Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016 Systematic Review


Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016 Systematic Review
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
Systematic Review Protocol
Title: Identify in the title if this document is a protocol of a new systematic review or if it is an update of a previous systematic review.
Diagnostic Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: A Systematic Review
Keywords: Identify at least three keywords. If possible use MeSH terms.
Magnetic Resonance; Diagnosis; TMD, Review
Actual start date/ Anticipated completion date/Search:
From: September 9 th , 2015
March 3 TH , 2016
Search: September 26 th , 2015
Support: Indicate sources of financial or other support for the review.
Sponsor: Provide name for the review funder and/or sponsor if applicable.
Conflict of interest: Can the conclusions of this systematic review reasonably be perceived as producing a potential conflict of interest among authors?
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
Authors: Provide name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address of all protocol authors; provide physical mailing address of corresponding author.
Organisational affiliation of the review
“Brazilian Centre for Evidence-based Research”
Contributions (use the
legend in the foot note)
1. Yasmine Mendes Pupo
State University of Ponta Grossa – UEPG/PR
[email protected]
2. Leticia Lopes Quirino Pantoja
Brazilian Centre for Evidence-based Research
[email protected]
3. Flavia Fusco Veiga
Brazilian Centre for Evidence-based Research
[email protected]
4. José Stechman Neto
Tuiuti University of Paraná – UTP
[email protected]
5. Liete Figueiredo Zwir
Federal University Of Sao Paulo - UNIFESP
[email protected]
6. Paulo Vitor Farago
State University of Ponta Grossa – UEPG/PR
[email protected]
7. Graziela De Luca Canto
Brazilian Centre for Evidence-based Research, Federal
University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis-SC, Brazil
School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta,
Edmonton-AB, Canada
[email protected]
8. André Luís Porporatti
Bauru School of Dentistry - University of São Paulo (FOB-USP)
[email protected]
1R=First reviewer (Study conceptualization and design/ Search and selection/ Data collection/ Data analysis/ Manuscript preparation). 2R=Second Reviewer (Search and selection/ Data collection/ Data analysis/ Manuscript
preparation). 3R=Third Reviewer (Data analysis). E=Expert (Study conceptualization and design/ Data analysis). SC= Subcoordinator (Study conceptualization and design/ Data analysis). C=Coordinator (Study conceptualization
and design/ Data analysis). A=Author.
All authors: Review of the manuscript.
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
Corresponding author
Yasmine Mendes Pupo
Address correspondence to Yasmine Mendes Pupo, Department of Dentistry, State
University of Ponta Grossa, 4748 Carlos Cavalcanti Ave, 84030-900 Ponta Grossa,
Parana, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]
Question: If applicable use the PICO acronym as a guide.
In adults with temporomandibular joint disorders (articular, inflammatory and degenerative), what is the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging compared to
clinical diagnosis?
Adults with temporomandibular joint disorders
Intervention or exposition
Magnetic resonance Imaging
Comparison or control
Clinical diagnosis (RDC/TMD or DC/TMD)
Outcome measure(s)
Accuracy on diagnosis (sensitivity and specificity)
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
Types of Studies included
Experimental studies, Diagnostic studies
Eligibility criteria
Inclusion criteria Specify the study characteristics (e.g., PICO, study design, setting, time frame) and report characteristics (e.g., years considered, language, publication status) to be used as criteria for eligibility for the
We will include studies evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging to assess temporomandibular joint disorders in adults. No language and time
restrictions will be applied. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders will be assessed through clinical diagnosis with the aid of Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular
Disorders (RDC/TMD) or Diagnostic Criteria (DC/TMD).
Exclusion criteria:
The studies will be selected in 2 phases.
In phase 1 (titles and abstracts) the following exclusion criteria will be applied:
1 – Reviews, letters, conference abstracts, editorials, case reports and books;
2 – Studies in children (< 18 years);
3- Studies assessing patients with Masticatory Muscular TMD only or mixed TMD;
4- Studies not using RDC/TMD or DC/TMD criteria for TMD diagnosis;
In phase 2 (full-text) we will add this exclusion criterion:
5 - Studies that did not report sensitivity and specificity or did not provide enough data to calculate them.
Information sources: Describe all intended information sources (e.g., electronic databases, contact with study authors, trial registers, or other grey literature sources) with planned dates of coverage.
Grey literature: A search of the “grey literature” will be performed in Google Scholar and OpenGrey (
1. (X ) PubMed
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
2. ( ) EMBASE
3. (X ) Cochrane
4. ( ) Medline
5. (X ) LILACS
6. (X ) Web of Science
7. (X ) Science Direct
8. ( ) PsycINFO
9. (X ) Other: SCOPUS
Additional Literature:
1. ( X ) Open Grey and Google Scholar web search (specify if limitations applied)
2. ( X ) Hand searches of bibliographies from included studies
3. ( X ) Experts (experts will be identified from the author of selected studies)
4. ( X ) Proquest (Dissertation and Theses)
Search strategy: Present draft of search strategy to be used for all the electronic database searches, including planned limits, such that it could be repeated.
Search (#1 and #5 and #6 and #7)
Search (sensitivity OR specificity OR accuracy OR ("sensitivity and specificity"[MeSH Terms] OR "sensitivity and
specificity"[MeSh Terms] OR “receiver operating characteristics curve” OR "ROC curve")
Search ((("magnetic resonance imaging" OR "MRI")) OR imaging, magnetic resonance[MeSH Terms]) OR magnetic resonance
imaging[MeSH Terms]
Search (#2 or #3 or #4)
Search (((((disease, temporomandibular joint[MeSH Terms]) OR diseases, temporomandibular joint[MeSH Terms]) OR
disorder, temporomandibular[MeSH Terms]) OR disorder, temporomandibular joint[MeSH Terms]) OR disorders,
Items found
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
temporomandibular joint[MeSH Terms]) OR disorders, temporomandibular[MeSH Terms]
Search ((effusion OR "disk aderence" OR "disk adhesive" OR luxation OR subluxation OR "disk perfuration" OR
"degenerative arthritis" OR "degenerative joint disease" OR gonarthrosis OR osteoarthritis OR "degenerative diseases" OR
"degenerative disease" OR "idiopathic arthritis")) AND (temporomandibular joint OR tmj)
Search ((“temporomandibular disorder” OR “temporomandibular disorders” OR “temporomandibular joint disorder” OR
“temporomandibular joint disorders” OR “temporomandibular dysfunction” OR “temporomandibular joint dysfunction” OR
“temporomandibular joint dysfunctions” OR “temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome” OR “craniomandibular
disorder” OR “craniomandibular dysfunction” OR “temporomandibular joint disease” OR “temporomandibular joint
diseases” OR “TMJ disorder” OR “TMJ disorders” OR “TMJ disease”)
Search (adult OR adults OR male OR female)
Data management: Describe the mechanism(s) that will be used to manage records and data throughout the review.
1. ( X ) Endnote
2. ( ) Refworks
3. ( ) Mendeley
4. ( ) Other _________
Selection process: State the process that will be used for selecting studies (e.g., two independent reviewers) through each phase of the review (i.e., screening, eligibility, and inclusion in meta-analysis).
The selection will be completed in 2 phases.
In phase 1, three reviewers (1R, 2R, and 3R) independently will examine the titles and abstracts of all identified electronic database citations. A fourth author (4R) will be
involved when disagreements emerged among the 3 initial reviewers. Any studies that did not fulfill the inclusion criteria will be discarded.
In phase 2, the following selection criteria will be applied to the full articles to confirm their eligibility: only studies that reported sensitivity and specificity or in which the data
presented enabled these diagnostic assessments to be extrapolated will be selected. The same 3 reviewers (1R, 2R, and 3R) independently will participate in phase 2. The
reference list of all included articles will be critically assessed by 3 examiners (1R, 2R, 3R). Any disagreement in either phase will be resolved by discussion and mutual
agreement among the 3 reviewers (1R, 2R, 3R). A fourth author (4R) will be involved when controversy arose in the process of reaching a final decision. Final selection will
be always based on the full-text of the publication.
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
Data collection process: Describe planned method of extracting data from reports (e.g., piloting forms, done independently, in duplicate), any processes for obtaining and confirming data from investigators.
Three reviewers (1R, 2R, and 3R) will collect the required information from the selected articles. A fourth author (4R) will crosscheck all the collect information and confirm
its accuracy. Again, any disagreement in either phase will be resolved by discussion and mutual agreement among the 3 reviewers (1R, 2R, 3R). The fourth author (4R) will
be involved as required, to enable formulation of the final decision.
Risk of bias assessment: Describe anticipated methods for assessing risk of bias of individual studies, including whether this will be done at the outcome or study level, or both; state how this information will be used in
data synthesis. If more than one study type will be included then more than one risk of bias assessment tool may be required.
The methodology of selected studies will be evaluated using the Quality Assessment Tool for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS 2). QUADAS-2 is based on the 4-stage approach
proposed by Moher and colleagues: define the scope, review the evidence base, hold a face-to-face consensus meeting, and refine the tool through piloting. Three reviewers (1R ,2R, 3R)
will score the risk of bias as “low risk,” “high risk,” or “unclear risk.” and assess independently the quality of each included study. Disagreement between the 3 reviewers will be resolved by
a third reviewer (4R).
Data Synthesis: Describe criteria under which study data will be quantitatively synthesized. If data are appropriate for quantitative synthesis, describe planned summary measures, methods for data handling and
combination, including any planned exploration of consistency (e.g., I2). Describe any proposed additional analyses (e.g., sensitivity or subgroup analyses, meta-regression). If quantitative synthesis is not appropriate, describe the
type of summary planned.
If sufficient data obtained during development of the systematic review, the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging in temporomandibular joint disorders will be combined
through a meta-analysis following the appropriate Cochrane guidelines. Review Manager 5.2 (Rev- Man 5.2, The Nordic Cochrane Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark) will be used to
constructed receiver operating characteristic (ROC) graphs and forest plots as part of the meta-analysis. Some of the required data could be calculated by the authors.
Analysis of subgroups or subsets: Describe any planned quantitative exploration of subgroups or subsets within the review. ‘None planned’ is a valid response if no subgroup analyses are planned.
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
Subtypes of temporomandibular joint disorder (disk displacement with and without reduction, inflammatory and degenerative disorders, osteoarthritis, osteoarthrosis)
Type of review:
1.( ) Therapeutic (intervention)
2.( X ) Diagnosis
3.( ) Risk factors
4.( ) Epidemiologic (frequency, prevalence)
5.( ) Other: Prognosis
Previous systematic reviews about the same subject: ( x ) yes
( ) no
Reference: Chaput E1, Gross A, Stewart R, Nadeau G, Goldsmith CH. The Diagnostic Validity of Clinical Tests in Temporomandibular Internal Derangement: A Systematic
Review and Meta-analysis. Physiother Can. 2012 Spring;64(2):116-34. doi: 10.3138/ptc.2010-54. Epub 2012 Apr 5.
Suggest 3 journals in which this research could be published and why:
1. PAIN: Because this journal publishes original research on the nature, mechanisms, and treatment of pain, providing a forum for the dissemination of multidisciplinary
research in the basic and clinical sciences. QUALIS: A1 AND IMPACT FACTOR (WEB OF SCIENCE): 5.213
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
2. Journal of Oro & Facial Pain and Headache: Because this Journal - with a new name reflecting its broadened scope - continues to make important
contributions that strongly influence the work of dental and medical professionals involved in treating oral and facial pain, including TMDs, and headache. In addition to
providing timely scientific research and clinical articles, the journal presents diagnostic techniques and treatment therapies for oral and facial pain, headache, mandibular
dysfunction, and occlusion, and covers pharmacology, physical therapy, surgery, and other pain-management methods. QUALIS: A2 and JOURNAL IMPACT
3. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management: Because this journal is an internationally respected that offers extensive coverage of clinical practice issues,
publishing both systematic and narrative reviews. QUALIS: A2 and JOURNAL IMPACT FACTOR (WEB OF SCIENCE): 2.795
4. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation: Because this journal majors in publishing original comments and research in the area of dental science associated with the
treatment of oral and facial functional disturbances caused by local and systemic diseases and developmental defects. QUALIS: A1 and JOURNAL IMPACT FACTOR
Cite 5 studies that you read (about this topic) before prepare this protocol:
Reference 1: Tasali N, Cubuk R, Aricak M, Ozarar M, Saydam B, Nur H, Tuncbilek N. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain revisited with dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance
imaging (DCE-MRI). Eur J Radiol. 2012 Mar;81(3):603-8.
Reference 2: Morales H, Cornelius R. Imaging Approach to Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. Clin Neuroradiol. 2015 Sep 15.
Reference 3: Summa S, Ursini R, Manicone PF, Molinari F, Deli R. MRI assessment of temporomandibular disorders: an approach to diagnostic and therapeutic setting. Cranio. 2014
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (
Curso de Revisão Sistemática 2015/2016
COBE -- Centro
Centro Brasileiro
Brasileiro de
de Pesquisas
Pesquisas Baseadas
Baseadas em
em Evidências
Reference 4: Koh KJ, List T, Petersson A, Rohlin M. Relationship between clinical and magnetic resonance imaging diagnoses and findings in degenerative and inflammatory
temporomandibular joint diseases: a systematic literature review. J Orofac Pain. 2009 Spring;23(2):123-39.
Reference 5: Park HN, Kim KA, Koh KJ. Relationship between pain and effusion on magnetic resonance imaging in temporomandibular disorder patients. Imaging Sci Dent. 2014
This protocol is based on Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015 , PROSPERO ( and University of Alberta Library
guidelines (