‐11-­‐07. The role of health law, bioethics and human rights to promote a safer and healthier world / 1st Biennial Seminar in Health law and Bioethics ; ed. Paula Lobato Faria ; [org.] Fundação Luso-­‐Americana. CREATED = 16-­‐11-­‐07. Brain policy : how the new neuroscience will change our lives and our politics / Robert Blank. CREATED = 29-­‐11-­‐07. Ethics and infectious disease / ed. Michael J. Selgelid, Margaret P. Battin, Charles B. Smith. CREATED = 29-­‐11-­‐07. The shattered self : the end of natural evolution / Pierre Baldi. CREATED = 27-­‐12-­‐07. O direito fundamental à identidade genética na constituição brasileira / Selma Rodrigues Petterle. CREATED = 15-­‐01-­‐08. O monopólio e as multinacionais farmacêuticas / Rodrigo da Costa Ratto Cavalheiro. CREATED = 21-­‐02-­‐08. Choosing between possible lives : law and ethics of prenatal and preimplantation genetic diagnosis / Rosamund Scott. CREATED = 21-­‐02-­‐08. The right to know and the right not to know / ed. Ruth Chadwick, Mairi Levitt, Darren Shickle. CREATED = 28-­‐02-­‐08. Genetic databases : socio-­‐ethical issues in the collection and use of DNA / edited by Richard Tutton, Oonagh Corrigan. CREATED = 28-­‐04-­‐08. Researching health risks / Office of Technology Assessment ; dir. Roger C. Herdman. CREATED = 28-­‐04-­‐08. Researching health risks / Office of Technology Assessment ; dir. Roger C. Herdman. CREATED = 02-­‐06-­‐08. Mental disorders and genetics : bridging the gap between research and society. CREATED = 08-­‐07-­‐08. Biomedicina y protección de datos / Lucrecio Rebollo Delgado, Yolanda Gómez Sánchez. CREATED = 08-­‐07-­‐08. O direito ao conhecimento das origens genéticas / Rafael Luís Vale e Reis. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 21-­‐08-­‐08. Bibliography of bioethics / LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn. CREATED = 11-­‐12-­‐08. Comentarios a la Ley 14/2006, de 26 de Mayo, sobre técnicas de reproducción humana asistida / dir. José Antonio Cobacho Gómez ; coord. Juan José Iniesta Delgado. CREATED = 11-­‐12-­‐08. Derecho farmacéutico / María del Carmen Vidal Casero. CREATED = 11-­‐12-­‐08. Negligencias en cirugía y anestesia estéticas / Gustavo López-­‐Muñoz y Larraz. CREATED = 11-­‐12-­‐08. El producto sanitario defectuoso en derecho español / Marian Gili Saldaña. CREATED = 12-­‐12-­‐08. Sistema de responsabilidad médica / José Manuel Fernández Hierro. CREATED = 20-­‐01-­‐09. Medizinrecht : Arztrecht, Arzneimittelrecht, Medizinprodukterecht und Transfusionsrecht / Erwin Deutsch, Andreas Spickhoff. CREATED = 13-­‐02-­‐09. Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina / dir. Salomé Adroher Biosca, Federico de Montalvo Jããskelãinen ; coord. María Reyes Corripio Gil-­‐ Delgado, Abel B. Veiga Copo ; pról. Calixto Plumed Moreno. CREATED = 13-­‐02-­‐09. Die Biomedizinkonvention des Europarates : Humanforschung, Transplantationsmedizin, Genetik, Rechtsanalyse und Rechtsvergleich / Wiltrud Christine Radau. CREATED = 13-­‐02-­‐09. Medizinrecht : Öffentliches Medizinrecht, Pflegeversicherungsrecht, Arzthaftpflichtrecht, Arztstrafrecht / Michael Quaas, Rüdiger Zuck. CREATED = 13-­‐02-­‐09. A responsabilidade civil do médico : reflexões sobre a noção da perda de chance e a tutela do doente lesado / Rute Teixeira Pedro. CREATED = 13-­‐02-­‐09. A responsabilidade civil do médico : reflexões sobre a noção da perda de chance e a tutela do doente lesado / Rute Teixeira Pedro. CREATED = 13-­‐02-­‐09. A responsabilidade civil médica : um problema para além da culpa / Carla Gonçalves. CREATED = 17-­‐02-­‐09. Medical law and ethics / Jonathan Herring. CREATED = 17-­‐02-­‐09. Responsabilidade penal por negligência no exercício da medicina em equipa / Sónia Fidalgo. CREATED = 17-­‐02-­‐09. Text, cases and materials on medical law / Marc Stauch, Kay Wheat, John Tingle. CREATED = 25-­‐02-­‐09. Os direitos fundamentais na Constituição Portuguesa de 1976 / José Carlos Vieira de Andrade. CREATED = 02-­‐03-­‐09. Évolution des droits du patient, indemnisation sans faute des dommages liés aux soins de santé : le droit médical en mouvement / sous la direction de Geneviève Schamps. CREATED = 02-­‐03-­‐09. Évolution des droits du patient, indemnisation sans faute des dommages liés aux soins de santé : le droit médical en mouvement / sous la direction de Geneviève Schamps. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. 15 anos em prol da comunidade Luso-­‐Americana : 1985 -­‐ 2000 / António Luís Vicente. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Abortion and the law / James Kingston, Anthony Whelan ; colab. Ivana Bacik. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Abortion : the clash of absolutes / Laurence H. Tribe. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Access to the genome : the challenge to equality / Maxwell J. Mehlman, Jeffrey R. Botkin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Actes : Comité International de Bioethique de L'UNESCO -­‐ CIB : sixième session : Comité Intergouvernemental de Bioethique -­‐ CIGB : première session. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Actes : Comité International de Bioethique de L'UNESCO -­‐ CIB : sixième session : Comité Intergouvernemental de Bioethique -­‐ CIGB : première session. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Adaptive thinking : rationality in the real world / Gerd Gigerenzer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Adoption of an opinion on ethical aspects of human stem cell research and use = Adoption d'un Avis sur les aspects éthiques de la recherche sur les cellules souches humaines et leur utilisation. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Advance directives and surrogate decision making in health care : United States, Germany and Japan / ed. Hans-­‐Martin Sass, Robert M. Veatch, Rihito Kimura. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Advance directives and the pursuit of death with dignity / Norman L. Cantor. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Advance statements about medical treatment : code of practice with explanatory notes / report of the British Medical Association. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Advance statements about medical treatment : code of practice with explanatory notes / report of the British Medical Association. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Advanced civil litigation : professional negligence in practice. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Advances in bioethics / ed. Rem B. Edwards. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Advertising and promotion of medicines in the UK. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. AIDS, an epidemic of ethical puzzles / ed. The Hastings Center. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. AIDS und Arbeitsrecht : Rechtliche Fragen bei der Begruendung und Beendigung von Arbeitsverhaeltnissen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in England / Gregor Heemann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Aids und Strafrecht / hrsg. Andrzej J. Szwarc. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. AIDS und Strafrecht : Schaffung eines Gefaehrdungstatbestandes zur Bestrafung ungeschuetzten Geschlechtsverkers / Klaus Scherf. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Al confine tra la vita e la morte : il caso-­‐limite dei bambini anencefalici : aspetti bioetici e giuridici / Mariella Caporale. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Alternativentwurf eines Gesetzes ueber Sterbehilfe : AE-­‐Sterbehilfe / vorgelegt von Juergen Baumann... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The American Bar Association legal guide for older Americans : the law every American over fifty needs to know / The American Bar Association. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The American medical ethics revolution : how the AMA's code of ethics has transformed physicians' relationships to patients, professionals, and society / ed. Robert B. Baker... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Amours égales? : le Pacs, les homosexuels et la gauche / Daniel Borrillo, Pierre Lascoumes. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Anfang und Ende des Lebens : Beitraege zur Medizinischen Ethik / hrsg. Heinrich Ganthaler, Otto Neumaier. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Animal liberation / Peter Singer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Antologia di leading cases / a cura di Guido Alpa, Giuseppe Sbisà ; collab. Pietro Maria Putti. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The application of DNA techonology in England and Wales / Christopher H. Asplen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Das Argument der schiefen Ebene : schwangerschaftsabbruch, die Tötung Neugeborener und Sterbehilfe in der medizinethischen Diskussion / Barbara Guckes. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Artificial reproduction and reproductive rights / Athena Liu. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittel und Recht. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittel und Recht. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittelrecht Kommentar / Begr. Arno Kloesel, Walter Cyran ; Fortgef. Karl Feiden, Hermann Josef Pabel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittelrecht Kommentar / Begr. Arno Kloesel, Walter Cyran ; Fortgef. Karl Feiden, Hermann Josef Pabel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittelrecht Kommentar / Begr. Arno Kloesel, Walter Cyran ; Fortgef. Karl Feiden, Hermann Josef Pabel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittelrecht Kommentar / Begr. Arno Kloesel, Walter Cyran ; Fortgef. Karl Feiden, Hermann Josef Pabel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittelrecht Kommentar / Begr. Arno Kloesel, Walter Cyran ; Fortgef. Karl Feiden, Hermann Josef Pabel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittelrecht Kommentar / Begr. Arno Kloesel, Walter Cyran ; Fortgef. Karl Feiden, Hermann Josef Pabel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittelrecht Kommentar / Begr. Arno Kloesel, Walter Cyran ; Fortgef. Karl Feiden, Hermann Josef Pabel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittelrecht Kommentar / Begr. Arno Kloesel, Walter Cyran ; Fortgef. Karl Feiden, Hermann Josef Pabel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzneimittelrecht Kommentar / Begr. Arno Kloesel, Walter Cyran ; Fortgef. Karl Feiden, Hermann Josef Pabel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzt-­‐ und Kassenarztrecht im Wandel : Festschrift für Prof. Dr. iur. Helmut Narr zum 60. Geburtstag / hrsg. Hans Kamps, Adolf Laufs. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arztgeheeimnis und AIDS : Welche Rechstgueter gilt es zu schuetzen? / Christoph A. Zenger. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzthaftpflichtrecht / begr. Karlmann Geiss ; fortgef. Hans-­‐Peter Greiner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzthaftung bei fehlgeschlagener Familienplanung / Christine Hirsch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzthaftungsrecht / Erich Steffen, Wolf-­‐Dieter Dressler. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arzthaftungsrecht : ein Überblick für Rechtsanwender, Ärzte und Patienten / Wolfgang Neuefeind. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ärztliche Leitlinien : Empirie und Recht professioneller Normsetzung / hrsg. Dieter Hart. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arztrecht und Arzneimittelrecht : eine Zuzammenfassende Dartellung mit Fallbeispielen und Texten / E. Deutsch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arztrechtliche Probleme des neuen Betreuungsrechtes / Andreas Frost. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Arztstrafrecht in der Praxis / Klaus Ulsenheimer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Asking to die : inside the dutch debate about euthanasia / ed. David C. Thomasma...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Aspectos sustantivos y procesales de la tecnología del ADN : identificación criminal a través de la huella genética / Juan Miguel Mora Sánchez ; pról. Carlos M. Romeo Casabona, José Miguel Zugaldía Espinar. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Assessing competence to consent to treatment : a guide for physicians and other health professionals / Thomas Grisso, Paul S. Appelbaum. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les ateliers nationaux du médicament : les ateliers nationaux de pharmacovigilance. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Atención farmacéutica y responsabilidad profesional / Javier Sánchez-­‐Caro, Fernando Abellán ; pról. Pedro Capilla. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Atención farmacéutica y responsabilidad profesional / Javier Sánchez-­‐Caro, Fernando Abellán ; pról. Pedro Capilla. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Attitudes to genetic engineering : Japanese and international comparisons / Darryl R. J. Macer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Moral / Kurt Bayertz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Auswirkungen des Betreuungsrechts in der ärztlichen Praxis / Theodor Zimmermann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Avaliação das sequelas em direito civil / Francisco Manuel Lucas. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les avis du comité consultatif de bioéthique de Belgique : 1996-­‐2000 / éd. Léon Cassiers...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die äztliche Berufsausuebung in den Grenzen der Qualitätssicherung / hrsg. Albert Wienke, Hans-­‐Dieter Lippert, Wolfgang Eisenmenger. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Backdoor to eugenics / Troy Duster. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Basic ethical principles : in European bioethics and biolaw / Jacob Dahl Rendtorft, Peter Kemp. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Basic ethical principles : in European bioethics and biolaw / Jacob Dahl Rendtorft, Peter Kemp. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Bayerische Sonderweg im Abtreibungsrecht : Seine verfassungsrechtliche Zulässigkeit / Stephan H. B. Koch.. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Bedeutung der Philosophie für die Rechtswissenschaft / Hrsg. Jochen Taupitz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Bedeutungswandel der Beweismittel im Strafverfahren am Beispiel des genetischen Fingerabdruks / René Latotzky. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Begutachtung sexuell missbrauchter Kinder / hrsg. Jörg M. Fegert. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bem da pessoa e bem comum : um desafio à bioética = Bien de la personne et bien commun = Individual wellbeing and common wellbeing / [org.] C.E.B. -­‐ Centro de Estudos de Bioética. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Beobachter im Gehirn : essays zur Hirnforschung / Wolf Singer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Beweiserleichterungen im Behandlungsfehlerprozess unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsprechungsentwicklung zur Beweislastumkehr bei groben Behandlungsfehlern / Petra Mork-­‐Spiess. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Beyond regulations : ethics in human subjects research / ed. Nancy M. P. King, Gail E. Henderson, Jane Stein. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bibliography : ethical legal e social implications of the human genome project / compil. Michael S. Yesley ; coord. DOE ELSI Program. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bibliography of bioethics / ed. LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn, Doris Mueller Goldstein. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bibliography of bioethics / ed. LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn, Doris Mueller Goldstein. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bibliography of bioethics / ed. LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn, Doris Mueller Goldstein. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bibliography of bioethics / ed. LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn, Doris Mueller Goldstein. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bibliography of bioethics / ed. LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn, Doris Mueller Goldstein. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bibliography of bioethics / ed. LeRoy Walters, Tamar Joy Kahn, Doris Mueller Goldstein. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bilancio di venticinque anni di bioetica : un rapporto dai pionieri / a cura di Giovanni Russo ; Warren T. Reich... [et al.] ; trad. Clementina Ferrandi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bio-­‐Ethik und die Zukunft der Medizin / hrsg. Therese Neuer-­‐Miebach, Michael Wunder. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethics : a return to fundamentals / Bernard Gert, Charles M. Culver, K. Danner Clouser. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethics and biolaw / ed. Peter Kemp, Jacob Rendtorff, Niels Mattsson Johansen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethics and biolaw / ed. Peter Kemp, Jacob Rendtorff, Niels Mattsson Johansen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethics and society : constructing the ethical enterprise / ed. Raymond DeVries, Janardan Subedi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethics and the law : medical, socio-­‐legal and philosophical directions for a brave new world / George P. Smith, II. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethics in 260 words : English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano / ed. Jean-­‐Marie Thévoz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethik-­‐Konvention und der Zugriff der Forschung auf den Menschen / Guido Sprügel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethik und Menschenbild bei Juden und Christen : Bewährungsfeld Anthropologie / hrsg. Wolfgang Kraus. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethik und rassismus : neugeborene und Koma-­‐Patienten in der deustschen Euthanasie-­‐Debatte / Alexander Bogner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioethik und Systemtheorie / Christian Wevelsiep. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioéthique et droit / études rassemblés par Raphael Drai, Michèle Harichaux ; éd. Centre Universitaire de Recherches Administratives et Politiques de Picardie. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioética, biodireito e o código civil de 2002 / coord. Maria de Fátima Freire de Sá, Bruno Torquato de Oliveira Naves. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioética clínica / Diego Gracia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioetica con rasgos juridicos / Jan M. Broekman ; trad. Hans Lindhl. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioetica dalla parte dei deboli / Adriano Bompiani. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioetica, deontologia e diritto per un nuovo codice professionale del medico / a cura di Mauro Barni. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioética, derecho y sociedad / presentación y coord. María Casado. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioetica ed etica medica nell'Europa occidentale / A. Bompiani. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioética : estudios de filosofía del derecho / Francesco d'Agostino. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioetica in Italia : lineamenti e tendenze / Adriano Bompiani. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioetica : nella prospettiva della filosofia del diritto / Francesco d'Agostino. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioética : un diálogo plural : homenaje a Javier Gafo Fernández / ed. Jorge José Ferrer, Julio Luis Martínez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioética y derecho / Ramón Martín Mateo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bioética y experimentación con seres humanos / Ángel Pelayo González-­‐Torre. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biogenética, filiación y delito : la fecundación artificial y la experimentación genética ante el derecho / Miguel Ángel Soto Lamadrid ; pról. Eduardo A. Zannoni. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biological and social issues in biotechnology sharing / Krishna R. Dronamraju. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biomedical ethics : an anglo-­‐american dialogue / ed. Daniel Callahan, G. R. Dunstan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biomedical technology and human rights / Eugene B. Brody. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biomedicine, the family and human rights / ed. Marie-­‐Thérèse Meulders-­‐Klein, Ruth Deech, Paul Vlaardingerbroek. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biomedicine, the family and human rights / ed. Marie-­‐Thérèse Meulders-­‐Klein, Ruth Deech, Paul Vlaardingerbroek. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biomedizin im Zeitalter der Globalisierung und Medizinische Versorgung in Zeiten Knapper Kassen / Hrsg. Jochen Taupitz, Manuela Brewe. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biomedizin und Menschenrechte : Die Menschenrechtskonvention des Europarates zur Biomedizin : Dokumentation und Kommentare / Hrsg. Albin Eser. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La biotechnologie : ses defis aux églises et au monde : rapport de la section Eglise et Société du Conseil Oecumenique des Eglises. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biotechnologie und Recht / hrsg. Christian Kopetzki, Heinz Mayer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biotechnology and competitive advantage : Europe's firms and the US challenge / ed. Jacqueline Senker ; coord. Ronald van Vliet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biotechnology and the law / Iver P. Cooper. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biotechnology and the law / Iver P. Cooper. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Biotecnología y derecho perspectivas en derecho comparado / ed. Carlos María Romeo Casabona. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The birth of bioethics / Albert R. Jonsen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Blackstone's pharmacy law and practice / Kenneth Mullan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Blackstones statutes on contract, tort and restitution : 2001/2002 / ed. Francis D. Rose. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Boas práticas de farmácia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Body parts : property rights and the ownership of human biological materials / E. Richard Gold. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bon usage du médicament : responsabilité individuelle et collective / Colloque organisé à la Domus Medica, Paris, le 27 janvier 1999. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Book of proceedings / 14th World Congress on Medical Law. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Book of proceedings / 14th World Congress on Medical Law. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Bounded rationality : the adaptive toolbox / ed. G. Gigerenzer, R. Selten. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Brevet du vivant : protéger l'invention sans breveter le vivant / Jean-­‐Pierre Kraehenbuhl. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le brevet et ses exclusions : considérations techniques et choix de société / Marie-­‐Angèle Hermitte. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La brevetabilité du génome = the patentability of the genome. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La capacidad contractual del menor / Rocío López San Luis. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The case against the global economy : and for a turn toward the local / ed. Jerry Mander, Edward Goldsmith. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Case studies in forensic epidemiology / Sana Loue. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Casi e questioni di diritto privato / Mario Bessone. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Casi e questioni di diritto privato / Mario Bessone. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Causation and risk in the law of torts : scientific evidence and medicinal product liability / Richard Goldberg. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Centri di bioetica in Italia : orientamenti a confronto / Antonio Autiero... [et al.] ; a cura di Corrado Viafora. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La cessation de traitement : au carrefour du droit et de la médecine / Pauline Lesage-­‐Jarjoura. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Child care law for health professionals / Judith Hendrick ; with a foreword by Richard Williams. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Child sexual abuse : what can governments do? : a comparative investigation into policy instruments used in Belgium, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway / ed. Rekha Wazir, Nico van Oudenhoven. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Childbirth and the law / John Seymour. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Children, families, and health care decision making / Lainie Friedman Ross. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ciência e ética : da célula ao embrião : actas do 8º Seminário do CNECV. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Clinical trials in oncology : interdisciplinary statistics / Stephanie Green, Jacqueline Benedetti, John Crowley. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La clonación y selección de sexo : derecho genético? / Mercedes Alberruche Díaz-­‐ Flores. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Clonagem : aspectos jurídicos e bioéticos / Adriana Diaféria. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Clonagem humana / Henri Atlan... [et al.] ; trad. Sandro Patrício Gama Nóbrega. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Clonagem : o risco e o desafio / [pref.] Luís Archer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La clonazione di soggetti umani : uno studio bioetico per sperimentatori e animatori della società / Giovanni Russo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Cloning and the future of human embryo research / ed. Paul Lauritzen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Colectânea de legislação médica / [compil.] João Álvaro Dias. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Comentarios al código de etica y deontología médica / Gonzalo Herranz Rodríguez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Comissões de ética : das bases teóricas à actividade quotidiana / coord. Maria do Céu Patrão Neves. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Comissões de ética : II Seminário do Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Comissões de ética : II Seminário do Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les comités de la recherche biomédicale : exigences éthiques et réalités institutionnelles : Belgique, France, Canada et Québec / ed. Marie-­‐Luce Delfosse. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Companion encyclopedia of the history of medicine / ed. W. F. Bynum, Roy Porter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Companion encyclopedia of the history of medicine / ed. W. F. Bynum, Roy Porter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A companion to bioethics / ed. Helga Kuhse, Peter Singer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Comparative healthcare law / Peter de Cruz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Compatibilità carceraria, HIV/AIDS e malattia particolarmente grave : profili giuridici, riflessi sociologici, aspetti medico-­‐legali e criminologici / Angelo Demori, Davide Roncali, Mario Tavani ; pref. Antonio Fornari. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The complete guide to informed consent in clinical trials : answers to more than 100 practical questions by leading authorities in clinical research / ed. Terry Hartnett. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Conceiving the embryo : ethics, law and practice in human embryology / ed. Donald Evans, Neil Pickering. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The concept of moral consensus : the case of technological interventions in human reproduction / ed. Kurt Bayertz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El consejo genético y sus implicaciones jurídicas / Aitziber Emaldi Cirión. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida : documentação. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida : documentação. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida : documentação. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida : documentação. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida : documentação. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida : objectos, estrutura e funcionamento. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Il consenso informato : tra giustificazione per il medico e diritto paziente / a cura di Amedeo Santosuosso. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Consensus formation in healthcare ethics / ed. Henk A. M. J. Ten Have and Hans-­‐ Martin Sass. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Consentement aux soins : vers une réglementation? / François Lemaire, Suzanne Rameix, Jean-­‐Pierre Ghanassia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. O consentimento informado : actas do I Seminário promovido pelo Conselho Nacional de ètica para as Ciências da Vida 30 a 31 de Março de 1992. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. O consentimento informado na relação médico-­‐paciente : estudo de direito civil / André Gonçalo Dias Pereira ; orient. Guilherme Freire Falcão de Oliveira. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Consentimento para o acto médico / Amorim Rosa de Figueiredo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El consentimiento en la utilización de fármacos / ed. Manuel Amarilla, Cecilio Álamo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El consentimiento informado : historia, teoría y práctica / Pablo Simón. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El consentimiento informado : su valoración en la jurisprudencia : ley básica 41 /2002 y leyes autonómicas : formularios, legislación y jurisprudencia / José Guerrero Zaplana. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Consulenza medico-­‐legale e responsabilità medica : impegno etico-­‐scientifico in divenire / Mauro Barni ; contrib. V. Fineschi...[et al.] ; present. Federico Stella. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Contemporary issues in bioethics / ed. Tom L. Beauchamp, LeRoy Walters. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Contemporary issues in law, medicine and ethics / ed. Sheila A. M. Mclean. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Contenido y límites de la prestación de asistencia sanitaria : adaptado a la ley 16/2003, de 28 de mayo, de cohesión y calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud / Francisco Antonio González Díaz ; pról. Jesús M. Galiana Moreno. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The continuing demographic transition / ed. G.W. Jones...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The contractual reallocation of procreative resources and parental rights / William Joseph Wagner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Contrato de servicios médicos y contrato de servicios hospitalarios / Amelia Sánchez Gómez ; pról. Rodrigo Bercovitz Rodríguez-­‐Cano. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El contrato en derecho inglés : aspectos de derecho comparado / Enrico dell'Aquila ; pról. Juan Ramón Medina Cepero. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Il contrato nel diritto inglese / Giovanni Criscuoli. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les contrats pluriannuels d'objectifs et de moyens : de l'organisation décrétée à la planification concertée / Marc-­‐Olivier Cléry. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. De Conventie Mensenrechten en Biogeneeskunde van de Raad van Europa : Inhoud en Gevolgen voor Patieenten en Hulpverleners / ed. H. Nys. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Creation and abortion : a study in moral and legal philosophy / F. M. Kamm. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Une critique de la contrainte en psychiatrie / Rolf Himmelberger. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Cross-­‐cultural perspectives in medical ethics / ed. Robert M. Veatch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Cuestiones de bioética / Manuel Cuyás i Matas. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Cuestiones de bioética / Manuel Cuyás i Matas. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Culture giuridiche e diritti del nascituro / a cura di Antonio Tarantino. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Da pedagogia dos valores ao ensino da ética e da comunicação relacional : de uma reflexão a propósito da formação dos médicos dentistas em Portugal / Horácio J. da silva Lopes. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Da vida à morte / Associação dos Médicos Católicos Portugueses. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Dale and Appelbe's pharmacy law and ethics / Gordon E. Appellbe, Joy Wingfield. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Danno e responsabilità civile / Francesco D. Busnelli, Salvatore Patti. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The data protection directive and medical research across Europe / ed. D. Beyleveld...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Datenschutz und Datensicherung bei gesetzlichen Krankenkassen / Helmut Markgraf. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. De l'eugénisme d'État à l'eugénisme privé / ed. Jean-­‐Nol Missa, Charles Susanne. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. De l'euthanaise / Jean Dupuis ; préf. Pierre Chaunu. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Death, dying and the law / ed. Sheila A. M. McLean. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Death rites : law and ethics at the end of life / ed. Robert Lee, Derek Morgan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Zur Debatte über Euthanasie : Beiträge und Stellungnahmen / Hrsg. Rainer Hegselmann, Reinhard Merkel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Deciding together : bioethics and moral consensus / Jonathan D. Moreno. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Defending animal rights / Tom Regan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le défi bioéthique / dirigé par François Brisset-­‐Vigneau avec la participation de Béatrice Ajchenbaum-­‐Boffety. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La deficiencia mental : aspectos médicos, humanos, legales y éticos / ed. Javier Gafo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Del gen al derecho / Carlos María Romeo Casabona. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El delito de lesiones al feto : incidencia en el sistema de tutela penal de la vida y la salud / Eduardo Ramón Ribas. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Den bioetiske udfordring / Thomas Achen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Denkweisen über Leben und Tod und aktive Euthanasie in Japan / Kyoichi Ozaki. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La deontologie medicale / Jean-­‐Pierre Almeras, Henri Pequignot. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Arzt zwischen Aufklaerung und Beratung : Eine Untersuchung ueber aerztliche Hinweispflichten in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten / Christian Glatz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Arzt zwischen Aufklaerung und Beratung : Eine Untersuchung ueber aerztliche Hinweispflichten in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten / Christian Glatz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Derecho a la identidad personal / Carlos Fernández Sessarego. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Derecho a la salud y administracion sanitaria / Juan Peman Gavin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El derecho a la vida / C. I. Massini, P. Serna ; J. Finnis... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Derecho biomédico y bioética / coord. Carlos María Romeo Casabona. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El derecho civil ante el reto de la nueva genética / José Enrique Bustos Pueche. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Derecho de la sanidad y los medicamentos : seis estudios / Tomás de la Quadra Salcedo... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Derecho médico : tratado de derecho sanitario / Luis Martínez-­‐Calcerrada, Ricardo de Lourenzo y Montero. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Derecho médico : tratado de derecho sanitario / Luis Martínez-­‐Calcerrada, Ricardo de Lourenzo y Montero. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Derecho médico : tratado de derecho sanitario / Luis Martínez-­‐Calcerrada, Ricardo de Lourenzo y Montero. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El derecho y la bioetica ante los limites de la vida humana / Carlos María Romeo Casabona. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Los derechos de los pacientes / Alfredo Jorge Kraut ; pról. Atilio Aníbal Alterini. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Derechos humanos y sida / Oscar Raúl Puccinelli ; pról. Néstor P. Sagüés. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Développement et applications de la génomique : l'après-­‐génome. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le diagnostic anténatal : quels enjeux ? / sous la direction de Catherine Perrotin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Diagnostic prénatal, procréation médicalement assistée : Sciences de la vie et droits de l'homme : Des parlementaires à l'écoute : Colloques de Juin et Septembre 1989 au Sénat / avec la participation de Rhone Poulenc Sante. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Dictionnaire des principaux termes de référence : droit pharmaceutique de l'Union Européenne : medicaments à usage humain / Philippe Brunet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Dictionnaire permanent : bioéthique et biotechnologies. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Dictionnaire permanent : bioéthique et biotechnologies. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Dictionnaire raisonné des termes des entreprises du médicament / Ariel Beresniak , Catherine Maurain, Florence Taboulet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Dignity : ethics and law : bibliography. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Direito ambiental e biotecnologia : uma abordagem sobre os transgênicos sociais / Melissa Cachoni Rodrigues, Olivia Marcia Nagy Arantes. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Direito ambiental : legitimidade e atuação do Ministério Público / Luciana Ribeiro Lepri Moreira. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Direito da saúde : direito sanitário na perspectiva dos interesses difusos e colectivos / Julio Cesar de Sá da Rocha. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Direito da saúde e bioética / Oliveira Ascenção... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. O direito e a cooperação ibérica : 1º ciclo de conferências. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Direito médico e medicina legal : sociologia médica ? / Fernando Manuel Oliveira Sá. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Direito sanitário brasileiro / Cristiano Carvalho, Rafael Bicca Machado, Luciano Benetti Timm. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. I diritti dei malati / Paolo Mariotti, Gianlorenzo Masaraki, Renato Rizzi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. I diritti dell'uomo nell'ambito della medicina legale : Prima Sessione di Studio e Formazione sui Diritti dell'Uomo, Università degli Studi di Messina, 24-­‐29 marzo 1980 / organ. Centro Internazionale di Ricerche e Studi Sociologici Penali e Penitenziari ; collab. U.N.E.S.C.O. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Diritto alla salute e trattamenti sanitari nel sistema penale : profili problematici del diritto all'autodeterminazione / Elisabetta Palermo Fabris. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Diritto sanitario, deontologia generale e bioetica applicata / Paola Frati ; a cura di Marisa Cantarelli, Luigi Frati. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La distinction juridique entre les personnes et les choses : à l'épreuve des procréations artificielles / Roberto Andorno ; préf. François Chabas. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Distribución de recursos escasos y opciones sanitarias / Institut Borja de Bioètica. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Distribución de recursos escasos y opciones sanitarias / Institut Borja de Bioètica. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Il DNA nella società attuale : test genetici, disastri di massa, identificazione criminale : Atti del XX Congresso Nazionale dei Genetisti Italiani : Bologna, 9-­‐11 settembre 2004 / a cura di Alberto Cicognani, Susi Pelotti. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Doctors and ethics : the earlier historical setting of professional ethics / ed. Andrew Wear, Johanna Geyer-­‐Kordesch, Roger French. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Documentação / Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Documentação 9 : ano 2004 / Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Documentação 10 : ano 2005 / Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Documenti conoscitivi sulla riproduzione umana assistita, embriologia ed ingegneria genetica : Le relazioni delle Comissioni Santosuosso, Falaschi e Polli Istituite dal Ministero della Sanità / a cura di Filippo Luzi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Doing the decent thing with genes : proceedings from the International Turku Symposium on Genetic Ethics 9-­‐11 August 1995 / ed. Veikko Launis, Juhani Pietarinen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le dossier médical / Olivier Dupuy. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le droit à la santé du foetus au Canada / Marie-­‐Josée Bernardi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Droit communautaire et médicament : document de synthèse et d'analyse juridique des problèmes posés par différents aspects de la construction de l'Europe du médicament. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Droit de la santé publique / Jacques Moreau, Didier Truchet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Droit de la santé publique / Jacques Moreau, Didier Truchet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le droit de l'experimentation sur l'homme / Sophie Gromb ; préf. Jean Michaud. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le droit de mourir / Hans Jonas ; traduit de l'allemand par Philippe Ivernel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le droit du patient psychiatrique de consentir à un traitement : élaboration d'une norme internationale / Caroline Gendreau. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Droit infirmier / Gilles Devers ; préf. Simone Veil. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Droit international de la santé / Michel Bélanger. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Droit médical / Gérard Mémeteau. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les droits de la personne et les enjeux de la médecine moderne / textes présentés par Lucie Lamarche, Pierre Bosset. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Droits des malades : les répercussions de la loi du 4 mars 2002 dans le champ du droit hospitalier / Jean-­‐Marie Clément. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les droits et obligations du patient / Jean-­‐Marie Hubaux. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Du corps humain à la dignité de la personne humaine : genèse, débats et enjeux des lois d'éthique biomédicale / dir. Claire Ambroselli, Gérard Wormser. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Due consideration : controversy in the age of medical miracles / Arthur Caplan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. E-­‐commerce law in Europe and the USA / ed. Gerald Spindler, Fritjof Börner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. E-­‐commerce mit Arzneimitteln / Hilko J. Meyer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. E-­‐health and the law / D. Crolla... [et al.] ; ed. S. Callens. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Economia da saúde / Ariel Béresniak, Gérard Duru. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Educação e formação em bioética : actas do 9º Seminário do CNECV. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Egas Moniz em livre exame / org. Ana Leonor Pereira, João Rui Pita. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Egas Moniz em livre exame / org. Ana Leonor Pereira, João Rui Pita. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ein neues Menschenbild? : Gespräche über Hirnforschung / Wolf Singer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Eine ökonomische Betrachtung des zivilrechtlichen Haftungsproblems Entwicklungsrisiko : Über einen adäquaten Umgang mit innovationsinduzierten Unsicherheiten / Frank Kühn-­‐Gerhard. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Einfluß der europäischen Grundfreiheiten am Beispiel der Ärzte und Arzneimittel / Alexander P. Kröck. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Eingriffe in die menschliche Keimbahn : naturwissenschaftliche und medizinische Aspekte, Rechtliche und ethische Implikationen / hrsg. Wolfgang Bender... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Einwilligung und Einwilligungsfähigkeit / hrsg. Christian Kopetzki ; mit Beiträgen von Knut Amelung... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Einwirkungen der Grundrechte auf das Zivilrecht, Öffentliche Recht und Strafrecht / hrsg. Jürgen Wolter, Eibe Riedel, Jochen Taupitz ; Mit Beiträgen von Hans-­‐Wolfgang Arndt...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'embrione : una questione aperta : interviste sulla nuova biologia a Renato Dulbecco, Carlo Flamigni, Luigi Lombardi Vallauri, Giovanna Melandri, Stefano Rodotà, Ersilio Tonini / Giovanni Maria Pace. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'embrione uno di noi : riflessione etico-­‐giuridica / Gino Concetti. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Embryo experimentation : ethical, legal and social issues / ed. Peter Singer... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'embryon humain : approche multidisciplinaire : Actes du Colloque des 9 et 10 novembre 1995 / dir. Brigitte Feuillet-­‐Le Mintier ; préf. D'Axel Kahn ; Synthèse des travaux Gérard Cornu. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Embryonenschutz im Spannungsfeld internationaler Menschenrechte, staatlicher Grundreche und nationaler Regelungsmodelle zur Embryonenforschung / Holger Hassmann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Embryonenschutz im Spannungsfeld internationaler Menschenrechte, staatlicher Grundreche und nationaler Regelungsmodelle zur Embryonenforschung / Holger Hassmann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The emergence and growth of biotechnology : experiences in industrialised and developing countries / Rohini Acharya. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. En las fronteras de la vida : ciencia y ética de la clonación. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Entre el nacer y el morir / coord. Ascensión Cambrón ; colab. Manuel Atienza... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Entre nos mains l'embryon : recherche bioéthique / Jean-­‐Marie Thevoz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Entwicklung der Arzthaftung / Hrsg. A. Laufs... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Equitable patent protection in the developing world : issues and approaches / William H. Lesser. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Ersatz ideeller Schäden bei Körperverletzung / Ernst Karner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Especialización y profesión médica : la garantía constitucional de las profesiones tituladas y la especialización médica según la jurisprudencia / Miguel Herrero de Miñón, Juan Fernández del Vallado. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Essais cliniques : théorie, pratique et critique / Gilles Bouvenot, Muriel Vray. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Essential medical law / Brendan Greene. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Estudios de ética farmacéutica / José Luis Valverde, Pilar Arrebola Nacle. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Estudios de responsabilidad civil : en homenaje al profesor Roberto López Cabana / coord. Ricardo de Angel Yágüez, Mariano Yzquierdo Tolsada. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Estudos multidisciplinares sobre integração / org. Fábio Luiz Gomes ; pref. Manuel Porto. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Eternal Treblinka : our treatment of animals and the holocaust / Charles Patterson. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethical aspects of modern biotechnology : Proceedings from a conference 10-­‐11 November 1993 / ed. Matthias kaiser, Stellan Welin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethical choices : case studies for medical practice / ed. Lois Snyder. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics and biotechnology / ed. Anthony Dyson, John Harris. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics and law in biological research / ed. Cosimo Marco Mazzoni. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics and law in biological research / ed. Cosimo Marco Mazzoni. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics and law in health care and research / ed. by Peter Byrne. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics and law in health care and research / ed. by Peter Byrne. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics and law in modern medicine : hypothetical case studies / David M. Vukadinovich, Susan L. Krinsky. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics and mapping of the human genome / The Danish Council of Ethics. Fifth annual report / The Danish Council of Ethics. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics and mapping of the human genome / The Danish Council of Ethics. Fifth annual report / The Danish Council of Ethics. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics committees : opinions and legislation / José Henrique Neto. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The ethics of biomedical research : an international perspective / Baruch A. Brody. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics, reproduction and genetic control / ed. by Ruth F. Chadwick. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics, reproduction and genetic control / ed. Ruth F. Chadwick. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethics : the big questions / ed. James P. Sterba. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethik / Wolfgang Bender, Gertrude Deninger-­‐Polzer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethik der genetischen Frühdiagnostik : Sozialethische Reflexionen zur Verantwortung am Beginn des menschlichen Lebens / Hille Haker. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethik-­‐Kommissionen-­‐Vorrecht der Aerztekammern ? / Adolf Laufs, Emil Reiling. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethik und Medizin : 1947-­‐1997 : was leistet die Kodifizierung von Ethik? / hrsg. Ulrich Tröhler, Stella Reiter-­‐Theil ; unter Mitarbeit von Eckhard Herych. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethik und Medizin : 1947-­‐1997 : was leistet die Kodifizierung von Ethik? / hrsg. Ulrich Tröhler, Stella Reiter-­‐Theil ; unter Mitarbeit von Eckhard Herych. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethik und Recht an der Grenze zwischen Leben un Tod / hrsg. Erwin Bernat. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethik und Wissenschaft in Europa / Hrsg. Dietmar Mieth ; unter mitarbeit von Uta Knoerzer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethikkommission und klinische Prüfung : vom Prüfplan zum Prüfvertrag / Erwin Deutsch, Hans-­‐Dieter Lippert. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethique de la recherche et éthique clinique. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'éthique du vivant / dir. Denis Noble, Jean-­‐Didier Vincent ; colab. György Ádám... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethique et droit en Amérique du Nord face au developpement des sciences biologiques et médicales. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethique et droit en Amérique du Nord face au developpement des sciences biologiques et médicales. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ethique et fin de vie / coord. Thierry Marmet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Éthique, justice et santé : allocation des ressources en soins dans une population vieillissante / Pierre Boitte ; préf. Guy Durand. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ética da vida : concepções e debates : actas do III Seminário do Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida : 26 e 27 de Maio, 1995. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Etica da vida, vitalidade da ética / Fernando Pereira...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ética de los confines de la vida / Diego Gracia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Etica e allocazione delle risorse nella sanità / a cura di Elio Sgreccia, Antonio G. Spagnolo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ética em cuidados de saúde / coord. Daniel Serrão, Rui Nunes. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'etica nella ricerca biomedica / Mario Del Tacca. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Être parent, être beau-­‐parent : la recomposition de la famille / Sylvie Cadolle ; préf. Irène Théry. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A Europa do medicamento : ano 2000 : o futuro já começou / J. A. Aranda da Silva. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Europäisches Zulassungssystem für Arzneimittel und Parallelhandel / Susanne A. Wagner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The European patent system : the law and practice of the European Patent Convention / Gerald Paterson. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Eutanásia : as questões morais / Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum ; trad. Artur Lopes Cardoso. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Eutanásia : as questões morais / Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum ; trad. Artur Lopes Cardoso. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A eutanásia não é a resposta / David Cindiff. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Eutanasia y derecho penal / Ignacio Munägorri Laguía. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La eutanasia y el arte de morir / ed. Javier Gafo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Euthanasia and assisted suicide in the Netherlands and in Europe : methodology of the ethical debate : Proceedings of a European Conference, Maastricht, 10 and 11 June 1994 / European Commission. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Euthanasia and law in the Netherlands / John Griffiths, Alex Bood, Heleen Weyers. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Euthanasia and the Churches / ed. Robin Gill ; [colab.] Paul Badham...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Euthanasia examined : ethical, clinical and legal perspectives / ed. John Keown. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'évaluation du dommage corporel / Liliane Daligand ... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Evangelium vitae e bioetica : un approccio interdisciplinare / a cura di Elio Sgreccia, Dario Sacchini. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Experimentación humana en Europa : legislación y aspectos bioéticos / Javier Vega Gutiérrez, José María Vega Gutiérrez, Pelegrín Martínez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fabbricare bambini? : la questione dell'embrione tra nuova medicina e genetica / Mariella Lombardi Ricci. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Faces of degeneration : a European disorder, c. 1848 -­‐ c. 1918 / Daniel Pick. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fairness, Effizienz und Qualitaet in der Gesundheitsversorgung : Was kann der Risikostrukturausgleich dazu leisten? / Hrsg. Gesellschaft fuer Recht und Politik im Gesundheitswesen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. False hopes : why America's quest for perfect health is a recipe for failure / Daniel Callahan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La famille en Europe : parenté et perpétuation familiale / dir. Marianne Gullestad, Martine Segalen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Family life and family interests : a comparative study on the influence of the European Convention of Human Rights on Dutch family law and the influence of the United States Constitution on American family law / Gerda A. Kleijkamp. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Farmácia e medicamento : noções gerais / Joäo Rui Pita. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Farmácia hospitalar : boas práticas. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Farmacia y Union Europea / Susana Alba Romero. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Farmacovigilância em Portugal / coord. Vasco A. Maria ; ed. Luís Pinheiro... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Farmacovigilância em Portugal / coord. Vasco A. Maria ; ed. Luís Pinheiro... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La fecondazione artificiale : una nuova forma di riproduzione umana / Maurizio Mori. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fecondazione assistita e modalità di utilizzazione di embrioni e feti umani in Spagna : attività conoscitiva, legislazione / a cura di Filippo Luzi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fecondazione in vitro e tutela dell'embrione nella Germania Federale : attività conoscitiva, norme deontologiche, legislazione / Servizio Studi, Ufficio Richerche nel'Settore Sociale ; a cura di Filippo Luzi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fecondazione umana ed embriologia nel Regno Unito : dall rapporto Warnock alla legge 1º novembre 1990 / ed. Filippo Luzi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La fin de la vie : qui en décide? / colab. Emmanuel Desveaux... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les flux transfrontières de produits biologiques d'origine humaine : un aspect nouveau du droit du commerce international / Sylvia Morvan ; préf. Nol-­‐Jean Mazen, Jean-­‐Christophe Galloux. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Forensic science on trial : seventh report of session 2004-­‐05 / ordered by The House of Commons. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La formación y la crisis de los servicios sanitarios públicos / Santiago Muñoz Machado. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fortpflanzungsmedizin und Humangenetik-­‐ Strafrechtliche Schranken? : Tübingen Beiträge zum Diskussionsentwurf eines Gesetzes zum Schutz von Embryonen / hrsg. Hans-­‐Ludwig Guenther, Rolf Keller. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fortpflanzungsmedizin und Humangenetik-­‐ Strafrechtliche Schranken? : Tübingen Beiträge zum Diskussionsentwurf eines Gesetzes zum Schutz von Embryonen / hrsg. Hans-­‐Ludwig Guenther, Rolf Keller. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The foundations of bioethics / Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The foundations of bioethics / H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fragmentation and consensus : communitarian and casuist bioethics / Mark G. Kuczewski. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. From ethics to biolaw = De l'éthique au biodroit / ed. Jacob Rendtorff, Peter Kemp. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. From physico-­‐theology to bio-­‐technology : essays in the social and cultural history of biosciences : a festschrift for Mikulás Teich / ed. Kurt Bayertz, Roy Porter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le frontiere della vita : etica, bioetica e diritto / Giuseppe Dalla Torre. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fundamentación y enseñanza de la bioética / Diego Gracia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Fundamentos de bioética / Diego Gracia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Funktion und Dogmatik der Haftung aus Schutzgesetzverletzung : Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Deliktssystem des ABGB and zur Haftung fuer casus mixtus / Martin Karollus. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Furchtbare Ärzte : Medizinische Verbrechen im Dritten Reich / Till Bastian. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The future of DNA : proceedings of an international Ifgene conference on presuppositions in science and expectations in society held at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, 2nd-­‐5th October 1996 / ed. J. Wirz, E. T. Lammerts van Bueren. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The future of human reproduction : ethics, choice, and regulation / ed. John Harris, Soren Holm. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les gardiens du corps : dix ans de magistère bioéthique / Dominique Memmi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Gedanken-­‐, Gewissens-­‐ und Religionsfreiheit nach Art. 9 der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention / Nikolaus Blum. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Gefaehrlichkeit unbekannter Gefahren : Rekombinante Pflanzen im Freiland? / Christophe Rehmann-­‐Sutter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. General report on the activities of the European group on ethics in science and new technologies to the European Commission : 1998-­‐2000. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genes and morality : new essays / ed. Veikko Launis, Juhani Pietarinen, Juha Raikkae. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetic engineering law = Gentechnikgesetz -­‐ GenTG / transl. and ed. Horst Hasskarl. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetic ethics : do the ends justify the genes? / ed. John F. Kilner, Rebecca D. Pentz, Frank E. Young. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetic information and crime investigation : social, ethical and public policy aspects of the establishment, expansion and police use of the National DNA database / Robin Williams, Paul Johnson, Paul Martin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetic monitoring and screening in the workplace. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetic secrets : protecting privacy and confidentiality in the genetic era / ed. Mark A. Rothstein. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetic testing and the use of information / ed. Clarisa Long. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetic testing for Alzheimer disease : ethical and clinical issues / ed. Stephen G. Post, Peter J. Whitehouse. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetic testing in the workplace : proceedings of the round table debate held at the Borchette Center, Brussels : 6 March 2000. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetic witness : forensic uses of DNA tests / Congress of the United States Office of Technology Assessment. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genética e pessoa humana / Centro de Estudos de Bio-­‐Ética. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genética humana : a hora do legislador / coord. Jorge Moreira da Silva ; pref. José Manuel Durão Barroso. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genética humana : fundamentos para el estudio de los efectos sociales derivados de los avances en genética humana / ed. Carlos Mª Romeo Casabona. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genética y derecho penal : previsiones en el código penal español de 1995 / ed. Carlos María Romeo Casabona. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genetics, ethics and human values : human genome mapping, genetic screening and gene therapy : Proceedings of the XXIV CIOMS Conference, Tokyo and Inuyama City, Japan, 22-­‐27 July 1990 / ed. Z. Bankowski, A.M. Capron. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Génétique et médecine : de la prédiction à la prévention / Comité Consultatif National d'Éthique pour les Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La génétique humaine et le souci des générations futiures / Alex Mauron. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le génie du foetus : vie prénatale et origine de l'homme / Jean-­‐Marie Delassus. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genmedizin und Recht / hrsg. Stefan F. Winter, Hermann Fenger, Hans-­‐Ludwig Schreiber. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genomanalyse und gentherapie : Die verfassungsrechtliche Zulaessigkeit der Verwendung und Erforschung gentherapeutischer Verfahren am noch nicht erzeugten und ungeborenen menschlichen Leben / Silke Vollmer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genomanalyse und gentherapie : Die verfassungsrechtliche Zulaessigkeit der Verwendung und Erforschung gentherapeutischer Verfahren am noch nicht erzeugten und ungeborenen menschlichen Leben / Silke Vollmer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genomanalyse und gentherapie : Die verfassungsrechtliche Zulaessigkeit der Verwendung und Erforschung gentherapeutischer Verfahren am noch nicht erzeugten und ungeborenen menschlichen Leben / Silke Vollmer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genomananalyse : Ihre biochemischen, medizinischen, juristischen und politischen Aspekte / hrsg. Rolf Ellermann, Uwe Opolka. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genome analysis : legal rules-­‐practical application : Reports of the Workshops 11th-­‐14th June 1992 under the auspicies of the Comission of the European Communities / Centro de Direito Biomédico. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genome analysis : legal rules-­‐practical application : Reports of the Workshops 11th-­‐14th June 1992 under the auspicies of the Comission of the European Communities / Centro de Direito Biomédico. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genome analysis : legal rules-­‐practical application : Reports of the Workshops 11th-­‐14th June 1992 under the auspicies of the Comission of the European Communities / Centro de Direito Biomédico. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genome analysis : legal rules-­‐practical application : Reports of the Workshops 11th-­‐14th June 1992 under the auspicies of the Comission of the European Communities / Centro de Direito Biomédico. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Genomprojekt und Moderne : Soziologische Analysen des biothischen Diskurses / Andreas Lösch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Gentechnologie in der Medizin / Alberto Bondolfi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Germ-­‐line intervention and our responsibilities to future generations / ed. Emmanuel Agius, Salvino Busuttil ; collab. Tae-­‐Chang Kim, Katsuhiko Yazaki. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Gerontología y derecho : aspectos jurídicos y personas mayores / coord. Antonio Martínez Maroto ; pról. José Manuel Ribera Casado ; introd. Héctor Maravall Gómez-­‐Allende. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Grandes temas da atualidade : bioética e biodireito / Adriana Cristine Arent...[et al.] ; coord. Eduardo de Oliveira Leite. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Grenzen ärztlicher Behandlungspflicht bei schwerstgeschädigten Neugeborenen : 1. Einbecker Workshop der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Medizinrecht 27.-­‐29. Juni 1986 / hrsg. von H.-­‐D. Hiersche, G. Hirsch, T. Graf-­‐Baumann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Grenzen der Verfügbarkeit : die Technik, das Subjekt und das Lebendige / Elisabeth List. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Grenzfragen der ärztlichen Behandlung / hrsg. Wolfgang Mazal ; Mit Beitr. Walter Weissauer, Wolfgang Mazal, Wolfgang Brandstetter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Grenzfragen der ärztlichen Behandlung / hrsg. Wolfgang Mazal ; Mit Beitr. Walter Weissauer, Wolfgang Mazal, Wolfgang Brandstetter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The growth of medical knowledge / ed. Henk A. M. J. Ten Have, Gerrit K. Kimsma, Stuart F. Spicker. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Grundkurs Ethik in der Medizin / Beitraege von Dietrich von Engelhardt...[et al.] ; hrsg. Andreas Frewer, Rolf Winau. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Das Grundrecht auf bioethische Selbstbestimmung / Martin Koppernock. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Guida alla valutazione medico-­‐legale del danno biologico e dell'invalidità permanente : responsabilità civile, infortunistica del lavoro e infortunistica privata / Raineri Luvoni, Franco Mangili, Lodovico Bernardi ; pref. C. Mario Cattabeni. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Haftung für neues Leben im deutschen und englischen Recht : eine Dartellung am Beispiel der unerwuenschten Geburt eines gesunden Kindes / Sabine Hauberichs. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Handbuch des österreichischen Arztrechts : Arzt, Recht, Ethik / Kurt Stellamor, Johannes Wolfgang Steiner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Handbuch des österreichischen Arztrechts : Arzt, Recht, Ethik / Kurt Stellamor, Johannes Wolfgang Steiner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Health as liberation : medicine, theology, and the quest for justice / Alastair V. Campbell. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Health care law / Jonathan Montgomery. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Herausforderung : Klonen / Hrsg. Martin Kleer, Caspar Söling. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El hilo de la vida : de los genes a la ingeniería genética / Susan Aldridge ; ed. Gustavo Barja ; trad. Mª Teresa Clará de Cárdenas. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Hirntod und organtransplantation : Medizinische, juristische und ethische Fragen / Fuat Oduncu. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. História da medicina / Jean-­‐Charles Sournia ; [trad.] Jorge Domingues Nogueira. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A history and theory of informed consent / Ruth R. Faden, Tom L. Beauchamp ; collab. Nancy M. P. King. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The history of public health and the modern state / ed. Dorothy Porter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. HIV/AIDS no mundo do trabalho : as ações e a legislação brasileira / Maria Cristina Pimenta... [et al.] ; org. Maria Beatriz Cunha. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. HIV and AIDS : testing, screening, and confidentiality / Rebecca Bennett, Charles A. Erin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. HIV and AIDS : testing, screening, and confidentiality / Rebecca Bennett, Charles A. Erin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Hombres a la carta : los dilemas de la bioética / Javier Sábada, José Luis Velázquez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Homicidio consentido, eutanasia y derecho a morir con dignidad : problemática jurídica a la luz del código penal de 1995 / Miguel Angel Núñez Paz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'homme contaminé : la tourmente du sida / dirigée par Claude Thiaudière, avec la participation de Béatrice Ajchenbaum-­‐Boffety. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'homme de la bioéthique : entretiens avec Yves de Gentil-­‐Baichis / Olivier de Dinechin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Human dignity and animal well-­‐being : a Kantian contribution to biomedical ethics / Mats G. Hansson. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The human embryo : Aristotle and the Arabic and European traditions / G. R. Dunstan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Human experimentation and research / ed. George F. Tomossy, David N. Weisstub. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Human genetic information : Science, Law and Ethics / [Symposium on Human Genetic Information : Science, Law and Ethics held in collaboration with the Akademische Kommission der Universität Bern at the Haus der Universität, 20-­‐22 June 1989]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Human genetics : problems and approaches / F. Vogel, A. G. Motulsky. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Human genome research and society : proceedings of the second International Seminar in Fukui, 20-­‐21 March, 1992 / ed. Norio Fujiki, Darryl R. J. Macer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Human rights and biomedicine / George P. Smith. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Human rights and public health in the AIDS pandemic / Lawrence O. Gostin, Zita Lazzarini. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Human rights in private law / ed. Daniel Friedmann, Daphne Barak-­‐Erez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Humangenetische Diagnostik : wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und gesellschaftliche Konsequenzen / Claus R. Bartram... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ideal and reality : applying ethics in theory and practice / ed. Margareta Hallberg. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ideale,Überzeugungen Einstellungen und ihr Verhältnis zum Recht / Guido Calabresi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Identità e statuto dell'embrione umano / J. Carrasco de Paula... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. If I were a rich man could I buy a pancreas? : and other essays on the ethics of health care / Arthur L. Caplan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Implementation of the data protection directive in relation to medical research in Europe / ed. D. Beyleveld...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La imprudencia médica / Esther Hava García. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La imputación de los resultados producidos a largo plazo : especial referencia a la problemática del SIDA / Maria Carmen Gómez Rivero. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Indikationen zur praenatalen Diagnostik / Ruth Baumann-­‐Hoelzle, Christian Kind. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Industrial design law / Christine Fellner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les infections nosocomiales / Didier Stingre, Xavier Verdeil. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The influence of Edmund D. Pellegrino's Philosophy of Medicine / ed. David C. Thomasma. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Informed consent in medical research / ed. Len Doyal, Jeffrey S. Tobias. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Informed consent : patient autonomy and clinician beneficence within health care / Stephen Wear. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Informed consent to surgery : everything you wanted to know about your operation but were afraid to ask / Simon Marinker. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'ingegneria genetica nella Germania Federale : raccomandazione del Bundstag, legge, regolamenti / a cura di Filippo Luzi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ingenieria genetica y reproduccion asistida / ed. Marino Barbero Santos ; Angel Martin-­‐Municio Aguado...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Institut Borja de Bioètica : memória 1997. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Intention and causation in medical non-­‐killing : the impact of criminal law concepts on euthanasia and assisted suicide / Glenys Williams. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Internamientos civiles y derechos fundamentales de los usuarios de centros sanitarios, sociales y sociosanitarios / Manuel Aznar López. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Das internationale Privatrecht der Arzneimittelhaftung / Ina Wiedemann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. L'interruption de grossesse depuis la loi veil : bilan et perspectives / Paul Cesbron. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La intimidad y el secreto médico / Carmen Sánchez Carazo ; pról. Diego Gracia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Introduccion a la bioetica : siete ensayos / Diego Gracia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Irish medical law / David Tomkin, Patrick Hanafin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. IVF and justice : moral, social and legal issues related to human in vitro fertilisation / Teresa Iglesias. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Japanese and western bioethics : studies in moral diversity / ed. Kasumasa Hoshino. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Jornadas sobre los derechos de los pacientes : 1990 / Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Instituto Nacional de la Salud. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Justice and the human genome project / ed. Timothy F. Murphy, Marc A. Lappé. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Kommentar zum Arzneimittelgesetz : AMG / hrsg. Erwin Deutsch, Hans-­‐Dieter Lippert ; Unter Mitarbeit von Rudolf Ratzel, Kerstin Anker. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die kommerzielle Nutzung menschlicher Körpersubstanzen : Rechtliche Grundlagen und Grenzen / Rolf Müller. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Kommissionskontrolle in Reproduktionsmedizin und Gentechnologie / Michael Schröder. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Körperverletzungstatbestand im Spannungsfeld zwischen Patientenautonomie und Lex artis / Brigitte Tag. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Krankenhaushaftung und Organisationsverschulden : Zivilrechtliche Grundlagen der Haftung des Krankenhausträgers für medizinische und organisatorische Fehlleistungen / Frank Pflüger. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Last rights? : assisted suicide and euthanasia debated / ed. Michael M. Uhlmann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Law and economics / ed. Richard A. Posner, Francesco Parisi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Law and economics / ed. Richard A. Posner, Francesco Parisi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Law and economics / ed. Richard A. Posner, Francesco Parisi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Law and medical ethics / J. K. Mason, R. A. McCall Smith, G. T. Laurie. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The law on homelessness / Alastrair Hudson. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Law reform and Human reproduction / ed. Sheila A. M. McLean. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le secret professionnel à l'hôpital et l'information du malade / François Ponchon. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lebensschutz und Gewissensentscheidung : Zur Diskussion ueber den § 218 / Michaela Glöckler... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lebensverlaengerung aus medizinischer, ethischer und rechtlicher Sicht : Deutsche Sektion der Internationalen Juristen-­‐Kommission / Mit. Beitr. Paul Fritsche...[et al.] ; [vorw.] Ernst Gottfried Mahrenholz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Legal and ethical aspects of organ transplantation / David Price. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Legal aspects of health care administrations / George D. Pozgar. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A legal framework for bioethics / ed. Cosimo Marco Mazzoni. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Legal issues in human reproduction / ed. Sheila McLean. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Legal issues in obstetrics / Vivienne Harpwood. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The legal rights of citizens with mental retardation / ed. Lawrence A. Kane Jr., Phyllis Brown, Julius S. Cohen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La legge sull'interruzione della gravidanza : commentario sistematico alla legge 22 maggio 1978 n. 194 / Mario Zanchetti. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Legislação farmacêutica compilada / Ministério da Saúde. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Legislação farmacêutica compilada / Ministério da Saúde. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Legislative responses to organ transplantation / ed. World Health Organization. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La legislazione estera in materia di trapianti di organo : documentazioni per le commissioni parlamentari / [a cura di] Dipartimento Socio-­‐Culturale della Camera dei Deputati. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Leis, decretos, etc. Farmácias e medicamentos : colectânea de legislaçäo de saúde / Carlos Alberto Fernandes Cadilha, Mário Manuel de Jesus Pinho da Silva, Francisco José de Sá Lopes. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Leis, decretos, etc. Colectânea de legislaçäo de saúde / Carlos Alberto Fernandes Cadilha, Mário Manuel de Jesus Pinho da Silva, Francisco José de Sá Lopes. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Leis, decretos, etc. Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch / Einfüh. Helmut Köhler. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Leis, decretos, etc. Direito sanitário e saúde pública. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Leis, decretos, etc. Direito sanitário e saúde pública. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des Rechts : Methodik, Gentechnologie, Internationales Verwaltungsrecht / hrsg. Rudolf Mellinghoff, Hans-­‐Heinrich Trute. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lexikon der bioethik / hrsg. Wilhelm Korff...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lexikon der bioethik / hrsg. Wilhelm Korff...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lexikon der bioethik / hrsg. Wilhelm Korff...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lexikon Medizin, Recht / hrsg. Albin Eser, Markus von Lutterotti, Paul Sporken. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lezioni di bioetica / G. Berlinguer... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Liber Amicorum Pierre Widmer / ed. Helmut Koziol, Jaap Spier ; with contributions by Roland Brehm... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le licenciement des personnels non médicaux / Isabelle Filippi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Life before birth : the moral and legal status of embryos and fetuses / Bonnie Steinbock. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Life choices : a Hastings Center : introduction to bioethics / ed. Joseph H. Howell, William F. Sale ; foreword by Daniel Callahan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lifelines : Die Genetische Dimension : Text zum Film, eine Produktion der Pontes Film / von Norbert Paul Engel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Los límites del derecho / Paloma Durán y Laguna. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The limits of expanding liability : eight fundamental cases in a comparative perspective / ed. J. Spier. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The limits of liability : keeping the floodgates Shut / C. von Bar... [et al.] ; ed. J. Spier. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lineamenti di etica della sperimentazione clinica : fondamenti storici, epistemologici, metolologici ed etico-­‐normativi della sperimentazione clinica / a cura di Antonio G. Spagnolo, Elio Sgreccia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Lista de publicações periódicas existentes em bibliotecas e serviços de documentação da área de saúde em Portugal / GTIS -­‐ Grupo de Trabalho para a Informação em Saúde. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Making babies : is there a right to have children? / Mary Warnock. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Making informed medical decisions : where to look and how to use what you find / Nancy Oster, Lucy Thomas, Darol Joseff. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Malades mentaux et incapables majeurs : emergence d'un nouveau statut civil / dir. Guy Benoit, Isabelle Brandon, Jean Gillardin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Man and biotechnology : report of the ethics committee : Royal Norwegian Ministry of health and social affairs : 1991. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Man-­‐made Man : ethical and legal issues in genetics / ed. Peter Doherty, Agneta Sutton. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Manual de derecho informático / Miguel Ángel Davara Rodríguez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Manual de ética y legislación en enfermería / ed. Luis Miguel Pastor García, Francisco Javier León Correa. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Manual del farmacéutico para evitar demandas judiciales : el nuevo modelo de farmacia del siglo XXI : la atención farmacéutica, la história farmacoterapéutica : responsabilidad civil del farmacéutico por mala praxis : repertorio de legislación para jueces, abogados, professores y farmacéuticos / Fernando Gutiérrez Casas, Blanca Marzo Martínez, María Gema Aguilar Burgos ; pról. Tomás García Hernández. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Manual juridico de la profesion medica / coord. Alberto Palomar Olmeda ; estudio preliminar de Luciano Parejo Alfonso ; [colab.] Miguel Casino Rubio... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Manual práctico de la prueba pericial médica : examen de antecedentes, extremos de proposición, práctica y valoración en la jurisdicción penal, civil, contencioso, laboral / María Francisca Martínez Martínez, Manuel García-­‐Blázquez Pérez, Manuel García Blázquez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Mapping the code : the human genome project and the choices of modern science / Joel Davis. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Mason & McCall Smith's law and medical ethics / Kenyon Mason, G.T. Laurie ; with a chapter by M. Aziz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Materialien zur Sterbehilfe : Eine internationale Dokumentation / hrsg. Albin Eser, Hans-­‐Georg Koch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Médecine et contrainte : ethique, droit / Eric Fuchs, Marco Borghi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Médecine et contrainte : pédiatrie, psychiatrie, gériatrie / Emile Gautier, Edouard de Perrot, Hélène Kleiber. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Médecine et éthique : le devoir d'humanité / Emmanuel Hirsch ; préf. Louis René ; avant-­‐propos de Paul Milliez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La médécine et le droit / Herman Nys ; trad. Jean-­‐Marie Timmermans. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La médecine scandale / Patrick Coquidé. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medical confidentiality and crime / Sabine Michalowski. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medical ethics / Alastair Campbell, Grant Gillett, Gareth Jones. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medical law / Jonathan Herring. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medical law / Ian Kennedy, Andrew Grubb. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medical law & ethics / Shaun D. Pattinson. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medical monitoring and screening in the workplace : results of a survey. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medical negligence / Michael J. Powers, Nigel H. Harris ; ed. Andrew Lockhart-­‐ Mirams. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le médicament en droit public : sur le paradigme juridique de l'apothicaire / Emmanuel Cadeau ; préf. Jean-­‐Claude Hélin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le médicament : notion juridique / Éric Fouassier. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medicamentos : riscos e benefícios / J. A. Aranda da Silva. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medicine and the law / ed. Bernard M. Dickens. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medicine, law and social change : the impact of bioethics, feminism and rights movements on medical decision-­‐making / Leanna Darvall. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The medicines for human use : marketing authorisations etc. : regulations 1994. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medicines, medical devices and the law / ed. John O'Grady... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Il medico nell'età della tecnica / Karl Jaspers ; introd. Umberto Galimberti ; trad. Mauro Nobile. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medizinische Ethik im ärztlichen Alltag / Hrsg. Alberto Bondolfi, Hansjakob Müller. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medizinische Forschung an Kindern : Rechtliche, ethische und rechtsvergleichende aspekte der Arzneimittelforschung an Kindern / Dorothea Magnus. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der medizinische Standard im Arzthaftungsprozess / Wolfram Velten. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medizinische Zwangsbehandlung : Rechtsgrundlagen und verfassungsrechtliche Grezen der Heilbehandlung gegen den Willen des Betroffenen / Jochen Heide. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medizinrecht : Arztrecht, Arzneimittelrecht und Medizinprodukterecht / Erwin Deutsch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Medizinstrafrecht / Hrsg. Claus Roxin, Ulrich Schroth ; in Verbindung mit Christoph Knauer, Harald Niedermair ; Mit Beitr. Johannes Brose...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Mensch als Datenträger? : zur Verfassungsrechtlichen Bewertung postnataler genetischer Untersuchungen / Ingo Meyer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Das Menschenrechtsübereinkommen zur Biomedizin des Europarates : taugliches Vorbild für eine weltweit geltende Regelung? = The Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine of the Council of Europe : a suitable model for world-­‐wide regulation? / hrsg. Jochen Taupitz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Menschenwürde als Verfassungsbegriff : Aspekte der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zu Art. 1 Abs. 1 Grundgesetz / Tatjana Geddert-­‐ Steinacher. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Menschenwürde und Biomedizin : zum philosophischen Diskurs der Bioethik / Kathrin Braun. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Menschenwürde und medizinethische konfliktfälle / Hrsg. Nikolaus Knöpffler, Anja Haniel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Mental health law in context : doctors' orders? / Michael Cavadino. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Mental illness : prejudice, discrimination and the law / Tom Campbell, Chris Heginbotham. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Metodi naturali per la regolazione della fertilità : l'alternativa autentica = The natural methods for the regulation of fertility : the authentic alternativ : Atti del Convegno organizzato dal Pontificio Consiglio per la Famiglia, Roma, 9-­‐ 11 dicembre 1992 / a cura di Alfonso López Trujillo, Elio Sgreccia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Modelli di medicina : crisi e attualità dell'idea di professione / a cura di P. Cattorini, R. Mordacci ; M. Barni... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Möglichkeiten, Gefahren und rechtliche Schranken befruchtungstechnischer und gentchnischer Eingriffe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Entwurts eines Embryonenschutzgesetzes / Siegfried Trotnow, Dagmar Coester-­‐Waltjen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The moral roots of prenatal diagnosis : ethical aspects of the early : introduction and presentation of prenatal diagnosis in Sweden / ed. Christian Munthe. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Moral status : obligations to persons and other living things / Mary Anne Warren. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The moral status of persons : perspectives on bioethics / ed. Gerhold K. Becker. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The morality of the fallen man : Samuel Pufendorf on natural law / Kari Saastamoinen. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Morir con dignidad : dilemas éticos en el final de la vida : actas de la Jornada organizada por la Fundación de Ciencias de la Salud y celebrada el 25 de octubre de 1995 / trad. Antonio González Bueno. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La mort opportune : les droits des vivants sur la fin de leur vie / Jacques Pohier. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Motivationsloesung : neue Wege im Recht der Organtransplantation / Hermann Christoph Kühn. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nacer y morir con dignidad : Bioética / Domingo M. Basso. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. O nascimento da medicina preditiva / Jacques Ruffié ; [trad.] Fernanda Oliveira. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nascita e morte dell'uomo : problemi filosofici e scientifici della bioetica / F. Abel... [et al.] ; a cura di Salvino Biolo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The National DNA database : annual report 03/04. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nature et descendance : Hans Jonas et le principe responsabilité / Bernard Baertschi... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Negligence : the comparative legal history of the law of torts / ed. Eltjo J. H. Schrage. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nem sempre o silêncio é de ouro : o caso da SIDA / Luisa Veiga... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The new dictionary of medical ethics / ed. Kenneth M. Boyd, Roger Higgs, Anthony J. Pinching. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. New medications : the debate over approval and access / Debbie Stanley. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die nicht-­‐therapeutische Abtreibung vor dem Grundgesetz / Martin Kriele. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Nidation als Zäsur im Rechtsschutz menschlichen Lebens / Ilka Sönnecken. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le norme e i limiti per la ricerca della paternità : contributo allo studio dell'art. 30, quarto comma, della Costituzione / Elisabetta Lamarque. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les normes internationales de la bioéthique / Noëlle Lenoir, Bertrand Mathieu. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nouveaux défis des soins palliatifs : philosophie palliative et médecines complémentaires / Chantal Couvreur ; préf. Renée Sebag-­‐Lanoe. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nouvelle encyclopédie de bioéthique : médecine : environnement : biotechnologie / dir. Gilbert Hottois, Jean-­‐Nol Missa ; collab. Marie-­‐Geneviève Pinsart, Pascal Chabot. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La nueva protección penal de la integridad corporal y la salud / Alfonso Guallart de Viala. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Las nuevas formas de reproducción humana : estudio desdela perspectiva del derecho civil español / Jaime Vidal Martínez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nuova genetica ed embriopoiesi umana : prospettive della scienza e riflessioni etiche / Angelo Serra, Elio Sgreccia, Maria Luisa Di Pietro. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nuova genetica : uomo e società : atti del simposio Il gene: una scoperta per la scienza, l'uomo e la società : Roma 4-­‐5 dicembre 1984 nel centenario della morte di Gregor Mendel / a cura di Angelo Serra, Giovanni Neri. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nuovi diritti dell'età tecnologica : atti del convegno tenuto a Roma presso la libera Università internazionale degli studi sociali, 5 e 6 maggio 1989 / a cura di Francesco Riccobono. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Il nuovo codice di deontologia medica / Gianfranco Iadecola. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Nursing malpractice : liability and risk management / Charles C. Sharpe. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Objeción de conciencia a los tratamientos médicos : la cuestión de la patria potestad / Juan Carlos Armenteros Chaparro. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Octrooirecht, ethiek en biotechnologie = Patent law, ethics and biotechnology = Droit des brevets, éthique et biotechnologie / ed. Geertrui Van Overwalle. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The older person : consent and care : report of the British Medical Association and the Royal College of nursing. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. O olhar e o ver / Vasco Pinto de Magalhães. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. On solidarity in changing health care systems : Europe in search of a new balance / Winfried J. de Gooijer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Les opérations d'investissement des établissements de santé et médico-­‐sociaux publics / dir. Dominique Mathis. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La ordenación de las profesiones sanitarias : ponencias del V Congreso "Derecho y Salud", organizado por la Asociación juristas de la Salud. Lanzarote, octubre de 1996. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ordenación farmacéutica : regulación estatal y autonómica / Miriam Cueto Pérez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Organtransplantation in der Schweiz : das Recht am Scheideweg zwischen Leben und Tod / Jean-­‐François Dumoulin ; uebers. Thierry Steiert. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Organtransplantationen : Medizinische und rechtliche Aspekte der Verwendung menschlicher Organe zu Heilzwecken / hrsg. W. Brandstetter, Ch. Kopetzki. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ownership of the human body : philosophical considerations on the use of the human body and its parts in healthcare / ed. Henk A.M.J. Ten Have, Jos V.M. Welie ; collab. Stuart F. Spicker. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Patente de genes humanos e a tutela dos interesses difusos : o direito ao progresso econômico, científico e tecnológico / Adriana Diaféria. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Patentes de biotecnologia : breves considerações sobre a patenteabilidade de matéria biológica / J. P. Remédio Marques. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Patentgesetz, Biotechnologie und Dritte Welt / Miges Baumann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Patenting of biological entities : proceedings of the ITEST workshop october, 1996. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Patenting software under the European patent convention / Keith Beresford. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Patienten-­‐Testament und Stellvertretung in Gesundheitsangelegenheiten : Alternativen zur Verwirklichung der Selbstbestimmung im Vorfeld des Todes / Bettina Eisenbart. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Patients, faites respecter vos droits! / Sylvie Dibos-­‐Lacroux, Emmanuelle Vallas -­‐Lenerz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A patient's right to know : information disclosure, the doctor and the law / Sheila A.M. McLean. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Personal autonomy, the private sphere and the criminal law : a comparative study / ed. Peter Alldridge, Chrisje Brants. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Persönlichkeitsschutz : Handbuch für die Praxis / Gerold Zeiler. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Perspectives on intellectual property / ed. Adrian Sterling. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Petite encyclopédie critique du médicament / Claude Beraud. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Pharmaceutical medicine, biotechnology and European law / ed. Richard Goldberg, Julian Lonbay. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A philosophical disease : bioethics, culture and identity / Carl Elliott. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La píldora del día siguiente : aspectos farmacológicos, éticos y jurídicos / José López Guzmán, Ángela Aparisi Miralles. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Plantas transgénicas : de la ciencia al derecho / coord. Enrique Iañez... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Playing god? : human genetic engineering and the rationalization of public bioethical debate / John H. Evans. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The police national DNA database : balancing crime detection, human rights and privacy / report. Kristina Staley. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Politically correct death : answering the arguments for abortion rights / Francis J. Beckwith. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Postmortaler Persoenlichkeitsschutz : Andenkensschutz der Hinterbliebenen / Esther Knellwolf. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Practical exercises in pharmacy law and ethics / Gordon E. Appelbe, Joy Wingfield, Lindsay M. Taylor. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Practical reasoning in bioethics / James F. Childress. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Prädiktive genetische Testverfahren : Naturwissenschaftliche, rechtliche und ethische Aspekte / Peter Propping...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Praenatale Diagnostik und selektive Abtreibung / Klaus Peter Rippe. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Präimplantationsdiagnostik aus rechtlicher Sicht / Susanne Sioe San Djie. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Präimplantationsdiagnostik : Embryonenselektion, weibliche Autonomie und Recht / Regine Kollek. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Prenatal testing and disability rights / ed. Erik Parens, Adrienne Ash. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Preparing and winning medical negligence cases / Stanley E. Preiser, Cyril H. Wecht, Monty L. Preiser. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Preparing and winning medical negligence cases / Cyril H. Wecht, Stanley E. Preiser, Monty L. Preiser. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Preparing and winning medical negligence cases / Cyril H. Wecht, Stanley E. Preiser, Monty L. Preiser. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La prescription médicale / Geneviève Rebecq ; avant-­‐propos Daniel Berra ; préf. Louis Dubouis. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Preventing prenatal harm : should the State intervene ? / Deborah Mathieu. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Prevention and compensation of treatment injury : a roadmap for reform / Rui Miguel Prista Patrício Cascão. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Primer coloquio de estudiantes de derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú / ed. Alejandro Gamero Salas, Melisa Guevara Paredes, Gustavo Zambrano Chávez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Principais inovações no código civil de 2002 : breves comentários / Carlos Roberto Gonçalves. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Principi costituzionali e assistenza sanitaria / Carlo Bottari ; pref. Antonio La Pergola. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Princípios de economia da saúde / Manuela Frederico. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Principles of biomedical ethics / Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Principles of European tort law : text and commentary. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Das Prinzip des Common heritage of mankind als Ausdruck des Staatengemeinschaftsinteresses im Voelkerrecht / Werner Stocker. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Privacidade no local de trabalho : o tratamento de dados em centrais do e-­‐mail e do acesso à internet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Privacidade no local de trabalho : o tratamento de dados em centrais do e-­‐mail e do acesso à internet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Private choices and public health : the AIDS epidemic in an economic perspective / Tomas J. Philipson, Richard A. Posner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The problem of herbal medicines legal status / ed. J. L. Valverde. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A problemática das invenções envolvendo genes humanos e sua relação com os interesses difusos no âmbito da propriedade industrial : o direito ao progresso econômico, científico e tecnológico / Adriana Diaféria. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Problems in hospital / Robert D. Miller. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Procreación humana asistida : aspectos técnicos, éticos y legales / ed. Javier Gafo ; José María Guerra Flecha... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Procréation médicalement assistée : diagnostic prénatal / Ministère de la Solidarité, de la Santé et de la Protection Sociale. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La procreazione artificiale : genoma della persona e attribuzione della paternità / Leonardo Lenti. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Procreazione assistita e ricerca embrionale in Svezia : documenti e istruzioni ministeriali-­‐legislazione / a cura di Filippo Luzi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Profesión médica, investigación y justicia sanitaria / Diego Gracia. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Prométhée, Faust, Frankenstein : fondaments imaginaires de l'éthique / Dominique Lecourt. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Promoting safe and effective genetic testing in the United States : final report of the task force on genetic testing / ed. Neil A. Holtzman, Michael S. Watson. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La propriété intellectuelle dans le domaine du vivant : colloque international : 26-­‐27 janvier 1995 = Intellectual property in the realm of living forms and materials / organisé par l'Académie des Sciences et la Fondation Singer-­‐ Polignac. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La protección al concebido en el código civil / Esther Arroyo i Amayuelas ; pról. Carlos J. Maluquer de Motes. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La protección jurídica de los datos genéticos de carácter personal / Pilar Nicolás Jiménez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Protecting the vulnerable : autonomy and consent in health care / ed. Margaret Brazier and Mary Lobjoit. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La protection européenne des droits de l'homme dans le domaine de la biomédecine / Rose-­‐Marie Lozano ; [pref.] Louis Dubouis. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El proyecto genoma humano : algunas reflexiones sobre sus relaciones con el derecho / Angela Aparisi Miralles. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La prueba de la responsabilidad civil médico-­‐sanitaria : culpa y causalidad / Álvaro Luna Yerga ; pról. Pablo Salvador Coderch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Pruebas biologicas y filiacion / Adriana Krasnow de Pitasny ; colab. Marta Bravo Luna, Edita Solis de Landi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Psychisch Kranke im Recht : ein Wegweiser / Karl-­‐Ernst Brill. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Quale vita? : la bioetica in questione / a cura di Angelo Scola. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Qué significa ser persona? / Urbano Ferrer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Questioni di vita o di morte / Braidotti... [et al.] ; a cura di Annamaria Guadagni. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le radici della bioetica : atti del congresso Internazionale, Roma, 15-­‐17 febbraio 1996 / a cura di Elio Sgreccia, Vincenza Mele, Gonzalo Miranda. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le radici della bioetica : atti del congresso Internazionale, Roma, 15-­‐17 febbraio 1996 / a cura di Elio Sgreccia, Vincenza Mele, Gonzalo Miranda. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Rationierung in der Altersmedizin? : zur Verteilungsgerechtigkeit in einer alternden Gesellschaft / Gernot Zitter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Reading Engelhardt : essays on the thought of H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. / ed. Brendan P. Minogue, Gabriel Palmer-­‐Fernández, James E. Reagan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Reasonable care : legal perspectives on the doctor-­‐patient relationship / Harvey Teff. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Recenti sviluppi in materia di bioetica : in margine al progetto di convenzione sulla bioetica del consiglio d'Europa / a cura di Lina Panella, Claudio Zanghì. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Das Recht des vertrags(zahn)ärztlichen Schiedswesens / Wolfgang Schmiedl. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Recht für Ärtze und Medizinstudenten / Johann Missliwetz, Alfred Ellinger. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Rechtliche Aspekte der Organtransplantion : unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Strafrechts / Rolf Schoening. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die rechtliche Berücksichtigung des Menschen vor der Zeugung : eine Untersuchung zum deutschen, französischen und englischen Zivilrecht / Karl-­‐Joseph Hermanns-­‐ Engel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Rechtliche Fragen der Organtransplantation : 3.Einbecker Workshop der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Medizinrecht 25./26. Juni 1988 / hrsg. H.-­‐D. Hiersche, G. Hirsch, T. Graf-­‐Baumann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Rechtsfragen der Telemedizin / hrsg. Christian Dierks, Hubertus Feussner, Albrecht Wienke. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Rechtsfragen der Transplantationsmedizin in Europa : Organtransplantation zwischen rechtlicher Bindung und gesellschaftlichem Konsens / hrsg. Heinz Barta, Karl Weber. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Rechtsprobleme des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs bei Anenzephalen / Susanne Gescher. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Reckoning with the beast : animals, pain, and humanity in the Victorian Mind / James Turner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Recomendações para uma reforma estrutural / coord. Daniel Serrão... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Recomendações para uma reforma estrutural / coord. Daniel Serrão... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Recommandations adoptées par le Comité des Ministres et l'Assemblée Parlementaire du Conseil de L'Europe sur les problèmes de bioéthique. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Recueil des cours : collected courses of The Hague Academy of International Law : 2000. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Recursos genéticos, biotecnología y derecho internacional : la distribución justa y equitativa de beneficios en el convenio sobre biodiversidad / José Roberto Pérez Salom ; pról. Romualdo Bermejo García, Consuelo Ramón Chornet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Referate der oeffentlichen Veranstaltung vom 6. Mai 1994 in Köln / Bernward Buechner, Rupert Hofmann, Ingolf Schmid-­‐Tannwald ; Hrsg. Juristen-­‐Vereinigung Lebensrecht e.V. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Reflexions sobre ecologia i ètica / Rafael Domínguez Remy. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Reflexions sobre ecologia i ètica / Rafael Domínguez Remy. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Regard éthique : le génome humain / coord. Jean-­‐François Mattei. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Regulation reproduction / Robert H. Blank. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. As relações de família / Vera Slepoj ; trad. Clara Rowland. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Relatório anual : 2004 : a situação do país em matéria de drogas e toxicodependências. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Relatório anual : 2004 : a situação do país em matéria de drogas e toxicodependências. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Relatório da Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados : 2001/2002 / Comissão Nacional da Protecção de Dados ; introd. Luís Lingnau da Silveira. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Relatório de execução do Plano Nacional de Luta Contra a SIDA : 2003/2004. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Religioni e bioetica : un confronto sugli inizi della vita / a cura di Lorenzo Biagi, Renzo Pegoraro. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Religioni e bioetica : un confronto sugli inizi della vita / a cura di Lorenzo Biagi, Renzo Pegoraro. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Reproducción asistida, filosofía ética y filosofía jurídica / Rafael Junquera de Estéfani. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Reproducción humana asistida : derecho, conciencia y libertad / C. Yolanda García Ruiz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Reproducción humana asistida y responsabilidad médica : consideraciones legales y éticas sobre casos prácticos / Fernando Abellán ; dir. Javier Sánchez-­‐Caro. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Reproductive medicine and embryological research : a European handbook of bioethical legislation / ed. C. Mackellar. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Research ethics in practice : the animal ethics committees in Sweden 1979-­‐1989 / Birgitta Forsman. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Respect du patrimoine généthique et respect de la personne / Anne Fagot-­‐ Largeault. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilidad civil de los auditores : extensión, limitación, prescripción / Fernando Pantaleón. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilidad civil del médico / Luis González Morán. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Responsabilidad civil por medicamento : defectos de fabricación, de diseño y en las advertencias o instrucciones / Sonia Ramos González ; pról. Pablo Salvador Coderch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilidad civil y penal del anestesista / José Manuel Martínez-­‐Pereda Rodríguez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilidad de medicos y sanitarios / Manuel Gutiérrez Luna. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Responsabilidad médica y psiquiatría / Juan José Carrasco Gómez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilidad penal del médico y del sanitario / José Manuel Matínez-­‐Pereda Rodríguez ; pról. Enrique Bacigalupo Zapater. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Responsabilidad por prestaciones odontológicas / Celia Weingarten ; [colab.]Guillermo Rossi, Susana Saciloto, Paola Francescut. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilidad profesional sanitaria / M. Gómez Jara. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Responsabilidade civil do cirurgião plástico / Vergínio Augusto Terra Martini. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Responsabilidade civil do cirurgião plástico / Vergínio Augusto Terra Martini. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A responsabilidade dos médicos / J. A. Esperança Pina. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Responsabilidade médica civil, criminal e ética : legislação positiva aplicável / Jurandir Sebastião. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilità della vita : introduzione alla bioetica / Elena Soetje. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilità penale e civile del medico / Mauro Bilancetti. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilité civile du médecin : colloque 19-­‐20 juin 1992 / organisé par le Laboratoire d'Epistémologie Juridique, Faculté de Médecine de Marseille, Conseil Départemental des Bouches-­‐du-­‐Phône de l'Ordre National des Médecins ; [éd.] Université de Droit d'Économie et des Sciences d'Aix-­‐Marseille. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilité du médecin / Jean Penneau. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilité du vétérinaire / ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Alain Grépinet ; préf. R. Florio. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilité médicale / André Demichel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilité médicale : analyse des données statistiques disponibles et des arrêts rendus par la Cour de cassation et le Conseil d'État de 1984 à 1992 / Dominique Thouvenin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilité médicale : donnés actuelles / D. Malicier... [et al.] ; préf. A. Oriol. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilité médicale et les problèmes médico-­‐legaux en gynecologie et reproduction / Jean-­‐Henri Soutoul, Fabrice Pierre. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilité médicale et les problèmes médico-­‐legaux en gynecologie et reproduction / Jean-­‐Henri Soutoul, Fabrice Pierre. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La responsabilité médicale : un exposé pour comprendre : un essai pour réfléchir / Guy Nicolas. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Responsabilités professionnelles et déontologie : les limites éthiques de l'efficacité / dir. Gilbert Vincent. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El resultado desproporcionado en medicina : problemática jurídica, teoría y práctica / Aurelia María Romero Coloma. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The right to die? : Rechtliche Probleme um Sterben und Tod : Suizid, Sterbehilfe, Patientenverfuegung, health care proxy, Hospiz im internationalen Vergleich / Mark-­‐Oliver Baumgarten. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The right to die with dignity : the living will, the power of attorney for health care, and the health care surrogate act / Robert S. Hunter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Rights and responsibilities of doctors. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The rights of patients in Europe : a comparative study / H. J. J. Leenen, J. K. M. Gevers, G. Pinet. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Riproduzione a rischio : aspetti psicologici, sanitari e bioetici in famiglie con disordini genetici / a cura di Nila Saviolo Negrin, Mario Cusinato ; contributi di Corrado Angelini... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Riproduzione umana assistita ed embriologia : progettazione legislativa, circolari, ministeriali, istituzione del comitato Nazionale di Bioetica, cenni bibliografici / a cura di Filippo Luzi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Riproduzione umana assistita, embriologia e terapia genetica : Dibattito e legislazione in Australia e negli Stati Uniti / a cura di Filippo Luzi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Risarcimento del danno alla persona e alternative istituzionali : studio di diritto comparato / Giovanni Comandé. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Riscos imorais : experiências governamentais secretas em seres humanos / Jonathan Moreno. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Risiko Aufklärung : Schmerzensgeld trotz Behandlungserfolg -­‐ Wohin führt die Rechtsprechung? / Schriftleitung Thomas Ratajczak, Christoph-­‐M. Stegers ; Mit Beiträgen von K.-­‐O. Bergmann... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le risque médicamenteux nosocomial : circuit hospitalier du médicament et qualité des soins / Étienne Schmitt. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Salud, profesiones sanitarias y constitución española / Pablo Acosta Gallo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sanctity of life and human dignity / ed. Kurt Bayertz. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le sang et le droit : essai sur la transfusion sanguine / Marie-­‐Angèle Hermitte. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sangre contaminada, responsabilidad civil y ayudas públicas : respuestas jurídicas al contagio transfusional del sida y de la hepatitis / Joan C. Seuba Torreblanca. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La santé face aux droits de l'homme, à l'éthique et aux morales. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Scarce medical resources and justice / colab. Fiorenzo Angelini...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Schadenersatzrecht / Friedrich Harrer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Schranken der Forschungsfreiheit bei der Forschung an menschlichen Embryonen / Monica Koechlin Büttiker. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Schuldrecht : Allgemeiner Teil / Silvia Dullinger. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Schutz des Lebens durch das Grundgesetz : Erweiterte Fassung eines Vortrags gehalten vor der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin am 26. Juni 1991 / Udo Steiner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Schutz des Lebens im Strafrecht / Joerg Laber. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Der Schwangerschaftsabbruch aus zivilrechtlicher Sicht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsstellung des nasciturus / Astrid Bernard. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Scientific responsability and public control : Proceedings from a workshop 10-­‐11 August 1992 / ed. Stellan Welin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le secret médical / André Demichel. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Secular bioethics in theological perspective / ed. Earl E. Shelp. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La sécurité incendie dans un établissement de santé : organisation, prévention et responsabilités / Valériane Dujardin ; collab. Gilles Derick. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Seeding solutions. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. O segredo médico no direito português vigente / Luís Vasconcelos Abreu. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Segurança e rotulagem de alimentos geneticamente modificados : SERAGEM : uma abordagem do direito econômico / Roberta Jardim de Morais. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Seguridad y salud en el trabajo y responsabilidad contractual del empresario / Manuel González Labrada. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Séminaire d'actualité de droit médical : le secret professionnel : aspects légaux et déontologiques : comparaison avec l'étranger / coord. Anne-­‐Marie Duguet ; collab. Isabelle Filippi. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Set no limits : a rebuttal to Daniel Callahan's proposal to limit health care for the elderly / ed. Robert L. Barry, Gerard V. Bradley ; prol. Nat Hentoff. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Setting limits : medical goalds in an aging society / Daniel Callahan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. SIDA = AIDS / interv. António Meliço-­‐Silvestre. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. SIDA -­‐ AIDS : recortes de imprensa : Setembro 2004 a Fevereiro 2005. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. SIDA : le secret médical menacé / Denis Mueller, Jean-­‐François Balavoine. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Le sida un défi aux droits : actes du colloque organisé à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles les 10, 11 et 12 mai 1990 / coordinateur Michel Vincineau ; assisté de Pierre Klein, Philippe Mary, Caroline Petiaux. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sistema de responsabilidad médica / José Manuel Fernández Hierro. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sistema de responsabilidad médica / José Manuel Fernández Hiero. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sistema de responsabilidad médica / José Manuel Fernández Hierro. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sobre el injusto del suicidio y del homicidio a petición : estudio sobre la relación entre juridicidad y eticidad / Günther Jakobs ; trad. Manuel Cancio Meliá, Marcelo A. Sancinetti. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The social consequences of genetic testing : Proceedings of a Conference held in Leidschendam on 16-­‐17 June 1988 / ed. H. Rigter...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Social Darwinism in European and American thought, 1860-­‐1945 : nature as model and nature as threat / Mike Hawkins. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sourcebook on medical law / Marc Stauch... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Speaking for the dead : cadavers in biology and medicine / D. Gareth Jones. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Stammzellenforschung und therapeutisches klonen : Mit 19 Abbildungen und 9 Tabellen / hrsg. Fuat S. Oduncu, Ulrich Schroth, Wilhelm Vossenkuhl. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Statut et responsabilité disciplinaire du fonctionnaire hospitalier / Annie Fredon, Arsène Hu-­‐Yen-­‐Tack. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sterbehilfe im saekularen Staat / Norbert Hoerster. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Sterilisation geistig Behinderter : 2. Einbecker Workshop der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Medizinrecht, 20.-­‐21. Juni 1987 / hrsg. von H.-­‐D. Hiersche, G. Hirsch, T. Graf-­‐Baumann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sterilisation geistig behinderter Erwachsener / Birgit Hoffmann. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Sterilisation und Schwangerschaftsabbruch / hrsg. Albin Eser, Hans A. Hirsch ; unter Mitarbeit von Hans-­‐Georg Koch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The sterilization of Carrie Buck / J. David Smith, K. Ray Nelson. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Storia, filosofia ed etica generale della medicina / Luciana Rita Angeletti, Valentina Gazzaniga ; a cura di Marisa Cantarelli, Luigi Frati. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Strange bedfellows : how medical jurisprudence has influenced medical ethics and medical practice / Ben A. Rich. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Il suicidio : follia o delirio di libertà? : [Relazioni del Convegno tenuto a Milano, 16-­‐17 maggio 1987]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Talking about health : a philosophical dialogue / Lennart Nordenfelt. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Tecnología y derecho / José A. Gómez Segade. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Terapia genica / Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Terrell on the law of patents. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Testamento biologico e direttive anticipate : le disposizion in previsione dell'incapacità / Lucilla Iapichino ; pref. Emanuele Calò. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Therapieverweigerung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen / 6. Einbecker Workshop der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Medizinrecht in Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Kinderheilkunde, 24-­‐26 Maerz 1995 ; hrsg. Ch. Dierks...[et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Transgénicos y derecho : la nueva regulación de los organismos modificados genéticamente / Oriol Mir Puigpelat. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Transplantation : ethical, medical and legal aspects : summary. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Transplantation ethics / Robert M. Veatch. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Transplantation : Geschichte, Medizin, Ethik der Organverpflanzung / Thomas Schlich. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Transplantion : par delà le mythe du don / Carlo Foppa. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. I trapianti e la sperimentazione umana nel diritto italiano e straniero / Ferrando Mantovani. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El traspaso de oficinas de farmacia / José Luis Navarro Pérez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Los trasplantes de órganos : informe y documentación para la reforma de la legislación española sobre trasplantes de órganos / Carlos M. Romeo Casabona ; pról. José Cerezo Mir. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Trasplantes de organos : problemas tecnicos, eticos y legales / ed. Javier Gafo ; [colab.] Diego Gracia Guillén... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. El tratamiento jurídico de la eutanasia : una perspectiva comparada / coord. José Luis Díez Ripollés, Juan Muñoz Sánchez. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Tratamientos médicos : su responsabilidad penal y civil / Pilar Gómez Pavón. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Trattato di bioetica / a cura di Francesco Bellino ; introd. A. Bausola. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The treatment of ethics in a Swedish government commission on gene technology / Birgitta Forsman, Stellan Welin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Ueberlegungen zur aktuellen : Euthanasie-­‐Diskussion / Markus Zimmermann-­‐Acklin. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Umgekehrte Diskriminierung : Quotenregelungen zur Frauenfoerderung im oeffentlichen Dienst und in den politischen Parteien / Ulrich Maidowski. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Unification of tort law : causation / ed. J. Spier. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Unification of tort law : damages / F. D. Busnelli... [et al.] ; ed. U. Magnus. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Unification of tort law : strict liability / ed. B. A. Koch, H. Koziol. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Unification of tort law : wrongfulness / ed. H. Koziol. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Unverfügbarkeit des Lebens? : Grundfragen der Bioethik und der medizinischen Ethik / Ulrich H. J. Körtner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Utilitarismus in der Bioethik : seine Voraussetzungen und Folgen am Beispiel der Anschauungen von Peter Singer / Hrsg. Wojciech Boloz, Gerhard Höver. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Utilização de embriões humanos em investigação científica. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Valoración de los daños corporales : el sistema de la ley 30/95 / dir. Mariano Medina Crespo. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Valoración médico legal del daño a la persona por responsabilidad civil / Mª Teresa Criado del Río. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. The value of life / John Harris. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Vermittlung Medizinischer Ethik : Theorie und Praxis in Europa / hrsg. Stella Reiter-­‐Theil ; unter Mitarb. Gabriela Christ. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Vers de nouvelles maladies / colab. Rony Brauman... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Vers un anti-­‐destin? : patrimoine génétique et droits de l'humanité / dir. François Gros, Gérad Huber. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Versammlungsfreiheit im amerikanischen und deutschen Verfassungsrecht / Christoph Ehrentraut. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Vertragliche und deliktische Haftung in ihrem Zusammenspiel : dargestllt am problem der "weiterfressenden Mängel" / Christian Katzenmeier. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. La vie en questions : pour une éthique biomédicale / Jean François Mattei ; rapporteur de la mission Mireille Gauzère. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Vírus, sida e sociedade humana / Francisco Corra Guedes. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Voluntary euthanasia and the common law / Margaret Otlowski. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Vom Stammbaum zur Stammzelle : Reproduktionsmedizin, Pränataldiagnostik und menschlicher Rohstoff / Hrsg. Elmar Brähler, Yve Stöbel-­‐Richter, Ulrike Hauffe. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Waffen-­‐Gleichheit : das Recht in der Arzthaftung / Hrsg. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rechtsanwälte im Medizinrecht ; Schriftleitung Thomas Ratajczak, Christoph M. Stegers. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. What price mental health? : the ethics and politics of setting priorities / ed. Philip J. Boyle, Daniel Callahan. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. What price parenthood ? : ethics and assisted reproduction / ed. Courtney S. Campbell. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. When science offers salvation : patient advocacy and research ethics / Rebecca Dresser. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Who lives ? Who dies ? / John F. Kilner. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Who should we treat? : law, patients and resources in the NHS / Christopher Newdick. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Who's afraid of human cloning? / Gregory E. Pence. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Wonderwoman e superman : manipolazione genetica e futuro dell'uomo / John Harris ; pref. Maurizio Mori ; trad. Rodolfo Rini. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. A world growing old : the coming health care challenges / ed. Daniel Callahan, Ruud H.J. ter Meulen, Eva Topinková. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Worse than the disease : pitfalls of medical progress / Diana B. Dutton ; Thomas A. Preston, Nancy E. Pfund. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Wuerde des Lebens : Fragen der medizinischen Ethik / Hans Rotter. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. XLI Conferências de genética : auditório da Biblioteca Almeida Garrett, Porto 3 e 4 de Fevereiro, 2005 : programa e resumos / org. Instituto de Genética Médica Jacinto de Magalhães. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Yearbook of European Medical Law : 2005 / [colab.] Miroslaw Nesterowicz... [et al.]. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Zulassung und Praxisverkauf : Ist das GSG partiell verfassungswidrig? / Schriftleitung Thomas Ratajczak, Gabriela Schwarz-­‐Schilling. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Zur neueren Euthanasiedebatte in der Niederlanden / Theo Beemer. CREATED = 05-­‐03-­‐09. Die Zweiheit in Einheit von Mutter und ungeborenem Kind : Grundsatzfragen zur Unteilbarkeit des Lebensschutzes im Schwangerschaftskonflikt / Curt Creutz. CREATED = 11-­‐03-­‐09. Law and ethics in rationing access to care in a high-­‐cost global economy / ed. Wendy K. Mariner, Paula Lobato de Faria ; [org.] Fundação Luso-­‐Americana. CREATED = 12-­‐03-­‐09. Défis du droit à la protection de la vie privée = Challenges of privacy and data protection law / on contribué à cet ouvrage Rosa Barcelo... [et al.] ; sous la coordination de Marie Verónica, Pablo Palazzi. CREATED = 25-­‐03-­‐09. Medical law : text, cases, and materials / Emily Jackson. CREATED = 13-­‐04-­‐09. The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights : background, principles and application / ed. Henk A.M.J. ten Have, Michele S. Jean. CREATED = 23-­‐04-­‐09. Data protection : a pratical guide to UK and EU law / Peter Carey ; [forew.] Richard Thomas. CREATED = 23-­‐04-­‐09. Off-­‐label use : Arzneimittel-­‐ und strafrechtliche Aspekte am Beispiel der Kinderheilkunde / Michael Weber. CREATED = 04-­‐06-­‐09. Leis, decretos, etc. Direito do medicamento / [coment.] Paulo Pinheiro, Miguel Gorjão-­‐Henriques. CREATED = 15-­‐07-­‐09. Régimen jurídico-­‐privado de la reproducción asistida en España : el proceso legal de reformas / coord. Ana Díaz Martínez. CREATED = 15-­‐07-­‐09. Régimen jurídico-­‐privado de la reproducción asistida en España : el proceso legal de reformas / coord. Ana Díaz Martínez. CREATED = 24-­‐07-­‐09. CHIMBRIDS -­‐ Chimeras and Hybrids in Comparative European and International Research : Scientific, ethical, philosophical and legal aspects / ed. Jochen Taupitz, Marion Weschka. CREATED = 24-­‐07-­‐09. A organização das políticas de asilo e imigração em Portugal / . CREATED = 16-­‐10-­‐09. Bioethics searchers guides : using databases of the National Library of Medicine and National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature. CREATED = 27-­‐10-­‐09. Manual de bioética : fundamentos e ética biomédica / Elio Sgreccia ; trad. Mário Matos ; rev. cientif. João Carlos Loureiro, Roque Cabral. CREATED = 27-­‐10-­‐09. Procréation médicalement assistée et anonymat, panorama international / dir. Brigitte Feuillet-­‐Liger. CREATED = 03-­‐12-­‐09. European tort law 2008 / ed. Helmut Koziol, Barbara C. Steininger ; contrib. Christian Alunaru... [et al.]. CREATED = 03-­‐12-­‐09. Généticisation et responsabilités / dir. Christian Hervé... [et al.] ; contrib. Bernard Andrieu... [et al.]. CREATED = 03-­‐12-­‐09. Les grandes décisions du droit médical / dir. François Vialla. CREATED = 03-­‐12-­‐09. Lexique de droit médical et hospitalier / Gaston Vogel, Emmanuelle Rudloff. CREATED = 03-­‐12-­‐09. Patentes farmacêuticas e acesso a medicamentos / Patrícia Luciane de Carvalho ; pref. Flávia Piovesan ; apresent. Maristela Basso. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐09. Dependência do percurso e inovação em políticas e práticas de saúde : da ideologia ao desempenho : lições para o futuro da avaliação de três hospitais do Serviço Nacional de Saúde / Jorge Manuel Trigo de Almeida Simões. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐09. Dependência do percurso e inovação em políticas e práticas de saúde : da ideologia ao desempenho : lições para o futuro da avaliação de três hospitais do Serviço Nacional de Saúde / Jorge Manuel Trigo de Almeida Simões. CREATED = 20-­‐01-­‐10. Manual de direito constitucional / Jorge Miranda. CREATED = 26-­‐01-­‐10. O segredo médico como garantia de não-­‐discriminação : estudo de caso : HIV/SIDA / Maria do Céu Rueff ; pref. João Lobo Antunes. CREATED = 03-­‐02-­‐10. Tratado de direito administrativo especial / coord. Paulo Otero, Pedro Gonçalves. CREATED = 17-­‐02-­‐10. Bioequity : property and the human body / Nils Hoppe. CREATED = 23-­‐02-­‐10. Cuidados paliativos : comunicações do Simposium de Enfermagem "Cuidados Paliativos" Porto, Auditório da Exponor, 29 e 30 de Setembro 2000 / Chantal Neves... [et al.]. CREATED = 25-­‐02-­‐10. Cross Border Treatment : die Arzthaftung wird europäisch / mit beiträgen von K. Fischer... [et al.] ; Hrsg. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rechtsanwälte im Medizinrecht e. V. CREATED = 15-­‐03-­‐10. Responsabilidade civil por danos causados por medicamentos defeituosos / Diana Montenegro da Silveira. CREATED = 18-­‐03-­‐10. Direito médico / Eduardo Dantas. CREATED = 29-­‐03-­‐10. Grundrechtsverzicht und humangenetik : Der Verzicht auf Grundrechte, insbesondere im Rahmen der Einwilligung in die Anwendung neuerer, humangenetischer Diagnose-­‐ und Therapieformen / Marina Dorothee Eppelt. CREATED = 29-­‐03-­‐10. The human embryonic stem cell debate : science, ethics, and public policy / ed. Suzanne Holland, Karen Lebacqz, Laurie Zoloth. CREATED = 30-­‐03-­‐10. Bioética y ley en reproducción humana asistida : manual de casos clínicos / Fernando Abellán, Javier Sánchez-­‐Caro. CREATED = 30-­‐03-­‐10. Derecho y medicina : cuestiones jurídicas para profesionales de la salud / dir. Pilar Rivas Vallejo, María D. García Valverde ; pról. José Luis Monereo Pérez. CREATED = 07-­‐04-­‐10. Humaniora : Medizin, Recht, Geschichte : Festschrift für Adolf Laufs zum 70. Geburtstag / Hrsg. Bernd-­‐Rüdiger Kern... [et al.]. CREATED = 09-­‐04-­‐10. A infecção VIH e o direito / IX HIV-­‐AIDS Virtual Congress. CREATED = 31-­‐05-­‐10. A sustentabilidade financeira do Serviço Nacional de Saúde / coord. Jorge Simões , Pedro Pita Barros, João Pereira. CREATED = 13-­‐07-­‐10. I Jornadas [da] Comissão de Ética para a Investigação Clínica : livro de documentação : Auditório do Infarmed, I.P., 21 e 22 de Janeiro de 2010. CREATED = 22-­‐10-­‐10. Alguns aspectos do regime de licenciamento de unidades privadas de serviços de saúde em Portugal / Licínio Lopes Martins. CREATED = 28-­‐10-­‐10. Comentários ao código de ética médica : resolução CFM nº 1.931, de 17 de Setembro de 2009 / Eduardo Dantas, Marcos Vinicius Coltri. CREATED = 28-­‐10-­‐10. Direito civil : famílias / Renata Barbosa de Almeida, Walsir Edson Rodrigues Júnior. CREATED = 03-­‐11-­‐10. Biolaw and bioethics in Spain : facing new challenges of science / dir. Daniel García San José. CREATED = 16-­‐12-­‐10. Registo de incidentes e eventos adversos : implicações jurídicas da implementação em Portugal : erro em medicina / Paula Bruno ; [pref. André Gonçalo Dias Pereira]. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐10. Genetic suspects : global governance of forensic DNA profiling and databasing / edited by Richard Hindmarsh, Barbara Prainsack. CREATED = 06-­‐06-­‐11. Leis, decretos, etc. Direito farmacêutico : anotado / Abel Mesquita. CREATED = 14-­‐06-­‐11. A responsabilidade penal do cirurgião plástico e a conduta do paciente / Fernanda Gonçalves Galhego Martins. CREATED = 27-­‐06-­‐11. Punitive damages : common law and civil law perspectives / ed. Helmut Koziol, Vanessa Wilcox ; with contributions by Bjarte Askeland... [et al.]. CREATED = 14-­‐07-­‐11. Aggregation and divisibility of damage / ed. Ken Oliphant ; with contributions by Ewa Baginska... [et al.]. CREATED = 08-­‐08-­‐11. Das nemo tenetur-­‐Prinzip : Grenze körperlicher Untersuchungen beim Beschuldigten : am Beispiel des § 81a StPO / Urte Eisenhardt. CREATED = 09-­‐08-­‐11. O atuar do cirurgião-­‐dentista : direitos e obrigações / André Luis Nigre. CREATED = 09-­‐08-­‐11. O atuar médico : direitos e obrigações / André Nigre. CREATED = 08-­‐11-­‐11. Le manipolazioni genetiche e il diritto della chiesa / Andrea Zanotti, con prefazione di Alberto De La Hera. CREATED = 23-­‐11-­‐11. Manuel de droit médical : à l'usage du médicin praticien et de l'étudiant en médecine / Robert Saury ; préf. Raymond Villey. CREATED = 25-­‐11-­‐11. La responsabilidad penal por medicamentos defectuosos / Silvia Mendoza Calderón. CREATED = 13-­‐02-­‐12. Economic loss caused by genetically modified organisms : liability and redress for the adventitious presence of GMOs in non-­‐GM crops / ed. Bernhard A. Koch ; with contributions by Bjarte Askeland... [et al.]. CREATED = 28-­‐02-­‐12. Droit éthique et religion : de l'âge théologique à l'âge bioéthique / [dir] Brigitte Feuillet-­‐Liger, Philippe Portier ; préf. Raymond Boudon. CREATED = 28-­‐02-­‐12. Relação médico-­‐paciente : o respeito à autonomia do paciente e a responsabilidade civil do médico pelo dever de informar / Paula Moura Francesconi de Lemos Pereira. CREATED = 28-­‐02-­‐12. Testamento vital / Rui Nunes, Helena Pereira de Melo. CREATED = 31-­‐07-­‐12. Control informático, videovigilancia y protección de datos en el trabajo / Aurelio Desdentado Bonete, Ana Belén Muñoz Ruiz. CREATED = 10-­‐08-­‐12. Better than human : the promise and perils of enhancing ourselves / Allen Buchanan. CREATED = 10-­‐08-­‐12. Convention sur les droits de l'homme et la biomédecine : analyses et commentaires / dir. Héctor Gros Espiell, Jean Michaud, Gérard Teboul ; coord. Laurence Azoux Bacrie. CREATED = 19-­‐09-­‐12. Biotecnología y bioderecho / coord. Salvador Tarodo Soria, Paulino César Pardo Prieto. CREATED = 08-­‐10-­‐12. Law, ethics and compromise at the limits of life : to treat or not to treat? / Richard Huxtable. CREATED = 08-­‐10-­‐12. Perfecting pregnancy : law, disability, and the future of reproduction / Isabel Karpin, Kristin Savell. CREATED = 09-­‐10-­‐12. Medical law and ethics / Jonathan Herring. CREATED = 09-­‐10-­‐12. The politics of blood : ethics, innovation and the regulation of risk / Anne-­‐ Maree Farrell. CREATED = 09-­‐10-­‐12. The politics of blood : ethics, innovation and the regulation of risk / Anne-­‐ Maree Farrell. CREATED = 22-­‐10-­‐12. Neurowissenschaften und philosophie / hrsg. Michael Pauen, Gerhard Roth. CREATED = 07-­‐11-­‐12. The ethics of public health / ed. Michael Freeman. CREATED = 07-­‐11-­‐12. The ethics of public health / ed. Michael Freeman. CREATED = 07-­‐11-­‐12. A odontologia à luz do direito / org. André Luis Nigre; [colab.] Adalberto Luiz Rosa... [et al.]. CREATED = 14-­‐11-­‐12. Mediación en salud : un nuevo paradigma cultural en organizaciones que cuidan / Gloria Novel Martí ; pról. Marinés Suares. CREATED = 21-­‐12-­‐12. Zur Bestimmtheit des Handlungsunwerts von Fahrlässigkeitsdelikten / Gunnar Duttge. CREATED = 19-­‐02-­‐13. Comentários ao código de ética médica : resolução CFM nº 1.931, de 17 de Setembro de 2009 / Eduardo Dantas, Marcos Vinicius Coltri. CREATED = 19-­‐02-­‐13. Les grands principes du droit de la santé / Jean-­‐Marie Clément. CREATED = 19-­‐02-­‐13. Handbuch Arztrecht in der Praxis / Manfred Andreas, Bernhard Debong, Wolfgang Bruns. CREATED = 19-­‐02-­‐13. Handbuch Arztrecht in der Praxis / Manfred Andreas, Bernhard Debong, Wolfgang Bruns. CREATED = 19-­‐02-­‐13. Marco jurídico europeo relativo a la investigación biomédica en transferencia nuclear y reprogramación celular / dir. Daniel García San José ; [aut.] Juan J. Bonilla Sánchez. CREATED = 19-­‐02-­‐13. La recherche sur les cellules souches : quels enjeux pour l'Europe? / Annagrazia Altavilla ; préf. Jean-­‐François Mattei ; post. Adriana Ceci. CREATED = 19-­‐02-­‐13. Responsabilidad sanitaria por incumplimiento del deber de informacion al paciente / Mª Luisa Arcos Vieira. CREATED = 19-­‐02-­‐13. La responsabilité médicale : donnés actuelles / D. Malicier... [et al.] ; préf. A. Oriol. CREATED = 20-­‐02-­‐13. Die ärztliche Aufklärung : Handbuch für Ärzte, Juristen und Patienten / von Karin Prutsch. CREATED = 20-­‐02-­‐13. Ärztliche Aufklärungspflicht vor medizinischen Eingriffen / von Daniela Engljähringer. CREATED = 20-­‐02-­‐13. Les assises du corps transformâe : regards croisés sur le genre / dir. Jacques Mateu, Mathieu Reynier, François Vialla. CREATED = 20-­‐02-­‐13. Die Aufklarungspflicht des Arztes : die Rechtslage in Deutschland, der Schweiz und den USA / Beat Eisner. CREATED = 10-­‐04-­‐13. Cases and materials on intellectual property / ed. W. R. Cornish. CREATED = 10-­‐04-­‐13. L'information médicale : information du patient et information sur le patient / Olivier Dupuy ; [préf.] Claude Sureau. CREATED = 10-­‐04-­‐13. Menschenwürde und Medizin : ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch / hrsg. Jan C. Joerden, Eric Hilgendorf, Felix Thiele. CREATED = 10-­‐04-­‐13. Pratique de la responsabilité médicale / Gilles Devers. CREATED = 10-­‐04-­‐13. Rechtsratgeber für kranke und behinderte Menschen : [mit dem neuen Bundes-­‐ Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz] / Rainer Knyrim, Katalin Valenak. CREATED = 10-­‐04-­‐13. Responsabilité du médecin : mode d'emploi / Catherine Paley-­‐Vincent. CREATED = 18-­‐06-­‐13. Ärztliche Aufklärungspflicht und Haftung / hrsg. Theo Mayer-­‐Maly, Enrique H. Prat. CREATED = 18-­‐06-­‐13. Behandlungsfehler in der Medizin / Karin Prutsch, Monika Ploier. CREATED = 18-­‐06-­‐13. La investigación observacional con datos de carácter personal : análisis de la situación y recomendaciones para los comités éticos de investigación clínica / Guillermo Alcalde Bezhold. CREATED = 18-­‐06-­‐13. Die Patientenverfügung -­‐ zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Paternalismus / hrsg. Heinz Barta, Gertrud Kalchschmid. CREATED = 18-­‐06-­‐13. Vieillir dans la dignité : un combat pour demain / sous la direction de Pierre Ancet... [et al.] ; préface de Robert Moulias. CREATED = 05-­‐07-­‐13. Arzthaftungsrecht : Grundlagen und Praxis / hrsg. und bearb. Alexander P. F. Ehlers, Maximilian G. Broglie. CREATED = 05-­‐07-­‐13. L'education thérapeutique du patient : cadre juridique et réglementaire / Steve Chrétien. CREATED = 05-­‐07-­‐13. Enforcing health and safety regulation : a comparative economic approach / Laura Tilindyté. CREATED = 05-­‐07-­‐13. Intellectual property : patents, trademarks, and copyright in a nutshell / Arthur R. Miller, Michael H. Davis. CREATED = 05-­‐07-­‐13. Limitierte Einwilligung : zum Ausschluß von Behandlungsmethoden / Gerson Kern. CREATED = 05-­‐07-­‐13. Mein Recht als Patient / Martin Kind. CREATED = 05-­‐07-­‐13. Patientenrechte und ihre Handhabung : Über Patientenverfügungen, Patientenvertretungen und Mediation / hrsg Gerson Kern, Christian Kopetzki. CREATED = 19-­‐07-­‐13. La protección jurídica del paciente como consumidor : selección de intervenciones en el I y II Encuentro Interautonómico sobre protección jurídica del paciente como consumidor / Jorge Tomillo Urbina, Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas. CREATED = 19-­‐07-­‐13. La protección jurídica del paciente como consumidor : selección de intervenciones en el I y II Encuentro Interautonómico sobre protección jurídica del paciente como consumidor / Jorge Tomillo Urbina, Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas. CREATED = 22-­‐07-­‐13. El derecho desde la calle : introducción critica al derecho a la salud / org. Martia Célia Delduque... et al.]. CREATED = 22-­‐07-­‐13. O direito achado na rua : introdução crítica ao direito à saúde / org. Alexandre Bernardino Costa... [et al.]. CREATED = 22-­‐07-­‐13. Produção normativa em saúde : políticas setoriais e regulação / org. Maria Célia Delduque, Luiz Carlos Romero. CREATED = 23-­‐07-­‐13. Estudios sobre derecho de la salud : selección de intervenciones en el III encuentro interautonómico sobre protección jurídica del paciente como consumidor / dir. Jorge Tolillo Urbina, Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas. CREATED = 23-­‐07-­‐13. Estudios sobre derecho de la salud : selección de intervenciones en el III encuentro interautonómico sobre protección jurídica del paciente como consumidor / dir. Jorge Tolillo Urbina, Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas. CREATED = 26-­‐08-­‐13. Ensaios clínicos : uma perspectiva ético-­‐jurídica / João Marques Martins. CREATED = 07-­‐10-­‐13. Do ato médico ao problema jurídico : breves notas sobre o acolhimento da responsabilidade médica civil e criminal na jurisprudência nacional / Vera Lúcia Raposo. CREATED = 08-­‐10-­‐13. Law and medical ethics / J. K. Mason, R. A. McCall Smith. CREATED = 08-­‐10-­‐13. Moderne Medizin und Strafrecht : ein Vademecum für Ärzte und Juristen über strafrechtliche Grundfragen ärztlicher Tätigkeitsbereiche / hrsg. Arthur Kaufmann. CREATED = 08-­‐10-­‐13. Tratamiento jurídico del S.I.D.A. / José Augusto de Vega Ruiz. CREATED = 09-­‐10-­‐13. Cases in bioethics : selections from the hastings center report / ed. Carol Levine. CREATED = 09-­‐10-­‐13. Genethics : the ethics of engineering life / David Suzuki, Peter Knudtson. CREATED = 09-­‐10-­‐13. Le magasin des enfants / dir. Jacques Testart. CREATED = 09-­‐10-­‐13. La situation patrimoniale des concubins à la fin de l'union libre : etude des droits suisse, français et allemend / Helen Marty-­‐Schmid. CREATED = 09-­‐10-­‐13. Treat me right : essays in medical law and ethics / Ian Kennedy. CREATED = 10-­‐10-­‐13. Legal issues in pediatrics and adolescent medicine / Angela Roddey Holder. CREATED = 10-­‐10-­‐13. Surrogate motherhood : politics and privacy / ed. Larry Gostin. CREATED = 05-­‐11-­‐13. Droit médical au Brésil : essais et réflexions sous la perspective du droit comparé / Eduardo Vasconcelos dos Santos Dantas. CREATED = 08-­‐11-­‐13. Perfect copy? : law and ethics of reproductive medicine / ed. Judit Sándor ; Violeta Beirevi... [et al.]. CREATED = 08-­‐11-­‐13. Studies in biopolitics / ed. Judit Sándor. CREATED = 12-­‐12-­‐13. Droit hospitalier / Marc Dupont, Claudine Bergoignan-­‐Esper, Christian Paire. CREATED = 12-­‐12-­‐13. Droit médical et biomédical / Gilles Genicot. CREATED = 12-­‐12-­‐13. Medical law : text, cases, and materials / Emily Jackson. CREATED = 12-­‐12-­‐13. La responsabilità medica : profili penali, civili, contabili e disciplinari / Massimiliano De Luca, Angela Galione, Stefano Maccioni. CREATED = 13-­‐12-­‐13. Atiyah's accidents, compensation and the law / Patrik Atiyah ; actualizado por Peter Cane. CREATED = 13-­‐12-­‐13. Il danno risarcibile / Massimo Franzoni. CREATED = 13-­‐12-­‐13. The legal liability of hospitals / Marésa Cronjé-­‐Retief. CREATED = 13-­‐12-­‐13. Malpractice medica prerogative della persona voci emergenti della responsabilità. CREATED = 13-­‐12-­‐13. Principles of biomedical ethics / Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress. CREATED = 13-­‐12-­‐13. La responsabilidad jurídico-­‐sanitaria / dir. María Jesús Gallardo Castillo ; coord. María José Cruz Blanca. CREATED = 13-­‐12-­‐13. La responsabilità nell'esercizio della professione medica : profili civili, penali, amministrativi e di diritto del lavoro / Raffaella Pastore, Giuseppe Palmieri, colab, Anna Danesi... [et al.]. CREATED = 13-­‐12-­‐13. Tratamientos médicos : su responsabilidad penal y civil / Pilar Gómez Pavón. CREATED = 16-­‐12-­‐13. La responsabilità civile delle strutture sanitarie : ospedali pubblici, case di cura private e attività intramuraria / Antonio Lepre. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐13. 160 questions en responsabilité médicale : [aspects pratiques et fondamentaux] / Michel Bernard. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐13. Codice della responsabilità del medico : le norme e la giurisprudenza sulla responsabilità civile, penale, deontologica e amministrativa del medico / a cura di Francesco Bartolini. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐13. Das Bild des Arztes im 21. Jahrhundert / hrsg. Christian Katzenmeier, Klaus Bergdolt. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐13. La dimensione cognitiva dell'errore in medicina / a cura di Vincenzo Crupi, Gian Franco Gensini, Matteo Motterlini ; con scritti di Hal R. Arkes... [et al.]. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐13. Les infections nosocomiales et associées aux soins / Pierre, Parneix, Didier Stingre. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐13. La procédure disciplinaire des agents hospitaliers : questions-­‐réponses, modèles de procédure / Cyeil Clément ; colab. Véronique Lesson. CREATED = 17-­‐12-­‐13. La responsabilidad civil de los centros sanitarios / J. Corbella i Duch. CREATED = 18-­‐12-­‐13. Aqueles que nasceram : breve excurso sobre o enquadramento penal das lesões pré-­‐ natais / Vera Lúcia Raposo. CREATED = 18-­‐12-­‐13. Digest of European tort law / ed. Bénédict Winiger [et al.] ; contrib. Häkan Andersson [et al.]. CREATED = 20-­‐12-­‐13. La Constitution face au défi de la bioéthique : Colloque du Palais du Luxembourg , 3 avril 2008 / dir. Christian Byk. CREATED = 20-­‐12-­‐13. Le droit international à l'épreve de la bioéthique / Salwa Hamrouni ; Avant-­‐ propos de Louis Bubouis ; préf. Slim Laghmani. CREATED = 20-­‐12-­‐13. European tort law : basic texts / ed. Ken Oliphant, Barbara C. Steininger. CREATED = 20-­‐12-­‐13. L'expertise médicale et l'indemnisation des préjudices corporels : actes du viiie Colloque du CDSA / dir. A. Leca, G. Leonetti, G. Rebecq. CREATED = 27-­‐12-­‐13. La responsabilité du médecin au services des urgences / Adrien Chopard-­‐dit-­‐Jean ; dir. Jean-­‐René Binet. CREATED = 07-­‐01-­‐14. O problema da (ir)relevância do consentimento dos menores em sede de cuidados médicos : uma perspectiva jurídico-­‐penal / Mafalda Francisco Matos. CREATED = 08-­‐01-­‐14. Autonomie in der biomedizinischen ethik : Genetische Diagnostik und selbstbestimmte Lebensgestaltung / Elisabeth Hildt. CREATED = 13-­‐01-­‐14. Direitos dos pacientes e responsabilidade médica / André Gonçalo Dias Pereira. CREATED = 23-­‐01-­‐14. Malpractice and medical liability : European state of the art and guidelines / ed. Santo Davide Ferrara, Rafael Boscolo-­‐Berto, Guido Viel. CREATED = 23-­‐01-­‐14. Patente farmacêutica & medicamento genérico : a tensão jurídica entre o direito exclusivo e a livre utilização / Roberta Silva Melo Fernandes Remédio Marques. CREATED = 23-­‐01-­‐14. Petit traité de la décision médicale : un nouveau cheminement au service des patients / Pierre Le Coz ; préf. Didier Sicard. CREATED = 23-­‐01-­‐14. Philosophies du droit de la santé : l'identification biologique du sujet de droit : extension du domaine du droit médical / Sophie Demichel. CREATED = 23-­‐01-­‐14. Planos de saúde : saúde e contrato na contemporaneidade / Gabriel Schulman. CREATED = 03-­‐03-­‐14. Mental health law : policy and practice / Peter Bartlett, Ralph Sandland. CREATED = 06-­‐05-­‐14. Los nuevos horizontes de la investigación genética / ed. Carlos María Romeo Casabona. CREATED = 06-­‐05-­‐14. Por una iniciativa innovadora : Cátedra Interuniversitaria de Derecho y Genoma Humano : 1993-­‐2013. CREATED = 27-­‐05-­‐14. Medizinrecht : Arztrecht, Arzneimittelrecht, Medizinprodukterecht und Transfusionsrecht / Erwin Deutsch, Andreas Spickhoff. CREATED = 27-­‐05-­‐14. La responsabilidad civil médica : evolución de la jurisprudencia desde el año 2009 / Marta López Valverde. CREATED = 18-­‐06-­‐14. Privacy, confidentiality and health research / William W. Lowrance. CREATED = 15-­‐07-­‐14. La ética y el derecho ante la biomedicina del futuro / Carlos María Romeo Casabona. CREATED = 25-­‐07-­‐14. El médico y el derecho penal / Carlos María Romeo Casabona. CREATED = 25-­‐07-­‐14. El médico y el derecho penal / Carlos María Romeo Casabona. 

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