MICOLOGIA 315 Morphological characterization of Ceratocystis


MICOLOGIA 315 Morphological characterization of Ceratocystis
Tropical Plant Pathology 38 (Suplemento), agosto 2012
45º Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia - Manaus, AM
Copyright the Brazilian Phytopathological Society htpp://www.sbfito.com
Morphological characterization of Ceratocystis fimbriata isolates from Eucalyptus
(Caracterização morfológica de isolados de Ceratocystis fimbriata de Eucalyptus spp.)
Nunes, A. S.1, Valdetaro, D.C.O.F.1, Oliveira, L.S.S.1, Alfenas, A.C.1.
Departament of Plant Pathology, Federal University of Viçosa. E-mail: [email protected]
Previous studies, using microsatellite markers, artificial inoculations in eucalyptus clones,
sporulation and mycelial growth showed that there was high variability among isolates of
Ceratocystis fimbriata obtained from eucalyptus. However, there are few studies on the
morphological variability of the isolates obtained from eucalyptus. So, it we evaluated the
morphology of five isolates , grown in culture medium MEA at 28°C for 20 days. Twenty
structures for each of the sexual and asexual stages were evaluated. Results showed no
significant morphological variation among the isolates studied. Perithecia are superficial or
embedded in the substrate, containing a dark brown to black base, globose 30-239µm x, 31256µm . Necks dark brown to black, straight, 59-334µm long, 8-45µm wide at the base, 5-27µm
wide at the tip. Ostiolar hyphae divergent, light brown to hyaline,non-septate, smooth-walled,
11-58μm long. Evanescent asci not seem. Ascospores hyaline, unicellular, hat-shaped viewed
from the side, 2-5µm wide x 3-7µm long, spores accumulating in a cream mass at the tip of the
neck. Endoconidiophore arising laterally from vegetative hyphae, scattered or in cluster,1-7
septate, 53-127µm long, 3-5µm wide at the base. Phialide lageniform, 43-67µm long, 4-7µm
wide at the middle, 3-6µm wide at the tip, hyaline to pale brown. Endoconidia cylindrical,
hyaline, unicellular, smooth, 11-26 x 3-4 µm, born in chains or variable length. Endoconidia
doliform present, 5-9 x 4-7µm. Aleurioconidiophore arising laterally from the mycelium, 1-10
septate, 5-86 x 2-6μm. Aleurioconidia brown, globose to pyriform,10-19 x 5-13µm, occurring
singly or in short chains.
Financial support: FAPEMIG, CNPq, and VALE.

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