
Professora: Angela
Estudante: __________________________________ Turma: ____ Data: ___/___/____
QUESTION 01- Por meio deste texto, pode-se afirmar que
a- O agente de Gisele Bündchen disse que a modelo não mais desfilará de lingerie.
b- A marca Victoria’s Secret não aceitou a proposta de Gisele Bündchen para renovação do contrato.
c- Gisele Bündchen não estava satisfeira com o valor pago pela Victoria’s Secret.
d- Gisele Bündchen encerrou seu contrato com a companhia Victoria’s Secret.
QUESTION 02- O texto revela que
a- A companhia Victoria’s Secret acha que não encontrará uma modelo que desenvolva um trabalho tão bom
quanto o de Gisele Bündchen.
b- A modelo Gisele Bündchen desfilou para a companhia Victoria’s Secret por cerca de 7 anos.
c- A modelo Gisele Bündchen fechou contrato com uma filial da Victoria’s Secret.
d- Gisele Bündchen, embora seja considerada pela Victoria’s Secret uma ótima profissional, foi demitida pela
QUESTION 03- O título do texto, tendo como base o contexto em que se insere, sugere que
a- Modelo e empresa vão seguir caminhos diferentes.
b- Modelo e empresa romperam com a possibilidade de um novo contrato.
c- a modelo rompeu o contrato com a Victoria’s Secret para representar uma marca concorrente.
d- O estilo da Victoria’s Secret não é mais aceito pela modelo Gisele Bündchen.
QUESTION 04- In the sentence “... and Vicoria’s Secret have ended their affiliation,…” the underlined word
is the synonym of
a- begun
b- started
c- finished
d- went
QUESTION 05- Fin in the text the superlative for “ good” _______________________
QUESTION 06- O texto revela o fato de Angelina Jolie
a- Ter vivido um doloroso drama familiar nos últimos tempos.
b- Não esconder dos fãs a tristeza sentida pela doença da mãe.
c- Diminuir suas aparições em público para cuidar da mãe.
d- Não ter força para amparar a mãe em sua doença.
QUESTION 07- Das palavras abaixo, retiradas do texto, qual NÂO se associa diretamente com o problema por
Angelina Jolie?
a- struggled
b- amazing
c- sorrow
d- loss
QUESTION 08- De acordo com o texto, pode-se afirmar que Emma Bunton
a- conta, em sua gravidez, com o carinho da amiga Victoria Beckham.
b- Terá um filho do seu primeiro casamento.
c- Dará à luz um filho, assim como sua amiga Victoria Beckham.
d- Já provou ser uma excelente mãe, segundo a amiga Victoria
QUESTION 09- Pode-se afirmar, por meio do texto, que
a- Emma Bunton será a primeira Spice Girl a ter um bebê.
b- A Spice Girl Victoria Beckham está pensando em também ter um
c- Emma Bunton e Jades têm a música como parte de sua história.
d- Jade Jones fez parte do grupo Spice Girls.
QUESTION 10- Segundo o texto, pode-se afirmar EXCETO:
a- Há uma forte amizade entre Emma e Victoria.
b- Victoria está de fato feliz pela amiga Emma.
c- É publico o carinho que Victoria sente por Emma.
d- Victoria se sente mais feliz até mesmo do que a amiga Emma que
está grávida.
How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is produced by gas, oil (SO) and wood-burning
devices. Auto exhaust and poorly vented furnaces are the most
common dangerous sources in a home.
Accidental carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning accounts for several
hundred deaths in the United States every year. The deaths are
particularly tragic because most could have been easily prevented
with a warning from a $20 to $40 CO alarm.
CO is an invisible, odorless gas that’s produced by fireplaces,
furnaces, stoves, water heaters and heaters that burn natural gas,
propane, oil or wood.
Usually chimneys and flues safely carry these combustion byproducts up and out of your home. But not always. Flue blockage,
poor natural drafting, leaks and other problems sometimes cause CO
and other combustion gases to spill out into your living space and pollute the air you breathe. The CO is
gradually absorbed into the bloodstream. Light doses cause flu-like symptoms and larger doses lead to
unconsciousness and death.
Cars, lawn mowers and snow blowers also produce a lot of CO, especially at start-up. If you have an attached
garage, natural drafts tend to pull that CO into your home, even if you have the garage door open! As a rule,
never let a car engine idle in a garage.
Reducing air leaks in your home is one of the best ways to make your home more energy efficient. Air
tightening includes such things as closing up attic bypasses, weatherstripping, caulking around doors and
windows, and installing new windows. But as your home gets tighter, flues and chimneys can’t vent CO and
other combustion gases to the outside as easily, because they won’t have as much makeup air. CO alarms are
simple, inexpensive insurance to warn you if CO spillage reaches a hazardous level . . . even if your home is
new or you haven’t taken steps to improve energy efficiency.
Both types of CO alarms sound an alarm when hazardous levels of CO are present. The type with a digital
display will also show the peak CO level in your home when you push the peak level button. It will not record
very low levels.
Put an alarm near the sleeping rooms on each level in your home. CO accumulates in the bloodstream, and
you’re most vulnerable during long periods of sleep. Position alarms on ceilings or walls, away from drafts and
solvents. (Read the directions that come with each alarm for more details.)
Look for a CO alarm with a UL listing on the package. It can be either battery-powered or a plug-in type (often
with a battery back-up). All alarms have a test/reset button that you should push weekly to make sure the
alarm is operating.
We recommend the plug-in type with a digital readout that tells you the peak CO concentration whenever you
push the peak level button. The CO level might not be high enough to trigger the alarm. But detecting a low
level can alert you to a potential problem, so you can trace the source before the CO reaches a higher level.
This is particularly important if you have more vulnerable folks in your home such as young children, the elderly
and those with certain illnesses.
Here are general guidelines taken from the more detailed instructions that come with your alarm.
1 - Push the test/reset button. (This is easier with a wall-mounted CO alarm.)
2 - Call an emergency number, 911 or your fire department in most areas.
3 - Go outside or move to a well-ventilated area like next to an open window or door. Make sure
all family members are accounted for. Wait for emergency services to arrive; they’ll make sure
your house is well aired out.
4 - If the alarm goes off again within 24 hours, follow steps 1 – 3 above and call in a qualified
technician to test your fuelburning equipment and find the problem. Be aware that furnace
start- ups can set off the alarm under some conditions, as can starting cars in an attached garage.
From The Family Handyman - October 2001.
QUESTION 11- Assinale a única altenativa incorreta:
a- Deaths are not avoided because of Carbon Monoxide alarm is very expensive.
b- Accidental CO poisoning often causes deaths in the United States of America.
c- Fireplaces, furnaces and stoves produce an invisible, odorless gas.
d- Preventing deaths caused by accidental CO poisoning envolves relatively low costs.
QUESTION 12- Assinale a alternativa correta:
a- Closing up attic bypasses help chimineys and flues vent CO to the outside.
b- CO alarms will warn people of danger even if their houses are new.
c- CO alarms are commonly used to reduce air leaks found in the houses.
d- All alarms indicate the peak CO concentration present in the living spaces.
QUESTION 13- Assinale a alternativa incorreta:
a- Embora o alarme para o nível de CO não seja complicado, eles melhoram a eficiência da energia.
b- Apertar o botão “reset” é o primeiro passo para se ter certeza de que o CO alarme está funcionando.
c- Como o CO acumula na corrente sanguínea, o alarme deverá ser colocado perto dos quartos de dormir.
d- CO na corrente sanguínea pode ser perigoso.
QUESTION 14- Correct the sentence according to the text:
Snow blowers and lawn mowers produce insignificant CO levels at start up.
QUESTION 15- In the sentence (l-16) “doses cause flu-like symptoms and larger doses lead to
unconsciousness and death…” the underlined word can be replaced by
a- smaller
b- bigger
QUESTION 16- Find in the text 4
a- a pair of synonmys ______________
b- an adjective ____________
c- an adverb ______________
d- a preposition ____________
c- highest
d- biggest
QUESTION 16- Find in the text a sentence in the Present of be
QUESTION 17- Complete the sentence according to the text:
A big amount of Co absorption causes __________ ________
and __________.
Answer the questions 18, 19, and 20:
QUESTION 18- What do we use energy for?
QUESTION 19- Name some energy sources in English ( at least 2)
QUESTION 20- What do you know about the batteries that run cell phones? Are they renewable?
QUESTION 21- Put the headings into the box they belong
Hydrelectric energy
Wind energy
Nuclear energy
Renewable energy
Solar energy
Tidal energy and
wave energy
Non-renewable source
QUESTION 22- How can you save energy at home taking simple measurements.
a- ____________________________________________________________________________
b- ____________________________________________________________________________
QUESTION 23- De acordo com o cartum podemos afirmar que:
a- As senhoras do cartum nunca foram a um restaurante Tailandês.
b- Elas foram ao restaurante Tailandês duas semanas atrás.
c- Uma delas chama-se Ellen.
d- Elas foram juntas ao restaurante uma semana atrás.
QUESTION 24- Copy from the text 5 a sentence in the Past Tense.
QUESTION 25- Find in the textS:
a- regular verb ____________
b- an irregular verb _________________
c- a preposition ___________
d- an adjective _____________________
Succeed. Angela

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