Newsletter janeiro 2015


Newsletter janeiro 2015
n.º 33
Foi lançado no dia 18 de dezembro no Museu dos Coches o livro “Cabo Espichel - Em Terras de
um Mundo Perdido”.
Este livro foi feito no âmbito das comemorações dos 600 anos do Santuário do Cabo Espichel, em
2008, para as quais foi convidada a Senhora Professora Lucília-José Justino.
A Senhora Professora é autora de um capítulo do livro: "Hinos de Louvor/Loas à Senhora do Cabo:
Instrumento Folkcomunicacional e Performativo”.
Faz-se saber que um Paper do Senhor Professor Ricardo Barradas (escrito em co-autoria com
mais três colegas), intitulado por "Financialisation and the Financial and Economic Crises: The
Case of Portugal" foi publicado como Working Paper no âmbito do Projecto FESSUD, financiado
pela Comissão Europeia.
O Working Paper em questão pode ser consultado no seguinte link:
Seguem-se as publicações e participações em Congressos referentes à Senhora Professora Maria
José Dos Santos referentes ao mês transacto de Dezembro:
Artigos com referee publicados em revistas científicas internacionais com revisão por
Dos Santos, M.J.P.L., Barreiro, R.P., Pereira, J.M.T., Ferreira-da-Silva, A. (aceite, forthcoming).
Semi-subsistence farms in Portugal. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development. In press.
Dos Santos, M.J.P.L. Henriques, P., Pereira, J., Ferreira-da-Silva, A. (aceite) Assessing Portuguese
Beef Cattle Farms Efficiency. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. In Press (SCOPUS).
Publicações em Congressos e Conferencias Internacionais:
Dos Santos, M.J.P.L., Leiras, J., Pereira, J.M., (2014). The debt crisis in Greece and Mediterranean
Countries: Impacts on local development. International Conference Southern and Mediterranean
Europe: Social Change, Challenges and Opportunities in a time of Crisis. 11-12 December, University of Evora.
Salvioni, C. Dos Santos, M.J.P.L., Papadopoulou, E., Barreiro, R.P., (2014). Development paths of
small subsistence farms in Greece, Italy and Portugal. International Conference Southern and Mediterranean Europe: Social Change, Challenges and Opportunities in a time of Crisis. 11-12 December, University of Evora.
Call for papers
International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) Annual Conference
A International Media Management Academic Association irá realizar-se nos dias 17 e 18 Setembro
de 2015 na Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalismo.
Data limite para envio dos papers: 10 fevereiro 2015
Data limite para a submissão dos resumos e propostas: 12 de maio 2015
Data limite para a notificação da aceitação e início da inscrição na Conferência: 12 julho 2015
Para mais informações: Paulo Faustino, Porto University (Portugal);
Email: [email protected]
Para informações relativas à organization da IMMAA - 2015 Conference:
(venue, schedule, social activities, etc.): Elena Vartanova , Lomonosov Moscow State University
Email: [email protected], tel. +7 (495) 629 74 35
Tópico para o Workshop: “Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Digital and Political Frontiers”.
1. Media business models;
2. Media financing and investments;
3. Managing creative industries and media;
4. Media management research methodologies;
5. State subsidies for the media sector;
6. Policies for media innovation;
7. HR and organizational cultures;
8. Media content strategies;
9. Media entrepreneurship;
10. Trends in media consumers' behaviour;
11. Disruption, convergence and divergence in the media industries;
12. Development, creation and management of media products and service.
Centro de Investigação Media e Jornalismo
CFP: Third Annual International CCCS Conference 2015
A Third Annual International CCCS Conference 2015 irá ter lugar de 03 a 05 de Setembro de 2015
em Skopje, na República da Macedónia.
Data limite para entrega de resumos: 15 de Fevereiro de 2015;
Data limite para comunicação da aceitação: a primeira quinzena de Março 2015;
Data limite para a submissão do call for papers: 15 de dezembro de 2015
Data limite para a comunicação da aceitação dos call for papers: 01 de abril de 2016
Para mais informações: Dr Mishel Pavlovski or Dr Loreta Georgievska – Jakovleva
Email: [email protected]
Tema: “Identity and Culture”
Tópicos (não estão limitados a estas áreas):
- Culture and collective identity: Static vs. Dynamic identity;
- Identity and national/ethnic belonging;
- Identity and nationalism;
- Identity and social inclusion/exclusion;
- Identity, xenophobia, genocide;
- Identity and group violence;
- Identity and national symbols;
- Laws and regulations;
- Identity and the existence/relevance of communal organizations/clubs/groups;
- Identity and tradition;
- Identity and religion;
- Sources of religious authority;
- Identity and theology;
- Identity and Memory: Narrative identities;
- Identity and autobiographies;
- Identity and cultural heritage;
- Identity and the museum;
- Identity and archives;
- Identity and politics of memory;
- Ethnography and cultural identity;
- Identity and rituals;
- Identity and cult;
- Identity and globalisation: Identity and migrations;
- Migrants and flexible identities;
- Identity and diaspora;
- Transnational identities;
- Diaspora and creation of subject;
- Identity and relationships with the homeland;
- Identity and cultural assimilation;
- Identity and cultural hybridization;
- Identity and multinationalism;
- Identity and cosmopolitanism, diversity and hybrids;
- Borders and the negotiation of identities;
- Challenges and perspective of the return;
- Narrative of imaginary vs. actual return;
- Identity and politics: Political identity and ethnic belonging;
- Nation branding; Identity and diplomacy;
- Political/state structures and their effect on identity;
- Political parties and identity;
- Political culture and factors on identity formation: remaking and re-inventing identities;
- Multiculturalism and minority rights;
- The European identity;
- Transnational identities;
- Identity and knowledge: Educational institutions and creation of identity;
- Identity and teaching;
- Education and identity conflicts;
- Identity and philosophy: Identity and critical theory;
- Marxist views of identity;
- Identity and post-colonial theory;
- “Ours” and “Theirs”; Prejudices;
- Identity and history: Historical background of current problems;
- Historical methodology and identity debate;
- History, legitimacy, identity;
- Identity and historical narrative;
- Identity, space, place: Space, place and discursive practices;
- Identity, cultural and ritual artefacts;
- Anchored identities;
- Meaning of geographic spaces in creation of identities;
- Identity and tourisms;
- Imagining the nation through the urban-rural distinction;
- Identity transformations and transformations of the city;
- Identity and linguistics: Language as identity formation;
- Language in multicultural societies;
- Linguistic imperialism and identity;
- Linguistic diversity;
- Identity and literature: The role of literature in the identity-formation;
- Narratives and weaving of identities;
- National images used in literature;
- The Other in literature;
- Traditions and cliches;
- Identity, art and architecture: Representations and identity-formation in arts: theatre, film, paining;
Identity and (ethnic) music;
- Identity and architecture;
- Monuments and symbols in identity-formation;
- Identity and place brending;
- Identity and media: Identity-formation in societies over-saturated with media;
- Identity, media, conflict; Identity, media, tolerance;
- Representations of culture and identity in the media;
- Identity and new technologies;
- Identity and virtual reality;
- Identity and cyber-culture;
- Identity and the Internet;
- Institutional and corporate identity;
- Identity, morals, ethics;
- Identity and popular culture: Identity and folk culture;
- Consumer identity and shopping behavior;
- Fashion and design in identity-formation;
- Food, culture and identity;
- Social media and popular culture;
- Subcultures and identity;
- Queer identity and popular culture;
- Identity and lifestyles;
A EUPRERA2015 irá ocorrer de 01 a 03 de outubro de 2015 na Norwegian Business School em
Data limite para apresentação de propostas para resumos e painel: 27 de fevereiro de 2015
Data limite para comunicação da aceitação resumos e painéis: 10 de abril de 2015
Data limite para apresentação dos call for papers: 26 de junho de 2015
Data limite para comunicação da aceitação dos call for papers: 24 de julho de 2015
Data limite para comunicação da aceitação da versão final dos call for papers: 30 de agosto
de 2015
Email: [email protected]
Telefone: 47 46 41 06 70 (Peggy Simcic Brønn)
Norwegian Business School (BI)
Nydalsveien 37
0442 Oslo
Supports Organizations and What Communicators Can Learn from Management Disciplines”.
- The Business School Fortress;
- Communication in management theory and education;
- Collaboration for success;
- Learning from ‘real(istic)’ organisations;
- Re-thinking strategies, strategic thinking and communication planning in a networked world:
The growing research asking how ‘others’ view the communication function finds that strategic skills
are necessary for success. What is meant by strategic? Can one become strategic? Using research
has been identified as a key;
- The rising market for communication;
- Current research in Public Relations and strategic communication (open track)

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