O Centro Ciência Viva de Sintra e a Embaixada dos Estados Unidos


O Centro Ciência Viva de Sintra e a Embaixada dos Estados Unidos
O Centro Ciência Viva de Sintra e a Embaixada dos Estados Unidos
da América em Portugal convidam para a palestra “NAVIGATING
THE JOURNEY OF LIFE” por Jamail Larkins
Centro Ciência Viva de Sintra dia 27 de Fevereiro pelas 10h30, com Entrada livre.
A palestra que se pretende interactiva será em inglês e incidirá sobre a paixão de
Jamail Larkins pela aeronáutica, começou a pilotar aviões com 12 anos, e de que
forma transformou esse interesse num negócio rentável e bem sucedido.
A entrada é livre mas os lugares são limitados, pelo que pedimos confirmação de
presença através do email [email protected]
A talk about the challenges involved in starting up a company: the importance for
proper planning, research, how to overcome funding challenges, and the importance of
networking. The driving force of it all is a real passion. Jamail Larkins’s is aviation –
what’s yours?
Jamail Larkins is an experienced aerobatic pilot and a millennial entrepreneur, founder
and CEO of two successful aviation companies. He is the first Ambassador for Aviation
and Space Education for the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA).
To fund his passion for flight, at age of 15, Larkins founded his first company - Larkins
Enterprises, Inc. He also started the Dream Launch Tour, a national tour designed to
educate youth about the aviation industry and motivate them to reach for their

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THANKS FROM CAROLINA MICHAELIS STUDENTS TO JAMAIL inspirational, leading us to seek and follow our dreams. It was interesting to know what Mr. Jamail had to do in order to achieve his dreams. Marta Sousa, Ana Pais, Rita Rodrigues, Inês Medeiros

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