Robin Michel Wright Name in bibliographic citations


Robin Michel Wright Name in bibliographic citations
Personal Data
Robin Michel Wright
Name in bibliographic citations:
Sex: Male
Birthdate: June 9, 1950
Birthplace: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Professional address: Department of Religion
107C Anderson Hall ,
University of Florida - Gainesville
POBox 117410
Gainesville Fl 32611-7410 – USA
Telephone: 352-379-7970 (home); 352-392-1625 ext. 230 (office)
E-mail: [email protected]
Academic Training/Titles
Associate Professor in Religion.
University of Florida – Gainesville.
Titular (Full Professor) in Ethnology (retired for disability in 2006).
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brasil.
1996 Livre Docência (Associate Professor) in Religion, Myth and Ritual.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil
Thesis Title: Aos Que Vão Nascer. Uma Etnografia Religiosa dos Índios Baniwa,[For
Those Unborn. A Religious Ethnography of the Baniwa Indians].
1994 – 1995 Postdoctorate.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil
Fellowship from the Overseas Ministries Studies Center
Research project: “Indigenous Religions and Christianity in Brazil”
1974 – 1981 Doctorate in Social and Cultural Anthropology.
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Thesis title: History and Religion of the Baniwa Peoples of the Upper Rio Negro Valley.
Advisor: Renato I Rosaldo
Fellowship from the National Science Foundation; field research sponsored by the
1973 – 1974 M. A. in Social and Cultural Anthropology.
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
M. A. paper: Ritual Organization In Northwest Guatemala: A Controlled Comparison Of
Three Mam Communities.
Advisor: George Collier
Fellowship from the National Science Foundation
1968 – 1972 B.A in Sociology and Anthropology.
Bates College, Lewiston, ME
Honors thesis: The Structuralism of Claude Lévi-Strauss
(Awarded High Honors).
Advisor: Dan Heyduk
Fellowship from Bates College
Professional Activities
University of Florida Gainesville
Institutional affiliation
2006 – present
Title: Associate Professor, Fulltime
Graduate (M.A. and Doctorate)–, Religions of the Americas, Anthropology and
Religion, Indigenous Cosmologies, Indigenous Religions , Religions of Latin America,
Shamanisms and Nature Religions;
Undergraduate – Indigenous Religions of the Americas, Religion and Healing,
Religion and Society, Indigenous Religions of the World, Myth and Ritual, Shamanism,
Comparative Studies in Religion.
Research and Development:
Current Research Projects:
Consultant to Malikai Dapana, “Shamans’ House of Knowledge and Power”, cofounder, Uapui community, Rio Aiary, Northwest Amazon, Brazil; since 2008. Partial
Funding from Foundation for Shamanic Studies.
Intensive Learning with a Baniwa Master Shaman Mandu da Silva (ongoing, personallyfunded learning with one of the last Baniwa jaguar-shamans, to record his knowledge),
since 1976; via taped interviews, and films produced by his daughter;
“Mythscapes of the Northwest Amazon” since 2009, documentation and production of
dossier, on sacred geography of the Northwest Amazon: includes GPS mapping, detailed
exegesis on each site where there are petroglyphs or sets of petroglyphs and other rock
art; collaborative research with Dr. Omar Gonzalez-Nanez, Instituto Venezolano de
Investigaciones Cientificas; Dr. Michael Heckenberger, Department of Anthropology,
UF; one doctoral student from Anthropology;
“Myth and Music in the upper Rio Negro: Creation and Transformation of Humanity”,
collaborative research since 2011with Prof. Liliam Barros, Department of Music, School
of Music of the Federal University of Para, Brazil, funded by the CAPES (Brazilian
research foundation). Includes one post-doctoral student, Glaucia Buratto Rodrigues de
“Blood of the Gods”, Production of 60 min. documentary film on the shamanic traditions
of Arawak-speaking peoples of South America and the Caribbean; since 2010. In process
of searching for funding;
Production of “Native American Religious Beliefs and Practice” (on personal website),
preparation of draft manuscript covering native peoples of the Americas, a panoramic
view, past and present, of native peoples’ orientations to the sacred. Intended for
publication, perhaps as an undergraduate text for introductory Native American Religion
“Ethnological, Linguistic, and Historical Bibliography of the Arawak-speaking Peoples
of South America and the Caribbean”, ongoing bibliographical research since 1990;
“Native Peoples and Christianity in Latin America”, research for chapter to be published
in Cambridge History of Christianity in Latin America”, ed. By V. Garrard-Burnett (U
Texas/Austin); in initial phases;
Member, Library Committee, CLAS, 2012 –
Faculty Advisor, Native American Studies Minor, CLAS, 2008 P.I., “Multiculturalism in Brazil and the United States”, student exchange
program, administered by the Center for Latin American Studies, between UF and UFPe,
UFRGS in Brazil, funded by the FIPSE/CAPES grant 2011-2014;
Coordinator, Graduate Program in Religion (M.A. and Doctorate), 2006-08;
Faculty Advisor “500 Nations” Native Studies Group, 2006-08;
State University of Campinas (Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP)
Institutional affiliation
Title: Full Professor (Titular) (retired from the university in 2006)
1996 – 2006
Title: Associate Professor/ Livre Docente, Fulltime
Title: Assistant Professor, Fulltime
1985 – 1986
Title: Visiting Professor, Fulltime
1985 – 1985
Title: Fulbright Exchange Professor, 1 semester
1985 – 2005
Graduate program (M.A. and Doctorate) - courses in Social Organization; Indigenous
History; Indigenous Ethnology of South America; Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism; South
American Indian Religions; Formulation of Research Projects.
Undergraduate: courses in Indigenous Ethnology; Religion, Myth and Ritual; Social
Organization and Symbolism; Political Anthropology; Introductory Anthropology;
Special Topics in Anthropology; Ethnicity and Social Identity; History of
Anthropological Thought.
1986 – 2005
Research and Development (Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Departamento
de Antropologia):
Founding Member and Coordinator of the Center for Research in Indigenous Ethnology
(1996-1998; 2002-2004).
Founding Member and Researcher of the Nucleus for Indigenous History and Indigenism
(Núcleo de História Indígena e do Indigenismo – NHII, 1986-1991).
Research projects in Indigenous South American Ethnology; Religious Movements in the
History of Indigenous Peoples of South America; Indigenous Religions and Christianity
in Brazil; Shamanism, Witchcraft, and Sorcery; Indian Policy and Indigenous Politics;
Ethnology of Arawak-speaking Peoples of South America.
1986 – 2005:
Administration: (Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas/ Departamento de
Member of the Library Commission (1986-88; 1991-93);
Chair of the Department of Anthropology (1987-88);
member of the Master’s Program commission (1991-93, 2002);
member of the Edgard Leeuenroth Archive commission (1993-95);
member of the Doctoral Commission in the Social Sciences (1994-96, 2002-04);
Chair of the Graduate Program (Master’s) in Anthropology (1997-99);
member of the Commission to create a Doctoral Program in Anthropology (2003-04);
Chair of the Graduate Program (Master’s and Doctorate) in Anthropology (2003-04).
Socioenvironmental Institute (Instituto Socioambiental – ISA, São Paulo, Brazil)
Institutional affiliation
1997 – 2008
Title: Collaborator, Upper Rio Negro Program
Nature of activities:
Organized and edited a book on Baniwa myths (1999) in collaboration with the
Association of Indigenous Communities of the Aiary River (ACIRA);
2000-2002, participated in collective research project on HIV/STD, and other infectious
diseases among the Baniwa (field research sponsored by the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq);
Translator of the Encyclopedia of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil;
Author of book on the History of the Northwest Amazon, Historia Indigena e do
Indigenismo do Alto Rio Negro (Campinas: Mercado de Letras/ISA, 2005).
Ecumenical Center for Documentation and Information (Centro Ecumênico de
Documentação e Informação – CEDI, São Paulo, Brazil)
Institutional affiliation
1985 – 1989
Title: Planning Consultant , Part-time
Nature of activities:
Planning and editing of a volume of the series Levantamento dos Povos Indígenas no
Brasil, on the indigenous peoples of the Northwest Amazon.
Planning and editing of an on-line bulletin on current Indian policy and the indigenous
situation in Brazil.
Translation of documents to Portuguese and English;
Harvard University
Institutional affiliation
1983 - 1985
Title: Technical Assistant and Indexer, Fulltime
Nature of activities:
Technical assistant of the Tozzer Anthropology Library and Research Associate in South
American Ethnology of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Indexer for the journal Anthropological Literature.
Anthropology Resource Center - ARC (Boston, MA)
Institutional affiliation
1980 – 1985
Title: Research Associate, Researcher And Project Coordinator, Fulltime.
Nature of activities:
Coordinator of the international campaign on behalf of the creation of the Yanomami
Indian Park in Brazil.
Organization of Center’s archives on indigenous peoples in Brazil.
Editor of bimonthly Bulletin and other publications on the current situation of indigenous
peoples in Brazil.
Translated, organized, and presented documents on the violation of human rights of the
Yanomami people to international forums on human rights.
Presented lectures in universities on the indigenous situation in Brazil. Coordinator of a
training program for university students.
1983-85, member of the Board of Directors.
Research Interests
Indigenous Religions
Indigenous Ethnology of South America
Indian Policy
German (Fair) , Portuguese (Excellent) , Spanish (Good) , French
(Good) , Italian (Fair);
Portuguese (Excellent) , Spanish (Good) , French (Good)
German (Fair) , Portuguese (Excellent) , Spanish (Good) , French (Good) ,
Italian (Fair);
Portuguese (Excellent) , Spanish (Good)
Faculty Enhancement Opportunity Award, CLAS, UF
2006 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Humanities Research Award, University of
1986-2000 Nominated for the “Zeferino Vaz Teaching Award” in the Institute of
Philosophy and Human Sciences, UNICAMP.
Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Council of International Exchange of Scholars.
High Honors, B. A. Thesis in Anthropology, Phi Beta Kappa, Bates College.
Delta Sigma Rho Forensic Society (ruby key), Bates College Chapter
Field Research
2007-2011: Apprenticeship to Baniwa jaguar shaman Mandu da Silva; with support from
the Foundation for Shamanic Studies; and the Faculty Enhancement Opportunity Award,
2000-2002: Baniwa Health and Shamanism; research sponsored by the
Socioenvironmental Institute (São Paulo) with funding from the Brazilian National
Research Council (CNPq).
1998-99: Baniwa Witchcraft & Sorcery; research funded by the FAPESP (Brazilian
Foundation for Support to Research) and the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation.
1998: The Politics of Culture and the Culture of Politics in the Northwest Amazon;
research funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
1997: Baniwa mythology; travel funded by the Socioenvironmental Institute (São Paulo).
1987-88: Ethnohistory of the Northwest Amazon; research funded by the Social Science
Research Council and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
1986: Archival Research on the History of the Northwest Amazon; fieldwork on Mining
in the Northwest Amazon; research funded by the FAPESP and the Ecumenical Center
for Documentation and Information.
1976-77: Archival and field Research on the History and Religion of the Baniwa Peoples;
doctoral research funded by the National Science Foundation and the N.I.M.H.
Scientific, Technological, and Artistic/Cultural Production
Articles in journals
In press or submitted for publication:
“Fixed Forms and Fluid Powers: A Nexus of Religious Power and Knowledge”,
Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly, December 2012.
Preface to “Anthropological Advocacy, Development, and Indigenous Peoples’
Movements : Special Issue in Honor of Shelton H. Davis”, Memorial issue for Shelton
H. Davis, 2012, vol 9(2) of Tipiti, Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland
South America. Trinity U. press.
“The Baniwa Case: ‘Sustainibility’ in the Northwest Amazon: on ‘success stories’ and
their limitations”, VIBRANT, official online journal of the Brazilian Association for
Anthropology (March 2012); 35 pp
“The Art of Being Crente: The Baniwa Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Sustainable
Development” 2009. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 16:202–226, Taylor & Francis: USA.
“As Formações SocioReligiosas da Amazônia Indígena e suas transformações históricas”
[The Socio-Religious Formations in Indigenous Amazonia and Their Historical
Transformations] 2008. Ciência e Cultura. Revista da sociedade Brasileira para o
Progresso da Ciência. Special issue on Culturas Indigenas. 60 (4): 37-40 (São Paulo,
“The Fruit of Knowledge and the Bodies of the Gods”. 2009 In: WRIGHT, R.M., ed.
The Religious Lives of Amazonian Plants. Special issue of the Journal of the Society for
the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. Vol. 3(1): 126-53. (Equinox Publishing, UK).
Review of: Cubeo Hehenawa Religious Thought. Metaphysics of a Northwestern
Amazonian People. By Irving Goldman. (Edited by Peter J. Wilson. Afterword by
Stephen Hugh-Jones. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004.) 2008. Tipiti. Journal
of the SALSA. Vol. 6 (2). (Oxford, UK)
“The Brazilian Ayahuasca Religions”, 2006. Fieldwork in Religion, Vol.2 (2): 177-186
(Equinox, UK).
“Indigenous Philosophies and Ontologies and Their Implications for Sustainable the
Development,” Paper presented at the Inaugural Forum of the Inaugural Conference of
International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, University of
Florida-Gainesville, April 4-6, 2006.) 2007. Journal of the International Society for the
Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, Equinox Press, UK. Vol. 1(1): 93-109.
Da Atribuicao de Valores as tradicoes religiosas indigenas. [On Attributing Values to
Indigenous Religious Traditions] Revista do Patrimonio Historico e Artistico Nacional.
Brasilia: IPHAN, No. 32, p. 244-253, 2005.
Comments on Fernando Santos-Granero. Bodyscapes. Current Anthropology. Chicago,
v.44, n.2, p.205 - 206, 2003.
Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on the Formation of Cultural Identity.
Ethnohistory. Duke University Press: v. 49, n.3, p.703-14, 2002.
& L. Garnelo. Doença, cura e serviços de saúde. Representações, práticas e demandas
Baniwa. [Sickness, curing, and health services. Baniwa representations, practices and
demands] Cadernos de Saúde Pública. Rio de Janeiro, v.17, n.2, p.273 - 284, 2001.
Violence on Indian Day in Brazil 1997: Symbol of the Past and Future. Cultural Survival
Quarterly. Cambridge, Mass., v.21, n.2, p.47 - 49, 1997.
Comments to Neil Whitehead, The Historical Anthropology of Text. Current
Anthropology. Chicago, v.36, n.1, p.67 - 68, 1995.
Cosmogonie Baniwa. Le Chemin de Salut. Récherches Brésiliennes, Histoire Ancienne
Et Anthropologie. Paris, France: Centre De Récherches D'histoire Ancienne, v.130, p.275
– 288, 1994.
Politics and belief in the nineteenth century millenarian movements of the Northwest
Amazon. Antropologica. Caracas, v.83, p.39 - 66, 1994.
Umawali. Hohodene Myths Of The Anaconda, Father Of The Fish. Bulletin de La
Société Suisse des Américanistes. Geneva: Musée D'ethnographie, v.57-58, p.37 - 48,
Pesquisa Antropológica e Ação em favor dos povos indígenas.[Anthropological
Research and Action on Behalf of the indigenous peoples] Terra Indígena. Araraquara,
v.67, p.37 - 51, 1993.
Pursuing The Spirit. Semantic Construction In Hohodene Kalidzamai Chants For
Initiation. Amerindia. Paris, France: CNRS, v.18, p.1 - 40, 1993.
Review (Comendo como Gente. Formas de Canibalismo Wari', by Aparecida Vilaça).
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. São Paulo, v.23, n. 8, p.146 - 148, 1993.
Guardians of The Cosmos: Baniwa Shamans And Prophets (Part I). History of Religions.
Chicago: University Of Chicago, August, p.32 - 58, 1992.
Guardians of The Cosmos: Baniwa Shamans And Prophets (Part 2). History of Religions.
Chicago: University Of Chicago, Nov., p.126 - 145, 1992.
Uma Conspiração Contra Os 'Civilizados': História, Política e Ideologias dos
Movimentos Milenaristas. [A Conspiracy against the ‘civilized people’: History, politics
and ideologies of millenarian movements of the Northwest Amazon] Anuário
Antropológico 89. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, v.89, p.191 - 234, 1992.
A Conspiracy Against The Civilized People. Religiones Latinoamericanas. México, v. 2,
p.43 - 70, 1991.
Indian Slavery in the Northwest Amazon. Boletim Do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi.
Belém, Pará: MPEG, v.7, n.2, p.149 - 179, 1991.
Conquistados Mas Não Vencidos.[Conquered but not defeated] Anuário Antropológico
87. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, v. 87, p.249 – 258, 1990.
Guerras e Alianças Na História dos Baniwa do Alto Rio Negro.[Wars and Alliances in
the History of the Baniwa of the Upper Rio Negro] Ciências Sociais Hoje. São Paulo:
ANPOCS, v.1990, p.217 - 236, 1990.
Guerres de 1'Or Dans Le Rio Negro: Strategies Indiennes. Ethnies. France: Survival
International, v.11- 12, p.38 - 42, 1990.
O 'Governo' dos Indios Tikuna (Review). Ciência Hoje. São Paulo, v.11, n.62, p.58 - 59,
Anthropological Presuppositions Of Indigenous Advocacy. Annual Review Of
Anthropology. Palo Alto, California: Annual Reviews, Inc., v.17, p.365 - 390, 1988.
Uma Historia de Resistência: Os 'Heróis' Baniwa e Suas Lutas.[A History of Resistance:
Baniwa heroes and their struggles] Revista de Antropologia. São Paulo: USP, v.30/31,
p.355 – 381, 1987.
As Guerras do Ouro No Alto Rio Negro.[Gold Wars on the Upper Rio Negro] Aconteceu.
São Paulo, v.17, p.85 - 87, 1986.
& Hill, J.D.) History, Ritual and Myth: Nineteenth Century Millenarian Movements In
The Northwest Amazon. Ethnohistory. Durham, NC: American Society for Ethnohistory,
v.33, n.1, p.39 – 54, 1986.
(& Wali, A. P. Aspelin) Hidrelétricos En Centro Y Sud America.[Hydroelectrics in
Central and South America] Boletin Del Grupo Internacional De Trabajo Sobre Assuntos
Indigenas. Copenhagen: IWGIA, v.2, n.2/3, p.29 - 48, 1983.
Lucha y Supervivencia en el Noroeste de la Amazonia.[Struggle and Survival in the
Northwest Amazon] America Indigena. México: Instituto Indigenista Interamericano,
v.43, n.3, p.537 - 554, 1983.
Structure And Process In Guajiro Society (Review article). Anthropology And Humanism
Quarterly. EUA: Society For Humanistic Anthropology, v.8, n.4, p.5 - 9, 1983.
The Great Carajás Program: Brazil's Mega-Project For The '80s. The Global Reporter.
Boston, MA: Anthropology Resource Center, v.1, n.1, p.3 - 6, 1983.
The Yanomami Saga: An End in Sight?. Cultural Survival Quarterly. Cambridge, MA,
v.6, n.2, p.27 - 29, 1982.
Demons with no Heads. NTM and the Baniwa of Brazil. Arc Bulletin. Boston:
Anthropology Resource Center, v.9, p.9 - 13, 1981.
Books and special issues of journals published or accepted for publication:
“Mysteries of the Jaguar Shamans. Ancient Knowledge of the Baniwa Maliiri”, accepted
for publication by the University of Nebraska Press, Omaha, 2013 (approximately 350
Ed. 2012. “Anthropological Advocacy, Development, and Indigenous Peoples’
Movements : Special Issue in Honor of Shelton H. Davis”, to be published as vol 9(2) of
Tipiti, Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America. (about 200
p. ms.). Trinity U. press.
Ed. 2009. The Religious Lives of Amazonian Plants. Special issue of the Journal of the
Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. Vol. 3(1). Equinox Publishing,
& A. VILACA, eds. 2009. Native Christians. Modes and Effects of Christianity among
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. (Ashgate Press, Farnham, UK), 232 pp.
História Indígena e do Indigenismo no Alto Rio Negro.[Indigenous History and the
History of Indian Policy on the Upper Rio Negro] Campinas: Mercado de Letras/Instituto
Socioambiental, 2005, 300 pp.
Ed., 2004, Transformando os Deuses. Igrejas Evangélicas, Pentecostais e
Neopentecostais entre os Povos Indígenas no Brasil. [Transforming the Gods:
Evangelical, Pentecostal and Neopentecostal Churches among the Indigenous Peoples in
Brazil] Vol. 2, Campinas : UNICAMP, 531 pp.
& N.L. Whitehead, eds. 2004,. In Darkness and Secrecy. The Anthropology of Assault
Sorcery and Witchcraft in Amazonia. Durham: Duke University Press, 327 pp.
Ed., Transformando os Deuses. Os Múltiplos Sentidos da Conversão entre os Povos
Indígenas no Brasil. [Transforming the Gods: The Multiple Senses of Conversion among
the Indigenous Peoples in Brazil] Vol. 1, Campinas : UNICAMP, 1999, 547pp.
(ed., with Cornelio et al.) Waferinaipe Ianheke. A Sabedoria dos Nossos Antepassados.
[The Wisdom of Our Ancestors] São Gabriel da Cachoeira: ACIRA/FOIRN, 1999, 191
Cosmos, Self and History in Baniwa Religion. For Those Unborn. Austin, TX. :
University of Texas Press, 1998, 314 pp.
& Barreiro, J., eds.
Native Peoples In Struggle, Cases From The Fourth Russell Tribunal & Other
International Forums. Bombay, N.Y.: E.R.I.N. Publications, 1982.166 pp.
& Davis, S. H.
The Yanomami Indian Park: A Call For Action. Boston: ARC, 1981. 25 pp.
Chapters of books
“Indigenous Religious Traditions of the World”, chapter submitted and accepted for
publication in Lawrence E. Sullivan, ed., World Religion: A Cultural Introduction to the
Making of Meaning (Fortress Press, 2013), 52 pp. ms.
“Histórias de Criação Baniwa do Universo”, accepted for publication in volume
Mitoteca Baniwa, edited by Luiza Garnelo, Manaus (Brazil): Universidade Federal do
Amazonas (UFAM), 42 pp.
“Pajelança in the Brazilian North,” in: Jurgensmayer, M., Encyclopedia of Religions,
2012, SAGE publications.
“Arawakan Flute Cults of Lowland South America: The Domestication of Predation and
the Production of Agentivity”, 2012. In: J.H. Hill and J-P Chaumeil, eds., Bursts of
Breath: New Research on Indigenous Flutes in Lowland South America. Omaha:
University of Nebraska, pp. 325-356.
“Christianities in South America”. 2007. In: Atlas of the World’s Religions, Second
pp. 178-179.
“Baniwa Art. The Baniwa Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Sustainable Development”,
In: Wright, R.M. & A. VILAÇA, eds. 2009. Native Christians. Modes and Effects of
Christianity among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (Ashgate Press, Farnham, UK),
pp. 187-210.
(1) “Cosmology: South American Cosmologies”; (2) “South American Indian Religions:
Indians of the Western Amazon”; (3) “South American Indian Religions: Indians of the
Central and Eastern Amazon”. In: Encyclopedia of Religions (Second Edition).
MacMillan Press (2005).
“Ethnic Groups of the Içana” (in English and Portuguese). In: Enciclopédia dos Povos
Indígenas no Brasil. ISA, org., 2003.
“Ialanawinai: O branco na história e mito Baniwa.” [Ialanawinai: The White man in
Baniwa myth and history] In: Pacificando o Branco. Bruce Albert & Alcida Ramos, eds.
São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2002.
“Indianer, religionsgeschichtlich-Wichtige Stammesgruppe-Sudamerika” In: Die Religion
in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Tübingen : Siebeck, 2002, p. 10338-9.
“The Baniwa.” In: Native Religions and Cultures of Central and South America.
Anthropology of the Sacred. Lawrence Sullivan, ed. New York: Continuum, 2002.
“Prophetic Traditions among the Baniwa and Other Arawakan Peoples of the Northwest
Amazon.” In: Comparative Arawakan Histories. Jonathan D. Hill & Fernando SantosGranero, eds. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2002.
“South America Lowlands.” In: Handbook of Latin American Studies. Social Sciences
Austin, TX : University of Texas Press, 2002, v.57, p. 115-137.
& Carneiro da Cunha, M., “Destruction, Resistance, and Transformation – Southern,
Coastal, and Northern Brazil (1580-1890) “ In: The Cambridge History of the Native
Peoples of the Americas. Vol. 3, Part 2. Stuart Schwarz & Frank Salomon, eds.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
“O Tempo de Sophie: História e Cosmologia da Conversão Baniwa “ [The Time of
Sophie: History and Cosmology of Baniwa Conversion] In: Transformando os Deuses.
Os múltiplos sentidos da conversão entre os povos indígenas no Brasil. Robin M. Wright,
ed. Campinas : UNICAMP, 1999.
“Os Baniwa no Brasil [The Baniwa in Brazil]” In: Demarcando Terras Indígenas.
Brasília : FUNAI/PPTAL/GTZ, 1999.
“I Baniva” In: Culture e Religioni Indigene in America Centrale e Meridionale.
Lawrence Sullivan, ed. Milano : Jaca Book – Massimo, 1997 (Translated and published
in: Native Religions and Cultures of Central and South America. New York: Continuum,
“Os Guardiões do Cosmos: pajés e profetas entre os Baniwa “ [The Guardians of the
Cosmos: shamans and prophets among the Baniwa] In: Xamanismo no Brasil: Novas
Perspectivas. E. Jean Langdon, ed. Florianópolis, Santa Catarina : UFSC, 1996.
“Latin American Religion. “ In: A New Dictionary of Religions. John Hinnel, ed. Oxford,
UK : Blackwell, 1995.
“Catastrophe And Regeneration. An Appraisal Of Recent Theoretical Approaches To
Millenarianism In Amazonia”. In: Religiosidad Y Resistencia Indigenas Hacia El Fin Del
Milenio. Alicia Barabas, ed. Quito : Ediciones Abya-Yalla, 1994.
“História Indígena do Noroeste da Amazônia: Questões, Hipóteses e Perspectivas
“[Indigenous History of the Northwest Amazon: Questions, Hypotheses and
Perspectives]. In: História Dos Índios No Brasil. Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, ed. 1st ed.
São Paulo : Companhia Das Letras, 1992.
& Hill, J. D. “Venancio Kamiko: Wakuenai Shaman And Messiah.” In: Portals of
Power. Shamanism in South America. E.Jean Langdon & Gerhard Baer, eds.
Albuquerque, New Mex. : University Of New Mexico Press, 1992.
“Baniwa-Curripaco-Wakuenai.” In: Encyclopedia Of World Cultures. Johannes Wilbert,
ed. New Haven : Sage Publications, 1991.
& Hill, J. D.,.”Time, Narrative And Ritual: Historical Interpretations From An
Amazonian Society.” In: Rethinking History And Myth: Indigenous South American
Perspectives On The Past. J.D. Hill, ed. Urbana, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1988.
“Brazil; Canada.” In: Native Resource Control And The Multinational Corporate
Challenge. Sally Swenson, ed. Boston : Anthropology Resource Center, 1982.
& Davis, S. H. “Human Consequences of Development Policies in the Brazilian
Amazon.” In: Tropical Deforestation. Hearings before the Subcommittee on International
Organizations. Washington, DC : United States Government Printing Office, 1980
Participation (organization, presentation of papers) in Meetings,
Conferences, and Other Events
“Mythscapes of the Northwest Amazon and Their Meanings”, (English & Portuguese)
with powerpoint show to accompany. Available on website
“Arawakan Flute Cults of Lowland South America: The Domestication of Predation and
the Production of Agentivity”, paper presented in the Symposium “Bursts of Breath: New
Research on Indigenous Flutes in Lowland South America,” organized by J.H. Hill and JP Chaumeil, 52nd ICA, Seville, Spain, July, 2006.
“Baniwa Art”. The Baniwa Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Sustainable Development”,
paper presented in the Symposium on “Modes of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples
of the Americas”, organized by R.M. Wright & A. Vilaca, 52nd International Congress of
Americanists, Seville, Spain, July, 2006.
Also presented at the Inaugural Conference of the International Society for the Study of
Religion, Nature, and Culture, Symposium on “Indigenous Cosmologies and Sustainable
Development in the Amazon.” University of Florida-Gainesville, April 4-6, 2006.
“Indigenous Philosophies and Ontologies and Their Implications for Sustainable
Development,” Presented at the Inaugural Forum of the Inaugural Conference of the
International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, University of
Florida-Gainesville, April 4-6, 2006.
“The Universal and the Particular: Indigenous Amazonian Socio-Religious Formations
and their Historical Transformations”, Colloquium address to the Department of
Religion, University of Florida-Gainesville, Fl, January, 2005.
“Ethnogenesis in the Northwest Amazon and Its Implications for the Ethnohistory of
Northern Arawakan-speaking Peoples,” International Symposium on Historical
Linguistics in South America, Museu Goeldi, Belem-PA, 27 August-02 September 2005.
“O Desenvolvimento sustentável no Alto Rio Negro: Desafios, avanços e problemas”
[Sustainable development on the Upper Rio Negro: Challenges, advances and problems].
Paper presented to the Workshop “Ameríndia 2004”, UNESP/Araraquara, April, 2004.
Untitled Paper presented to the Round Table on “Anthropology and Power: In Honor of
Eric Wolf”, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, April, 2004.
“E o Papa Recebe Ordens do Deus Pajé: Cosmologias Xamânicas no Noroeste da
Amazônia” [And the Pope receives orders from the shaman god: shamanic cosmologies
in the Northwest Amazon]. Paper presented to the Work Group on Indians and
Missionaries. Symbols, Practices and Policies. V Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, November 30 – December 3, 2003.
“A Antropologia Diante das Missões: Uma Diversidade de Perspectivas” [Anthropology
and the Missions: a Diversity of Perspectives]. Paper presented in the Round Table on As
Missões Religiões entre os índios, a Antropologia e o Estado. V Reunião de Antropologia
do Mercosul. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, November 30 – December 3, 2003.
“Transformando os Deuses: novas perspectives sobre a conversão e a religiosidade
indígena “[Transforming the Gods: new perspectives on conversion and indigenous
religiosity]. Keynote Address presented to the 1st International Symposium on Religions,
Religiosity and Culture, held in the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul,
Dourados, September 28 – October 1st, 2003.
“Xamanismo e saúde no noroeste da Amazônia” [Shamanism and Health in the
Northwest Amazon]. Paper presented in the Round Table on Saúde, Religião e Cultura,
1st International Symposium on Religions, Religiosity and Culture, held in the
Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, Dourados, September 28 – October 1st,
Coordinator of the Round Table on Religiões e Religiosidades Indígenas, in the 1st
International Symposium on Religions, Religiosity and Culture, held in the Universidade
Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Dourados, September 28 – October 1st, 2003.
“The Wicked and the Wise Men: Witches and Prophets in Baniwa History” Paper
presented to the Invited Session of the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness,
“The Cosmology of Violence in South America”, organized by Neil Whitehead. 101st
Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA.,
Organizer of the session “Cosmologies of Conversion” at the Research Forum on
“Christian Missions in Indigenous Areas”, 23rd Biannual Meetings of the Brazilian
Anthropological Association, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, 2002.
“A Conversão dos Baniwa e o Problema do Mal.” [The Conversion of the Baniwa and the
Problem of Evil]. Paper presented at the Research Forum on “Christian Missions in
Indigenous Areas”, 23rd Biannual Meetings of the Brazilian Anthropological
Association, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, 2002.
“Ethnology, Indigenist and Indigenous Organizations.” Lecture presented at the
Encontro de Antropologia. Departamento de Antropologia, UNICAMP, 2001.
“Purity and Contamination: Millenarian Traditions among Arawak-speaking Peoples of
the Northwest Amazon”. Paper presented at the International Conference of Comparative
Arawakan Histories. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Panama,
& Jackson, J. Organization of Scientific Session, Politics and Culture in the Northwest
Amazon, at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences,
William & Mary College, 1998.
Co-organizer of the First Congress on the Ritual Use of Ayahuasca, Instituto de Filosofia
e Ciências Humanas, UNICAMP, 1997.
“As Formas Religiosas de Resistência Indígena” [Religious Forms of Indigenous
Resistance]. Paper presented at the Round Table on Indigenous Resistance over the
Centuries, Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasília, 1996.
“Imagens Étnicas e os Meios de Comunicação no Brasil” [Ethnic Images and Mass
Communication in Brazil], Keynote Address presented at the Exposition and Seminar
Memória da Amazônia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 1994.
“Indigenous Religions and Christianity in Brazil”, Paper presented at the International
Colloquium on World Christianity and Christian Missions, organized by the Overseas
Ministries Study Center, Nashville, Tenn., 1994.
Organization of Work Group on Religiões Indígenas e Cristianismo no Brasil
[Indigenous Religions and Christianity in Brazil], at the Biannual meetings of the
Associação Brasileira de Antropologia, Niterói, RJ, 1994.
“Quando as Missões Vieram. História e Cosmologia da Conversão Baniwa” [When the
Missions Came. History and Cosmology of Baniwa Conversion]. Paper presented at the
Biannual meetings of the Associação Brasileira de Antropologia, Niterói, RJ, 1994.
“Anthropology and Indigenism”, 1992. Lecture presented during the Encontro do
Indigenismo, Instituto de Estudos de Linguagem, UNICAMP.
“História Indígena do Noroeste da Amazônia: Questões, Hipóteses e Perspectivas”
[Indigenous History of the Northwest Amazon: Questions, Hypotheses and Perspectives].
Paper presented at the international conference on História Indígena e do Indigenismo.
Universidade de São Paulo, SP, 1991.
“Historical Perspectives and Indigenous Rights Movements in the Northwest Amazon.”
Paper presented at the Lowland South America Symposium, American Anthropological
Association meetings, New Orleans, LA., 1990.
“Indigenismo e Antropologia [Indigenism and Anthropology]. Paper presented at the
Round Table on Pesquisa em Área Indígena. Para Quem ? Para Quê ? Universidade do
Estado de São Paulo – Araraquara, 1990.
Coordinator of the Work Group on História Indígena e do Indigenismo, at the annual
meetings of ANPOCS, Caxambu, MG, 1989.
“Politics and Belief in the mid-19th Century Rebellions of the Northwest Amazon.”
Paper presented at the Symposium on Rebellions, First International Congress of
Ethnohistory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1989.
“UWI. Guerras e Alianças nas Histórias Orais dos Baniwa do Alto Rio Negro.” [Wars
and Alliances in the Oral Histories of the Baniwa of the Upper Rio Negro] Paper
presented in the Work Group on História Indígena e do Indigenismo, annual meetings of
ANPOCS, Caxambu, MG, 1989.
“Uma Política de Dividir-e-Conquistar. Os Baniwa, a Mineração, e o Projeto Calha
Norte.” [A Policy of Divide-and-Conquer. The Baniwa, Mining and the Northern
Channel Project]. Paper presented to the Work Group on Política Indigenista, annual
meetings of ANPOCS, Caxambu, MG, 1989.
“Cronologia e Estrutura na História Oral dos Índios Hohodene” [Chronology and Struture
in the Oral History of the Hohodene Indians]. Paper presented to the Work Group on
História Indígena e do Indigenismo, annual meetings of ANPOCS, Campos de Jordão,
SP, 1986.
“História Indígena do Alto Rio Negro, séculos 18-20.” [Indigenous History of the Upper
Rio Negro, 18th-20th centuries] Paper presented to the Work Group on História Indígena
e do Indigenismo, annual meetings of ANPOCS, Águas de São Pedro, MG, 1985.
& Davis, S. H. “A Campanha Internacional em favor dos Direitos Yanomami à Terra no
Brasil.” [The International Campaign on behalf of Yanomami Land Rights in Brazil]
Paper presented at the Biannual meetings of the Brazilian Anthropological Association,
Brasília, D.F. , 1984
& Hill, J. D. “Time, Narrative and Ritual: Historical Interpretations from an Amazonian
Society.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological
Association. Boulder, CO., 1984
Organizer, Symposium on “International Dams: The Impact on Native Peoples”.
National Conference on Rivers, Washington, D.C., 1983.
Co-organizer of international conference on “Native Resource Control and the
Multinational Corporate Challenge. Aboriginal Rights in International Perspective”.
Sponsored by the Anthropology Resource Center, Cultural Survival, Indian Law
Resource Center, Multinational Monitor. Washington, D.C., 1982
“Struggle and Survival in the Northwest Amazon.” Paper presented in the “Lowland
South America Symposium” at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological
Association. Washington, D.C., 1982.
& the CCPY “The Yanomami Indians. Declaration on Violations of the Rights of the
Yanomami Indians in Brazil”, presented to the Fourth Russell Tribunal on the Rights of
the Indians of the Americas. Rotterdam, Holland, 1980.
Technical Works
Editorial Board, Tipiti, Journal of the South America Lowlands Studies Association,
Editorial Board, Journal of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature
and Culture, UF, Gainesville, 2006-present
Editorial Board, Nandety, U. Federal de Grande Dourados, MS, Brazil, 2010-present
Editorial Board, Tellus, Universidade Catolica Dom Bosco, Dourados, MS, Brazil, 2008present
Contributor to the Handbook of Latin American Studies on South American Lowland
Ethnology, National Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Ad hoc Consultant for the UNESP Editor, São Paulo, 2003.
Ad hoc Consultant for the University of Londrina Editor, Londrina, São Paulo, 2003.
Inventory of the Indigenous Peoples’ Collection (over 1,200 pieces) in the City Museum
of Campinas, 2003.
Ad hoc Assessor for the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in the
Social Sciences (Associação Nacional de Pós Graduação e Pesquisa Em Ciências Sociais
– ANPOCS), 2003-present; 1994-97. Member of the Fellowships Commissions
Ad hoc Consultant to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
(Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico/DF - CNPQ/DF,
Brazil), 2001-present; 1992-1997.
Ad hoc Consultant to the Foundation for Support to Research of the State of São Paulo
(Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil),
1986 – present.
Ad hoc Consultant to the FAEP (Support Fund for Research and Teaching of the
UNICAMP), 1986-present.
Reviewer for the journal Ethnohistory, 2001.
Ad hoc Consultant for the Wenner-Gren Foundation, 2001.
Consultant to Cultural Survival on “Support Organizations and Indigenous Organizations
in Brazil”, 1984 (Assessment of the work of indigenous and support organizations in
Brazil, involving numerous interviews in Brasília, São Paulo and Manaus, regarding the
objectives, activity and projects of each organization).
Artistic/Cultural Production
“Searching for Parika” , 15 minute video accompanied by ppt called “Blood of the
Gods”, both of which document the process of maing the sacred shamanic substance, the
psychoactive called pariká. This is followed by scenes from the new “shamans’ house of
knowledge & power”, a kind of indigenous ‘school’ where the master-shaman teaches
apprentices the art of healing. Finally, a brief cure by the master-shaman on several sick
people. The ppt provides ethnographic information to supplement the film, on shamanic
practices, training, relation to the cosmos and sacred places;
“Mythscapes and their Meanings”, a ppt to accompany a paper with the same title (in
English and Portuguese), available for viewing on my URL. This presentation shows
scenes of the sacred geography of the Baniwa on the Aiary River. Ongoing project, with
indigenous researchers.
Three CDs of photos and music of the Baniwa Indians of the Aiary (based on fieldwork
conducted in 1976-77, and 1997-2000): “Shamans of the Aiary”, “Villages of the Aiary”,
“The Notion of Personhood among the Baniwa of the Aiary”. Also, CD of images of
ritual sacrifice among the Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas – for didactic purposes.
& Foxtree, W. Co-organizer of the Native Festival “Millenia of Native First People”,
Boston, MA. 1984.
(in collaboration with the Comissão pela Criação do Parque Yanomami)
“The War In The Amazon”, film presentation and lecture in the Museum of the Indian,
Heye Foundation (New York), 1983.
& Saffirio, J. “The Yanomami: A People in Crisis” (a 30-minute film on the situation of
the Yanomami Indians along the Northern Perimeter Highway), 1983.
& Saffirio, J. “Worlds in Collision” (exposition of Yanomami art), Tozzer Library,
Harvard University), 1983.
Membership in Professional Associations
Founding member, Member-At-Large for the Social Sciences, and member of the
Executive Board of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and
Culture (2006-);
Member, American Academy of Religion (AAR), since 2007 (not continuously);
Member, Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America; also, member of
Editorial Board, Tipiti, Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South
America, 2006-present;
Member, American Anthropological Association since 1981( not continuously);
Member, Brazilian Anthropological Association since 1986 (not continuously);
Other bibliographic productions: Translations, Editorial and Bibliographical
“Research among the Walimanai, Northwest Amazon, Brazil”, 2009. In: second edition
of the indigenous journal Pitsiro Pamaali, published by the Pamaali Indigenous School,
Rio Içana, Brazil.
Co-editor of the Newsletter of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature,
and Culture. University of Florida-Gainesville, 2006-present.
Translations (Portuguese-English) of more than 50 entries for the Encyclopedia of
Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, produced by the Instituto Socioambiental, on the site 2003-4.
Translation (English-Portuguese), “How do we develop an anthropological gaze that
avoids the fallacy of the superior position of Western civilization?” by Joanna Overing,
paper presented at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, (November, 2003).
Contributing Editor on Lowland South America to the Handbook of Latin American
Studies. National Library of Congress – NLC (Washington, D.C), 1994 – 1999, 2008present.
Translation (English – Portuguese) of Schwartzman, S., Malone, M.
“Os Bancos Multilaterais de Desenvolvimento e o Setor Energético”.[Multilateral
Development Banks and the Energy Sector] São Paulo: Comissão Pró-Indio de São
Paulo, 1988.
Translation (Portuguese – English) of Santos & Andrade, Eds.
Hydroelectric Dams on Brazil's Xingu River and Indigenous Peoples. Cambridge, MA:
Cultural Survival, 1990, 191 pp.
Translation (Portuguese – English) Comissão Pela Criação Do Parque Yanomami, ed.
URIHI. [Bulletin of the Commission for the Creation of the Yanomami Park]. São
Paulo:CCPY, 1986-89.
Ed., ARC Bulletin (a bimonthly bulletin on the situation of indigenous peoples in Brazil).
Boston, MA.:Anthropology Resource Center, 1980-82.
Extension courses and seminars
Mini-Course on “Indigenous Culture”. (City Museum) Museu da Cidade, Campinas, 2225 April, 2003.
“Religion, Myth and Ritual”, 20-hour course given to students in the Social Sciences of
the Universidade Federal do Amazonas, campus of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas,
“The Baniwa People”, 20-hour course given to health personnel in São Gabriel da
Cachoeira, Amazonas, 1999.
“Myth, Ritual and symbolism”. Seminar presented at the annual meeting of the
Coordinators of the ANDRI (Articulação Nacional de Diálogo Inter-religioso), Brasília,
“South American Indigenous Religions”. 20-hour course presented to members of the
regional Indigenist Missionary Councils (CIMI) of Rondônia and Mato Grosso, Jí-paraná,
Rondônia, 1996.
“Ethnohistory”. Lecture presented at the Museu do Índio/FUNAI, Rio de Janeiro, 1995.
“Studies of Brazilian Ethnology in Five Approaches”. Sequence of five Seminars
presented at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Pará, 1993.
“Traditional and Western Medicines”. Lecture presented at the 40th Course on
Traditional Medicine, Escola Paulista de Medicine, São Paulo, 1992.
“Baniwa Ethnology – a cycle of five seminars”. Five Seminars presented at the
Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, 1991.
Theses concluded
Master’s dissertations
Yara Costa, M.A. in Dance, “Análise das danças indígenas dos povos
Baniwa e Tukano: contributo para uma reflexão sobre a identidade cultural
do Amazonas.” [Analysis of Indigenous Dance of the Tukano and Baniwa
Peoples: contribution to a reflection on cultural identity in Amazonas]
Dorotea Grijalva Gomes, M.A. in Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, Brazil, 2006; “Ri b´anikil tinamit, ri b´anikil winaq rech
usuk´maxik rij ri saqamaq´-tinamital pa we Paxil Kayalá. A etnia e o
gênero na construção do Estado-Nação guatemalteco” [Ethnicity and
Gender in the construction of the Guatemalan nation-state]
Giovana Acácia Tempesta. “A produção continuada dos corpos. Práticas de
resguardo entre os Wapichana e os Macuxi em Roraima”[The continued production of
bodies. Practices of restriction among the Wapichana and Macuxi in Roraima]. 2004.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
Artionka Manuela Goes Capiberibe. “Os Palikur e o Cristianismo”[The Palikur
and Christianity]. 2001. Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Wladimiyr Sena Araújo. “Navegando nas Águas do Mar Sagrado: História,
Cosmologia e Ritual do Centro Espírita e Culto de Oração 'Casa de Jesus, Fonte de
Luz'”[Navigating in the Waters of the Sacred Sea: History, Cosmology and Ritual of the
Spirit Center and Oration Cult, ‘House of Jesus, Source of Light’]. 1997. Universidade
Estadual de Campinas
Marlene Rodrigues de Novaes. “A Caminho da Farmácia. Pluralismo Médico
entre os Wari' de Rondônia”[On the Way to the Pharmacy. Medical Pluralism among the
Wari’ of Rondônia]. 1996. Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Celso Gestermaier de Nascimento. “O Contato Tupinambá: Uma Análise de
Crônicas”[Tupinambá Contact: An Analysis of the Chronicles]. 1996. Universidade
Estadual de Campinas
Márcio de Freitas Meira. “O Tempo dos Patrões. Extrativismo da Piaçava entre os
índios do Rio Xié (Alto Rio Negro)”[The Time of the Bosses. Piaçava Extractivism
among the Indians of the Xié River (Upper Rio Negro)]. 1993. Universidade Estadual de
Myriam Martins Álvarez. “Yamiy, os espíritos do canto: a construção da pessoa
na sociedade Maxakali”[Yamiy, the spirits of song: the construction of the person in
Maxakali society]. 1992. Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Denise Genuina Da Silva Adrião. “O Processo de Identificação Étnica: A
Recriacao da Identidade Indigena Em Barcellos (Am)”[The Process of Ethnic
Identification: The Recreation of Indigenous Identity in Barcellos (AM)]. 1991.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Doctoral Dissertations
Juan Carlos Pena, Indigenous Urbanization in the Northwest Amazon,
Col;ombia. Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, 2007;
Noemia dos Santos Pereira Moura, O PROCESSO DE TERENIZAÇÃO DO
Process of Terena-izing of Christianity in the Taunay/Ipegue Indigenous Reserve, in the
20th Century] Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil,
Carlos Francisco Pérez Reyna. “O Filme e o rito: Encontro de Funções e
Significações. Uma reinterpretação etnocinematográfica do ritual Santiago no Peru
Andino contemporâneo (The Ritual of Santiago in the Central Andes, Peru)”. Institute of
Arts, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2002..
Arthur Shaker Fauzi Eid. “A Criação do Mundo segundo os velhos narradores
Xavante”[The Creation of the World according to the Elder Xavante narrators], Social
Sciences. Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2002.
Luiza Garnelo Pereira. “Poder Hierarquia e Reciprocidade”[Power, Hierarchy and
Reciprocity]. Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2002.
Juan Ranulfo Cavero Carrasco. “Taqui Onqoy: Messianismo e História
Indígena”[Taqui Onqoy: Messianism and Indigenous History] . Social Sciences,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1999.
Undergraduate monographs
Zachary Rogers, “Ayahuasca Religions”, Honor’s thesis, CLAS, University of
Florida-Gainesville, 2008.
Isabel de Rose. “O Céu de Mantiquera”[Community of ayahuasca users]. 2002.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Adriana Carvalho. “Ritual de Capoeira”[Ritual of Capoeira]. 1999. Universidade
Estadual de Campinas
Ronaldo de Almeida. “The Anthropology of Mircea Eliade”. 1989. Universidade
Estadual de Campinas
Participation in Thesis Defense Committees (Master’s and doctoral)
1. (Chair)
Noelle Nuebler, M.A. “Indigenous Land Demarcation Policy in Brazil”. Center for Latin
American Studies, UF-Gainesville,2008.
1. (Chair)
Giovana Acácia Tempesta. “A produção continuada dos corpos. Práticas de resguardo
entre os Wapichana e os Macuxi em Roraima” [The continued production of bodies.
Practices of restriction among the Wapichana and Macuxi in Roraima]. Department of
Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2004.
2 .(Member)
Ivan soares Farias. “Doenças, Dramas e Narrativas entre os Geripankó” [Sicknesses,
Dramas and Narratives among the Geripankó]. Department of Social Anthropology,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2004.
3 . (Member)
Valeria Esteves Barros. “Da Casa de Rezas À Congregação Cristã no Brasil “[From the
House of Prayers to the Christian Congregation in Brazil], Department of Social
Anthropology, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2003.
4 . (Member)
Odemar Leotti. “Labirinto das Almas - A diretoria Geral dos Indios - Politica Indigenista
em Mato Grosso (1831 a 1889)” [Labyrinth of Souls – the General directorate of Indians
– Indigenist Policy in Mato Grosso (1831 to 1839)], Department of History, Universidade
Estadual de Campinas, 2001.
5 . (Chair)
Artionka Manuela Goes Capiberibe. “Os Palikur e o Cristianismo” [The Palikur and
Christianity], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
6 . (Member)
Gilton Mendes dos Santos. “Seara de Homens e Deuses: Uma Etnografia de Agricutura
dos Enawene-Nawe.” [Harvest of Men and Gods: An Ethnography of the EnaweneNawe], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.
7 . (Member)
Maria Gabriela Araújo Jahnel. “Etnografia dos Seringueiros do alto Purus” [Ethnography
of the rubber-tappers of the upper Purus], Department of Social Anthropology,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1998.
8 . (Member)
Décio Guzmán. “História de Brancos: Memória, historiografia dos índios Manao do rio
Negro (sécs. XVIII-XX)” [History of Whites: Memory, historiography of the Manao
Indians of the Rio Negro (18th-20th centuries)], Department of Social Anthropology,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1997.
9 . (Chair)
Wladimiyr Sena Araújo. “Navegando nas Águas do Mar Sagrado” [Navigating in the
Waters of the Sacred Sea]. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual
de Campinas, 1997.
10 . (Member)
Lino João de Oliveira Neves. “127 Anos de Sempre. Os Kanamari” [127 Years of the
Same. The Kanamari], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina, 1996.
11 . (Chair)
Marlene Rodrigues de Novaes. “A Caminho da Farmácia: Pluralismo Médico entre os
Wari de Rondônia” [On the Way to the Pharmacy: Medical Pluralism among the Wari’],
Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1996.
12 . (Member)
Alcides Fernandes Gussi. “Identidades no Contexto Transnacional: Lembranças e
Esquecimentos de Ser Brasileiro, Norte-Americano e Confederado de Santa Barbara
d'Oeste e Americana” [Identities in the Transnational Context: Memories of and
Forgetting Being Brazilian, North American and Confederate in Santa Bárbara d’Oeste
and Americana], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, 1996.
13 . (Chair)
Celso Gestermaier de Nascimento. “O Contato Tupinambá:Uma Análise de Crônicas”
[Tupinambá Contact: An Analysis of the Chronicles], Department of Social
Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1996.
14 . (Member)
Stela Azevedo de Abreu. “Aleluia: o banco de luz”[Aleluia: the bench of light],
Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1995.
15 . (Member)
Maria Cristina Pompa. “O Movimento Pau de Colher”[The Pau de Colher Messianic
Movement], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
16 . (Member)
Aloísio Cabalzar Filho. “Organização Social Tuyuka”[Tuyuka Social Organization],
Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1995.
17 . (Member)
Paula Morgado Dias Lopes. “O Pluralismo Médico Wayana-Aparaí: Uma Experiência
Intercultural” [Wayana-Aparaí Medical Pluralism: An Intercultural Experience],
Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1994.
18. (Member)
Jaime Siqueira Júnior. “Esse Campo custou o sangue dos nossos avós: A construção do
tempo e espaço Kadiwéu” [This Field cost the blood of our forefathers: The construction
of time and space among the Kadiwéu], Department of Social Anthropology,
Universidade de São Paulo, 1993.
19 . (Chair)
Márcio de Freitas Meira. “O Tempo dos Patrões: Extrativismo da Piaçava entre os índios
do rio Xié” [The Time of the Bosses: Piaçava Extractivism on the Xié River],
Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1993.
20. (Member)
Geraldo Luciano Andrello. “Os Taurepang: Memória e Profetismo no Século XX”[The
Taurepang: Memory and Prophetism in the 20th Century], Department of Social
Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,1993.
21 . (Member)
Sidnei Clemente Peres. “Arrendamento e Terras Indígenas: análise de alguns modelos de
ação indigenista no Nordeste (1910-1960)” [Leasing and Indigenous Lands: Analysis of
some models of indigenist action in the Northeast (1910-1960)], Department of Social
Anthropology, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1992.
22 . (Member)
Regina Maria de Carvalho Erthal. “Atrair para Pacificar”[Attract in order to Pacify],
Department of Social Anthropology, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, 1992.
23 . (Chair)
Myriam Martins Alvarez. “Yamiy: os espíritos do canto”[Yamiy: the spirits of song],
Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1992.
24 . (Member)
Cristina de Resende Rubin. “A Igreja Eletrônica: A Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus
(IURD) no Brasil”[The Electronic Church: The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God
in Brazil], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
25 . (Member)
Margarete Kitaka Mendes. “Etnografia preliminar dos Ashaninka da Amazônia
Brasileira”[Preliminary Etnhography of the Ashaninka of Amazônia], Department of
Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1991.
26 . (Member)
Marta Rosa Amoroso. “Guerra Mura no século XVIII: versos e versões”[Mura War in the
18th Century: verses and versions], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade
Estadual de Campinas, 1991.
27 . (Member)
Victoria Peres Costa. “O Caminho do Silêncio: Sufismo no Brasil” [The Path of Silence:
Sufism in Brazil], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, 1991.
28 . (Chair)
Denise Genuina da Silva Adrião. . “O Processo de Identificação Étnica: A Recriacao da
Identidade Indigena Em Barcellos (Am)”[The Process of Ethnic Identification: The
Recreation of Indigenous Identity in Barcellos (AM)], Department of Social
Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1991.
29 . (Member)
Beatriz Perrone-Moisés. “Legislação indigenista colonial: inventário e índices”[Colonial
indigenist legislation: inventory and índices], Department of Social Anthropology,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1990.
30 . (Member)
Paulo Santilli. “Os Macuxi: história e política no século XX”[The Macuxi: history and
politics in the 20th Century], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual
de Campinas, 1989.
31 . (Member)
Nádia Farage. “As Muralhas dos Sertões: Os Povos Indígenas do Rio Branco e a
Colonização”[The Great Walls of the Backlands: The Indigenous Peoples of the Rio
Branco and Colonization], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, 1986.
1. (Co-Chair)
Renzo Duin, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, UF-Gainesville, 2007present.
2. (Member)
Leah Sarat, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville, 2007-present.
3. (Member)
Luke Johnston, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville, 2006-present.
1. (Member)
Levi Marques Pereira. “Imagens Kaiowá do Sistema Social e seu entorno”[Kaiowá
Images of the Social System and Surroundings], Department of Anthropology,
Universidade de São Paulo, 2004.
2. (Member)
Aristóteles Barcelos Neto, “Apapaatai: rituais de máscaras no Alto Xingu”[Apapaatai:
Masked dances in the Upper Xingu], Department of Anthropology, Universidade de São
Paulo, 2004.
3. (Member)
Graziele Acçolini, “Protestantismo à Moda Terena”[Protestantism Terena Style],
Department of Sociology, Universidade Estadual Paulista – Araraquara Campus, 2004.
4. (Member)
Elba Guillermina Soto Veloso, “Na busca de mudança social: sonhos e lutas dos
Mapuche do Chile”[In search of social change: dreams and struggles of the Mapuche of
Chile], Faculty of Education, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2004.
5. (Member)
Melvina Afra Mendes de Araújo, “Do Corpo à alma: Missionários da Consolata e índios
Macuxi em Roraima”[From Body to Soul: Consolata Missionaries and Macuxi Indians in
Roraima], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 2003.
6. (Member)
Fernando Sérgio Dumas dos Santos, “Os Caboclos das Águas Pretas: Saúde, Ambiente e
Trabalho no Século XX”[The Caboclos of the Black Waters: Health, Environment and
Labor in the 20th Century], Department of History, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
7. (Member)
Sidnei Clemente Peres, “Cultura, política e identidade na Amazônia: o associativismo
indígena no Baixo Rio Negro”[Culture, politics and identity in Amazônia: the indigenous
associational movement on the Lower Rio Negro], Social Sciences, Universidade
Estadual de Campinas, 2003.
8 . (Member)
Isabelle Braz Peixoto da Silva. “Vilas de Indios no Ceará Grande”[Indian Towns in Great
Ceará], Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2003.
9 . (Chair)
Arthur Shaker Fauzi Eid. “A Criação do Mundo segundo os velhos narradores
Xavante”[The Creation of the World according to the Elder Xavante narrators], Social
Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2002.
10 . (Member)
Marcos Pereira Rufino. “Ide, portanto, no silêncio: faces do indigenismo”[Go, then, into
the silence: faces of indigenism], Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
11 . (Chair)
Maria Luiza Garnelo Pereira. “Poder, Hierarquia e Reciprocidade”[Power, Hierarchy and
Reciprocity], Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2002.
12 . (Member)
Ronaldo Rômulo Machado de Almeida. “Traduções do fundamentalismo
evangélico”[Translations of Evangelical Fundamentalism], Social Sciences, Universidade
Estadual de Campinas, 2002.
12 . (Member)
Ronan Alves Pereira. “O Budismo Leigo da Sôka Gakkai no Brasil: da revolução humana
à utopia mundial”[The Lay Buddhism of Sôka Gakkai in Brazil: from human revolution
to world utopia], Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.
13 . (Member)
Maria Cristina Pompa. “Religião como Tradução - Missionários,Tupi e Tapuia no Brasil
Colonial”[Religion as Translation – Missionaries, Tupi and Tapuia in Colonial Brazil],
Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.
14 . (Member)
Maria Antonieta da Costa Vieira. “À Procura de Bandeiras Verdes: Viagem, Missão e
Romaria -Movimentos Sócio-religiosos na Amazônia Oriental”[In Search of the Green
Flags – Socio-Religious Movements in the Eastern Amazon], Social Sciences,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.
15 . (Member)
Edilene Coffaci de Lima. “Com os olhos da serpente. Homens, Animais e Espíritos nas
Concepções Katukina sobre a Natureza”[With the Eyes of the Serpent. Men, Animals and
Spirits in Katukina Conceptions of Nature], Department of Social Anthropology,
Universidade de Sõ Paulo, 2000.
16 . (Member)
Juracilda Veiga. “Cosmologia e Práticas Rituais Kaingang”[Kaingang Cosmology and
ritual Practices], Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2000.
17 . (Member)
Maria Regina Celestino de Almeida. “Os Índios Aldeados no Rio de Janeiro
Colonial”[The Settled Indians in Colonial Rio de Janeiro], Social Sciences, universidade
Estadual de Campinas, 2000.
18 . (Member)
Maria Antonella Tassinari. “Contribuição à História e à Etnografia do Baixo Oiapoque: a
composição das famílias Karipuna e a estruturação de redes de troca”[Contribution to the
History and Ethnography of the Lower Oiapoque: the composition of Karipuna families
and structuring of Exchange networks], Department of Social Anthropology,
Universidade de São Paulo, 1999.
19 . (Chair)
Juan Ranulfo Cavera Carrasco. “Taqui Onqoy: Messianismo e História Indígena”[Taqui
Onqoy. Messianism and Indigenous History], Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, 1999.
20 . (Member)
Marta Rosa Amoroso. “Cataquese e evasão: Etnografia dos aldeamento indígena de São
Pedro de Alcântara, Paraná: 1855-1895”[Catechization and Evasion: Ethnography of the
indigenous settlement of São Pedro de Alcântara, Paraná: 1855-1895], Department of
Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo,1998.
21 . (Member)
Adone Agnolin. “O Apetite de Antropologia. O Saber Antropofágico do Saber
Antropológico. Alteridade e Identidade no Caso Tupinambá”[The Appetite of
Anthropology. Anthropophagical Knowledge of Anthropological Knowledge. Alterity
and Identity in the Tupinambá Case], Department of Sociology, Universidade de São
Paulo, 1998.
22 . (Member)
Agenor de Castro Farias.”Um Cenário Jê-Amazônico: exercício de uma leitura
configurativa”[A Ge-Amazonian Scenario: an Exercise in Configurative Reading],
Department of Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1996.
23 . (Member)
Lúcia Hussak van Velthem. “O Belo É a Fera: A Estética da Produção e da Predação
entre os Wayana”[Beauty is the Beast: The Aesthetics of Production and Predation
among the Wayana], Department of Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1995.
24 . (Member)
Maria de Fátima R. Machado. “Índios de Rondon: Rondon e as linhas telegráficas na
visão dos sobreviventes Waimaré e Kaxiniti, grupo Pareci”[Indians of Rondon: Rondon
and the telegraph lines in the view of the Waimaré and Kaxiniti, Pareci group],
Department of Social Anthropology, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, 1994.
25 . (Member)
Maria Cándida Drumond Mendes Barros. “A Lingüística Missionária do Summer
Institute of Linguistics”[The Missionary Linguistics of the Summer Institute of
Linguistics], Social Sciences, universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1993.
26 . (Member)
Eliane Moura da Silva. “Vida e Morte: o Homem no Labirinto da Eternidade”[Life and
Death: Man in the Labyrinth of Eternity], Department of History, Universidade Estadual
de Campinas, 1993.
27 . (Member)
Priscila Faulhaber Barbosa. “O Lago dos Espelhos: Um Estudo Antropológico das
Concepções de Fronteira a partir do Movimentos dos Índios em Tefé/AM”[The Lake of
Mirrors: An Anthropological Study of Frontier Conceptions in the Indigenous
Movements in Tefé/AM], Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1992.
28 . (Member)
Dominique Tilkin Gallois. “O Movimento na Cosmologia Waiãpi: Criação, Expansão e
Transformação do Universo”[Movement in Waiãpi Cosmology: Creation, Expansion and
Transformation of the Universe], Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de
Advisees in Progress
Clinton Bland, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville, 2009-present.
Lucas Biaji Moreira, M.A. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville, 2010present.
James Cole Taylor, M.A. candidate, Center for Latin American Studies, UF-Gainesville,
Jaya Reddy, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville;
Jason Purvis, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville;
(external co-advisee) Post-doctoral fellow Glaucie Buratto, Universidade Federal do
Para, Belem, Brazil. Co-advisor with Prof. Lilliam Barros, Institute for the Arts, UFPa,
Committee Member
Hilit Surowitz, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville, 2006-present.
Bridgett O’Laughlin, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville.

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