Prevenir incêndios extremos em tempo de


Prevenir incêndios extremos em tempo de
Prevenir incêndios extremos em
tempo de dificuldades financeiras
12 a 16 de setembro 2016
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, sala 409
12 de setembro de 2016, 16h30m
 Domingos Xavier Viegas (ADAI. Portugal)
Wildfire regime in Portugal
 Gavriil Xanthopoulos (Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems,
Athens, Greece)
The history of how forest fires became a significant problem in Greece
13 de setembro de 2016, 16h30m
 Gavriil Xanthopoulos (Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems,
Athens, Greece)
The destructive fires of 2007 in Greece
 Sarah McCaffrey (USFS, USA)
Homeowner Wildfire Mitigation: Key lessons from US research
14 de setembro de 2016, 16h30m
 Douglas Paton (Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia)
Social-ecological Approaches to Forest Fire Disaster Risk Reduction
(DRR): An Australian perspective
 Tara McGee (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
Wildfire mitigation by homeowners and local governments in Canada
15 de setembro de 2016, 16h30m
 Michael Coughlan (University of Georgia, USA)
Drought, uncertainty, and fires that escape control: the case of Georgia,
 Christophe Bouillon (IRSTEA, Aix-en-Provence, France)
Planning, WUI and fire ignitions
16 de setembro de 2016, 16h30m
 Vittorio Leone (University of Basilicata, Italy)
Human factors in wildfire risk assessment: experiences from Italy
 Giuseppe Delogu (Corpo Forestale e di Vigilanza Ambientale della
Regione Sardegna, Italy)
Tactic and suppression fire in the activity of wildfire control: evidences
from Sardinia (Italy)
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